 * Shifts and rotates the given polygon
 * @param poly Points specifying the polygon
 * @param n Number of points of the polygon
 * @param xs Pixels to shift in the x-direction
 * @param ys Pixels to shift in the y-direction
 * @param angle Angle of rotation
void PolygonRotateShift(POINT* poly, const int n, const int xs, const int ys,
			const double angle) {
  static double lastangle = -1;
  static int cost=1024, sint=0;

  if(angle != lastangle) {
    lastangle = angle;
    // TODO TB: use ifastsine() here or does DEG_TO_INT take to long?
    int deg = DEG_TO_INT(AngleLimit360(angle));
    cost = ICOSTABLE[deg]*InfoBoxLayout::scale;
    sint = ISINETABLE[deg]*InfoBoxLayout::scale;

  const int xxs = xs*1024+512;
  const int yys = ys*1024+512;
  POINT *p = poly;
  const POINT *pe = poly+n;

  while (p<pe) {
    int x= p->x;
    int y= p->y;
    p->x = (x*cost - y*sint + xxs)/1024;
    p->y = (y*cost + x*sint + yys)/1024;
// Since many functions call LatLon2screen, and only a few need multimap checks for display angle,
// we separate functions to avoid slow downs. First used by CalculateScreenPositionsGroundline
void MapWindow::LatLon2ScreenMultimap(pointObj *ptin, POINT *ptout, const int n, const int skip) {
  static double lastangle = -1;
  static int cost=1024, sint=0;


  const double mDisplayAngle = Current_Multimap_TopAngle;
  if(mDisplayAngle != lastangle) {
	lastangle = mDisplayAngle;
	int deg = DEG_TO_INT(AngleLimit360(mDisplayAngle));
	cost = ICOSTABLE[deg];
	sint = ISINETABLE[deg];

  const int xxs = Current_Multimap_TopOrig.x*1024-512;
  const int yys = Current_Multimap_TopOrig.y*1024+512;
  const double mDrawScale = Current_Multimap_TopZoom;
  const double mPanLongitude = PanLongitude;
  const double mPanLatitude = PanLatitude;
  pointObj* p = ptin;
  const pointObj* ptend = ptin+n;

  while (p<ptend) {
    int Y = Real2Int((mPanLatitude-p->y)/mDrawScale);
    int X = Real2Int((mPanLongitude-p->x)*fastcosine(p->y)/mDrawScale);
    ptout->x = (xxs-X*cost + Y*sint)/1024;
    ptout->y = (Y*cost + X*sint + yys)/1024;
    p+= skip;
void threadsafePolygonRotateShift(POINT* poly, const int n, const int xs, const int ys, const double angle) {

  int deg = DEG_TO_INT(AngleLimit360(angle));
  int cost = ICOSTABLE[deg]*ScreenScale;
  int sint = ISINETABLE[deg]*ScreenScale;

  const int xxs = xs*1024+512;
  const int yys = ys*1024+512;
  POINT *p = poly;
  const POINT *pe = poly+n;

  while (p<pe) {
    int x= p->x;
    int y= p->y;
    p->x = (x*cost - y*sint + xxs)/1024;
    p->y = (y*cost + x*sint + yys)/1024;
// This function must be reinitialised on resolution change
void PolygonRotateShift(POINT* poly, const int n, const int xs, const int ys, const double angle) {
  static double lastangle = -1;
  static int cost=1024, sint=0;

  if(angle != lastangle) {
    lastangle = angle;
    int deg = DEG_TO_INT(AngleLimit360(angle));
    cost = ICOSTABLE[deg]*ScreenScale;
    sint = ISINETABLE[deg]*ScreenScale;
  const int xxs = xs*1024+512;
  const int yys = ys*1024+512;
  POINT *p = poly;
  const POINT *pe = poly+n;

