void LoopMachine::prepareToPlay(int samplesPerBlockExpected, double sampleRate) {
    if (expectedBufferSize == 0)
        expectedBufferSize = samplesPerBlockExpected;
//    std::cout << "MPD: CPP: LoopMachine::prepareToPlay:samplesPerBlockExpected=" << samplesPerBlockExpected << ", sampleRate=" << sampleRate << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < groupIxToLoopInfo.size(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < groupIxToLoopInfo[i]->size(); j++) {
//            std::cout << "MPD: CPP: LoopMachine::prepareToPlay:group " << i << ", sample " << j << std::endl;
            (*groupIxToLoopInfo[i])[j]->reader->prepareToPlay(samplesPerBlockExpected, sampleRate);
    if (!dirac) {
//        std::cout << "MPD: CPP: LoopMachine::prepareToPlay:creating dirac FX object" << std::endl;
        // out with the old style...
//        dirac = DiracFxCreate(kDiracQualityGood, fixedBpmTransport.getSampleRate(), 1);
//        latency = DiracFxLatencyFrames(fixedBpmTransport.getSampleRate());
//        audioEngine.getTransport().setLatency(latency);
        // ...in with the new (but nothings new bout being hocked by a few)
        mthis = this;
        dirac = DiracCreate(kDiracLambdaPreview, kDiracQualityPreview, 1,
                            sampleRate, DiracDataProviderCb, this);
//        std::cout << "MPD: F*****G BUG: " << dirac << " and " << this << std::endl;
        if (!dirac)
            throw AudioEngineException("!! ERROR !!\n\n\tCould not create Dirac instance\n\tCheck sample rate!\n");
        DiracSetProperty(kDiracPropertyTimeFactor, 1, dirac);
        DiracSetProperty(kDiracPropertyPitchFactor, 1, dirac);
    prevBpm = audioEngine.getTransport().getBpm();
int main()
	// Create and init output file "out.aif"
#ifdef __APPLE__
	char infileName[]="voice.aif";
	char infileName[]="../../voice.aif";
	char oufileName[]="out.aif";

	long numChannels = 1;							// DIRAC LE allows mono only, PRO can do stereo (and more) as well
	float sr = mAiffGetSampleRate(infileName);		// get sample rate from our input file
	if (sr <= 0.) {
		printf("ERROR: File not found\n");
	// We stuff all our programs' state variables that we need to access in order to read from the file in a struct
	// You will normally pass your instance pointer "this" as userData, but since this is not a class we cannot do this here
	userDataStruct state;
	state.sNumChannels = numChannels;
	state.sReadPosition = 0;
	state.sInFileName = new char[strlen(infileName)+1];
	memmove(state.sInFileName, infileName, (strlen(infileName)+1)*sizeof(char));

    // First we set up DIRAC to process numChannels of audio
	void *dirac = DiracCreate(kDiracLambda1, kDiracQualityBest, numChannels, sr, &myReadData, (void*)&state);
	if (!dirac) {
		printf("!! ERROR !!\n\n\tCould not create DIRAC instance\n\tCheck number of channels and sample rate!\n");
	// Initialize our output file
	mAiffInitFile(oufileName, sr /* sample rate */, 16 /* bits */, numChannels);

	// these are arbitrary regions in the file */
#define NUM_PARTS	17
	SoundFileRegion regions[NUM_PARTS] = {	{0,			4257,	1.0, 1.0},
											{4257,		10741,	1.0, 1.0},
											{14999,		-20471,	1.0, 1.5},	/* negative length means reverse playback direction */
											{35470,		-12161,	1.0, 1.0},
											{47631,		9323,	2.0, 1.0},
											{56954,		18647,	1.0, 1.5},
											{75601,		9121,	2.0, 1.0},
											{84722,		22903,	1.0, 1.0},
											{107625,	19863,	1.0, 1.0},
											{107625,	19863,	1.0, pow(2., 1./12.)}, /* repeat and change pitch */
											{107625,	19863,	1.0, pow(2., 2./12.)}, /* repeat and change pitch */
											{127488,	39117,	1.0, .5},
											{166605,	-11553,	2.0, 1.0},
											{178158,	20269,	1.0, 1.0},
											{198427,	17430,	2.0, 1.0},
											{215857,	23309,	1.0, 1.5},
											{239166,	35266,	1.0, 1.0}	};
	for (int i=0; i<NUM_PARTS; i++)
		printf("Processing region \t%d: {start: %d, length: %d} \twith time stretch %1.2f and pitch shift %1.2f\n", 
			   i, regions[i].sStartFrameInFile, regions[i].sNumFrames, (float)regions[i].sTimeStretchFactor, (float)regions[i].sPitchShiftFactor);
		/* determine the region length (output) in frames by multiplying input region length with time stretch factor */
		long numOutFrames = regions[i].sTimeStretchFactor * abs(regions[i].sNumFrames);
		/* set Dirac properties according to desired settings */
		DiracSetProperty(kDiracPropertyTimeFactor, regions[i].sTimeStretchFactor, dirac);
		DiracSetProperty(kDiracPropertyPitchFactor, regions[i].sPitchShiftFactor, dirac);
		DiracSetProperty(kDiracPropertyFormantFactor, 1./regions[i].sPitchShiftFactor, dirac);	/* optional */
		/* allocate buffer to hold output frames */
		float **audio = mAiffAllocateAudioBuffer(numChannels, numOutFrames);
		/* set read position to begin of region */
		state.sReadPosition = regions[i].sStartFrameInFile;
		/* process region */
		DiracProcess(audio, numOutFrames, dirac);
		/* fade region to prevent glitches */
		if (regions[i].sNumFrames < 0)
			reverseBlock(audio, numChannels, numOutFrames);
		fadeBlock(audio, numChannels, numOutFrames);
		/* write region to file */
		mAiffWriteData(oufileName, audio, numOutFrames, numChannels);
		/*  get rid of audio buffer */
		mAiffDeallocateAudioBuffer(audio, numChannels);
		/* reset Dirac instance for next region */
		DiracReset(false, dirac);
	// destroy DIRAC instance
	DiracDestroy( dirac );
	// free our file name
	delete[] state.sInFileName;
    // Done!
	/* Open audio file via system call */
#ifdef __APPLE__
	system("open out.aif");
#elif defined _WIN32
	system("start out.aif");
#elif defined __unix__
	system("xdg-open out.aif");
	return 0;
int main()
	// Create and init output file "out.aif"
#ifdef __APPLE__
	char infileName[]="test.aif";
	char infileName[]="../../test.aif";
	char oufileName[]="out.aif";

