** \brief Locks the IDE access.
void GD_IDE_LockDevice( void )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_IDE_LockDevice"
    GBOOL loop = GTRUE;

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );

    DEBUG_Printf( 6, ( "locking IDE device\n" ) );

    while( loop )
        if( !gd_ide_device_in_use )
            gd_ide_device_in_use = GTRUE;
            loop = GFALSE;

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
** \brief Release a ide handle structure
** This functions releases a given ide handle structure and make it available
** for later allocate calls.
** \param ide The gd_ide_handle_t structure to release
** \return
** - GFALSE in case of error, either if ide does not point to a valid handle
** - GTRUE if ok
GBOOL GD_IDE_HandleRelease( GD_IDE_HANDLE_T* ide )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_IDE_HandleRelease"

    U32 sreg;

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );

    DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "releasing IDE handle\n" ) );

    if( !ide || ide->id != GD_IDE_HANDLE_ID || !ide->inuse )
        DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, GFALSE ) );
        return( GFALSE );
    GD_EnterCritical( sreg );
    ide->id = GD_IDE_HANDLE_ID;
    ide->inuse = 0;
    ide->use48bit = GFALSE;
    ide->master = GFALSE;
    ide->packet = GFALSE;
    ide->pioMode = 0;
    ide->dmaMode = 0;
    ide->sleepEnabled = GFALSE;
    GD_LeaveCritical( sreg );
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, GTRUE ) );
    return( GTRUE );
** \brief Stop AUDIO data capturing
** This function stops the AUDIO capturing by setting the autoRestart
** flasg to GFALSE, the AUDIO engine really stops at the next finish
** callback. 
** \param dmaRequest The DMA request data structure to be used
** \return
** - GD_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE in case of error, the given handle is not a valid
**   GD_DMA_REQUEST_S handle
** - GD_OK if ok
GERR GD_DMA_AUDIO_CaptureStop( GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* dmaRequest )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_DMA_AUDIO_CaptureStop"   
    U32 sreg;
    GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* requestP;
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
    GD_EnterCritical( sreg );

    if( !dmaRequest )
        // only channel 0 supports the auto-restart feature
        requestP = gd_dma_channel[0];
        if( requestP->feature == GD_DMA_FEATURE_AUDIO_CAPTURE )
            dmaRequest = requestP;

    if( dmaRequest )
        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "disable the auto-restart of the AUDIO unit\n" ) );
        result = GD_DMA_RequestSetAutoRestart( dmaRequest, GFALSE );
    GD_LeaveCritical( sreg );
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
    return( result );
** \brief Prepare the AUDIO capture unit
** This function will internally used by the DMA driver to prepare the AUDIO
** capture unit, it enables the AUDIO unit and sets all required 
** specific configuration parameters..
** \param dmaRequest The DMA request data structure to be used
static void GD_DMA_AUDIO_Prepare( GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* dmaRequest )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_DMA_AUDIO_Prepare"   

    GD_DMA_AUDIO_PARAMS_S* prepare_params;
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
    prepare_params = (GD_DMA_AUDIO_PARAMS_S*)(dmaRequest->optData);
    GH_DMA_set_AudioConfig( 0 );
    GH_DMA_set_AudioConfig_EXTERNAL_INPUT_SELECT( prepare_params->useExternalInput );
    GH_DMA_set_AudioConfig_END_POSITION( prepare_params->endPosition );
    GH_DMA_set_AudioConfig_DATA_INVERT( prepare_params->invertData );
    GH_DMA_set_AudioConfig_BIT_CLOCK_INVERT( prepare_params->invertBitClock );
    GH_DMA_set_AudioConfig_WORD_CLOCK_INVERT( prepare_params->invertWordClock );
    GH_DMA_set_AudioConfig_LEFT_CHANNEL_ENABLE( prepare_params->enableLeftChannel );
    GH_DMA_set_AudioConfig_RIGHT_CHANNEL_ENABLE( prepare_params->enableRightChannel );
    GH_DMA_set_AudioConfig_NUMBER_OF_BITS( prepare_params->capture20BitMode );
    GH_DMA_set_AudioConfig_MSB_SWITCH( prepare_params->msbFirst );
    GH_DMA_set_AudioConfig_ENABLE( 1 );
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
** \brief Internal block buffer report function
** This functions prints the 512 byte contents of the given block buffer.
** \param data32 Block buffer pointer
** \param data32 Title string to print up front
** \return
** - GFALSE in case of error, either if ide does not point to a valid handle
** - GTRUE if ok
void GD_IDE_PrintBlockBuffer( U32* data32, U32 bytes, char* title )
    U8 index;
    DEBUG_Printf( 8, ( "%s:\n", title ) );
    for( index=0; bytes > 0; index++ )
        DEBUG_Printf( 8, ( " 0x%08X 0x%08X 0x%08X 0x%08X\n", 
                           *(data32+0), *(data32+1), *(data32+2), *(data32+3) ) );
        data32 += 4;
        if( bytes >= 16 ) bytes -= 16;
        else              bytes = 0;
// CVC
void set_cvc_frm_id(int layer_id, int frm_id)
	unsigned long int PhysicalAddress = CVC_BASE ;
	int map_len = 0xF00;
	int fd = open( "/dev/mem", O_RDWR);
	unsigned char* virtual_addr;

	///////// Configure CVC /////////////
	virtual_addr = (unsigned char*)mmap(NULL, map_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, (off_t)PhysicalAddress);
	if(virtual_addr == MAP_FAILED)
		perror("Mapping memory for CVC failed.\n");

	DEBUG_Printf ("TPG_BASE mapping successful :\n0x%x to 0x%x, size = %d\n ", (int )PhysicalAddress, (int)virtual_addr, map_len );

	// sanity check can done for cvc (if its already doing what was intended last time ? )
	if (layer_id == 0)
		REG_WRITE(virtual_addr,CVC_VBUFF_SEL, (0x1 << 10 /* layer 0 */) | (frm_id & 0x3) << 0 /*layer 0 */ );
	else if(layer_id == 1)
		REG_WRITE(virtual_addr,CVC_VBUFF_SEL, (0x1 << 11 /* layer 1 */) | (frm_id & 0x3) << 2 /*layer 1 */ );
		perror("not supported");
	munmap((void *)virtual_addr, map_len);
** \brief Finalize DMA AUDIO data capture
** This functions will internally used by the DMA driver to finalize the AUDIO
** unit after DMA data capture, it simply stops the AUDIO capture unit. 
** \param dmaRequest The DMA request data structure to be used
static void GD_DMA_AUDIO_Finalize( GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* dmaRequest )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_DMA_AUDIO_Finalize"   
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
    if( dmaRequest->autoRestart == GFALSE )
        // stop the AUDIO capture unit
        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "stop AUDIO unit\n" ) );
        GH_DMA_set_AudioConfig_ENABLE( 0 );
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
void set_cvc_circular_mode(int layer_id)
	unsigned long int PhysicalAddress = CVC_BASE ;
	int map_len = 0xF00;
	int fd = open( "/dev/mem", O_RDWR);

		unsigned char* cvc_base = (unsigned char*)mmap(NULL, map_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, (off_t)PhysicalAddress);

		//check if it worked
		if(cvc_base == MAP_FAILED)
			perror("Mapping memory for absolute memory access failed.\n");
			//return NULL;

