bool DrawPileupCorr(Str jetAlgo) { JetCalibrationTool *theJES = new JetCalibrationTool(jetAlgo,_jesFile,false); bool residual = theJES->JetAreaJES(); TH1D *temp = new TH1D("","",100,-5,5); temp->SetXTitle("Jet #eta"); temp->SetYTitle("Jet offset at "+GetConstScale(jetAlgo)+"-scale [GeV]"); if (residual) temp->SetYTitle("Residual jet offset at "+GetConstScale(jetAlgo)+"-scale [GeV]"); temp->SetMinimum(-20); temp->SetMaximum(15); temp->SetStats(0); if ( residual && theJES->ResidualOffsetCorr_Description() == "" ) return false; Can->Clear(); temp->Draw(); for (int npv=0;npv<9;++npv) { double NPV=(npv%3)*10, mu=(npv/3)*10; if (NPV==0) NPV=1; Graph *g = new Graph(); FormatGraph(g,npv); for (int ieta=-50;ieta<50;++ieta) { double eta=0.05 + 0.1*ieta; double O = residual ? theJES->GetResidualOffset(eta,mu,NPV)/1000 : theJES->GetOffset(eta,mu,NPV)/1000; // convert to GeV g->SetPoint(g->GetN(),eta,O); } if (npv<4) DrawLabel(Form("N_{PV} = %.0f, #LT#mu#GT = %.0f",NPV,mu),0.18,0.35-0.04*npv,npv); else DrawLabel(Form("N_{PV} = %.0f, #LT#mu#GT = %.0f",NPV,mu),0.48,0.35-0.04*(npv-4),npv); g->Draw("P"); } tex->SetNDC(); tex->SetTextAlign(12); if (residual) tex->DrawLatex(0.18,0.975,theJES->ResidualOffsetCorr_Description()); else tex->DrawLatex(0.18,0.975,theJES->OffsetCorr_Description()); tex->DrawLatex(0.18,0.9,GetJetDesc(jetAlgo)); return true; }
void DrawInsituCorr_vs_Eta(Str jetAlgo) { Nbins=sizeof(Ebins)/sizeof(double); myJES = new JetCalibrationTool(jetAlgo,_jesFile); TH1F *h = new TH1F("","",100,-4.8,4.8); h->SetXTitle("Jet #eta_{det}"); h->SetYTitle("Residual correction for data only"); h->SetMaximum(1.1); h->SetMinimum(0.85); h->Draw(); TLine *l = new TLine(); l->SetLineWidth(2); l->SetLineColor(kGray+2); l->SetLineStyle(4); l->DrawLine(-4.65,1,4.65,1); for (int i=0;i<Nbins;++i) { Graph *g = GetInsituGraph(Ebins[i]); FormatGraph(g,i); g->Draw("PL"); double x=0.52, y=0.3-0.05*i; if (i>2) { x=0.74; y=0.3-0.05*(i-3); } DrawLabel(Form("p_{T} = %.0f GeV",Ebins[i]),x,y,i); } l->SetLineWidth(2); l->SetLineColor(kGray+2); l->SetLineStyle(1); tex->SetNDC(); tex->SetTextAlign(12); //tex->DrawLatex(0.18,0.975,myJES->AbsoluteJES_Description()); tex->DrawLatex(0.18,0.9,GetJetDesc(jetAlgo)); }
/* virtual */ void CFlowInspectorDefault::DrawRecords(const std::deque<TFlowRecord>& inRecords, int inBaseRow, float inMaxAge) const { // records are pushed back, but we want to draw new records on top // so we draw from bottom to top, ensuring linear mem access int row=inRecords.size() -1 + inBaseRow; string val; ColorF color; std::deque<TFlowRecord>::const_iterator iter (inRecords.begin()); while (iter != inRecords.end()) { const TFlowRecord& rec (*iter); float age = (m_currentTime - rec.m_tstamp).GetSeconds()-0.5f; // -0.5 grace time float ageFactor = inMaxAge > 0 ? age / inMaxAge : 0; if (ageFactor < 0) ageFactor = 0; if (ageFactor > 1) ageFactor = 1; ageFactor = smoothstep(1.0f - ageFactor); color = DRAW_COLORS[rec.m_type]; color.a *= ageFactor; DrawLabel(2.f,(float)row,color,0.0f, rec.m_message.c_str()); --row; ++iter; } }
void updateLabel(tlabel *lbl, char *str){ TFT_Set_Font(lbl->Fontname, Box1.Color, FO_HORIZONTAL); TFT_Write_Text(lbl->Caption, lbl->Left, lbl->Top); strcpy(lbl->Caption, str); TFT_Set_Font(lbl->Fontname, lbl->Font_Color, FO_HORIZONTAL); DrawLabel(lbl); }
