int csys_midievent(unsigned char * cmd, unsigned char * ndata, unsigned char * vdata, unsigned short * extchan, float * fval) { int i = csysi_tailmidi; *cmd = csysi_midiqueue[i].cmd; *ndata = csysi_midiqueue[i].ndata; *vdata = csysi_midiqueue[i].vdata; *extchan = csysi_midiqueue[i].extchan; *fval = csysi_midiqueue[i].fval; if (*cmd == CSYS_MIDI_ENDTIME) *fval = (*fval > EV(scorebeats) + 5.0F) ? *fval : EV(scorebeats) + 5.0F; csysi_midiready--; csysi_nummidi--; csysi_tailmidi = (csysi_tailmidi+1)&(CSYSI_MAXMIDI-1); if (csysi_tailmidi == csysi_headmidi) /* empty */ { csysi_headmidi = 0; csysi_tailmidi = -1; } if (csysi_midiready) return CSYS_MIDIEVENTS; else return CSYS_NONE; }
// Prepare a list of points for Delaunay triangulation: randomly assign into logarithmic bins, sort within bins, and add sentinels. // For details, see Amenta et al., Incremental Constructions con BRIO. static Array<Perturbed2> partially_sorted_shuffle(RawArray<const EV> Xin) { const int n = Xin.size(); Array<Perturbed2> X(n+3,uninit); // Randomly assign input points into bins. Bin k has 2**k = 1,2,4,8,... and starts at index 2**k-1 = 0,1,3,7,... // We fill points into bins as sequentially as possible to maximize cache coherence. const int bins = integer_log(n); Array<int> bin_counts(bins); for (int i=0;i<n;i++) { int j = (int)random_permute(n,key,i); const int bin = min(integer_log(j+1),bins-1); j = (1<<bin)-1+bin_counts[bin]++; X[j] = Perturbed2(i,Xin[i]); } // Spatially sort each bin down to clusters of size 64. const int leaf_size = 64; for (int bin=0;bin<bins;bin++) { const int start = (1<<bin)-1, end = bin==bins-1?n:start+(1<<bin); assert(bin_counts[bin]==end-start); spatial_sort(X.slice(start,end),leaf_size,new_<Random>(key+bin)); } // Add 3 sentinel points at infinity X[n+0] = Perturbed2(n+0,EV(-bound,-bound)); X[n+1] = Perturbed2(n+1,EV( bound, 0) ); X[n+2] = Perturbed2(n+2,EV(-bound, bound)); return X; }
void mktbl6data(void) { #define TBIT (((0ULL - 1) / 2) + 1) #define EV(x) ((x) != 0 && (((x) + 1) % 2) == 0) uint64_t a=TBIT, b=0, *c=&a, f=0; for (;; f++) { printf("%s{0x%016llxULL, 0x%016llxULL},%c", EV(f) ? "" : "\t", a, b, EV(f) ? '\n' : ' '); *c=(*c >> 1) | TBIT; if (*c == (uint64_t)(0 - 1)) { if (c == &b) { printf("{0x%016llxULL, 0x%016llxULL}\n", a, b); break; } c=&b; } } }
void CodeGenFunction::EmitCharacterAssignment(const Expr *LHS, const Expr *RHS) { auto Dest = EmitCharacterExpr(LHS); CharacterExprEmitter EV(*this); EV.setDestination(Dest); auto Src = EV.EmitExpr(RHS); if(EV.hasDestination()) EmitCharacterAssignment(Dest, Src); }
QDomElement & PokeTeam::toXml(QDomElement &el) const { const_cast<PokeTeam*>(this)->sanityCheck(); QDomDocument doc; el.setAttribute("Nickname", nickname()); el.setAttribute("Num", num().pokenum); el.setAttribute("Item", item()); el.setAttribute("Ability", ability()); el.setAttribute("Nature", nature()); el.setAttribute("Gender", gender()); el.setAttribute("Shiny", shiny()); el.setAttribute("Happiness", happiness()); el.setAttribute("Forme", num().subnum); el.setAttribute("Lvl", level()); el.setAttribute("Gen", gen().num); el.setAttribute("SubGen", gen().subnum); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { QDomElement move = doc.createElement("Move"); el.appendChild(move); QDomText name = doc.createTextNode(QString("%1").arg(this->move(i))); move.appendChild(name); } for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { QDomElement Dv = doc.createElement("DV"); el.appendChild(Dv); QDomText Dvname = doc.createTextNode(QString("%1").arg(DV(i))); Dv.appendChild(Dvname); } for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { QDomElement Ev = doc.createElement("EV"); el.appendChild(Ev); QDomText Evname = doc.createTextNode(QString("%1").arg(EV(i))); Ev.appendChild(Evname); } return el; }
int main() { Obs o1 = Obs(); Obs o2 = Obs(); Obs o3 = Obs(); EV e = EV(); uint32_t eventIDs[2] = { 0, 1 }; e.RegisterObserver(eventIDs[0], &o1); e.RegisterObserver(eventIDs[1], &o2); e.RegisterObserver(eventIDs[0], &o3); e.NotifyObservers(eventIDs[0]); e.NotifyObservers(eventIDs[1]); getchar(); }
LValueTy CodeGenFunction::EmitLValue(const Expr *E) { LValueExprEmitter EV(*this); return EV.Visit(E); }
RValueTy CodeGenFunction::EmitAggregateExpr(const Expr *E) { AggregateExprEmitter EV(*this); return EV.EmitExpr(E); }
void csysi_sampleread(void) { int sym, i, len; csysi_sampleunit * sidx, * newsamp; union { unsigned int l; float f ; } u; union { unsigned short us; signed short ss ; } s; sidx = (csysi_sampleunit *) malloc(sizeof(csysi_sampleunit)); sidx->token = sym = csysi_readbit(16); sidx->len = len = csysi_readbit(24) + SAMP_DATABLOCK; sidx->p = (float *) malloc(len*sizeof(float)); sidx->p[len - SAMP_LLMEM] = 0; if (csysi_readbit(1)) /* sampling rate */ sidx->p[len - SAMP_SR] = csysi_readbit(17); else sidx->p[len - SAMP_SR] = EV(ARATE); if (csysi_readbit(1)) /* loop points */ { sidx->p[len - SAMP_LOOPSTART] = csysi_readbit(24); sidx->p[len - SAMP_LOOPEND] = csysi_readbit(24); } else { sidx->p[len - SAMP_LOOPSTART] = -1; sidx->p[len - SAMP_LOOPEND] = -1; } if (csysi_readbit(1)) /* base frequency */ { u.l = csysi_readbit(32); sidx->p[len - SAMP_BASEFREQ] = u.f; } else sidx->p[len - SAMP_BASEFREQ] = -1; i = 0; if (csysi_readbit(1)) /* float sample */ { while (i < (len - SAMP_DATABLOCK)) { u.l = csysi_readbit(32); sidx->p[i++] = u.f; } } else { while (i < (len - SAMP_DATABLOCK)) { = csysi_readbit(16); sidx->p[i++] =*(1.0F/32767.0F); } } newsamp = sidx; if (!csysi_samples) { csysi_samples = newsamp; return; } if ((sidx = csysi_samples)->token > sym) { newsamp->next = csysi_samples; csysi_samples = newsamp; return; } while (sidx && (sidx->token <= sym)) { if ((sidx->next == NULL) || (sidx->next->token > sym)) break; if (sidx->token == sym) { while (sidx->next && (sidx->next->token == sym)) sidx = sidx->next; break; } sidx = sidx->next; } newsamp->next = sidx->next; sidx->next = newsamp; return; }
