/* convert by hand, since no scaling will be done
 * (byte seems inappropriate and float does not need it)  */
int write_result(param_t * params, THD_3dim_dataset * oset,
                 int argc, char * argv[])
   short * sptr;
   int     nvox = DSET_NVOX(oset), ind;


   EDIT_dset_items(oset, ADN_prefix, params->prefix, ADN_none);

   if( params->verb )
      INFO_message("writing result %s...\n", DSET_PREFIX(oset));

   switch( params->datum ) {
      default: ERROR_exit("invalid datum for result: %d", params->datum);
      case MRI_short: break;     /* nothing to do */
      case MRI_float: {
         float * data = (float *)malloc(nvox*sizeof(float));
         sptr = DBLK_ARRAY(oset->dblk, 0);
         if( ! data ) ERROR_exit("failed to alloc %d output floats\n", nvox);
         for( ind = 0; ind < nvox; ind++ ) data[ind] = (float)sptr[ind];
         EDIT_substitute_brick(oset, 0, params->datum, data);
      case MRI_byte: {
         byte * data = (byte *)malloc(nvox*sizeof(byte));
         int errs = 0;
         sptr = DBLK_ARRAY(oset->dblk, 0);
         if( ! data ) ERROR_exit("failed to alloc %d output bytes\n", nvox);
         for( ind = 0; ind < nvox; ind++ ) {
            if( sptr[ind] > 255 ) {     /* watch for overflow */
               data[ind] = (byte)255;
            } else data[ind] = (byte)sptr[ind];
         EDIT_substitute_brick(oset, 0, params->datum, data);
         if(errs) WARNING_message("convert to byte: %d truncated voxels",errs);

   tross_Make_History( "3dmask_tool", argc, argv, oset );


 * A hole is defined as a connected set of zero voxels that does
 * not reach an edge.
 * The core functionality was added to libmri.a in THD_mask_fill_holes.
int fill_holes(THD_3dim_dataset * dset, int verb)
   short * sptr;     /* to for filling holes */
   byte  * bmask;    /* computed result */
   int     nfilled;
   int     nx, ny, nz, nvox, index, fill=0;


   bmask = THD_makemask(dset, 0, 1, 0); /* copy input as byte mask */
   nx = DSET_NX(dset);  ny = DSET_NY(dset);  nz = DSET_NZ(dset);
   nvox = DSET_NVOX(dset);

   /* created filled mask */
   nfilled = THD_mask_fill_holes(nx,ny,nz, bmask, verb);
   if( nfilled < 0 ) { ERROR_message("failed to fill holes");  RETURN(1); }

   /* apply to short volume */
   sptr = DBLK_ARRAY(dset->dblk, 0);
   for( index = 0; index < nvox; index++ )
      if( !sptr[index] && bmask[index] ) { fill++;  sptr[index] = 1; }

   if(verb>2) INFO_message("final check: fill=%d, nfilled=%d", fill, nfilled);

double ENTROPY_datablock( THD_datablock *blk )
   int iv ;
   double sum ;

ENTRY("ENTROPY_datablock") ;

   ENTROPY_setup() ;

   for( iv=0 ; iv < blk->nvals ; iv++ )
      ENTROPY_accumulate( DBLK_BRICK_BYTES(blk,iv) , DBLK_ARRAY(blk,iv) ) ;

   sum = ENTROPY_compute() ;
   ENTROPY_setdown() ;
   RETURN(sum) ;
 * check count against limit
 *    - clear small values
 *    - if not count, set large values to 1
int limit_to_frac(THD_3dim_dataset * cset, int limit, int count, int verb)
   short * dptr;
   int     index, nsub, nsuper;


   if( ! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(cset) ) {
      ERROR_message("invalid count dataset");
   } else if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(cset, 0) != MRI_short ) {
      ERROR_message("count dataset not of type short");

   if(verb > 1) INFO_message("limiting to %d (count = %d)\n",limit,count);

