** Load the record data (flags, ...) - but not the picture
static void LoadRecordData(void) {
  MemHandle t = NULL;
  MemPtr ptr = NULL;
  UInt16 attr = 0;
  UInt32 highDataOffset = 0;
  Int16 len = 0;

  PRINT("Loading Record Data for %hd", p.dbI);

  /* Clear unmasked flag */
  d.unmaskedCurrentRecord = false;

  /* Open and lock the record */
  t = DmQueryRecord(d.dbR, p.dbI);
  if (!t) abort();
  ptr = MemHandleLock(t);

  /* Is the record private? */
  DmRecordInfo(d.dbR, p.dbI, &attr, NULL, NULL);
  d.record_private = attr & dmRecAttrSecret;

  /* Read the header data */
  MemMove(&d.record, ptr, sizeof(DiddleBugRecordType));

  /* Read the additional alarm info */
  highDataOffset = sketchDataOffset + d.record.sketchLength;

  len = StrLen((Char*)(ptr + highDataOffset)) + 1; /* +1 for null char */
  if (d.record_name) MemHandleFree(d.record_name);
  d.record_name = MemHandleNew(len);
  MemMove(MemHandleLock(d.record_name), ptr + highDataOffset, len);

  highDataOffset += len;

  len = StrLen((Char*)(ptr + highDataOffset)) + 1; /* +1 for null char */
  if (d.record_note) MemHandleFree(d.record_note);
  d.record_note = MemHandleNew(len);
  MemMove(MemHandleLock(d.record_note), ptr + highDataOffset, len);

  highDataOffset += len;

  /* Clear old data since there may not be an extra-data block yet */
  MemSet(&d.record_sound, sizeof(AlarmSoundInfoType), 0);
  d.record_sound.listIndex = -1; /* default */
  /* Read new extra-data (if it exists and is from a compatible version) */
  if (d.record.extraLength == sizeof(AlarmSoundInfoType))
    MemMove(&d.record_sound, ptr + highDataOffset, d.record.extraLength);

  /* Unlock record */
 * FUNCTION:    ThumbnailDetailViewLoadGadgets
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine loads sketches into the thumbnail view form
 *              thumbnail gadgets.
 * PARAMETERS:  recordNum index of the first record to display.
 * RETURNED:    nothing
static void ThumbnailDetailViewLoadGadgets(FormType* frm) {
  UInt16 row;
  MemHandle recordH;
  DynamicButtonType* btnThumb, *btnName, *btnNameMasked, *btnAlarm;
  MemPtr ptr;
  UInt16 attr;
  Char* record_name, *record_note;
  DiddleBugRecordType record;
  FontID font;
  UInt32 alarmSecs;
  UInt16 recordNum = d.top_visible_record;
  const UInt16 max = Min(recordsPerPage, d.records_in_cat - d.top_row_pos_in_cat);
  Boolean private = false;

  for (row = 0; row < max; row++) {
    /* Get the next record in the current category. */
    recordH = DmQueryNextInCategory (d.dbR, &recordNum, p.category);

    if(row == 0) {
      /* store the position of the first row so we can use */
      /* d.top_row_pos_in_cat+row when drawing             */
      d.top_row_pos_in_cat = recordH ? DmPositionInCategory(d.dbR, recordNum, p.category) : 0;

    btnThumb = (DynamicButtonType*) FrmGetGadgetData(frm, FrmGetObjectIndex(frm, Thumb1 + row));
    btnName = (DynamicButtonType*) FrmGetGadgetData(frm, FrmGetObjectIndex(frm, Thumb1Name + row));
    btnNameMasked = (DynamicButtonType*) FrmGetGadgetData(frm, FrmGetObjectIndex(frm, Thumb1NameMasked + row));
    btnAlarm = (DynamicButtonType*) FrmGetGadgetData(frm, FrmGetObjectIndex(frm, Thumb1Alarm + row));

    /* Store record number */
    btnThumb->value = recordNum;
    btnName->value = recordNum;
    btnNameMasked->value = recordNum;
    btnAlarm->value = recordNum;

    /* Clear old internal values */
    btnThumb->selected = false;

    /* Read record attributes */
    DmRecordInfo(d.dbR, recordNum, &attr, NULL, NULL);
    private = attr & dmRecAttrSecret && d.privateRecordStatus == maskPrivateRecords;
    /* Get a pointer to the record */
    ptr = MemHandleLock(recordH);

    if (private) {
      DrawMaskedRecord(btnThumb->content.bmpW, maskPattern);
    } else {
** Handles events for my custom thumbnail gadgets.
static Boolean ThumbnailGadgetEvent(FormGadgetTypeInCallback* gadgetP, UInt16 cmd, void* paramP) {
  Boolean handled = false;
  DynamicButtonType* btn = (DynamicButtonType*)gadgetP->data;

  switch (cmd) {
  case formGadgetDeleteCmd:
    handled = true;

  case formGadgetDrawCmd:
    gadgetP->attr.visible = true;
    handled = true;

  case formGadgetEraseCmd:
    WinEraseRectangleFrame(btn->frame, &btn->contentRect);

  case formGadgetHandleEventCmd:
      EventType* e = (EventType*) paramP;

      if (e->eType == frmGadgetEnterEvent) {
    if (DynBtnTrackPen(btn)) {
      UInt16 attr;

      /* A thumbnail was selected, display it. */
      p.dbI = btn->value;