	long numChannels = 1;							// DIRAC LE allows mono only, our PRO Demo can do stereo (and more) as well
	float sr = mAiffGetSampleRate(infileName);		// get sample rate from our input file
	if (sr <= 0.) {
		printf("ERROR: File not found\n");
	// We stuff all our programs' state variables that we need to access in order to read from the file in a struct
	// You will normally pass your instance pointer "this" as userData, but since this is not a class we cannot do this here
	userDataStruct state;
	state.sNumChannels = numChannels;
	state.sReadPosition = 0;
	state.sInFileName = new char[strlen(infileName)+1];
	memmove(state.sInFileName, infileName, (strlen(infileName)+1)*sizeof(char));

    // First we set up DIRAC to process numChannels of audio
	// N.b.: The fastest option is kDiracLambdaPreview / kDiracQualityPreview, best is kDiracLambda3 / kDiracQualityBest
	// For extreme stretch ratios we recommend kDiracLambdaTranscribe / kDiracQualityGood as this will produce less artifacts
	// The probably best default option for general purpose signals is kDiracLambda3 / kDiracQualityGood
	void *dirac = DiracCreate(kDiracLambdaPreview, kDiracQualityPreview, numChannels, sr, &myReadData, (void*)&state);		// (1) fastest
	//void *dirac = DiracCreate(kDiracLambda1, kDiracQualityBest, numChannels, sr, &myReadData, (void*)&state);				// (2) best for voice
	//void *dirac = DiracCreate(kDiracLambda3, kDiracQualityBest, numChannels, sr, &myReadData, (void*)&state);				// (3) best general purpose option
	//void *dirac = DiracCreate(kDiracLambdaTranscribe, kDiracQualityBest, numChannels, sr, &myReadData, (void*)&state);	// (4) for extreme ratios
	if (!dirac) {
		printf("!! ERROR !!\n\n\tCould not create DIRAC instance\n\tCheck number of channels and sample rate!\n");
	// Initialize our output file
	mAiffInitFile(oufileName, sr /* sample rate */, 16 /* bits */, numChannels);
    // Here we set our time an pitch manipulation values
    float time      = 1.13;                 // 113% length
	float pitch     = pow(2., 0./12.);     // pitch shift (0 semitones)
	float formant   = pow(2., 0./12.);    // formant shift (0 semitones). N.b. formants are reciprocal to pitch in natural transposing. Setting this != 1.0 uses a lot more CPU!
    // Pass the values to our DIRAC instance 	
    DiracSetProperty(kDiracPropertyTimeFactor, time, dirac);
    DiracSetProperty(kDiracPropertyPitchFactor, pitch, dirac);
    DiracSetProperty(kDiracPropertyFormantFactor, formant, dirac);
	// Print our settings to the console

    printf("Running DIRAC version %s\nStarting processing\n", DiracVersion());
	// Get the number of frames from the file to display our simplistic progress bar
	float numf = mAiffGetNumberOfFrames(infileName);
    unsigned long outframes = 0;
    unsigned long newOutframe = numf*time;
    long lastPercent = -1;
    // This is an arbitrary number of frames. Change as you see fit
    long numFrames = 8192;
    // Allocate buffer for output
	float **audio = mAiffAllocateAudioBuffer(numChannels, numFrames);
	// for time measurement
	double bavg = 0;
	for(;;) {
		DiracStartClock();								// ............................. start timer ..........................................
        // Call the DIRAC process function with current time and pitch settings
        // Returns: the number of frames in audio
        long ret = DiracProcess(audio, numFrames, dirac);
		bavg += (numFrames/sr);
		gExecTimeTotal += DiracClockTimeSeconds();		// ............................. stop timer ..........................................

		// print performance measurements
		long percent = 100.f*(double)outframes / (double)newOutframe;
        if (lastPercent != percent) {
            printf("\t%d%% done, avg. algorithm speed vs. realtime = %3.2f : 1 (DSP only), CPU load (peak, DSP+disk): %3.2f%%\n", (int)percent, bavg/gExecTimeTotal, DiracPeakCpuUsagePercent(dirac));
            lastPercent = percent;
        // Write the data to the output file
        mAiffWriteData(oufileName, audio, numFrames, numChannels);
        // Increase our counter for the percentage
        outframes += numFrames;
        // As soon as we've written enough frames we exit the main loop
		if (ret <= 0) break;
    // Free buffers
	mAiffDeallocateAudioBuffer(audio, numChannels);
	// destroy DIRAC instance
	DiracDestroy( dirac );
	// free our file name
	delete[] state.sInFileName;
    // Done!
	/* Open audio file via system call */
#ifdef __APPLE__
	system("open out.aif");
#elif defined _WIN32
	system("start out.aif");
#elif defined __unix__
	system("xdg-open out.aif");
	return 0;