void SCH_TEXT::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& aOffset,
                     GR_DRAWMODE DrawMode, EDA_COLOR_T Color )
    EDA_COLOR_T color;
    int         linewidth = ( m_Thickness == 0 ) ? GetDefaultLineThickness() : m_Thickness;

    linewidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( linewidth, m_Size, m_Bold );

    if( Color >= 0 )
        color = Color;
        color = ReturnLayerColor( m_Layer );

    GRSetDrawMode( DC, DrawMode );

    wxPoint text_offset = aOffset + GetSchematicTextOffset();
    EXCHG( linewidth, m_Thickness );            // Set the minimum width
    EDA_TEXT::Draw( panel, DC, text_offset, color, DrawMode, FILLED, UNSPECIFIED_COLOR );
    EXCHG( linewidth, m_Thickness );            // set initial value

    if( m_isDangling )
        DrawDanglingSymbol( panel, DC, m_Pos + aOffset, color );

    // Enable these line to draw the bounding box (debug tests purposes only)
#if 0
        EDA_RECT BoundaryBox = GetBoundingBox();
        GRRect( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, BoundaryBox, 0, BROWN );
void PS_PLOTTER::Arc( const wxPoint& centre, double StAngle, double EndAngle,
                      int radius, FILL_T fill, int width )
    wxASSERT( outputFile );
    if( radius <= 0 )

    if( StAngle > EndAngle )
        EXCHG( StAngle, EndAngle );

    SetCurrentLineWidth( width );

    // Calculate start point.
    DPOINT centre_dev = userToDeviceCoordinates( centre );
    double radius_dev = userToDeviceSize( radius );

    if( m_plotMirror )
        if( m_mirrorIsHorizontal )
            StAngle = 1800.0 -StAngle;
            EndAngle = 1800.0 -EndAngle;
            EXCHG( StAngle, EndAngle );
            StAngle = -StAngle;
            EndAngle = -EndAngle;

    fprintf( outputFile, "%g %g %g %g %g arc%d\n", centre_dev.x, centre_dev.y,
             radius_dev, StAngle / 10.0, EndAngle / 10.0, fill );
void PCB_TARGET::Exchg( PCB_TARGET* source )
    EXCHG( m_Pos,   source->m_Pos );
    EXCHG( m_Width, source->m_Width );
    EXCHG( m_Size,  source->m_Size );
    EXCHG( m_Shape, source->m_Shape );
void SCH_JUNCTION::SwapData( SCH_ITEM* aItem )
    wxCHECK_RET( (aItem != NULL) && (aItem->Type() == SCH_JUNCTION_T),
                 wxT( "Cannot swap junction data with invalid item." ) );

    SCH_JUNCTION* item = (SCH_JUNCTION*) aItem;
    EXCHG( m_pos, item->m_pos );
    EXCHG( m_size, item->m_size );
void SCH_NO_CONNECT::SwapData( SCH_ITEM* aItem )
    wxCHECK_RET( (aItem != NULL) && (aItem->Type() == SCH_NO_CONNECT_T),
                 wxT( "Cannot swap no connect data with invalid item." ) );

    SCH_NO_CONNECT* item = (SCH_NO_CONNECT*)aItem;
    EXCHG( m_pos, item->m_pos );
    EXCHG( m_size, item->m_size );
void SCH_BUS_ENTRY::SwapData( SCH_ITEM* aItem )
    wxCHECK_RET( (aItem != NULL) && (aItem->Type() == SCH_BUS_ENTRY_T),
                 wxT( "Cannot swap bus entry data with invalid item." ) );

    SCH_BUS_ENTRY* item = (SCH_BUS_ENTRY*)aItem;
    EXCHG( m_pos, item->m_pos );
    EXCHG( m_size, item->m_size );
    EXCHG( m_width, item->m_width );
void GERBER_PLOTTER::FlashPadOval( const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& aSize, double orient,
                                   EDA_DRAW_MODE_T trace_mode )
    wxASSERT( outputFile );
    int x0, y0, x1, y1, delta;
    wxSize size( aSize );