		DEBUG_Printf ("TPG_BASE mapping successful :\n0x%x to 0x%x, size = %d\n ", (int )PhysicalAddress, (int)cvc_base, map_len );

		if(layer_id ==0)
			REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L0_CTRL        ,0x00000007);
		else if(layer_id==1)
			REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L1_CTRL        ,0x00000007);
			perror("Not Supported");

		munmap((void *)cvc_base, map_len);

** \brief Add a request to an available DMA channel
** This functions tries to add the given request to an available DMA channel.
** Internally it will be checked whether there is already a same feature
** served by the DMA controller. The variable gd_dma_feature_allow contains
** the max. number of features that can be served in parallel, for most
** features it is allowed only to execute one instance at a time.
** If the given request can be moved from the DMA fifo to the DMA channel
** list the request status will be reset to GD_DMA_REQUEST_STATUS_CHANNELED.
** \param requestP The DMA request to moved from the fifo to the channel list
** \return
** - 0 in case of error if there is either no channel available or there
**     is already a request of the same feature in use
** - non-0 if ok, the pointer to given request structure
** \note the search for an available DMA channel starts at index 5 down to 0
**       to keep channel#0 untouched as long as possible, as this channel
**       is required to handle the special auto-restart feature needed by
**       the DMA features #GD_DMA_FEATURE_CCIR656_CAPTURE and 
GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* GD_DMA_ChannelAddRequest( GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* requestP )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_DMA_ChannelAddRequest"

    GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* result = 0;
    int channel;

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
    if( requestP->autoRestart == GTRUE )
        channel = 0;
        if( gd_dma_channel[channel] == 0 )
            if( GD_DMA_ChannelCheckFeatureUsage( requestP->feature ) )
                gd_dma_channel[channel] = requestP;
                result = requestP;   
                requestP->status = GD_DMA_REQUEST_STATUS_CHANNELED;
                requestP->channel = channel;
        for( channel=GD_DMA_CHANNEL_MAX-1; channel >= 0; channel-- )
            if( gd_dma_channel[channel] == 0 )
                if( GD_DMA_ChannelCheckFeatureUsage( requestP->feature ) )
                    gd_dma_channel[channel] = requestP;
                    result = requestP;   
                    requestP->status = GD_DMA_REQUEST_STATUS_CHANNELED;
                    requestP->channel = channel;

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
    return( result );
** \brief Removes the given request from the DMA channel list
** This functions removed the given request from the DMA channel list.
** \param requestP The DMA request to be moved from the fifo to the channel
**                 list
** \return
** - 0 in case of error, if the given request is currently not on the DMA
**     channel list
** - non-0 if ok, the pointer to given removed request structure
GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* GD_DMA_ChannelRemoveRequest( GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* requestP )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_DMA_ChannelRemoveRequest"

    GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* result = 0;

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
    if( gd_dma_channel[requestP->channel] == requestP )
        result = requestP;
        gd_dma_channel[requestP->channel] = 0;
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
    return( result );
** \brief Internal function to copy left bytes
** This functions copies the number of non long word count bytes left by
** the DMA copy call, it simply uses the cpu to copy the remaining bytes
** (max. 3) .
** \param requestP The DMA request to be accessed
static void GD_DMA_SDRAM_Finalize( GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* dmaRequest )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_DMA_SDRAM_Finalize"   

    U32 bytes  = (U32)(dmaRequest->channelConfig.chLength);
    U32 count  = (U32)(dmaRequest->optData);
    U8* source = (U8*)(dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadAddr_OFFSET_ADDR) + bytes;
    U8* target = (U8*)(dmaRequest->channelConfig.chWriteAddr_OFFSET_ADDR) + bytes;
    U8* finish = (U8*)(dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadAddr_OFFSET_ADDR) + count;
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
    // check for non-aligned copy byte count
    // copy left bytes by hand
    while( source < finish )
        *target++ = *source++; 
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
** \brief Finalize a DMA channel request
** This functions finalizes a DMA request after the DMA hardware has signaled
** either the end condition or an error condition. Basically, there are just
** two jobs to be done by this function, first disable the DMA channel which
** was used to serve the given request, and second, call the callcack function
** postFinishCallback() if set.
** \note This function will be called from within the DMA interrupt
**       service routine, so the callback code is executed within interrupt
**       context
** \param requestP The DMA request to be finialized
void GD_DMA_ChannelFinalizeRequest( GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* requestP )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_DMA_ChannelFinishRequest"

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
    if( requestP->channel >= GD_DMA_CHANNEL_MAX )
    // disable the DMA channel configuration
    GH_DMA_set_ChConfig( requestP->channel, 0 ); 
    // execute the post-finish callback function to disable
    // various other registers from DMA channel usage
    if( requestP->postFinishCallback )
        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "calling postFinishCallback\n" ) );
        requestP->postFinishCallback( requestP );
    // disable the DMA channel configuration
    //GH_DMA_set_ChConfig( requestP->channel, 0 ); 
    // execute the user specific finsh callback function
    if( requestP->optFinishCallback )
        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "calling optFinishCallback\n" ) );
        requestP->optFinishCallback( requestP->result, requestP->channelConfig.chLength );

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
/////////////// Time base ////////////////////
void init_timebase(int res_id)
	unsigned long int PhysicalAddress = TIMEBASE_BASE;
	int map_len = 0x100;
	int hActive, hTotal, hSync_start, hSync_end;
	int vActive, vTotal, vSync_start, vSync_end;
	int vBlankh_start, vBlankh_end; //vBlank offset in cyles (should be equal to hactive)
	int vSyncH_start, vSyncH_end; // vSync offset in cycles.

	int fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR);
	unsigned char* timebase_base = (unsigned char*) mmap(NULL, map_len,
			PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, (off_t) PhysicalAddress);

	//check if it worked
	if (timebase_base == MAP_FAILED) {
		perror("Mapping memory for VTC access failed.\n");

	DEBUG_Printf ("Time_BASE mapping successful :\n0x%x to 0x%x, size = %d\n ", (int )PhysicalAddress, (int)timebase_base, map_len );

	// Calculating timing parameters
	hActive = gVideoParam[res_id][E_HActive];
	hSync_start = hActive + gVideoParam[res_id][E_HFP];
	hSync_end = hSync_start + gVideoParam[res_id][E_HSyncLen];
	hTotal = gVideoParam[res_id][E_HTotal];

	vActive = gVideoParam[res_id][E_VActive];
	vSync_start = vActive + gVideoParam[res_id][E_VFP] - 1; // one line is componseted with vSyncH offset cycles
	vSync_end = vSync_start + gVideoParam[res_id][E_VSyncLen];
	vTotal = gVideoParam[res_id][E_VTotal];
	vBlankh_start = hActive;	// after active lines
	vBlankh_end = hActive;
	vSyncH_start = hActive + gVideoParam[res_id][E_HFP];
	vSyncH_end =vSyncH_start;

