// drawFigure2
void drawFigure2()

  gSystem->mkdir("pdf", kTRUE);
  gSystem->mkdir("png", kTRUE);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  //Check if all nedeed arguments to parse are there
  if(argc != 2)
    std::cerr << ">>> compareZPeaks::usage: " << argv[0] << " configFileName" << std::endl;
    return -1;
  // Parse the config file
  std::string inputFilesDA = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::inputFilesDA");
  std::string inputFilesMC = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::inputFilesMC");
  std::string dataLabel  = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::dataLabel");
  bool useShervinNtuple = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::useShervinNtuple");
  int maxEntries    = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::maxEntries");
  std::string MCGen = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::MCGen");
  bool runDepFlag   = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::runDepFlag");
  int runMin        = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::runMin");
  int runMax        = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::runMax");
  bool diagonalCatOnly = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::diagonalCatOnly");
  std::string eleIDSelection = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::eleIDSelection");
  int eleIDBit = 1;
  if( eleIDSelection == "loose"  ) eleIDBit = 2;
  if( eleIDSelection == "medium" ) eleIDBit = 6;
  if( eleIDSelection == "tight"  ) eleIDBit = 14;
  if( eleIDSelection == "WP90PU" ) eleIDBit = 16;
  if( eleIDSelection == "WP80PU" ) eleIDBit = 48;
  bool applyPUWeight        = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::applyPUWeight");
  bool applyEnergyScaleCorr = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::applyEnergyScaleCorr");
  bool applyEnergySmearing  = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::applyEnergySmearing");
  std::string enCorrType          = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::enCorrType");
  std::string energyScaleCorrType = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::energyScaleCorrType");
  std::string energySmearingType  = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::energySmearingType");
  std::string runRangeFile        = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::runRangeFile");
  std::string ShervinScaleFile    = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::ShervinScaleFile");
  std::string ShervinSmearingFile = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::ShervinSmearingFile");
  std::string IJazZGlobalFolder   = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::IJazZGlobalFolder");
  std::string IJazZRunDepFolder   = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::IJazZRunDepFolder");
  bool doVoigtianFit    = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::doVoigtianFit");
  bool doCrystalBallFit = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::doCrystalBallFit");
  bool doEffectiveSigma = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::doEffectiveSigma");
  std::string outFilePath = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Output::outFilePath");
  // Set style options
  // Get trees
  std::cout << ">>> Get trees" << std::endl;  
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::string treeName;
  if( !useShervinNtuple ) treeName = "simpleNtupleEoverP/SimpleNtupleEoverP";
  else                    treeName = "selected";
  TChain* ntu_MC = new TChain(treeName.c_str());
  std::cout << ">>>   MC: " << std::setw(8) << ntu_MC->GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl;
  TChain* ntu_DA = new TChain(treeName.c_str());
  std::cout << ">>> DATA: " << std::setw(8) << ntu_DA->GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl;
  if( ntu_MC->GetEntries() == 0 || ntu_DA->GetEntries() == 0 )
    std::cout << ">>> compareZPeaks::Error: at least one file is empty" << std::endl; 
    return -1;
  // Define branch addresses
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << ">>> Define branch addresses" << std::endl;
  float scEta[2];
  float scE[2];
  float scERaw[2];
  float scEReg[2];
  float scETrue[2];
  float R9[2];
  int eleID[2];
  int runId;
  int isZ;
  bool HLTfire;
  int timeStampHigh;
  float mZ, mZTrue;
  int isEB1,isEB2;
  float scEta1,scEta2;
  float scERaw1,scERaw2;
  float scE1,scE2;
  float scEReg1,scEReg2;
  float scETrue1,scETrue2;
  float E3x31,E3x32;
  float R91,R92;
  int seedIeta1,seedIeta2;
  int seedIphi1,seedIphi2;
  int seedIx1,seedIx2;
  int seedIy1,seedIy2;
  int seedIz1,seedIz2;
  int eleID1, eleID2;
  int nPU;
  if( !useShervinNtuple )
    HLTfire = true;
