  Simple arm disassembler via a library

  Argv[0] - disasm
  Argv[1] - Address to start disassembling from
  ARgv[2] - Number of instructions to disassembly (optional)

  @param  Argc   Number of command arguments in Argv
  @param  Argv   Array of strings that represent the parsed command line. 
                 Argv[0] is the comamnd name

  @return EFI_SUCCESS

EblDisassembler (
  IN UINTN  Argc,
  IN CHAR8  **Argv
  UINT8   *Ptr, *CurrentAddress;
  UINT32  Address;
  UINT32  Count;
  CHAR8   Buffer[80];
  UINT32  ItBlock;
  if (Argc < 2) {
  Address = AsciiStrHexToUintn (Argv[1]);
  Count   = (Argc > 2) ? (UINT32)AsciiStrHexToUintn (Argv[2]) : 20;

  Ptr = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)Address;  
  ItBlock = 0;
  do {
    CurrentAddress = Ptr;
    DisassembleInstruction (&Ptr, TRUE, TRUE, &ItBlock, Buffer, sizeof (Buffer));
    AsciiPrint ("0x%08x: %a\n", CurrentAddress, Buffer);
  } while (Count-- > 0);

  return EFI_SUCCESS;
// Print disassembled instructions
// Return value: number of words in the last instruction
int PrintDisassemble(CProcessor* pProc, WORD address, BOOL okOneInstr, BOOL okShort)
    BOOL okHaltMode = pProc->IsHaltMode();

    const int nWindowSize = 30;
    WORD memory[nWindowSize + 2];
    int addrtype;
    for (int i = 0; i < nWindowSize + 2; i++)
        memory[i] = g_pBoard->GetWordView(address + i * 2, okHaltMode, TRUE, &addrtype);

    TCHAR bufaddr[7];
    TCHAR bufvalue[7];
    TCHAR buffer[64];

    int lastLength = 0;
    int length = 0;
    for (int index = 0; index < nWindowSize; index++)  // –исуем строки
        PrintOctalValue(bufaddr, address);
        WORD value = memory[index];
        PrintOctalValue(bufvalue, value);

        if (length > 0)
            if (!okShort)
                wsprintf(buffer, _T("  %s  %s\r\n"), bufaddr, bufvalue);
            if (okOneInstr && index > 0)
            TCHAR instr[8];
            TCHAR args[32];
            length = DisassembleInstruction(memory + index, address, instr, args);
            lastLength = length;
            if (index + length > nWindowSize)
            if (okShort)
                wsprintf(buffer, _T("  %s  %-7s %s\r\n"), bufaddr, instr, args);
                wsprintf(buffer, _T("  %s  %s  %-7s %s\r\n"), bufaddr, bufvalue, instr, args);
        address += 2;

    return lastLength;
void UnassembleCommand(void) {
  int count = 8; // Default instruction count to display
  Sb(); if (IsDwDebugNumeric(NextCh())) {Uaddr = ReadInstructionAddress("U"); Wl();}
  Sb(); if (IsDwDebugNumeric(NextCh())) {count = ReadNumber(0);}
  Sb(); if (!DwEoln()) {Wsl("Unrecognised parameters on unassemble command.");}

  int firstByte = Uaddr;
  int limitByte = min(firstByte + count*4, FlashSize()); // Allow for up to 2 words per instruction
  int length    = limitByte - firstByte;

  if (length <= 0) {Fail("Nothing to disassemble.");}

  u8 buf[length+2];
  DwReadFlash(firstByte, length, buf);
  buf[length] = 0; buf[length+1] = 0;

  while (1) {
    Uaddr += DisassembleInstruction(Uaddr, &buf[Uaddr-firstByte]);
    if (count <= 0  ||  Uaddr >= FlashSize()) {return;}
int DisasmView_DrawDisassemble(HDC hdc, CProcessor* pProc, WORD base, WORD previous, int x, int y)
    int result = -1;
    int cxChar, cyLine;  GetFontWidthAndHeight(hdc, &cxChar, &cyLine);
    COLORREF colorText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);

    const CMemoryController* pMemCtl = pProc->GetMemoryController();
    WORD proccurrent = pProc->GetPC();
    WORD current = base;

    // Draw current line background
    if (!m_okDisasmSubtitles)  //NOTE: Subtitles can move lines down
        HGDIOBJ oldBrush = SelectObject(hdc, CreateSolidBrush(COLOR_CURRENT));
        int yCurrent = (proccurrent - (current - 5)) * cyLine;
        PatBlt(hdc, 0, yCurrent, 1000, cyLine, PATCOPY);
        SelectObject(hdc, oldBrush);