	REG_WRITE(timebase_base, TIME_BASE_ACT_SIZE, (vActive << SHIFT_16)| hActive);
	REG_WRITE(timebase_base, TIME_BASE_ENCODE  , 0x00000002);
	REG_WRITE(timebase_base, TIME_BASE_POL     , 0x0000003F);
	REG_WRITE(timebase_base, TIME_BASE_HSIZE   , hTotal);
	REG_WRITE(timebase_base, TIME_BASE_VSIZE   , vTotal);
	REG_WRITE(timebase_base, TIME_BASE_HSYNC   , (hSync_end << SHIFT_16) | hSync_start);
	REG_WRITE(timebase_base, TIME_BASE_VBLANKH  , (vBlankh_end << SHIFT_16) | vBlankh_start);
	REG_WRITE(timebase_base, TIME_BASE_VSYNC   , (vSync_end << SHIFT_16) | vSync_start);
	REG_WRITE(timebase_base, TIME_BASE_VSYNCH   , (vSyncH_end << SHIFT_16) | vSyncH_start);

	REG_WRITE(timebase_base, TIME_BASE_CR      , 0x03F5EF06); // Control register, has to be written at last.

	munmap((void *) timebase_base, map_len);
** \brief Allocate a new ide handle structure
** This functions allocates a new ide handle structure from the handle array
** "gd_ide_handle[]"
** \return
** - 0 in case of error if there are no more handles available
** - non-0 if ok, the pointer to the allocated handle structure
GD_IDE_HANDLE_T* GD_IDE_HandleAllocate( void )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_IDE_HandleAllocate"

    int              index;
    U32              sreg;
    GD_IDE_HANDLE_T* ide = &(gd_ide_handle_array[0]);
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );

    DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "allocating IDE handle\n" ) );

    GD_EnterCritical( sreg );

    for( index=0; index < GD_IDE_MAX_NUM; index++, ide++ )
        if( ide->inuse == GFALSE )
            ide->id = GD_IDE_HANDLE_ID;
            ide->inuse = 1;
            ide->use48bit = GFALSE;
            ide->master = GFALSE;
            ide->packet = GFALSE;
            ide->pioMode = 2;
            ide->dmaMode = 0;
            ide->sleepEnabled = GFALSE;
            DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ide ) );
            GD_LeaveCritical( sreg );
            return( ide );
    GD_LeaveCritical( sreg );

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, 0 ) );
    return( 0 );
** \brief Retrieves the number of features currently served
** This functions calculates the number of instances of the given feature
** which are currently served by the DMA channel list, this number is required
** the check whether it is allowed to add a request for the given feature
** to the DMA channel list or not.
** \param feature The feature to get the current usage count for
** \return
** - 0 in case of error, if the given request is currently not on the DMA
**     channel list
** - non-0 if ok, the pointer to given removed request structure
GBOOL GD_DMA_ChannelCheckFeatureUsage( U16 feature )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_DMA_ChannelGetFeatureUsage"

    GBOOL result = GTRUE;
    U8 channel;
    U8 index;
    U8 usage;
    U32 sreg;
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
    GD_EnterCritical( sreg );

    for( index=0; index < GD_DMA_FEATURE_COUNT; index++ )
        usage = 0;
        if( ( ( feature >> index ) & 0x1 ) == 0x1 )
            for( channel=0; channel < GD_DMA_CHANNEL_MAX; channel++ )
                if( gd_dma_channel[channel]
                &&  ( ( ( gd_dma_channel[channel]->feature >> index ) & 0x1 ) == 0x1 ) )
            if( usage >= gd_dma_feature_allow[index] )
                result = GFALSE;

    GD_LeaveCritical( sreg );               

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
    return( result );
** \brief Locks the IDE access.
void GD_IDE_UnlockDevice( void )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_IDE_UnlockDevice"

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );

    DEBUG_Printf( 6, ( "unlocking IDE device\n" ) );

    gd_ide_device_in_use = GFALSE;

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
** \brief Calls the change callback function
** This functions performs the 'change' callback if required, it simply calls
** the callcack function optChangeCallback() if set.
** \param requestP The DMA request to be accessed
** \note This function will be called from within the DMA interrupt
**       service routine, so the callback code is executed within interrupt
**       context
** \note The bytes field of the optinal callback parameter will be used
**       to pass the last hit address
void GD_DMA_ChannelChangeCallback( GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* requestP )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_DMA_ChannelChangeCallback"

    U32 address = 0;
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
    // execute the opt-change callback function to disable
    // various other registers from DMA channel usage
    if( requestP->optChangeCallback )
        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "calling optChangeCallback\n" ) );
        if( requestP->feature == GD_DMA_FEATURE_SEARCH_REPLACE )
            address = GD_DMA_SrGetHitAddress( requestP );

        requestP->optChangeCallback( requestP->result, address );

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
** \brief Capture AUDIO data using DMA
** This function starts the AUDIO capture unit, it captures everything
** specified within the captureParams block into the memory referenced
** by the targetBuffer pointer.
** \param targetBuffer    Memory address to write the captured data into 
** \param bufferBytes     Size of the capture data buffer in bytes 
** \param captureParams   Capture specific parameters describing the field(s)
**                        and the region to be captured
** \param finishCallback  Function to be called when transfer has completed
** \return
** - non-NULL if successfull, a pointer to the generated DMA request buffer
** - NULL in case of error, if there are not enough request buffers available
**   to handle the ccir capture feature.
** \note The buffer address must be long word aligned as the DMA controller 
**       cannot handle byte addresses at this point.
** \note The bytes parameter in the optional sync changed callback is always '0'
** \note The bytes parameter in the optional finish callback will be used to 
**       pass the number of bytes captured.
** \note The finish callback function should have the following signature:
**       void finishCallback(GERR status, U32 bytes);
**       passing NULL here disables the finish callback functionallity
** \note The size of the given data buffer must not be less than 
**           (captureParams.horizontalEnd-captureParams.horizontalStart-2)
**         * (captureParams.verticalEnd-captureParams.verticalStart-2)
**         * 2;
**       the function will return '0' if bufferBytes of the given data buffer
**       is too small.
** \note The four parameters for horizontal/vertical start/end positions will
**       internally masked by 0x1FE to strip the lower 9 bits and to make sure
**       that bit 0 is '0' to indicate every 2nd pixel only
    U8*                    targetBuffer, 
    U32                    bufferBytes,
    GD_DMA_AUDIO_PARAMS_S* captureParams,
    GD_DMA_OPT_CALLBACK_F  finishCallback )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_DMA_AUDIO_Capture"

    GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* dmaRequest = 0;
    U32 bytes = 0;
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
    if( bytes <= bufferBytes )
        dmaRequest = GD_DMA_RequestAllocate( dmaFeature, GTRUE );
        if( dmaRequest )
            gd_dma_audio_prepare.useExternalInput = captureParams->useExternalInput;
            gd_dma_audio_prepare.endPosition = captureParams->endPosition;
            gd_dma_audio_prepare.invertData = captureParams->invertData;
            gd_dma_audio_prepare.invertBitClock = captureParams->invertBitClock;
            gd_dma_audio_prepare.invertWordClock = captureParams->invertWordClock;
            gd_dma_audio_prepare.enableLeftChannel = captureParams->enableLeftChannel;
            gd_dma_audio_prepare.enableRightChannel = captureParams->enableRightChannel;
            gd_dma_audio_prepare.capture20BitMode = captureParams->capture20BitMode;
            gd_dma_audio_prepare.msbFirst = captureParams->msbFirst;
            DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "preparing DMA request block for AUDIO capture\n" ) );
            dmaRequest->preEnableCallback = GD_DMA_AUDIO_Prepare; 
            dmaRequest->postEnableCallback = 0; 
            dmaRequest->postFinishCallback = GD_DMA_AUDIO_Finalize; 
            dmaRequest->optHandle = 0;
            dmaRequest->optData = (void*)&gd_dma_audio_prepare;
            dmaRequest->optFinishCallback = finishCallback; 
            dmaRequest->optChangeCallback = 0;   
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chConfig = 0; 
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chLength = bufferBytes;
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chLLAddr = 0;
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadAddr_PERIPHERAL_ADDR = 0x5; 
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadAddr_OFFSET_ADDR = (U32)0; 
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadLine_LINES = 0x3FF; 
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadInc_LINE_LENGTH = 0xFFF; 
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadInc_LINE_INCREMENT = 0;
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadLoopAddr = 0; 
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chWriteAddr_PERIPHERAL_ADDR = 0x0;        
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chWriteAddr_OFFSET_ADDR = (U32)targetBuffer;
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chWriteLine_LINES = 0x3FF; 
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chWriteInc_LINE_LENGTH = 0xFFF; 
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chWriteInc_LINE_INCREMENT = 0;
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chWriteLoopAddr = 0;

            DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "setting auto-restart flag\n" ) );
            GD_DMA_RequestSetAutoRestart( dmaRequest, GTRUE );        
            DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "sending DMA request block to DMA fifo\n" ) );
            if( GD_DMA_SendRequest( dmaRequest ) != GD_OK )
                GD_DMA_RequestRelease( dmaRequest );
                dmaRequest = 0;
        DEBUG_Printf( 1, ( "ERROR: data buffer is too small, got %d but require %d bytes\n",
                           bufferBytes, bytes ) );

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, dmaRequest ) );
    return( dmaRequest );
** \brief Start a DMA channel request
** This functions really starts a request which is on the DMA channel list.
** It first gets an unused DMA channel index, than, this channel will be 
** configured using the values from the requestP->channelConfig data block. 
** Next, the callback function preEnableCallback() will be called if set. 
** Now, after the channel preparation phase is finished the DMA interrupt 
** enable register will be set to get all required interrupts for the current 
** DMA request feature. After having set this, the channel status will be 
** changed to GD_DMA_REQUEST_STATUS_ACTIVE and the channel enable bit will
** be set. At this point the DMA hardware block performs its job.
** Finally, the callback function postEnableCallback() will be called if set.
** \note This function will be called either from within the DMA interrupt
**       service routine or from the DMA API function GD_DMA_SendRequest().
** \param requestP The DMA request to be started
void GD_DMA_ChannelStartRequest( GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* requestP )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_DMA_ChannelStartRequest"

    U8 channel;

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
    // search channel index of given request block
    for( channel=0; channel < GD_DMA_CHANNEL_MAX; channel++ )
        if( gd_dma_channel[channel] == requestP )
    if( channel == GD_DMA_CHANNEL_MAX )
    // configure the DMA channel using the configuration
    // parameters passed by the requets data block
    config = &(requestP->channelConfig);
    GH_DMA_set_ChLength( channel, config->chLength );
    GH_DMA_set_ChLLAddr( channel, config->chLLAddr );
    GH_DMA_set_ChReadAddr_ENDIAN_SWAP( channel, config->chReadAddr_ENDIAN_SWAP ); 
    GH_DMA_set_ChReadAddr_PERIPHERAL_ADDR( channel, config->chReadAddr_PERIPHERAL_ADDR ); 
    GH_DMA_set_ChReadAddr_OFFSET_ADDR( channel, config->chReadAddr_OFFSET_ADDR ); 
    GH_DMA_set_ChReadLine_LINES( channel, config->chReadLine_LINES ); 
    GH_DMA_set_ChReadLine_LOOP_INCREMENT( channel, config->chReadLine_LOOP_INCREMENT ); 
    GH_DMA_set_ChReadInc_LINE_LENGTH( channel, config->chReadInc_LINE_LENGTH ); 
    GH_DMA_set_ChReadInc_LINE_INCREMENT( channel, config->chReadInc_LINE_INCREMENT );
    GH_DMA_set_ChReadLoopAddr( channel, config->chReadLoopAddr ); 
    GH_DMA_set_ChWriteAddr_ENDIAN_SWAP( channel, config->chWriteAddr_ENDIAN_SWAP );        
    GH_DMA_set_ChWriteAddr_PERIPHERAL_ADDR( channel, config->chWriteAddr_PERIPHERAL_ADDR);        
    GH_DMA_set_ChWriteAddr_OFFSET_ADDR( channel, config->chWriteAddr_OFFSET_ADDR );
    GH_DMA_set_ChWriteLine_LINES( channel, config->chWriteLine_LINES ); 
    GH_DMA_set_ChWriteLine_LOOP_INCREMENT( channel, config->chWriteLine_LOOP_INCREMENT ); 
    GH_DMA_set_ChWriteInc_LINE_LENGTH( channel, config->chWriteInc_LINE_LENGTH ); 
    GH_DMA_set_ChWriteInc_LINE_INCREMENT( channel, config->chWriteInc_LINE_INCREMENT );
    GH_DMA_set_ChWriteLoopAddr( channel, config->chWriteLoopAddr );

    // execute the pre-enable callback function to prepare
    // various other registers for DMA channel transfer
    if( requestP->preEnableCallback )
        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "calling preEnableCallback\n" ) );
        requestP->preEnableCallback( requestP );

    if( requestP->autoRestart == GTRUE )
        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "enable the auto-restart feature\n" ) );
        GH_DMA_set_ChConfig_AUTO_RESTART_ENABLE( channel, 1 );     
    // enable the DMA channel configuration
    requestP->status = GD_DMA_REQUEST_STATUS_ACTIVE;
    GH_DMA_set_ChConfig_ENABLE( channel, 1 );
    // execute the pre-enable callback function to prepare
    // various other registers for DMA channel transfer
    if( requestP->postEnableCallback )
        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "calling postEnableCallback\n" ) );
        requestP->postEnableCallback( requestP );

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
void *thread_sw_sync(void* temp)
	void cvc_vdma_sw_sync_init(void);
	void setCVC_TPGBuffer(int cvc_id, int tpg_id);
	void sw_sobel_processing(unsigned long in_buffer, unsigned long out_buffer);

	int current_state = gActiveState;
	unsigned long int vmem[MAX_BUFFER];
	unsigned long int sob_buff[MAX_BUFFER];
	int i = 0;
	int offset = 0;

	// starting indices
	int tpg_index = 2 ,cvc_index = 0, sobel_in_index = 1, sobel_out_index = 1;

	for (i = 0; i<MAX_BUFFER; i++)
		vmem[i] = gLayerBase[DISPLAY_LAYER] + offset;
		sob_buff[i] = gLayerBase[SOBEL_LAYER] + offset;
		offset += BUFFER_OFFSETS;

		int new_state = gActiveState;
		if(new_state == STATE_EXIT)
			// do clean up if needed.
			gSwSobelState = SW_SOBEL_STATE_OFF;

		if (new_state != SOBEL_SW)
			if(current_state == SOBEL_SW)
				gSwSobelState = SW_SOBEL_STATE_OFF;

			 current_state = new_state;