      /* Get the category and secret attribute of the current record. */
      DmRecordInfo(d.dbR, p.dbI, &attr, NULL, NULL);

      /* If this is a "private" record, then determine what is to be shown. */
      if (attr & dmRecAttrSecret) {
        switch (d.privateRecordStatus) {
        case showPrivateRecords:
        case maskPrivateRecords:
          FrmGotoForm(p.flags & PFLAGS_WITH_TITLEBAR ? DiddleTForm : DiddleForm);

          /* This case should never be executed!!!!!!! */
        case hidePrivateRecords:
      } else {
        FrmGotoForm(p.flags & PFLAGS_WITH_TITLEBAR ? DiddleTForm : DiddleForm);


      handled = true;
    } break;

  return handled;
 * FUNCTION:    ThumbnailViewLoadGadgets
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine loads sketches into the thumbnail view form
 *              thumbnail gadgets.
 * PARAMETERS:  recordNum index of the first record to display.
 * RETURNED:    nothing
static void ThumbnailViewLoadGadgets(FormType* frm) {
  UInt16 row;
  MemHandle recordH;
  DynamicButtonType* btn;
  MemPtr ptr;
  UInt16 attr;
  UInt16 recordNum = d.top_visible_record;
  const UInt16 max = Min(recordsPerPage, d.records_in_cat - d.top_row_pos_in_cat);

  for (row = 0; row < max; row++) {
    /* Get the next record in the current category. */
    recordH = DmQueryNextInCategory (d.dbR, &recordNum, p.category);

    if(row == 0) {
      /* store the position of the first row so we can use */
      /* d.top_row_pos_in_cat + row when drawing           */
      d.top_row_pos_in_cat = recordH ? DmPositionInCategory(d.dbR, recordNum, p.category) : 0;

    btn = (DynamicButtonType*) FrmGetGadgetData(frm, FrmGetObjectIndex(frm, Thumb1 + row));

    /* Store record number */
    btn->value = recordNum;

    /* Clear old internal values */
    btn->selected = false;

    /* Read record attributes */
    DmRecordInfo(d.dbR, recordNum, &attr, NULL, NULL);

    if (attr & dmRecAttrSecret && d.privateRecordStatus == maskPrivateRecords) {
      DrawMaskedRecord(btn->content.bmpW, maskPattern);
    } else {
/*       WinHandle oldH = NULL; */
/*       Err err = 0; */
/*       BitmapType* bmp = BmpCreate(btn->contentRect.extent.x,  */
/*                btn->contentRect.extent.y, 1, NULL, &err); */
/*       if (err) abort(); */

      /* Uncompress thumbnail */
      ptr = MemHandleLock(recordH);
      //      MemMove(BmpGetBits(bmp), ptr + sketchDataOffset, sketchThumbnailSize);
      MemMove(BmpGetBits(WinGetBitmap(btn->content.bmpW)), ptr + sketchDataOffset, sketchThumbnailSize);

      /* Write thumbnail to content bitmap */
/*       WinPushDrawState(); */
/*       WinSetCoordinateSystem(kCoordinatesNative); */
/*       oldH = WinSetDrawWindow(btn->content.bmpW); */
/*       WinPaintBitmap(bmp, 0, 0); */
/*       WinSetDrawWindow(oldH); */
/*       WinPopDrawState(); */

      /* Clean up */
/*       BmpDelete(bmp); */


    /* Show the right gadgets... */
    ShowObject(frm, Thumb1 + row);

  /* ...store the index of the last visible thumbnail... */
  d.lastVisibleThumbnail = row - 1;

  /* ... and hide the rest */
  for (; row < recordsPerPage; row++)
    HideObject(frm, Thumb1 + row);

  /* Update the scroll arrows. */
  ThumbnailViewUpdateScrollers (frm);
 *  FUNCTION: ApptChangeRecord
 *  DESCRIPTION: Change a record in the Appointment Database
 *  PARAMETERS: database pointer
 *                   database index
 *                   database record
 *                   changed fields
 *  RETURNS: ##0 if successful, errorcode if not
 *  CREATED: 1/25/95 
 *  BY: Roger Flores
 *  COMMENTS:   Records are not stored with extra padding - they
 *  are always resized to their exact storage space.  This avoids
 *  a database compression issue.  The code works as follows:
 *  1)  get the size of the new record
 *  2)  make the new record
 *  3)  pack the packed record plus the changes into the new record
 *  4)  if the sort position is changes move to the new position
 *  5)  attach in position
Err ApptChangeRecord(DmOpenRef dbP, UInt16 *index, ApptDBRecordPtr r,
                     ApptDBRecordFlags changedFields) {
    Err result;
    Int16 newIndex;
    UInt16 attributes;
    Boolean dontMove;
    MemHandle oldH;
    MemHandle srcH;
    MemHandle dstH;
    ApptDBRecordType src;
    ApptPackedDBRecordPtr dst = 0;
    ApptPackedDBRecordPtr cmp;

    // We do not assume that r is completely valid so we get a valid
    // ApptDBRecordPtr...
    if ((result = ApptGetRecord(dbP, *index, &src, &srcH)) != 0)
        return result;

    // and we apply the changes to it.
    if (changedFields.when)
        src.when = r->when;

    if (changedFields.alarm)
        src.alarm = r->alarm;

    if (changedFields.repeat)
        src.repeat = r->repeat;

    if (changedFields.exceptions)
        src.exceptions = r->exceptions;

    if (changedFields.description)
        src.description = r->description;

    if (changedFields.note)
        src.note = r->note;

