Expression extractExpression(EmoStateHandle state) {
    Expression ret;
    ret.upperFace = ES_ExpressivGetUpperFaceAction(state);
    ret.lowerFace = ES_ExpressivGetUpperFaceAction(state);
    ret.upperFacePwr = ES_ExpressivGetUpperFaceAction(state);
    ret.lowerFacePwr = ES_ExpressivGetLowerFaceAction(state);

    if(ES_ExpressivIsBlink(state)) {
        ret.eyeState |= Expression::BLINK;
    if(ES_ExpressivIsLeftWink(state)) {
        ret.eyeState |= Expression::LWINK;
    if(ES_ExpressivIsRightWink(state)) {
        ret.eyeState |= Expression::RWINK;
    if(ES_ExpressivIsLookingRight(state)) {
        ret.eyeState |= Expression::RLOOK;
    if(ES_ExpressivIsLookingLeft(state)) {
        ret.eyeState |= Expression::LLOOK;
    return ret;
void emotiv::logEmoState(std::ostream& os, unsigned int userID, EmoStateHandle eState, bool withHeader) {

	ofNotifyEvent(elEventoEmo, eState);

	// Create the top header
	if (withHeader) {
		os << "Time,";
		os << "UserID,";
		os << "Wireless Signal Status,";
		os << "Blink,";
		os << "Wink Left,";
		os << "Wink Right,";
		os << "Look Left,";
		os << "Look Right,";
		os << "Eyebrow,";
		os << "Furrow,";
		os << "Smile,";
		os << "Clench,";
		os << "Smirk Left,";
		os << "Smirk Right,";
		os << "Laugh,";
		os << "Short Term Excitement,";
		os << "Long Term Excitement,";
		os << "Engagement/Boredom,";
		os << "Cognitiv Action,";
		os << "Cognitiv Power,";
		os << std::endl;

	// Log the time stamp and user ID
	os << ES_GetTimeFromStart(eState) << ",";
	os << userID << ",";
	os << static_cast<int>(ES_GetWirelessSignalStatus(eState)) << ",";

	// Expressiv Suite results
	os << ES_ExpressivIsBlink(eState) << ",";
	os << ES_ExpressivIsLeftWink(eState) << ",";
	os << ES_ExpressivIsRightWink(eState) << ",";

	os << ES_ExpressivIsLookingLeft(eState) << ",";
	os << ES_ExpressivIsLookingRight(eState) << ",";

	std::map<EE_ExpressivAlgo_t, float> expressivStates;

	EE_ExpressivAlgo_t upperFaceAction = ES_ExpressivGetUpperFaceAction(eState);
	float			   upperFacePower  = ES_ExpressivGetUpperFaceActionPower(eState);

	EE_ExpressivAlgo_t lowerFaceAction = ES_ExpressivGetLowerFaceAction(eState);
	float			   lowerFacePower  = ES_ExpressivGetLowerFaceActionPower(eState);

	expressivStates[ upperFaceAction ] = upperFacePower;
	expressivStates[ lowerFaceAction ] = lowerFacePower;
	os << expressivStates[ EXP_EYEBROW     ] << ","; // eyebrow
	os << expressivStates[ EXP_FURROW      ] << ","; // furrow
	os << expressivStates[ EXP_SMILE       ] << ","; // smile
	os << expressivStates[ EXP_CLENCH      ] << ","; // clench
	os << expressivStates[ EXP_SMIRK_LEFT  ] << ","; // smirk left
	os << expressivStates[ EXP_SMIRK_RIGHT ] << ","; // smirk right
	os << expressivStates[ EXP_LAUGH       ] << ","; // laugh

	// Affectiv Suite results
	os << ES_AffectivGetExcitementShortTermScore(eState) << ",";
	os << ES_AffectivGetExcitementLongTermScore(eState) << ",";

	os << ES_AffectivGetEngagementBoredomScore(eState) << ",";

	// Cognitiv Suite results
	os << static_cast<int>(ES_CognitivGetCurrentAction(eState)) << ",";
	os << ES_CognitivGetCurrentActionPower(eState);

	os << std::endl;