   /* note how many voxels are affected, just for kicks */
   dptr = DBLK_ARRAY(cset->dblk, 0);
   nsub = nsuper = 0;
   for(index = 0; index < DSET_NVOX(cset); index++, dptr++) {
      if( ! *dptr ) continue;           /* 0, so skip */
      else if( *dptr < limit ) {        /* small, so clear */
         *dptr = 0;
      else {                            /* big enough */
         if ( ! count ) *dptr = 1;

   /* entertain the user */
   if( verb )
      INFO_message("voxel limits: %d clipped, %d survived, %d were zero\n",
                   nsub, nsuper, DSET_NVOX(cset)-nsub-nsuper);

 * create empty count dataset
 * for each input dataset and each sub-volume
 *    for each voxel, if set: increment
 * close datasets as they are processed
int count_masks(THD_3dim_dataset * dsets[], int ndsets, int verb, /* inputs */
                THD_3dim_dataset ** cset, int * nvol)             /* outputs */
   THD_3dim_dataset * dset;
   short * counts = NULL;             /* will become data for returned cset */
   byte  * bptr;                      /* always points to mask volumes      */
   int     nxyz, iset, ivol, ixyz;


   if( !dsets || !cset || !nvol )
      ERROR_exit("NULL inputs to count_masks");

   if( ndsets <= 0 ) {
      ERROR_message("count_masks: no input datasets");

   *nvol = 0;
   nxyz = DSET_NVOX(dsets[0]);
   /* allocate memory for the counts */
   counts = (short *)calloc(nxyz, sizeof(short));
   if( !counts ) ERROR_exit("failed to malloc %d shorts", nxyz);

   /* for each volume of each dataset, count set voxels */
   for( iset=0; iset < ndsets; iset++ ) {
      dset = dsets[iset];
      *nvol += DSET_NVALS(dset);        /* accumulate num volumes */

      /* for each volume in this dataset, count set voxels */
      for( ivol=0; ivol < DSET_NVALS(dset); ivol++ ) {
         if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset, ivol) != MRI_byte )
            ERROR_exit("in count_masks with non-byte data (set %d, vol %d)",
                       iset, ivol);

         bptr = DBLK_ARRAY(dset->dblk, ivol);
         for( ixyz = 0; ixyz < nxyz; ixyz++ ) 
            if( bptr[ixyz] ) counts[ixyz]++;

      if( iset > 0 ) DSET_delete(dset); /* close the first one at end */
   }  /* dataset */

   if( verb > 1 ) {
      int maxval;
      for( maxval=counts[0], ixyz=1; ixyz < nxyz; ixyz++ )
         if( counts[ixyz] > maxval ) maxval = counts[ixyz];

      INFO_message("counted %d mask volumes in %d datasets (%d voxels)\n",
                   *nvol, ndsets, nxyz);
      INFO_message("   (maximum overlap = %d)\n", maxval);

   if( *nvol >= (1<<15) )
      WARNING_message("too many volumes to count as shorts: %d", *nvol);

   /* create output dataset */
   *cset = EDIT_empty_copy(dsets[0]);
   EDIT_dset_items(*cset, ADN_nvals, 1,  ADN_ntt, 0, ADN_none);
   EDIT_substitute_brick(*cset, 0, MRI_short, counts);

   DSET_delete(dsets[0]);  /* now finished with first dataset */

 * 1. zeropad (if needed for dilations)
 * 2. make byte copy of dataset (if not already)
 * 3. dilate (using binary mask)
 * 4. if not converting, modify original data
 * 5. undo any zeropad
 * 6. return new dataset (might be same as old)
 * dilations are passed as a list of +/- integers (- means erode)
 * convert: flag specifying whether dset should be converted to MRI_byte
 * note: the dilations list should not be long (does more than 2 even
 *       make any sense?), but here they will be treated generically
 *    - foreach dilation: dilate or erode, as specified by sign
THD_3dim_dataset * apply_dilations(THD_3dim_dataset * dset, int_list * D,
                                   int convert, int verb)
   THD_3dim_dataset * dnew = NULL;
   byte             * bdata = NULL;
   int                index, ivol, id, dsize, datum, pad;
   int                nx, ny, nz, nvox;


   if( !dset || !D ) ERROR_exit("missing inputs to apply_dilations");