    // Allocate a new chunk with the correct size and pack the data from
    // the unpacked record into it.
    dstH = DmNewHandle(dbP, (UInt32) ApptPackedSize(&src));
    if (dstH) {
        dst = MemHandleLock (dstH);
        ApptPack (&src, dst);

    MemHandleUnlock (srcH);
    if (dstH == NULL)
        return dmErrMemError;

    // If the sort position is changed move to the new position.
    // Check if any of the key fields have changed.
    if ((!changedFields.when) && (! changedFields.repeat))
        goto attachRecord;      // repeating events aren't in sorted order

    // Make sure *index-1 < *index < *index+1, if so it's in sorted
    // order.  Leave it there.
    if (*index > 0) {
        // This record wasn't deleted and deleted records are at the end of the
        // database so the prior record may not be deleted!
        cmp = MemHandleLock (DmQueryRecord(dbP, *index-1));
        dontMove = (ApptComparePackedRecords (cmp, dst, 0, NULL, NULL, 0)
                    <= 0);
        MemPtrUnlock (cmp);
    } else
        dontMove = true;

    if (dontMove && (*index+1 < DmNumRecords (dbP))) {
        DmRecordInfo(dbP, *index+1, &attributes, NULL, NULL);
        if ( ! (attributes & dmRecAttrDelete) ) {
            cmp = MemHandleLock (DmQueryRecord(dbP, *index+1));
            dontMove &= (ApptComparePackedRecords (dst, cmp, 0, NULL, NULL,
                                                   0) <= 0);
            MemPtrUnlock (cmp);

    if (dontMove)
        goto attachRecord;

    // The record isn't in the right position.  Move it.
    newIndex = ApptFindSortPosition (dbP, dst);
    DmMoveRecord (dbP, *index, newIndex);
    if (newIndex > *index) newIndex--;
    *index = newIndex;                      // return new position

    // Attach the new record to the old index,  the preserves the
    // category and record id.
    result = DmAttachRecord (dbP, index, dstH, &oldH);


    if (result) return result;


    return 0;
文件: exams.c 项目: timn/unimatrix
static Boolean
  MemHandle newExam=NULL;
  UInt16 index = dmMaxRecordIndex;
  ListType *course;
  ControlType *course_tr, *date_tr, *time_tr;
  Char *room;
  Char empty[1]={'\0'};
  FieldType *fldRoom;

  course = GetObjectPtr(LIST_exd_course);
  course_tr = GetObjectPtr(LIST_exd_course_trigger);
  date_tr = GetObjectPtr(SELECTOR_exd_date);
  time_tr = GetObjectPtr(SELECTOR_exd_time);

  fldRoom = GetObjectPtr(FIELD_exd_room);
  room = FldGetTextPtr(fldRoom);
  if (room == NULL)  room=empty;

  if (gExamsLastSelRowUID == 0) {
    // New record
    newExam = DmNewRecord(DatabaseGetRefN(DB_MAIN), &index, sizeof(ExamDBRecord));
  } else {
    // Load record
    DmFindRecordByID(DatabaseGetRefN(DB_MAIN), gExamsLastSelRowUID, &index);
    newExam = DmGetRecord(DatabaseGetRefN(DB_MAIN), index);
  if (! newExam) {
    // Could not create entry
    return false;
  } else {
    UInt16 attr=0;
    ExamDBRecord ex, *ep;

    ep = (ExamDBRecord *)MemHandleLock(newExam);

    ex.note = (gExamsLastSelRowUID == 0) ? 0 : ep->note;
    ex.date.year = gExamDetailsDate.year;
    ex.date.month = gExamDetailsDate.month;
    ex.date.day = gExamDetailsDate.day;
    ex.begin.hours = gExamDetailsBegin.hours;
    ex.begin.minutes = gExamDetailsBegin.minutes;
    ex.end.hours = gExamDetailsEnd.hours;
    ex.end.minutes = gExamDetailsEnd.minutes;
    ex.flags = 0x0000;
    StrNCopy(ex.room, room, sizeof(ex.room));

    DmWrite(ep, 0, &ex, sizeof(ExamDBRecord));
    DmReleaseRecord(DatabaseGetRef(), index, false);
    DmRecordInfo(DatabaseGetRef(), index, &attr, NULL, NULL);
    attr |= DatabaseGetCat();
    DmSetRecordInfo(DatabaseGetRef(), index, &attr, NULL);


  return true;
文件: exams.c 项目: timn/unimatrix
static void
  TableType *table=GetObjectPtr(TABLE_exams);
  UInt16 i, j;
  MemHandle m;
  UInt16 index=0;

  gExamsSelRow = 0;  
  for (i=0; i < TblGetNumberOfRows(table); ++i) {
    TblSetItemStyle(table, i, EXCOL_DONE, checkboxTableItem);
    TblSetItemStyle(table, i, EXCOL_COURSE, customTableItem);
    TblSetItemStyle(table, i, EXCOL_NOTE, customTableItem);
    TblSetItemStyle(table, i, EXCOL_DATE, customTableItem);
    TblSetItemStyle(table, i, EXCOL_TIME, customTableItem);
    TblSetItemStyle(table, i, EXCOL_SELI, customTableItem);

  TblSetColumnSpacing(table, EXCOL_DONE, 2);
  TblSetColumnSpacing(table, EXCOL_COURSE, 1);
  TblSetColumnSpacing(table, EXCOL_NOTE, 3);
  TblSetColumnSpacing(table, EXCOL_DATE, 1);
  TblSetColumnSpacing(table, EXCOL_TIME, 3);

