 * @brief parse the hex-encoded salt from the metakey.
 * @param errorKey holds an error description in case of failure.
 * @param k holds the salt as metakey
 * @param salt is set to an allocated buffer containing the salt. Must be freed by the caller.
 * @param saltLen is set to the length of the salt. Ignored if NULL is provided.
 * @retval 1 on success
 * @retval -1 on error. errorKey holds a description.
int CRYPTO_PLUGIN_FUNCTION (getSaltFromMetakey) (Key * errorKey, Key * k, kdb_octet_t ** salt, kdb_unsigned_long_t * saltLen)
	size_t saltLenInternal = 0;
	const Key * meta = keyGetMeta (k, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_META_SALT);
	if (!meta)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (ELEKTRA_ERROR_CRYPTO_INTERNAL_ERROR, errorKey, "missing salt as metakey %s in key %s",
				    ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_META_SALT, keyName (k));
		return -1;

	int result = CRYPTO_PLUGIN_FUNCTION (base64Decode) (errorKey, keyString (meta), salt, &saltLenInternal);
	if (result == -1)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (ELEKTRA_ERROR_CRYPTO_INTERNAL_ERROR, errorKey, "Salt was not stored Base64 encoded.");
		return -1;
	else if (result == -2)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, errorKey, "Memory allocation failed");
		return -1;
	else if (result < -2)
		// errorKey has been set by base64Decode (...)
		return -1;

	*saltLen = saltLenInternal;
	return 1;
int elektraAugeasOpen (Plugin * handle, Key * parentKey)
	augeas * augeasHandle;
	augeasHandle = aug_init (NULL, NULL, AUG_NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD | AUG_NO_ERR_CLOSE);
	int ret;

	if (aug_error (augeasHandle) != AUG_NOERROR)
		char * errormessage;
		ret = asprintf (&errormessage, "Unable to initialize augeas: %s", aug_error_message (augeasHandle));

		if (ret >= 0)
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Unable to allocate memory for a detailed augeas error message");
			return -1;

		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (85, parentKey, errormessage);
		elektraFree (errormessage);
		return -1;

	elektraPluginSetData (handle, augeasHandle);
	return 0;
 * @brief Overwrites the content of the given file with zeroes.
 * @param fd holds the file descriptor to the temporary file to be shredded
 * @param errorKey holds an error description in case of failure
 * @retval 1 on success
 * @retval -1 on failure. In this case errorKey holds an error description.
static int shredTemporaryFile (int fd, Key * errorKey)
	kdb_octet_t buffer[512] = { 0 };
	struct stat tmpStat;

	if (fstat (fd, &tmpStat))
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (ELEKTRA_ERROR_FCRYPT_TMP_FILE, errorKey, "Failed to retrieve the file status of the temporary file.");
		return -1;

	if (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_SET))
		goto error;

	for (off_t i = 0; i < tmpStat.st_size; i += sizeof (buffer))
		if (write (fd, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) != sizeof (buffer))
			goto error;
	return 1;

	ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (ELEKTRA_ERROR_FCRYPT_TMP_FILE, errorKey, "Failed to overwrite the temporary file.");
	return -1;
static int saveTree (augeas * augeasHandle, KeySet * ks, const char * lensPath, Key * parentKey)
	int ret = 0;

	size_t prefixSize = keyGetNameSize (parentKey) - 1;
	size_t arraySize = ksGetSize (ks);
	Key ** keyArray = calloc (ksGetSize (ks), sizeof (Key *));
	ret = elektraKsToMemArray (ks, keyArray);

	if (ret < 0) goto memoryerror;

	qsort (keyArray, arraySize, sizeof (Key *), keyCmpOrderWrapper);

	/* convert the Elektra KeySet to an Augeas tree */
	for (size_t i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
		Key * key = keyArray[i];
		char * nodeName;
		ret = asprintf (&nodeName, AUGEAS_TREE_ROOT "%s", (keyName (key) + prefixSize));

		if (ret < 0) goto memoryerror;

		aug_set (augeasHandle, nodeName, keyString (key));
		elektraFree (nodeName);

	elektraFree (keyArray);

	/* remove keys not present in the KeySet */
	struct OrphanSearch * data = elektraMalloc (sizeof (struct OrphanSearch));

	if (!data) return -1;

	data->ks = ks;
	data->parentKey = parentKey;

	ret = foreachAugeasNode (augeasHandle, AUGEAS_TREE_ROOT, &removeOrphan, data);

	elektraFree (data);

	/* build the tree */
	ret = aug_text_retrieve (augeasHandle, lensPath, AUGEAS_CONTENT_ROOT, AUGEAS_TREE_ROOT, AUGEAS_OUTPUT_ROOT);

	if (ret < 0)
		/* report the augeas specific error */
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (85, parentKey, getAugeasError (augeasHandle));

	return ret;

	elektraFree (keyArray);
	ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Unable to allocate memory while saving the augeas tree");
	return -1;
static inline bool writeData (FILE * file, const char * data, kdb_unsigned_long_long_t size, Key * errorKey)
	if (!writeUInt64 (file, size, errorKey))
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (ELEKTRA_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED, errorKey, feof (file) ? "premature end of file" : "unknown error");
		return false;

	if (size > 0)
		if (fwrite (data, sizeof (char), size, file) < size)
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (ELEKTRA_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED, errorKey, feof (file) ? "premature end of file" : "unknown error");
			return false;
	return true;
int elektraCryptoGcryHandleCreate (elektraCryptoHandle ** handle, KeySet * config, Key * errorKey)
	gcry_error_t gcry_err;
	unsigned char keyBuffer[64], ivBuffer[64];
	size_t keyLength, ivLength;

	(*handle) = NULL;

	// retrieve keys from configuration
	Key * key = elektraCryptoReadParamKey (config, errorKey);
	Key * iv = elektraCryptoReadParamIv (config, errorKey);
	if (key == NULL || iv == NULL)
		return (-1);

	keyLength = keyGetBinary (key, keyBuffer, sizeof (keyBuffer));
	ivLength = keyGetBinary (iv, ivBuffer, sizeof (ivBuffer));

	// create the handle
	(*handle) = elektraMalloc (sizeof (elektraCryptoHandle));
	if (*handle == NULL)
		memset (keyBuffer, 0, sizeof (keyBuffer));
		memset (ivBuffer, 0, sizeof (ivBuffer));
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, errorKey, "Memory allocation failed");
		return (-1);

	if ((gcry_err = gcry_cipher_open (*handle, GCRY_CIPHER_AES256, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CBC, 0)) != 0)
		goto error;

	if ((gcry_err = gcry_cipher_setkey (**handle, keyBuffer, keyLength)) != 0)
		goto error;

	if ((gcry_err = gcry_cipher_setiv (**handle, ivBuffer, ivLength)) != 0)
		goto error;

	memset (keyBuffer, 0, sizeof (keyBuffer));
	memset (ivBuffer, 0, sizeof (ivBuffer));
	return 1;

	memset (keyBuffer, 0, sizeof (keyBuffer));
	memset (ivBuffer, 0, sizeof (ivBuffer));
	ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (ELEKTRA_ERROR_CRYPTO_CONFIG_FAULT, errorKey, "Failed to create handle because: %s", gcry_strerror (gcry_err));
	gcry_cipher_close (**handle);
	elektraFree (*handle);
	(*handle) = NULL;
	return (-1);
static inline bool readUInt64 (FILE * file, kdb_unsigned_long_long_t * valuePtr, Key * errorKey)
	if (fread (valuePtr, sizeof (kdb_unsigned_long_long_t), 1, file) < 1)
		return false;
	*valuePtr = le64toh (*valuePtr);
	return true;
static inline char * readString (FILE * file, Key * errorKey)
	kdb_unsigned_long_long_t size;
	if (!readUInt64 (file, &size, errorKey))
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (ELEKTRA_ERROR_READ_FAILED, errorKey, feof (file) ? "premature end of file" : "unknown error");
		return NULL;

	char * string = elektraMalloc (size + 1);
	if (fread (string, sizeof (char), size, file) < size)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (ELEKTRA_ERROR_READ_FAILED, errorKey, feof (file) ? "premature end of file" : "unknown error");
		elektraFree (string);
		return NULL;
	string[size] = '\0';
	return string;
static inline bool writeUInt64 (FILE * file, kdb_unsigned_long_long_t value, Key * errorKey)
	kdb_unsigned_long_long_t littleEndian = htole64 (value);
	if (fwrite (&littleEndian, sizeof (kdb_unsigned_long_long_t), 1, file) < 1)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (ELEKTRA_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED, errorKey, feof (file) ? "premature end of file" : "unknown error");
		return false;
	return true;
static CondResult parseCondition (Key * key, const char * condition, const Key * suffixList, KeySet * ks, Key * parentKey)
	CondResult result = FALSE;
	const char * regexString = "((\\(([^\\(\\)]*)\\)))";
	regex_t regex;

	if ((regcomp (&regex, regexString, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NEWLINE)))
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Couldn't compile regex: most likely out of memory"); // the regex compiles so the only
		// possible error would be out of
		// memory
		ksDel (ks);
		return ERROR;

	char * localCondition = elektraStrDup (condition);
	int subMatches = 4;
	regmatch_t m[subMatches];
	char * ptr = localCondition;
	while (1)
		int nomatch = regexec (&regex, ptr, subMatches, m, 0);
		if (nomatch)
		if (m[3].rm_so == -1)
			result = -1;
		int startPos;
		int endPos;
		startPos = m[3].rm_so + (ptr - localCondition);
		endPos = m[3].rm_eo + (ptr - localCondition);
		char * singleCondition = elektraMalloc (endPos - startPos + 1);
		strncpy (singleCondition, localCondition + startPos, endPos - startPos);
		singleCondition[endPos - startPos] = '\0';
		result = parseSingleCondition (key, singleCondition, suffixList, ks, parentKey);
		for (int i = startPos - 1; i < endPos + 1; ++i)
			localCondition[i] = ' ';
		localCondition[startPos - 1] = '\'';
		localCondition[startPos] = (result == TRUE) ? '1' : '0';
		localCondition[startPos + 1] = '\'';
		elektraFree (singleCondition);
	elektraFree (localCondition);
	regfree (&regex);
	return result;
 * @brief create a random sequence of characters with given length.
 * @param errorKey holds an error description in case of failure.
 * @param length the number of random bytes to be generated.
 * @returns allocated buffer holding a hex-encoded random string or NULL in case of error. Must be freed by the caller.
char * elektraCryptoGcryCreateRandomString (Key * errorKey, const kdb_unsigned_short_t length)
	char * encoded = NULL;
	kdb_octet_t buffer[length];
	gcry_create_nonce (buffer, length);
	if (CRYPTO_PLUGIN_FUNCTION (base64Encode) (errorKey, buffer, length, &encoded) < 0)
		return NULL;
	if (!encoded)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, errorKey, "Memory allocation failed");
	return encoded;
 * @brief derive the cryptographic key and IV for a given (Elektra) Key k
 * @param config KeySet holding the plugin/backend configuration
 * @param errorKey holds an error description in case of failure
 * @param masterKey holds the decrypted master password from the plugin configuration
 * @param k the (Elektra)-Key to be encrypted
 * @param cKey (Elektra)-Key holding the cryptographic material
 * @param cIv (Elektra)-Key holding the initialization vector
 * @retval -1 on failure. errorKey holds the error description.
 * @retval 1 on success
static int getKeyIvForEncryption (KeySet * config, Key * errorKey, Key * masterKey, Key * k, Key * cKey, Key * cIv)
	kdb_octet_t salt[ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_DEFAULT_SALT_LEN] = { 0 };
	kdb_octet_t keyBuffer[KEY_BUFFER_SIZE] = { 0 };
	char * saltHexString = NULL;

