文件: daoValue.c 项目: wherby/dao
int DaoValue_Compare( DaoValue *left, DaoValue *right )
	double L, R;
	int res = 0;
	if( left == right ) return 0;
	if( left == NULL || right == NULL ) return left < right ? -100 : 100;
	if( left->type != right->type ){
		res = left->type < right->type ? -100 : 100;
		if( right->type == DAO_TUPLE && right->xTuple.subtype == DAO_PAIR ){
			if( (res = DaoValue_Compare( left, right->xTuple.items[0] )) <= 0 ) return res;
			if( (res = DaoValue_Compare( left, right->xTuple.items[1] )) >= 0 ) return res;
			return 0;
		}else if( left->type == DAO_TUPLE && left->xTuple.subtype == DAO_PAIR ){
			if( (res = DaoValue_Compare( left->xTuple.items[0], right )) >= 0 ) return res;
			if( (res = DaoValue_Compare( left->xTuple.items[1], right )) <= 0 ) return res;
			return 0;
		if( left->type == DAO_LONG && (right->type && right->type <= DAO_DOUBLE) ){
			if( right->type == DAO_INTEGER ){
				return DLong_CompareToInteger( left->xLong.value, right->xInteger.value );
			return DLong_CompareToDouble( left->xLong.value, DaoValue_GetDouble( right ) );
		}else if( right->type == DAO_LONG && (left->type && left->type <= DAO_DOUBLE) ){
			if( left->type == DAO_INTEGER ){
				return - DLong_CompareToInteger( right->xLong.value, left->xInteger.value );
			return - DLong_CompareToDouble( right->xLong.value, DaoValue_GetDouble( left ) );
		if( left->type < DAO_INTEGER || left->type > DAO_DOUBLE ) return res;
		if( right->type < DAO_INTEGER || right->type > DAO_DOUBLE ) return res;
		L = DaoValue_GetDouble( left );
		R = DaoValue_GetDouble( right );
		return L == R ? 0 : (L < R ? -1 : 1);
	switch( left->type ){
	case DAO_NONE : return 0;
	case DAO_INTEGER : return number_compare( left->xInteger.value, right->xInteger.value );
	case DAO_FLOAT   : return number_compare( left->xFloat.value, right->xFloat.value );
	case DAO_DOUBLE  : return number_compare( left->xDouble.value, right->xDouble.value );
	case DAO_COMPLEX : return DaoComplex_Compare( & left->xComplex, & right->xComplex );
	case DAO_LONG    : return DLong_Compare( left->xLong.value, right->xLong.value );
	case DAO_STRING  : return DString_Compare( left->xString.data, right->xString.data );
	case DAO_ENUM    : return DaoEnum_Compare( & left->xEnum, & right->xEnum );
	case DAO_TUPLE   : return DaoTuple_Compare( & left->xTuple, & right->xTuple );
	case DAO_LIST    : return DaoList_Compare( & left->xList, & right->xList );
	case DAO_CDATA :
	case DAO_CTYPE : return DaoCstruct_Compare( left, right );
	case DAO_ARRAY   : return DaoArray_Compare( & left->xArray, & right->xArray );
	return left < right ? -100 : 100; /* needed for map */
void DaoxDataColumn_SetCell( DaoxDataColumn *self, daoint i, DaoValue *value )
	if( value == NULL ){
		complex16 zero = {0.0,0.0};
		switch( self->type->tid ){
		default :
			GC_DecRC( self->cells->data.values[i] );
			self->cells->data.values[i] = value;
		case DAO_INTEGER : self->cells->data.daoints[i]   = 0; break;
		case DAO_FLOAT   : self->cells->data.floats[i]    = 0.0; break;
		case DAO_DOUBLE  : self->cells->data.doubles[i]   = 0.0; break;
		case DAO_COMPLEX : self->cells->data.complexes[i] = zero; break;
		case DAO_STRING  : DString_Reset( & self->cells->data.strings[i], 0 ); break;
	switch( self->type->tid ){
	default :
		GC_ShiftRC( value, self->cells->data.values[i] );
		self->cells->data.values[i] = value;
	case DAO_INTEGER : self->cells->data.daoints[i]   = DaoValue_GetInteger( value ); break;
	case DAO_FLOAT   : self->cells->data.floats[i]    = DaoValue_GetFloat( value );  break;
	case DAO_DOUBLE  : self->cells->data.doubles[i]   = DaoValue_GetDouble( value ); break;
	case DAO_COMPLEX : self->cells->data.complexes[i] = DaoValue_GetComplex( value ); break;
	case DAO_STRING  : DaoValue_GetString( value, & self->cells->data.strings[i] ); break;
文件: daoValue.c 项目: wherby/dao
DLong* DaoValue_GetLong( DaoValue *self, DLong *lng )
	switch( self->type ){
	case DAO_INTEGER : DLong_FromInteger( lng, DaoValue_GetInteger( self ) ); break;
	case DAO_FLOAT   :
	case DAO_DOUBLE  : DLong_FromDouble( lng, DaoValue_GetDouble( self ) ); break;
	case DAO_COMPLEX : DLong_FromDouble( lng, self->xComplex.value.real ); break;
	case DAO_LONG    : DLong_Move( lng, self->xLong.value ); break;
	case DAO_STRING  : DLong_FromString( lng, self->xString.data ); break;
	default : break; /* TODO list array? */
	return lng;
文件: daoStdlib.c 项目: hooloong/dao
static void STD_Array( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoInteger idint = {DAO_INTEGER,0,0,0,0,0};
	DaoValue *res, *index = (DaoValue*)(void*)&idint;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	DaoArray *array = DaoProcess_PutArray( proc );
	DaoArray *first = NULL;
	DaoArray *sub = NULL;
	daoint i, j, k, entry, size = 1;