    /* Plot a flashed shape. */
    if( ( orient == 0 || orient == 900 || orient == 1800 || orient == 2700 )
       && trace_mode == FILLED )
        if( orient == 900 || orient == 2700 ) /* orientation turned 90 deg. */
            EXCHG( size.x, size.y );

        DPOINT pos_dev = userToDeviceCoordinates( pos );
        selectAperture( size, APERTURE::Oval );
        emitDcode( pos_dev, 3 );
    else /* Plot pad as a segment. */
        if( size.x > size.y )
            EXCHG( size.x, size.y );

            if( orient < 2700 )
                orient += 900;
                orient -= 2700;

        if( trace_mode == FILLED )
	    /* XXX to do: use an aperture macro to declare the rotated pad */
            /* The pad  is reduced to an oval with dy > dx */
            delta = size.y - size.x;
            x0    = 0;
            y0    = -delta / 2;
            x1    = 0;
            y1    = delta / 2;
            RotatePoint( &x0, &y0, orient );
            RotatePoint( &x1, &y1, orient );
            ThickSegment( wxPoint( pos.x + x0, pos.y + y0 ),
                           wxPoint( pos.x + x1, pos.y + y1 ),
                           size.x, trace_mode );
            sketchOval( pos, size, orient, -1 );
/* Plot oval pad at position pos:
 * Dimensions dx, dy,
 * Orient Orient
 * For a vertical or horizontal orientation, the shape is flashed
 * For any orientation the shape is drawn as a segment
void GERBER_PLOTTER::flash_pad_oval( wxPoint pos, wxSize size, int orient,
                                     EDA_DRAW_MODE_T trace_mode )
    wxASSERT( output_file );
    int x0, y0, x1, y1, delta;

    /* Plot a flashed shape. */
    if( ( orient == 0 || orient == 900 || orient == 1800 || orient == 2700 )
       && trace_mode == FILLED )
        if( orient == 900 || orient == 2700 ) /* orientation turned 90 deg. */
            EXCHG( size.x, size.y );

        user_to_device_coordinates( pos );
        select_aperture( size, APERTURE::Oval );
        fprintf( output_file, "X%5.5dY%5.5dD03*\n", pos.x, pos.y );
    else /* Plot pad as a segment. */
        if( size.x > size.y )
            EXCHG( size.x, size.y );

            if( orient < 2700 )
                orient += 900;
                orient -= 2700;

        if( trace_mode == FILLED )
            /* The pad  is reduced to an oval with dy > dx */
            delta = size.y - size.x;
            x0    = 0;
            y0    = -delta / 2;
            x1    = 0;
            y1    = delta / 2;
            RotatePoint( &x0, &y0, orient );
            RotatePoint( &x1, &y1, orient );
            thick_segment( wxPoint( pos.x + x0, pos.y + y0 ),
                           wxPoint( pos.x + x1, pos.y + y1 ),
                           size.x, trace_mode );
            sketch_oval( pos, size, orient, -1 );
void PLOTTER::Arc( const wxPoint& centre, double StAngle, double EndAngle, int radius,
                   FILL_T fill, int width )
    wxPoint   start, end;
    const int delta = 50;   // increment (in 0.1 degrees) to draw circles

    if( StAngle > EndAngle )
        EXCHG( StAngle, EndAngle );

    SetCurrentLineWidth( width );
    /* Please NOTE the different sign due to Y-axis flip */
    start.x = centre.x + KiROUND( cosdecideg( radius, -StAngle ) );
    start.y = centre.y + KiROUND( sindecideg( radius, -StAngle ) );
    MoveTo( start );
    for( int ii = StAngle + delta; ii < EndAngle; ii += delta )
        end.x = centre.x + KiROUND( cosdecideg( radius, -ii ) );
        end.y = centre.y + KiROUND( sindecideg( radius, -ii ) );
        LineTo( end );