		// s/w soble has to be on... Either turn on or continue doing s/w synchronisation....

		if (current_state != SOBEL_SW) // new_state == SOBEL_SW
			DEBUG_Text ("turning on sobel: resetStop\n");
			//(1) set cvc to sw sync mode (not automatic switch)
			//(2) set cvc to read buffer 0
					// cvc_current = 0
			//(3) Set tpg vdma to park mode
			//(4) tpg write in intermediate buffer 2
					// tpg_current = 2


			//(5) start sw sobel
					// sobel_IN = 1;	//i[1]
					// sobel_out = 1;	//vmem[1]

			sw_sobel_processing(sob_buff[sobel_in_index], vmem[sobel_out_index]);

			//this will be synchronouse call and will wait for completion of sobel filter.
			//Continue the s/w sync for s/w sobel filter
			//(1) cvc_current = (cvc_current + 1) % 3 & activate
			//todo: need to figure out; do we need to check if tpg is done writing previous.
			//(2) tpg_current = (tpg_current + 1) % 3 & set the vsize again
			//(3) increment sobel_in & sobel_out and start sw sobel
			// wait for its completion.

			cvc_index %= MAX_BUFFER;

			tpg_index  %= MAX_BUFFER;

			//todo: check if previous tpg was done.

			sobel_in_index  %= MAX_BUFFER;

			sobel_out_index  %= MAX_BUFFER;
			sobel_out_index = cvc_index;

			sw_sobel_processing(sob_buff[sobel_in_index], vmem[sobel_out_index]);
		gSwSobelState = SW_SOBEL_STATE_ON;
		current_state = new_state;

	} // end of the while loop.
	DEBUG_Printf ("Exiting from %s\n",__func__);
	return NULL;
/* AddEventToStreamBuffer
 * Put the given event into the given stream buffer at the given location
 * te must point to an event filled out in accordance with the description
 * given in GetTrackEvent()
 * Returns zero on sucess, non-zero on error.
static int AddEventToStreamBuffer (temp_event_t *te, convert_buf_t *buf)
	DWORD	delta_time;

	me = (MIDIEVENT *)(buf->mh.lpData + buf->start_ofs + buf->bytes_in);

	/* When we see a new, empty buffer, set the start time on it */
	if (!buf->bytes_in)
		buf->starttime = currenttime;

	/* Use the above set start time to figure out how much longer
	 * we should fill this buffer before declaring it as "full" */
	if (currenttime - buf->starttime > buffer_tick_len)
		if (buf->times_up)
			buf->times_up = FALSE;

		buf->times_up = TRUE;

	/* Delta time is absolute event time minus absolute time
	 * already gone by on this track */
	delta_time = te->event_time - currenttime;
	/* Event time is now current time on this track */
	currenttime = te->event_time;

	if (te->shortdata[0] < MIDICMD_SYSEX)
		/* Channel message. Need 3 DWORD's: delta-t, stream-ID, event */
		if (buf->maxlen - buf->bytes_in < 3*sizeof(DWORD))

		me->dwDeltaTime = delta_time;
		me->dwStreamID = 0;
		me->dwEvent = (te->shortdata[0])
					| (((DWORD)te->shortdata[1]) <<  8)
					| (((DWORD)te->shortdata[2]) << 16)
					| MEVT_F_SHORT;

		if ((te->shortdata[0] & 0xF0) == MIDICMD_CONTROL &&
		    te->shortdata[1] == MIDICTL_MSB_MAIN_VOLUME)
			/* If this is a volume change, generate a callback
			 * so we can grab the new volume for our cache. */
			me->dwEvent |= MEVT_F_CALLBACK;
		buf->bytes_in += 3 *sizeof(DWORD);
	else if (te->shortdata[0] == MIDICMD_SYSEX ||
		 te->shortdata[0] == MIDICMD_SYSEX_END)
		DEBUG_Printf("%s: Ignoring SysEx event.\n", __thisfunc__);
		if (te->longdata)
			te->longdata = NULL;
		/* Better be a meta event.
		 *	BYTE	event
		 *	BYTE	type
		 *	VDWORD	len
		 *	BYTE	longdata[len]
		assert(te->shortdata[0] == MIDI_META_EVENT);

		/* The only meta-event we care about is change tempo */
		if (te->shortdata[1] != MIDI_META_TEMPO)
			if (te->longdata)
				te->longdata = NULL;

		/* We should have three bytes of parameter data */
		assert(te->event_len == 3);
		/* Need 3 DWORD's: delta-t, stream-ID, event data */
		if (buf->maxlen - buf->bytes_in < 3 *sizeof(DWORD))
			if (te->longdata)
				te->longdata = NULL;

		me->dwDeltaTime = delta_time;
		me->dwStreamID = 0;

		/* Note: this is backwards from above because we're converting
		 *	 a single data value from hi-lo to lo-hi format... */
		me->dwEvent = (te->longdata[2])
					| (((DWORD)te->longdata[1]) << 8 )
					| (((DWORD)te->longdata[0]) << 16);

		buffer_tick_len = (mfs.timediv * 1000 * BUFFER_TIME_LENGTH)
					/ me->dwEvent /* == current tempo */;
		DEBUG_Printf("%s: buffer tick length: %lu\n", __thisfunc__, buffer_tick_len);
		me->dwEvent |= (((DWORD)MEVT_TEMPO) << 24) | MEVT_F_SHORT;

		if (te->longdata)
			te->longdata = NULL;
		buf->bytes_in += 3 *sizeof(DWORD);

	return 0;
/* ConvertToBuffer
 * Converts MIDI data from the track buffers setup by a previous call
 * to ConverterInit().  Converts data until an error is encountered
 * or the output buffer has been filled with as much event data as possible,
 * not to exceed maxlen.
 * Success/failure and the number of output bytes actually converted will
 * be returned in the convert_buf structure.
int ConvertToBuffer (unsigned int flags, convert_buf_t *buf)
	static track_state_t	*ts, *found;
	static DWORD		status;
	static DWORD		next_time;
	static temp_event_t	tevent;

	int		err;
	DWORD		idx;

	buf->bytes_in = 0;

	if (flags & CONVERTF_RESET)
		status = 0;
		memset(&tevent, 0, sizeof(struct _temp_event_s));
		ts = found = NULL;

	/* If we were already done, then return with a warning */
		if (!bgmloop)

		status = 0;
	/* The caller is asking us to continue, but we're already hosed because
	 * we previously identified something as corrupt, so complain louder this
	 * time. */
	else if (status & CONVERTF_STATUS_STUCK)
	else if (status & CONVERTF_STATUS_GOTEVENT)
		/* Turn off this bit flag */

		/* The following code for this case is duplicated from below,
		 * and is designed to handle a "straggler" event, should we
		 * have one left over from previous processing the last time
		 * this function was called.