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("*",0);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("runId",              1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("runId",&runId);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("isZ",                1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("isZ",&isZ);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("timeStampHigh",      1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("timeStampHigh",&timeStampHigh);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1ele2_scM",       1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1ele2_scM",&mZ);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_isEB",          1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_isEB",&isEB1);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_isEB",          1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_isEB",&isEB2);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scEta",         1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scEta",&scEta1);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scEta",         1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scEta",&scEta2);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scERaw",        1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scERaw",&scERaw1);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scERaw",        1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scERaw",&scERaw2);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE",           1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE",&scE1);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE",           1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE",&scE2);
    if( enCorrType == "stdSC" )
      ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE",&scEReg1);
      ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE",&scEReg2);
    if( enCorrType == "eleTunedReg" )
      ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE_regression",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE_regression",&scEReg1);
      ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE_regression",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE_regression",&scEReg2);
    if( enCorrType == "phoTunedReg" )
      ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",&scEReg1);
      ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",&scEReg2);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_e3x3",          1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_e3x3",&E3x31);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_e3x3",          1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_e3x3",&E3x32);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIeta",      1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIeta",&seedIeta1);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIeta",      1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIeta",&seedIeta2);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIphi",      1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIphi",&seedIphi1);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIphi",      1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIphi",&seedIphi2);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIx",        1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIx",&seedIx1);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIx",        1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIx",&seedIx2);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIy",        1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIy",&seedIy1);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIy",        1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIy",&seedIy2);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedZside",     1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedZside",&seedIz1);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedZside",     1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedZside",&seedIz2);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("*",0);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("isZ",                1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("isZ",&isZ);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("timeStampHigh",      1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("timeStampHigh",&timeStampHigh);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1ele2_scM",       1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1ele2_scM",&mZ);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_isEB",          1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_isEB",&isEB1);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_isEB",          1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_isEB",&isEB2);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scEta",         1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scEta",&scEta1);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scEta",         1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scEta",&scEta2);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scERaw",        1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scERaw",&scERaw1);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scERaw",        1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scERaw",&scERaw2);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE",           1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE",&scE1);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE",           1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE",&scE2);
    if( enCorrType == "stdSC" )
      ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE",&scEReg1);
      ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE",&scEReg2);
    if( enCorrType == "eleTunedReg" )
      ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE_regression",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE_regression",&scEReg1);
      ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE_regression",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE_regression",&scEReg2);
    if( enCorrType == "phoTunedReg" )
      ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",&scEReg1);
      ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",&scEReg2);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_e3x3",          1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_e3x3",&E3x31);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_e3x3",          1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_e3x3",&E3x32);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIeta",      1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIeta",&seedIeta1);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIeta",      1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIeta",&seedIeta2);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIphi",      1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIphi",&seedIphi1);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIphi",      1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIphi",&seedIphi2);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIx",        1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIx",&seedIx1);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIx",        1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIx",&seedIx2);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIy",        1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIy",&seedIy1);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIy",        1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIy",&seedIy2);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedZside",     1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedZside",&seedIz1);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedZside",     1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedZside",&seedIz2);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("PUit_TrueNumInteractions",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("PUit_TrueNumInteractions",&nPU);  
    isZ = 1;
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("*",0);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("HLTfire",       1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("HLTfire",&HLTfire);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("runNumber",     1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("runNumber",&runId);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("nPU",           1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("nPU",&nPU);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("R9Ele",         1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("R9Ele",R9);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("etaSCEle",      1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("etaSCEle",scEta);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("rawEnergySCEle",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("rawEnergySCEle",scERaw);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energyMCEle",   1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energyMCEle",scETrue);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle",   1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle",scE);
    if( enCorrType == "stdSC" )
      ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle",scEReg);
    if( enCorrType == "eleTunedRegV3" )
      ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorr_ele",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorr_ele",scEReg);
    if( enCorrType == "phoTunedRegV3" )
      ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorr_pho",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorr_pho",scEReg);
    if( enCorrType == "eleTunedRegV4" )
      ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_ele",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_ele",scEReg);
    if( enCorrType == "phoTunedRegV4" )
      ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_pho",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_pho",scEReg);
    if( enCorrType == "eleTunedRegV5" )
      ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_ele",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_ele",scEReg);
    if( enCorrType == "phoTunedRegV5" )
      ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_pho",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_pho",scEReg);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("invMass_SC",1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("invMass_SC",&mZ);
    ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("eleID",     1);   ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("eleID",eleID);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("*",0);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("HLTfire",       1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("HLTfire",&HLTfire);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("runNumber",     1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("runNumber",&runId);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("R9Ele",         1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("R9Ele",R9);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("etaSCEle",      1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("etaSCEle",scEta);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("rawEnergySCEle",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("rawEnergySCEle",scERaw);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle",   1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle",scE);
