文件: d-print.c 项目: kealist/ren-c
*/	void Debug_Uni(const REBSER *ser)
**		Print debug unicode string followed by a newline.
	REBYTE buf[1024];
	REBUNI *up = UNI_HEAD(ser);
	REBINT size = Length_As_UTF8(up, SERIES_TAIL(ser), TRUE, OS_CRLF);

	REBINT disabled = GC_Disabled;
	GC_Disabled = 1;

	while (size > 0) {
		ul = Encode_UTF8(buf, MIN(size, 1020), up, &bl, TRUE, OS_CRLF);
		Debug_String(buf, bl, 0, 0);
		size -= ul;
		up += ul;


	assert(GC_Disabled == 1);
	GC_Disabled = disabled;
Bool TLFileSys::TFileCollada::CreateDatum(TLAsset::TMesh& Mesh,TRefRef DatumRef,TRefRef DatumShapeType,const TLAsset::TMesh& GeometryMesh)
	TPtr<TLMaths::TShape> pShape;

	if ( DatumShapeType == TLMaths::TSphere2D::GetTypeRef() )
		//	get box of points for extents
		TLMaths::TBox2D Box;
		Box.Accumulate( GeometryMesh.GetVertexes() );
		pShape = new TLMaths::TShapeSphere2D( Box );
	else if ( DatumShapeType == TLMaths::TSphere::GetTypeRef() )
		//	get box of points for extents
		TLMaths::TBox Box;
		Box.Accumulate( GeometryMesh.GetVertexes() );
		pShape = new TLMaths::TShapeSphere( Box );
	else if ( DatumShapeType == TLMaths::TOblong2D::GetTypeRef() )
		//	gr: no limit on vertexes any more... TOblong2D shape needs to turn into a TPolygon2D shape
		pShape = new TLMaths::TShapePolygon2D( GeometryMesh.GetVertexes() );
	else if ( DatumShapeType == TLMaths::TCapsule2D::GetTypeRef() )
		//	get box of points for extents
		TLMaths::TBox2D Box;
		Box.Accumulate( GeometryMesh.GetVertexes() );
		pShape = new TLMaths::TShapeCapsule2D( Box );
	else if ( DatumShapeType == TLMaths::TBox2D::GetTypeRef() )
		//	get box of points for extents
		TLMaths::TBox2D Box;
		Box.Accumulate( GeometryMesh.GetVertexes() );
		pShape = new TLMaths::TShapeBox2D( Box );
	else if ( DatumShapeType == TLMaths::TBox::GetTypeRef() )
		//	get box of points for extents
		TLMaths::TBox Box;
		Box.Accumulate( GeometryMesh.GetVertexes() );
		pShape = new TLMaths::TShapeBox( Box );

	//	created okay
	if ( pShape )
		//	add datum
		Mesh.AddDatum( DatumRef, pShape );
		return TRUE;

#ifdef _DEBUG
	TTempString Debug_String("Unknown datum shape type ");
	DatumShapeType.GetString( Debug_String );
	return FALSE;
文件: d-print.c 项目: mbk/ren-c
*/	void Debug_Str(const char *str)
**		Print a string followed by a newline.
	Debug_String(cb_cast(str), UNKNOWN, 0, 1);
//	create a menu. default just loads menu definition from assets, overload to create custom menus
TPtr<TLAsset::TMenu> TLMenu::TMenuController::CreateMenu(TRefRef MenuRef)
	//	find menu asset - note: this has to be block loaded because its not too easy to make this an async operation
	TPtr<TLAsset::TMenu> pMenuAsset = TLAsset::GetAssetPtr<TLAsset::TMenu>( MenuRef );
	if ( !pMenuAsset )
		TTempString Debug_String("Failed to find menu asset ");
		MenuRef.GetString( Debug_String );
		TLDebug_Warning( Debug_String );
	return pMenuAsset;
文件: d-print.c 项目: mbk/ren-c
*/	void Debug_Line(void)
	Debug_String(cb_cast(""), UNKNOWN, 0, 1);
//	process a click and detect clicks on/off our render node. return SyncWait if we didnt process it and want to process again
SyncBool TLGui::TWidgetThumbStick::ProcessClick(TClick& Click,TLRender::TScreen& Screen,TLRender::TRenderTarget& RenderTarget,TLRender::TRenderNode& RenderNode,const TLMaths::TShapeSphere2D& BoundsDatum,const TLMaths::TShape* pClickDatum)
	Bool bClickAction = TLGui::g_pWidgetManager->IsClickActionRef(Click.GetActionRef());
	Bool bMoveAction = TLGui::g_pWidgetManager->IsMoveActionRef(Click.GetActionRef());
	Bool bCurrentAction = FALSE;
	Bool bActionPair = FALSE;
		bCurrentAction = (Click.GetActionRef() == m_ActionBeingProcessedRef);
		bActionPair = TLGui::g_pWidgetManager->IsActionPair(m_ActionBeingProcessedRef, Click.GetActionRef());
	Bool bTestIntersection = FALSE;
		if(bClickAction && bCurrentAction)
			if(Click.GetActionType() == TLGui_WidgetActionType_Up )
				OnClickEnd( Click );
				return SyncTrue;
		else if(bMoveAction && bActionPair)
			bTestIntersection = TRUE;
	else if(bClickAction)
		if(Click.GetActionType() == TLGui_WidgetActionType_Up )
				OnClickEnd( Click );
				return SyncTrue;
			// No 'click' action in progress yet.  Test intersection
			bTestIntersection = TRUE;
		return SyncFalse;