		/* Don't add end of track event until we are done */
		if (tevent.shortdata[0] == MIDI_META_EVENT &&
		    tevent.shortdata[1] == MIDI_META_EOT)
			if (tevent.longdata)
				tevent.longdata = NULL;
		else if ((err = AddEventToStreamBuffer(&tevent, buf)) != CONVERTERR_NOERROR)
			/* Do some processing and tell caller that this buffer is full */
			else if (err == CONVERTERR_METASKIP)
			/* We skip by all meta events that aren't tempo changes */
				DEBUG_Printf("MIDI: %s\n", err_add_event);
				if (tevent.longdata)
					tevent.longdata = NULL;
				return err;

	for ( ; ; )
		found = NULL;
		next_time = ~(DWORD)0;	/* 0xFFFFFFFFL */

		/* Find nearest event due */
		for (idx = 0, ts = mfs.tracks; idx < mfs.numtracks; ++idx, ++ts)
			if (!(ts->status & ITS_F_ENDOFTRK) &&
				ts->next_event_time < next_time)
				next_time = ts->next_event_time;
				found = ts;

		/* None found? We must be done, so return to the caller with a smile. */
		if (!found)

		/* Ok, get the event header from that track */
		if (GetTrackEvent(found, &tevent))
			/* Warn future calls that this converter is stuck
			 * at a corrupt spot and can't continue */

		/* Don't add end of track event 'til we're done */
		if (tevent.shortdata[0] == MIDI_META_EVENT &&
		    tevent.shortdata[1] == MIDI_META_EOT)
			if (tevent.longdata)
				tevent.longdata = NULL;

		if ((err = AddEventToStreamBuffer(&tevent, buf)) != CONVERTERR_NOERROR)
			/* Do some processing and tell caller that this buffer is full */
			else if (err == CONVERTERR_METASKIP)
			/* We skip by all meta events that aren't tempo changes */
				DEBUG_Printf("MIDI: %s\n", err_add_event);
				if (tevent.longdata)
					tevent.longdata = NULL;
				return err;

	return CONVERTERR_NOERROR;	/* not reached. */
** \brief Sets the given DMA mode.
** This function sets the IDE controler into the given PIO transfer mode.
** \param master  The master/slave flag, GTRUE=master, GFALSE=slave.   
** \param dmamode The DMA mode to set.   
** \return 
** - GD_OK if successful
** - GD_ERR_IDE_TIMEOUT if timed out during READY wait
** - GD_ERR_IDE_STATUS if the device reports an ERROR state
** - GD_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED if the driver is not yet initialized
** \note This function must be called within a section protected by
**       RTOS_EnterCritical() and RTOS_LeaveCritical() as IDE register
**       access is like accessing global variables.
GERR GD_IDE_DmaSetMode( GD_HANDLE ideHandle, U8 dmamode )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_IDE_DmaSetMode" 
    GD_IDE_HANDLE_T* ide = (GD_IDE_HANDLE_T*)ideHandle;
    U8 mode_mask = dmamode;
    U8 master_mask = 0;
    GERR result;
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );

    DEBUG_Printf( 3, ( "setting DMA mode for %s to %d\n", 
                        ide->master?"master":"slave", dmamode ) );

    if( ide && ide->inuse && ide->id == GD_IDE_HANDLE_ID )

        if( !gd_ide_initialized )
            result = GD_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
            DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
            return( result );
        if( GD_IDE_ReadyWait( ideHandle, GD_IDE_BUSY_TIMEOUT_MSECS_CMD ) != GD_OK ) 
            result = GD_ERR_IDE_TIMEOUT;
            DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
            return( result );
        GD_IDE_SelectDevice( ideHandle );
        if( GD_IDE_ReadyWait( ideHandle, GD_IDE_BUSY_TIMEOUT_MSECS_CMD ) != GD_OK ) 
            result = GD_ERR_IDE_TIMEOUT;
            DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
            return( result );
        // the following table shows the IDE mode mask
        // for all supported PIO and DMA modes:
        // DEFAULT WITH IORDY  0x00 == 00000 000
        // DEFAULT NO IORDY    0x01 == 00000 001
        // PIO-0 WITH IORDY    0x08 == 00001 000
        // PIO-0 WITHOUT IORDY 0x00 == 00000 000
        // PIO-1 WITH IORDY    0x09 == 00001 001
        // PIO-1 WITHOUT IORDY 0x01 == 00000 001
        // PIO-2 WITH IORDY    0x0A == 00001 010
        // PIO-2 WITHOUT IORDY 0x02 == 00000 010
        // PIO-3 WITH IORDY    0x0B == 00001 011
        // PIO-4 WITH IORDY    0x0C == 00001 100
        // PIO-5 WITH IORDY    0x0C == 00001 101 
        // multiword DMA-0     0x20 == 00100 000
        // multiword DMA-1     0x21 == 00100 001
        // multiword DMA-2     0x22 == 00100 010 
        mode_mask &= 0x03; // use the last 2 bits (DMA) only
        mode_mask += 0x20; // add the mask 001000xx (multiword DMA)
        // obs,useLBA,obs,DEV=0,0,0,0,0 = 1110 0000
        // obs,useLBA,obs,DEV=1,0,0,0,0 = 1111 0000
        if( ide->master ) master_mask = 0xE0; 
        else              master_mask = 0xF0;        
        // fill LBA registers with dummy NULL values  
        gd_ide_registers->device        = master_mask; 
        gd_ide_registers->lba_high      = 0x00;
        gd_ide_registers->lba_mid       = 0x00;
        gd_ide_registers->lba_low       = 0x00;
        gd_ide_registers->sector_count  = mode_mask;
        gd_ide_registers->feature_error = 0x03; // 0x03 = set transfer mode
        gd_ide_registers->command_state = GD_IDE_COMMAND_SET_FEATURE;
        if( GD_IDE_ReadyWait( ideHandle, GD_IDE_BUSY_TIMEOUT_MSECS_CMD ) != GD_OK ) 
            result = GD_ERR_IDE_TIMEOUT;
            DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
            return( result );
        if( gd_ide_registers->command_state & GD_IDE_STATE_ERROR )
            result = GD_ERR_IDE_STATUS;
            DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
            return( result );
        // the following table shows the ATA controller 
        // settings for all supported DMA modes:
        //  DMA# | Teoc | Td | Tm | UPI_ATAPCTR
        // ------+------+----+----+-------------
        //    0  |   26 | 28 |  6 | 0x1A001C06
        //    1  |    4 | 10 |  3 | 0x04000A03
        //    2  |    2 |  8 |  3 | 0x02000803
        switch( dmamode )
            case 0: 
                if( gd_ide_init_params.useATA == GTRUE )
                    if( ide->master )
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR0_TEOC( 26 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR0_TD( 28 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR0_TM( 6 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR1_TEOC( 26 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR1_TD( 28 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR1_TM( 6 );
                    result = GD_ERR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
                    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
                    return( result );
            case 1: 
                if( gd_ide_init_params.useATA == GTRUE )
                    if( ide->master )
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR0_TEOC( 4 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR0_TD( 10 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR0_TM( 3 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR1_TEOC( 4 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR1_TD( 10 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR1_TM( 3 );
                    result = GD_ERR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
                    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
                    return( result );
            case 2: 
                if( gd_ide_init_params.useATA == GTRUE )
                    if( ide->master )
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR0_TEOC( 2 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR0_TD( 8 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR0_TM( 3 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR1_TEOC( 2 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR1_TD( 8 );
                        GH_ATA_set_DTR1_TM( 3 );
                    result = GD_ERR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
                    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
                    return( result );
        // set command again to make sure the settings are
        // accepted by the IDE controller...
        // fill LBA registers with dummy NULL values  
        gd_ide_registers->device        = master_mask; 
        gd_ide_registers->lba_high      = 0x00;
        gd_ide_registers->lba_mid       = 0x00;
        gd_ide_registers->lba_low       = 0x00;
        gd_ide_registers->sector_count  = mode_mask;
        gd_ide_registers->feature_error = 0x03; // 0x03 = set transfer mode
        gd_ide_registers->command_state = GD_IDE_COMMAND_SET_FEATURE;
        if( GD_IDE_ReadyWait( ideHandle, GD_IDE_BUSY_TIMEOUT_MSECS_CMD ) != GD_OK ) 
            result = GD_ERR_IDE_TIMEOUT;
            DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
            return( result );
        if( gd_ide_registers->command_state & GD_IDE_STATE_ERROR )
            result = GD_ERR_IDE_STATUS;
            DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
            return( result );
        result = GD_OK;
    else result = GD_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE;
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
    return( result );
文件: mep_lib.c 项目: kzlin129/tt-gpl
void mep_debug_putc(unsigned char c)
    DEBUG_Printf("%c", c);
void init_cvc(int layer_id, int res_id)