	ELEKTRA_ASSERT (masterKey != NULL, "Parameter `masterKey` must not be NULL");

	// generate the salt
	pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex_ssl);
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (ELEKTRA_ERROR_CRYPTO_INTERNAL_ERROR, errorKey, "failed to generate random salt with error code %lu",
				    ERR_get_error ());
		pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_ssl);
		return -1;
	pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_ssl);
	saltHexString = ELEKTRA_PLUGIN_FUNCTION (ELEKTRA_PLUGIN_NAME_C, base64Encode) (salt, sizeof (salt));
	if (!saltHexString)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, errorKey, "Memory allocation failed");
		return -1;
	keySetMeta (k, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_META_SALT, saltHexString);
	elektraFree (saltHexString);

	// read iteration count
	const kdb_unsigned_long_t iterations = CRYPTO_PLUGIN_FUNCTION (getIterationCount) (errorKey, config);

	// generate/derive the cryptographic key and the IV
	pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex_ssl);
	if (!PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1 (keyValue (masterKey), keyGetValueSize (masterKey), salt, sizeof (salt), iterations, KEY_BUFFER_SIZE,
				    "Failed to create a cryptographic key for encryption. Libcrypto returned error code: %lu",
				    ERR_get_error ());
		pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_ssl);
		return -1;
	pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_ssl);

	keySetBinary (cKey, keyBuffer, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_SSL_KEYSIZE);
	return 1;
int elektraWresolverOpen (Plugin * handle, Key * errorKey)
	KeySet * resolverConfig = elektraPluginGetConfig (handle);
	const char * path = keyString (ksLookupByName (resolverConfig, "/path", 0));

	if (!path)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (34, errorKey, "Could not find file configuration");
		return -1;

	resolverHandles * p = elektraMalloc (sizeof (resolverHandles));

	// switch is only present to forget no namespace and to get
	// a warning whenever a new namespace is present.
	// (also used below in close)
	// In fact its linear code executed:
	switch (KEY_NS_SPEC)
	case KEY_NS_SPEC:
		resolverInit (&p->spec, path);
		elektraResolveSpec (&p->spec, errorKey);
	case KEY_NS_DIR:
		resolverInit (&p->dir, path);
		elektraResolveDir (&p->dir, errorKey);
	case KEY_NS_USER:
		resolverInit (&p->user, path);
		elektraResolveUser (&p->user, errorKey);
		resolverInit (&p->system, path);
		elektraResolveSystem (&p->system, errorKey);
	case KEY_NS_PROC:
	case KEY_NS_NONE:
	case KEY_NS_META:

	elektraPluginSetData (handle, p);

	return 0; /* success */
文件: augeas.c 项目: beku/libelektra
int elektraAugeasOpen(Plugin *handle, Key *parentKey)
	augeas *augeasHandle;
	augeasHandle = aug_init (NULL, NULL,

	if (aug_error (augeasHandle) != AUG_NOERROR)
		char *errormessage;
		asprintf (&errormessage, "Unable to initialize augeas: %s",
				aug_error_message (augeasHandle));
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(85, parentKey, errormessage);
		free (errormessage);
		return -1;

	elektraPluginSetData (handle, augeasHandle);
	return 0;
 * @brief derive the cryptographic key and IV for a given (Elektra) Key k
 * @param config KeySet holding the plugin/backend configuration
 * @param errorKey holds an error description in case of failure
 * @param masterKey holds the decrypted master password from the plugin configuration
 * @param k the (Elektra)-Key to be encrypted
 * @param cKey (Elektra)-Key holding the cryptographic material
 * @param cIv (Elektra)-Key holding the initialization vector
 * @retval -1 on failure. errorKey holds the error description.
 * @retval 1 on success
static int getKeyIvForEncryption (KeySet * config, Key * errorKey, Key * masterKey, Key * k, Key * cKey, Key * cIv)
	gcry_error_t gcry_err;
	kdb_octet_t keyBuffer[KEY_BUFFER_SIZE];
	char * saltHexString = NULL;

	ELEKTRA_ASSERT (masterKey != NULL, "Parameter `masterKey` must not be NULL");

	// generate the salt
	gcry_create_nonce (salt, sizeof (salt));
	const int encodingResult = CRYPTO_PLUGIN_FUNCTION (base64Encode) (errorKey, salt, sizeof (salt), &saltHexString);
	if (encodingResult < 0)
		// error in libinvoke - errorKey has been set by base64Encode
		return -1;
	if (!saltHexString)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, errorKey, "Memory allocation failed");
		return -1;
	keySetMeta (k, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_META_SALT, saltHexString);
	elektraFree (saltHexString);

	// read iteration count
	const kdb_unsigned_long_t iterations = CRYPTO_PLUGIN_FUNCTION (getIterationCount) (errorKey, config);

	// generate/derive the cryptographic key and the IV
	if ((gcry_err = gcry_kdf_derive (keyValue (masterKey), keyGetValueSize (masterKey), GCRY_KDF_PBKDF2, GCRY_MD_SHA512, salt,
					 sizeof (salt), iterations, KEY_BUFFER_SIZE, keyBuffer)))
				    "Failed to create a cryptographic key for encryption because: %s", gcry_strerror (gcry_err));
		return -1;

	keySetBinary (cKey, keyBuffer, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_KEYSIZE);
	return 1;
文件: kdb.c 项目: KurtMi/libelektra
/** @brief Set keys in an atomic and universal way.
 * @pre kdbGet() must be called before kdbSet():
 *    - initially (after kdbOpen())
 *    - after conflict errors in kdbSet().
 * @pre The @p returned KeySet must be a valid KeySet, e.g. constructed
 *     with ksNew().
 * @pre The @p parentKey Key must be a valid Key, e.g. constructed with
 *     keyNew().
 * If you pass NULL on any parameter kdbSet() will fail immediately without doing anything.
 * With @p parentKey you can give an hint which part of the given keyset
 * is of interest for you. Then you promise to only modify or
 * remove keys below this key. All others would be passed back
 * as they were retrieved by kdbGet().
 * @par Errors
 * If some error occurs:
 * - kdbSet() will leave the KeySet's * internal cursor on the key that generated the error.
 * - Error information will be written into the metadata of
 *   the parent key.
 * - None of the keys are actually committed in this situation, i.e. no
 *   configuration file will be modified.
 * In case of errors you should present the error message to the user and let the user decide what
 * to do. Possible solutions are:
 * - remove the problematic key and use kdbSet() again (for validation or type errors)
 * - change the value of the problematic key and use kdbSet() again (for validation errors)
 * - do a kdbGet() (for conflicts, i.e. error 30) and then
 *   - set the same keyset again (in favour of what was set by this user)
 *   - drop the old keyset (in favour of what was set from another application)
 *   - merge the original, your own and the other keyset
 * - export the configuration into a file (for unresolvable errors)
 * - repeat the same kdbSet might be of limited use if the user does
 *   not explicitly request it, because temporary
 *   errors are rare and its unlikely that they fix themselves
 *   (e.g. disc full, permission problems)
 * @par Optimization
 * Each key is checked with keyNeedSync() before being actually committed.
 * If no key of a backend needs to be synced
 * any affairs to backends are omitted and 0 is returned.
 * @snippet kdbset.c set
 * showElektraErrorDialog() and doElektraMerge() need to be implemented
 * by the user of Elektra. For doElektraMerge a 3-way merge algorithm exists in
 * libelektra-tools.
 * @param handle contains internal information of @link kdbOpen() opened @endlink key database
 * @param ks a KeySet which should contain changed keys, otherwise nothing is done
 * @param parentKey is used to add warnings and set an error
 *         information. Additionally, its name is an hint which keys
 *         should be committed (it is possible that more are changed).
 *           - cascading keys (starting with /) will set the path in all namespaces
 *           - / will commit all keys
 *           - metanames will be rejected (error 104)
 *           - empty/invalid (error 105)
 * @retval 1 on success
 * @retval 0 if nothing had to be done, no changes in KDB
 * @retval -1 on failure, no changes in KDB
 * @see keyNeedSync()
 * @see ksCurrent() contains the error key
 * @see kdbOpen() and kdbGet() that must be called first
 * @see kdbClose() that must be called afterwards
 * @ingroup kdb
int kdbSet (KDB * handle, KeySet * ks, Key * parentKey)
	elektraNamespace ns = keyGetNamespace (parentKey);
	if (ns == KEY_NS_NONE)
		return -1;
	Key * oldError = keyNew (keyName (parentKey), KEY_END);
	copyError (oldError, parentKey);

	if (ns == KEY_NS_META)
		clearError (parentKey); // clear previous error to set new one
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (104, parentKey, "metakey with name \"%s\" passed to kdbSet", keyName (parentKey));
		keyDel (oldError);
		return -1;

	if (ns == KEY_NS_EMPTY)
		ELEKTRA_ADD_WARNING (105, parentKey, "invalid key name passed to kdbSet");

	if (!handle || !ks)
		clearError (parentKey); // clear previous error to set new one
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (37, parentKey, "handle or ks null pointer");
		keyDel (oldError);
		return -1;

	int errnosave = errno;
	Key * initialParent = keyDup (parentKey);

	ELEKTRA_LOG ("now in new kdbSet (%s) %p %zd", keyName (parentKey), (void *)handle, ksGetSize (ks));

	elektraGlobalSet (handle, ks, parentKey, PRESETSTORAGE, INIT);
	elektraGlobalSet (handle, ks, parentKey, PRESETSTORAGE, MAXONCE);
	elektraGlobalSet (handle, ks, parentKey, PRESETSTORAGE, DEINIT);