	/* if multi-dimensional array is disabled, DaoProcess_PutArray() will raise exception. */
	for(i=0; i<N; i++){
		daoint d = p[i]->xInteger.value;
		if( d < 0 ){
			DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_ERROR_PARAM, NULL );
		size *= d;
	if( size == 0 ) return;
	if( sect == NULL ) return; // TODO exception
	if( DaoProcess_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == NULL ) return;
	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	DaoProcess_AcquireCV( proc );
	for(i=0; i<size; i++){
		idint.value = i;
		if( sect->b >0 ) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a, index );
		proc->topFrame->entry = entry;
		DaoProcess_Execute( proc );
		if( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED ) break;
		res = proc->stackValues[0];
		if( i == 0 ){
			int D = N;
			DaoArray_SetDimCount( array, N + (res->type == DAO_ARRAY ? res->xArray.ndim : 0) );
			for(j=0; j<N; j++) array->dims[j] = p[j]->xInteger.value;
			if( res->type == DAO_ARRAY ){
				first = DaoArray_Copy( (DaoArray*) res );
				if( first->ndim == 2 && (first->dims[0] == 1 || first->dims[1] == 1) ){
					D += 1;
					array->dims[N] = first->dims[ first->dims[0] == 1 ];
					D += first->ndim;
					memmove( array->dims + N, first->dims, first->ndim*sizeof(daoint) );
			DaoArray_ResizeArray( array, array->dims, D );
		if( res->type == DAO_ARRAY ){
			sub = (DaoArray*) res;
			if( first == NULL || DaoArray_AlignShape( sub, NULL, first->dims, first->ndim ) ==0 ){
				DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_ERROR, "inconsistent elements or subarrays" );
			k = i * sub->size;
			for(j=0; j<sub->size; j++){
				switch( array->etype ){
				case DAO_INTEGER : array->data.i[k+j] = DaoArray_GetInteger( sub, j ); break;
				case DAO_FLOAT   : array->data.f[k+j] = DaoArray_GetFloat( sub, j ); break;
				case DAO_DOUBLE  : array->data.d[k+j] = DaoArray_GetDouble( sub, j ); break;
				case DAO_COMPLEX : array->data.c[k+j] = DaoArray_GetComplex( sub, j ); break;
			switch( array->etype ){
			case DAO_INTEGER : array->data.i[i] = DaoValue_GetInteger( res ); break;
			case DAO_FLOAT   : array->data.f[i] = DaoValue_GetFloat( res ); break;
			case DAO_DOUBLE  : array->data.d[i] = DaoValue_GetDouble( res ); break;
			case DAO_COMPLEX : array->data.c[i] = DaoValue_GetComplex( res ); break;
	DaoProcess_ReleaseCV( proc );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	if( first ) DaoArray_Delete( first );
文件: daoValue.c 项目: wherby/dao
// Assumming the value "self" is compatible to the type "tp", if it is not null.
DaoValue* DaoValue_SimpleCopyWithTypeX( DaoValue *self, DaoType *tp, DaoDataCache *cache )
	DaoEnum *e;
	daoint i, n;

