JBoolean JXFSBindingTable::ExtractInputData ( const JPoint& cell ) { assert( itsTextInput != NULL ); const JString& s = itsTextInput->GetText(); JBoolean ok = itsTextInput->InputValid(); if (ok && cell.x == kPatternColumn) { const JFSBinding* b = itsBindingList->GetBinding(cell.y); const JBoolean changed = JI2B(b->GetPattern() != s); if (JFSBinding::WillBeRegex(s)) { const JError err = itsTestRegex->SetPattern(s); err.ReportIfError(); ok = err.OK(); } JIndex newIndex; if (ok && changed && itsBindingList->SetPattern(cell.y, s, &newIndex)) { JTableSelection& s = GetTableSelection(); s.ClearSelection(); s.SelectCell(newIndex, kPatternColumn); Broadcast(DataChanged()); } else if (ok && changed) { ok = kJFalse; const JCharacter* map[] = { "pattern", s.GetCString() }; const JString msg = JGetString(kPatternUsedID, map, sizeof(map)); (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(msg); } } else if (ok && cell.x == kCommandColumn && itsBindingList->SetCommand(cell.y, s)) { Broadcast(DataChanged()); } return ok; }
void BaseTab::SetData(const TabRendererData& data) { if(data_.Equals(data)) { return; } TabRendererData old(data_); data_ = data; if(data_.IsCrashed()) { if(!should_display_crashed_favicon_ && !IsPerformingCrashAnimation()) { StartCrashAnimation(); } } else { if(IsPerformingCrashAnimation()) { StopCrashAnimation(); } ResetCrashedFavicon(); } DataChanged(old); Layout(); SchedulePaint(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : stringNumber - // length - // *userdata - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNetworkStringTable::SetStringUserData( int stringNumber, int length /*=0*/, const void *userdata /*= 0*/ ) { #ifdef _DEBUG if ( m_bLocked ) { DevMsg("Warning! CNetworkStringTable::SetStringUserData: changing entry %i while locked.\n", stringNumber ); } #endif INetworkStringDict *dict = m_pItems; int saveStringNumber = stringNumber; if ( m_pItemsClientSide && stringNumber < -1 ) { dict = m_pItemsClientSide; stringNumber = -stringNumber; } assert( (length == 0 && userdata == NULL) || ( length > 0 && userdata != NULL) ); assert( stringNumber >= 0 && stringNumber < (int)dict->Count() ); CNetworkStringTableItem *p = &dict->Element( stringNumber ); assert( p ); if ( p->SetUserData( m_nTickCount, length, userdata ) ) { // Mark changed DataChanged( saveStringNumber, p ); } }
void JXFSBindingTable::RemovePattern() { JPoint cell; if ((GetTableSelection()).GetFirstSelectedCell(&cell)) { if ((itsBindingList->GetBinding(cell.y))->IsSystemBinding()) { JGetUserNotification()->ReportError(JGetString(kCantRemoveSystemBindingID)); } else { CancelEditing(); if (itsBindingList->DeleteBinding(cell.y)) { RemoveRow(cell.y); } else { TableRefreshRow(cell.y); GetWindow()->Update(); (JGetUserNotification())->DisplayMessage(JGetString(kReplacedBySystemID)); } UpdateButtons(); Broadcast(DataChanged()); } } }
void __fastcall TCustomerDataSource::DeleteRecord(void * ARecordHandle) { FCustomers->Delete((int)ARecordHandle); DataChanged(); if(!Modified) FModified = true; }
void * __fastcall TCustomerDataSource::AppendRecord(void) { TCustomer* ACustomer = new TCustomer(FCustomers->NextID); TcxDataRecordHandle* Result = (TcxDataRecordHandle*)FCustomers->Add(ACustomer); DataChanged(); if (!Modified) FModified = true; return (Result); }
void * __fastcall TCustomerDataSource::InsertRecord(void * ARecordHandle) { TCustomer* ACustomer = new TCustomer(FCustomers->NextID); FCustomers->Insert((int)ARecordHandle, ACustomer); TcxDataRecordHandle* Result = (TcxDataRecordHandle*)ARecordHandle; DataChanged(); if(!Modified) FModified = true; return (Result); }
void WorkThread::run() { /*********************************************************/ /* Read input file, and initialize params and vars. This */ /* function calls SPECIES and LOAD or Restore */ start_(argc, argv); // init output file QString filename = "Qdust(t).txt"; QFile file(filename); // InitWindows(argc, argv); history(); fields(); int step=0; float *pot = phi; if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QTextStream stream(&file); stream.setRealNumberPrecision(20); while(True) { if(!stop){ // mutex.lock(); t += dt; move(); adjust(); mcc(); fields(); history(); if(((int)(t/dt))%2==0) stream << t<<"\t"<< qdust << "\t"<< energy_flux[0] <<"\t"<< energy_flux[1] << endl; updatePlasmaModel(); if(step%200==0 && step>0) { // stop=true; std::cout<< "Step "<<step<<": a signal sent to save data\n"<<endl; emit DataChanged(); } } else{ this->msleep(50); } step++; } } }