   /* note and apply any needed zeropadding */
   pad = needed_padding(D);
   if(verb > 3 && pad) INFO_message("padding by %d (for dilations)", pad);
   if( pad ) dnew = THD_zeropad(dset, pad, pad, pad, pad, pad, pad, "pad", 0);
   else      dnew = dset;

   /* note geometry */
   nx = DSET_NX(dnew);  ny = DSET_NY(dnew);  nz = DSET_NZ(dnew);
   nvox = nx*ny*nz;

   /* now apply the actual dilations */
   if(verb>1) INFO_message("applying dilation list to dataset");

   for( ivol=0; ivol < DSET_NVALS(dnew); ivol++ ) {
      datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dnew, ivol);
      /* if non-byte data (short/float), make byte mask of volume */
      if( datum == MRI_byte )
         bdata = DBLK_ARRAY(dnew->dblk, ivol);
      else if ( datum == MRI_float || datum == MRI_short )
         bdata = THD_makemask(dnew, ivol, 1, 0);
      else {
         ERROR_message("invalid datum for result: %d", datum);
      if( !bdata ) {
         ERROR_message("failed to make as mask");

      for( index=0; index < D->num; index++ ) {
         dsize = D->list[index];
         if(verb>2) INFO_message("... dilating vol %d by %d\n", ivol, dsize);
         if( dsize > 0 ) {
            for( id=0; id < dsize; id++ )
               THD_mask_dilate(nx, ny, nz, bdata, 1);
         } else if( dsize < 0 ) {
            for( id=0; id > dsize; id-- )
               THD_mask_erode_sym(nx, ny, nz, bdata, 1);

      /* if we are converting, just replace the old data */
      if( convert && (datum == MRI_short || datum == MRI_float) ) {
         if( verb > 2 ) INFO_message("applying byte result from dilate");
         EDIT_substitute_brick(dnew, ivol, MRI_byte, bdata);
         /* explicit set needed on an Fedora 8 system?   5 Jun 2012 */
         DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dnew, ivol) = MRI_byte; 
         continue;  /* so nothing more to do */

      /* if short or float data, apply mask changes to data */
      if( datum == MRI_short ) {
         short * dptr = DBLK_ARRAY(dnew->dblk, ivol);
         int     nfill=0;
         if( verb > 2 ) INFO_message("applying dilate result to short data");
         for( index = 0; index < nvox; index++ )
            if( ! dptr[index] && bdata[index] ){ dptr[index] = 1; nfill++; }
         if( verb > 1 ) INFO_message("AD: filled %d voxels", nfill);
      else if( datum == MRI_float ) {
         float * dptr = DBLK_ARRAY(dnew->dblk, ivol);
         if( verb > 2 ) INFO_message("applying dilate result to float data");
         for( index = 0; index < nvox; index++ )
            if( ! dptr[index] && bdata[index] ) dptr[index] = 1.0;

   /* undo any zeropadding (delete original and temporary datasets) */
   if( pad ) {
      dset = THD_zeropad(dnew, -pad, -pad, -pad, -pad, -pad, -pad, "pad", 0);
      dnew = dset;

Boolean THD_write_datablock( THD_datablock *blk , Boolean write_brick )
   THD_diskptr *dkptr ;
   Boolean good ;
   int id , nx , ny , nz , nv , nxy , nxyz , ibr ;
   MRI_IMAGE *im ;
   int save_order ;
   int64_t nb , idone ;
   int do_mripurge ;

