文件: complex.cpp 项目: Doeme/ldc
DValue *DtoComplexAdd(Loc &loc, Type *type, DValue *lhs, DValue *rhs) {
  llvm::Value *lhs_re, *lhs_im, *rhs_re, *rhs_im, *res_re, *res_im;

  // lhs values
  DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, lhs, lhs_re, lhs_im);
  // rhs values
  DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, rhs, rhs_re, rhs_im);

  // add up
  if (lhs_re && rhs_re) {
    res_re = gIR->ir->CreateFAdd(lhs_re, rhs_re);
  } else if (lhs_re) {
    res_re = lhs_re;
  } else { // either rhs_re or no re at all (then use any)
    res_re = rhs_re;

  if (lhs_im && rhs_im) {
    res_im = gIR->ir->CreateFAdd(lhs_im, rhs_im);
  } else if (lhs_im) {
    res_im = lhs_im;
  } else { // either rhs_im or no im at all (then use any)
    res_im = rhs_im;

  LLValue *res = DtoAggrPair(DtoType(type), res_re, res_im);
  return new DImValue(type, res);
DValue* DtoComplexSub(Loc& loc, Type* type, DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs)
    llvm::Value *lhs_re, *lhs_im, *rhs_re, *rhs_im, *res_re, *res_im;

    // lhs values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, lhs, lhs_re, lhs_im);
    // rhs values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, rhs, rhs_re, rhs_im);

    // add up
    if(lhs_re && rhs_re)
        res_re = gIR->ir->CreateFSub(lhs_re, rhs_re, "tmp");
    else if(lhs_re)
        res_re = lhs_re;
    else // either rhs_re or no re at all (then use any)
        res_re = gIR->ir->CreateFNeg(rhs_re, "neg");

    if(lhs_im && rhs_im)
        res_im = gIR->ir->CreateFSub(lhs_im, rhs_im, "tmp");
    else if(lhs_im)
        res_im = lhs_im;
    else // either rhs_im or no im at all (then use any)
        res_im = gIR->ir->CreateFNeg(rhs_im, "neg");

    LLValue* res = DtoAggrPair(DtoType(type), res_re, res_im);
    return new DImValue(type, res);
文件: complex.cpp 项目: Doeme/ldc
DValue *DtoComplexMul(Loc &loc, Type *type, DValue *lhs, DValue *rhs) {
  llvm::Value *lhs_re, *lhs_im, *rhs_re, *rhs_im, *res_re, *res_im;

  // lhs values
  DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, lhs, lhs_re, lhs_im);
  // rhs values
  DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, rhs, rhs_re, rhs_im);

  // mul up
  llvm::Value *rere = nullptr;
  llvm::Value *reim = nullptr;
  llvm::Value *imre = nullptr;
  llvm::Value *imim = nullptr;

  if (lhs_re && rhs_re) {
    rere = gIR->ir->CreateFMul(lhs_re, rhs_re, "rere_mul");
  if (lhs_re && rhs_im) {
    reim = gIR->ir->CreateFMul(lhs_re, rhs_im, "reim_mul");
  if (lhs_im && rhs_re) {
    imre = gIR->ir->CreateFMul(lhs_im, rhs_re, "imre_mul");
  if (lhs_im && rhs_im) {
    imim = gIR->ir->CreateFMul(lhs_im, rhs_im, "imim_mul");

  if (rere && imim) {
    res_re = gIR->ir->CreateFSub(rere, imim, "rere_imim_sub");
  } else if (rere) {
    res_re = rere;
  } else if (imim) {
    res_re = gIR->ir->CreateFNeg(imim, "imim_neg");
  } else {
    res_re = lhs_re ? rhs_re : lhs_re; // null!

  if (reim && imre) {
    res_im = gIR->ir->CreateFAdd(reim, imre, "reim_imre_add");
  } else if (reim) {
    res_im = reim;
  } else if (imre) {
    res_im = imre;
  } else {
    res_im = lhs_re ? rhs_im : lhs_re; // null!

  LLValue *res = DtoAggrPair(DtoType(type), res_re, res_im);
  return new DImValue(type, res);
DValue* DtoComplex(Loc& loc, Type* to, DValue* val)
    LLType* complexTy = DtoType(to);

    Type* baserety;
    Type* baseimty;
    switch (to->toBasetype()->ty) {
    default: llvm_unreachable("Unexpected complex floating point type");
    case Tcomplex32:
        baserety = Type::tfloat32;
        baseimty = Type::timaginary32;
    case Tcomplex64:
        baserety = Type::tfloat64;
        baseimty = Type::timaginary64;
    case Tcomplex80:
        baserety = Type::tfloat80;
        baseimty = Type::timaginary80;

    LLValue *re, *im;
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, to, val, re, im);

        re = LLConstant::getNullValue(DtoType(baserety));
        im = LLConstant::getNullValue(DtoType(baseimty));