	ELEKTRA_LOG ("after presetstorage maxonce(%s) %p %zd", keyName (parentKey), (void *)handle, ksGetSize (ks));

	Split * split = splitNew ();
	Key * errorKey = 0;

	if (splitBuildup (split, handle, parentKey) == -1)
		clearError (parentKey); // clear previous error to set new one
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (38, parentKey, "error in splitBuildup");
		goto error;

	// 1.) Search for syncbits
	int syncstate = splitDivide (split, handle, ks);
	if (syncstate == -1)
		clearError (parentKey); // clear previous error to set new one
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (8, parentKey, keyName (ksCurrent (ks)));
		goto error;
	ELEKTRA_ASSERT (syncstate == 0 || syncstate == 1, "syncstate not 0 or 1, but %d", syncstate);

	// 2.) Search for changed sizes
	syncstate |= splitSync (split);
	ELEKTRA_ASSERT (syncstate <= 1, "syncstate not equal or below 1, but %d", syncstate);
	if (syncstate != 1)
		/* No update is needed */
		keySetName (parentKey, keyName (initialParent));
		if (syncstate < 0) clearError (parentKey); // clear previous error to set new one
		if (syncstate == -1)
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (107, parentKey, "Assert failed: invalid namespace");
		else if (syncstate < -1)
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (107, parentKey, keyName (split->parents[-syncstate - 2]));
		keyDel (initialParent);
		splitDel (split);
		errno = errnosave;
		keyDel (oldError);
		return syncstate == 0 ? 0 : -1;
	ELEKTRA_ASSERT (syncstate == 1, "syncstate not 1, but %d", syncstate);

	splitPrepare (split);

	clearError (parentKey); // clear previous error to set new one
	if (elektraSetPrepare (split, parentKey, &errorKey, handle->globalPlugins) == -1)
		goto error;
		// no error, restore old error
		copyError (parentKey, oldError);
	keySetName (parentKey, keyName (initialParent));

	elektraGlobalSet (handle, ks, parentKey, PRECOMMIT, INIT);
	elektraGlobalSet (handle, ks, parentKey, PRECOMMIT, MAXONCE);
	elektraGlobalSet (handle, ks, parentKey, PRECOMMIT, DEINIT);

	elektraSetCommit (split, parentKey);

	elektraGlobalSet (handle, ks, parentKey, COMMIT, INIT);
	elektraGlobalSet (handle, ks, parentKey, COMMIT, MAXONCE);
	elektraGlobalSet (handle, ks, parentKey, COMMIT, DEINIT);

	splitUpdateSize (split);

	keySetName (parentKey, keyName (initialParent));

	elektraGlobalSet (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTCOMMIT, INIT);
	elektraGlobalSet (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTCOMMIT, MAXONCE);
	elektraGlobalSet (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTCOMMIT, DEINIT);

	for (size_t i = 0; i < ks->size; ++i)
		// remove all flags from all keys
		clear_bit (ks->array[i]->flags, KEY_FLAG_SYNC);

	keySetName (parentKey, keyName (initialParent));
	keyDel (initialParent);
	splitDel (split);

	keyDel (oldError);
	errno = errnosave;
	return 1;

	keySetName (parentKey, keyName (initialParent));

	elektraGlobalError (handle, ks, parentKey, PREROLLBACK, INIT);
	elektraGlobalError (handle, ks, parentKey, PREROLLBACK, MAXONCE);
	elektraGlobalError (handle, ks, parentKey, PREROLLBACK, DEINIT);

	elektraSetRollback (split, parentKey);

	if (errorKey)
		Key * found = ksLookup (ks, errorKey, 0);
		if (!found)
			ELEKTRA_ADD_WARNING (82, parentKey, keyName (errorKey));

	keySetName (parentKey, keyName (initialParent));

	elektraGlobalError (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTROLLBACK, INIT);
	elektraGlobalError (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTROLLBACK, MAXONCE);
	elektraGlobalError (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTROLLBACK, DEINIT);

	keySetName (parentKey, keyName (initialParent));
	keyDel (initialParent);
	splitDel (split);
	errno = errnosave;
	keyDel (oldError);
	return -1;
static CondResult parseConditionString (const Key * meta, const Key * suffixList, Key * parentKey, Key * key, KeySet * ks, Operation op)
	const char * conditionString = keyString (meta);
	const char * regexString1 = "(\\(((.*)?)\\))[[:space:]]*\\?";
	const char * regexString2 = "\\?[[:space:]]*(\\(((.*)?)\\))";
	const char * regexString3 = "[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*(\\(((.*)?)\\))";
	regex_t regex1, regex2, regex3;
	CondResult ret;
	if ((ret = regcomp (&regex1, regexString1, REGEX_FLAGS_CONDITION)))
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Couldn't compile regex: most likely out of memory"); // the regex compiles so the only
		// possible error would be out of
		// memory
		ksDel (ks);
		return ERROR;
	if ((ret = regcomp (&regex2, regexString2, REGEX_FLAGS_CONDITION)))
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Couldn't compile regex: most likely out of memory"); // the regex compiles so the only
		// possible error would be out of
		// memory
		regfree (&regex1);
		ksDel (ks);
		return ERROR;
	if ((ret = regcomp (&regex3, regexString3, REGEX_FLAGS_CONDITION)))
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Couldn't compile regex: most likely out of memory"); // the regex compiles so the only
		// possible error would be out of
		// memory
		regfree (&regex1);
		regfree (&regex2);
		ksDel (ks);
		return ERROR;
	int subMatches = 6;
	regmatch_t m[subMatches];
	int nomatch = regexec (&regex1, conditionString, subMatches, m, 0);
	if (nomatch)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (134, parentKey, "Invalid syntax: \"%s\". Check kdb info conditionals for additional information",
		regfree (&regex1);
		regfree (&regex2);
		regfree (&regex3);
		ksDel (ks);
		return ERROR;
	if (m[1].rm_so == -1)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (134, parentKey, "Invalid syntax: \"%s\". Check kdb info conditionals for additional information",
		regfree (&regex1);
		regfree (&regex2);
		regfree (&regex3);
		ksDel (ks);
		return ERROR;
	int startPos = m[1].rm_so;
	int endPos = m[1].rm_eo;
	char * condition = elektraMalloc (endPos - startPos + 1);
	char * thenexpr = NULL;
	char * elseexpr = NULL;
	strncpy (condition, conditionString + startPos, endPos - startPos);
	condition[endPos - startPos] = '\0';
	nomatch = regexec (&regex2, conditionString, subMatches, m, 0);
	if (nomatch)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (134, parentKey, "Invalid syntax: \"%s\". Check kdb info conditionals for additional information",
		regfree (&regex1);
		regfree (&regex2);
		regfree (&regex3);
		ksDel (ks);
		return ERROR;
	if (m[1].rm_so == -1)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (134, parentKey, "Invalid syntax: \"%s\". Check kdb info conditionals for additional information",
		regfree (&regex1);
		regfree (&regex2);
		regfree (&regex3);
		ksDel (ks);
		return ERROR;

	startPos = m[1].rm_so;
	endPos = m[1].rm_eo;
	thenexpr = elektraMalloc (endPos - startPos + 1);
	strncpy (thenexpr, conditionString + startPos, endPos - startPos);
	thenexpr[endPos - startPos] = '\0';

	nomatch = regexec (&regex3, conditionString, subMatches, m, 0);
	if (!nomatch)
		if (m[1].rm_so == -1)
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (134, parentKey,
					    "Invalid syntax: \"%s\". Check kdb info conditionals for additional information",
			regfree (&regex1);
			regfree (&regex2);
			regfree (&regex3);
			ksDel (ks);
			return ERROR;
		thenexpr[strlen (thenexpr) - ((m[0].rm_eo - m[0].rm_so))] = '\0';
		startPos = m[1].rm_so;
		endPos = m[1].rm_eo;
		elseexpr = elektraMalloc (endPos - startPos + 1);
		strncpy (elseexpr, conditionString + startPos, endPos - startPos);
		elseexpr[endPos - startPos] = '\0';

	ret = parseCondition (key, condition, suffixList, ks, parentKey);
	if (ret == TRUE)
		if (op == ASSIGN)
			const char * assign = isAssign (key, thenexpr, parentKey, ks);
			if (assign != NULL)
				keySetString (key, assign);
				ret = TRUE;
				goto CleanUp;
				ret = ERROR;
				goto CleanUp;
			ret = parseCondition (key, thenexpr, suffixList, ks, parentKey);
			if (ret == FALSE)
				ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (135, parentKey, "Validation of Key %s: %s failed. (%s failed)",
						    keyName (key) + strlen (keyName (parentKey)) + 1, conditionString, thenexpr);
			else if (ret == ERROR)
				ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (134, parentKey,
						    "Invalid syntax: \"%s\". Check kdb info conditionals for additional information",
	else if (ret == FALSE)
		if (elseexpr)
			if (op == ASSIGN)
				const char * assign = isAssign (key, elseexpr, parentKey, ks);
				if (assign != NULL)
					keySetString (key, assign);
					ret = TRUE;
					goto CleanUp;
					ret = ERROR;
					goto CleanUp;
				ret = parseCondition (key, elseexpr, suffixList, ks, parentKey);

				if (ret == FALSE)
					ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (135, parentKey, "Validation of Key %s: %s failed. (%s failed)",
							    keyName (key) + strlen (keyName (parentKey)) + 1, conditionString, elseexpr);
				else if (ret == ERROR)
						134, parentKey,
						"Invalid syntax: \"%s\". Check kdb info conditionals for additional information", elseexpr);
			ret = NOEXPR;
	else if (ret == ERROR)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (134, parentKey, "Invalid syntax: \"%s\". Check kdb info conditionals for additional information",

	elektraFree (condition);
	elektraFree (thenexpr);
	if (elseexpr) elektraFree (elseexpr);
	regfree (&regex1);
	regfree (&regex2);
	regfree (&regex3);
	ksDel (ks);
	return ret;
/** Initialize a plugin to be executed in its own process
 * This will prepare all the required resources and then fork the current
 * process. After the initialization the child process will typically
 * call the command loop while the parent starts to send commands to it.
 * Also the resulting process information has to be stored for the plugin.
 * In order to allow users to handle custom plugin data this will not
 * automatically call elektraPluginSetData.
 * Typically called in a plugin's open function like (assuming no custom plugin data):
 * @code
int elektraPluginOpen (Plugin * handle, Key * errorKey)
	ElektraPluginProcess * pp = elektraPluginGetData (handle);
	if (pp == NULL)
		if ((pp = elektraPluginProcessInit (errorKey)) == NULL) return ELEKTRA_PLUGIN_STATUS_ERROR;
		elektraPluginSetData (handle, pp);
		if (!elektraPluginProcessIsParent (pp)) elektraPluginProcessStart (handle, pp);
	if (elektraPluginProcessIsParent (pp)) return elektraPluginProcessOpen (pp, errorKey);