   /*-- sanity checks --*/

   if( ! ISVALID_DATABLOCK(blk) ) return False ;
   if( DBLK_IS_MASTERED(blk) )    return False ;  /* 11 Jan 1999 */
   if( DBLK_IS_MINC(blk) ) WRITE_ERR("MINC with bad name extension?") ;
                                                               /* 29 Oct 2001 */
   if( DBLK_IS_ANALYZE(blk) ) WRITE_ERR("ANALYZE but bad name extension?") ; 
                                                               /* 27 Aug 2002 */
   if( DBLK_IS_NIFTI(blk) ) WRITE_ERR("NIFTI but bad name extension?") ;  
                                                               /* 28 Aug 2003 */

   dkptr = blk->diskptr ;
   if( ! ISVALID_DISKPTR(dkptr) ) WRITE_ERR("illegal file type") ;

   if( strlen(dkptr->directory_name) == 0 ||
       strlen(dkptr->header_name)    == 0 ||
       strlen(dkptr->filecode)       == 0   )
     WRITE_ERR("illegal file names stored in dataset") ;

   if( dkptr->rank != 3 )
     WRITE_ERR("cannot write non-3D datablock") ;

   /*-- create directory if necessary --*/

   if( ! THD_is_directory(dkptr->directory_name) ){
     id = mkdir( dkptr->directory_name , THD_MKDIR_MODE ) ;
     if( id != 0 ){
            "*** cannot mkdir new directory: %s\n"
            "  - Do you have permission to write to this disk?\n"
            "  - Is the disk full?\n" ,
            dkptr->directory_name) ;
       return False ;

   /* 25 April 1998: deal with byte order issues */

   if( native_order < 0 ){                /* initialization */
     native_order = mri_short_order() ;
     if( output_order < 0 ) THD_enviro_write_order() ;
   if( dkptr->byte_order <= 0 ) dkptr->byte_order = native_order ;
   save_order = (output_order > 0) ? output_order
                                   : dkptr->byte_order ;

#if 0
fprintf(stderr,"THD_write_datablock: save_order=%d  dkptr->byte_order=%d\n",
               save_order, dkptr->byte_order ) ;

   if( save_order != LSB_FIRST && save_order != MSB_FIRST )
     save_order = native_order ;

   if( save_order == LSB_FIRST )
     THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_BYTEORDER , LSB_FIRST_STRING ) ;
   else if( save_order == MSB_FIRST )
     THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_BYTEORDER , MSB_FIRST_STRING ) ;

   /*-- actually write attributes to disk --*/

   good = THD_write_atr( blk ) ;
   if( good == False )
     "failure to write attributes - is disk full? do you have write permission?");

   /*-- if not writing data, can exit --*/

   if( write_brick == False || blk->brick == NULL ||
       dkptr->storage_mode == STORAGE_UNDEFINED     ) return True ;

   if( dkptr->storage_mode == STORAGE_BY_VOLUMES ){  /* 20 Jun 2002 */
     fprintf(stderr,"** Writing dataset by VOLUMES not yet supported.\n") ;
     return False ;

   /*-- check each brick for existence:
          if none exist, cannot write, but is OK
          if some but not all exist, cannot write, and is an error --*/

   id = THD_count_potential_databricks( blk ) ;
   if( id <= 0 )         return True ;
   if( id < blk->nvals ){
     ERROR_message("Write dataset error: only %d out of %d bricks in memory",
                   id,blk->nvals) ; return False ;

   if( blk->malloc_type == DATABLOCK_MEM_UNDEFINED )
     WRITE_ERR("undefined data exists in memory") ;

   /*-- 13 Mar 2006: check for free disk space --*/

   { int mm = THD_freemegabytes( dkptr->header_name ) ;
     int rr = blk->total_bytes / (1024l * 1024l) ;
     if( mm >= 0 && mm <= rr )
       WARNING_message("Disk space: writing file %s (%d MB),"
                       " but only %d free MB on disk"        ,
         dkptr->brick_name , rr , mm ) ;

   /*-- write data out in whatever format is ordered --*/

   nx = dkptr->dimsizes[0] ;
   ny = dkptr->dimsizes[1] ;  nxy  = nx * ny ;
   nz = dkptr->dimsizes[2] ;  nxyz = nxy * nz ;
   nv = dkptr->nvals ;        nb   = blk->total_bytes ;

   switch( dkptr->storage_mode ){

      default: WRITE_ERR("illegal storage_mode!") ; break ;

      case STORAGE_BY_BRICK:{
         FILE *far ;
         Boolean purge_when_done = False , ok ;
         int force_gzip=0 , csave=COMPRESS_NONE ;