    if( enCorrType == "stdSC" )
      ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle",scEReg);
    if( enCorrType == "eleTunedRegV3" )
      ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorr_ele",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorr_ele",scEReg);
    if( enCorrType == "phoTunedRegV3" )
      ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorr_pho",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorr_pho",scEReg);
    if( enCorrType == "eleTunedRegV4" )
      ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_ele",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_ele",scEReg);
    if( enCorrType == "phoTunedRegV4" )
      ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_pho",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_pho",scEReg);
    if( enCorrType == "eleTunedRegV5" )
      ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_ele",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_ele",scEReg);
    if( enCorrType == "phoTunedRegV5" )
      ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_pho",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_pho",scEReg);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("invMass_SC",1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("invMass_SC", &mZ);
    ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("eleID",     1);   ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("eleID",eleID);
  // Define categories
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << ">>> Define categories" << std::endl;
  std::vector<std::string> categories;
  std::vector<std::string> categoryLabels;
  categoryLabels.push_back("EB-EB   R9>0.94");
  categoryLabels.push_back("EB-EB   R9<0.94");
  categoryLabels.push_back("EB-EB   |#eta|>1");
  categoryLabels.push_back("EB-EB   |#eta|<1");
  categoryLabels.push_back("EE-EE   R9>0.94");
  categoryLabels.push_back("EE-EE   R9<0.94");
  categoryLabels.push_back("EE-EE   |#eta|>2");
  categoryLabels.push_back("EE-EE   |#eta|<2");
  std::vector<float> etaBins;
  int nEtaBins = int(etaBins.size()) - 1;
  std::vector<float> R9Bins;
  int nR9Bins = int(R9Bins.size()) - 1;
  std::vector<std::string> singleCats;
  std::vector<std::string> singleCatLabels;
  for(int etaBin = 0; etaBin < nEtaBins; ++etaBin)
    for(int R9Bin = 0; R9Bin < nR9Bins; ++R9Bin)
      singleCatLabels.push_back(Form("%1.1f<|#eta|<%1.1f %1.2f<R9<%1.2f",etaBins.at(etaBin),etaBins.at(etaBin+1),R9Bins.at(R9Bin),R9Bins.at(R9Bin+1)));
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < singleCats.size(); ++i)
    for(unsigned int j = i; j < singleCats.size(); ++j)
      if( diagonalCatOnly && (j != i ) ) continue;
      categories.push_back(singleCats.at(i) + "__" + singleCats.at(j));
      categoryLabels.push_back(Form("%s %s",singleCatLabels.at(i).c_str(),singleCatLabels.at(j).c_str()));
      std::cout << ">>>>>> " << singleCats.at(i) + "__" + singleCats.at(j) << std::endl;
  // Define histograms
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << ">>> Define histograms" << std::endl;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < categories.size(); ++i)
    std::string category = categories.at(i);
    std::string histoName = "h_mZ_MC_"+category;
    h_mZ_MC[category] = new TH1F(histoName.c_str(),"",100,meeMin,meeMax);
    h_mZ_MC[category] -> Sumw2();
    histoName = "h_mZFine_MC_"+category;
    h_mZFine_MC[category] = new TH1F(histoName.c_str(),"",int((meeFineMax-meeFineMin)/precision),meeFineMin,meeFineMax);
    h_mZFine_MC[category] -> Sumw2();
    histoName = "h_mZRes_MC_"+category;
    h_mZRes_MC[category] = new TH1F(histoName.c_str(),"",10000,0.,2.);
    h_mZRes_MC[category] -> Sumw2();
    histoName = "h_mZ_DA_"+category;
    h_mZ_DA[category] = new TH1F(histoName.c_str(),"",100,meeMin,meeMax);
    h_mZ_DA[category] -> Sumw2();
    histoName = "h_mZFine_DA_"+category;
    h_mZFine_DA[category] = new TH1F(histoName.c_str(),"",int((meeFineMax-meeFineMin)/precision),meeFineMin,meeFineMax);
    h_mZFine_DA[category] -> Sumw2();
  // Setup data scale corrections
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << ">>> Setup data scale corrections" << std::endl;
  ScaleCorrector* myScaleCorrector = new ScaleCorrector(runRangeFile);
  if( applyEnergyScaleCorr )
    if( energyScaleCorrType == "shervin" ) myScaleCorrector -> SetShervinRunDepScaleMap(ShervinScaleFile);
    if( energyScaleCorrType == "fabrice" ) myScaleCorrector -> SetIJazZGlobalScaleHisto(IJazZGlobalFolder);
    if( energyScaleCorrType == "fabrice" ) myScaleCorrector -> SetIJazZRunDepScaleHistoMap(IJazZRunDepFolder);
  // Setup MC extrasmearing
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << ">>> Setup MC extrasmearing" << std::endl;
  Smearer* mySmearer = new Smearer();
  if( applyEnergySmearing )
    if( energyScaleCorrType == "shervin" ) mySmearer -> SetShervinExtraSmearingMap(ShervinSmearingFile);
    if( energyScaleCorrType == "fabrice" ) mySmearer -> SetIJazZExtraSmearingHisto(IJazZGlobalFolder);
