 * Function Name : DSPI_DRV_DmaMasterConfigureBus
 * Description   : Configures the DSPI port physical parameters to access a device on the bus with
 *                 DMA support.
 * The term "device" is used to indicate the SPI device for which the DSPI master is communicating.
 * The user has two options to configure the device parameters: either pass in the
 * pointer to the device configuration structure to the desired transfer function (see
 * DSPI_DRV_DmaMasterTransferBlocking or DSPI_DRV_DmaMasterTransfer) or pass it in to the
 * DSPI_DRV_DmaMasterConfigureBus function.  The user can pass in a device structure to the
 * transfer function which contains the parameters for the bus (the transfer function then calls
 * this function). However, the user has the option to call this function directly especially
 * to get the calculated baud rate, at which point they may pass in NULL for the device
 * structure in the transfer function (assuming they have called this configure bus function
 * first). This is an example to set up the dspi_device_t structure to call
 * the DSPI_DRV_DmaMasterConfigureBus function by passing in these parameters:
 *   dspi_dma_device_t spiDevice;
 *   spiDevice.dataBusConfig.bitsPerFrame = 16;
 *   spiDevice.dataBusConfig.clkPhase = kDspiClockPhase_FirstEdge;
 *   spiDevice.dataBusConfig.clkPolarity = kDspiClockPolarity_ActiveHigh;
 *   spiDevice.dataBusConfig.direction = kDspiMsbFirst;
 *   spiDevice.bitsPerSec = 50000;
 *   DSPI_DRV_DmaMasterConfigureBus(instance, &spiDevice, &calculatedBaudRate);
dspi_status_t DSPI_DRV_DmaMasterConfigureBus(uint32_t instance,
        const dspi_dma_device_t * device,
        uint32_t * calculatedBaudRate)
    /* instantiate local variable of type dspi_dma_master_state_t and point to global state */
    dspi_dma_master_state_t * dspiDmaState = (dspi_dma_master_state_t *)g_dspiStatePtr[instance];
    SPI_Type *base = g_dspiBase[instance];

    dspi_status_t errorCode = kStatus_DSPI_Success;

    /* Configure the bus to access the provided device.*/
    *calculatedBaudRate = DSPI_HAL_SetBaudRate(base, dspiDmaState->whichCtar,
                          device->bitsPerSec, dspiDmaState->dspiSourceClock);

    errorCode = DSPI_HAL_SetDataFormat(base, dspiDmaState->whichCtar, &device->dataBusConfig);

    /* Check bits/frame number */
    if (device->dataBusConfig.bitsPerFrame > 16)
        errorCode = kStatus_DSPI_OutOfRange;
        dspiDmaState->bitsPerFrame = device->dataBusConfig.bitsPerFrame; /* update bits/frame */

    return errorCode;
void SpiFrequency(Spi_t *obj, uint32_t hz)
    uint32_t dspiSourceClock;
    uint32_t calculatedBaudRate;

    if (!(obj->isSlave)) {
        // Get DSPI source clock.
        dspiSourceClock = CLOCK_SYS_GetSpiFreq(obj->instance);
        calculatedBaudRate = DSPI_HAL_SetBaudRate(obj->Spi, kDspiCtar0, hz, dspiSourceClock);
        PRINTF("Transfer at baudrate %lu \r\n", calculatedBaudRate);
void dspi_slave_setup(uint32_t instance, uint32_t baudrate)
    dspi_data_format_config_t config;
    uint32_t baseAddr = SPI0_BASE;
    // Enable clock
    // Clear flags
    DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(g_dspiBaseAddr[instance], kDspiTxComplete);
    DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(g_dspiBaseAddr[instance], kDspiTxAndRxStatus);
    DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(g_dspiBaseAddr[instance], kDspiEndOfQueue);
    DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(g_dspiBaseAddr[instance], kDspiTxFifoUnderflow);
    DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(g_dspiBaseAddr[instance], kDspiTxFifoFillRequest);
    DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(g_dspiBaseAddr[instance], kDspiRxFifoOverflow);
    DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(g_dspiBaseAddr[instance], kDspiRxFifoDrainRequest);
    // Enable HAL
    DSPI_HAL_SetMasterSlaveMode(baseAddr, kDspiSlave);

