int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::vector<std::string> targets; if (argc < 3) { DumpHelp(std::cerr, argv[0]); return 1; } const unsigned msgId(atoi(argv[1])); const char *programName(argv[2]); int argCounter = 3; while (argCounter < argc) { const char *arg = argv[argCounter]; if ((strcmp(arg, "-h") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "--help") == 0)) { DumpHelp(std::cout, argv[0]); return 0; } else if ((strcmp(arg, "-V") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "--version") == 0)) { DumpVersion(std::cout); return 0; } else { targets.push_back(argv[argCounter]); } argCounter++; } if (targets.empty()) targets.push_back(ASEBA_DEFAULT_TARGET); try { Aseba::Exec Exec(msgId, programName); for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) Exec.connect(targets[i]);; } catch(Dashel::DashelException e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { osmscout::ImportParameter parameter; osmscout::ConsoleProgress progress; bool parameterError=false; bool firstRouterOption=true; std::list<std::string> mapfiles; osmscout::VehicleMask defaultVehicleMask=osmscout::vehicleBicycle|osmscout::vehicleFoot|osmscout::vehicleCar; parameter.AddRouter(osmscout::ImportParameter::Router(defaultVehicleMask, "router")); // Simple way to analyze command line parameters, but enough for now... int i=1; while (i<argc) { if (strcmp(argv[i],"-h")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"-?")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--help")==0) { DumpHelp(parameter); return 0; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-s")==0) { size_t startStep; if (ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, startStep)) { parameter.SetSteps(startStep, parameter.GetEndStep()); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-e")==0) { size_t endStep; if (ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, endStep)) { parameter.SetSteps(parameter.GetStartStep(), endStep); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-d")==0) { progress.SetOutputDebug(true); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--typefile")==0) { std::string typefile; if (ParseStringArgument(argc, argv, i, typefile)) { parameter.SetTypefile(typefile); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--destinationDirectory")==0) { std::string destinationDirectory; if (ParseStringArgument(argc, argv, i, destinationDirectory)) { parameter.SetDestinationDirectory(destinationDirectory); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--router")==0) { if (firstRouterOption) { parameter.ClearRouter(); firstRouterOption=false; } osmscout::ImportParameter::RouterRef router=ParseRouterArgument(argc, argv, i); if (router) { parameter.AddRouter(*router); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--strictAreas")==0) { bool strictAreas; if (ParseBoolArgument(argc, argv, i, strictAreas)) { parameter.SetStrictAreas(strictAreas); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--numericIndexPageSize")==0) { size_t numericIndexPageSize; if (ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, numericIndexPageSize)) { parameter.SetNumericIndexPageSize(numericIndexPageSize); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--coordDataMemoryMaped")==0) { bool coordDataMemoryMaped; if (ParseBoolArgument(argc, argv, i, coordDataMemoryMaped)) { parameter.SetCoordDataMemoryMaped(coordDataMemoryMaped); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--rawNodeDataMemoryMaped")==0) { bool rawNodeDataMemoryMaped; if (ParseBoolArgument(argc, argv, i, rawNodeDataMemoryMaped)) { parameter.SetRawNodeDataMemoryMaped(rawNodeDataMemoryMaped); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--rawWayIndexMemoryMaped")==0) { bool rawWayIndexMemoryMaped; if (ParseBoolArgument(argc, argv, i, rawWayIndexMemoryMaped)) { parameter.SetRawWayIndexMemoryMaped(rawWayIndexMemoryMaped); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--rawWayDataMemoryMaped")==0) { bool rawWayDataMemoryMaped; if (ParseBoolArgument(argc, argv, i, rawWayDataMemoryMaped)) { parameter.SetRawWayDataMemoryMaped(rawWayDataMemoryMaped); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--rawWayIndexCacheSize")==0) { size_t rawWayIndexCacheSize; if (ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, rawWayIndexCacheSize)) { parameter.SetRawWayIndexCacheSize(rawWayIndexCacheSize); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--rawWayBlockSize")==0) { size_t rawWayBlockSize; if (ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, rawWayBlockSize)) { parameter.SetRawWayBlockSize(rawWayBlockSize); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-noSort")==0) { parameter.SetSortObjects(false); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--sortBlockSize")==0) { size_t