    LLValue* res = DtoAggrPair(complexTy, re, im);

    return new DImValue(to, res);
DValue* DtoCastComplex(Loc& loc, DValue* val, Type* _to)
    Type* to = _to->toBasetype();
    Type* vty = val->getType()->toBasetype();
    if (to->iscomplex()) {
        if (vty->size() == to->size())
            return val;

        llvm::Value *re, *im;
        DtoGetComplexParts(loc, val->getType(), val, re, im);
        LLType* toty = DtoComplexBaseType(to);

        if (to->size() < vty->size()) {
            re = gIR->ir->CreateFPTrunc(re, toty, "tmp");
            im = gIR->ir->CreateFPTrunc(im, toty, "tmp");
        else {
            re = gIR->ir->CreateFPExt(re, toty, "tmp");
            im = gIR->ir->CreateFPExt(im, toty, "tmp");

        LLValue* pair = DtoAggrPair(DtoType(_to), re, im);
        return new DImValue(_to, pair);
    else if (to->isimaginary()) {
        // FIXME: this loads both values, even when we only need one
        LLValue* v = val->getRVal();
        LLValue* impart = gIR->ir->CreateExtractValue(v, 1, ".im_part");
        Type *extractty;
        switch (vty->ty) {
        default: llvm_unreachable("Unexpected complex floating point type");
        case Tcomplex32: extractty = Type::timaginary32; break;
        case Tcomplex64: extractty = Type::timaginary64; break;
        case Tcomplex80: extractty = Type::timaginary80; break;
        DImValue* im = new DImValue(extractty, impart);
        return DtoCastFloat(loc, im, to);
    else if (to->ty == Tbool) {
        return new DImValue(_to, DtoComplexEquals(loc, TOKnotequal, val, DtoNullValue(vty)));
    else if (to->isfloating() || to->isintegral()) {
        // FIXME: this loads both values, even when we only need one
        LLValue* v = val->getRVal();
        LLValue* repart = gIR->ir->CreateExtractValue(v, 0, ".re_part");
        Type *extractty;
        switch (vty->ty) {
        default: llvm_unreachable("Unexpected complex floating point type");
        case Tcomplex32: extractty = Type::tfloat32; break;
        case Tcomplex64: extractty = Type::tfloat64; break;
        case Tcomplex80: extractty = Type::tfloat80; break;
        DImValue* re = new DImValue(extractty, repart);
        return DtoCastFloat(loc, re, to);
    else {
        error(loc, "Don't know how to cast %s to %s", vty->toChars(), to->toChars());
void DtoGetComplexParts(Loc& loc, Type* to, DValue* val, LLValue*& re, LLValue*& im)
    DValue *dre, *dim;
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, to, val, dre, dim);
    re = dre ? dre->getRVal() : 0;
    im = dim ? dim->getRVal() : 0;
文件: complex.cpp 项目: Heromyth/ldc
void DtoGetComplexParts(Loc &loc, Type *to, DValue *val, LLValue *&re,
                        LLValue *&im) {
  DValue *dre, *dim;
  DtoGetComplexParts(loc, to, val, dre, dim);
  re = dre ? DtoRVal(dre) : nullptr;
  im = dim ? DtoRVal(dim) : nullptr;
文件: complex.cpp 项目: Heromyth/ldc
LLValue *DtoComplexEquals(Loc &loc, TOK op, DValue *lhs, DValue *rhs) {
  DValue *lhs_re, *lhs_im, *rhs_re, *rhs_im;

  // lhs values
  DtoGetComplexParts(loc, lhs->type, lhs, lhs_re, lhs_im);
  // rhs values
  DtoGetComplexParts(loc, lhs->type, rhs, rhs_re, rhs_im);

  // (l.re==r.re && l.im==r.im) or (l.re!=r.re || l.im!=r.im)
  LLValue *b1 = DtoBinFloatsEquals(loc, lhs_re, rhs_re, op);
  LLValue *b2 = DtoBinFloatsEquals(loc, lhs_im, rhs_im, op);

  if (op == TOKequal) {
    return gIR->ir->CreateAnd(b1, b2);
  return gIR->ir->CreateOr(b1, b2);
文件: complex.cpp 项目: Doeme/ldc
DValue *DtoComplexRem(Loc &loc, Type *type, DValue *lhs, DValue *rhs) {
  llvm::Value *lhs_re, *lhs_im, *rhs_re, *rhs_im, *res_re, *res_im, *divisor;

  // lhs values
  DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, lhs, lhs_re, lhs_im);
  // rhs values
  DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, rhs, rhs_re, rhs_im);

  // Divisor can be real or imaginary but not complex
  assert((rhs_re != 0) ^ (rhs_im != 0));

  divisor = rhs_re ? rhs_re : rhs_im;
  res_re = lhs_re ? gIR->ir->CreateFRem(lhs_re, divisor) : lhs_re;
  res_im = lhs_re ? gIR->ir->CreateFRem(lhs_im, divisor) : lhs_im;

