static cDict *unpack_dict(cBuf *buf, Long *buf_pos) { cDict *dict; cList *keys, *values; Int i; keys = unpack_list(buf, buf_pos); values = unpack_list(buf, buf_pos); if (keys->len <= 64) { dict = dict_new(keys, values); list_discard(keys); list_discard(values); return dict; } else { dict = EMALLOC(cDict, 1); dict->keys = keys; dict->values = values; dict->hashtab_size = read_long(buf, buf_pos); dict->links = EMALLOC(Int, dict->hashtab_size); dict->hashtab = EMALLOC(Int, dict->hashtab_size); for (i = 0; i < dict->hashtab_size; i++) { dict->links[i] = read_long(buf, buf_pos); dict->hashtab[i] = read_long(buf, buf_pos); } dict->refs = 1; return dict; } }
bool CACHE_SESSION::save() { bool ret = false; unsigned int binlen, sqllen; char *sqlbuff; char *binbuff; binlen = this->serialize_bin(NULL); // obtient la taille maximum n�cessaire if(binbuff = (char *)EMALLOC(binlen)) { binlen = this->serialize_bin((long *)binbuff); // obtient la taille r�elle et s�rialise sqllen = epublisher->escape_string(binbuff, binlen, NULL); // obtient la taille maximum n�cessaire if(sqlbuff = (char *)EMALLOC(sqllen)) { char *sql; int l; sqllen = epublisher->escape_string(binbuff, binlen, sqlbuff); // escape et obtient la taille r�elle l = sizeof("UPDATE cache SET session='' WHERE session_id=???????????") + sqllen; if(sql = (char *)EMALLOC(l)) { sprintf(sql, "UPDATE cache SET session='%s' WHERE session_id=%li", sqlbuff, this->session_id); if(epublisher->query(sql)) { if(epublisher->affected_rows() == 1) ret = true; } EFREE(sql); } EFREE(sqlbuff); } EFREE(binbuff); } return(ret); }
Hash * hash_new_with(cList *keys) { Hash *cnew; Int i, j; /* Construct a new hash */ cnew = EMALLOC(Hash, 1); cnew->keys = list_dup(keys); /* Calculate initial size of chain and hash table. */ cnew->hashtab_size = HASHTAB_STARTING_SIZE; while (cnew->hashtab_size < keys->len) cnew->hashtab_size = cnew->hashtab_size * 2 + MALLOC_DELTA; /* Initialize chain entries and hash table. */ cnew->links = EMALLOC(Int, cnew->hashtab_size); cnew->hashtab = EMALLOC(Int, cnew->hashtab_size); memset(cnew->links, -1, sizeof(Long)*cnew->hashtab_size); memset(cnew->hashtab, -1, sizeof(Long)*cnew->hashtab_size); /* Insert the keys into the hash table, eliminating duplicates. */ i = j = 0; while (i < cnew->keys->len) { if (i != j) cnew->keys->el[j] = cnew->keys->el[i]; if (hash_find(cnew, &keys->el[i]) == F_FAILURE) quickhash_insert_key(cnew, j++); else data_discard(&cnew->keys->el[i]); i++; } cnew->keys->len = j; cnew->refs = 1; return cnew; }
static void unpack_methods(cBuf *buf, Long *buf_pos, Obj *obj) { Int i, size; size = read_long(buf, buf_pos); if (size == -1) { obj->methods = NULL; return; } obj->methods = EMALLOC(ObjMethods, 1); obj->methods->size = size; obj->methods->blanks = read_long(buf, buf_pos); obj->methods->hashtab = EMALLOC(Int, obj->methods->size); obj->methods->tab = EMALLOC(struct mptr, obj->methods->size); for (i = 0; i < obj->methods->size; i++) { obj->methods->hashtab[i] = read_long(buf, buf_pos); obj->methods->tab[i].m = unpack_method(buf, buf_pos); if (obj->methods->tab[i].m) obj->methods->tab[i].m->object = obj; obj->methods->tab[i].next = read_long(buf, buf_pos); } unpack_strings(buf, buf_pos, obj); unpack_idents(buf, buf_pos, obj); }
