int LocalInteractive( sys_handle fh ) /*******************************/ { ULONG type; ULONG flags; //NYI: really should convert fh to sys_handle, but I know that it's // a one-to-one mapping if( DosQueryHType( fh, &type, &flags ) ) { return( 0 ); } if( type == 1 ) { /* device type */ return( 1 ); } return( 0 ); }
int main(VOID) { APIRET rc = NO_ERROR; /* Return code */ CHAR message[256] = ""; /* Message buffer */ HFILE PipeHandle = NULLHANDLE; /* Pipe handle */ PIPEINFO PipeBuffer[4] = {{0}}; struct _AVAILDATA BytesAvail = {0}; UCHAR Buffer[200] = {0}; ULONG bytes = 0; ULONG Action = 0; ULONG PipeState = 0; ULONG HandType = 0; ULONG FlagWord = 0; ULONG BytesRead = 0; rc = DosOpen("\\PIPE\\EXAMPLE", &PipeHandle, &Action, 0, 0, FILE_OPEN, OPEN_ACCESS_READWRITE | OPEN_SHARE_DENYREADWRITE | OPEN_FLAGS_FAIL_ON_ERROR, NULL); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { printf("DosOpen error: error code = %u\n", rc); return 1; } else printf("Connected to pipe.\n"); rc = DosQueryHType(PipeHandle, &HandType, &FlagWord); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { printf("DosQueryHType error: error code = %u\n", rc); return 1; } else printf("Handle type value is %u\n", HandType); rc = DosPeekNPipe(PipeHandle, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), &BytesRead, &BytesAvail, &PipeState); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { printf("DosPeekNPipe error: error code = %u\n", rc); return 1; } else printf("Pipe status value is %u\n\n", PipeState); printf("Enter message to send to PIPEHOST: "); fflush(NULL); /* Flush above printf out to display */ gets(message); rc = DosWrite(PipeHandle, message, strlen(message), &bytes); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { printf("DosWrite error: error code = %u\n", rc); return 1; } rc = DosRead(PipeHandle, message, sizeof(message), &bytes); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { printf("DosRead error: error code = %u\n", rc); return 1; } printf("\nMessage received from PIPEHOST: %s\n\n", message); rc = DosClose(PipeHandle); /* Should check if (rc != NO_ERROR) here... */ printf("...Disconnected\n"); return NO_ERROR; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ULONG ulType = 0; ULONG ulAttr = 0; APIRET rc; int i; int iMode = MODE_NONE; rc = DosQueryHType(0, &ulType, &ulAttr); //STDIN if(!rc) { ulType &= 0xFF; if(ulType == 0 || ulType == 2) //file or pipe iMode |= MODE_IN; } rc = DosQueryHType(1, &ulType, &ulAttr); //STDOUT if(!rc) { ulType &= 0xFF; if(ulType == 0 || ulType == 2) //file or pipe iMode |= MODE_OUT; } for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if(argv[i][0] == '-' || argv[i][0] == '/') { switch(argv[i][1]) { case 'I': case 'i': if(argv[i][2] == '-') iMode &= ~MODE_IN; else iMode |= MODE_IN; break; case 'o': case 'O': if(argv[i][2] == '-') iMode &= ~MODE_OUT; else iMode |= MODE_OUT; break; case 'h': case 'H': case '?': usage(); return 0; } } } if(!iMode) { usage(); return 0; } rc = init_pm(); if(rc) return -1; if(iMode & MODE_IN) { char *str = ReadPipe(0); if(str) set_clip(str); delete str; } if(iMode & MODE_OUT) { char *str = get_clip(); if(str) { ULONG ulWrote = 0; rc = DosWrite(1, str, strlen(str), &ulWrote); } } done_pm(); return rc; }
bool LocalInteractive( sys_handle fh ) /************************************/ { APIRET type; APIRET flags; //NYI: really should convert fh to sys_handle, but I know that it's // a one-to-one mapping #ifdef _M_I86 if( DosQHandType( fh, &type, &flags ) ) { #else if( DosQueryHType( fh, &type, &flags ) ) { #endif return( false ); } if( type == 1 ) { /* device type */ return( true ); } return( false ); } void LocalGetBuff( char *buff, unsigned size ) /********************************************/ { struct _STRINGINBUF length; if( size > UCHAR_MAX ) { size = UCHAR_MAX; } length.cb = size; length.cchIn = 0; if( KbdStringIn( buff, &length, 0, 0 ) ) { buff[0] = '\r'; buff[1] = NULLCHAR; return; } buff[length.cchIn] = NULLCHAR; } error_handle LocalRename( const char *from, const char *to ) /**********************************************************/ { #ifdef _M_I86 return( StashErrCode( DosMove( from, to, 0 ), OP_LOCAL ) ); #else return( StashErrCode( DosMove( from, to ), OP_LOCAL ) ); #endif } error_handle LocalMkDir( const char *name ) /*****************************************/ { #ifdef _M_I86 return( StashErrCode( DosMkDir( name, 0 ), OP_LOCAL ) ); #else return( StashErrCode( DosCreateDir( name, NULL ), OP_LOCAL ) ); #endif } error_handle LocalRmDir( const char *name ) /*****************************************/ { #ifdef _M_I86 return( StashErrCode( DosRmDir( name, 0 ), OP_LOCAL ) ); #else return( StashErrCode( DosDeleteDir( name ), OP_LOCAL ) ); #endif } error_handle LocalSetDrv( int drv ) /*********************************/ { #ifdef _M_I86 return( StashErrCode( DosSelectDisk( drv + 1 ), OP_LOCAL ) ); #else return( StashErrCode( DosSetDefaultDisk( drv + 1 ), OP_LOCAL ) ); #endif } int LocalGetDrv( void ) /*********************/ { APIRET drive; ULONG map; #ifdef _M_I86 if( DosQCurDisk( &drive, &map ) ) { #else if( DosQueryCurrentDisk( &drive, &map ) ) { #endif return( -1 ); } return( drive - 1 ); } error_handle LocalSetCWD( const char *name ) /******************************************/ { #ifdef _M_I86 return( StashErrCode( DosChDir( name, 0 ), OP_LOCAL ) ); #else return( StashErrCode( DosSetCurrentDir( name ), OP_LOCAL ) ); #endif } long LocalGetFileAttr( const char *name ) /***************************************/ { #ifdef _M_I86 USHORT attr; if( DosQFileMode( name, &attr, 0 ) ) { return( -1L ); } return( attr ); #else FILESTATUS3 fileinfo; if( DosQueryPathInfo( name, FIL_STANDARD, &fileinfo, sizeof( fileinfo ) ) ) { return( -1L ); } return( fileinfo.attrFile ); #endif }