void SelectiveClustering::update() { this->NumberOfObjects = this->ObjectTable->GetNumberOfRows(); for ( vtkIdType currow = 0; currow < this->NumberOfObjects; currow++ ) { vtkIdType rowObjId = this->ObjectTable->GetValue( currow, 0 ).ToTypeInt64(); this->ObjectTableIDMap[ rowObjId ] = currow; } this->ClusterMap.clear(); this->CreateClusterTableHeaders(); this->ClusterTableIDMap.clear(); emit DataChanged(); }
VOID PlayerShop::CleanUp() { __ENTER_FUNCTION m_pPlayerShopDB->CleanUp(); //初始化摊位名,广告语 sprintf(m_pPlayerShopDB->m_szShopName, "杂货摊位"); m_PlayerShopRT.m_bSerial = 0; DataChanged(); __LEAVE_FUNCTION }
void ClusterManager::setClusteringModel(SelectiveClustering * newClusterModel) { /*! * Create link to SelectiveClustering */ if(this->ClusterModel) { delete this->ClusterModel; } this->ClusterModel = newClusterModel; connect(this->ClusterModel, SIGNAL(ClusterChanged()), this, SLOT(ChangeInClusters())); connect(this->ClusterModel, SIGNAL(DataChanged()), this, SLOT(ChangeInData())); }
void EditorLODData::ClearLODData() { lodLayersCount = 0; for(DAVA::int32 i = 0; i < DAVA::LodComponent::MAX_LOD_LAYERS; ++i) { lodDistances[i] = 0; lodTriangles[i] = 0; } lodData.clear(); emit DataChanged(); }
void MergedProxyModel::setSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel* source_model) { if (sourceModel()) { disconnect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(modelReset()), this, SLOT(SourceModelReset())); disconnect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(rowsAboutToBeInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(RowsAboutToBeInserted(QModelIndex,int,int))); disconnect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(rowsAboutToBeRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(RowsAboutToBeRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int))); disconnect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(RowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int))); disconnect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(RowsRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int))); disconnect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(DataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex))); disconnect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(layoutAboutToBeChanged()), this, SLOT(LayoutAboutToBeChanged())); disconnect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(layoutChanged()), this, SLOT(LayoutChanged())); } QAbstractProxyModel::setSourceModel(source_model); connect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(modelReset()), this, SLOT(SourceModelReset())); connect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(rowsAboutToBeInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(RowsAboutToBeInserted(QModelIndex,int,int))); connect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(rowsAboutToBeRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(RowsAboutToBeRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int))); connect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(RowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int))); connect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(RowsRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int))); connect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(DataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex))); connect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(layoutAboutToBeChanged()), this, SLOT(LayoutAboutToBeChanged())); connect(sourceModel(), SIGNAL(layoutChanged()), this, SLOT(LayoutChanged())); }
void JXFSBindingTable::Receive ( JBroadcaster* sender, const Message& message ) { if (sender == itsAddButton && message.Is(JXButton::kPushed)) { AddPattern(); } else if (sender == itsRemoveButton && message.Is(JXButton::kPushed)) { RemovePattern(); } else if (sender == itsDuplicateButton && message.Is(JXButton::kPushed)) { DuplicatePattern(); } else if (sender == itsTypeMenu && message.Is(JXMenu::kNeedsUpdate)) { UpdateTypeMenu(); } else if (sender == itsTypeMenu && message.Is(JXMenu::kItemSelected)) { const JXMenu::ItemSelected* selection = dynamic_cast<const JXMenu::ItemSelected*>(&message); assert( selection != NULL ); HandleTypeMenu(selection->GetIndex()); } else { if (sender == &(GetTableSelection())) { UpdateButtons(); } else if (message.Is(JTextEditor::kTextChanged)) { Broadcast(DataChanged()); } JXEditTable::Receive(sender, message); } }
void JXFSBindingTable::AddPattern() { if (EndEditing()) { const JFSBinding* b = itsBindingList->GetDefaultCommand(); JFSBinding::CommandType type; JBoolean singleFile; const JString& cmd = b->GetCommand(&type, &singleFile); const JIndex rowIndex = itsBindingList->AddBinding("", cmd, type, singleFile); InsertRows(rowIndex, 1); BeginEditing(JPoint(kPatternColumn, rowIndex)); Broadcast(DataChanged()); } }
