//用指定的时间和参数复位滤波器 void RobotTracker::reset(double timestamp, float state[7]) { Matrix x(7,1,state), P(7); //XY值 //ROBOT_POSITION_VARIANCE = 4.0 # Stddev = 2mm P.e(0,0) = DVAR(ROBOT_POSITION_VARIANCE); P.e(1,1) = DVAR(ROBOT_POSITION_VARIANCE); //ROBOT_THETA_VARIANCE = 0.00006 # Stddev = 0.5 degree P.e(2,2) = DVAR(ROBOT_THETA_VARIANCE); //速度矢量 P.e(3,3) = 0.0; // 0m/s if (type == ROBOT_TYPE_DIFF) { P.e(4,4) = 0.0; } else { P.e(4,4) = 0.0; // 0m/s } //角速度 P.e(5,5) = 0.0; //机器人被困住相关的参数 P.e(6,6) = 0.0; initial(timestamp, x, P); reset_on_observation = false; }
static void print_discrim_bind_tree(FILE *fp, Discrim d, int n, int depth) { int arity, i; for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) printf(" -"); if (depth == 0) fprintf(fp, "\nroot"); else if (DVAR(d)) fprintf(fp, "v%d", d->symbol); else fprintf(fp, "%s", sn_to_str(d->symbol)); fprintf(fp, "(%p)", d); if (n == 0) { Plist p; for (i = 0, p = d->u.data; p; i++, p = p->next); fprintf(fp, ": leaf has %d objects.\n", i); } else { Discrim d1; fprintf(fp, "\n"); for (d1 = d->u.kids; d1 != NULL; d1 = d1->next) { if (DVAR(d1)) arity = 0; else arity = sn_to_arity(d1->symbol); print_discrim_bind_tree(fp, d1, n+arity-1, depth+1); } } } /* print_discrim_bind_tree */
Matrix& RobotTracker::R(const Matrix &x) { static Matrix R; if (!R.nrows()) { R.identity(3); R.e(0,0) = (DVAR(ROBOT_POSITION_VARIANCE)); R.e(1,1) = (DVAR(ROBOT_POSITION_VARIANCE)); R.e(2,2) = (DVAR(ROBOT_THETA_VARIANCE)); } return R; }
LPWSTR GetDeviceName(IMMDeviceCollection *DeviceCollection, UINT DeviceIndex) { IMMDevice *device; LPWSTR deviceId; HRESULT hr; hr = DeviceCollection->Item(DeviceIndex, &device); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("Unable to get device %d: %x\n", DeviceIndex, hr); return nullptr; } hr = device->GetId(&deviceId); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("Unable to get device %d id: %x\n", DeviceIndex, hr); return nullptr; } IPropertyStore *propertyStore; hr = device->OpenPropertyStore(STGM_READ, &propertyStore); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("Unable to open device %d property store: %x\n", DeviceIndex, hr); return nullptr; } PROPVARIANT friendlyName; PropVariantInit(&friendlyName); hr = propertyStore->GetValue(PKEY_Device_FriendlyName, &friendlyName); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("Unable to retrieve friendly name for device %d : %x\n", DeviceIndex, hr); return nullptr; } DVAR(friendlyName.vt); if (friendlyName.vt != VT_LPWSTR) DVAR("Unknown"); else DVAR((const wchar_t *)friendlyName.pwszVal); PropVariantClear(&friendlyName); CoTaskMemFree(deviceId); return nullptr; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { CoInitializeEx(nullptr, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); char *buffer = new char[BUFFER_SIZE]; if (buffer == nullptr) return -11; try { audio.open(XAUDIO2_DEBUG_ENGINE); DMSG("open"); Wav wav("D:\\openAL\\11k16bitpcm.wav"); uint32_t readSize = wav.read(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); DVAR(readSize); wav.close(); DMSG("play"); audio.play(wav.getFormat(), buffer, wav.getSize()); while (audio.isPlaying()) Thread::sleep(10); } catch (...) { std::cout << "error" << std::endl; } DMSG("close"); audio.close(); CoUninitialize(); return 0; }