CACHE_COLL::CACHE_COLL(long coll_id, long base_id, char *name, char *prefs) //, bool registered) { int lstr, lram; this->coll_id = coll_id; this->base_id = base_id; this->name = NULL; this->name_lenPAD = 0; this->prefs = NULL; this->prefs_lenPAD = 0; // this->registered = registered; this->binsize = sizeof(this->coll_id) // coll_id + sizeof(this->base_id) // base_id // + sizeof(this->phserver_port) // phserver_port // + sizeof(long) // registered + PAD // name (if null) #if GETPREFS + PAD // prefs (if null) #endif ; if(name) { lstr = strlen(name); lram = LSTRPAD(lstr); // room for the final '\0', rounded to the next multiple of PAD if(this->name = (char *)EMALLOC(lram)) { this->name_lenPAD = lram; memcpy(this->name, name, lstr+1); while(lstr<lram) this->name[lstr++] = '\0'; // pad with 0 this->binsize += lram-PAD; // PAD was already counted } } #if GETPREFS if(prefs) { lstr = strlen(prefs); lram = LSTRPAD(lstr); // room for the final '\0', rounded to the next multiple of PAD if(this->prefs = (char *)EMALLOC(lram)) { this->prefs_lenPAD = lram; memcpy(this->prefs, prefs, lstr+1); while(lstr<lram) this->prefs[lstr++] = '\0'; // pad with 0 this->binsize += lram-PAD; // PAD was already counted } } #endif this->nextcoll = NULL; }
char* charToStr(int x) { char* buf = EMALLOC(2*sizeof(char)); buf[0] = (char)x; buf[1] = '\0'; return buf; }
static int _pango_xft_Load(TextState * ts, const char *name) { FontCtxPangoXft *fdc; PangoFontDescription *font; PangoFontMask flags; if (!_pango_ctx) _pango_ctx = pango_xft_get_context(disp, Dpy.screen); if (!_pango_ctx) return -1; font = pango_font_description_from_string(name); if (!font) return -1; flags = pango_font_description_get_set_fields(font); if ((flags & PANGO_FONT_MASK_FAMILY) == 0) pango_font_description_set_family(font, "sans"); if ((flags & PANGO_FONT_MASK_SIZE) == 0) pango_font_description_set_size(font, 10 * PANGO_SCALE); fdc = EMALLOC(FontCtxPangoXft, 1); if (!fdc) return -1; fdc->font = font; ts->fdc = fdc; ts->need_utf8 = 1; ts->type = FONT_TYPE_PANGO_XFT; ts->ops = &FontOps_pango; return 0; }
mpz_t* strToBigInt(char* str) { mpz_t* answer = EMALLOC(sizeof(mpz_t)); mpz_init(*answer); mpz_set_str(*answer, str, 10); return answer; }
void* doWithin(int limit, void* proc, void* doOnFail) { pthread_t* t = EMALLOC(sizeof(pthread_t)); // printf("CREATING THREAD %d\n", t); struct threadinfo th; th.proc = proc; th.result = NULL; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); int tnow, tthen = do_utime(); pthread_create(t, NULL, runThread, &th); // printf("tthen %d\n", tthen); void* ans; do { // If the answer has been updated, we're done. if (th.result!=NULL) { pthread_join(*t, &ans); return ans; } gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); tnow = do_utime(); usleep(100); // printf("tnow %d\n", tnow); } while(tnow<(tthen+(limit*1000))); pthread_cancel(*t); return DO_EVAL(doOnFail,1); }
// FIXME: Do this properly! char* readStr() { char *buf = NULL; if (buf==NULL) { buf = EMALLOC(sizeof(char)*512); } // yeah, right... fgets(buf,512,stdin); char *loc = strchr(buf,'\n'); *loc = '\0'; return buf; }
void doFork(void* proc) { pthread_t* t = EMALLOC(sizeof(pthread_t)); struct threadinfo th; th.proc = proc; th.result = NULL; pthread_create(t, NULL, runThread, &th); }
char* bigIntToStr(mpz_t x) { char* str = mpz_get_str(NULL,10,x); char* buf = EMALLOC(strlen(str)+1); strcpy(buf,str); free(str); return buf; }