	if( self == NULL ) return dao_none_value;
	if( (tp == NULL || tp->tid == self->type) && self->type < DAO_ENUM ){
		if( cache ){
			DaoValue *value = DaoDataCache_MakeValue( cache, self->type );
			switch( self->type ){
			case DAO_NONE : return self;
			case DAO_INTEGER : value->xInteger.value = self->xInteger.value; break;
			case DAO_FLOAT   : value->xFloat.value   = self->xFloat.value;   break;
			case DAO_DOUBLE  : value->xDouble.value  = self->xDouble.value;  break;
			case DAO_COMPLEX : value->xComplex.value = self->xComplex.value; break;
			case DAO_LONG    : DLong_Move( value->xLong.value, self->xLong.value ); break;
			case DAO_STRING  : DString_Assign( value->xString.data, self->xString.data ); break;
			return value;
			switch( self->type ){
			case DAO_NONE : return self;
			case DAO_INTEGER : return (DaoValue*) DaoInteger_New( self->xInteger.value );
			case DAO_FLOAT   : return (DaoValue*) DaoFloat_New( self->xFloat.value );
			case DAO_DOUBLE  : return (DaoValue*) DaoDouble_New( self->xDouble.value );
			case DAO_COMPLEX : return (DaoValue*) DaoComplex_New( self->xComplex.value );
			case DAO_LONG    : return (DaoValue*) DaoLong_Copy( & self->xLong );
			case DAO_STRING  : return (DaoValue*) DaoString_Copy( & self->xString );
		return self; /* unreachable; */
	}else if( self->type == DAO_ENUM ){
		return (DaoValue*) DaoEnum_Copy( & self->xEnum, tp );
	}else if( tp && tp->tid >= DAO_INTEGER && tp->tid <= DAO_DOUBLE ){
		DaoValue *value = cache ? DaoDataCache_MakeValue( cache, tp->tid ) : NULL;
		switch( value == NULL ? tp->tid : 0 ){
		case DAO_INTEGER : value = (DaoValue*) DaoInteger_New(0); break;
		case DAO_FLOAT   : value = (DaoValue*) DaoFloat_New(0);   break;
		case DAO_DOUBLE  : value = (DaoValue*) DaoDouble_New(0);  break;
		switch( tp->tid ){
		case DAO_INTEGER : value->xInteger.value = DaoValue_GetInteger( self ); break;
		case DAO_FLOAT   : value->xFloat.value   = DaoValue_GetFloat( self );   break;
		case DAO_DOUBLE  : value->xDouble.value  = DaoValue_GetDouble( self );  break;
		return value;
	if( self->type == DAO_ARRAY && self->xArray.original ){
		DaoArray_Sliced( (DaoArray*)self );
		return self;
	if( self->type == DAO_CSTRUCT || self->type == DAO_CDATA ){
		FuncPtrSliced sliced = self->xCstruct.ctype->kernel->Sliced;
		if( sliced ) (*sliced)( self );
		return self;
	if( self->xBase.trait & DAO_VALUE_NOCOPY ) return self;
	if( (self->xBase.trait & DAO_VALUE_CONST) == 0 ) return self;
	switch( self->type ){
	case DAO_LIST  : return (DaoValue*) DaoList_Copy( (DaoList*) self, tp );
	case DAO_MAP   : return (DaoValue*) DaoMap_Copy( (DaoMap*) self, tp );
	case DAO_TUPLE : return (DaoValue*) DaoTuple_Copy( (DaoTuple*) self, tp );
	case DAO_ARRAY : return (DaoValue*) DaoArray_CopyX( (DaoArray*) self, tp );
	default : break;
	return self;
文件: daoValue.c 项目: wherby/dao
float DaoValue_GetFloat( DaoValue *self )
	return (float) DaoValue_GetDouble( self );
static void FRAME_PRINT( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int n )
	DaoxDataFrame *self = (DaoxDataFrame*) p[0];
	DaoxDataFrame *original = self->original;
	DaoStream *stream = proc->stdioStream;
	DaoStream *sstream = DaoStream_New();
	DaoValue valueBuffer, *nulls[3] = {NULL,NULL,NULL};
	DVector *rlabwidth = DVector_New( sizeof(int) );
	DVector *clabwidth = DVector_New( sizeof(int) );
	DVector *decimals = DVector_New( sizeof(int) );
	DVector *scifmts = DVector_New( sizeof(int) );
	DVector *aligns = DVector_New( sizeof(int) );
	DString *label = DString_New(1);
	daoint d, g, i, j, k, s, N, M, K, J = 1;
	int idwidth, maxwidth = 16, maxdec = 3;
	char idfmt[16];
	char fmt[16];
	char buf[512];