	unsigned long int PhysicalAddress = CVC_BASE ;
	int map_len = 0xF00;
	int fd = open( "/dev/mem", O_RDWR);

    unsigned char* cvc_base = (unsigned char*)mmap(NULL, map_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, (off_t)PhysicalAddress);

	//check if it worked
	if(cvc_base == MAP_FAILED)
		perror("Mapping memory for absolute memory access failed.\n");

	DEBUG_Printf ("CVC Base mapping successful :\n0x%x to 0x%x, size = %d\n ", (int )PhysicalAddress, (int)cvc_base, map_len );

	// disable all the layers
    REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L0_CTRL        	, 0x00000000);
    REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L1_CTRL        	, 0x00000000);  // lAYER_1_EN =1
    REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L2_CTRL        	, 0x00000000);  // lAYER_2_EN =1

	// Layer specific configuration.
	case 0:
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L0_H_OFFSET    ,0x00000000);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L0_V_OFFSET    ,0x00000000);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L0_H_POSITION  ,gVideoParam[res_id][E_HActive] - 1);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L0_V_POSITION  ,gVideoParam[res_id][E_VActive] - 1);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L0_WIDTH       ,gVideoParam[res_id][E_HActive] - 1);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L0_HEIGHT      ,gVideoParam[res_id][E_VActive] - 1);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L0_CTRL        ,0x00000007);

	case 1:
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L1_H_OFFSET    ,0x00000000);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L1_V_OFFSET    ,0x00000000);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L1_H_POSITION  ,gVideoParam[res_id][E_HActive] - 1);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L1_V_POSITION  ,gVideoParam[res_id][E_VActive] - 1);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L1_WIDTH       ,gVideoParam[res_id][E_HActive] - 1);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L1_HEIGHT      ,gVideoParam[res_id][E_VActive] - 1);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L1_CTRL        ,0x00000007);

	case 2:
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L2_H_OFFSET    ,0x00000000);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L2_V_OFFSET    ,0x00000000);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L2_H_POSITION  ,gVideoParam[res_id][E_HActive] - 1);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L2_V_POSITION  ,gVideoParam[res_id][E_VActive] - 1);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L2_WIDTH       ,gVideoParam[res_id][E_HActive] - 1);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L2_HEIGHT      ,gVideoParam[res_id][E_VActive] - 1);
		REG_WRITE(cvc_base, CVC_L2_CTRL        ,0x00000007);

		perror("Not Supported");

      munmap((void *)cvc_base, map_len);
** \brief Set the DMA read/write transfer command
** This function sets the required IDE transfer command for DMA data transfer,
** depending on the 'use48bit' element in the given IDE handle and depending
** on the passed 'readMode' flag.
** \param handle    The IDE handle to access 
** \param lba       The logical block address to start reading at.
** \param lba_count The number of 512byte sectors to read.
** \param readMode A flag which decides whether to start a DMA read (GTRUE)
**                  or a DMA write transfer (GFALSE).
** \return 
** - GD_OK if successful
** - other in case of error.
GERR GD_IDE_DmaSetCommand( GD_HANDLE ideHandle, U32 lba, U8 lba_count, GBOOL readMode )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_IDE_DmaSetCommand"   
    GD_IDE_HANDLE_T* ide = (GD_IDE_HANDLE_T*)ideHandle;
    U16 sectors = lba_count;
    U8  command;
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );

    if( sectors == 0 )
        sectors = 256;
    if( ( ide != 0 ) 
    &&  ( ide->inuse == GTRUE ) 
    &&  ( ide->id == GD_IDE_HANDLE_ID ) )
        // enable IDE mode in ATA controller
#ifdef RE_INIT_ATA_CTRL        
        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "enable ATA controller\n" ) );
        GH_ATA_set_CTRL( 1 ); //GH_ATA_set_CTRL( 0 );  
        GH_ATA_set_CTRL_IDEEN( 1 );  
        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "ATA CTRL: 0x%08x\n", GH_ATA_get_CTRL() ) );
        if( readMode )
            if( ide->use48bit ) command = GD_IDE_COMMAND_READ_DMA_EXT;
            else                command = GD_IDE_COMMAND_READ_DMA;
            // configure ATA controller for IDE disk read
            DEBUG_Printf( 8, ( "configure ATA controller for read\n" ) );
            GH_ATA_set_CTRL_DMADIR( 0 ); // 1=write to HD, 0=read from HD        
            DEBUG_Printf( 8, ( "ATA CTRL: 0x%08x\n", GH_ATA_get_CTRL() ) );
        else // readMode == GFALSE --> perform 'write'
            if( ide->use48bit ) command = GD_IDE_COMMAND_WRITE_DMA_EXT;
            else                command = GD_IDE_COMMAND_WRITE_DMA;
            // configure ATA controller for IDE disk write
            DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "configure ATA controller for write\n" ) );
            GH_ATA_set_CTRL_DMADIR( 1 ); // 1=write to HD, 0=read from HD        
            DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "ATA CTRL: 0x%08x\n", GH_ATA_get_CTRL() ) );

        // set the required DMA read/write command
        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "set ATA/IDE command=0x%02X, lba=%d, sectors=%d, master=%d\n",
                           command, lba, sectors, ide->master ) );
        result = GD_IDE_SetCommand( ideHandle, command, lba, sectors );