  TblSetColumnUsable(table, EXCOL_DONE, true);
  TblSetColumnUsable(table, EXCOL_COURSE, true);
  TblSetColumnUsable(table, EXCOL_NOTE, true);
  TblSetColumnUsable(table, EXCOL_DATE, true);
  TblSetColumnUsable(table, EXCOL_TIME, true);
  TblSetColumnUsable(table, EXCOL_SELI, true);

  for (i=0; i < TblGetNumberOfRows(table); ++i) {
    TblSetRowUsable(table, i, false);

  TblSetCustomDrawProcedure(table, EXCOL_COURSE, TableDrawData);
  TblSetCustomDrawProcedure(table, EXCOL_NOTE, TableDrawData);
  TblSetCustomDrawProcedure(table, EXCOL_DATE, TableDrawData);
  TblSetCustomDrawProcedure(table, EXCOL_TIME, TableDrawData);
  TblSetCustomDrawProcedure(table, EXCOL_SELI, TableDrawSelection);

  i = 0; j = 0;
  while ((i < EX_MAX_ROWS) && (m = DmQueryNextInCategory(DatabaseGetRefN(DB_MAIN), &index, DatabaseGetCat()))) {
    UInt32 uid=0;
    ExamDBRecord *ex;

    DmRecordInfo(DatabaseGetRefN(DB_MAIN), index, NULL, &uid, NULL);
    ex = MemHandleLock(m);
    if (ex->type == TYPE_EXAM) {
      // We have an exam, insert if above current offset
      if (j >= gExamsOffset) {
        UInt16 done = ex->flags & EX_FLAG_DONE;
        TblInsertRow(table, i);
        TblSetRowID(table, i, index);
        TblSetRowData(table, i, uid);
        if (uid == gExamsLastSelRowUID)  gExamsSelRow = i;
        TblSetRowUsable(table, i, true);
        TblMarkRowInvalid(table, i);
        TblSetItemInt(table, i, EXCOL_DONE, done);
        i += 1;
      j += 1;
    index += 1;

  // Check if there are displayed exams. If there are not, hide the
  // buttons for edit/delete/beam, otherwise show
  if (i > 0) {
  } else {

  // decide and (show/hide) whether to have enabled or disabled down button
  // There must be another record, otherwise our course we assigned this exam to would
  // not exist, that should never happen. But to cover my future mistakes
  // index has been increased one in the loop.
  if ( (m = DmQueryNextInCategory(DatabaseGetRefN(DB_MAIN), &index, DatabaseGetCat())) != NULL) {
    // We have more records, are there exams?
    Char *s;
    s = MemHandleLock(m);
    // Since the DB is sorted we do not need to search for exams but just check the next
    // record. If it is not an exam record there won't be any later!
    if (s[0] == TYPE_EXAM) {
    } else {
  } else {

  // decide (and show/hide) whether to have enabled or disabled up button
  if (gExamsOffset > 0) {
  } else {
** FinishXferMode
void FinishXferMode(void) {
  KleenexType kleenex;
  DtbkRepeatInfoType repeat;
  FormType* frm = FrmGetActiveForm();
  SysDBListItemType* pluglistP = NULL;
  Int16 current_plug = -1;
  UInt32 result;
  Boolean is_goto = false;
  Err err = errNone;
  Char cat_name[dmCategoryLength];
  Char* note = NULL;
  UInt16 attr;

  /* Zero the kleenex */
  MemSet(&kleenex, sizeof(KleenexType), 0);

  /* Bail if no plugins installed */
  if (!d.xfer.pluglistH) {

  /* Lock the plugin list */
  pluglistP = MemHandleLock(d.xfer.pluglistH);
  current_plug = GetCurrentXferAppListIndex();
  if (current_plug == -1) {

  /* Set the version */
  if (pluglistP[current_plug].version & IBVERSION_PICTURE)
    kleenex.version = IBVERSION_PICTURE;
  else if (pluglistP[current_plug].version & IBVERSION_ORIG)
    kleenex.version = IBVERSION_ORIG;
  /* Add flag notifier */
  kleenex.version |= IBVERSION_FLAGS;

  /* Set flags */
  if (d.hires) 
    kleenex.flags = IBFLAG_HIRES;
  /* Set the current record index */
  kleenex.sketchRecordNum = p.dbI;

  /* Set the pick text */
  kleenex.text = GetLink(FldGetTextPtr(GetObjectPointer(frm, XferField)));
  if (!kleenex.text) {
  /* Set the title text */
  kleenex.title = MemHandleLock(d.record_name);

  /* Set the category text */
  DmRecordInfo(d.dbR, p.dbI, &attr, NULL, NULL);
  CategoryGetName(d.dbR, attr & dmRecAttrCategoryMask, cat_name);
  kleenex.category = cat_name;

  /* Set the note */
  note = MemHandleLock(d.record_note);
  if (StrLen(note))
    kleenex.note = note;

  /* Set the seconds for the alarm */
  if (recordIsAlarmSet) 
    kleenex.alarm_secs = d.record.alarmSecs;