void csysi_openfile(void) { int i; char * name; /* first search ./sa file command line for .mp4 file */ for (i=1;i<EV(csys_argc); i++) if (!strcmp(EV(csys_argv[i]),"-csys_fstr_file")) { i++; if (i == EV(csys_argc)) csys_terminate(".mp4 file not specified"); if (!(csysi_bitfile = fopen(EV(csys_argv[i]),"rb"))) { name = (char *) calloc(strlen(EV(csys_argv[i]))+5, sizeof(char)); sprintf(name,"%s.mp4",EV(csys_argv[i])); if (!(csysi_bitfile = fopen(name,"rb"))) csys_terminate(".mp4 file not found"); } break; } /* then look though sfront command line for -bitc */ if (!csysi_bitfile) { for (i=1;i<csys_sfront_argc; i++) if (!strcmp(csys_sfront_argv[i],"-bitc")) { i++; if (i == csys_sfront_argc) csys_terminate("-bitc file.mp4 unspecified"); if (!(csysi_bitfile = fopen(csys_sfront_argv[i],"rb"))) { name = (char *) calloc(strlen(csys_sfront_argv[i])+5, sizeof(char)); sprintf(name,"%s.mp4",csys_sfront_argv[i]); if (!(csysi_bitfile = fopen(name,"rb"))) csys_terminate("-bitc file.mp4 not found"); } break; } } if (!csysi_bitfile) csys_terminate( "Syntax: ./sa -csys_fstr_file file.mp4, or sfront -bitc file.mp4"); /* if an explicit SASL endtime not give, invalidate computed endtime */ if (!(CSYS_GIVENENDTIME)) { csysi_compendtime = EV(endtime); if (!csysi_setendtime(CSYSI_MAXENDTIME)) csys_terminate("problem setting init endtime"); } /* skip to access_units, fill up queues */ csysi_flushconfig(); csysi_fillqueues(); }
int csys_saslevent(unsigned char * cmd, unsigned char * priority, unsigned short * id, unsigned short * label, float * fval, unsigned int * pnum, float ** p) { int i, done, j, scofound; csysi_sevent * cq; done = 1; if (csysi_scoready) { cq = &(csysi_scoqueue[csysi_tailsco]); scofound = 1; } else { if (csysi_absready) { cq = &(csysi_absqueue[csysi_tailabs]); scofound = 0; } else csys_terminate("saslevent() queue error"); } *priority = cq->priority; *id = cq->id; *label = cq->label; *fval = cq->fval; *pnum = cq->pnum; *p = cq->p; switch (*cmd = cq->cmd) { case CSYS_SASL_ENDTIME : *fval = EV(scorebeats); break; case CSYS_SASL_NOOP : case CSYS_SASL_TEMPO : case CSYS_SASL_TABLE : case CSYS_SASL_INSTR : break; case CSYS_SASL_CONTROL : if ((*id) == CSYS_SASL_NOINSTR) break; if (csysi_targetvar == -1) { csysi_targetvar=0; while (csysi_targetvar < CSYS_TARGETNUM) { if (csys_target[csysi_targetvar].token == (*pnum)) break; csysi_targetvar++; } if (csysi_targetvar == CSYS_TARGETNUM) { /* specified variable not imported -- abort command */ *cmd = CSYS_SASL_NOOP; csysi_targetvar = -1; break; } csysi_targetcount = 0; } *id = csys_target[csysi_targetvar].instrindex[csysi_targetcount]; *pnum = csys_target[csysi_targetvar].varindex[csysi_targetcount]; if ((++csysi_targetcount) < csys_target[csysi_targetvar].numinstr) done = 0; else csysi_targetvar = -1; break; } if (done) { if (scofound) { csysi_scoready--; csysi_numscotime--; csysi_tailsco = (csysi_tailsco+1)&(CSYSI_MAXSASL-1); if (csysi_tailsco == csysi_headsco) /* empty */ { csysi_headsco = 0; csysi_tailsco = -1; } } else { csysi_absready--; csysi_numabstime--; csysi_tailabs = (csysi_tailabs+1)&(CSYSI_MAXSASL-1); if (csysi_tailabs == csysi_headabs) /* empty */ { csysi_headabs = 0; csysi_tailabs = -1; } } } if (csysi_scoready || csysi_absready) return CSYS_SASLEVENTS; else return CSYS_NONE; }
CharacterValueTy CodeGenFunction::EmitCharacterExpr(const Expr *E) { CharacterExprEmitter EV(*this); return EV.EmitExpr(E); }