static Discrim discrim_bind_end(Term t, Discrim d, Plist *path_p) { Discrim d1; Plist dp; int symbol, sym; /* add current node to the front of the path list. */ dp = get_plist(); dp->v = d; dp->next = *path_p; *path_p = dp; if (VARIABLE(t)) { d1 = d->u.kids; symbol = VARNUM(t); while (d1 && DVAR(d1) && d1->symbol < symbol) d1 = d1->next; if (d1 == NULL || !DVAR(d1) || d1->symbol != symbol) return NULL; else /* found node */ return d1; } else { /* constant || complex */ d1 = d->u.kids; sym = SYMNUM(t); /* arities fixed: handle both NAME and COMPLEX */ while (d1 && DVAR(d1)) /* skip variables */ d1 = d1->next; while (d1 && d1->symbol < sym) d1 = d1->next; if (d1 == NULL || d1->symbol != sym) return NULL; else { int i; for (i = 0; d1 && i < ARITY(t); i++) d1 = discrim_bind_end(ARG(t,i), d1, path_p); return d1; } } } /* discrim_bind_end */
/* PUBLIC */ void check_discrim_bind_tree(Discrim d, int n) { if (n > 0) { int arity; Discrim d1; for (d1 = d->u.kids; d1; d1 = d1->next) { if (DVAR(d1)) arity = 0; else arity = sn_to_arity(d1->symbol); check_discrim_bind_tree(d1, n+arity-1); } } } /* check_discrim_bind_tree */
Matrix& RobotTracker::A(const Matrix &x) { static Matrix A(7); double theta = x.e(2,0); double vpar = x.e(3,0), vperp = x.e(4,0), vtheta = x.e(5,0); double stuck = x.e(6,0); double cos_theta = cos(theta), sin_theta = sin(theta); A.e(0,2) = (1.0 - stuck) * stepsize_ * (vpar * -sin_theta + vperp * -cos_theta); A.e(0,3) = cos_theta * (1.0 - stuck) * stepsize_; A.e(0,4) = -sin_theta * (1.0 - stuck) * stepsize_; A.e(0,6) = -stepsize_ * (vpar * cos_theta + vperp * -sin_theta); A.e(1,2) = (1.0 - stuck) * stepsize_ * (vpar * cos_theta + vperp * -sin_theta); A.e(1,3) = sin_theta * (1.0 - stuck) * stepsize_; A.e(1,4) = cos_theta * (1.0 - stuck) * stepsize_; A.e(1,6) = -stepsize_ * (vpar * sin_theta + vperp * cos_theta); A.e(2,5) = (1.0 - stuck) * stepsize_; A.e(2,6) = -stepsize_ * vtheta; A.e(3,3) = DVAR(ROBOT_VELOCITY_NEXT_STEP_COVARIANCE); A.e(4,4) = DVAR(ROBOT_VELOCITY_NEXT_STEP_COVARIANCE); A.e(5,5) = DVAR(ROBOT_VELOCITY_NEXT_STEP_COVARIANCE); A.e(6,6) = DVAR(ROBOT_STUCK_DECAY); return A; }
//返回预测的速度 //速度以场地坐标系为基准 MyVector2d RobotTracker::velocity(double time) { Matrix x; if (IVAR(ROBOT_FAST_PREDICT)) { if (time > latency) { x = predict(latency); } else { x = predict(time); } } else { x = predict(time); } double a = x.e(2,0); double c = cos(a); double s = sin(a); double vx = x.e(3,0); double vy = x.e(4,0); double stuck = x.e(6,0); // Threshold after which the robot is considered stuck and zero's velocity. //ROBOT_STUCK_THRESHOLD = 0.6 # Set to 1.1 to turn off. if (stuck > DVAR(ROBOT_STUCK_THRESHOLD)) { return MyVector2d(0.0, 0.0); } //fprintf(stderr, "=============>\nx =\n"); //x.print(); //fprintf(stderr, "---->\nx =\n"); MyVector2d v0; v0.set(c * vx - s * vy, s * vx + c * vy); //旋转角度为负 return v0;//MyVector2d(c * vx - s * vy, s * vx + c * vy); }