  /* Set the repeat information */
  kleenex.repeat = &repeat;
  switch (d.record.repeatInfo.repeatType) {
  case repeatDaily:
  case repeatWeekly:
  case repeatMonthlyByDay:
  case repeatMonthlyByDate:
  case repeatYearly:
    repeat.repeatType = d.record.repeatInfo.repeatType - 1; /* fix offset caused by repeatHourly */
    repeat.repeatFrequency = d.record.repeatInfo.repeatFrequency;
    repeat.repeatEndDate = d.record.repeatInfo.repeatEndDate;
    repeat.repeatOn = d.record.repeatInfo.repeatOn;
    repeat.repeatStartOfWeek = d.record.repeatInfo.repeatStartOfWeek;
  case repeatNone:
  case repeatHourly:
    kleenex.repeat = NULL;

  /* Set the priority */
  kleenex.priority = d.record.priority + 1; /* DiddleBug priority is zero-based */

  /* Set the completion flag */
  if ((d.xfer.complete || (xferCompleteIsAlways)) && !(xferCompleteIsNever)) 
    kleenex.is_complete = 1;
    kleenex.is_complete = 0;

  /* Load the sketch data */
  if (kleenex.version & IBVERSION_PICTURE) {
    if (!d.sonyClie || !d.hires) {
      kleenex.data = BmpGetBits(WinGetBitmap(d.winbufM));
      kleenex.data_size = BmpBitsSize(WinGetBitmap(d.winbufM));
    } else {
      kleenex.data = BmpGetBits(WinGetBitmap(d.winbufM));
      kleenex.data_size = HRBmpBitsSize(d.sonyHRRefNum, WinGetBitmap(d.winbufM));

  /* Call the plugin */
  err = SysAppLaunch(pluglistP[current_plug].cardNo,
		     pluglistP[current_plug].dbID, 0,
		     boogerPlugLaunchCmdBlowNose, (MemPtr)&kleenex, &result);

  /* Clean up some stuff */
  if (err || result) {

  /* Just to save some typing */
  is_goto = (((p.flags&PFLAGS_XFER_GOTO) || (xferGotoIsAlways)) &&

  if (!is_goto)
  /* Clean up some more */

  /* Delete the sketch if selected */
  if (p.flags&PFLAGS_XFER_DELETE)

  /* Goto the new sketch if required */
  if (is_goto) {
    /* Clean up */
    d.xfer.pluglistH = NULL;
    /* Switch to other application */
    err = SysUIAppSwitch(kleenex.booger.cardNo, kleenex.booger.dbID,
			 kleenex.booger.cmd, kleenex.booger.cmdPBP);
    /* Clean up on error */
    if (err && kleenex.booger.cmdPBP) 
  } else {
    if (kleenex.booger.cmdPBP) 

ApptAlarmMunger (
	DmOpenRef					inDbR,
	UInt32							inAlarmStart,
	UInt32							inAlarmStop,
	PendingAlarmQueueType *	inAlarmInternalsP,
	UInt16*						ioCountP,
	DatebookAlarmType *		outAlarmListP,
	Boolean*					outAudibleP ) 
	UInt16							alarmListSize;
	UInt16							baseIndex = 0;
	UInt16							numRecords;
	UInt16							numAlarms = 0;
	UInt16							recordNum;
	MemHandle						recordH;
	ApptDBRecordType			    apptRec;
	ApptPackedDBRecordPtr	        r;
	UInt32							alarmTime;
	UInt32							earliestAlarm = 0;
	UInt32							uniqueID;
	Boolean						    skip;
	UInt16							i;
	UInt16							index;
	UInt16							dismissedCount = 0;
	UInt32 *						dismissedListP = 0;
	if ( outAudibleP )
		*outAudibleP = false;
	if ( ioCountP )
		alarmListSize = *ioCountP;
		alarmListSize = 0;
	if (inAlarmInternalsP)
		dismissedCount = GetDismissedAlarmCount (inAlarmInternalsP);
		dismissedListP = GetDismissedAlarmList (inAlarmInternalsP);
	numRecords = DmNumRecords (inDbR);
	for (recordNum = 0; recordNum < numRecords; recordNum++)
		recordH = DmQueryRecord (inDbR, recordNum);
		DmRecordInfo (inDbR, recordNum, NULL, &uniqueID, NULL);
		if ( !recordH )
		r = (ApptPackedDBRecordPtr) MemHandleLock (recordH);
		if ( r->flags.alarm )
			ApptUnpack (r, &apptRec);
			// Get the first alarm on or after inAlarmStart
			alarmTime = ApptGetAlarmTime (&apptRec, inAlarmStart);
			// If in range, add the alarm to the output
			if ( alarmTime && (alarmTime >= inAlarmStart) && (alarmTime <= inAlarmStop) )
				skip = false;
				index = numAlarms;
				if (inAlarmInternalsP)
					// If this alarm was snoozed, make room for it at the front of the list
					if (uniqueID == inAlarmInternalsP->snoozeAnchorUniqueID)
						// If the list is already full, don't bother shifting its contents.
						// The snoozed alarm will overwrite the oldest alarm, which is at
						// the front of the list.
						// If the list is empty, there's nothing to shift.
						if (outAlarmListP && (index != 0) && (index != alarmListSize))
							MemMove (&outAlarmListP[1], &outAlarmListP[0],
                                     (alarmListSize - 1) * sizeof(*outAlarmListP) );
						// The snoozed alarm is placed at the front of the list
						index = 0;
						// Protect the snoozed alarm from being pushed out of a full list
						baseIndex = 1;