void JXFSBindingTable::HandleTypeMenu ( const JIndex index ) { JPoint cell; const JBoolean ok = (GetTableSelection()).GetFirstSelectedCell(&cell); assert( ok ); const JFSBinding::CommandType newType = kMenuIndexToCmdType [ index-1 ]; if (itsBindingList->SetCommandType(cell.y, newType)) { TableRefreshRow(cell.y); Broadcast(DataChanged()); } }
void JXFSBindingTable::DuplicatePattern() { JPoint cell; if ((GetTableSelection()).GetFirstSelectedCell(&cell) && EndEditing()) { const JFSBinding* b = itsBindingList->GetBinding(cell.y); JFSBinding::CommandType type; JBoolean singleFile; const JString& cmd = b->GetCommand(&type, &singleFile); const JIndex rowIndex = itsBindingList->AddBinding("", cmd, type, singleFile); InsertRows(rowIndex, 1); BeginEditing(JPoint(kPatternColumn, rowIndex)); Broadcast(DataChanged()); } }
void JXFSBindingTable::HandleMouseDown ( const JPoint& pt, const JXMouseButton button, const JSize clickCount, const JXButtonStates& buttonStates, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { JTableSelection& s = GetTableSelection(); s.ClearSelection(); JPoint cell; if (button == kJXLeftButton && GetCell(pt, &cell)) { s.SelectCell(cell); TableScrollToCell(cell); if (cell.x == kPatternColumn || cell.x == kCommandColumn) { BeginEditing(cell); } else if (cell.x == kTypeColumn) { itsTypeMenu->PopUp(this, pt, buttonStates, modifiers); } else if (cell.x == kSingleFileColumn) { itsBindingList->ToggleSingleFile(cell.y); TableRefreshRow(cell.y); Broadcast(DataChanged()); } } else { ScrollForWheel(button, modifiers); } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *value - // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CNetworkStringTable::AddString( bool bIsServer, const char *string, int length /*= -1*/, const void *userdata /*= NULL*/ ) { bool bHasChanged; CNetworkStringTableItem *item; if ( !string ) { Assert( string ); ConMsg( "Warning: Can't add NULL string to table %s\n", GetTableName() ); return INVALID_STRING_INDEX; } #ifdef _DEBUG if ( m_bLocked ) { DevMsg("Warning! CNetworkStringTable::AddString: adding '%s' while locked.\n", string ); } #endif int i = m_pItems->Find( string ); if ( !bIsServer ) { if ( m_pItems->IsValidIndex( i ) && !m_pItemsClientSide ) { bIsServer = true; } } if ( !bIsServer && m_pItemsClientSide ) { i = m_pItemsClientSide->Find( string ); if ( !m_pItemsClientSide->IsValidIndex( i ) ) { // not in list yet, create it now if ( m_pItemsClientSide->Count() >= (unsigned int)GetMaxStrings() ) { // Too many strings, FIXME: Print warning message ConMsg( "Warning: Table %s is full, can't add %s\n", GetTableName(), string ); return INVALID_STRING_INDEX; } // create new item { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); i = m_pItemsClientSide->Insert( string ); } item = &m_pItemsClientSide->Element( i ); // set changed ticks item->m_nTickChanged = m_nTickCount; #ifndef SHARED_NET_STRING_TABLES item->m_nTickCreated = m_nTickCount; if ( m_bChangeHistoryEnabled ) { item->EnableChangeHistory(); } #endif bHasChanged = true; } else { item = &m_pItemsClientSide->Element( i ); // item already exists bHasChanged = false; // not changed yet } if ( length > -1 ) { if ( item->SetUserData( m_nTickCount, length, userdata ) ) { bHasChanged = true; } } if ( bHasChanged && !m_bChangeHistoryEnabled ) { DataChanged( -i, item ); } // Negate i for returning to client i = -i; } else { // See if it's already there i = m_pItems->Find( string ); if ( !m_pItems->IsValidIndex( i ) ) { // not in list yet, create it now if ( m_pItems->Count() >= (unsigned int)GetMaxStrings() ) { // Too many strings, FIXME: Print warning message ConMsg( "Warning: Table %s is full, can't add %s\n", GetTableName(), string ); return INVALID_STRING_INDEX; } // create new item { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); i = m_pItems->Insert( string ); } item = &m_pItems->Element( i ); // set changed ticks item->m_nTickChanged = m_nTickCount; #ifndef SHARED_NET_STRING_TABLES item->m_nTickCreated = m_nTickCount; if ( m_bChangeHistoryEnabled ) { item->EnableChangeHistory(); } #endif bHasChanged = true; } else { item = &m_pItems->Element( i ); // item already exists bHasChanged = false; // not changed yet } if ( length > -1 ) { if ( item->SetUserData( m_nTickCount, length, userdata ) ) { bHasChanged = true; } } if ( bHasChanged && !m_bChangeHistoryEnabled ) { DataChanged( i, item ); } } return i; }
void CGraphPlugIn::SetRange(range r) { fRange = r; DataChanged(); } // CGraphPlugin::SetRange