sortBlockSize; if (ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, sortBlockSize)) { parameter.SetSortBlockSize(sortBlockSize); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--areaDataMemoryMaped")==0) { bool areaDataMemoryMaped; if (ParseBoolArgument(argc, argv, i, areaDataMemoryMaped)) { parameter.SetAreaDataMemoryMaped(areaDataMemoryMaped); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--areaDataCacheSize")==0) { size_t areaDataCacheSize; if (ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, areaDataCacheSize)) { parameter.SetAreaDataCacheSize(areaDataCacheSize); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--wayDataMemoryMaped")==0) { bool wayDataMemoryMaped; if (ParseBoolArgument(argc, argv, i, wayDataMemoryMaped)) { parameter.SetWayDataMemoryMaped(wayDataMemoryMaped); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--wayDataCacheSize")==0) { size_t wayDataCacheSize; if (ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, wayDataCacheSize)) { parameter.SetWayDataCacheSize(wayDataCacheSize); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--routeNodeBlockSize")==0) { size_t routeNodeBlockSize; if (ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, routeNodeBlockSize)) { parameter.SetRouteNodeBlockSize(routeNodeBlockSize); } else { parameterError=true; } } else if (strncmp(argv[i],"--",2)==0) { std::cerr << "Unknown option: " << argv[i] << std::endl; parameterError=true; i++; } else { mapfiles.push_back(argv[i]); i++; } } if (parameter.GetStartStep()==1 && mapfiles.empty()) { parameterError=true; } if (parameterError) { DumpHelp(parameter); return 1; } parameter.SetMapfiles(mapfiles); parameter.SetOptimizationWayMethod(osmscout::TransPolygon::quality); progress.SetStep("Dump parameter"); for (const auto& filename : parameter.GetMapfiles()) { progress.Info(std::string("Mapfile: ")+filename); } progress.Info(std::string("typefile: ")+parameter.GetTypefile()); progress.Info(std::string("Destination directory: ")+parameter.GetDestinationDirectory()); progress.Info(std::string("Steps: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetStartStep())+ " - "+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetEndStep())); for (const auto& router : parameter.GetRouter()) { progress.Info(std::string("Router: ")+VehcileMaskToString(router.GetVehicleMask())+ " - '"+router.GetFilenamebase()+"'"); } progress.Info(std::string("StrictAreas: ")+ (parameter.GetStrictAreas() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("NumericIndexPageSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetNumericIndexPageSize())); progress.Info(std::string("CoordDataMemoryMaped: ")+ (parameter.GetCoordDataMemoryMaped() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("RawNodeDataMemoryMaped: ")+ (parameter.GetRawNodeDataMemoryMaped() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("RawWayIndexMemoryMaped: ")+ (parameter.GetRawWayIndexMemoryMaped() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("RawWayDataMemoryMaped: ")+ (parameter.GetRawWayDataMemoryMaped() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("RawWayIndexCacheSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetRawWayIndexCacheSize())); progress.Info(std::string("RawWayBlockSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetRawWayBlockSize())); progress.Info(std::string("SortObjects: ")+ (parameter.GetSortObjects() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("SortBlockSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetSortBlockSize())); progress.Info(std::string("AreaDataMemoryMaped: ")+ (parameter.GetAreaDataMemoryMaped() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("AreaDataCacheSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetAreaDataCacheSize())); progress.Info(std::string("WayDataMemoryMaped: ")+ (parameter.GetWayDataMemoryMaped() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("WayDataCacheSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetWayDataCacheSize())); progress.Info(std::string("RouteNodeBlockSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetRouteNodeBlockSize())); bool result=osmscout::Import(parameter, progress); progress.SetStep("Summary"); if (result) { double dataSize=0; if (!CountDataSize(parameter, progress, dataSize)) { progress.Error("Error while retrieving data size"); } else { progress.Info(std::string("Resulting data size: ")+osmscout::ByteSizeToString(dataSize)); } progress.Info("Import OK!"); } else { progress.Error("Import failed!"); } return 0; }