  while (p<pe) {
    int x= p->x;
    int y= p->y;
    p->x = (x*cost - y*sint + xxs)/1024;
    p->y = (y*cost + x*sint + yys)/1024;
// draw aircraft
void RenderPlaneSideview(LKSurface& Surface, double fDist, double fAltitude,double brg, DiagrammStruct* psDia )
//BOOL bInvCol = true ; //INVERTCOLORS
  #define NO_AP_PTS 17
  int deg = DEG_TO_INT(AngleLimit360(brg));
  double fCos = COSTABLE[deg];
  double fSin = SINETABLE[deg];

  int TAIL   = 6;
  int PROFIL = 1;
  int FINB   = 3;
  int BODY   = 2;
  int NOSE   = 7;
  int WING   = (int) (22.0 );
  int TUBE   = (int) (14.0  ) ;
  int FINH   = 6+BODY;

  POINT Start;
  int HEAD = TUBE / 2;
  TUBE =  3 * TUBE/ 2;
  POINT AircraftSide
  [8] = {
      {(int)(fSin * (HEAD+0   )    ), -BODY-1},  // 1
      {(int)(fSin * (HEAD+NOSE)    ),  0},       // 2
      {(int)(fSin * (HEAD+0   )    ),  BODY+1},  // 3
      {(int)(fSin * (-TUBE)        ),  BODY},    // 4   -1
      {(int)(fSin * -TUBE          ), -FINH},    // 5
      {(int)(fSin * (-TUBE+FINB)   ), -FINH},    // 6
      {(int)(fSin * (-TUBE+FINB+3) ), -BODY+1},  // 7  +1
      {(int)(fSin * (HEAD+0)       ), -BODY-1}     // 8

  #define  FACT 2

  BODY = (int)((double)(BODY+1) * fCos * fCos);

  int DIA = (BODY + PROFIL);

  /* both wings */
  POINT AircraftWing
  [13] = {
      {(int)(fCos * BODY              ) ,  -DIA},    // 1
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( FACT*BODY) ), -PROFIL},    // 2
      {(int)(fCos * WING              ) ,  -PROFIL},    // 3
      {(int)(fCos * WING              ), 0* PROFIL},    // 4
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( FACT*BODY) ) , PROFIL},    // 5
      {(int)(fCos *  BODY             ), DIA},    // 6
      {(int)(fCos * -BODY             ) , DIA},    // 7
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( -FACT*BODY)), PROFIL},    // 8
      {(int)(fCos * -WING             ), 0* PROFIL  },    // 9
      {(int)(fCos * -WING             ) , -PROFIL}  ,    // 10
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( -FACT*BODY)), -PROFIL},    // 11
      {(int)(fCos * -BODY             ) , -DIA},    // 12
      {(int)(fCos *  BODY             ), -DIA}    // 13

  POINT AircraftWingL
  [7] = {

      {(int)(0 * -BODY                ),  DIA       },    // 1
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( -FACT*BODY)),  PROFIL    },    // 2
      {(int)(fCos * -WING             ),  0* PROFIL },    // 3
      {(int)(fCos * -WING             ), -PROFIL    },    // 4
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( -FACT*BODY)), -PROFIL    },    // 5
      {(int)(0 * -BODY                ), -DIA       },    // 6
      {(int)(0 * -BODY                ),  DIA       }     // 7

  POINT AircraftWingR
  [7] = {
      {(int)(0 * BODY                 ) ,  -DIA    },   // 1
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( FACT*BODY) ) , -PROFIL  },   // 2
      {(int)(fCos * WING              ) ,  -PROFIL },   // 3
      {(int)(fCos * WING              ) , 0* PROFIL},   // 4
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( FACT*BODY) ) , PROFIL   },   // 5
      {(int)(0 *  BODY                ) , DIA      },   // 6
      {(int)(0 *  BODY                ) , -DIA     }    // 7

  POINT AircraftTail
  [5] = {
      {(int)(fCos *  TAIL - fSin*TUBE), -FINH},            // 1
      {(int)(fCos *  TAIL - fSin*TUBE), -FINH +PROFIL},    // 2
      {(int)(fCos * -TAIL - fSin*TUBE), -FINH +PROFIL},    // 3
      {(int)(fCos * -TAIL - fSin*TUBE), -FINH },           // 4
      {(int)(fCos *  TAIL - fSin*TUBE), -FINH},            // 5