					// Otherwise, skip over any alarms that have already been dismissed
					else if (dismissedCount && (alarmTime == inAlarmStart))
						for (i = 0; i < dismissedCount; i++)
							if (dismissedListP [i] == uniqueID)
								skip = true;
				if (!skip)
					// If collecting alarms, add it to the list
					if (outAlarmListP)
						// If the alarm list is too large, push the oldest alarm off of the
						// queue to make room for the new one
						if (index >= alarmListSize)
							// baseIndex is usually 0, but will be set to 1 while snoozing to
							// keep the snoozed alarm from being pushed out of the queue
							MemMove (&outAlarmListP[baseIndex], &outAlarmListP[baseIndex + 1],
                                     (alarmListSize - baseIndex - 1) * sizeof(*outAlarmListP) );
							index = alarmListSize - 1;
						outAlarmListP[index].recordNum = recordNum;
						outAlarmListP[index].alarmTime = alarmTime;
					// If the event is timed, inform the caller to play the alarm sound
					if (outAudibleP && (TimeToInt (apptRec.when->startTime) != apptNoTime) )
						*outAudibleP = true;
					// Remember the earliest in-range alarm for our return value
					if ( (alarmTime < earliestAlarm) || (earliestAlarm == 0) )
						earliestAlarm = alarmTime;
                }	// don't skip this alarm
            }	// add alarm to output
        }	// an alarm exists
		MemHandleUnlock (recordH);
	if (ioCountP)
		*ioCountP = numAlarms;
	return earliestAlarm;
文件: gadget.c 项目: timn/unimatrix
* Function: GadgetDrawHintCurrent
* Description: Draw hint for current gTimeIndex if needed (may be forced NOT
*              to draw with GadgetSetNeedsRedraw(false));
  Char *tmp, *bot, begin[timeStringLength], end[timeStringLength], *day;
  MemHandle mc, mt, mh, type;
  CourseDBRecord c;
  TimeDBRecord *tc;
  RectangleType rect, bounds;
  UInt16 gadgetIndex = FrmGetObjectIndex(gForm, gGadgetID);
  RGBColorType color, prevColor;
  UInt16 attr;

  // Need to check that due to damn f*** DmRecordInfo which will show a
  // fatal alert when called on non-existing record (this happens for example
  // right after creating the new database...
  if ((gTimeIndex >= DmNumRecords(DatabaseGetRef())) ||
      (gCourseIndex >= DmNumRecords(DatabaseGetRef())) )  return;

  if (gHintDrawn) {
    // Delete border around previous entry
    if ( (gTimeDrawnIndex < DmNumRecords(DatabaseGetRef())) &&
       (DmRecordInfo(DatabaseGetRef(), gTimeDrawnIndex, &attr, NULL, NULL) == errNone) ) {
      attr &= dmRecAttrCategoryMask;
      if (attr == DatabaseGetCat()) {
        mt = DmQueryRecord(DatabaseGetRef(), gTimeDrawnIndex);
        if (mt) {
          // mt may be null, for example if next is drawn after delete!
          tc = (TimeDBRecord *)MemHandleLock(mt);
          if ((tc->type == TYPE_TIME) && GadgetEventIsVisible(tc) ) {

	    TNlist *tmpl = gGadgetTimeList;
	    GadgetTimeListType *gtl = NULL;
	    while (tmpl != NULL) {
	      gtl = tmpl->data;
	      if (gtl->index == gTimeDrawnIndex) {
	      tmpl = tmpl->next;
            if (gPrefs.showTimeline)  GadgetDrawTimeline(gtErase);

	    if (gtl != NULL) {
	      GadgetDrawTime(tc->begin, tc->end, tc->day, &color, tc->course, gtl->num, gtl->pos);
            if (gPrefs.showTimeline)  GadgetDrawTimeline(gtDraw);


  if (DmRecordInfo(DatabaseGetRef(), gCourseIndex, &attr, NULL, NULL) == errNone) {
    attr &= dmRecAttrCategoryMask;
    if (attr == DatabaseGetCat()) {
      // Record is in currently displayed category

      mc = DmQueryRecord(DatabaseGetRef(), gCourseIndex);
      if (! mc)  return;

      mt = DmQueryRecord(DatabaseGetRef(), gTimeIndex);
      if (! mt) return;

      UnpackCourse(&c, MemHandleLock(mc));
      tc = (TimeDBRecord *)MemHandleLock(mt);

      if ( GadgetEventIsVisible(tc) ) {

	TNlist *tmpl = gGadgetTimeList;
	GadgetTimeListType *gtl = NULL;
	while (tmpl != NULL) {
	  gtl = tmpl->data;
	  if (gtl->index == gTimeDrawnIndex) {
	  tmpl = tmpl->next;

        mh = DmGetResource(strRsc, GADGET_STRINGS_WDAYSTART+tc->day);
        day = (Char *)MemHandleLock(mh);

        // Lecture Name (Teacher) [Typ]
        tmp=(Char *)MemPtrNew(StrLen(c.name)+StrLen(c.teacherName)+4+3+CTYPE_SHORT_MAXLENGTH);
        MemSet(tmp, MemPtrSize(tmp), 0);
        type = MemHandleNew(1);
        CourseTypeGetShort(&type, c.ctype);
        StrPrintF(tmp, "%s (%s) [%s]", c.name, c.teacherName, (Char *)MemHandleLock(type));

        // Fr 08:00 - 09:30 (Room)          <-- Example
        // 3    5   3   5   3+StrLen(room)  <-- Num Chars for MemPtrNew
        bot=(Char *)MemPtrNew(20+sizeof(tc->room)+MemPtrSize(day));
        MemSet(bot, MemPtrSize(bot), 0);