//Assumption: All inputs are initialized to default or real value. we'll just set the stuff we see on the command line. //Assumption: Single byte names are passed in.. mb stuff doesnt cause an obvious problem... but it might have issues... //Assumption: Values larger than 2^31 aren't expressible from the commandline.... (atoi) Unless you pass in negatives.. :-| bool CommandLine::Parse(int argc, char* argv[], /* OUT */ Options* o) { size_t argLen = 0; size_t tempLen = 0; bool foundJit = false; bool foundFile = false; if (argc == 1) //Print help when no args are passed { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } for (int i = 1; i<argc; i++) { bool isASwitch = (argv[i][0] == '-'); #ifndef FEATURE_PAL if (argv[i][0] == '/') // Also accept "/" on Windows { isASwitch = true; } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL //Process a switch if (isASwitch) { argLen = strlen(argv[i]); if (argLen >1) argLen--; //adjust for leading switch else { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "help", argLen) == 0) || (_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "HELP", argLen) == 0) || (_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "?", argLen) == 0)) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "load", argLen) == 0)) { if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } processMethodContext: tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); if (tempLen == 0) { LogError("Arg '%s' is invalid, name of file missing.", argv[i]); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } o->nameOfInputMethodContextFile = new char[tempLen + 1]; strcpy_s(o->nameOfInputMethodContextFile, tempLen + 1, argv[i]); foundFile = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "jit", argLen) == 0)) { if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } processJit: tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); if (tempLen == 0) { LogError("Arg '%s' is invalid, name of jit missing.", argv[i]); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } char *tempStr = new char[tempLen + 1]; strcpy_s(tempStr, tempLen + 1, argv[i]); if (!foundJit) { o->nameOfJit = tempStr; foundJit = true; } else { o->nameOfJit2 = tempStr; } } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "reproName", argLen) == 0)) { if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } tempLen = strlen(argv[i]); if (tempLen == 0) { LogError("Arg '%s' is invalid, name of prefix missing.", argv[i]); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } char *tempStr = new char[tempLen + 1]; strcpy_s(tempStr, tempLen + 1, argv[i]); o->reproName = tempStr; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "failingMCList", argLen) == 0)) { if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } o->mclFilename = argv[i]; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "diffMCList", 10) == 0)) { if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } o->diffMCLFilename = argv[i]; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "target", 6) == 0)) { if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } o->targetArchitecture = argv[i]; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "boe", 3) == 0)) { o->breakOnError = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "boa", 3) == 0)) { o->breakOnAssert = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "verbosity", argLen) == 0)) { if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } Logger::SetLogLevel(Logger::ParseLogLevelString(argv[i])); } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "writeLogFile", argLen) == 0)) { if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } o->writeLogFile = argv[i]; Logger::OpenLogFile(argv[i]); } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "emitMethodStats", argLen) == 0)) { if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } o->methodStatsTypes = argv[i]; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "applyDiff", argLen) == 0)) { o->applyDiff = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "compile", argLen) == 0)) { if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } bool isValidList = MCList::processArgAsMCL(argv[i], &o->indexCount, &o->indexes); if (!isValidList) { LogError("Arg '%s' is invalid, needed method context list.", argv[i]); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->hash != nullptr) { LogError("Cannot use both method context list and method context hash."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->offset > 0 && o->increment > 0) { LogError("Cannot use method context list in parallel mode."