static Discrim discrim_bind_insert_rec(Term t, Discrim d) { Discrim d1, d2, prev; int symbol, i; if (VARIABLE(t)) { d1 = d->u.kids; prev = NULL; symbol = VARNUM(t); while (d1 && DVAR(d1) && d1->symbol < symbol) { prev = d1; d1 = d1->next; } if (d1 == NULL || !DVAR(d1) || d1->symbol != symbol) { d2 = get_discrim(); d2->type = DVARIABLE; d2->symbol = VARNUM(t); d2->next = d1; if (prev == NULL) d->u.kids = d2; else prev->next = d2; return d2; } else /* found node */ return d1; } else { /* constant || complex */ d1 = d->u.kids; prev = NULL; /* arities fixed: handle both NAME and COMPLEX */ symbol = SYMNUM(t); while (d1 && DVAR(d1)) { /* skip variables */ prev = d1; d1 = d1->next; } while (d1 && d1->symbol < symbol) { prev = d1; d1 = d1->next; } if (d1 == NULL || d1->symbol != symbol) { d2 = get_discrim(); d2->type = DRIGID; d2->symbol = symbol; d2->next = d1; d1 = d2; } else d2 = NULL; /* new node not required at this level */ for (i = 0; i < ARITY(t); i++) d1 = discrim_bind_insert_rec(ARG(t,i), d1); if (d2 != NULL) { /* link in new subtree (possibly a leaf) */ if (prev == NULL) d->u.kids = d2; else prev->next = d2; } return d1; /* d1 is leaf corresp. to end of input term */ } } /* discrim_bind_insert_rec */
//检查球是否被机器人捕捉 //通过半径判断 bool Simulator::RobotBallCollisionRadius(SimRobot &r, SimBall &b, double dt) { static int iDribbleBy=-1; //球相对机器人坐标 MyVector2d ball_rel = b.pos - r.pos.p; //球相对机器人矢量旋转到X轴方向 MyVector2d robot_ball = ball_rel.rotate(-r.pos.dir); //球在机器人内部 //bool ball_in_front = (robot_ball.x > -20) && // (fabs(robot_ball.y) < 60); //球在机器人前方 //bool ball_on_front = ball_in_front && (robot_ball.x < 120); double dist = ball_rel.length(); //计算球相对机器人方向与机器人正方向的角度差 double da=anglemod(ball_rel.angle()-r.pos.dir); if(da>M_PI) { da-=M_2PI; } if(da<-M_PI) { da+=M_2PI; } //检查球与机器人是否碰撞 if (dist > robotHalfSize + BALL_RADIUS) { return (false); } bool bBounce=false; //if(ball_on_front) if(fabs(da)<M_PI/4) { if (r.vcmd.kick_power) { long kick_power=labs(r.vcmd.kick_power); if(kick_power>giShootPowerMax) { kick_power=giShootPowerMax; } b.vel.set(DVAR(OMNIBOT_KICKER_SPEED)*kick_power*1.0/giShootPowerMax,0); b.vel=b.vel.rotate(r.pos.dir); printf("Kicked=%d\r\n",r.vcmd.kick_power); b.pos.set(OMNIBOT_RADIUS+BALL_RADIUS+10,0); b.pos=b.pos.rotate(r.pos.dir); b.pos+= r.pos.p; return true; } else { //计算球相对机器人速度 MyVector2d brel = b.vel - r.vel.v; //计算相对速度在机器人正方向上投影 MyVector2d n(1,0); n = n.rotate(r.pos.dir); MyVector2d p = n.perp(); MyVector2d bdrib(dot(brel, n), dot(brel, p)); MyVector2d bpos=b.pos-r.pos.p; double bposx=dot(bpos, n); double bposy=dot(bpos, p); if(bposx<OMNIBOT_RADIUS-5) { b.vel.set(0,0); if(r.vcmd.dribble_power>0) { b.pos.set(OMNIBOT_RADIUS-18,0); } else { b.pos.set(OMNIBOT_RADIUS-18,bposy); } b.pos=b.pos.rotate(r.pos.dir); b.pos+= r.pos.p; //iDribbleBy=r.id; } //else