  Start.x = CalcDistanceCoordinat(fDist,  psDia);
  Start.y = CalcHeightCoordinat(fAltitude, psDia);

  const auto oldPen = Surface.SelectObject(LK_BLACK_PEN);
  const auto oldBrush = Surface.SelectObject(LKBrush_White);

  PolygonRotateShift(AircraftWing, 13,  Start.x, Start.y,  0);
  PolygonRotateShift(AircraftSide, 8,   Start.x, Start.y,  0);
  PolygonRotateShift(AircraftTail, 5,   Start.x, Start.y,  0);
  PolygonRotateShift(AircraftWingL, 7,   Start.x, Start.y,  0);
  PolygonRotateShift(AircraftWingR, 7,   Start.x, Start.y,  0);

  #ifndef UNDITHER
  LKBrush GreenBrush(RGB_GREEN);
  LKBrush RedBrush(RGB_RED);
  LKBrush GreenBrush(RGB_WHITE);
  LKBrush RedBrush(RGB_BLACK);
  if((brg < 180))
    Surface.Polygon(AircraftWingL ,7 );

    Surface.Polygon(AircraftSide  ,8 );

    Surface.Polygon(AircraftWingR ,7 );

    Surface.Polygon(AircraftWingR ,7 );

    Surface.Polygon(AircraftSide  ,8 );

    Surface.Polygon(AircraftWingL ,7 );

  if((brg < 90)|| (brg > 270)) {
    Surface.Polygon(AircraftTail  ,5 );

} //else !asp_heading_task
// draw aircraft
void RenderPlaneSideview(HDC hdc, double fDist, double fAltitude,double brg, DiagrammStruct* psDia )
//BOOL bInvCol = true ; //INVERTCOLORS
  #define NO_AP_PTS 17
  int deg = DEG_TO_INT(AngleLimit360(brg));
  double fCos = COSTABLE[deg];
  double fSin = SINETABLE[deg];

  int TAIL   = 6;
  int PROFIL = 1;
  int FINB   = 3;
  int BODY   = 2;
  int NOSE   = 7;
  int WING   = (int) (22.0 );
  int TUBE   = (int) (14.0  ) ;
  int FINH   = 6+BODY;

  POINT Start;
  int HEAD = TUBE / 2;
  TUBE =  3 * TUBE/ 2;
  POINT AircraftSide
  [8] = {
      {(int)(fSin * (HEAD+0   )    ), -BODY-1},  // 1
      {(int)(fSin * (HEAD+NOSE)    ),  0},       // 2
      {(int)(fSin * (HEAD+0   )    ),  BODY+1},  // 3
      {(int)(fSin * (-TUBE)        ),  BODY},    // 4   -1
      {(int)(fSin * -TUBE          ), -FINH},    // 5
      {(int)(fSin * (-TUBE+FINB)   ), -FINH},    // 6
      {(int)(fSin * (-TUBE+FINB+3) ), -BODY+1},  // 7  +1
      {(int)(fSin * (HEAD+0)       ), -BODY-1}     // 8

  #define  FACT 2

  BODY = (int)((double)(BODY+1) * fCos * fCos);

  int DIA = (BODY + PROFIL);

  /* both wings */
  POINT AircraftWing
  [13] = {
      {(int)(fCos * BODY              ) ,  -DIA},    // 1
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( FACT*BODY) ), -PROFIL},    // 2
      {(int)(fCos * WING              ) ,  -PROFIL},    // 3
      {(int)(fCos * WING              ), 0* PROFIL},    // 4
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( FACT*BODY) ) , PROFIL},    // 5
      {(int)(fCos *  BODY             ), DIA},    // 6
      {(int)(fCos * -BODY             ) , DIA},    // 7
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( -FACT*BODY)), PROFIL},    // 8
      {(int)(fCos * -WING             ), 0* PROFIL  },    // 9
      {(int)(fCos * -WING             ) , -PROFIL}  ,    // 10
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( -FACT*BODY)), -PROFIL},    // 11
      {(int)(fCos * -BODY             ) , -DIA},    // 12
      {(int)(fCos *  BODY             ), -DIA}    // 13