  LLValue *res = DtoAggrPair(DtoType(type), res_re, res_im);
  return new DImValue(type, res);
文件: complex.cpp 项目: Doeme/ldc
void DtoGetComplexParts(Loc &loc, Type *to, DValue *val, DValue *&re,
                        DValue *&im) {
  Type *baserety;
  Type *baseimty;
  switch (to->toBasetype()->ty) {
    llvm_unreachable("Unexpected complex floating point type");
  case Tcomplex32:
    baserety = Type::tfloat32;
    baseimty = Type::timaginary32;
  case Tcomplex64:
    baserety = Type::tfloat64;
    baseimty = Type::timaginary64;
  case Tcomplex80:
    baserety = Type::tfloat80;
    baseimty = Type::timaginary80;

  Type *t = val->getType()->toBasetype();

  if (t->iscomplex()) {
    DValue *v = DtoCastComplex(loc, val, to);
    if (to->iscomplex()) {
      if (v->isLVal()) {
        LLValue *reVal =
            DtoGEPi(v->getLVal(), 0, 0, ".re_part");
        LLValue *imVal =
            DtoGEPi(v->getLVal(), 0, 1, ".im_part");
        re = new DVarValue(baserety, reVal);
        im = new DVarValue(baseimty, imVal);
      } else {
        LLValue *reVal =
            gIR->ir->CreateExtractValue(v->getRVal(), 0, ".re_part");
        LLValue *imVal =
            gIR->ir->CreateExtractValue(v->getRVal(), 1, ".im_part");
        re = new DImValue(baserety, reVal);
        im = new DImValue(baseimty, imVal);
    } else {
      DtoGetComplexParts(loc, to, v, re, im);
  } else if (t->isimaginary()) {
    re = nullptr;
    im = DtoCastFloat(loc, val, baseimty);
  } else if (t->isfloating()) {
    re = DtoCastFloat(loc, val, baserety);
    im = nullptr;
  } else if (t->isintegral()) {
    re = DtoCastInt(loc, val, baserety);
    im = nullptr;
  } else {
    llvm_unreachable("Unexpected numeric type.");
文件: complex.cpp 项目: Doeme/ldc
DValue *DtoComplexNeg(Loc &loc, Type *type, DValue *val) {
  llvm::Value *a, *b, *re, *im;

  // values
  DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, val, a, b);

  // neg up
  assert(a && b);
  re = gIR->ir->CreateFNeg(a);
  im = gIR->ir->CreateFNeg(b);

  LLValue *res = DtoAggrPair(DtoType(type), re, im);
  return new DImValue(type, res);
DValue* DtoComplexDiv(Loc& loc, Type* type, DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs)
    llvm::Value *lhs_re, *lhs_im, *rhs_re, *rhs_im, *res_re, *res_im;

    // lhs values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, lhs, lhs_re, lhs_im);
    // rhs values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, rhs, rhs_re, rhs_im);

    // if divisor is only real, division is simple
    if(rhs_re && !rhs_im) {
            res_re = gIR->ir->CreateFDiv(lhs_re, rhs_re, "re_divby_re");
            res_re = lhs_re;
            res_im = gIR->ir->CreateFDiv(lhs_im, rhs_re, "im_divby_re");
            res_im = lhs_im;
    // if divisor is only imaginary, division is simple too
    else if(!rhs_re && rhs_im) {
            res_im = gIR->ir->CreateFNeg(gIR->ir->CreateFDiv(lhs_re, rhs_im, "re_divby_im"), "neg");
            res_im = lhs_re;
            res_re = gIR->ir->CreateFDiv(lhs_im, rhs_im, "im_divby_im");
            res_re = lhs_im;
    // full division
    else {
        llvm::Value *tmp1, *tmp2, *denom;

        if(lhs_re && lhs_im) {
            tmp1 = gIR->ir->CreateFMul(lhs_re, rhs_re, "rere");
            tmp2 = gIR->ir->CreateFMul(lhs_im, rhs_im, "imim");
            res_re = gIR->ir->CreateFAdd(tmp1, tmp2, "rere_plus_imim");

            tmp1 = gIR->ir->CreateFMul(lhs_re, rhs_im, "reim");
            tmp2 = gIR->ir->CreateFMul(lhs_im, rhs_re, "imre");
            res_im = gIR->ir->CreateFSub(tmp2, tmp1, "imre_sub_reim");
        else if(lhs_re) {
            res_re = gIR->ir->CreateFMul(lhs_re, rhs_re, "rere");

            res_im = gIR->ir->CreateFMul(lhs_re, rhs_im, "reim");
            res_im = gIR->ir->CreateFNeg(res_im);
        else if(lhs_im) {
            res_re = gIR->ir->CreateFMul(lhs_im, rhs_im, "imim");
            res_im = gIR->ir->CreateFMul(lhs_im, rhs_re, "imre");
            assert(0 && "lhs has neither real nor imaginary part");

        tmp1 = gIR->ir->CreateFMul(rhs_re, rhs_re, "rhs_resq");
        tmp2 = gIR->ir->CreateFMul(rhs_im, rhs_im, "rhs_imsq");
        denom = gIR->ir->CreateFAdd(tmp1, tmp2, "denom");

        res_re = gIR->ir->CreateFDiv(res_re, denom, "res_re");
        res_im = gIR->ir->CreateFDiv(res_im, denom, "res_im");

    LLValue* res = DtoAggrPair(DtoType(type), res_re, res_im);
    return new DImValue(type, res);