static DaoCallServer* DaoCallServer_New( DaoVmSpace *vms )
	DaoCallServer *self = (DaoCallServer*)dao_malloc( sizeof(DaoCallServer) );
	DMutex_Init( & self->mutex );
	DCondVar_Init( & self->condv );
	DCondVar_Init( & self->condv2 );
	DThread_Init( & self->timer );
	self->finishing = 0;
	self->timing = 0;
	self->total = 0;
	self->vacant = 0;
	self->idle = 0;
	self->stopped = 0;
	self->threads = DList_New(0);
	self->functions = DList_New(0);
	self->parameters = DList_New(0);
	self->owners = DList_New(0);
	self->events = DList_New(0);
	self->events2 = DList_New(0);
	self->waitings = DMap_New( DAO_DATA_COMPLEX, 0 );
	self->pending = DHash_New(0,0);
	self->active = DHash_New(0,0);
	self->caches = DList_New(0);
	self->vmspace = vms;
	self->timestamp.real = 0.0;
	self->timestamp.imag = 0.0;
	return self;
static DaoCallServer* DaoCallServer_New( DaoVmSpace *vms )
	DaoComplex com = {DAO_COMPLEX,0,0,0,1,{0.0,0.0}};
	DaoCallServer *self = (DaoCallServer*)dao_malloc( sizeof(DaoCallServer) );
	DMutex_Init( & self->mutex );
	DCondVar_Init( & self->condv );
	DCondVar_Init( & self->condv2 );
	DThread_Init( & self->timer );
	self->finishing = 0;
	self->timing = 0;
	self->total = 0;
	self->idle = 0;
	self->stopped = 0;
	self->threads = DArray_New(0);
	self->functions = DArray_New(0);
	self->parameters = DArray_New(0);
	self->events = DArray_New(0);
	self->events2 = DArray_New(0);
	self->waitings = DMap_New(D_VALUE,0);
	self->pending = DHash_New(0,0);
	self->active = DHash_New(0,0);
	self->caches = DArray_New(0);
	self->vmspace = vms;
	self->timestamp = com;
	return self;
void DaoCallServer_Stop()
	DCondVar condv;
	DaoCallThread *calth;
	if( daoCallServer == NULL ) return;
	DCondVar_Init( & condv );
	daoCallServer->finishing = 1;

	calth = DaoCallThread_New( NULL, NULL );
	DMutex_Lock( & daoCallServer->mutex );
	daoCallServer->total += 1;
	DMutex_Unlock( & daoCallServer->mutex );

	DaoCallThread_Run( calth );  /* process tasks in the main thread; */

	DMutex_Lock( & daoCallServer->mutex );
	while( daoCallServer->stopped != daoCallServer->total || daoCallServer->timing ){
		DCondVar_TimedWait( & condv, & daoCallServer->mutex, 0.01 );
	DMutex_Unlock( & daoCallServer->mutex );

	DCondVar_Destroy( & condv );
	DaoCallThread_Delete( calth );
	DaoCallServer_Delete( daoCallServer );
	daoCallServer = NULL;
void DaoVmSpace_StopTasklets( DaoVmSpace *self )
	DaoTaskletServer *server = (DaoTaskletServer*) self->taskletServer;
	DaoTaskletThread *taskthd;
	DCondVar condv;

	if( server == NULL ) return;

	DCondVar_Init( & condv );
	server->finishing = 1;

	taskthd = DaoTaskletThread_New( server, NULL, NULL );
	taskthd->thdData = DThread_GetCurrent();
	DMutex_Lock( & server->mutex );
	server->total += 1;
	DMutex_Unlock( & server->mutex );

	DaoTaskletThread_Run( taskthd );  /* process tasks in the main thread; */

	DMutex_Lock( & server->mutex );
	while( server->stopped != server->total || server->timing ){
		DCondVar_TimedWait( & condv, & server->mutex, 0.01 );
	DMutex_Unlock( & server->mutex );

	DCondVar_Destroy( & condv );
	DaoTaskletThread_Delete( taskthd );
	DaoTaskletServer_Delete( server );
	self->taskletServer = NULL;
文件: daoThread.c 项目: hooloong/dao
DaoCondVar* DaoCondVar_New()
	DaoCondVar* self = (DaoCondVar*) dao_calloc( 1, sizeof(DaoCondVar) );
	DaoCstruct_Init( (DaoCstruct*) self, dao_type_condvar );
	DCondVar_Init( & self->myCondVar );
	return self;
static void SYS_Sleep( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DMutex    mutex;
	DCondVar  condv;

	double s = p[0]->xFloat.value;
	if( s < 0 ){
		DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_WARNING_VALUE, "expecting positive value" );
	/* sleep only the current thread: */
	DMutex_Init( & mutex );
	DCondVar_Init( & condv );
	DMutex_Lock( & mutex );
	DCondVar_TimedWait( & condv, & mutex, s );
	DMutex_Unlock( & mutex );
	DMutex_Destroy( & mutex );
	DCondVar_Destroy( & condv );
#elif UNIX
	sleep( (int)s ); /* This may cause the whole process to sleep. */
	Sleep( s * 1000 );
文件: daoThread.c 项目: hooloong/dao
void DThread_Init( DThread *self )
	self->myThread = 0;
	self->thdSpecData = NULL;
	self->cleaner = NULL;
	self->taskFunc = NULL;
	self->taskArg = NULL;
	DCondVar_Init( & self->condv );
void DaoCallServer_Join()
	DCondVar condv;
	if( daoCallServer == NULL ) return;
	DCondVar_Init( & condv );
	DMutex_Lock( & daoCallServer->mutex );
	while( daoCallServer->pending->size || daoCallServer->vacant != daoCallServer->total ){
		DCondVar_TimedWait( & condv, & daoCallServer->mutex, 0.01 );
	DMutex_Unlock( & daoCallServer->mutex );
	DCondVar_Destroy( & condv );
void DaoVmSpace_JoinTasklets( DaoVmSpace *self )
	DaoTaskletServer *server = (DaoTaskletServer*) self->taskletServer;
	DCondVar condv;

	if( server == NULL ) return;