         /** if we have a mmap-ed file, copy into RAM (ugh) **/

         if( blk->malloc_type == DATABLOCK_MEM_MMAP ){
            char *bnew , *bold ;
            int offset ;

            bnew = (char *) malloc( (size_t)nb ) ;  /* work space */
            bold = DBLK_ARRAY(blk,0) ;              /* start of mapped file */

            if( bnew == NULL )
              WRITE_ERR("cannot rewrite due to malloc failure - is memory exhausted?") ;

            memcpy( bnew , bold , (size_t)nb ) ;    /* make a copy,    */
            munmap( (void *) bold , (size_t)nb ) ;  /* then unmap file */

            /* fix sub-brick pointers */

            offset = 0 ;
            for( ibr=0 ; ibr < nv ; ibr++ ){
               mri_fix_data_pointer( (void *)(bnew+offset) , DBLK_BRICK(blk,ibr) ) ;
               offset += DBLK_BRICK_BYTES(blk,ibr) ;
               DBLK_BRICK(blk,ibr)->fondisk = 0 ;   /* 31 Jan 2007 */

            purge_when_done = True ;

         } /** fall thru to here if have a malloc-ed dataset **/

         if( save_order != native_order ) purge_when_done = True ;

         /** delete old file, if any **/

         COMPRESS_unlink( dkptr->brick_name ) ; /* Feb 1998 */

         /** create new file **/

         id = strlen(dkptr->directory_name) ;
         ok = ( dkptr->directory_name[id-1] == '/' ) ;
         if( ok ) sprintf( dkptr->brick_name , "%s%s.%s",
                           dkptr->directory_name ,
                           dkptr->filecode , DATASET_BRICK_SUFFIX );

         else     sprintf( dkptr->brick_name , "%s/%s.%s",
                           dkptr->directory_name ,
                           dkptr->filecode , DATASET_BRICK_SUFFIX );

      /** COMPRESS for output added Feb 1998 */

         if( compress_mode == COMPRESS_NOFILE ) THD_enviro_write_compression() ;

         /*-- 02 Mar 2001: check if we will force gzip --*/

         if( compress_mode == COMPRESS_NONE && AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_AUTOGZIP") ){
            double entrop = ENTROPY_datablock(blk) ;
            force_gzip = (entrop < 2.7) ;
#if 0
fprintf(stderr,"Entropy=%g ==> forcing write gzip on %s\n",entrop,dkptr->brick_name) ;
         } else {
            force_gzip = 0 ;
         if( force_gzip ){
            csave = compress_mode ; compress_mode = COMPRESS_GZIP ;

         far = COMPRESS_fopen_write( dkptr->brick_name , compress_mode ) ;
         if( far == NULL ){
           if( compress_mode != COMPRESS_NONE ){
             compress_mode = COMPRESS_NONE ; force_gzip = 0 ;
             far = COMPRESS_fopen_write( dkptr->brick_name , compress_mode ) ;
         if( far == NULL )
           WRITE_ERR("cannot open output brick file - do you have write permission?") ;

         /** write each brick out in a separate operation **/

         idone = 0 ;
         for( ibr=0 ; ibr < nv ; ibr++ ){

           do_mripurge = MRI_IS_PURGED( DBLK_BRICK(blk,ibr) ) ;
           if( do_mripurge ) mri_unpurge( DBLK_BRICK(blk,ibr) ) ;

           if( save_order != native_order ){       /* 25 April 1998 */
             switch( DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk,ibr) ){
               default: break ;
               case MRI_short:
                 mri_swap2( DBLK_BRICK_NVOX(blk,ibr) , DBLK_ARRAY(blk,ibr) ) ;
               break ;