bool CACHE_SESSION::save() { bool ret = false; MYSQL_STMT *stmt; MYSQL_BIND bind[2]; char *query = (char *)("UPDATE cache SET session=? WHERE session_id=?"); char *binbuff; unsigned long binlen; int session_id = this->session_id; MYSQL *mysql = (MYSQL *)epublisher->get_native_conn(); //zend_printf("LINE %i <br/>\n", __LINE__); if( (stmt = mysql_stmt_init(mysql)) ) { //zend_printf("LINE %i <br/>\n", __LINE__); if( (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, query, strlen(query))) == 0 ) { //zend_printf("LINE %i <br/>\n", __LINE__); binlen = this->get_binsize(); // obtient la taille maximum n�cessaire if(binbuff = (char *)EMALLOC(binlen)) { //zend_printf("LINE %i <br/>\n", __LINE__); binlen = this->serialize_bin((long *)binbuff); // s�rialise et obtient la taille r�elle //zend_printf("LINE %i binlen=%li <br/>\n", __LINE__, binlen); bind[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING; bind[0].buffer = binbuff; bind[0].buffer_length = binlen; bind[0].is_null= 0; bind[0].length= &binlen; bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG; bind[1].buffer= (char *)&session_id; bind[1].is_null= 0; bind[1].length= 0; if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind) == 0) { //zend_printf("LINE %i <br/>\n", __LINE__); if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt) == 0) { //zend_printf("LINE %i <br/>\n", __LINE__); if(mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt) == 1) { //zend_printf("LINE %i <br/>\n", __LINE__); ret = true; } } } EFREE(binbuff); } } mysql_stmt_close(stmt); } return(ret); }
char* strrev(char* str) { char* buf = EMALLOC((1+strlen(str))*sizeof(char)); int x = strlen(str); buf[x+1]='\0'; int y = 0; while(x>0) { buf[y++] = str[--x]; } return buf; }
static Method *unpack_method(cBuf *buf, Long *buf_pos) { Int i, j, n; Method *method; Int name; /* Read in the name. If this is -1, it was a marker for a blank entry. */ name = read_ident(buf, buf_pos); if (name == NOT_AN_IDENT) return NULL; method = EMALLOC(Method, 1); method->name = name; method->m_access = read_long(buf, buf_pos); method->m_flags = read_long(buf, buf_pos); method->native = read_long(buf, buf_pos); method->refs = 1; method->num_args = read_long(buf, buf_pos); if (method->num_args) { method->argnames = TMALLOC(Int, method->num_args); for (i = 0; i < method->num_args; i++) { method->argnames[i] = read_long(buf, buf_pos); } } method->rest = read_long(buf, buf_pos); method->num_vars = read_long(buf, buf_pos); if (method->num_vars) { method->varnames = TMALLOC(Int, method->num_vars); for (i = 0; i < method->num_vars; i++) { method->varnames[i] = read_long(buf, buf_pos); } } method->num_opcodes = read_long(buf, buf_pos); method->opcodes = TMALLOC(Long, method->num_opcodes); for (i = 0; i < method->num_opcodes; i++) method->opcodes[i] = read_long(buf, buf_pos); method->num_error_lists = read_long(buf, buf_pos); if (method->num_error_lists) { method->error_lists = TMALLOC(Error_list, method->num_error_lists); for (i = 0; i < method->num_error_lists; i++) { n = read_long(buf, buf_pos); method->error_lists[i].num_errors = n; method->error_lists[i].error_ids = TMALLOC(Int, n); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) method->error_lists[i].error_ids[j] = read_ident(buf, buf_pos); } } return method; }
int newLock(int sem) { pthread_mutex_t m; pthread_mutex_init(&m, NULL); Mutex* newm = EMALLOC(sizeof(Mutex)); newm->m_id = m; // Increase space for the mutexes if (ms==NULL) { ms = (Mutex**)EMALLOC(sizeof(Mutex*)); mutexes=1; } else { ms = (Mutex**)(EREALLOC(ms, sizeof(Mutex*)*(mutexes+1))); mutexes++; } ms[mutexes-1] = newm; return mutexes-1; }