    // Disable transfer
    // PCS popularity
    DSPI_HAL_SetPcsPolarityMode(baseAddr, kDspiPcs0, kDspiPcs_ActiveLow);

    // CTAR
    DSPI_HAL_SetBaudRate(baseAddr, kDspiCtar0, baudrate, 72000000);
    config.bitsPerFrame = 16;
    config.clkPhase = kDspiClockPhase_FirstEdge;
    config.clkPolarity = kDspiClockPolarity_ActiveHigh;
    config.direction = kDspiMsbFirst;
    DSPI_HAL_SetDataFormat(baseAddr, kDspiCtar0, &config);

    // Interrupt
    DSPI_HAL_SetIntMode(g_dspiBaseAddr[instance], kDspiTxFifoUnderflow, false);
    DSPI_HAL_SetIntMode(g_dspiBaseAddr[instance], kDspiTxFifoFillRequest, false);
    // DMA
    DSPI_HAL_SetTxFifoFillDmaIntMode(g_dspiBaseAddr[instance], kDspiGenerateIntReq, true);
    DSPI_HAL_SetRxFifoDrainDmaIntMode(g_dspiBaseAddr[instance], kDspiGenerateDmaReq, true);
 * @brief DSPI master Polling.
 * Thid function uses DSPI master to send an array to slave
 * and receive the array back from slave,
 * thencompare whether the two buffers are the same.
int main(void)
    uint32_t i;
    uint32_t loopCount = 1;
    SPI_Type * dspiBaseAddr = (SPI_Type*)SPI0_BASE;
    uint32_t dspiSourceClock;
    uint32_t calculatedBaudRate;
    dspi_device_t masterDevice;
    dspi_command_config_t commandConfig = 
        .isChipSelectContinuous = false,
        .whichCtar              = kDspiCtar0,
        .whichPcs               = kDspiPcs0,
        .clearTransferCount     = true,
        .isEndOfQueue           = false

    // Init hardware
    // Init OSA layer, used in DSPI_DRV_MasterTransferBlocking.
    // Call this function to initialize the console UART.  This function
    // enables the use of STDIO functions (printf, scanf, etc.)
    // Print a note.
    printf("\r\n DSPI board to board polling example");
    printf("\r\n This example run on instance 0 ");
    printf("\r\n Be sure DSPI0-DSPI0 are connected ");

    // Configure SPI pins.

    // Enable DSPI clock.
    // Initialize the DSPI module registers to default value, which disables the module
    // Set to master mode.
    DSPI_HAL_SetMasterSlaveMode(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiMaster);
    // Configure for continuous SCK operation
    DSPI_HAL_SetContinuousSckCmd(dspiBaseAddr, false);
    // Configure for peripheral chip select polarity
    DSPI_HAL_SetPcsPolarityMode(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiPcs0, kDspiPcs_ActiveLow);
    // Disable FIFO operation.
    DSPI_HAL_SetFifoCmd(dspiBaseAddr, false, false);
    // Initialize the configurable delays: PCS-to-SCK, prescaler = 0, scaler = 1
    DSPI_HAL_SetDelay(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiCtar0, 0, 1, kDspiPcsToSck);
    // DSPI system enable

    // Configure baudrate.
    masterDevice.dataBusConfig.bitsPerFrame = 8;
    masterDevice.dataBusConfig.clkPhase     = kDspiClockPhase_FirstEdge;
    masterDevice.dataBusConfig.clkPolarity  = kDspiClockPolarity_ActiveHigh;
    masterDevice.dataBusConfig.direction    = kDspiMsbFirst;

    DSPI_HAL_SetDataFormat(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiCtar0, &masterDevice.dataBusConfig);
    // Get DSPI source clock.
    dspiSourceClock = CLOCK_SYS_GetSpiFreq(DSPI_MASTER_INSTANCE);
    calculatedBaudRate = DSPI_HAL_SetBaudRate(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiCtar0, TRANSFER_BAUDRATE, dspiSourceClock);
    printf("\r\n Transfer at baudrate %lu \r\n", calculatedBaudRate);