if(bposx<OMNIBOT_RADIUS-5) //{ // b.pos.set(OMNIBOT_RADIUS-18,0); // b.pos=b.pos.rotate(r.pos.dir); // b.pos+= r.pos.p; //} //if(r.vcmd.dribble_power>0 && //if (bposx<OMNIBOT_RADIUS-5 && (bdrib.x < 0.001 || (r.vcmd.dribble_power>0) || iDribbleBy>=0) ) //{ // //printf("Dribble!!!!... %4.3f,%4.3f\n",bdrib.x,bdrib.y); // double dlimit; // dlimit = DVAR(OMNIBOT_DRIB_CATCH_SPEED)*3; // if (fabs(bdrib.x) < dlimit) // { // b.vel.x = 0; // } // else // { // // b.vel.x *= DVAR(OMNIBOT_DRIB_BOUNCE_DECAY); // } // //b.vel = r.vel.v.rotate(r.pos.dir); // //b.vel += r.vel.v; // b.vel.set(0,0); // b.pos.set(OMNIBOT_RADIUS-18,0); // b.pos=b.pos.rotate(r.pos.dir); // b.pos+= r.pos.p; // iDribbleBy=r.id; //} //else //{ // iDribbleBy=-1; //} return true; } } else { iDribbleBy=-1; bBounce=true; } if(!bBounce) { return true; } /* last final catch all check to prevent screw ups */ //如果机器人与球相撞,球被弹开到机器人半径加球半径的位置 b.pos = r.pos.p + ball_rel.norm() * (robotHalfSize + BALL_RADIUS); b.vel=r.vel.v.rotate(r.pos.dir)-b.vel; b.pos = b.pos + b.vel*dt; /* find the closest point on teh line segment to our robot * center and check if it is close enough. If so we hit the ball */ // MyVector2d closest; // dist = ball_seg.Distance(r.pos, closest); // if (dist > robotHalfSize + BALL_RADIUS) // return (false); /* TO DO: need to work this part out still */ return (true); }
//Matrix x: [0,0]=x [0,1]=y [0,2]=angle [0,3]=vx [0,4]=vy [0,5]=vangle [0,6] //计算下一步的x,y,角度 Matrix& RobotTracker::f(const Matrix &x, Matrix &I) { I = Matrix(); static Matrix f; f = x; rcommand c = get_command(stepped_time); double &_x = f.e(0,0), &_y = f.e(1,0), &_theta = f.e(2,0), &_vpar = f.e(3,0), &_vperp = f.e(4,0), &_vtheta = f.e(5,0), &_stuck = f.e(6,0); _stuck = bound(_stuck, 0, 1) * DVAR(ROBOT_STUCK_DECAY); double avg_vpar = 0, avg_vperp = 0, avg_vtheta = 0, avg_theta = 0; double avg_weight = 0.5; //# Maybe an improved method for propagating. //ROBOT_USE_AVERAGES_IN_PROPAGATION = 0 # false if (IVAR(ROBOT_USE_AVERAGES_IN_PROPAGATION)) { avg_vpar = avg_weight * _vpar; avg_vperp = avg_weight * _vperp; avg_vtheta = avg_weight * _vtheta; } if (type != ROBOT_TYPE_NONE) { _vpar = c.vs.x; _vperp = c.vs.y; _vtheta = c.vs.z; } //# Maybe an improved method for propagating. //ROBOT_USE_AVERAGES_IN_PROPAGATION = 0 # false if (IVAR(ROBOT_USE_AVERAGES_IN_PROPAGATION)) { avg_vpar += (1.0 - avg_weight) * _vpar; avg_vperp += (1.0 - avg_weight) * _vperp; avg_vtheta += (1.0 - avg_weight) * _vtheta; avg_theta = avg_weight * _theta; _theta += (1.0 - _stuck) * stepsize_ * avg_vtheta; avg_theta += (1.0 - avg_weight) * _theta; _x += (1.0 - _stuck) * stepsize_ * (avg_vpar * cos(avg_theta) + avg_vperp * -sin(avg_theta)); _y += (1.0 - _stuck) * stepsize_ * (avg_vpar * sin(avg_theta) + avg_vperp * cos(avg_theta)); } else { //根据速度更新位置 _theta += (1.0 - _stuck) * stepsize_ * _vtheta; _x += (1.0 - _stuck) * stepsize_ * (_vpar * cos(_theta) + _vperp * -sin(_theta)); _y += (1.0 - _stuck) * stepsize_ * (_vpar * sin(_theta) + _vperp * cos(_theta)); } _theta = anglemod(_theta); return f; }