int newRef() { // Increase space for the iorefs if (iorefs==NULL) { iorefs = (void**)(EMALLOC(sizeof(void*))); numrefs=1; } else { iorefs = (void**)(EREALLOC(iorefs, sizeof(void*)*(numrefs+1))); numrefs++; } return numrefs-1; }
static void unpack_vars(cBuf *buf, Long *buf_pos, Obj *obj) { Int i; obj->vars.size = read_long(buf, buf_pos); obj->vars.blanks = read_long(buf, buf_pos); obj->vars.hashtab = EMALLOC(Int, obj->vars.size); obj-> = EMALLOC(Var, obj->vars.size); for (i = 0; i < obj->vars.size; i++) { obj->vars.hashtab[i] = read_long(buf, buf_pos); obj->[i].name = read_ident(buf, buf_pos); if (obj->[i].name != NOT_AN_IDENT) { obj->[i].cclass = read_long(buf, buf_pos); unpack_data(buf, buf_pos, &obj->[i].val); } obj->[i].next = read_long(buf, buf_pos); } }
static void unpack_idents(cBuf *buf, Long *buf_pos, Obj *obj) { Int i; obj->methods->idents_size = read_long(buf, buf_pos); obj->methods->num_idents = read_long(buf, buf_pos); obj->methods->idents = EMALLOC(Ident_entry, obj->methods->idents_size); for (i = 0; i < obj->methods->num_idents; i++) { obj->methods->idents[i].id = read_ident(buf, buf_pos); if (obj->methods->idents[i].id != NOT_AN_IDENT) obj->methods->idents[i].refs = read_long(buf, buf_pos); } }
bool CACHE_SESSION::save() { bool ret = false; MYSQL_STMT *stmt; MYSQL_BIND bind[2]; char *query = (char *)("UPDATE cache SET session=? WHERE session_id=?"); char *binbuff; unsigned long binlen; int session_id = this->session_id; MYSQL *mysql = (MYSQL *)epublisher->get_native_conn(); if( (stmt = mysql_stmt_init(mysql)) ) { if( (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, query, strlen(query))) == 0 ) { binlen = this->get_binsize(); // get size needed if(binbuff = (char *)EMALLOC(binlen)) { memset(binbuff, 0, binlen); binlen = this->serialize_bin((long *)binbuff); // serialize and get the real size memset(bind, 0, sizeof(bind)); bind[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING; bind[0].buffer = binbuff; bind[0].buffer_length = binlen; bind[0].is_null= 0; bind[0].length= &binlen; bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG; bind[1].buffer= (char *)&session_id; bind[1].is_null= 0; bind[1].length= 0; if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind) == 0) { if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt) == 0) { if(mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt) == 1) { ret = true; } } } EFREE(binbuff); } } mysql_stmt_close(stmt); } return(ret); }
Client * ClientCreate(Window win) { Client *c; c = EMALLOC(Client, 1); if (!c) return NULL; c->win = win; c->msg = NULL; return c; }
void sprintfSQLERR(char **str, const char *format, ...) { int l = 0; va_list args; va_start(args, format); *str = NULL; l = vsnprintf(*str, l, format, args); if( (*str = (char *)(EMALLOC(l+1))) ) { va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(*str, l+1, format, args); } va_end(args); }
filec_t *file_new(void) { filec_t *fnew = EMALLOC(filec_t, 1); fnew->fp = NULL; fnew->objnum = INV_OBJNUM; fnew->f.readable = 0; fnew->f.writable = 0; fnew->f.closed = 0; fnew->f.binary = 0; fnew->path = NULL; fnew->next = NULL; return fnew; }
void io_com_dump(MPI_Comm comm, const Coords *coords, const char *name, long id, int n, const int *ii, const float3 *rr) { char fname[FILENAME_MAX] = {0}, *data; long nchar = 0; EMALLOC(MAX_CHAR_PER_LINE * n, &data); if (m::is_master(comm)) UC(os_mkdir(BASE)); gen_fname(name, id, fname); UC(nchar = swrite(coords, n, ii, rr, /**/ data)); write_mpi(comm, fname, nchar, data); EFREE(data); }