	// actual plugin functionality to be executed in a child process
 * @endcode
 * @param handle the plugin's handle
 * @param errorKey a key where error messages will be set
 * @retval NULL if the initialization failed
 * @retval a pointer to the information
 * @ingroup processplugin
ElektraPluginProcess * elektraPluginProcessInit (Key * errorKey)
	// First time initialization
	ElektraPluginProcess * pp;
	pp = elektraMalloc (sizeof (ElektraPluginProcess));
	pp->counter = 0;
	pp->pluginData = NULL;
	pp->parentCommandPipeKey = NULL;
	pp->parentPayloadPipeKey = NULL;
	pp->childCommandPipeKey = NULL;
	pp->childPayloadPipeKey = NULL;

	pp->dump = elektraInvokeOpen ("dump", 0, errorKey);
	if (!pp->dump)
		cleanupPluginData (pp, errorKey, 0);
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (190, errorKey, "Failed to initialize the dump plugin");
		return NULL;

	// As generally recommended, ignore SIGPIPE because we will notice that the
	// commandKeySet has been transferred incorrectly anyway to detect broken pipes
	signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

	// Prepare the pipes
	if (!makePipe (pp, errorKey, "parentCommandPipe", pp->parentCommandPipe) ||
	    !makePipe (pp, errorKey, "parentPayloadPipe", pp->parentPayloadPipe) ||
	    !makePipe (pp, errorKey, "childCommandPipe", pp->childCommandPipe) ||
	    !makePipe (pp, errorKey, "childPayloadPipe", pp->childPayloadPipe))
		return NULL;

	pp->pid = fork ();

	if (pp->pid < 0)
		cleanupPluginData (pp, errorKey, 1);
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (190, errorKey, "Failed to fork the plugin process, fork () returned %d", pp->pid);
		return NULL;

	int pipeIdx = elektraPluginProcessIsParent (pp);
	close (pp->parentCommandPipe[!pipeIdx]);
	close (pp->parentPayloadPipe[!pipeIdx]);
	close (pp->childCommandPipe[pipeIdx]);
	close (pp->childPayloadPipe[pipeIdx]);

	ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("parentCommandPipe[%d] has file descriptor %d", pipeIdx, pp->parentCommandPipe[pipeIdx]);
	ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("parentPayloadPipe[%d] has file descriptor %d", pipeIdx, pp->parentPayloadPipe[pipeIdx]);
	ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("childCommandPipe[%d] has file descriptor %d", !pipeIdx, pp->childCommandPipe[!pipeIdx]);
	ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("childPayloadPipe[%d] has file descriptor %d", !pipeIdx, pp->childPayloadPipe[!pipeIdx]);

	// Prepare the keys for the pipes to use with dump
	pp->parentCommandPipeKey = makePipeKey ("parentCommandPipe", pp->parentCommandPipe[pipeIdx]);
	pp->parentPayloadPipeKey = makePipeKey ("parentPayloadPipe", pp->parentPayloadPipe[pipeIdx]);
	pp->childCommandPipeKey = makePipeKey ("childCommandPipe", pp->childCommandPipe[!pipeIdx]);
	pp->childPayloadPipeKey = makePipeKey ("childPayloadPipe", pp->childPayloadPipe[!pipeIdx]);

	ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("parentCommandPipeKey is %s on %d", keyString (pp->parentCommandPipeKey), pp->pid);
	ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("parentPayloadPipeKey is %s on %d", keyString (pp->parentPayloadPipeKey), pp->pid);
	ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("childCommandPipeKey is %s on %d", keyString (pp->childCommandPipeKey), pp->pid);
	ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("childPayloadPipeKey is %s on %d", keyString (pp->childPayloadPipeKey), pp->pid);

	ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("The pluginprocess is set with the pid %d", pp->pid);
	return pp;
static CondResult evalCondition (const Key * curKey, const char * leftSide, Comparator cmpOp, const char * rightSide,
				 const char * condition, const Key * suffixList, KeySet * ks, Key * parentKey)
	char * lookupName = NULL;
	char * compareTo = NULL;
	Key * key;
	int len;
	long result = 0;
	if (rightSide)
		if (rightSide[0] == '\'')
			// right side of the statement is a literal enclosed by ''
			char * endPos = strchr (rightSide + 1, '\'');
			if (!endPos)
				result = ERROR;
				goto Cleanup;
			if (elektraRealloc ((void **) &compareTo, endPos - rightSide) < 0)
				ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Out of memory");
				result = ERROR;
				goto Cleanup;
			memset (compareTo, 0, endPos - rightSide);
			strncat (compareTo, rightSide + 1, endPos - rightSide - 1);
		else if (rightSide && elektraStrLen (rightSide) > 1)
			// not a literal, it has to be a key
			if (rightSide[0] == '@')
				len = keyGetNameSize (parentKey) + elektraStrLen (rightSide);
			else if (!strncmp (rightSide, "..", 2) || (rightSide[0] == '.'))
				len = keyGetNameSize (curKey) + elektraStrLen (rightSide);
				len = elektraStrLen (rightSide);

			if (elektraRealloc ((void **) &lookupName, len) < 0)
				ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Out of memory");
				result = ERROR;
				goto Cleanup;
			if (rightSide[0] == '@')
				snprintf (lookupName, len, "%s/%s", keyName (parentKey), rightSide + 1);
			else if (rightSide[0] == '.') // either starts with . or .., doesn't matter at this point
				snprintf (lookupName, len, "%s/%s", keyName (curKey), rightSide);
				snprintf (lookupName, len, "%s", rightSide);

			key = ksLookupByName (ks, lookupName, 0);
			if (!key)
				if (!keyGetMeta (parentKey, "error"))
					ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (133, parentKey, "Key %s not found but is required for the evaluation of %s",
							    lookupName, condition);
				result = FALSE;
				goto Cleanup;
			if (elektraRealloc ((void **) &compareTo, keyGetValueSize (key)) < 0)
				ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Out of memory");
				result = ERROR;
				goto Cleanup;
			strcpy (compareTo, keyString (key));
	if (leftSide[0] == '@')
		len = keyGetNameSize (parentKey) + elektraStrLen (leftSide);
	else if (!strncmp (leftSide, "..", 2) || (leftSide[0] == '.'))
		len = keyGetNameSize (curKey) + elektraStrLen (leftSide);
		len = elektraStrLen (leftSide);

	if (elektraRealloc ((void **) &lookupName, len) < 0)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Out of memory");
		result = ERROR;
		goto Cleanup;
	if (leftSide[0] == '@')
		snprintf (lookupName, len, "%s/%s", keyName (parentKey), leftSide + 1);
	else if (leftSide[0] == '.') // either . or .., doesn't matter here
		snprintf (lookupName, len, "%s/%s", keyName (curKey), leftSide);
		snprintf (lookupName, len, "%s", leftSide);
	key = ksLookupByName (ks, lookupName, 0);
	if (cmpOp == NEX)
		if (key)
			result = FALSE;
			result = TRUE;
		goto Cleanup;
	if (!key && cmpOp != OR && cmpOp != AND)
		if (!keyGetMeta (parentKey, "error"))
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (133, parentKey, "Key %s not found but is required for the evaluation of %s", lookupName,
		result = FALSE;
		goto Cleanup;
	long ret;
	if (cmpOp == OR || cmpOp == AND)
		ret = compareStrings (leftSide, rightSide, NULL);
		ret = compareStrings (keyString (key), compareTo, suffixList);
	switch (cmpOp)
	case EQU:
		if (!ret) result = TRUE;
	case NOT:
		if (ret) result = TRUE;
	case LT:
		if (ret < 0) result = TRUE;
	case LE:
		if (ret <= 0) result = TRUE;
	case GT:
		if (ret > 0) result = TRUE;
	case GE:
		if (ret >= 0) result = TRUE;
	case SET:
		keySetString (key, compareTo);
		result = TRUE;
	case AND:
		if (ret == 0 && !strcmp (leftSide, "'1'")) result = TRUE;
	case OR:
		if (!strcmp (leftSide, "'1'") || (rightSide && !strcmp (rightSide, "'1'"))) result = TRUE;
		result = ERROR;
// freeing allocated heap
	if (lookupName) elektraFree (lookupName);
	if (compareTo) elektraFree (compareTo);
	return result;
 * @brief decrypt the file specified at parentKey
 * @param pluginConfig holds the plugin configuration
 * @param parentKey holds the path to the file to be encrypted. Will hold an error description in case of failure.
 * @param state holds the plugin state
 * @retval 1 on success
 * @retval -1 on error, errorKey holds an error description
static int fcryptDecrypt (KeySet * pluginConfig, Key * parentKey, fcryptState * state)
	int tmpFileFd = -1;
	char * tmpFile = getTemporaryFileName (pluginConfig, keyString (parentKey), &tmpFileFd);
	if (!tmpFile)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Memory allocation failed");
		return -1;

	const size_t testMode = inTestMode (pluginConfig);

	// prepare argument vector for gpg call
	// 8 static arguments (magic number below) are:
	//   1. path to the binary
	//   2. --batch
	//   3. -o
	//   4. path to tmp file
	//   5. yes
	//   6. -d
	//   7. file to be encrypted
	//   8. NULL terminator
	int argc = 8 + (2 * testMode);
	char * argv[argc];
	int i = 0;

	argv[i++] = NULL;
	argv[i++] = "--batch";
	argv[i++] = "--yes";

	// if we are in test mode we add the trust model
	if (testMode)
		argv[i++] = "--trust-model";
		argv[i++] = "always";

	argv[i++] = "-o";
	argv[i++] = tmpFile;
	argv[i++] = "-d";
	// safely discarding const from keyString() return value
	argv[i++] = (char *) keyString (parentKey);
	argv[i++] = NULL;