// observe the raw infomation, but just like human ut will use some method to filter the noice // this is just for one robot void RobotTracker::observe(VisionRawInfo obs, double timestamp) { //如果有1秒没有来更新信号,自动复位,防止繁殖的程序内存不够 if(timestamp-time>0.5) { printf("Robot obvserve reset\r\n"); reset_on_observation = true; } // if there is no renew signal // if the observation has been reset if (reset_on_observation) { if (obs.conf <= 0.0) { return; } static Matrix observe_matrix(7,1), P(7); observe_matrix.e(0,0) = obs.pos.x; observe_matrix.e(1,0) = obs.pos.y; observe_matrix.e(2,0) = obs.angle; observe_matrix.e(3,0) = 0.0; observe_matrix.e(4,0) = 0.0; observe_matrix.e(5,0) = 0.0; observe_matrix.e(6,0) = 0.0; P.e(0,0) = DVAR(ROBOT_POSITION_VARIANCE); P.e(1,1) = DVAR(ROBOT_POSITION_VARIANCE); P.e(2,2) = DVAR(ROBOT_THETA_VARIANCE); P.e(3,3) = 0.0; // 0m/s if (type == ROBOT_TYPE_DIFF) { P.e(4,4) = 0.0; } else { P.e(4,4) = 0.0; // 0m/s } P.e(5,5) = 0.0; P.e(6,6) = 0.0; initial(obs.timestamp, observe_matrix, P); reset_on_observation = false; } else { // If this is a new observation. if (timestamp > time) { // Tick to current time. tick(timestamp - time); // Make observation if (obs.timestamp == timestamp) { double xtheta = xs[0].e(2,0); Matrix o(3,1); o.e(0,0) = obs.pos.x; o.e(1,0) = obs.pos.y; o.e(2,0) = anglemod(obs.angle - xtheta) + xtheta; update(o); } if (error_time_elapsed() > 10.0) { fprintf(stderr, "Kalman Error (pos, theta, vpos, vtheta): "); fprintf(stderr, "%f ", hypot(error_mean().e(0, 0), error_mean().e(1, 0))); fprintf(stderr, "%f ", error_mean().e(2, 0)); fprintf(stderr, "%f ", hypot(error_mean().e(3, 0), error_mean().e(4, 0))); fprintf(stderr, "%f\n", error_mean().e(5, 0)); error_reset(); } } } }
static Plist discrim_bind_retrieve_leaf(Term t_in, Discrim root, Context subst, Flat2 *ppos) { Flat2 f, f1, f2, f_save; Term t = NULL; Discrim d = NULL; int symbol = 0; int match = 0; int bound = 0; int status = 0; f = *ppos; /* Don't forget to reset before return. */ t = t_in; f_save = NULL; if (t != NULL) { /* if first call */ d = root->u.kids; if (d != NULL) { f = get_flat2(); f->t = t; f->last = f; f->prev = NULL; f->place_holder = (COMPLEX(t)); status = GO; } else status = FAILURE; } else status = BACKTRACK; while (status == GO || status == BACKTRACK) { if (status == BACKTRACK) { while (f && !f->alternatives) { /* clean up HERE??? */ if (f->bound) { subst->terms[f->varnum] = NULL; f->bound = 0; } f_save = f; f = f->prev; } if (f != NULL) { if (f->bound) { subst->terms[f->varnum] = NULL; f->bound = 0; } d = f->alternatives; f->alternatives = NULL; status = GO; } else status = FAILURE; } if (status == GO) { match = 0; while (!match && d && DVAR(d)) { symbol = d->symbol; if (subst->terms[symbol]) { /* if already bound */ match = term_ident(subst->terms[symbol], f->t); bound = 0; } else { /* bind variable in discrimb tree */ match = 1; subst->terms[symbol] = f->t; bound = 