	//	see if ray intersects our object, and creates a valid ray
	SyncBool Intersection = IsIntersecting(Screen, RenderTarget, RenderNode, BoundsDatum, pClickDatum, Click );

	if ( Intersection == SyncTrue )
			m_ActionBeingProcessedRef = Click.GetActionRef();
	else if ( Intersection == SyncFalse )
		OnClickEnd( Click );
		return SyncFalse;
	else if ( Intersection == SyncWait )
		return SyncWait;

	SyncBool Result = TWidget::ProcessClick(Click, Screen, RenderTarget, RenderNode);
	if(Result != SyncTrue)
		return Result;
	// Custom OnClick effectively...

	//	get the 2d circle bounds as the thumbstick
	//	if not valid, wait till next frame (off-screen?)
	const TLMaths::TShapeSphere2D& BoundsSphere = RenderNode.GetWorldBoundsSphere2D();
	if ( !BoundsSphere.IsValid() )
		return SyncWait;

	//	get vector from center of the sphere to the click point
	float2 ClickVector = Click.GetWorldRay().GetStart().xy() - BoundsSphere.GetCenter().xy();

	//	normalise vector to 0..1 in the sphere
	ClickVector /= BoundsSphere.GetSphere().GetRadius();

	//	get length to work out normalised vector and if we're in the deadzone
	float VectorLen = ClickVector.Length();

	//	in the dead zone, return TRUE (processed click) but don't send out a message
	//	this "ignores" the click
	if ( VectorLen <= m_DeadZone )
		return SyncTrue;

	//	send out thumb stick message
	TRef ActionOutRef = m_ActionOutDown;

	if ( ActionOutRef.IsValid() )
	#ifdef _DEBUG
		TTempString Debug_String("WidgetThumbstick (");
		m_RenderNodeRef.GetString( Debug_String );
		Debug_String.Append(") sending thumbstick message: ");
		ActionOutRef.GetString( Debug_String );
		Debug_String.Appendf(": %.2f, %.2f", ClickVector.x, ClickVector.y );
		TLDebug_Print( Debug_String );
		//	make up fake input message
		TLMessaging::TMessage Message(TRef_Static(A,c,t,i,o));
		Message.Write( ActionOutRef );
		Message.ExportData("RawData", ClickVector );

		//	send message
		PublishMessage( Message );

	return SyncTrue;
//	parse XML tag to Binary data[tree]
Bool TLFile::ParseXMLDataTree(TXmlTag& Tag,TBinaryTree& Data)
		XML examples
		//	root data

		// put in "translate" child
		<Data DataRef="translate"><float3>0,40,0</float3></Data> 

		//	"Node" data inside "NodeList" data
		<Data DataRef="NodeList">
			<Bool>TRUE</Bool>	//	written to "NodeList"
			<Data DataRef="Node"><TRef>ohai</TRef></Data> 

	//	read the data ref
	const TString* pDataRefString = Tag.GetProperty("DataRef");
	TRef DataRef( pDataRefString ? *pDataRefString : "" );

	//	establish the data we're writing data to
	TPtr<TBinaryTree> pDataChild;

	//	add a child to the node data if it has a ref, otherwise data is added to root of the node
	if ( DataRef.IsValid() )
		pDataChild = Data.AddChild( DataRef );
		//	failed to add child data...
		if ( !pDataChild )
			TLDebug_Break("failed to add child data");
			return FALSE;

	//	import contents of data
	TBinaryTree& NodeData = pDataChild ? *pDataChild.GetObjectPointer() : Data;