  // pileup reweighting for MC
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << ">>> Setup MC pileup reweighting" << std::endl;
  std::map<std::string, TH1F*>* PUWeights = ReadPUWeights(MCGen,runDepFlag,runMin,runMax);
  // Loop over entries
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << ">>> Read data from MC sample" << std::endl;
  int nEntries_MC = ntu_MC -> GetEntriesFast();
  for(int ientry = 0; ientry < nEntries_MC; ++ientry)
    if( maxEntries != -1 && ientry == maxEntries ) break;
    if( ientry%100000 == 0 ) std::cout << ">>>>>> reading   MC entry " << ientry << " / " << nEntries_MC << "\r"<< std::flush;
    ntu_MC -> GetEntry(ientry);
    // variables
    R91 = E3x31/scERaw1;
    R92 = E3x32/scERaw2;
    if( useShervinNtuple )
      R91 = R9[0];
      R92 = R9[1];
      scEta1 = scEta[0];
      scEta2 = scEta[1];
      scEReg1 = scEReg[0];
      scEReg2 = scEReg[1];
      scE1 = scE[0];
      scE2 = scE[1];
      eleID1 = eleID[0];
      eleID2 = eleID[1];
      scETrue1 = scETrue[0];
      scETrue2 = scETrue[1];
      eleID1 = 7;
      eleID2 = 7;
    // selections
    if( isZ != 1 ) continue;
    if( !HLTfire ) continue;
    if( fabs(scEta1) >= 2.5000 || fabs(scEta2) >= 2.5000  ) continue;
    if( fabs(scEta1) >  1.4442 && fabs(scEta1) <  1.5660 ) continue;
    if( fabs(scEta2) >  1.4442 && fabs(scEta2) <  1.5660 ) continue;
    if( R91 < 0.0 || R91 >= 1.0 ) continue;
    if( R92 < 0.0 || R92 >= 1.0 ) continue;
    if( ((eleID1 & eleIDBit) != eleIDBit) || ((eleID2 & eleIDBit) != eleIDBit) ) continue;
    if( applyEnergySmearing )
      float energySmearing1 = gRandom->Gaus(1.,mySmearer->GetExtraSmearing(scEta1,R91,dataLabel,energySmearingType));
      float energySmearing2 = gRandom->Gaus(1.,mySmearer->GetExtraSmearing(scEta2,R92,dataLabel,energySmearingType));
      scEReg1 *= energySmearing1;
      scEReg2 *= energySmearing2;
    float ww = 1.;
    if( applyPUWeight )
      std::string periodLabel = getPeriodLabel(runId,runDepFlag,runMin,runMax);
      int ibin = (*PUWeights)[periodLabel] -> FindBin( nPU );
      if( ibin <= 1 ) ibin = 1;
      if( ibin >= (*PUWeights)[periodLabel]->GetNbinsX() ) ibin = (*PUWeights)[periodLabel]->GetNbinsX();
      ww *= (*PUWeights)[periodLabel]->GetBinContent(ibin);
    // use regression energy
    mZTrue = mZ * sqrt( scETrue1/scE1 * scETrue2/scE2 ); 
    mZ *= sqrt( scEReg1/scE1 * scEReg2/scE2 );
    // fill EB histograms
    if( (fabs(scEta1) < 1.5) && (fabs(scEta2) < 1.5) )
      h_mZ_MC["EB-EB"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
      h_mZFine_MC["EB-EB"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
      h_mZRes_MC["EB-EB"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww );
      if( (R91 > 0.94) && (R92 > 0.94) )
        h_mZ_MC["EB-EB_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZFine_MC["EB-EB_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZRes_MC["EB-EB_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww );
      if( (R91 < 0.94) && (R92 < 0.94) )
        h_mZ_MC["EB-EB_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZFine_MC["EB-EB_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZRes_MC["EB-EB_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww );
      if( (fabs(scEta1) > 1.) && (fabs(scEta2) > 1.) )
        h_mZ_MC["EB-EB_eta>1"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZFine_MC["EB-EB_eta>1"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZRes_MC["EB-EB_eta>1"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww );
      if( (fabs(scEta1) < 1.) && (fabs(scEta2) < 1.) )
        h_mZ_MC["EB-EB_eta<1"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZFine_MC["EB-EB_eta<1"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZRes_MC["EB-EB_eta<1"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww );
    // fill EE histograms
    if( (fabs(scEta1) > 1.5) && (fabs(scEta2) > 1.5) )
      h_mZ_MC["EE-EE"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
      h_mZFine_MC["EE-EE"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
      h_mZRes_MC["EE-EE"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww );
      if( (R91 > 0.94) && (R92 > 0.94) )
        h_mZ_MC["EE-EE_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZFine_MC["EE-EE_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZRes_MC["EE-EE_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww );
      if( (R91 < 0.94) && (R92 < 0.94) )
        h_mZ_MC["EE-EE_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZFine_MC["EE-EE_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZRes_MC["EE-EE_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww );
      if( (fabs(scEta1) > 2.) && (fabs(scEta2) > 2.) )
        h_mZ_MC["EE-EE_eta>2"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZFine_MC["EE-EE_eta>2"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZRes_MC["EE-EE_eta>2"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww );
      if( (fabs(scEta1) < 2.) && (fabs(scEta2) < 2.) )
        h_mZ_MC["EE-EE_eta<2"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZFine_MC["EE-EE_eta<2"] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
        h_mZRes_MC["EE-EE_eta<2"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww );
    // fill all independent categories
    std::string catLabel = GetEtaR9CatLabel(fabs(scEta1),R91,fabs(scEta2),R92,etaBins,R9Bins,categories);