bool CDriveItem::DrawSubitem(int subitem, CDC *pdc, CRect rc, UINT state, int *width, int *focusLeft) const { if (subitem == COL_NAME) { DrawLabel(m_list, GetMyImageList(), pdc, rc, state, width, focusLeft); return true; } else if (subitem == COL_GRAPH) { if (!m_success) { return false; } if (width != NULL) { *width= 100; return true; } DrawSelection(m_list, pdc, rc, state); rc.DeflateRect(3, 5); DrawPercentage(pdc, rc, m_used, RGB(0,0,170)); return true; } else { return false; } }
void RoundCaptionButton9Click() { // green RC1_bit = !RC1_bit; Label5.Font_Color = T6963C_BLACK; DrawLabel(&Label5); Label5.Font_Color = T6963C_WHITE; if (RC1_bit == 1) { strcpy(Label5_Caption, "OFF"); } else if (RC1_bit == 0) strcpy(Label5_Caption, "ON "); DrawLabel(&Label5); }
void DrawTimeFrequencyGrid::DrawVerticalGrid( int nVerticalLines, double time0, double time1 ) { if ( nVerticalLines <= 0 ) return; // Draw vertical gridlines for ( int i = 0; i < nVerticalLines; i++ ) { double fraction = (double) i / ( double ) nVerticalLines; float fx = (float) fraction * rectangleSize.width; pRenderTarget->DrawLine( D2D1::Point2F(fx, 0.0f), D2D1::Point2F(fx, rectangleSize.height ), pVGridBrush, 1.0f ); CString timeLabel; double timeScale = time1 - time0; if ( timeScale < 0.01 ) { timeLabel.Format( _T("%-7.4f"), time0 + fraction * (time1 - time0 ) ); } else if ( timeScale < 0.1 ) { timeLabel.Format( _T("%-6.3f"), time0 + fraction * (time1 - time0 ) ); } else { timeLabel.Format( _T("%-6.2f"), time0 + fraction * (time1 - time0 ) ); } DrawLabel( timeLabel, fx, 0.0f ); } }
void DrawInsituCorr_vs_Pt(Str jetAlgo) { myJES = new JetCalibrationTool(jetAlgo,_jesFile); TH1F *h = new TH1F("","",100,15,2500); h->SetXTitle("Jet p_{T}"); h->SetYTitle("Residual correction for data only"); h->SetMaximum(1.1); h->SetMinimum(0.85); h->Draw(); TLine *l = new TLine(); l->SetLineWidth(2); l->SetLineColor(kGray+2); l->SetLineStyle(4); l->DrawLine(16,1,2400,1); for (int i=0;i<6;++i) { double eta=4.0*i/5; Graph *g = GetInsituGraphVsPt(eta); FormatGraph(g,i); g->Draw("PL"); double x=0.52, y=0.3-0.05*i; if (i>2) { x=0.74; y=0.3-0.05*(i-3); } DrawLabel(Form("#eta = %.1f",eta),x,y,i); } l->SetLineWidth(2); l->SetLineColor(kGray+2); l->SetLineStyle(1); tex->SetNDC(); tex->SetTextAlign(12); //tex->DrawLatex(0.18,0.975,myJES->AbsoluteJES_Description()); tex->DrawLatex(0.18,0.9,GetJetDesc(jetAlgo)); }
void DrawJMS_vs_Eta(Str jetAlgo) { double massEbins[] = {50, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1500}; double massNbins = sizeof(massEbins)/sizeof(double); myJES = new JetCalibrationTool(jetAlgo,_jesFile); TH1F *h = new TH1F("","",100,-4.8,4.8); h->SetXTitle("Jet #eta_{det}"); h->SetYTitle("Jet mass response"); h->SetMaximum(1.4); h->SetMinimum(0.6); h->Draw(); TLine *l = new TLine(); l->SetLineWidth(2); l->SetLineColor(kGray+2); l->SetLineStyle(4); l->DrawLine(-4.65,1,4.65,1); for (int i=0;i<massNbins;++i) { Graph *g = GetJMSGraph(massEbins[i]); FormatGraph(g,i); g->Draw("PL"); double x=0.52, y=0.3-0.05*i; if (i>2) { x=0.74; y=0.3-0.05*(i-3); } DrawLabel(Form("E = %.0f GeV",massEbins[i]),x,y,i); } tex->SetNDC(); tex->SetTextAlign(12); tex->DrawLatex(0.18,0.975,myJES->AbsoluteJES_Description()); tex->DrawLatex(0.18,0.9,jetAlgo); }