        // Initialize the transmit buffer.
        for (i = 0; i < TRANSFER_SIZE; i++)
            sendBuffer[i] = i + loopCount;

        // Print out transmit buffer.
        printf("\r\n Master transmit:");
        for (i = 0; i < TRANSFER_SIZE; i++)
            // Print 16 numbers in a line.
            if ((i & 0x0F) == 0)
                printf("\r\n    ");
            printf(" %02X", sendBuffer[i]);

        // Reset the receive buffer.
        for (i = 0; i < TRANSFER_SIZE; i++)
            receiveBuffer[i] = 0;

        // Restart the transfer by stop then start again, this will clear out the shift register
        // Flush the FIFOs
        DSPI_HAL_SetFlushFifoCmd(dspiBaseAddr, true, true);
        // Clear status flags that may have been set from previous transfers.
        DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiTxComplete);
        DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiEndOfQueue);
        DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiTxFifoUnderflow);
        DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiTxFifoFillRequest);
        DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiRxFifoOverflow);
        DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiRxFifoDrainRequest);
        // Clear the transfer count.
        DSPI_HAL_PresetTransferCount(dspiBaseAddr, 0);
        // Start the transfer process in the hardware
        // Send the data to slave.
        for (i = 0; i < TRANSFER_SIZE; i++)
            // Write data to PUSHR
            DSPI_HAL_WriteDataMastermodeBlocking(dspiBaseAddr, &commandConfig, sendBuffer[i]);
            // Delay to wait slave is ready.

        // Delay to wait slave is ready.

        // Restart the transfer by stop then start again, this will clear out the shift register
        // Flush the FIFOs
        DSPI_HAL_SetFlushFifoCmd(dspiBaseAddr, true, true);
        //Clear status flags that may have been set from previous transfers.
        DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiTxComplete);
        DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiEndOfQueue);
        DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiTxFifoUnderflow);
        DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiTxFifoFillRequest);
        DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiRxFifoOverflow);
        DSPI_HAL_ClearStatusFlag(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiRxFifoDrainRequest);
        // Clear the transfer count.
        DSPI_HAL_PresetTransferCount(dspiBaseAddr, 0);
        // Start the transfer process in the hardware
        // Receive the data from slave.
        for (i = 0; i < TRANSFER_SIZE; i++)
            // Write command to PUSHR.
            DSPI_HAL_WriteDataMastermodeBlocking(dspiBaseAddr, &commandConfig, 0);
            // Check RFDR flag
            while (DSPI_HAL_GetStatusFlag(dspiBaseAddr, kDspiRxFifoDrainRequest)== false)
            // Read data from POPR
            receiveBuffer[i] = DSPI_HAL_ReadData(dspiBaseAddr);
            // Clear RFDR flag
            // Delay to wait slave is ready.

        // Print out receive buffer.
        printf("\r\n Master receive:");
        for (i = 0; i < TRANSFER_SIZE; i++)
            // Print 16 numbers in a line.
            if ((i & 0x0F) == 0)
                printf("\r\n    ");
            printf(" %02X", receiveBuffer[i]);

        // Check receiveBuffer.
        for (i = 0; i < TRANSFER_SIZE; ++i)
            if (receiveBuffer[i] != sendBuffer[i])
                // Master received incorrect.
                printf("\r\n ERROR: master received incorrect ");
                return -1;

        printf("\r\n DSPI Master Sends/ Recevies Successfully");
        // Wait for press any key.
        printf("\r\n Press any key to run again");
        // Increase loop count to change transmit buffer.
void spi_frequency(spi_t *obj, int hz) {
    uint32_t busClock;
    CLOCK_SYS_GetFreq(kBusClock, &busClock);
    DSPI_HAL_SetBaudRate(obj->spi.address, kDspiCtar0, (uint32_t)hz, busClock);