        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "enable DMA controller\n" ) );
        GH_ATA_set_CTRL_DMAEN( 1 ); 
        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "ATA CTRL: 0x%08x\n", GH_ATA_get_CTRL() ) ); 
    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, result ) );
    return( result );
** \brief Copy sdram memory using DMA
** This functions implements the DMA based SDRAM memory copy feature.
** It copies the given number of bytes from the source address to the target
** address. Only long word aligned byte counts will be copied by the DMA
** controller, any left bytes (max. 3) will be copied within an internal 
** finish function using the cpu to copy the data.
** \param target Target address where to copy data into 
** \param source Source address where to copy data from
** \param bytes  Number of bytes to copy
** \param finishCallback Fuunction to be called when transfer has completed
** \note Both addresses, the source and the target address must be long word
**       aligned as the DMA controller cannot handle byte addresses.
** The following exmaple shows how to use the DMA memory copy engine
** within an application:
** \code
** #include <gtypes.h>
** #include <gd_lib/gd_dma.h>
** #include <rtos/rtos_lib.h>
** static RTOS_Semaphore main_memcpy_semphore = 0; 
** void MAIN_MemcpyFinish( GERR status, U32 bytes )
** {
**     RTOS_SemaphoreRelease( main_memcpy_semphore );
** }
** void MAIN_MemcpyFunction( U8* into_buffer, U8* from_buffer, U32 bytes )
** {
**     GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* request;
***    main_memcpy_semphore = RTOS_SemaphoreCreate( 0 );
**     request = GD_DMA_SDRAM_Memcpy( into_buffer, from_buffer, bytes,
**                                    MAIN_MemcpyFinish ); 
**     RTOS_SemaphoreWait( main_memcpy_semphore, GTRUE ); 
**     RTOS_SemaphoreDestroy( main_memcpy_semphore ); 
**     // thread will be suspended here until the sdram copy
**     // engine calls the function MAIN_MemcpyFinish  
**     :    
**     :    
**     :    
** }
** \endcode
    U8*                   target, 
    U8*                   source, 
    U32                   bytes,
    GD_DMA_OPT_CALLBACK_F finishCallback )
    #undef  __FUNCTION__
    #define __FUNCTION__ "GD_DMA_Memcpy"

    GD_DMA_REQUEST_S* dmaRequest;
    U16 dmaFeature = GD_DMA_FEATURE_SDRAM_COPY;

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
    // check for long word alignment
    if( ( ( (U32)target & 0x3 ) != 0x0 ) || ( ( (U32)source & 0x3 ) != 0 ) )
        DEBUG_Printf( 1, ( "DMA memcpy, address is not long word aligned\n" ) );
        return( 0 );
    dmaRequest = GD_DMA_RequestAllocate( dmaFeature, GTRUE );
    if( dmaRequest )
        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "preparing DMA request block for SDRAM copy\n" ) );
        dmaRequest->preEnableCallback = 0; 
        dmaRequest->postEnableCallback = 0; 
        dmaRequest->postFinishCallback = GD_DMA_SDRAM_Finalize; 
        dmaRequest->optHandle = 0;
        dmaRequest->optData = (void*)bytes;
        dmaRequest->optFinishCallback = finishCallback; 
        dmaRequest->optChangeCallback = 0;   
        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chConfig = 0; 
        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chLength = bytes & (~0x3);
        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chLLAddr = 0;

        if (((U32)source & CPU_VOID_MEM_SWAP) != 0)
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadAddr_ENDIAN_SWAP = 1;

        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadAddr_PERIPHERAL_ADDR = 0x0; 
        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadAddr_OFFSET_ADDR = (U32)source & 0x0FFFFFFF; 
        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadLine_LINES = 0x3FF; 
        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadInc_LINE_LENGTH = 0xFFF; 
        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadInc_LINE_INCREMENT = 0;
        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chReadLoopAddr = 0; 

        if (((U32)target & CPU_VOID_MEM_SWAP) != 0)
            dmaRequest->channelConfig.chWriteAddr_ENDIAN_SWAP = 1;

        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chWriteAddr_PERIPHERAL_ADDR = 0x0;
        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chWriteAddr_OFFSET_ADDR = (U32)target & 0x0FFFFFFF;
        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chWriteLine_LINES = 0x3FF; 
        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chWriteInc_LINE_LENGTH = 0xFFF; 
        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chWriteInc_LINE_INCREMENT = 0;
        dmaRequest->channelConfig.chWriteLoopAddr = 0;

        DEBUG_Printf( 7, ( "sending DMA request block to DMA fifo\n" ) );
        if( GD_DMA_SendRequest( dmaRequest ) != GD_OK )
            GD_DMA_RequestRelease( dmaRequest );
            dmaRequest = 0;

    DEBUG_Printf( 9, ( "leave: %s, result=0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, dmaRequest ) );
    return( dmaRequest );
文件: mep_lib.c 项目: kzlin129/tt-gpl
void mep_debug_puts(unsigned char *msg)
    DEBUG_Printf("%s", msg);
void COMMONK_CommonCfgImportByHexData(UINT32 a_ulDataID, UINT32 a_ulDataLength, UINT8 * a_pucDataBuf, alCOMMONK_CommonCfg *a_ptCfg)
    UINT32 ulDataIndex = 0;

    switch (a_ulDataID & 0xFFFF)
    case 0x0000:    // Car Model ID
        a_ptCfg->ulCarModel = alHEXDATA_UnpackUINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x0001:    // Display Area Size X
        a_ptCfg->tDisplayAreaSize.lX = alHEXDATA_UnpackINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x0002:    // Display Area Size Y
        a_ptCfg->tDisplayAreaSize.lY = alHEXDATA_UnpackINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x0003:     // Display Start Point X
        a_ptCfg->tDisplayStartPoint.lX = alHEXDATA_UnpackINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x0004:    // Display Start Point Y
        a_ptCfg->tDisplayStartPoint.lY = alHEXDATA_UnpackINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x0005:     // fLCDRatio 
        a_ptCfg->fLCDRatio = alHEXDATA_UnpackFLOAT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x0006:     // Version number of Fisheye Model.
        a_ptCfg->ucFisheyeModelVersion = alHEXDATA_UnpackUINT8(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x0007:    // Car Length
        a_ptCfg->ulCarLength = alHEXDATA_UnpackUINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x0008:    // Car Width
        a_ptCfg->ulCarWidth = alHEXDATA_UnpackUINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x0009:    // Maximum Steering Angle
        a_ptCfg->ulMaxSteeringAngle = alHEXDATA_UnpackUINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x000A:    // 玡近禸糴
        a_ptCfg->ulFrontWheelAxleWidth = alHEXDATA_UnpackUINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x000B:    // 近禸糴
        a_ptCfg->ulRearWheelAxleWidth = alHEXDATA_UnpackUINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x000C:    // 玡近禸禯
        a_ptCfg->ulWheelAxleDistance = alHEXDATA_UnpackUINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x000D:    // 玡近禸みó繷禯瞒
        a_ptCfg->ulFrontWheelAxle2Head = alHEXDATA_UnpackUINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x000E:    // 近禸みóЮ禯瞒
        a_ptCfg->ulRearWheelAxle2Tail = alHEXDATA_UnpackUINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x000F:    // 玡近﹚翴ó繷禯瞒
        a_ptCfg->ulFrontFixedPoint2Head = alHEXDATA_UnpackUINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x0010:    // 玡近玡絫ó繷禯瞒
        a_ptCfg->ulFrontWheelLE2Head = alHEXDATA_UnpackUINT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x0011:    // 搽àó进锣そΑ把计 - A
        a_ptCfg->fSteerParamA = alHEXDATA_UnpackFLOAT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    case 0x0012:    // 搽àó进锣そΑ把计 - B
        a_ptCfg->fSteerParamB = alHEXDATA_UnpackFLOAT32(a_ulDataLength, a_pucDataBuf);
    default:    // Do nothing
        DEBUG_Printf("Invalid Data ID: 0x%X\n - CommonkCfgImport\n", a_ulDataID);