void CZoneView::Draw(CDC* pDC, const std::vector<CElement*>& selection, CElement* highlight) { //Dessiner la zone DrawZone(pDC, selection, highlight); //Dessiner le label DrawLabel(pDC, selection, highlight); }
void RoundCaptionButton8Click() { // blue RG0_bit = !RG0_bit; Label4.Font_Color = T6963C_BLACK; DrawLabel(&Label4); Label4.Font_Color = T6963C_WHITE; if (RG0_bit == 1) { strcpy(Label4_Caption, "OFF"); } else if (RG0_bit == 0) strcpy(Label4_Caption, "ON "); DrawLabel(&Label4); }
void CMeasuredGrid::Draw(Display::IDisplayPtr pDisplay) { IMapGrid::Draw(pDisplay); DrawBorder(pDisplay); DrawGrid(pDisplay); DrawTick(pDisplay); DrawLabel(pDisplay); }
void do_redraw(char *userdata, GraphWin * wi) { if ( TransformCompute(wi) ) { DrawTitle(userdata, wi); DrawLegend(userdata, wi); DrawGridAndAxis(userdata, wi); DrawData(userdata, wi); DrawLabel(userdata, wi); } }
void wxNewBitmapButton::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { wxPaintDC dc(this); // first, make sure images for current state are prepared //RenderLabelImages(); DrawLabel( dc ); DrawDecorations( dc ); }
void wxStdRenderer::DrawFrameWithLabel(wxDC& dc, const wxString& label, const wxRect& rectFrame, const wxRect& rectText, int flags, int alignment, int indexAccel) { wxRect rectLabel; DrawLabel(dc, label, rectText, flags, alignment, indexAccel, &rectLabel); DrawFrameWithoutLabel(dc, rectFrame, rectLabel); }
// Draw Horizontal lines with labels at places that may be pre-defined void DrawTimeFrequencyGrid::DrawHorizontalGrid( MAPDOUBLE *pLabelMap, int nHorizontalLines, double lowFrequencyLimit, double highFrequencyLimit ) { if ( pLabelMap == nullptr ) { // Must be left to our own devices for ( int i = 0; i < nHorizontalLines; i++ ) { float fy; double fraction = (double) i / ( double ) nHorizontalLines; fy = (float) ( lowFrequencyLimit + fraction * ( highFrequencyLimit - lowFrequencyLimit) ); if ( fy > highFrequencyLimit ) break; float yCoord = (float) DrawScaledGridLine( 0.0, fy, rectangleSize.width, fy, pVGridBrush ); CString frequencyLabel; if ( fy < 0.01 ) frequencyLabel.Format( _T("%-7.4f"), fy ); else if ( fy < 1.0 ) frequencyLabel.Format( _T("%-7.2f"), fy ); else frequencyLabel.Format( _T("%-7.0f"), fy ); DrawLabel( frequencyLabel, 0.0f, yCoord ); } } else { MAPDOUBLEIT it; for ( it = pLabelMap->begin(); it != pLabelMap->end(); it++ ) { float fy = (float) it->second; if ( fy > highFrequencyLimit || fy < lowFrequencyLimit ) continue; float yCoord = (float) DrawScaledGridLine( 0.0, fy, rectangleSize.width, fy, pVGridBrush ); CStringA frequencyLabel = it->first; DrawLabel( CString(frequencyLabel), 0.0f, yCoord ); } } }
void AngularMeter::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &event) { wxPaintDC old_dc(this); // wxPaintDC dc((wxWindow *) this); int w,h ; GetClientSize(&w,&h); if (w != _currentWidth || h != _currentHeight){ delete (_memBitmap); _currentWidth = w; _currentHeight = h; _memBitmap = new wxBitmap(_currentWidth, _currentHeight); } ///////////////// // Create a memory DC wxMemoryDC dc; dc.SelectObject(*_memBitmap); dc.SetBackground(*wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush(_backgroundColor,wxSOLID)); dc.SetBrush(*wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush(_backgroundColor,wxSOLID)); dc.Clear(); /////////////////// //Rettangolo dc.SetPen(*wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen(_borderColor, 1, wxSOLID)); dc.DrawRectangle(0,0,w,h); //settori DrawSectors(dc) ; //tacche DrawTicks( dc ); //indicatore lancetta DrawLabel(dc); //testo valore if (_shouldDrawCurrent) DrawValue(dc); DrawNeedle(dc); //blit into the real DC old_dc.Blit(0,0,_currentWidth,_currentHeight,&dc,0,0); }