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } o->compileList = argv[i]; // Save this in case we need it for -parallel. } #ifdef USE_COREDISTOOLS else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "coredistools", argLen) == 0)) { o->useCoreDisTools = true; } #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "matchHash", argLen) == 0)) { if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (strlen(argv[i]) != (MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)) { LogError("Arg '%s' is invalid, needed a valid method context hash.", argv[i]); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->indexCount > 0) { LogError("Cannot use both method context list and method context hash."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->offset > 0 && o->increment > 0) { LogError("Cannot use method context hash in parallel mode."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } o->hash = argv[i]; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "parallel", argLen) == 0)) { o->parallel = true; // Is there another argument? if (i + 1 < argc) { // If so, does it look like a worker count? bool isWorkerCount = true; size_t nextlen = strlen(argv[i + 1]); for (size_t j = 0; j < nextlen; j++) { if (!isdigit(argv[i + 1][j])) { isWorkerCount = false; // Doesn't look like a worker count; bail out and let someone else handle it. break; } } if (isWorkerCount) { ++i; o->workerCount = atoi(argv[i]); if (o->workerCount < 1) { LogError("Invalid workers count specified, workers count must be at least 1."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->workerCount > MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS) { LogError("Invalid workers count specified, workers count cannot be more than %d.", MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } } } } else if ((_stricmp(&argv[i][1], "skipCleanup") == 0)) { o->skipCleanup = true; } else if ((_strnicmp(&argv[i][1], "stride", argLen) == 0)) { // "-stride" is an internal switch used by -parallel. Usage is: // // -stride offset increment // // It compiles methods in this series until end-of-file: // offset, offset+increment, offset+2*increment, offset+3*increment, ... if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } o->offset = atoi(argv[i]); if (++i >= argc) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } o->increment = atoi(argv[i]); if (o->offset < 1 || o->increment < 1) { LogError("Incorrect offset/increment specified for -stride. Offset and increment both must be > 0."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->indexCount > 0) { LogError("Cannot use method context list in parallel mode."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->hash != nullptr) { LogError("Cannot use method context hash in parallel mode."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } } else { LogError("Unknown switch '%s' passed as argument.", argv[i]); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } } //Process an input filename //String comparisons on file extensions must be case-insensitive since we run on Windows else { char *lastdot = strrchr(argv[i], '.'); if (lastdot == nullptr) { DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (_stricmp(lastdot, PLATFORM_SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX_A) == 0) goto processJit; else if (_stricmp(lastdot, ".mc") == 0) goto processMethodContext; else if (_stricmp(lastdot, ".mch") == 0) goto processMethodContext; else if (_stricmp(lastdot, ".mct") == 0) goto processMethodContext; else { LogError("Unknown file type passed as argument, '%s'.", argv[i]); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } } } // Do some argument validation. if (o->nameOfJit == nullptr) { LogError("Missing name of a Jit."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->nameOfInputMethodContextFile == nullptr) { LogError("Missing name of an input file."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->diffMCLFilename != nullptr && !o->applyDiff) { LogError("-diffMCList specified without -applyDiff."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->targetArchitecture != nullptr && (0 != _stricmp(o->targetArchitecture, "arm64"))) { LogError("Illegal target architecture specified with -target (only arm64 is supported)."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } if (o->skipCleanup && !o->parallel) { LogError("-skipCleanup requires -parallel."); DumpHelp(argv[0]); return false; } return true; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::string map; std::string style; size_t width,height; std::vector<Action> actions; if (argc<5) { DumpHelp(); return 1; } if ((argc-5)%3!=0) { DumpHelp(); return 1; } map=argv[1]; style=argv[2]; if (!osmscout::StringToNumber(argv[3],width)) { std::cerr << "width is not numeric!" << std::endl; return 1; } if (!osmscout::StringToNumber(argv[4],height)) { std::cerr << "height is not numeric!" << std::endl; return 1; } int arg=5; while (arg<argc) { Action action; if (sscanf(argv[arg],"%lf",&!=1) { std::cerr << "lat is not numeric!" << std::endl; return 1; } arg++; if (sscanf(argv[arg],"%lf",&action.lon)!