    // Читаем из памяти процессора в буфер
    const int nWindowSize = 30;
    WORD memory[nWindowSize + 2];
    for (int idx = 0; idx < nWindowSize; idx++)
        BOOL okValidAddress;
        memory[idx] = pMemCtl->GetWordView(
                (WORD)(current + idx * 2 - 10), pProc->IsHaltMode(), TRUE, &okValidAddress);

    WORD address = current - 10;
    WORD disasmfrom = current;
    if (previous >= address && previous < current)
        disasmfrom = previous;

    int length = 0;
    WORD wNextBaseAddr = 0;
    for (int index = 0; index < nWindowSize; index++)  // Рисуем строки
        if (m_okDisasmSubtitles)  // Subtitles - комментарий к блоку
            DisasmSubtitleItem* pSubItem = DisasmView_FindSubtitle(address, SUBTYPE_BLOCKCOMMENT);
            if (pSubItem != NULL && pSubItem->comment != NULL)
                LPCTSTR strBlockSubtitle = pSubItem->comment;

                ::SetTextColor(hdc, COLOR_SUBTITLE);
                TextOut(hdc, x + 21 * cxChar, y, strBlockSubtitle, (int) _tcslen(strBlockSubtitle));
                ::SetTextColor(hdc, colorText);

                y += cyLine;

        DrawOctalValue(hdc, x + 5 * cxChar, y, address);  // Address
        // Value at the address
        WORD value = memory[index];
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, COLOR_VALUE);
        DrawOctalValue(hdc, x + 13 * cxChar, y, value);
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, colorText);

        // Current position
        if (address == current)
            TextOut(hdc, x + 1 * cxChar, y, _T("  >"), 3);
            result = y;  // Remember line for the focus rect
        if (address == proccurrent)
            TextOut(hdc, x + 1 * cxChar, y, _T("PC>>"), 4);
        else if (address == previous)
            ::SetTextColor(hdc, COLOR_BLUE);
            TextOut(hdc, x + 1 * cxChar, y, _T("  > "), 4);

        BOOL okData = FALSE;
        if (m_okDisasmSubtitles)  // Show subtitle
            DisasmSubtitleItem* pSubItem = DisasmView_FindSubtitle(address, SUBTYPE_COMMENT | SUBTYPE_DATA);
            if (pSubItem != NULL && (pSubItem->type & SUBTYPE_DATA) != 0)
                okData = TRUE;
            if (pSubItem != NULL && (pSubItem->type & SUBTYPE_COMMENT) != 0 && pSubItem->comment != NULL)
                LPCTSTR strSubtitle = pSubItem->comment;

                ::SetTextColor(hdc, COLOR_SUBTITLE);
                TextOut(hdc, x + 52 * cxChar, y, strSubtitle, (int) _tcslen(strSubtitle));
                ::SetTextColor(hdc, colorText);

                // Строку с субтитром мы можем использовать как опорную для дизассемблера
                if (disasmfrom > address)
                    disasmfrom = address;

        if (address >= disasmfrom && length == 0)
            TCHAR strInstr[8];
            TCHAR strArg[32];
            if (okData)  // По этому адресу лежат данные -- нет смысла дизассемблировать
                lstrcpy(strInstr, _T("data"));
                PrintOctalValue(strArg, *(memory + index));
                length = 1;
                length = DisassembleInstruction(memory + index, address, strInstr, strArg);

                int delta;
                if (!m_okDisasmSubtitles &&  //NOTE: Subtitles can move lines down
                    DisasmView_CheckForJump(memory + index, address, &delta) &&
                    abs(delta) < 32)
                    DisasmView_DrawJump(hdc, y, delta, x + (30 + _tcslen(strArg)) * cxChar, cyLine);
            if (index + length <= nWindowSize)
                TextOut(hdc, x + 21 * cxChar, y, strInstr, (int) _tcslen(strInstr));
                TextOut(hdc, x + 29 * cxChar, y, strArg, (int) _tcslen(strArg));
            ::SetTextColor(hdc, colorText);
            if (wNextBaseAddr == 0)
                wNextBaseAddr = (WORD)(address + length * 2);
        if (length > 0) length--;

        address += 2;
        y += cyLine;

    m_wDisasmNextBaseAddr = wNextBaseAddr;

    return result;