void BMenuField::Draw(BRect update) { BRect bounds(Bounds()); bool active = IsFocus() && Window()->IsActive(); DrawLabel(bounds, update); BRect frame(fMenuBar->Frame()); if (be_control_look != NULL) { frame.InsetBy(-kVMargin, -kVMargin); rgb_color base = fMenuBar->LowColor(); rgb_color background = LowColor(); uint32 flags = 0; if (!fMenuBar->IsEnabled()) flags |= BControlLook::B_DISABLED; if (active) flags |= BControlLook::B_FOCUSED; be_control_look->DrawMenuFieldFrame(this, frame, update, base, background, flags); return; } if (frame.InsetByCopy(-kVMargin, -kVMargin).Intersects(update)) { SetHighColor(tint_color(ui_color(B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR), B_DARKEN_2_TINT)); StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.left - 1.0f, - 1.0f), BPoint(frame.left - 1.0f, frame.bottom - 1.0f)); StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.left - 1.0f, - 1.0f), BPoint(frame.right - 1.0f, - 1.0f)); StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.left + 1.0f, frame.bottom + 1.0f), BPoint(frame.right + 1.0f, frame.bottom + 1.0f)); StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.right + 1.0f, + 1.0f)); SetHighColor(tint_color(ui_color(B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR), B_DARKEN_4_TINT)); StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.left - 1.0f, frame.bottom), BPoint(frame.left - 1.0f, frame.bottom)); StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.right, - 1.0f), BPoint(frame.right, - 1.0f)); } if (active || fTransition) { SetHighColor(active ? ui_color(B_KEYBOARD_NAVIGATION_COLOR) : ViewColor()); StrokeRect(frame.InsetByCopy(-kVMargin, -kVMargin)); fTransition = false; } }
void DoPaint(HDC hdc) { const char szInstructions[] = "Please touch the center of the target."; POINT p; int i, n; int old_rop; POINT last = current_target_location; HPEN hOldPen; if (current_target == total_targets) { RECT r = {10, yext/2, xext - 10, yext/2 + 40}; DrawDone(hdc, r); return; } if (current_target == 0) { RECT r = {10, yext - 85, xext - 10, yext - 10}; DrawAbout(hdc, r); } current_target_location = GetTarget(current_target); old_rop = SetROP2(hdc, R2_XORPEN); hOldPen = SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN)); n = 20; for (i=0; i < n; i++) { p.x = last.x + ((current_target_location.x - last.x) * i / n); p.y = last.y + ((current_target_location.y - last.y) * i / n); DrawTarget(hdc, p); Sleep(60); DrawTarget(hdc, p); } // final position SetROP2(hdc, R2_COPYPEN); SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN)); DrawTarget(hdc, current_target_location); DrawLabel(hdc, current_target_location, szInstructions); // put things back SetROP2(hdc, old_rop); SelectObject(hdc, hOldPen); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void BMenuField::Draw(BRect update) { BRect bounds(Bounds()); bool active = false; if (IsFocus()) active = Window()->IsActive(); /* SetHighColor(0, 255, 0); FillRect(bounds); */ DrawLabel(bounds, update); BRect frame(fMenuBar->Frame()); //rgb_color color = HighColor(); if (frame.InsetByCopy(-2, -2).Intersects(update)) { SetHighColor(tint_color(ui_color(B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR), B_DARKEN_2_TINT)); StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.left - 1.0f, - 1.0f), BPoint(frame.left - 1.0f, frame.bottom - 1.0f)); StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.left - 1.0f, - 1.0f), BPoint(frame.right - 1.0f, - 1.0f)); StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.left + 1.0f, frame.bottom + 1.0f), BPoint(frame.right + 1.0f, frame.bottom + 1.0f)); StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.right + 1.0f, + 1.0f)); SetHighColor(tint_color(ui_color(B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR), B_DARKEN_4_TINT)); StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.left - 1.0f, frame.bottom), BPoint(frame.left - 1.0f, frame.bottom)); StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.right, - 1.0f), BPoint(frame.right, - 1.0f)); } if (active || fTransition) { SetHighColor(active ? ui_color(B_KEYBOARD_NAVIGATION_COLOR) : ViewColor()); StrokeRect(frame.InsetByCopy(-kVMargin, -kVMargin)); fTransition = false; } }
bool CExtensionListControl::CListItem::DrawSubitem(int subitem, CDC *pdc, CRect rc, UINT state, int *width, int *focusLeft) const { if(subitem == COL_EXTENSION) { DrawLabel(m_list, GetMyImageList(), pdc, rc, state, width, focusLeft); } else if(subitem == COL_COLOR) { DrawColor(pdc, rc, state, width); } else { return false; } return true; }
void YabTabView::DrawTab(BRect frame, int32 current, tab_position position, bool full) { BView *owner = this; rgb_color no_tint = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); // uint32 borders = BControlLook::B_RIGHT_BORDER // | BControlLook::B_TOP_BORDER | BControlLook::B_BOTTOM_BORDER; // if (frame.left == owner->Bounds().left) // borders |= BControlLook::B_LEFT_BORDER; // be_control_look->DrawButtonFrame(owner, frame, frame, // no_tint, 0, borders); // if (position == B_TAB_FRONT) // no_tint = tint_color(no_tint, B_DARKEN_2_TINT); // be_control_look->DrawButtonBackground(owner, frame, frame, no_tint); uint32 borders = BControlLook::B_TOP_BORDER | BControlLook::B_BOTTOM_BORDER; if (frame.left == owner->Bounds().left) borders |= BControlLook::B_LEFT_BORDER; if (frame.right == owner->Bounds().right) borders |= BControlLook::B_RIGHT_BORDER; if (position == B_TAB_FRONT) { if(fTabOrientation == B_TAB_TOP) { frame.bottom += 1; be_control_look->DrawActiveTab(owner, frame, frame, no_tint, 0, borders); } else { -= 1; fYabControlLook.DrawActiveTabBottom(owner, frame, frame, no_tint, 0, borders); } } else { if(fTabOrientation == B_TAB_TOP) be_control_look->DrawInactiveTab(owner, frame, frame, no_tint, 0, borders); else fYabControlLook.DrawInactiveTabBottom(owner, frame, frame, no_tint, 0, borders); } DrawLabel(current, frame); return; }