	sstream->attribs |= DAO_IO_STRING;
	memset( &valueBuffer, 0, sizeof(DaoValue) );
	if( stream == NULL ) stream = proc->vmSpace->stdioStream;
	if( self->original == NULL ){
		DaoxDataFrame_PrepareSlices( self );
		DaoDataFrame_MakeSlice( self, proc, nulls, 3, self->slices );
		original = self;
	N = self->slices->items.pVector[0]->data.daoints[1];
	M = self->slices->items.pVector[1]->data.daoints[1];
	K = self->slices->items.pVector[2]->data.daoints[1];
	DString_Reset( label, 10 + 4*sizeof(void*) + log10(1+N+M+K) );
	sprintf( label->mbs, "\nDataFrame[%p]", self );
	DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, label->mbs );
	if( original != self ){
		sprintf( label->mbs, " (Slices from DataFrame[%p])", original );
		DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, label->mbs );
	sprintf( label->mbs, "\nDimensions: Rows=%" DAO_INT_FORMAT ";", N );
	DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, label->mbs );
	sprintf( label->mbs, " Cols=%" DAO_INT_FORMAT ";", M );
	DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, label->mbs );
	sprintf( label->mbs, " Deps=%" DAO_INT_FORMAT ";\n", K );
	DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, label->mbs );

	idwidth = 1 + (int)log10(N+1);
	for(i=0; i<N; ++i){
		daoint ii = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[0], i );
		int width = 1 + (int)log10(ii+1);
		if( width > idwidth ) idwidth = width;
	sprintf( idfmt, "%%%i%s:", idwidth, DAO_INT_FORMAT );

	if( M == 1 ){
		maxwidth = 64;
		maxdec = 24;
	}else if( M == 2 ){
		maxwidth = 40;
		maxdec = 12;
	}else if( M <= 4 ){
		maxwidth = 24;
		maxdec = 6;

	for(g=0; g<original->labels[DAOX_DF_ROW]->size; ++g){
		int width = 0;
		for(i=0; i<N; ++i){
			daoint ii = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[0], i );
			DaoxDataFrame_GetLabel( original, DAOX_DF_ROW, g, ii, label );
			if( label->size > width ) width = label->size;
			if( width > maxwidth ) break;
		if( width > maxwidth ) width = maxwidth;
		DVector_PushInt( rlabwidth, width );
	for(j=0; j<M; ++j){
		int w, datatype, max = 0, min = 0, dec = 0;
		daoint width, jj = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[2], j );
		DaoxDataColumn *col = (DaoxDataColumn*) original->columns->items.pVoid[jj];
		DVector *cells = col->cells;