int csys_newdata(void) { int i, found; csysi_absready = 0; csysi_scoready = 0; csysi_midiready = 0; csysi_fillqueues(); /* see if an event is ready */ i = csysi_tailsco; found = ((i = csysi_tailsco) < 0); while (csysi_numscotime && !found) { if (csysi_scoqueue[i].stime <= EV(scorebeats)) csysi_scoready++; else found = 1; i = (i+1)&(CSYSI_MAXSASL-1); if (i == csysi_headsco) found = 1; } i = csysi_tailabs; found = ((i = csysi_tailabs) < 0); while (csysi_numabstime && !found) { if (csysi_absqueue[i].atime < EV(absolutetime)) csysi_absready++; else found = 1; i = (i+1)&(CSYSI_MAXSASL-1); if (i == csysi_headabs) found = 1; } i = csysi_tailmidi; found = ((i = csysi_tailmidi) < 0); while (csysi_nummidi && !found) { if (csysi_midiqueue[i].atime < EV(absolutetime)) csysi_midiready++; else found = 1; i = (i+1)&(CSYSI_MAXMIDI-1); if (i == csysi_headmidi) found = 1; } if (csysi_midiready) { if ((csysi_absready || csysi_scoready)) return CSYS_EVENTS; else return CSYS_MIDIEVENTS; } else { if ((csysi_absready || csysi_scoready)) return CSYS_SASLEVENTS; else return CSYS_NONE; } }
ComplexValueTy CodeGenFunction::EmitComplexExpr(const Expr *E) { ComplexExprEmitter EV(*this); return EV.EmitExpr(E); }
void PokePersonal::runCheck() { if (!PokemonInfo::Exists(num(), gen())) { reset(); return; } if (!PokemonInfo::AFormesShown(num())) { num() = num().original(); } if (gen() <= 2) { ability() = 0; nature() = 0; } else { AbilityGroup ab = PokemonInfo::Abilities(num(), gen()); if (ability() == 0 || (ability() != ab.ab(2) && ability() != ab.ab(1))) ability() = ab.ab(0); } if (gen().num == 2) controlGender(); if (!ItemInfo::Exists(item(), gen())) { item() = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) controlEVs(i); if (gen() <= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (DV(i) >= 15) setDV(i, 15); } } if (gen().num == 2) { setEV(SpDefense, EV(SpAttack)); setDV(SpDefense, DV(SpAttack)); } int avail = PokemonInfo::Gender(num()); if (avail != Pokemon::MaleAndFemaleAvail) { gender() = avail; } else if (gender() == Pokemon::Neutral){ gender() = Pokemon::Male; } int minLevel = PokemonInfo::AbsoluteMinLevel(num(), gen()); if (MoveSetChecker::enforceMinLevels && level() < minLevel) { level() = minLevel; } QSet<int> invalidMoves; MoveSetChecker::isValid(num(), gen(), move(0), move(1), move(2), move(3), ability(), gender(), level(), false, &invalidMoves); while (invalidMoves.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (invalidMoves.contains(move(i))) { setMove(0, i, false); } } invalidMoves.clear(); MoveSetChecker::isValid(num(), gen(), move(0), move(1), move(2), move(3), ability(), gender(), level(), false, &invalidMoves); } if (num().pokenum == Pokemon::Keldeo) { if (move(0) == Move::SecretSword || move(1) == Move::SecretSword || move(2) == Move::SecretSword || move(3) == Move::SecretSword) { num() = Pokemon::Keldeo_R; } else { num() = num().original(); } } }
int PokeTeam::stat(int statno) const { return PokemonInfo::FullStat(num(), gen(), nature(), statno, level(),DV(statno),EV(statno)); }
int PokePersonal::EVSum() const { return EV(Hp) + EV(Attack) + EV(Defense) + EV(Speed) + EV(SpAttack) + EV(SpDefense); }