void wxStdRenderer::DrawStatusField(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, const wxString& label, int flags, int style) { wxRect rectIn; if ( style == wxSB_RAISED ) DrawBorder(dc, wxBORDER_RAISED, rect, flags, &rectIn); else if ( style != wxSB_FLAT ) DrawBorder(dc, wxBORDER_STATIC, rect, flags, &rectIn); rectIn.Deflate(GetStatusBarFieldMargins()); wxDCClipper clipper(dc, rectIn); DrawLabel(dc, label, rectIn, flags, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL); }
void TGUITargetView::DrawBlinkingGoal() { goalState = blinkActive; // Draw a "blinking" goal into the goalBuffer. if( goalBuffer == NULL ) return; int width = viewTRect.Width(), height = viewTRect.Height(); goalBuffer->Width = width; goalBuffer->Height = height; TCanvas *canvas = goalBuffer->Canvas; int penWidth = TGUIView::GetElementWidth( targetBorderBlinking ); canvas->Pen->Width = penWidth; canvas->Pen->Color = TGUIView::GetElementColor( targetBorderBlinking ).cl; canvas->Brush->Color = TGUIView::GetElementColor( targetFillBlinking ).cl; canvas->Rectangle( penWidth / 2, penWidth / 2, width - penWidth / 2 + 1, height - penWidth / 2 + 1 ); DrawLabel( targetTextBlinking ); }
/******************************************************************************* * Function UpdateTime(TTime *RTCC_Time) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Overview: Function reads Time and displays it on Home screen * Input: Nothing * Output: Nothing *******************************************************************************/ void UpdateTime(TTime *RTCC_Time){ Label19_Caption[0] = (RTCC_Time->hours / 10) + 48; Label19_Caption[1] = (RTCC_Time->hours % 10) + 48; Label19_Caption[2] = ':'; Label19_Caption[3] = (RTCC_Time->minutes / 10) + 48; Label19_Caption[4] = (RTCC_Time->minutes % 10) + 48; Label19_Caption[5] = ' '; if (RTCC_Time->ampm == 0){ Label19_Caption[6] = 'A'; Label19_Caption[7] = 'M'; } else if (RTCC_Time->ampm == 1){ Label19_Caption[6] = 'P'; Label19_Caption[7] = 'M'; } Label19_Caption[8] = 0; TFT_Set_Brush(1, Home.Color, 0, 0, 0, 0); TFT_Set_Pen(Home.Color, 0); TFT_Rectangle(Label19.Left, Label19.Top, Label19.Left + 60, Label19.Top + 20); DrawLabel(&Label19); }
void DrawControl(const struct zzControl* ctrl) { short state = GetControlState(ctrl); if(state == -1) return; switch ( ctrl->type ) { case BUTTON: DrawButton((struct zzButton*) ctrl); break; case LABEL: DrawLabel((struct zzLabel*) ctrl); break; case TEXTFIELD: DrawTextField((struct zzTextField*) ctrl); break; default: break; } }
void wxStdRenderer::DrawCheckOrRadioButton(wxDC& dc, const wxString& label, const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxRect& rect, int flags, wxAlignment align, int indexAccel) { // calculate the position of the bitmap and of the label wxCoord heightBmp = bitmap.GetHeight(); wxCoord xBmp, yBmp = rect.y + (rect.height - heightBmp) / 2; wxRect rectLabel; dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(label, NULL, &rectLabel.height); rectLabel.y = rect.y + (rect.height - rectLabel.height) / 2; // align label vertically with the bitmap - looks nicer like this rectLabel.y -= (rectLabel.height - heightBmp) % 2; // calc horz position if ( align == wxALIGN_RIGHT ) { xBmp = rect.GetRight() - bitmap.GetWidth(); rectLabel.x = rect.x + 3; rectLabel.SetRight(xBmp); } else // normal (checkbox to the left of the text) case { xBmp = rect.x; rectLabel.x = xBmp + bitmap.GetWidth() + 5; rectLabel.SetRight(rect.GetRight()); } dc.DrawBitmap(bitmap, xBmp, yBmp, true /* use mask */); DrawLabel(dc, label, rectLabel, flags, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_TOP, indexAccel); }