    if( catLabel != "undefined__undefined" )
      h_mZ_MC[catLabel] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
      h_mZFine_MC[catLabel] -> Fill( mZ,ww );
      h_mZRes_MC[catLabel] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww );
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << ">>> Read data from DATA sample" << std::endl;
  int nEntries_DA = ntu_DA -> GetEntriesFast();
  for(int ientry = 0; ientry < nEntries_DA; ++ientry)
    if( maxEntries != -1 && ientry == maxEntries ) break;
    if( ientry%100000 == 0 ) std::cout << ">>>>>> reading DATA entry " << ientry << " / " << nEntries_DA << "\r" << std::flush;
    ntu_DA -> GetEntry(ientry);
    // variables
    R91 = E3x31/scERaw1;
    R92 = E3x32/scERaw2;
    if( useShervinNtuple )
      R91 = R9[0];
      R92 = R9[1];
      scEta1 = scEta[0];
      scEta2 = scEta[1];
      scEReg1 = scEReg[0];
      scEReg2 = scEReg[1];
      scE1 = scE[0];
      scE2 = scE[1];
      eleID1 = eleID[0];
      eleID2 = eleID[1];
      eleID1 = 7;
      eleID2 = 7;
    // selections
    if( isZ != 1 ) continue;
    if( !HLTfire ) continue;
    if( fabs(scEta1) >= 2.5000 || fabs(scEta2) >= 2.5000  ) continue;
    if( fabs(scEta1) >  1.4442 && fabs(scEta1) <  1.5660 ) continue;
    if( fabs(scEta2) >  1.4442 && fabs(scEta2) <  1.5660 ) continue;
    if( R91 < 0.0 || R91 >= 1.0 ) continue;
    if( R92 < 0.0 || R92 >= 1.0 ) continue;
    if( ((eleID1 & eleIDBit) != eleIDBit) || ((eleID2 & eleIDBit) != eleIDBit) ) continue;    
    if( applyEnergyScaleCorr )
      scEReg1 *= myScaleCorrector->GetScaleCorrection(scEta1,R91,runId,dataLabel,energyScaleCorrType);
      scEReg2 *= myScaleCorrector->GetScaleCorrection(scEta2,R92,runId,dataLabel,energyScaleCorrType);
    // use regression energy
    mZ *= sqrt( scEReg1/scE1 * scEReg2/scE2 );
    // fill EB histograms
    if( (fabs(scEta1) < 1.5) && (fabs(scEta2) < 1.5) )
      h_mZ_DA["EB-EB"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
      h_mZFine_DA["EB-EB"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
      if( (R91 > 0.94) && (R92 > 0.94) )
        h_mZ_DA["EB-EB_hR9"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
        h_mZFine_DA["EB-EB_hR9"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
      if( (R91 < 0.94) && (R92 < 0.94) )
        h_mZ_DA["EB-EB_lR9"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
        h_mZFine_DA["EB-EB_lR9"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
      if( (fabs(scEta1) > 1.) && (fabs(scEta2) > 1.) )
        h_mZ_DA["EB-EB_eta>1"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
        h_mZFine_DA["EB-EB_eta>1"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
      if( (fabs(scEta1) < 1.) && (fabs(scEta2) < 1.) )
        h_mZ_DA["EB-EB_eta<1"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
        h_mZFine_DA["EB-EB_eta<1"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
    // fill EE histograms
    if( (fabs(scEta1) > 1.5) && (fabs(scEta2) > 1.5) )
      h_mZ_DA["EE-EE"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
      h_mZFine_DA["EE-EE"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
      if( (R91 > 0.94) && (R92 > 0.94) )
        h_mZ_DA["EE-EE_hR9"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
        h_mZFine_DA["EE-EE_hR9"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
      if( (R91 < 0.94) && (R92 < 0.94) )
        h_mZ_DA["EE-EE_lR9"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
        h_mZFine_DA["EE-EE_lR9"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
      if( (fabs(scEta1) > 2.) && (fabs(scEta2) > 2.) )
        h_mZ_DA["EE-EE_eta>2"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
        h_mZFine_DA["EE-EE_eta>2"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
      if( (fabs(scEta1) < 2.) && (fabs(scEta2) < 2.) )
        h_mZ_DA["EE-EE_eta<2"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
        h_mZFine_DA["EE-EE_eta<2"]  ->  Fill( mZ );
    // fill all independent categories
    std::string catLabel = GetEtaR9CatLabel(fabs(scEta1),R91,fabs(scEta2),R92,etaBins,R9Bins,categories);
    if( catLabel != "undefined__undefined" )
      h_mZ_DA[catLabel] -> Fill( mZ );
      h_mZFine_DA[catLabel] -> Fill( mZ );
  std::cout << std::endl;
  // Drawings
  std::cout << ">>> Drawings" << std::endl;
  std::string folderName = outFilePath + "/" + dataLabel + "/";
  gSystem -> mkdir(folderName.c_str());
  if( energySmearingType == "fabrice" ) folderName += IJazZGlobalFolder + "/";
  gSystem -> mkdir(folderName.c_str());
  std::string outFileName = folderName + "/compareZPeaks";
  outFileName += "__" + enCorrType;
  outFileName += "__MC_" + MCGen;
  if( applyPUWeight )        outFileName += "__MC_PUweight";
  if( applyEnergySmearing )  outFileName += "__MC_energySmearing_" + energySmearingType;
  if( applyEnergyScaleCorr ) outFileName += "__DA_energyScaleCorr_" + energyScaleCorrType;
  outFile = new TFile((outFileName+".root").c_str(),"RECREATE");
  TCanvas* dummy = new TCanvas("dummy","",0,0,800,600);
  dummy -> Print((outFileName+"."+extension+"[").c_str(),extension.c_str());
  for(unsigned int cat = 0; cat < categories.size(); ++cat)
    std::string category = categories.at(cat);
  outFile -> Close();
  dummy -> Print((outFileName+"."+extension+"]").c_str(),extension.c_str());}