=1) { std::cerr << "lon is not numeric!" << std::endl; return 1; } arg++; if (sscanf(argv[arg],"%lf",&action.magnification)!=1) { std::cerr << "zoom is not numeric!" << std::endl; return 1; } arg++; actions.push_back(action); } std::cout << "# General program resources initialized, press return to start rendering emulation!" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); { osmscout::DatabaseParameter databaseParameter; databaseParameter.SetAreaAreaIndexCacheSize(0); databaseParameter.SetAreaNodeIndexCacheSize(0); osmscout::DatabaseRef database(new osmscout::Database(databaseParameter)); osmscout::MapServiceRef mapService(new osmscout::MapService(database)); if (!database->Open(map.c_str())) { std::cerr << "Cannot open database" << std::endl; return 1; } database->DumpStatistics(); osmscout::StyleConfigRef styleConfig(new osmscout::StyleConfig(database->GetTypeConfig())); if (!styleConfig->Load(style)) { std::cerr << "Cannot open style" << std::endl; } for (std::vector<Action>::const_iterator action=actions.begin(); action!=actions.end(); ++action) { std::cout << "-------------------" << std::endl; std::cout << "# Rendering " << action->lat << "," << action->lon << " with zoom " << action->magnification << " and size " << width << "x" << height << std::endl; osmscout::MercatorProjection projection; osmscout::AreaSearchParameter searchParameter; osmscout::MapData data; projection.Set(osmscout::GeoCoord(action->lat, action->lon), osmscout::Magnification(action->magnification), 96.0, width, height); osmscout::StopClock dbTimer; std::list<osmscout::TileRef> tiles; mapService->LookupTiles(projection,tiles); mapService->LoadMissingTileData(searchParameter,*styleConfig,tiles); mapService->ConvertTilesToMapData(tiles,data); dbTimer.Stop(); std::cout << "# DB access time " << dbTimer << std::endl; database->DumpStatistics(); } std::cout << "# Press return to close database" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); database->Close(); } std::cout << "# Press return to end application" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::string map; std::string style; size_t width,height; std::vector<Action> actions; if (argc<5) { DumpHelp(); return 1; } if ((argc-5)%3!=0) { DumpHelp(); return 1; } map=argv[1]; style=argv[2]; if (!osmscout::StringToNumber(argv[3],width)) { std::cerr << "width is not numeric!" << std::endl; return 1; } if (!osmscout::StringToNumber(argv[4],height)) { std::cerr << "height is not numeric!" << std::endl; return 1; } int arg=5; while (arg<argc) { Action action; if (sscanf(argv[arg],"%lf",&!=1) { std::cerr << "lat is not numeric!" << std::endl; return 1; } arg++; if (sscanf(argv[arg],"%lf",&action.lon)!=1) { std::cerr << "lon is not numeric!" << std::endl; return 1; } arg++; if (sscanf(argv[arg],"%lf",&action.magnification)!=1) { std::cerr << "zoom is not numeric!" << std::endl; return 1; } arg++; actions.push_back(action); } std::cout << "# General program resources initialized, press return to start rendering emulation!" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); { osmscout::DatabaseParameter databaseParameter; databaseParameter.SetAreaAreaIndexCacheSize(0); databaseParameter.SetAreaNodeIndexCacheSize(0); databaseParameter.SetNodeCacheSize(0); databaseParameter.SetWayCacheSize(0); databaseParameter.SetAreaCacheSize(0); osmscout::DatabaseRef database(new osmscout::Database(databaseParameter)); osmscout::MapServiceRef mapService(new osmscout::MapService(database)); if (!database->Open(map.c_str())) { std::cerr << "Cannot open database" << std::endl; return 1; } database->DumpStatistics(); osmscout::StyleConfigRef styleConfig(new osmscout::StyleConfig(database->GetTypeConfig())); if (!styleConfig->Load(style)) { std::cerr << "Cannot open style" << std::endl; } for (std::vector<Action>::const_iterator action=actions.begin(); action!=actions.end(); ++action) { std::cout << "-------------------" << std::endl; std::cout << "# Rendering " << action->lat << "," << action->lon << " with zoom " << action->magnification << " and size " << width << "x" << height << std::endl; osmscout::MercatorProjection projection; osmscout::AreaSearchParameter searchParameter; osmscout::MapData data; projection.Set(action->lon, action->lat, action->magnification, width, height); osmscout::TypeSet nodeTypes; std::vector<osmscout::TypeSet> wayTypes; osmscout::TypeSet areaTypes; styleConfig->GetNodeTypesWithMaxMag(projection.GetMagnification(), nodeTypes); styleConfig->GetWayTypesByPrioWithMaxMag(projection.GetMagnification(), wayTypes); styleConfig->GetAreaTypesWithMaxMag(projection.GetMagnification(), areaTypes); osmscout::StopClock