    end.x = centre.x + KiROUND( cosdecideg( radius, -EndAngle ) );
    end.y = centre.y + KiROUND( sindecideg( radius, -EndAngle ) );
    FinishTo( end );
wxPoint GERBER_DRAW_ITEM::GetABPosition( const wxPoint& aXYPosition ) const
    /* Note: RS274Xrevd_e is obscure about the order of transforms:
     * For instance: Rotation must be made after or before mirroring ?
     * Note: if something is changed here, GetYXPosition must reflect changes
    wxPoint abPos = aXYPosition + m_imageParams->m_ImageJustifyOffset;

    if( m_swapAxis )
        EXCHG( abPos.x, abPos.y );

    abPos  += m_layerOffset + m_imageParams->m_ImageOffset;
    abPos.x = KiROUND( abPos.x * m_drawScale.x );
    abPos.y = KiROUND( abPos.y * m_drawScale.y );
    double rotation = m_lyrRotation * 10 + m_imageParams->m_ImageRotation * 10;

    if( rotation )
        RotatePoint( &abPos, -rotation );

    // Negate A axis if mirrored
    if( m_mirrorA )
        NEGATE( abPos.x );

    // abPos.y must be negated when no mirror, because draw axis is top to bottom
    if( !m_mirrorB )
        NEGATE( abPos.y );
    return abPos;
void DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::OnButtonDownClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxArrayInt selections;


    if ( selections.GetCount() <= 0 )   // No selection.

    // The last lib is selected. cannot move down it
    if( selections.Last() == (int)(m_ListLibr->GetCount()-1) )

    wxArrayString libnames = m_ListLibr->GetStrings();

    for( int ii = selections.GetCount()-1; ii >= 0; ii-- )
        int jj = selections[ii];
        EXCHG( libnames[jj],  libnames[jj+1]);

    m_ListLibr->Set( libnames );

    // Reselect previously selected names
    for( size_t ii = 0; ii < selections.GetCount(); ii++ )
        int jj = selections[ii];

    m_LibListChanged = true;
/* Plot oval pad.
void HPGL_PLOTTER::FlashPadOval( const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& aSize, double orient,
                                 EDA_DRAW_MODE_T trace_mode )
    wxASSERT( outputFile );
    int     deltaxy, cx, cy;
    wxSize  size( aSize );

    /* The pad is reduced to an oval with size.y > size.x
     * (Oval vertical orientation 0)
    if( size.x > size.y )
        EXCHG( size.x, size.y );
        orient = AddAngles( orient, 900 );

    deltaxy = size.y - size.x;     // distance between centers of the oval

    if( trace_mode == FILLED )
        FlashPadRect( pos, wxSize( size.x, deltaxy + KiROUND( penDiameter ) ),
                      orient, trace_mode );
        cx = 0; cy = deltaxy / 2;
        RotatePoint( &cx, &cy, orient );
        FlashPadCircle( wxPoint( cx + pos.x, cy + pos.y ), size.x, trace_mode );
        cx = 0; cy = -deltaxy / 2;
        RotatePoint( &cx, &cy, orient );
        FlashPadCircle( wxPoint( cx + pos.x, cy + pos.y ), size.x, trace_mode );
    else    // Plot in SKETCH mode.
        sketchOval( pos, size, orient, KiROUND( penDiameter ) );
void PSLIKE_PLOTTER::FlashPadOval( const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& aSize, double orient,
                                   EDA_DRAW_MODE_T modetrace )
    wxASSERT( outputFile );
    int x0, y0, x1, y1, delta;
    wxSize size( aSize );

    // The pad is reduced to an oval by dy > dx
    if( size.x > size.y )
        EXCHG( size.x, size.y );
        orient = AddAngles( orient, 900 );

    delta = size.y - size.x;
    x0    = 0;
    y0    = -delta / 2;
    x1    = 0;
    y1    = delta / 2;
    RotatePoint( &x0, &y0, orient );
    RotatePoint( &x1, &y1, orient );

    if( modetrace == FILLED )
        ThickSegment( wxPoint( pos.x + x0, pos.y + y0 ),
                      wxPoint( pos.x + x1, pos.y + y1 ), size.x, modetrace );
        sketchOval( pos, size, orient, -1 );
wxPoint GERBER_DRAW_ITEM::GetXYPosition( const wxPoint& aABPosition )
    // do the inverse transform made by GetABPosition
    wxPoint xyPos = aABPosition;