1; } if (!match) d = d->next; } if (match) { /* push alternatives */ f->alternatives = d->next; f->bound = bound; f->varnum = symbol; f = f->last; } else if (VARIABLE(f->t)) status = BACKTRACK; else { symbol = SYMNUM(f->t); while (d && d->symbol < symbol) d = d->next; if (!d || d->symbol != symbol) status = BACKTRACK; else if (f->place_holder) { int i; /* insert skeleton in place_holder */ f1 = get_flat2(); f1->t = f->t; f1->prev = f->prev; f1->last = f; f_save = f1; if (f1->prev) f1->prev->next = f1; t = f->t; for (i = 0; i < ARITY(t); i++) { if (i < ARITY(t)-1) f2 = get_flat2(); else f2 = f; f2->place_holder = COMPLEX(ARG(t,i)); f2->t = ARG(t,i); f2->last = f2; f2->prev = f1; f1->next = f2; f1 = f2; } f = f_save; } /* if f->place_holder */ } if (status == GO) { if (f->next) { f = f->next; d = d->u.kids; } else status = SUCCESS; } } } /* while */ if (status == SUCCESS) { *ppos = f; return d->u.data; } else { /* Free flat2s. */ #ifdef SPEED Flat2count = 0; #else while (f_save) { f1 = f_save; f_save = f_save->next; free_flat2(f1); } #endif return NULL; } } /* discrim_bind_retrieve_leaf */
void TPositionForKick::command(World &world, int me, Robot::RobotCommand &command, bool debug) { MyVector2d ball_position = world.ball_position(); MyVector2d robot_position = world.GetRobotPositionByID(me); MyVector2d robot_velocity = world.GetRobotVelocityByID(me); MyVector2d target; double angle_tolerance; if (!prev_target_set) { prev_target = world.their_goal; prev_target_set = true; } //# The amount we'd prefer to shoot at our previous angle. If an another //# at least this much bigger appears we'll switch to that. //SHOOT_AIM_PREF_AMOUNT = 0.01745 # 1 degree // (1) Try shooting on goal. if (!evaluation.aim(world, world.now, ball_position, world.their_goal_r, world.their_goal_l, OBS_EVERYTHING_BUT_US, prev_target, DVAR(SHOOT_AIM_PREF_AMOUNT), target, angle_tolerance)) { //back border of the goal lu_test MyVector2d downfield[2]; downfield[0].set(ball_position.x + 180.0, -FIELD_WIDTH_H); downfield[1].set(ball_position.x + 180.0, FIELD_WIDTH_H); // (2) Try clearing the ball if (!evaluation.aim(world, world.now, ball_position, downfield[0], downfield[1], OBS_EVERYTHING_BUT_ME(me), prev_target, DVAR(SHOOT_AIM_PREF_AMOUNT), target, angle_tolerance)) { // Guaranteed to return true and fill in the parameters when // obs_flags is empty. // (3) Just shoot downfield. // evaluation.aim(world, world.now, ball_position, downfield[0], downfield[1], 0, target, angle_tolerance); qDebug()<<"shoot downfield"; } } if (debug) { gui_debug_line(me, GDBG_TACTICS, ball_position, target); gui_debug_line(me, GDBG_TACTICS, ball_position, (target - ball_position).rotate(angle_tolerance) + ball_position); gui_debug_line(me, GDBG_TACTICS, ball_position, (target - ball_position).rotate(-angle_tolerance) + ball_position); } prev_target = target; // double ball_distance = (robot_position - ball_position).length(); //question lu_test if (robot_velocity.length() < 20.0) { ball_distance -= 20.0; } // put this in config double closest = 85.0; //question lu_test constant setting ball_distance = bound(ball_distance, closest, 150.0); //target85150 MyVector2d targetp = ball_position - (target - ball_position).norm(ball_distance); double angle = (ball_position - targetp).angle(); int obs = OBS_EVERYTHING_BUT_ME(me); MyVector2d r2target = (targetp - robot_position); double d2target = r2target.sqlength(); //20150 //question lu_test ??? if ((d2target < 150.0 * 150.0) && (d2target > 20.0 * 20.0) && (fabs(angle_mod(angle - r2target.angle())) < M_PI_4)) { // obs = OBS_WALLS; obs = 0; // printf("turning off obstacle avoidance!!!\n"); if (debug) { gui_debug_printf(me, GDBG_TACTICS, "turning off obstacle avoidance!!!\n"); } } command.cmd = Robot::CmdPosition; command.target = targetp; command.velocity = MyVector2d(0, 0); command.angle = angle; //command.obs = OBS_EVERYTHING_BUT_ME(me); command.observation_type = obs; command.goto_point_type = Robot::GotoPointMoveForw; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { CoInitialize(nullptr); listDevices(); IAudioClient *pAudioClient; IMMDevice *device; getDefaultDevice(&device); HRESULT hr = device->Activate(__uuidof(IAudioClient), CLSCTX_ALL, nullptr, (void**)&pAudioClient); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("IMMDevice::Activate(IAudioClient) failed: hr = 0x%08x", hr); return hr; } REFERENCE_TIME hnsDefaultDevicePeriod; hr = pAudioClient->GetDevicePeriod(&hnsDefaultDevicePeriod, nullptr); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("IAudioClient::GetDevicePeriod failed: hr = 0x%08x\n", hr); pAudioClient->Release(); return hr; } // get the default device format WAVEFORMATEX *pwfx; hr = pAudioClient->GetMixFormat(&pwfx); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("IAudioClient::GetMixFormat failed: hr = 0x%08x\n", hr); CoTaskMemFree(pwfx); pAudioClient->Release(); return hr; } DVAR(pwfx->wFormatTag); DVAR(pwfx->wBitsPerSample); DVAR(pwfx->nBlockAlign); DVAR(pwfx->nAvgBytesPerSec); switch (pwfx->wFormatTag) { case WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT: pwfx->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; pwfx->wBitsPerSample = 16; pwfx->nBlockAlign = pwfx->nChannels * pwfx->wBitsPerSample / 8; pwfx->nAvgBytesPerSec = pwfx->nBlockAlign * pwfx->nSamplesPerSec; break; case WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE: { // naked scope for case-local variable PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE pEx = reinterpret_cast<PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE>(pwfx); if (IsEqualGUID(KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT, pEx->SubFormat)) { pEx->SubFormat = KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM; pEx->Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = 16; pwfx->wBitsPerSample = 16; pwfx->nBlockAlign = pwfx->nChannels * pwfx->wBitsPerSample / 8; pwfx->nAvgBytesPerSec = pwfx->nBlockAlign * pwfx->nSamplesPerSec; } else { printf("Don't know how