        TimeToAscii(tc->begin.hours, tc->begin.minutes, GadgetGetTimeFormat(), begin);
        TimeToAscii(tc->end.hours, tc->end.minutes, GadgetGetTimeFormat(), end);

        mh = DmGetResource(strRsc, GADGET_STRINGS_WDAYSTART+tc->day);

        StrPrintF(bot, "%s %s - %s (%s)", day, begin, end, tc->room);

        FrmGetObjectBounds(gForm, gadgetIndex, &bounds);

	if (gtl != NULL) {
	  GadgetTimeSetRect(&rect, tc->begin, tc->end, tc->day, gtl->num, gtl->pos);
			  //             + inset (two boxes, one black, one white)
			  rect.topLeft.x + 2,
			  rect.topLeft.y + 2,
			  // width      - 2 * inset
			  rect.extent.x - 4,
			  // height     - 2 * inset
			  rect.extent.y - 4

	  /* Invert color, looks not so nice aka bad
	     color.r=255- tc->color[0];
	     color.g=255- tc->color[1];
	     color.b=255- tc->color[2];
	  TNSetForeColorRGB(&color, &prevColor);
	  WinDrawRectangleFrame(simpleFrame, &rect);
	  RctSetRectangle(&rect, rect.topLeft.x-1, rect.topLeft.y-1, rect.extent.x+2, rect.extent.y+2);
	  TNSetForeColorRGB(&color, NULL);
	  WinDrawRectangleFrame(simpleFrame, &rect);
	  TNSetForeColorRGB(&prevColor, NULL);

       // WinInvertRectangleFrame(simpleFrame, &rect);
        GadgetDrawHint(tmp, bot, tc->note);

        MemPtrFree((MemPtr) tmp);
        MemPtrFree((MemPtr) bot);
      } else {
    } // End attr == current category
Int16 AnalizeOneRecord(UInt16 addrattr, Char* src,
                  HappyDays* hd, Boolean *ignore)
    Char *p, *q;
    UInt16 index;
    Int16 err;
    Int16 year, month, day;
    Int16 nth[20];
    Int16 count = 0;

	while (*src == ' ' || *src == '\t') src++;    // skip white space

    // ignore record with exclamation mark
    if (*src == '!') {
        if (gPrefsR.ignoreexclamation) return 0;
        else src++;

    if ((q = StrChr(src, '['))) {
        // [ 이 있는 경우 duration으로 판단 
        p = q;

        q = StrChr(src, ']');
        if (q) *q = 0;
        else return 0;

        do {
            nth[count++] = StrAToI(p);
            if (count >= 20) break;
        } while ((p = StrChr(p, ',')));
    if (*src == '*') {
        // this is multiple event
        hd->flag.bits.multiple_event = true;
        if ((p = StrChr(src, ' '))) *p = 0;
        else goto ErrHandler;
        if ( *(src+1) != 0 ) {                       // if src have 'custom' tag
            hd->custom = src+1;
		else hd->custom = 0;

        src = p+1;
        while (*src == ' ' || *src == '\t') src++;     // skip white space

        if ((p = StrChr(src, ' '))) *p = 0;
        else goto ErrHandler;

        if (*src == '.') {
            hd->name1 = src+1;
            hd->name2 = 0;
        else {
            hd->name2 = src;
        src = p+1;
        while (*src == ' ' || *src == '\t') src++;     // skip white space
    if (!AnalysisHappyDays(src, &hd->flag,
                           &year, &month, &day)) goto ErrHandler;

    // convert into date format
    if (hd->flag.bits.year) {
        if ((year < 1904) || (year > 2031) ) goto ErrHandler;
        else hd->date.year = year - 1904; 
    else hd->date.year = 0;
    hd->date.month = month;
    hd->date.day = day;

    // maintain address book order(name order)
    //      list order is determined by sort
    err = HDNewRecord(MainDB, hd, &index);
    if (!err) {
        UInt16 attr;
        // set the category of the new record to the category
        // it belongs in
        DmRecordInfo(MainDB, index, &attr, NULL, NULL);
        attr &= ~dmRecAttrCategoryMask;
        attr |= addrattr;

        DmSetRecordInfo(MainDB, index, &attr, NULL);

        DmReleaseRecord(MainDB, index, true);

    if (count > 0) {
        Int16 i;
        HappyDays hdr;

        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            MemMove(&hdr, hd, sizeof(hdr));

            hdr.flag.bits.nthdays = 1;
            hdr.nth = nth[i];

            if (!hdr.flag.bits.year) goto ErrHandler;
            err = HDNewRecord(MainDB, &hdr, &index);
            if (!err) {
                UInt16 attr;
                // set the category of the new record to the category
                // it belongs in
                DmRecordInfo(MainDB, index, &attr, NULL, NULL);
                attr &= ~dmRecAttrCategoryMask;
                attr |= addrattr;

                DmSetRecordInfo(MainDB, index, &attr, NULL);