	// NOTE the decryption process works like this:
	// gpg2 --batch --yes -o tmpfile -d configFile
	int result = ELEKTRA_PLUGIN_FUNCTION (gpgCall) (pluginConfig, parentKey, NULL, argv, argc);
	if (result == 1)
		state->originalFilePath = elektraStrDup (keyString (parentKey));
		state->tmpFilePath = tmpFile;
		state->tmpFileFd = tmpFileFd;
		keySetString (parentKey, tmpFile);
		// if anything went wrong above the temporary file is shredded and removed
		shredTemporaryFile (tmpFileFd, parentKey);
		if (unlink (tmpFile))
			ELEKTRA_ADD_WARNINGF (ELEKTRA_WARNING_FCRYPT_UNLINK, parentKey, "Affected file: %s, error description: %s", tmpFile,
					      strerror (errno));
		if (close (tmpFileFd))
			ELEKTRA_ADD_WARNINGF (ELEKTRA_WARNING_FCRYPT_CLOSE, parentKey, "%s", strerror (errno));
		elektraFree (tmpFile);
	return result;
/** Call a plugin's function in a child process
 * This will wrap all the required information to execute the given
 * command in a keyset and send it over to the child process. Then
 * it waits for the child process's answer and copies the result
 * back into the original plugin keyset and plugin key.
 * Typically called like
 * @code
int elektraPluginSet (Plugin * handle, KeySet * returned, Key * parentKey)
	ElektraPluginProcess * pp = elektraPluginGetData (handle);
	if (elektraPluginProcessIsParent (pp)) return elektraPluginProcessSend (pp, ELEKTRA_PLUGINPROCESS_SET, returned, parentKey);

	// actual plugin functionality to be executed in a child process
 * @endcode
 * @param pp the data structure containing the plugin's process information
 * @param command the plugin command that should be executed, e.g. ELEKTRA_PLUGINPROCESS_GET
 * @param originalKeySet the original key set that the parent process receives
 * @param key the original key the parent process receives
 * @retval ELEKTRA_PLUGIN_STATUS_ERROR if the child process communication failed
 * @retval the called plugin's return value otherwise
 * @see elektraPluginProcessIsParent for checking if we are in the parent or child process
 * @ingroup processplugin
int elektraPluginProcessSend (const ElektraPluginProcess * pp, pluginprocess_t command, KeySet * originalKeySet, Key * key)
	// Ensure we have a keyset when trying to call GET SET and ERROR
	    originalKeySet == NULL)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (191, key,
				   "originalKeySet has to exist when calling GET SET and ERROR via pluginprocess; but it is NULL");

	// Construct the command set that controls the pluginprocess communication
	KeySet * commandKeySet = ksNew (6, KS_END);
	ksAppendKey (commandKeySet, keyNew ("/pluginprocess/parent/name", KEY_VALUE, keyName (key), KEY_END));
	Key * parentKey = keyDup (key);
	keySetName (parentKey, "/pluginprocess/parent");
	ksAppendKey (commandKeySet, parentKey);
	char * commandStr = longToStr (command);
	ksAppendKey (commandKeySet, keyNew ("/pluginprocess/command", KEY_VALUE, commandStr, KEY_END));
	elektraFree (commandStr);
	ksAppendKey (commandKeySet, keyNew ("/pluginprocess/version", KEY_VALUE, "1", KEY_END));

	// Some plugin functions don't use keysets, in that case don't send any actual payload, signal via flag
	KeySet * keySet = originalKeySet != NULL ? ksDup (originalKeySet) : NULL;
	char * payloadSizeStr = longToStr (ksGetSize (originalKeySet));
	ksAppendKey (commandKeySet,
		     keyNew ("/pluginprocess/payload/size", KEY_VALUE, originalKeySet == NULL ? "-1" : payloadSizeStr, KEY_END));
	elektraFree (payloadSizeStr);

	// Serialize, currently statically use dump as our default format, this already writes everything out to the pipe
	ELEKTRA_LOG ("Parent: Sending data to issue command %u it through pipe %s", command, keyString (pp->parentCommandPipeKey));
	elektraInvoke2Args (pp->dump, "set", commandKeySet, pp->parentCommandPipeKey);
	if (keySet != NULL)
		ELEKTRA_LOG ("Parent: Sending the payload keyset with %zd keys through the pipe %s", ksGetSize (keySet),
			     keyString (pp->parentPayloadPipeKey));
		elektraInvoke2Args (pp->dump, "set", keySet, pp->parentPayloadPipeKey);

	// Deserialize
	ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("Parent: Waiting for the result now on pipe %s", keyString (pp->childCommandPipeKey));
	elektraInvoke2Args (pp->dump, "get", commandKeySet, pp->childCommandPipeKey);

	if (keySet != NULL)
		// clear the keyset before to avoid memleaks caused by dump
		char * endPtr;
		int prevErrno = errno;
		errno = 0;
		long payloadSize =
			strtol (keyString (ksLookupByName (commandKeySet, "/pluginprocess/payload/size", KDB_O_NONE)), &endPtr, 10);
		// in case the payload size fails to be transferred, that it shouldn't, we simply assume the previous size
		if (*endPtr != '\0' || errno == ERANGE || payloadSize < 0) payloadSize = ksGetSize (keySet);
		errno = prevErrno;
		ksDel (keySet);
		keySet = ksNew (payloadSize, KS_END);
		elektraInvoke2Args (pp->dump, "get", keySet, pp->childPayloadPipeKey);
		ELEKTRA_LOG ("Parent: We received %zd keys in return", ksGetSize (keySet));

	// Bring everything back in order by removing our process-related keys
	Key * parentDeserializedKey = ksLookupByName (commandKeySet, "/pluginprocess/parent", KDB_O_NONE);
	Key * resultKey = ksLookupByName (commandKeySet, "/pluginprocess/result", KDB_O_NONE);

	// Parse the result value
	char * endPtr;
	int prevErrno = errno;
	errno = 0;
	long lresult = strtol (keyString (resultKey), &endPtr, 10);
	if (*endPtr != '\0' || errno == ERANGE || lresult > INT_MAX || lresult < INT_MIN)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (191, key, "Received invalid return code or no KeySet: %s", keyString (resultKey));
	else // Copy everything back into the actual keysets
		Key * parentKeyInOriginalKeySet = keySet != NULL ? ksLookup (originalKeySet, key, KDB_O_NONE) : NULL;
		// maybe there are just 2 keys with the same name, can happen in theory, so compare memory
		int parentKeyExistsInOriginalKeySet = parentKeyInOriginalKeySet == key;
		// if the child added the parent key to the keyset pop it from the keyset
		// then reinsert key after we copied the data and delete this serialized copy
		Key * parentKeyInKeySet = keySet != NULL ? ksLookup (keySet, key, KDB_O_POP) : NULL;
		int childAddedParentKey = parentKeyInKeySet != NULL;

		// Unfortunately we can't use keyCopy here as ksAppendKey locks it so it will fail
		// This is the case if the parent key is also contained in the originalKeySet / has been appended
		// As an invariant we assume plugins don't change the parent key's name during a plugin call
		// This would interfere with keyset memberships
		keySetString (key, keyString (parentDeserializedKey));

		// Clear metadata before, we allow children to modify it
		keyRewindMeta (key);
		const Key * currentMeta;
		while ((currentMeta = keyNextMeta (key)) != NULL)
			keySetMeta (key, keyName (currentMeta), 0);
		keyCopyAllMeta (key, parentDeserializedKey);
		if (childAddedParentKey) keyCopyAllMeta (key, parentKeyInKeySet);

		if (keySet != NULL)
			// in case originalKeySet contains key this would make it stuck
			// thus remove it here and re-add it afterwards
			if (parentKeyExistsInOriginalKeySet) ksLookup (originalKeySet, parentKeyInOriginalKeySet, KDB_O_POP);
			ksCopy (originalKeySet, keySet);
			if (parentKeyExistsInOriginalKeySet || childAddedParentKey) ksAppendKey (originalKeySet, key);
			if (childAddedParentKey) keyDel (parentKeyInKeySet);
	errno = prevErrno;

	// Command finished, cleanup the remaining memory now
	ksDel (commandKeySet);
	if (keySet != NULL) ksDel (keySet);

	return lresult; // Safe, we had a bound check before, and plugins should return values in the int range
文件: kdb.c 项目: KurtMi/libelektra
 * @brief Opens the session with the Key database.
 * @pre errorKey must be a valid key, e.g. created with keyNew()
 * The method will bootstrap itself the following way.
 * The first step is to open the default backend. With it
 * system/elektra/mountpoints will be loaded and all needed
 * libraries and mountpoints will be determined.
 * These libraries for backends will be loaded and with it the
 * @p KDB data structure will be initialized.
 * You must always call this method before retrieving or committing any
 * keys to the database. In the end of the program,
 * after using the key database, you must not forget to kdbClose().
 * The pointer to the @p KDB structure returned will be initialized
 * like described above, and it must be passed along on any kdb*()
 * method your application calls.
 * Get a @p KDB handle for every thread using elektra. Don't share the
 * handle across threads, and also not the pointer accessing it:
 * @snippet kdbopen.c open
 * You don't need kdbOpen() if you only want to
 * manipulate plain in-memory Key or KeySet objects.
 * @pre errorKey must be a valid key, e.g. created with keyNew()
 * @param errorKey the key which holds errors and warnings which were issued
 * @see kdbGet(), kdbClose() to end all affairs to the key database.
 * @retval handle on success
 * @retval NULL on failure
 * @ingroup kdb
KDB * kdbOpen (Key * errorKey)
	if (!errorKey)
		ELEKTRA_LOG ("no error key passed");
		return 0;

	ELEKTRA_LOG ("called with %s", keyName (errorKey));

	int errnosave = errno;
	KDB * handle = elektraCalloc (sizeof (struct _KDB));
	Key * initialParent = keyDup (errorKey);

	handle->modules = ksNew (0, KS_END);
	if (elektraModulesInit (handle->modules, errorKey) == -1)
		ksDel (handle->modules);
		elektraFree (handle);
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (94, errorKey, "elektraModulesInit returned with -1");

		keySetName (errorKey, keyName (initialParent));
		keySetString (errorKey, keyString (initialParent));
		keyDel (initialParent);
		errno = errnosave;
		return 0;

	KeySet * keys = ksNew (0, KS_END);
	int inFallback = 0;
	switch (elektraOpenBootstrap (handle, keys, errorKey))
	case -1:
		ksDel (handle->modules);
		elektraFree (handle);
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (40, errorKey, "could not open default backend");

		keySetName (errorKey, keyName (initialParent));
		keySetString (errorKey, keyString (initialParent));
		keyDel (initialParent);
		errno = errnosave;
		return 0;
	case 0:
		ELEKTRA_ADD_WARNING (17, errorKey,
				     "Initial kdbGet() failed, you should either fix " KDB_DB_INIT " or the fallback " KDB_DB_FILE);
	case 2:
		ELEKTRA_LOG ("entered fallback code for bootstrapping");
		inFallback = 1;

	keySetString (errorKey, "kdbOpen(): mountGlobals");

	if (mountGlobals (handle, ksDup (keys), handle->modules, errorKey) == -1)
		// mountGlobals also sets a warning containing the name of the plugin that failed to load
		ELEKTRA_ADD_WARNING (139, errorKey, "Mounting global plugins failed");

	keySetName (errorKey, keyName (initialParent));
	keySetString (errorKey, "kdbOpen(): backendClose");

	backendClose (handle->defaultBackend, errorKey);
	splitDel (handle->split);
	handle->defaultBackend = 0;
	handle->trie = 0;

	if (inFallback) ELEKTRA_LOG_WARNING ("fallback for bootstrapping: you might want to run `kdb upgrade-bootstrap`");