	DCondVar_Init( & condv );
	DMutex_Lock( & server->mutex );
	while( server->pending->size || server->vacant != server->total ){
		DCondVar_TimedWait( & condv, & server->mutex, 0.01 );
	DMutex_Unlock( & server->mutex );
	DCondVar_Destroy( & condv );
文件: daoThread.c 项目: daokoder/dao
void DThread_Init( DThread *self )
	self->running = 0;
	self->state = 0;
	self->vmpause = 0;
	self->vmpaused = 0;
	self->vmstop = 0;
	self->vmstopped = 0;
	self->myThread = 0;
	self->thdSpecData = NULL;
	self->cleaner = NULL;
	self->taskFunc = NULL;
	self->taskArg = NULL;
	DCondVar_Init( & self->condv );
	DMutex_Init( & self->mutex );
文件: daoTasklet.c 项目: hooloong/dao
void DaoCallServer_Stop()
	DCondVar condv;
	if( daoCallServer == NULL ) return;
	DCondVar_Init( & condv );
	daoCallServer->finishing = 1;
	DMutex_Lock( & daoCallServer->mutex );
	while( daoCallServer->pending->size || daoCallServer->idle != daoCallServer->total ){
		/* printf( "finalizing: %3i %3i\n", daoCallServer->idle, daoCallServer->total ); */
		DCondVar_TimedWait( & condv, & daoCallServer->mutex, 0.01 );
	while( daoCallServer->stopped != daoCallServer->total || daoCallServer->timing ){
		DCondVar_TimedWait( & condv, & daoCallServer->mutex, 0.01 );
	DMutex_Unlock( & daoCallServer->mutex );
	DCondVar_Destroy( & condv );
	DaoCallServer_Delete( daoCallServer );
	daoCallServer = NULL;
文件: daoThread.c 项目: hooloong/dao
static void DaoMT_Functional( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *P[], int N, int F )
	DMutex mutex;
	DCondVar condv;
	DaoTaskData *tasks;
	DaoValue *param = P[0];
	DaoValue *result = NULL;
	DaoList *list = NULL;
	DaoArray *array = NULL;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	int i, entry, threads = P[1]->xInteger.value;
	daoint index = -1, status = 0, joined = 0;
	DNode *node = NULL;

	switch( F ){
		if( param->type == DAO_ARRAY ){
			array = DaoProcess_PutArray( proc );
			result = (DaoValue*) array;
			list = DaoProcess_PutList( proc );
			result = (DaoValue*) list;
	case DVM_FUNCT_APPLY : DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, param ); break;
	case DVM_FUNCT_FIND : DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, dao_none_value ); break;
	if( threads <= 0 ) threads = 2;
	if( sect == NULL || DaoMT_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == 0 ) return;
	if( list ){
		DArray_Clear( & list->items );
		if( param->type == DAO_LIST ) DArray_Resize( & list->items, param->xList.items.size, NULL );
		if( param->type == DAO_MAP ) DArray_Resize( & list->items, param->xMap.items->size, NULL );
	}else if( array && F == DVM_FUNCT_MAP ){
		DaoArray_GetSliceShape( (DaoArray*) param, & array->dims, & array->ndim );
		DaoArray_ResizeArray( array, array->dims, array->ndim );

	DMutex_Init( & mutex );
	DCondVar_Init( & condv );
	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	tasks = (DaoTaskData*) dao_calloc( threads, sizeof(DaoTaskData) );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	for(i=0; i<threads; i++){
		DaoTaskData *task = tasks + i;
		task->param = param;
		task->result = result;
		task->proto = proc;
		task->sect = sect;
		task->funct = F;
		task->entry = entry;
		task->first = i;
		task->step = threads;
		task->index = & index;
		task->node = & node;
		task->joined = & joined;
		task->condv = & condv;
		task->mutex = & mutex;
		task->clone = DaoVmSpace_AcquireProcess( proc->vmSpace );
		task->clone->mutex = & mutex;
		if( i ) DaoCallServer_AddTask( DaoMT_RunFunctional, task, 1 );
	DaoMT_RunFunctional( tasks );

	DMutex_Lock( & mutex );
	while( joined < threads ) DCondVar_TimedWait( & condv, & mutex, 0.01 );
	DMutex_Unlock( & mutex );

	for(i=0; i<threads; i++){
		DaoTaskData *task = tasks + i;
		DaoVmSpace_ReleaseProcess( proc->vmSpace, task->clone );
		status |= task->status;
	if( F == DVM_FUNCT_FIND ){
		DaoTuple *tuple = DaoProcess_PutTuple( proc, 0 );
		if( param->type == DAO_LIST && index != -1 ){
			DaoValue **items = param->xList.items.items.pValue;
			GC_ShiftRC( items[index], tuple->items[1] );
			tuple->items[1] = items[index];
			tuple->items[0]->xInteger.value = index;
		}else if( param->type == DAO_MAP && node ){
			GC_ShiftRC( node->key.pValue, tuple->items[0] );
			GC_ShiftRC( node->value.pValue, tuple->items[1] );
			tuple->items[0] = node->key.pValue;
			tuple->items[1] = node->value.pValue;
	if( status ) DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_ERROR, "code section execution failed!" );
	DMutex_Destroy( & mutex );
	DCondVar_Destroy( & condv );
	dao_free( tasks );