                DmReleaseRecord(MainDB, index, true);
    return 0;

    if (*ignore) return 0;
    switch (FrmCustomAlert(InvalidFormat,
                           ((!hd->name2) ?
                            ((!hd->name1) ? " " : hd->name1)
                            : hd->name2),
                               " ", " ")) {
    case 0:                 // EDIT
        if (!GotoAddress(hd->addrRecordNum)) return -1;
    case 2:                 // Ignore all
        *ignore = true;
    case 1:  
    	break;              // Ignore
    return 0;
 * @brief Read the happydays information from address db, and insert into Happydays DB
 * @param frm StartForm to display indicator bars
 * @return If success, return true, or return false
Boolean NewUpdateHappyDaysDB(FormPtr frm)
    UInt16 currIndex = 0;
    PrvAddrPackedDBRecord *rp;
    AddrDBRecordType r;
    MemHandle recordH = 0;
    UInt16 recordNum;
    int i = 0, indicateNext;
    int step;

    // create the happydays cache db
    HappyDays   hd;
    Boolean     ignore = false;         // ignore error record
    Char*       hdField;
    UInt16      addrattr, index;
    Char        *p, *q, *end;
    Int16       err;

    // display collecting information

    // clean up old database

    recordNum = DmNumRecords(AddressDB);
    indicateNext = step = recordNum / INDICATE_NUM;

    if (recordNum > 50) initIndicate();

    while (1) {
        char *name1, *name2;
        Int8 whichField;        // birthday field or note field?

        recordH = DmQueryNextInCategory(AddressDB, &currIndex,
        if (!recordH) break;
        if (i++ == indicateNext) {
            if (recordNum > 50) displayNextIndicate( (i-1) / step);
            indicateNext += step;

        DmRecordInfo(AddressDB, currIndex, &addrattr, NULL, NULL);
        addrattr &= dmRecAttrCategoryMask;      // get category info

        rp = (PrvAddrPackedDBRecord*)MemHandleLock(recordH);
         * Build the unpacked structure for an AddressDB record.  It
         * is just a bunch of pointers into the rp structure.
        NewAddrUnpack(rp, &r);

        if ( (gHappyDaysField <= 0 || !r.fields[gHappyDaysField])
                // there is no birthday info(trick. should check flags, but I think it is ok)
                && DateToInt(r.birthdayInfo.birthdayDate) == 0
                && !(gPrefsR.scannote && r.fields[note]
                     && StrStr(r.fields[note], gPrefsR.notifywith) ) ) {

            // If there is not exist Happydays field or note field, or internal birthday field(in NEW PIMS)

        MemSet(&hd, sizeof(hd), 0);
        hd.addrRecordNum = currIndex;
        if (DetermineRecordName(&r, gSortByCompany, &hd.name1, &hd.name2)) {
            // name 1 has priority;
            hd.flag.bits.priority_name1 = 1;

        // ===========================================================
        // Process Birthday field first
        // ===========================================================
        if (DateToInt(r.birthdayInfo.birthdayDate) != 0) {
            hd.date = r.birthdayInfo.birthdayDate;
            hd.flag.bits.year = 1;
            hd.flag.bits.solar = 1;

            // maintain address book order(name order)
            //      list order is determined by sort
            err = HDNewRecord(MainDB, &hd, &index);
            if (!err) {
                UInt16 attr;
                // set the category of the new record to the category
                // it belongs in
                DmRecordInfo(MainDB, index, &attr, NULL, NULL);
                attr &= ~dmRecAttrCategoryMask;
                attr |= addrattr;

                DmSetRecordInfo(MainDB, index, &attr, NULL);
                DmReleaseRecord(MainDB, index, true);
        // ===========================================================

        // save the temporary name
        name1 = hd.name1;
        name2 = hd.name2;

        if (gHappyDaysField >= 0 && r.fields[gHappyDaysField]) {
            whichField = gHappyDaysField;
        else if (gPrefsR.scannote     // scanNote & exists
                 && r.fields[note]
                 && StrStr(r.fields[note], gPrefsR.notifywith)) {
            whichField = note;
        else whichField = -1;

        while (whichField >= 0) {

            if (whichField == note) {
                p = StrStr(r.fields[note], gPrefsR.notifywith) + StrLen(gPrefsR.notifywith) + 1;

                if ( StrLen(r.fields[note]) < (p - r.fields[note]) ) break;
            else {
                p = r.fields[whichField];

            hdField = MemPtrNew(StrLen(r.fields[whichField]) - (p - r.fields[whichField])+1);
            SysCopyStringResource(gAppErrStr, NotEnoughMemoryString);
            ErrFatalDisplayIf(!hdField, gAppErrStr);

            p = StrCopy(hdField, p);

            if (whichField == note &&
                    (end = StrStr(p, gPrefsR.notifywith))) {
                // end delimeter
                *end = 0;

            while ((q = StrChr(p, '\n'))) {
                // multiple event

                *q = 0;
                if (AnalizeOneRecord(addrattr, p, &hd, &ignore))
                    goto Update_ErrHandler;
                p = q+1;

                // restore the saved name
                hd.name1 = name1;
                hd.name2 = name2;

                // reset multiple flag
                hd.flag.bits.multiple_event = 0;

                while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n')
                    p++;     // skip white space
            // last record
            if (*p) {
                // check the null '\n'
                if (AnalizeOneRecord(addrattr, p, &hd, &ignore))
                    goto Update_ErrHandler;

            if (whichField == gHappyDaysField  // next is note field
                    && (gPrefsR.scannote     // scanNote & exists
                        && r.fields[note]
                        && StrStr(r.fields[note], gPrefsR.notifywith)) ) {
                whichField = note;
            else whichField = -1;

    if (recordNum > 50) displayNextIndicate( INDICATE_NUM -1);

    return true;

    return false;