               case MRI_complex:   /* 23 Nov 1999 */
                 mri_swap4( 2*DBLK_BRICK_NVOX(blk,ibr), DBLK_ARRAY(blk,ibr)) ;
               break ;

               case MRI_float:     /* 23 Nov 1999 */
               case MRI_int:
                 mri_swap4( DBLK_BRICK_NVOX(blk,ibr) , DBLK_ARRAY(blk,ibr) ) ;
               break ;

           idone += fwrite( DBLK_ARRAY(blk,ibr), 1, DBLK_BRICK_BYTES(blk,ibr), far );

           if( do_mripurge ){                    /* 31 Jan 2007 */
             if( !purge_when_done ) mri_purge( DBLK_BRICK(blk,ibr) ) ;
             else                   mri_clear( DBLK_BRICK(blk,ibr) ) ;
         } /* end of loop over sub-bricks */

         COMPRESS_fclose(far) ;

         if( purge_when_done ){
           if( blk->malloc_type == DATABLOCK_MEM_MMAP ){
             free( DBLK_ARRAY(blk,0) ) ;
             for( ibr=0 ; ibr < nv ; ibr++ )
               mri_clear_data_pointer( DBLK_BRICK(blk,ibr) ) ;
           } else {
             THD_purge_datablock( blk , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ) ;

         if( compress_mode >= 0 || save_order != native_order ){
           blk->malloc_type = DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ;
         DBLK_mmapfix(blk) ;  /* 28 Mar 2005 */

         if( force_gzip ) compress_mode = csave ; /* 02 Mar 2001 */

         if( idone != blk->total_bytes )
           WRITE_ERR("Write error in brick file: Is disk full, or write_protected?") ;

         dkptr->byte_order = save_order ;  /* 23 Nov 1999 */

         return True ;
      break ;

   }  /* end of switch over data storage mode */

   return False ;  /* should NEVER be reached */
void THD_load_nifti( THD_datablock *dblk )
   THD_diskptr *dkptr ;
   int nx,ny,nz,nxy,nxyz,nxyzv , nerr=0,ibr,nv, nslice ;
   int datum, need_copy=0 ;
   int scale_data=0 ;
   void *ptr ;
   nifti_image *nim ;
   nifti_brick_list NBL ;  /* holds the data read from disk */

ENTRY("THD_load_nifti") ;

   /*-- open and read input [these errors should never occur] --*/

   if( !ISVALID_DATABLOCK(dblk)                        ||
       dblk->diskptr->storage_mode != STORAGE_BY_NIFTI ||
       dblk->brick == NULL                               ) EXRETURN ;

   dkptr = dblk->diskptr ;

   /* purge any existing bricks [10 Mar 2014] */

   STATUS("purging existing data bricks (if any)") ;
   THD_purge_datablock(dblk,DATABLOCK_MEM_ANY) ;

   STATUS("calling nifti_image_read_bricks") ;
   NBL.nbricks = 0 ;

   if( ! DBLK_IS_MASTERED(dblk) )   /* allow mastering   14 Apr 2006 [rickr] */
       nim = nifti_image_read_bricks( dkptr->brick_name, 0,NULL , &NBL ) ;
   else {
       /* n2   10 Jul, 2015 [rickr] */
       /* convert master_ival to an array of int64_t */
       int64_t * i64_vals = copy_ints_as_i64(dblk->master_ival, dblk->nvals);
       nim = nifti_image_read_bricks( dkptr->brick_name, dblk->nvals,
                                      i64_vals, &NBL ) ;

   if( nim == NULL || NBL.nbricks <= 0 ) EXRETURN ;

   datum = DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(dblk,0) ;  /* destination data type */

   /*-- determine if we need to copy the data from the
        bricks as loaded above because of a type conversion --*/

   switch( nim->datatype ){
     case DT_INT16:
     case DT_UINT8:      need_copy = (datum == MRI_float) ; break ;

     case DT_FLOAT32:
     case DT_COMPLEX64:
     case DT_RGB24:      need_copy = 0 ; break ;

     case DT_INT8:       /* these are the cases where AFNI can't */
     case DT_UINT16:     /* directly handle the NIFTI datatype,  */
     case DT_INT32:      /* so we'll convert them to floats.     */
     case DT_UINT32:
     case DT_FLOAT64:    need_copy = 1 ; break ;
#if 0
     case DT_COMPLEX128: need_copy = 1 ; break ;