SQLCONN::SQLCONN(char *host, unsigned int port, char *user, char *passwd, char *dbname) { // ftrace("%s \n", dbname); this->ukey = NULL; this->connok = false; this->mysql_active_result_id = 0; strcpy(this->host, host); strcpy(this->user, user); strcpy(this->passwd, passwd); strcpy(this->dbname, dbname); this->port = port; // this->mysql_conn = NULL; int l = strlen(host) + 1 + 65 + 1 + (dbname ? strlen(dbname) : 0); if(this->ukey = (char *) EMALLOC(l)) sprintf(this->ukey, "%s_%u_%s", host, (unsigned int) port, (dbname ? dbname : "")); }
// VAL is RawPacket VAL prim_recv(int socket) { // TMP HACK: 512 should be enough for the purposes of this experiment... // Do it properly some time. uint32_t* buf = (uint32_t*)EMALLOC(512*sizeof(uint32_t)); if (!isReadable(socket, 10000)) { return CONSTRUCTOR2(0, EMPTYPKT, NOADDR); } int recvlen = recv(socket, buf, 512*sizeof(word32), 0); if (recvlen==-1) { return CONSTRUCTOR2(0, EMPTYPKT, NOADDR); } return CONSTRUCTOR2(0, MKPTR(buf), MKINT(recvlen << 3)); }
static void main0(const char *cell, Out *out) { int nv, nm; MeshVertArea *vert_area; Vectors *pos; double *vert_areas; UC(mesh_read_ini_off(cell, /**/ &out->mesh)); UC(mesh_vert_area_ini(out->mesh, &vert_area)); nv = mesh_read_get_nv(out->mesh); UC(vectors_float_ini(nv, mesh_read_get_vert(out->mesh), /**/ &pos)); nm = 1; EMALLOC(nv, &vert_areas); mesh_vert_area_apply(vert_area, nm, pos, /**/ vert_areas); dump(nv, nm, vert_areas, pos, out); mesh_vert_area_fin(vert_area); UC(vectors_fin(pos)); UC(mesh_read_fin(out->mesh)); EFREE(vert_areas); }
void AtomListIntern(const char *const *names, unsigned int num, unsigned int *atoms) { #if SIZEOF_INT == SIZEOF_LONG XInternAtoms(disp, (char **)names, num, False, (Atom *) atoms); #else unsigned int i; Atom *_atoms; _atoms = EMALLOC(Atom, num); if (!_atoms) return; XInternAtoms(disp, (char **)names, num, False, _atoms); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) atoms[i] = _atoms[i]; Efree(_atoms); #endif }
SQLCONN::SQLCONN(const char *host, unsigned int port, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *dbname) { this->ukey = NULL; this->connok = false; this->mysql_active_result_id = 0; // this->stmt_th = NULL; // this->DOMThesaurus = NULL; // this->thesaurus_buffer = NULL; // this->XPathCtx_thesaurus = NULL; strcpy(this->host, host); strcpy(this->user, user); strcpy(this->passwd, passwd); strcpy(this->dbname, dbname); this->port = port; // this->mysql_conn = NULL; int l = strlen(host) + 1 + 65 + 1 + (dbname ? strlen(dbname) : 0); if( (this->ukey = (char *) EMALLOC(l)) != NULL) sprintf(this->ukey, "%s_%u_%s", host, (unsigned int) port, (dbname ? dbname : "")); }
static int _xft_Load(TextState * ts, const char *name) { XftFont *font; FontCtxXft *fdc; if (name[0] == '-') font = XftFontOpenXlfd(disp, Dpy.screen, name); else font = XftFontOpenName(disp, Dpy.screen, name); if (!font) return -1; #if 0 /* Debug */ { FT_Face ftf = XftLockFace(font); if (ftf == NULL) return -1; Eprintf("Font %s family_name=%s style_name=%s\n", name, ftf->family_name, ftf->style_name); XftUnlockFace(font); } #endif fdc = EMALLOC(FontCtxXft, 1); if (!fdc) return -1; fdc->font = font; ts->fdc = fdc; ts->need_utf8 = 1; ts->type = FONT_TYPE_XFT; ts->ops = &FontOps_xft; return 0; }