// ============================================================================ // Draw points and curves // ============================================================================ void CBezierWnd::Draw() { // Draw control point handles and labels for ( PointSetIt i = m_Points.begin(); i != m_Points.end(); ++i ) { DrawHandle( *i ); DrawLabel( *i ); } if ( m_Points.size() < 3) return; // Draw curve PointList lPoints; for ( PointSetIt i = m_Points.begin(); i != m_Points.end(); ++i ) lPoints.push_back( *i ); CPoint2D p2DStart = *m_Points.begin(); float fStep = 1.f / ( 10.f * ( float ) lPoints.size() ); for ( float i = 0.f; i <= 1.f; i+= fStep ) { CPoint2D p2D = GetBezierPoint( lPoints, i ); DrawLine( p2DStart, p2D ); p2DStart = p2D; } DrawLine( p2DStart, lPoints.back() ); // Draw control polygon if ( m_bDrawPoly ) { PointSetIt i = m_Points.begin(), iPrev = i++; do { DrawLine( *iPrev, *i ); iPrev = i++; } while ( i != m_Points.end() ); } }
void dRuntimeProfiler::DrawConcurrentChart(int count, const dFloat* const times, const dVector* colors) { int leftBorder = 10; int rightBorder = 70; glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f (leftBorder, m_height - m_nextLine, 0.0f); glVertex3f (m_width - rightBorder, m_height - m_nextLine, 0.0f); int samples = 12; dFloat with = m_width - leftBorder - rightBorder; for (int i = 0 ; i <= samples; i ++) { dFloat x = i * with / samples; glVertex3f (leftBorder + x, m_height - m_nextLine - 4, 0.0f); glVertex3f (leftBorder + x, m_height - m_nextLine + 4, 0.0f); } glEnd(); dFloat timeStep = ((1.0f / 60.0f) * 1000.0f) / 4.0f; dFloat x0 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++) { dFloat step = times[i] * with / (timeStep * samples); DrawRectangle(leftBorder + x0, m_nextLine - 5.0f, step, 10, colors[i]); x0 += step; } dFloat acc = 0.0f; for (int i = 0 ; i <= samples; i ++) { char text[256]; sprintf (text, "%4.2f ms", acc); dFloat x = i * with / samples; DrawLabel (leftBorder + x, m_height - m_nextLine, text); acc += timeStep; } }
/* virtual */ void CFlowInspectorDefault::PostUpdate(IFlowGraph * pGraph) { ColorF headColor ( 1.0f,0.5f,0.5f,1.0f ); ColorF filterColor ( 1.0f,0.1f,0.1f,1.0f ); if (!m_bPaused) { UpdateRecords(); } #if 1 if (m_newCont <= MAX_ROWS_CONT) DrawLabel(2,0,headColor,0.2f, "Continuous Flows:"); else DrawLabel(2,0,headColor,0.2f, "Continuous Flows [truncated]:"); DrawRecords(m_contRecords,1, m_bPaused ? 0.0f : MAX_AGE_CONT); if (m_newOneTime <= MAX_ROWS) DrawLabel(2,1+MAX_ROWS_CONT,headColor,0.2f, "Flows:"); else DrawLabel(2,1+MAX_ROWS_CONT,headColor,0.2f, "Flows [truncated]:"); if (m_bPaused) DrawLabel(2,-1,headColor,0.5f, "Paused:"); if (m_filters.empty() == false) DrawLabel(11,-1,filterColor,0.0, "Filter Active"); DrawRecords(m_oneTimeRecords,1+1+MAX_ROWS_CONT, m_bPaused ? 0.0f : MAX_AGE); #endif m_bProcessing = true; // FIXME: actually we should set it to 'false' now, but then we don't get EntityEvents, which occur not during the FG update phase m_curRecords.resize(0); if (gEnv->pInput) { static TKeyName scrollKey("scrolllock"); if (gEnv->pInput->InputState(scrollKey, eIS_Pressed)) m_bPaused = !m_bPaused; } }