		datatype = DaoType_GetDataType( col->type );
		width = DaoxDataColumn_GetPrintWidth( col, 16 );
		for(i=0; i<N && i<1000; ++i){
			daoint v, ii = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[0], i );
			complex16 com;
			switch( datatype ){
			case DAO_INTEGER :
				v = cells->data.daoints[ii];
				w = log10( fabs(v) + 1E-32 ) + (v < 0);
				if( w > max ) max = w;
			case DAO_FLOAT   :
				CheckPrintWidth( cells->data.floats[ii], & max, & min, & dec );
			case DAO_DOUBLE  :
				CheckPrintWidth( cells->data.doubles[ii], & max, & min, & dec );
			case DAO_COMPLEX :
				com = cells->data.complexes[ii];
				CheckPrintWidth( com.real, & max, & min, & dec );
				CheckPrintWidth( com.imag, & max, & min, & dec );
			case DAO_STRING :
				if( cells->data.strings[i].size > max ) max = cells->data.strings[i].size;
			default :
		if( dec > maxdec ) dec = maxdec;
		if( col->type->tid == DAO_COMPLEX ){
			max *= 2;
			min *= 2;
		if( datatype == 0 ){
			width = maxwidth;
			DVector_PushInt( aligns, 1 );
			DVector_PushInt( scifmts, 0 );
			DVector_PushInt( decimals, 0 );
		}else if( datatype == DAO_STRING ){
			width = max;
			DVector_PushInt( aligns, 1 );
			DVector_PushInt( scifmts, 0 );
			DVector_PushInt( decimals, 0 );
		}else if( max >= maxwidth || min <= -dec ){
			width = 16;
			DVector_PushInt( aligns, 0 );
			DVector_PushInt( scifmts, 1 );
			DVector_PushInt( decimals, dec );
			width = max + dec + 1;
			if( col->type->tid == DAO_COMPLEX ) width += dec + 6;
			DVector_PushInt( aligns, 0 );
			DVector_PushInt( scifmts, 0 );
			DVector_PushInt( decimals, dec );

		for(g=0; g<original->labels[DAOX_DF_COL]->size; ++g){
			DaoxDataFrame_GetLabel( original, DAOX_DF_COL, g, jj, label );
			if( label->size > width ) width = label->size;
			if( width > maxwidth ) break;
		if( width > maxwidth ) width = maxwidth;
		DVector_PushInt( clabwidth, width );

	for(k=0; k<K; ++k){
		daoint kk = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[2], k );
		DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "Depth: " );
		DaoStream_WriteInt( stream, kk );
		DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, ";" );
		if( original->labels[DAOX_DF_DEP]->size ) DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "\nLabels:" );
		for(g=0; g<original->labels[DAOX_DF_DEP]->size; ++g){
			DaoxDataFrame_GetLabel( original, DAOX_DF_DEP, g, kk, label );
			DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, " " );
			DaoStream_WriteString( stream, label );
			DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, ";" );
		DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "\n" );
		for(j=0; j<M; j=J){
			int width2, width = idwidth+1;
			for(i=0; i<rlabwidth->size; ++i) width += rlabwidth->data.ints[i] + 1;
			width += 1;