	Key * key;

	ksRewind (keys);
	for (key = ksNext (keys); key; key = ksNext (keys))
		ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("config for createTrie name: %s value: %s", keyName (key), keyString (key));

	handle->split = splitNew ();

	keySetString (errorKey, "kdbOpen(): mountOpen");
	// Open the trie, keys will be deleted within mountOpen
	if (mountOpen (handle, keys, handle->modules, errorKey) == -1)
		ELEKTRA_ADD_WARNING (93, errorKey, "Initial loading of trie did not work");

	keySetString (errorKey, "kdbOpen(): mountDefault");
	if (mountDefault (handle, handle->modules, inFallback, errorKey) == -1)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (40, errorKey, "could not reopen and mount default backend");
		keySetString (errorKey, "kdbOpen(): close");
		kdbClose (handle, errorKey);

		keySetName (errorKey, keyName (initialParent));
		keySetString (errorKey, keyString (initialParent));
		keyDel (initialParent);
		errno = errnosave;
		return 0;

	keySetString (errorKey, "kdbOpen(): mountVersion");
	mountVersion (handle, errorKey);

	keySetString (errorKey, "kdbOpen(): mountModules");
	if (mountModules (handle, handle->modules, errorKey) == -1)
		ELEKTRA_ADD_WARNING (92, errorKey, "Mounting modules did not work");

	keySetName (errorKey, keyName (initialParent));
	keySetString (errorKey, keyString (initialParent));
	keyDel (initialParent);
	errno = errnosave;
	return handle;
 * @brief encrypt or sign the file specified at parentKey
 * @param pluginConfig holds the plugin configuration
 * @param parentKey holds the path to the file to be encrypted. Will hold an error description in case of failure.
 * @retval 1 on success
 * @retval -1 on error, errorKey holds an error description
static int fcryptEncrypt (KeySet * pluginConfig, Key * parentKey)
	Key * k;
	const size_t recipientCount = getRecipientCount (pluginConfig, ELEKTRA_RECIPIENT_KEY);
	const size_t signatureCount = getRecipientCount (pluginConfig, ELEKTRA_SIGNATURE_KEY);

	if (recipientCount == 0 && signatureCount == 0)
			"Missing GPG recipient key (specified as %s) or GPG signature key (specified as %s) in plugin configuration.",
		return -1;

	int tmpFileFd = -1;
	char * tmpFile = getTemporaryFileName (pluginConfig, keyString (parentKey), &tmpFileFd);
	if (!tmpFile)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, parentKey, "Memory allocation failed");
		return -1;

	const size_t testMode = inTestMode (pluginConfig);
	const size_t textMode = inTextMode (pluginConfig);

	// prepare argument vector for gpg call
	// 7 static arguments (magic number below) are:
	//   1. path to the binary
	//   2. --batch
	//   3. -o
	//   4. path to tmp file
	//   5. yes
	//   6. file to be encrypted
	//   7. NULL terminator
	int argc = 7 + (2 * recipientCount) + (2 * signatureCount) + (2 * testMode) + textMode + (recipientCount > 0 ? 1 : 0) +
		   (signatureCount > 0 ? 1 : 0);
	kdb_unsigned_short_t i = 0;
	char * argv[argc];
	argv[i++] = NULL;
	argv[i++] = "--batch";
	argv[i++] = "-o";
	argv[i++] = tmpFile;
	argv[i++] = "--yes"; // overwrite files if they exist

	// add recipients
	Key * gpgRecipientRoot = ksLookupByName (pluginConfig, ELEKTRA_RECIPIENT_KEY, 0);

	// append root (gpg/key) as gpg recipient
	if (gpgRecipientRoot && strlen (keyString (gpgRecipientRoot)) > 0)
		argv[i++] = "-r";
		// NOTE argv[] values will not be modified, so const can be discarded safely
		argv[i++] = (char *) keyString (gpgRecipientRoot);

	// append keys beneath root (crypto/key/#_) as gpg recipients
	if (gpgRecipientRoot)
		ksRewind (pluginConfig);
		while ((k = ksNext (pluginConfig)) != 0)
			const char * kStringVal = keyString (k);
			if (keyIsBelow (k, gpgRecipientRoot) && strlen (kStringVal) > 0)
				argv[i++] = "-r";
				// NOTE argv[] values will not be modified, so const can be discarded safely
				argv[i++] = (char *) kStringVal;

	// add signature keys
	Key * gpgSignatureRoot = ksLookupByName (pluginConfig, ELEKTRA_SIGNATURE_KEY, 0);

	// append root signature key
	if (gpgSignatureRoot && strlen (keyString (gpgSignatureRoot)) > 0)
		argv[i++] = "-u";
		// NOTE argv[] values will not be modified, so const can be discarded safely
		argv[i++] = (char *) keyString (gpgSignatureRoot);

	// append keys beneath root (fcrypt/sign/#_) as gpg signature keys
	if (gpgSignatureRoot)
		ksRewind (pluginConfig);
		while ((k = ksNext (pluginConfig)) != 0)
			const char * kStringVal = keyString (k);
			if (keyIsBelow (k, gpgSignatureRoot) && strlen (kStringVal) > 0)
				argv[i++] = "-u";
				// NOTE argv[] values will not be modified, so const can be discarded safely
				argv[i++] = (char *) kStringVal;

	// if we are in test mode we add the trust model
	if (testMode > 0)
		argv[i++] = "--trust-model";
		argv[i++] = "always";

	// ASCII armor in text mode
	if (textMode)
		argv[i++] = "--armor";

	// prepare rest of the argument vector
	if (recipientCount > 0)
		// encrypt the file
		argv[i++] = "-e";

	if (signatureCount > 0)
		if (textMode && recipientCount == 0)
			// clear-sign the file
			argv[i++] = "--clearsign";
			// sign the file
			argv[i++] = "-s";

	argv[i++] = (char *) keyString (parentKey);
	argv[i++] = NULL;

	// NOTE the encryption process works like this:
	// gpg2 --batch --yes -o encryptedFile -r keyID -e configFile
	// mv encryptedFile configFile

	return fcryptGpgCallAndCleanup (parentKey, pluginConfig, argv, argc, tmpFileFd, tmpFile);
int elektraCryptoGcryDecrypt (elektraCryptoHandle * handle, Key * k, Key * errorKey)
	kdb_octet_t * value = (kdb_octet_t *)keyValue (k);
	const size_t valueLen = keyGetValueSize (k);

	kdb_octet_t * output;
	kdb_octet_t cipherBuffer[ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE];
	kdb_octet_t contentBuffer[ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE];
	kdb_unsigned_long_t written = 0;
	gcry_error_t gcry_err;

	// initialize crypto header data
	kdb_unsigned_long_t contentLen = 0;
	kdb_octet_t flags = ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_FLAG_NONE;

	// check if key has been encrypted in the first place
	const Key * metaEncrypted = keyGetMeta (k, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_META_ENCRYPT);
	if (metaEncrypted == NULL || strlen (keyValue (metaEncrypted)) == 0)
		// nothing to do
		return 1;

	// plausibility check
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (ELEKTRA_ERROR_CRYPTO_DECRYPT_FAIL, errorKey, "value length is not a multiple of the block size");
		return (-1);

	// prepare buffer for plain text output
	output = elektraMalloc (valueLen);
	if (output == NULL)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, errorKey, "Memory allocation failed");
		return (-1);

	// decrypt the header (1st block)
	memcpy (cipherBuffer, value, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE);
	gcry_err = gcry_cipher_decrypt (*handle, contentBuffer, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE, cipherBuffer, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE);
	if (gcry_err != 0)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (ELEKTRA_ERROR_CRYPTO_DECRYPT_FAIL, errorKey, "Decryption failed because: %s", gcry_strerror (gcry_err));
		elektraFree (output);
		return (-1);

	// restore the header data
	memcpy (&flags, contentBuffer, sizeof (flags));
	memcpy (&contentLen, contentBuffer + sizeof (flags), sizeof (contentLen));

	// decrypt content block by block
	// (i = start of the current block and the 1st block has already been consumed)
	for (kdb_unsigned_long_t i = ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE; i < valueLen; i += ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE)
		memcpy (cipherBuffer, (value + i), ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE);
		gcry_err = gcry_cipher_decrypt (*handle, contentBuffer, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE, cipherBuffer,
		if (gcry_err != 0)
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (ELEKTRA_ERROR_CRYPTO_DECRYPT_FAIL, errorKey, "Decryption failed because: %s",
					    gcry_strerror (gcry_err));
			elektraFree (output);
			return (-1);

	if (written < contentLen)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (ELEKTRA_ERROR_CRYPTO_DECRYPT_FAIL, errorKey, "Content was shorter than described in the header");
		elektraFree (output);
		return (-1);