   /*-- various dimensions --*/

   nx = dkptr->dimsizes[0] ;
   ny = dkptr->dimsizes[1] ;  nxy   = nx * ny   ;
   nz = dkptr->dimsizes[2] ;  nxyz  = nxy * nz  ;
   nv = dkptr->nvals       ;  if( nv > NBL.nbricks ) nv = NBL.nbricks ;
   nxyzv = nxyz * nv ; nslice = nz*nv ;

   dblk->malloc_type = DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ;

   /*------ don't need to copy data ==> just copy pointers from NBL ------*/

   if( !need_copy ){

     STATUS("copying brick pointers directly") ;
     for( ibr=0 ; ibr < nv ; ibr++ ){
       mri_fix_data_pointer( NBL.bricks[ibr] ,DBLK_BRICK(dblk,ibr) ) ;
       NBL.bricks[ibr] = NULL ;  /* so it won't be deleted later */

       if( DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(dblk,ibr) == MRI_float ){
         STATUS("doing floatscan") ;
         nerr += thd_floatscan( DBLK_BRICK_NVOX(dblk,ibr) ,
                                DBLK_ARRAY(dblk,ibr)        ) ;
       } else if( DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(dblk,ibr) == MRI_complex ){
         STATUS("doing complexscan") ;
         nerr += thd_complexscan( DBLK_BRICK_NVOX(dblk,ibr) ,
                                  DBLK_ARRAY(dblk,ibr)        ) ;
     if( nerr > 0 ) WARNING_message("file %s: corrected %d float errors\n",
                                    dkptr->brick_name , nerr ) ;

   } else { /*---------- need to copy data ==> do some more work -----------*/

     register int ii ; void *nbuf ;

     STATUS("converting input bricks to floats") ;
     for( ibr=0 ; ibr < nv ; ibr++ ){

       if( DBLK_ARRAY(dblk,ibr) == NULL ){                     /* make space */
         ptr = AFMALL(void, DBLK_BRICK_BYTES(dblk,ibr) ) ;     /* for this   */
         if( ptr == NULL ) ERROR_message("malloc fails for NIfTI sub-brick #%d",ibr) ;
         mri_fix_data_pointer( ptr ,  DBLK_BRICK(dblk,ibr) ) ; /* sub-brick! */
       ptr = DBLK_ARRAY(dblk,ibr) ; if( ptr == NULL ) break ;  /* bad news!! */

       nbuf = NBL.bricks[ibr] ;              /* data as read from NIfTI file */

       /* macro to convert data from type "ityp" in nbuf to float in dataset */

#undef  CPF
#define CPF(ityp) do{ ityp *sar = (ityp *)nbuf ; float *far = (float *)ptr ;   \
                      for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ) far[ii] = (float)sar[ii]; \
                  } while(0)

       /* load from nbuf into brick array (will be float or complex) */

       STATUS(" converting sub-brick") ;

       switch( nim->datatype ){
         case DT_UINT8:    CPF(unsigned char)  ; break ;
         case DT_INT8:     CPF(signed char)    ; break ;
         case DT_INT16:    CPF(signed short)   ; break ;
         case DT_UINT16:   CPF(unsigned short) ; break ;
         case DT_INT32:    CPF(signed int)     ; break ;
         case DT_UINT32:   CPF(unsigned int)   ; break ;
         case DT_FLOAT64:  /* added floatscan  2 Dec, 2014 [rickr] */
            { CPF(double) ; thd_floatscan(nxyz, (float *)ptr) ; break ; }
#if 0
         case DT_COMPLEX128: break ;

       STATUS(" free-ing NIfTI volume") ;

       free(NBL.bricks[ibr]) ; NBL.bricks[ibr] = NULL ;