// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void clKeyboardManager::Update(wxFrame* frame)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Since we keep the accelerators with their original resource ID in the form of string
    // we need to convert the map into a different integer with integer as the resource ID

    // Note that we place the items from the m_menuTable first and then we add the globals
    // this is because menu entries takes precedence over global accelerators
    MenuItemDataMap_t accels = m_menuTable;
    accels.insert(m_globalTable.begin(), m_globalTable.end());

    MenuItemDataIntMap_t intAccels;
    DoConvertToIntMap(accels, intAccels);

    if(!frame) {
        // update all frames
        wxFrame* topFrame = dynamic_cast<wxFrame*>(wxTheApp->GetTopWindow());

        FrameList_t frames;
        DoGetFrames(topFrame, frames);
        for(FrameList_t::iterator iter = frames.begin(); iter != frames.end(); ++iter) {

            DoUpdateFrame(*iter, intAccels);
    } else {
        // update only the requested frame
        DoUpdateFrame(frame, intAccels);
void CBitmapAnimator::Tick()
	if (iTicksLeft < 1)
		iTicksLeft = iFrameArray[iNextFrame]->FrameInfo().iDelay.Int64() / iRenderer->AnimatorTicker().TickLength().Int();