			J = j;
			width2 = width;
			for(J=j; J<M; ++J){
				daoint jj = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[1], J );
				width2 += clabwidth->data.ints[J] + 2;
				if( width2 > 80 ){
					width2 -= clabwidth->data.ints[J] + 2;
			if( J == j ) J += 1;

			sprintf( buf, "from %" DAO_INT_FORMAT " to %" DAO_INT_FORMAT ":\n", j, J-1 );
			DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, j == 0 ? "| Columns " : "> Columns " );
			DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, buf );
			for(g=0; g<original->labels[DAOX_DF_COL]->size; ++g){
				sprintf( fmt, "%%-%is", width );
				sprintf( buf, fmt, j == 0 ? "|" : ">" );
				DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, buf );
				for(s=j; s<J; ++s){
					daoint jj = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[1], s );
					int width = clabwidth->data.ints[s];
					int align = aligns->data.ints[s];
					if( align ){
						sprintf( fmt, "%%-%is", width );
						sprintf( fmt, "%%%is", width );
					DaoxDataFrame_GetLabel( original, DAOX_DF_COL, g, jj, label );
					if( label->size > width ) DString_Reset( label, width );
					snprintf( buf, width+1, fmt, label->mbs );
					DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "  " );
					DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, buf );
				DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "\n" );
			printf( j == 0 ? "|" : ">" );
			while( --width2 ) printf( "-" );
			DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, J < M ? ">" : "|" );
			DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "\n" );
			for(i=0; i<N; ++i){
				daoint ii = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[0], i );
				sprintf( buf, idfmt, ii );
				DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, buf );
				for(g=0; g<original->labels[DAOX_DF_ROW]->size; ++g){
					int width = rlabwidth->data.ints[g];
					DaoxDataFrame_GetLabel( original, DAOX_DF_ROW, g, ii, label );
					if( label->size > width ) DString_Reset( label, width );
					if( g ) DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "," );
					sprintf( fmt, "%%-%is", width );
					snprintf( buf, width+1, fmt, label->mbs );
					DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, buf );
				DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, ": " );
				for(s=j; s<J; ++s){
					int scifmt = scifmts->data.ints[s];
					int dec = decimals->data.ints[s];
					int width = clabwidth->data.ints[s];
					daoint jj = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[2], s );
					DaoxDataColumn *col = (DaoxDataColumn*) original->columns->items.pVoid[jj];
					DaoValue *value = DaoxDataColumn_GetCell( col, i, & valueBuffer );

					DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "  " );
					if( value == NULL ){
						sprintf( fmt, "%%-%is", width );
						snprintf( buf, width+1, fmt, " " );
					}else if( value->type == DAO_INTEGER ){
						sprintf( fmt, "%%%i%s", width, DAO_INT_FORMAT );
						snprintf( buf, width+1, fmt, value->xInteger.value );
					}else if( value->type == DAO_FLOAT || value->type == DAO_DOUBLE ){
						double f = DaoValue_GetDouble( value );
						if( scifmt ){
							sprintf( fmt, "%%%iE", width );
							sprintf( fmt, "%%%i.%if", width, dec );
						snprintf( buf, width+1, fmt, f );
					}else if( value->type == DAO_COMPLEX ){
						complex16 com = value->xComplex.value;
						char s = com.imag>=0 ? '+' : '-';
						int w = width/2-2;
						int d = dec;
						if( scifmt ){
							sprintf( fmt, "(%%%i.3E,%%%i.3E)", w, w );
							sprintf( fmt, "(%%%i.%if,%%%i.%if)", w, d, w, d );
						snprintf( buf, width, fmt, com.real, com.imag );
						DString_Reset( sstream->streamString, 0 );
						DaoValue_Print( value, proc, sstream, NULL );
						DString_Reset( label, 0 );
						DString_Append( label, sstream->streamString );
						if( label->size > width ) DString_Reset( label, width );
						DString_ChangeMBS( label, "%t", "\\t", 0 );
						DString_ChangeMBS( label, "%n", "\\n", 0 );
						sprintf( fmt, "%%-%is", width );
						snprintf( buf, width+1, fmt, label->mbs );
					DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, buf );
				DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "\n" );
			DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "\n" );
	DaoStream_Delete( sstream );
	DVector_Delete( aligns );
	DVector_Delete( scifmts );
	DVector_Delete( decimals );
	DVector_Delete( rlabwidth );
	DVector_Delete( clabwidth );
	DString_Delete( label );