  POINT AircraftWingL
  [7] = {

      {(int)(0 * -BODY                ),  DIA       },    // 1
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( -FACT*BODY)),  PROFIL    },    // 2
      {(int)(fCos * -WING             ),  0* PROFIL },    // 3
      {(int)(fCos * -WING             ), -PROFIL    },    // 4
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( -FACT*BODY)), -PROFIL    },    // 5
      {(int)(0 * -BODY                ), -DIA       },    // 6
      {(int)(0 * -BODY                ),  DIA       }     // 7

  POINT AircraftWingR
  [7] = {
      {(int)(0 * BODY                 ) ,  -DIA    },   // 1
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( FACT*BODY) ) , -PROFIL  },   // 2
      {(int)(fCos * WING              ) ,  -PROFIL },   // 3
      {(int)(fCos * WING              ) , 0* PROFIL},   // 4
      {(int)(fCos * (int)( FACT*BODY) ) , PROFIL   },   // 5
      {(int)(0 *  BODY                ) , DIA      },   // 6
      {(int)(0 *  BODY                ) , -DIA     }    // 7

  POINT AircraftTail
  [5] = {
      {(int)(fCos *  TAIL - fSin*TUBE), -FINH},            // 1
      {(int)(fCos *  TAIL - fSin*TUBE), -FINH +PROFIL},    // 2
      {(int)(fCos * -TAIL - fSin*TUBE), -FINH +PROFIL},    // 3
      {(int)(fCos * -TAIL - fSin*TUBE), -FINH },           // 4
      {(int)(fCos *  TAIL - fSin*TUBE), -FINH},            // 5


  Start.x = CalcDistanceCoordinat(fDist,  psDia);
  Start.y = CalcHeightCoordinat(fAltitude, psDia);
  HBRUSH oldBrush;
  HPEN   oldPen;
    oldPen   = (HPEN)SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN));
    oldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
    oldPen   = (HPEN) SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN));
    oldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));

  //SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN));
  PolygonRotateShift(AircraftWing, 13,  Start.x, Start.y,  0);
  PolygonRotateShift(AircraftSide, 8,   Start.x, Start.y,  0);
  PolygonRotateShift(AircraftTail, 5,   Start.x, Start.y,  0);
  PolygonRotateShift(AircraftWingL, 7,   Start.x, Start.y,  0);
  PolygonRotateShift(AircraftWingR, 7,   Start.x, Start.y,  0);

  HBRUSH GreenBrush = CreateSolidBrush(COLORREF RGB_GREEN);
  HBRUSH RedBrush = CreateSolidBrush(COLORREF RGB_RED);
  if((brg < 180))
    SelectObject(hdc, RedBrush);
    Polygon(hdc,AircraftWingL ,7 );

    SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));
    Polygon(hdc,AircraftSide  ,8 );

    SelectObject(hdc, GreenBrush);
    Polygon(hdc,AircraftWingR ,7 );

    SelectObject(hdc, oldBrush);
    SelectObject(hdc, GreenBrush);
    Polygon(hdc,AircraftWingR ,7 );

    SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));
    Polygon(hdc,AircraftSide  ,8 );

    SelectObject(hdc, RedBrush);
    Polygon(hdc,AircraftWingL ,7 );

    SelectObject(hdc, oldBrush);
   //Polygon(hdc,AircraftWing  ,13);
  if((brg < 90)|| (brg > 270)) {
    Polygon(hdc,AircraftTail  ,5 );

  SelectObject(hdc, oldPen);
  SelectObject(hdc, oldBrush);

} //else !asp_heading_task