	//	if the tag has no children (eg. type like <float />) but DOES have data (eg. 1.0) throw up an error and fail
	//	assume the data is malformed and someone has forgotten to add the type specifier. 
	//	if something automated has output it and doesnt know the type it should still output it as hex raw data
	if ( !Tag.GetChildren().GetSize() && Tag.GetDataString().GetLength() > 0 )
		TTempString Debug_String("<Data ");
		DataRef.GetString( Debug_String );
		Debug_String.Append("> tag with no children, but DOES have data inside (eg. 1.0). Missing type specifier? (eg. <flt3>)\n");
		Debug_String.Append( Tag.GetDataString() );
		TLDebug_Break( Debug_String );
		return SyncFalse;

	//	deal with child tags
	for ( u32 c=0;	c<Tag.GetChildren().GetSize();	c++ )
		TPtr<TXmlTag>& pChildTag = Tag.GetChildren().ElementAt(c);

		SyncBool TagImportResult = SyncFalse;

		if ( pChildTag->GetTagName() == "data" )
			//	import child data
			if ( ParseXMLDataTree( *pChildTag, NodeData ) )
				TagImportResult = SyncTrue;
				TagImportResult = SyncFalse;

			if ( TagImportResult != SyncTrue )
			TRef DataTypeRef = TLFile::GetDataTypeFromString( pChildTag->GetTagName() );

			//	update type of data
			//	gr: DONT do this, if the type is mixed, this overwrites it. Setting the DataTypeHint should be automaticly done when we Write() in ImportBinaryData
			//NodeData.SetDataTypeHint( DataTypeRef );

			TagImportResult = TLFile::ImportBinaryData( pChildTag->GetDataString(), NodeData, DataTypeRef );

			//	gr: just to check the data hint is being set from the above function...
			if ( TagImportResult == SyncTrue && !NodeData.GetDataTypeHint().IsValid() && NodeData.GetSize() > 0 )
				TTempString Debug_String("Data imported is missing data type hint after successfull write? We just wrote data type ");
				DataTypeRef.GetString( Debug_String );
				Debug_String.Append(". This can be ignored if the data is mixed types");
				TLDebug_Break( Debug_String );

		//	failed
		if ( TagImportResult == SyncFalse )
			TTempString str;
			str << "failed to import <data> tag \"" << pChildTag->GetTagName() << "\"";			
			TLDebug_Break( str );
			return FALSE;

		//	async is unsupported
		if ( TagImportResult == SyncWait )
			TLDebug_Break("todo: async Scheme import");
			return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
TRef TLFile::GetDataTypeFromString(const TString& String)
	//	turn string into a ref and check against the ref types...
	TRef StringRef( String );

	//	add "tootle data xml" supported types to this case statement
	switch ( StringRef.GetData() )
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(TRef):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(Bool):

		case TLBinary_TypeRef(float):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(float2):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(float3):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(float4):

		case TLBinary_TypeRef(u8):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(u16):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(u32):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(u64):

		case TLBinary_TypeRef(s8):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(s16):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(s32):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(s64):

		case TLBinary_TypeRef_Hex8:
		case TLBinary_TypeRef_Hex16:
		case TLBinary_TypeRef_Hex32:
		case TLBinary_TypeRef_Hex64:

		case TLBinary_TypeRef(TQuaternion):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(TEuler):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(TAxisAngle):

		case TLBinary_TypeRef(TColour):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(TColour24):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(TColour32):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef(TColour64):
		case TLBinary_TypeRef_String:
		case TLBinary_TypeRef_WideString:
			//	matches an existing data type ref
			return StringRef;


#ifdef _DEBUG
	TTempString Debug_String("Warning: using old data type name ");
	Debug_String.Append( String );
	TLDebug_Print( Debug_String );

	//	old string -> type detection
	if ( String == "float" )		return TLBinary::GetDataTypeRef<float>();
	if ( String == "float2" )		return TLBinary::GetDataTypeRef<float2>();
	if ( String == "float3" )		return TLBinary::GetDataTypeRef<float3>();
	if ( String == "float4" )		return TLBinary::GetDataTypeRef<float4>();
	if ( String == "quaternion" )	return TLBinary::GetDataTypeRef<TLMaths::TQuaternion>();
	if ( String == "colour" )		return TLBinary::GetDataTypeRef<TColour>();

	//	unknown type
#ifdef _DEBUG
	Debug_String.Set("Unsupported data type ");
	Debug_String.Append( String );
	TLDebug_Break( Debug_String );

	return TRef_Invalid;