	// write back the cipher text to the key
		keySetString (k, (const char *)output);
	else if ((flags & ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_FLAG_NULL) == ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_FLAG_NULL || contentLen == 0)
		keySetBinary (k, NULL, 0);
		keySetBinary (k, output, contentLen);

	elektraFree (output);
	return 1;
文件: kdb.c 项目: KurtMi/libelektra
 * @brief Retrieve keys in an atomic and universal way.
 * @pre The @p handle must be passed as returned from kdbOpen().
 * @pre The @p returned KeySet must be a valid KeySet, e.g. constructed
 *     with ksNew().
 * @pre The @p parentKey Key must be a valid Key, e.g. constructed with
 *     keyNew().
 * If you pass NULL on any parameter kdbGet() will fail immediately without doing anything.
 * The @p returned KeySet may already contain some keys, e.g. from previous
 * kdbGet() calls. The new retrieved keys will be appended using
 * ksAppendKey().
 * If not done earlier kdbGet() will fully retrieve all keys under the @p parentKey
 * folder recursively (See Optimization below when it will not be done).
 * @note kdbGet() might retrieve more keys than requested (that are not
 *     below parentKey). These keys must be passed to calls of kdbSet(),
 *     otherwise they will be lost. This stems from the fact that the
 *     user has the only copy of the whole configuration and backends
 *     only write configuration that was passed to them.
 *     For example, if you kdbGet() "system/mountpoint/interest"
 *     you will not only get all keys below system/mountpoint/interest,
 *     but also all keys below system/mountpoint (if system/mountpoint
 *     is a mountpoint as the name suggests, but
 *     system/mountpoint/interest is not a mountpoint).
 *     Make sure to not touch or remove keys outside the keys of interest,
 *     because others may need them!
 * @par Example:
 * This example demonstrates the typical usecase within an application
 * (without error handling).
 * @include kdbget.c
 * When a backend fails kdbGet() will return -1 with all
 * error and warning information in the @p parentKey.
 * The parameter @p returned will not be changed.
 * @par Optimization:
 * In the first run of kdbGet all requested (or more) keys are retrieved. On subsequent
 * calls only the keys are retrieved where something was changed
 * inside the key database. The other keys stay in the
 * KeySet returned as passed.
 * It is your responsibility to save the original keyset if you
 * need it afterwards.
 * If you want to be sure to get a fresh keyset again, you need to open a
 * second handle to the key database using kdbOpen().
 * @param handle contains internal information of @link kdbOpen() opened @endlink key database
 * @param parentKey is used to add warnings and set an error
 *         information. Additionally, its name is a hint which keys
 *         should be retrieved (it is possible that more are retrieved, see Note above).
 *           - cascading keys (starting with /) will retrieve the same path in all namespaces
 *           - / will retrieve all keys
 * @param ks the (pre-initialized) KeySet returned with all keys found
 * 	will not be changed on error or if no update is required
 * @see ksLookup(), ksLookupByName() for powerful
 * 	lookups after the KeySet was retrieved
 * @see kdbOpen() which needs to be called before
 * @see kdbSet() to save the configuration afterwards and kdbClose() to
 * 	finish affairs with the key database.
 * @retval 1 if the keys were retrieved successfully
 * @retval 0 if there was no update - no changes are made to the keyset then
 * @retval -1 on failure - no changes are made to the keyset then
 * @ingroup kdb
int kdbGet (KDB * handle, KeySet * ks, Key * parentKey)
	elektraNamespace ns = keyGetNamespace (parentKey);
	if (ns == KEY_NS_NONE)
		return -1;

	Key * oldError = keyNew (keyName (parentKey), KEY_END);
	copyError (oldError, parentKey);

	if (ns == KEY_NS_META)
		clearError (parentKey);
		keyDel (oldError);
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (104, parentKey, "metakey with name \"%s\" passed to kdbGet", keyName (parentKey));
		return -1;

	if (ns == KEY_NS_EMPTY)
		ELEKTRA_ADD_WARNING (105, parentKey, "invalid key name passed to kdbGet");

	int errnosave = errno;
	Key * initialParent = keyDup (parentKey);

	ELEKTRA_LOG ("now in new kdbGet (%s)", keyName (parentKey));

	Split * split = splitNew ();

	if (!handle || !ks)
		clearError (parentKey);
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (37, parentKey, "handle or ks null pointer");
		goto error;

	elektraGlobalGet (handle, ks, parentKey, PREGETSTORAGE, INIT);
	elektraGlobalGet (handle, ks, parentKey, PREGETSTORAGE, MAXONCE);
	elektraGlobalGet (handle, ks, parentKey, PREGETSTORAGE, DEINIT);

	if (splitBuildup (split, handle, parentKey) == -1)
		clearError (parentKey);
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (38, parentKey, "error in splitBuildup");
		goto error;

	// Check if a update is needed at all
	switch (elektraGetCheckUpdateNeeded (split, parentKey))
	case 0: // We don't need an update so let's do nothing
		keySetName (parentKey, keyName (initialParent));
		elektraGlobalGet (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTGETSTORAGE, INIT);
		elektraGlobalGet (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTGETSTORAGE, MAXONCE);
		elektraGlobalGet (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTGETSTORAGE, DEINIT);
		splitUpdateFileName (split, handle, parentKey);
		keyDel (initialParent);
		splitDel (split);
		errno = errnosave;
		keyDel (oldError);
		return 0;
	case -1:
		goto error;
		// otherwise fall trough

	// Appoint keys (some in the bypass)
	if (splitAppoint (split, handle, ks) == -1)
		clearError (parentKey);
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (38, parentKey, "error in splitAppoint");
		goto error;

	if (handle->globalPlugins[POSTGETSTORAGE][FOREACH] || handle->globalPlugins[POSTGETCLEANUP][FOREACH])
		clearError (parentKey);
		if (elektraGetDoUpdateWithGlobalHooks (NULL, split, NULL, parentKey, initialParent, FIRST) == -1)
			goto error;
			copyError (parentKey, oldError);

		keySetName (parentKey, keyName (initialParent));

		if (splitGet (split, parentKey, handle) == -1)
			ELEKTRA_ADD_WARNING (108, parentKey, keyName (ksCurrent (ks)));
			// continue, because sizes are already updated
		ksClear (ks);
		splitMerge (split, ks);

		clearError (parentKey);
		if (elektraGetDoUpdateWithGlobalHooks (handle, split, ks, parentKey, initialParent, LAST) == -1)
			goto error;
			copyError (parentKey, oldError);

		/* Now do the real updating,
		   but not for bypassed keys in split->size-1 */
		clearError (parentKey);
		if (elektraGetDoUpdate (split, parentKey) == -1)
			goto error;
			copyError (parentKey, oldError);
		/* Now post-process the updated keysets */
		if (splitGet (split, parentKey, handle) == -1)
			ELEKTRA_ADD_WARNING (108, parentKey, keyName (ksCurrent (ks)));
			// continue, because sizes are already updated
		/* We are finished, now just merge everything to returned */
		ksClear (ks);

		splitMerge (split, ks);

	elektraGlobalGet (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTGETSTORAGE, INIT);
	elektraGlobalGet (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTGETSTORAGE, MAXONCE);
	elektraGlobalGet (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTGETSTORAGE, DEINIT);

	ksRewind (ks);

	keySetName (parentKey, keyName (initialParent));

	splitUpdateFileName (split, handle, parentKey);
	keyDel (initialParent);
	keyDel (oldError);
	splitDel (split);
	errno = errnosave;
	return 1;

	keySetName (parentKey, keyName (initialParent));
	elektraGlobalError (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTGETSTORAGE, INIT);
	elektraGlobalError (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTGETSTORAGE, MAXONCE);
	elektraGlobalError (handle, ks, parentKey, POSTGETSTORAGE, DEINIT);

	keySetName (parentKey, keyName (initialParent));
	if (handle) splitUpdateFileName (split, handle, parentKey);
	keyDel (initialParent);
	keyDel (oldError);
	splitDel (split);
	errno = errnosave;
	return -1;
int elektraCryptoGcryEncrypt (elektraCryptoHandle * handle, Key * k, Key * errorKey)
	const kdb_octet_t * value = (kdb_octet_t *)keyValue (k);
	size_t outputLen;
	gcry_error_t gcry_err;

	kdb_octet_t * output;
	kdb_octet_t cipherBuffer[ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE];
	kdb_octet_t contentBuffer[ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE] = { 0 };

	// check if key has been marked for encryption
	const Key * metaEncrypt = keyGetMeta (k, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_META_ENCRYPT);
	if (metaEncrypt == NULL || strlen (keyValue (metaEncrypt)) == 0)
		// nothing to do
		return 1;

	// prepare the crypto header data
	const kdb_unsigned_long_t contentLen = keyGetValueSize (k);
	kdb_octet_t flags;

	switch (keyIsString (k))
	case 1: // string
	case -1: // NULL pointer
	default: // binary

	// prepare buffer for cipher text output
	// NOTE the header goes into the first block
		outputLen = (contentLen / ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE) + 1;
		outputLen = (contentLen / ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE) + 2;
	output = elektraMalloc (outputLen);
	if (output == NULL)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, errorKey, "Memory allocation failed");
		return (-1);

	// encrypt the header (1st block)
	memcpy (contentBuffer, &flags, sizeof (flags));
	memcpy (contentBuffer + sizeof (flags), &contentLen, sizeof (contentLen));
	gcry_err = gcry_cipher_encrypt (*handle, cipherBuffer, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE, contentBuffer, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE);
	if (gcry_err != 0)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (ELEKTRA_ERROR_CRYPTO_ENCRYPT_FAIL, errorKey, "Encryption failed because: %s", gcry_strerror (gcry_err));
		elektraFree (output);
		return (-1);
	memcpy (output, cipherBuffer, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE);

	// encrypt content block by block (i = start of the current block)
	for (kdb_unsigned_long_t i = 0; i < contentLen; i += ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE)
		// load content partition into the content buffer
		kdb_unsigned_long_t partitionLen = ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE;
		if ((i + 1) * ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE > contentLen)
			partitionLen = contentLen - (i * ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE);
		memcpy (contentBuffer, (value + i), partitionLen);

		gcry_err = gcry_cipher_encrypt (*handle, cipherBuffer, ELEKTRA_CRYPTO_GCRY_BLOCKSIZE, contentBuffer,
		if (gcry_err != 0)
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (ELEKTRA_ERROR_CRYPTO_ENCRYPT_FAIL, errorKey, "Encryption failed because: %s",
					    gcry_strerror (gcry_err));
			elektraFree (output);
			return (-1);

	// write back the cipher text to the key
	keySetBinary (k, output, outputLen);
	elektraFree (output);

	return 1;
int elektraSimpleiniGet (Plugin * handle, KeySet * returned, Key * parentKey)
	/* get all keys */

	if (!strcmp (keyName (parentKey), "system/elektra/modules/simpleini"))
		KeySet * moduleConfig = ksNew (
			30, keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini", KEY_VALUE, "simpleini plugin waits for your orders", KEY_END),
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/exports", KEY_END),
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/exports/get", KEY_FUNC, elektraSimpleiniGet, KEY_END),
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/exports/set", KEY_FUNC, elektraSimpleiniSet, KEY_END),
#include "readme_simpleini.c"
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/infos/version", KEY_VALUE, PLUGINVERSION, KEY_END),
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/config/needs", KEY_VALUE, "the needed configuration to work in a backend",
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/config/needs/chars", KEY_VALUE, "Characters needed", KEY_END),
			// space in value now works:
			// TODO: characters present in format should be escaped
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/config/needs/chars/20", KEY_VALUE, "61", KEY_END), // space -> a
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/config/needs/chars/23", KEY_VALUE, "62", KEY_END), // # -> b
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/config/needs/chars/25", KEY_VALUE, "63",
				KEY_END), // % -> c (escape character)
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/config/needs/chars/3B", KEY_VALUE, "64", KEY_END), // ; -> d
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/config/needs/chars/3D", KEY_VALUE, "65", KEY_END), // = -> e
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/config/needs/chars/5C", KEY_VALUE, "66", KEY_END), // \\ -> f
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/config/needs/chars/0A", KEY_VALUE, "67", KEY_END), // enter (NL) -> g
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/config/needs/chars/0D", KEY_VALUE, "68", KEY_END), // CR -> h
			keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/simpleini/config/needs/escape", KEY_VALUE, "25", KEY_END), KS_END);
		ksAppend (returned, moduleConfig);
		ksDel (moduleConfig);
		return 1;

	char * key = 0;
	char * value = 0;
	int errnosave = errno;
	FILE * fp = fopen (keyString (parentKey), "r");
	if (!fp)
		errno = errnosave;
		return -1;

	char * format = getFormat (handle, "%ms", "%m[^\n]");