dbTimer; mapService->GetObjects(nodeTypes, wayTypes, areaTypes, projection.GetLonMin(), projection.GetLatMin(), projection.GetLonMax(), projection.GetLatMax(), projection.GetMagnification(), searchParameter, data.nodes, data.ways, data.areas); dbTimer.Stop(); std::cout << "# DB access time " << dbTimer << std::endl; database->DumpStatistics(); } std::cout << "# Press return to flush caches" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); database->FlushCache(); std::cout << "# Press return to close database" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); } std::cout << "# Press return to end application" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { osmscout::ImportParameter parameter; osmscout::ConsoleProgress progress; bool parameterError=false; std::string mapfile=parameter.GetMapfile(); std::string typefile=parameter.GetTypefile(); std::string destinationDirectory=parameter.GetDestinationDirectory(); size_t startStep=parameter.GetStartStep(); size_t endStep=parameter.GetEndStep(); bool strictAreas=parameter.GetStrictAreas(); size_t numericIndexPageSize=parameter.GetNumericIndexPageSize(); size_t sortBlockSize=parameter.GetSortBlockSize(); bool coordDataMemoryMaped=parameter.GetCoordDataMemoryMaped(); bool rawNodeDataMemoryMaped=parameter.GetRawNodeDataMemoryMaped(); size_t rawNodeDataCacheSize=parameter.GetRawNodeDataCacheSize(); bool rawWayIndexMemoryMaped=parameter.GetRawWayIndexMemoryMaped(); bool rawWayDataMemoryMaped=parameter.GetRawWayDataMemoryMaped(); size_t rawWayDataCacheSize=parameter.GetRawWayDataCacheSize(); size_t rawWayIndexCacheSize=parameter.GetRawWayIndexCacheSize(); size_t rawWayBlockSize=parameter.GetRawWayBlockSize(); bool areaDataMemoryMaped=parameter.GetAreaDataMemoryMaped(); size_t areaDataCacheSize=parameter.GetAreaDataCacheSize(); bool wayDataMemoryMaped=parameter.GetWayDataMemoryMaped(); size_t wayDataCacheSize=parameter.GetWayDataCacheSize(); size_t routeNodeBlockSize=parameter.GetRouteNodeBlockSize(); // Simple way to analyse command line parameters, but enough for now... int i=1; while (i<argc) { if (strcmp(argv[i],"-s")==0) { parameterError=!ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, startStep); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-e")==0) { parameterError=!ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, endStep); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-d")==0) { progress.SetOutputDebug(true); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-h")==0) { DumpHelp(parameter); return 0; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--help")==0) { DumpHelp(parameter); return 0; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--typefile")==0) { parameterError=!ParseStringArgument(argc, argv, i, typefile); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--destinationDirectory")==0) { parameterError=!ParseStringArgument(argc, argv, i, destinationDirectory); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--strictAreas")==0) { parameterError=!ParseBoolArgument(argc, argv, i, strictAreas); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--numericIndexPageSize")==0) { parameterError=!ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, numericIndexPageSize); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--coordDataMemoryMaped")==0) { parameterError=!ParseBoolArgument(argc, argv, i, coordDataMemoryMaped); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--rawNodeDataMemoryMaped")==0) { parameterError=!ParseBoolArgument(argc, argv, i, rawNodeDataMemoryMaped); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--rawNodeDataCacheSize")==0) { parameterError=!ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, rawNodeDataCacheSize); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--rawWayIndexMemoryMaped")==0) { parameterError=!ParseBoolArgument(argc, argv, i, rawWayIndexMemoryMaped); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--rawWayDataMemoryMaped")==0) { parameterError=!ParseBoolArgument(argc, argv, i, rawWayDataMemoryMaped); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--rawWayDataCacheSize")==0) { parameterError=!ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, rawWayDataCacheSize); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--rawWayIndexCacheSize")==0) { parameterError=!ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, rawWayIndexCacheSize); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--rawWayBlockSize")==0) { parameterError=!ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, rawWayBlockSize); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-noSort")==0) { parameter.SetSortObjects(false); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--sortBlockSize")==0) { parameterError=!ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, sortBlockSize); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--areaDataMemoryMaped")==0) { parameterError=!ParseBoolArgument(argc, argv, i, areaDataMemoryMaped); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--areaDataCacheSize")==0) { parameterError=!ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, areaDataCacheSize); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--wayDataMemoryMaped")==0) { parameterError=!ParseBoolArgument(argc, argv, i, wayDataMemoryMaped); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--wayDataCacheSize")==0) { parameterError=!ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, wayDataCacheSize); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--routeNodeBlockSize")==0) { parameterError=!ParseSizeTArgument(argc, argv, i, routeNodeBlockSize); } else if (mapfile.empty()) { mapfile=argv[i]; i++; } else { std::cerr << "Unknown option: " << argv[i] << std::endl; parameterError=true; i++; } } if (startStep==1 && mapfile.empty()) { parameterError=true; } if (parameterError) { DumpHelp(parameter); return 1; } parameter.SetMapfile(mapfile); parameter.SetTypefile(typefile); parameter.SetDestinationDirectory(destinationDirectory); parameter.SetSteps(startStep,endStep); parameter.SetStrictAreas(strictAreas); parameter.SetNumericIndexPageSize(numericIndexPageSize); parameter.SetSortBlockSize(sortBlockSize); parameter.SetCoordDataMemoryMaped(coordDataMemoryMaped); parameter.SetRawNodeDataMemoryMaped(rawNodeDataMemoryMaped); parameter.SetRawNodeDataCacheSize(rawNodeDataCacheSize); parameter.SetRawWayIndexMemoryMaped(rawWayIndexMemoryMaped); parameter.SetRawWayDataMemoryMaped(rawWayDataMemoryMaped); parameter.SetRawWayDataCacheSize(rawWayDataCacheSize); parameter.SetRawWayIndexCacheSize(rawWayIndexCacheSize); parameter.SetRawWayBlockSize(rawWayBlockSize); parameter.SetAreaDataMemoryMaped(areaDataMemoryMaped); parameter.SetAreaDataCacheSize(areaDataCacheSize); parameter.SetWayDataMemoryMaped(wayDataMemoryMaped); parameter.SetWayDataCacheSize(wayDataCacheSize); parameter.SetRouteNodeBlockSize(routeNodeBlockSize); parameter.SetOptimizationWayMethod(osmscout::TransPolygon::quality); progress.SetStep("Dump parameter"); progress.Info(std::string("Mapfile: ")+parameter.GetMapfile()); progress.Info(std::string("typefile: ")+parameter.GetTypefile()); progress.Info(std::string("Destination directory: ")+parameter.GetDestinationDirectory()); progress.Info(std::string("Steps: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetStartStep())+ " - "+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetEndStep())); progress.Info(std::string("StrictAreas: ")+ (parameter.GetStrictAreas() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("NumericIndexPageSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetNumericIndexPageSize())); progress.Info(std::string("CoordDataMemoryMaped: ")+ (parameter.GetCoordDataMemoryMaped() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("RawNodeDataMemoryMaped: ")+ (parameter.GetRawNodeDataMemoryMaped() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("RawNodeDataCacheSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetRawNodeDataCacheSize())); progress.Info(std::string("RawWayIndexMemoryMaped: ")+ (parameter.GetRawWayIndexMemoryMaped() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("RawWayDataMemoryMaped: ")+ (parameter.GetRawWayDataMemoryMaped() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("RawWayDataCacheSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetRawWayDataCacheSize())); progress.Info(std::string("RawWayIndexCacheSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetRawWayIndexCacheSize())); progress.Info(std::string("RawWayBlockSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetRawWayBlockSize())); progress.Info(std::string("SortObjects: ")+ (parameter.GetSortObjects() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("SortBlockSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetSortBlockSize())); progress.Info(std::string("AreaDataMemoryMaped: ")+ (parameter.GetAreaDataMemoryMaped() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("AreaDataCacheSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetAreaDataCacheSize())); progress.Info(std::string("WayDataMemoryMaped: ")+ (parameter.GetWayDataMemoryMaped() ? "true" : "false")); progress.Info(std::string("WayDataCacheSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetWayDataCacheSize())); progress.Info(std::string("RouteNodeBlockSize: ")+ osmscout::NumberToString(parameter.GetRouteNodeBlockSize())); if (osmscout::Import(parameter,progress)) { std::cout << "Import OK!" << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Import failed!" << std::endl; } return 0; }