to coerce mix format to int-16\n"); CoTaskMemFree(pwfx); pAudioClient->Release(); return E_UNEXPECTED; } } break; default: printf("Don't know how to coerce WAVEFORMATEX with wFormatTag = 0x%08x to int-16\n", pwfx->wFormatTag); CoTaskMemFree(pwfx); pAudioClient->Release(); return E_UNEXPECTED; } DVAR(pwfx->wFormatTag); DVAR(pwfx->wBitsPerSample); DVAR(pwfx->nBlockAlign); DVAR(pwfx->nAvgBytesPerSec); hr = pAudioClient->Initialize(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED, AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_LOOPBACK, 0, 0, pwfx, 0 ); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("IAudioClient::Initialize failed: hr = 0x%08x\n", hr); pAudioClient->Release(); return hr; } IAudioCaptureClient *pAudioCaptureClient; hr = pAudioClient->GetService(__uuidof(IAudioCaptureClient), (void**)&pAudioCaptureClient); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("IAudioClient::GetService(IAudioCaptureClient) failed: hr 0x%08x\n", hr); pAudioClient->Release(); return hr; } hr = pAudioClient->Start(); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("IAudioClient::Start failed: hr = 0x%08x\n", hr); pAudioCaptureClient->Release(); pAudioClient->Release(); return hr; } for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { UINT32 nNextPacketSize; hr = pAudioCaptureClient->GetNextPacketSize(&nNextPacketSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("IAudioCaptureClient::GetNextPacketSize failed on pass %u after %u frames: hr = 0x%08x\n", 0, 0, hr); pAudioClient->Stop(); pAudioCaptureClient->Release(); pAudioClient->Release(); return hr; } // get the captured data BYTE *pData; UINT32 nNumFramesToRead; DWORD dwFlags; hr = pAudioCaptureClient->GetBuffer(&pData, &nNumFramesToRead, &dwFlags, nullptr, nullptr); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("IAudioCaptureClient::GetBuffer failed on pass %u after %u frames: hr = 0x%08x\n", 0, 0, hr); pAudioClient->Stop(); pAudioCaptureClient->Release(); pAudioClient->Release(); return hr; } DVAR(nNumFramesToRead); // if (bFirstPacket && AUDCLNT_BUFFERFLAGS_DATA_DISCONTINUITY == dwFlags) { // printf("Probably spurious glitch reported on first packet\n"); if (0 != dwFlags && AUDCLNT_BUFFERFLAGS_DATA_DISCONTINUITY != dwFlags) { printf("IAudioCaptureClient::GetBuffer set flags to 0x%08x on pass %u after %u frames\n", dwFlags, 0, 0); // pAudioClient->Stop(); // pAudioCaptureClient->Release(); // pAudioClient->Release(); // return E_UNEXPECTED; } else DVAR((int)*pData); if (0 == nNumFramesToRead) { printf("IAudioCaptureClient::GetBuffer said to read 0 frames on pass %u after %u frames\n", 0, 0); pAudioClient->Stop(); pAudioCaptureClient->Release(); pAudioClient->Release(); return E_UNEXPECTED; } UINT32 nBlockAlign = pwfx->nBlockAlign; LONG lBytesToWrite = nNumFramesToRead * nBlockAlign; hr = pAudioCaptureClient->ReleaseBuffer(nNumFramesToRead); } pAudioClient->Stop(); pAudioCaptureClient->Release(); pAudioClient->Release(); CoUninitialize(); return 0; }