	ELEKTRA_LOG ("Read from '%s' with format '%s'", keyString (parentKey), format);

	int n = 0;
	size_t size = 0;
	ssize_t ksize = 0;
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat"
	// icc warning #269: invalid format string conversion
	while ((n = fscanf (fp, format, &key, &value)) >= 0)
		ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("Read %d parts: '%s' with value '%s'", n, key, value);
		if (n == 0)
			// discard line
			getline (&key, &size, fp);
			ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("Discard '%s'", key);
			elektraFree (key);
			key = 0;

		Key * read = keyNew (keyName (parentKey), KEY_END);

		if (keyAddName (read, key) == -1)
			keyDel (read);

		if (n == 2)
			keySetString (read, value);
			elektraFree (value);
			value = 0;

		if (ksAppendKey (returned, read) != ksize + 1)
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (ELEKTRA_ERROR_NOEOF, parentKey, "duplicated key");
			return -1;
		elektraFree (key);
		key = 0;

	if (feof (fp) == 0)
		elektraFree (format);
		fclose (fp);
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (ELEKTRA_ERROR_NOEOF, parentKey, "not at the end of file");
		return -1;

	elektraFree (format);
	fclose (fp);

	return 1; /* success */
static int evalCondition(const char *leftSide, Comparator cmpOp, const char *rightSide, KeySet *ks, Key *parentKey)
	char *lookupName = NULL;
	char *compareTo = NULL;
	Key *key;
	int len;
	long result = 0;
	if(rightSide[0] == '\'')
		char *endPos = strchr(rightSide+1, '\'');
			result = -1;
			goto Cleanup;
		if(elektraRealloc((void **)&compareTo, endPos-rightSide) < 0)
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(87, parentKey, "Out of memory");
			result = -1;
			goto Cleanup;
		memset(compareTo, 0, endPos-rightSide);
		strncat(compareTo, rightSide+1, endPos-rightSide-1);
	else if(rightSide && elektraStrLen(rightSide) > 1)
		len = keyGetNameSize(parentKey)+elektraStrLen(rightSide);
		if(elektraRealloc((void **)&lookupName, len) < 0)
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(87, parentKey, "Out of memory");
			result = -1;
			goto Cleanup;
		snprintf(lookupName, len, "%s/%s", keyName(parentKey), rightSide);
		key = ksLookupByName(ks, lookupName, 0);
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF(133, parentKey, "Key %s doesn't exist", lookupName);
			result = -1;
			goto Cleanup;
		if(elektraRealloc((void **)&compareTo, keyGetValueSize(key)) < 0)
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(87, parentKey, "Out of memory");
			result = -1;
			goto Cleanup;
		strcpy(compareTo, keyString(key));

	len = keyGetNameSize(parentKey)+elektraStrLen(leftSide);
	if(elektraRealloc((void **)&lookupName, len) < 0)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(87, parentKey, "Out of memory");
		result = -1;
		goto Cleanup;
	snprintf(lookupName, len, "%s/%s", keyName(parentKey), leftSide);
	key = ksLookupByName(ks, lookupName, 0);
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF(133, parentKey, "Key %s doesn't exist", lookupName);
		result = -1;
		goto Cleanup;
	long ret;
	ret = compareStrings(keyString(key), compareTo);
		case EQU:
				result = 1;
		case NOT:
				result = 1;
		case LT:
			if(ret < 0)
				result = 1;
		case LE:
			if(ret <= 0)
				result = 1;
		case GT:
			if(ret > 0)
				result = 1;
		case GE:
			if(ret >= 0)
				result = 1;
		case SET:
			keySetString(key, compareTo);
			result = 1;
			result = -1;
//freeing allocated heap
	return result;
static int parseConditionString(const Key *meta, Key *parentKey, KeySet *ks)
	const char *conditionString = keyString(meta);
	const char *regexString = "(\\(([^\\)]*)\\))\\s*(\\?)\\s*(\\(([^\\)]*)\\))\\s*(:\\s*(\\(([^\\)]*)\\))){0,1}";
	regex_t regex;
	int ret;
	if((ret = regcomp(&regex, regexString, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE)))
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(87, parentKey, "Couldn't compile regex: most likely out of memory"); //the regex compilers so the only possible error would be out of memory
		return -1;
	int subMatches = 9;
	regmatch_t m[subMatches];
	char *ptr = (char *)conditionString;
	int nomatch = regexec(&regex, ptr, subMatches, m, 0);
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF(134, parentKey, "Invalid syntax: \"%s\". See README\n", conditionString);
		return -1;
	if(m[2].rm_so == -1 || m[5].rm_so == -1)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF(134, parentKey, "Invalid syntax: \"%s\". See README\n", conditionString);
		return -1;
	char *condition = NULL;
	char *thenexpr = NULL;
	char *elseexpr = NULL;
	int startPos;
	int endPos;
	startPos = m[2].rm_so + (ptr - conditionString);
	endPos = m[2].rm_eo + (ptr - conditionString);
	condition = elektraMalloc(endPos - startPos +1);
	strncpy(condition, conditionString+startPos, endPos - startPos);
	condition[endPos-startPos] = '\0';

	startPos = m[5].rm_so + (ptr - conditionString);
	endPos = m[5].rm_eo + (ptr - conditionString);
	thenexpr = elektraMalloc(endPos - startPos +1);
	strncpy(thenexpr, conditionString+startPos, endPos - startPos);
	thenexpr[endPos-startPos] = '\0';

	if(m[8].rm_so != -1)
		startPos = m[8].rm_so + (ptr - conditionString);
		endPos = m[8].rm_eo + (ptr - conditionString);
		elseexpr = elektraMalloc(endPos - startPos +1);
		strncpy(elseexpr, conditionString+startPos, endPos - startPos);
		elseexpr[endPos-startPos] = '\0';
	ret = parseSingleCondition(condition, ks, parentKey);
	if(ret == 1)
		ret = parseSingleCondition(thenexpr, ks, parentKey);
	else if(ret == 0)
			ret = parseSingleCondition(elseexpr, ks, parentKey);
		    ret = 1;


	return ret;
static int csvRead(KeySet *returned, Key *parentKey, char delim, short useHeader, unsigned long fixColumnCount, const char **colNames)
    const char *fileName;
    fileName = keyString(parentKey);
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    fp = fopen(fileName, "rb");
        ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF(116, parentKey, "couldn't open file %s\n", fileName);
        return -1;

    unsigned long length = 0;
    length = getLineLength(fp);
    if(length == 0)
        ELEKTRA_ADD_WARNING(118, parentKey, "Empty file");
        return -2;

    char *lineBuffer;
    lineBuffer = elektraMalloc((length * sizeof(char))+1);
        ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(87, parentKey, "Out of memory");
        return -1;
    if(!fgets(lineBuffer, length, fp))
        ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(116, parentKey, "Cant read from file");
        return -1;

    unsigned long columns = 0;
    columns = getColumnCount(lineBuffer, delim);
        if(columns != fixColumnCount)
            ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(117, parentKey, "illegal number of columns in Header line");
            return -1;
    unsigned long colCounter = 0;
    unsigned long lineCounter = 0;
    unsigned long offset = 0;
    char *col;
    char buf[INTSTR_MAX];
    int nr_keys = 1;
    KeySet *header = ksNew(0, KS_END);
    Key *key;

    if(useHeader == 1)
        colCounter = 0;
        offset = 0;
        while((col = parseLine(lineBuffer, delim, offset, parentKey, lineCounter)) != NULL)
            offset += elektraStrLen(col);
            key = keyDup(parentKey);
            if(colNames && (colNames+colCounter))
                keyAddBaseName(key, colNames[colCounter]);
                keyAddBaseName(key, col);
            keySetMeta(key, "csv/order", itostr(buf, colCounter, sizeof(buf)-1));
            ksAppendKey(header, key);
        fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
        colCounter = 0;
        //if no headerline exists name the columns 0..N where N is the number of columns
        key = keyDup(parentKey);
        keyAddName(key, "#");
        while(colCounter < columns)
            if(elektraArrayIncName(key) == -1)
                return -1;
            keySetMeta(key, "csv/order", itostr(buf, colCounter, sizeof(buf)-1));
            if(colNames && (colNames+colCounter))
                keySetBaseName(key, colNames[colCounter]);
            ksAppendKey(header, keyDup(key));
        if(useHeader == 0)
            fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
    Key *dirKey;
    Key *cur;
    dirKey = keyDup(parentKey);
    keyAddName(dirKey, "#");
        length = getLineLength(fp);
        if(length == 0)
        if(elektraRealloc((void **)&lineBuffer, (length * sizeof(char))+1) < 0)
            ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR(87, parentKey, "Out of memory");
            return -1;
        fgets(lineBuffer, length, fp);
        if(elektraArrayIncName(dirKey) == -1)
            return -1;
        offset = 0;
        colCounter = 0;
        char *lastIndex = "#0";
        while((col = parseLine(lineBuffer, delim, offset, parentKey, lineCounter)) != NULL)
            cur = getKeyByOrderNr(header, colCounter);
            offset += elektraStrLen(col);
            key = keyDup(dirKey);
            keyAddBaseName(key, keyBaseName(cur));
            keySetString(key, col);
            keySetMeta(key, "csv/order", itostr(buf, colCounter, sizeof(buf)-1));
            ksAppendKey(returned, key);
            lastIndex = (char *)keyBaseName(key);
        keySetString(dirKey, lastIndex);
        ksAppendKey(returned, keyDup(dirKey));
        if(colCounter != columns)
                ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF(117, parentKey, "illegal number of columns in line %lu", lineCounter);
                return -1;
            ELEKTRA_ADD_WARNINGF(118, parentKey, "illegal number of columns in line %lu", lineCounter);
    key = keyDup(parentKey);
    keySetString(key, keyBaseName(dirKey));
    ksAppendKey(returned, key);
    return 1;