    if( m_mirrorA )
        NEGATE( xyPos.x );

    if( !m_mirrorB )
        NEGATE( xyPos.y );

    double rotation = m_lyrRotation * 10 + m_imageParams->m_ImageRotation * 10;

    if( rotation )
        RotatePoint( &xyPos, rotation );

    xyPos.x = KiROUND( xyPos.x / m_drawScale.x );
    xyPos.y = KiROUND( xyPos.y / m_drawScale.y );
    xyPos  -= m_layerOffset + m_imageParams->m_ImageOffset;

    if( m_swapAxis )
        EXCHG( xyPos.x, xyPos.y );

    return xyPos - m_imageParams->m_ImageJustifyOffset;
/* Plot rectangular pad.
 * Gives its center, size, and orientation
 * For a vertical or horizontal shape, the shape is an aperture (Dcode) and
 * it is flashed.
 * For others shape the direction is plotted as a polygon.
void GERBER_PLOTTER::flash_pad_rect( wxPoint pos, wxSize size,
                                     int orient, EDA_DRAW_MODE_T trace_mode )

    wxASSERT( output_file );

    /* Plot as flashed. */
    switch( orient )
    case 900:
    case 2700:        /* rotation of 90 degrees or 270 returns dimensions */
        EXCHG( size.x, size.y );

    // Pass through
    case 0:
    case 1800:
        switch( trace_mode )
        case LINE:
        case SKETCH:
            set_current_line_width( -1 );
            rect( wxPoint( pos.x - (size.x - current_pen_width) / 2,
                           pos.y - (size.y - current_pen_width) / 2 ),
                  wxPoint( pos.x + (size.x - current_pen_width) / 2,
                           pos.y + (size.y - current_pen_width) / 2 ),
                  NO_FILL );

        case FILLED:
            user_to_device_coordinates( pos );
            select_aperture( size, APERTURE::Rect );
            fprintf( output_file, "X%5.5dY%5.5dD03*\n", pos.x, pos.y );


    default: /* plot pad shape as polygon */
        wxPoint coord[4];
        // coord[0] is assumed the lower left
        // coord[1] is assumed the upper left
        // coord[2] is assumed the upper right
        // coord[3] is assumed the lower right

        /* Trace the outline. */
        coord[0].x = -size.x/2;   // lower left
        coord[0].y = size.y/2;
        coord[1].x = -size.x/2;   // upper left
        coord[1].y = -size.y/2;
        coord[2].x = size.x/2;    // upper right
        coord[2].y = -size.y/2;
        coord[3].x = size.x/2;    //lower right
        coord[3].y = size.y/2;

        flash_pad_trapez( pos, coord, orient, trace_mode );
int IsBusLabel( const char * LabelDrawList )

/* Routine qui verifie si le Label a une notation de type Bus
	Retourne 0 si non
	nombre de membres si oui
	met a jour FirstNumWireBus, LastNumWireBus et RootBusNameLength

char * Num;
char BufLine[1024];
	if ( strchr(LabelDrawList,'[') == NULL )  /* 1er [ trouve : c'est une notation de Bus */

	strcpy(BufLine, LabelDrawList);

	Num = strtok(BufLine,"[");
	RootBusNameLength = strlen(Num);

	Num = strtok(NULL,".");
	FirstNumWireBus = atoi(Num);
	Num = strtok(NULL,".]");
	LastNumWireBus = atoi(Num);

	if( FirstNumWireBus < 0 )	  FirstNumWireBus = 0;
	if( LastNumWireBus < 0 )	 LastNumWireBus = 0;
	if( FirstNumWireBus > LastNumWireBus )
		EXCHG( FirstNumWireBus, LastNumWireBus);
	return(LastNumWireBus - FirstNumWireBus + 1 );
void DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::OnButtonUpClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxArrayInt selections;

    m_ListLibr->GetSelections( selections );

    if ( selections.GetCount() <= 0 )   // No selection.

    if( selections[0] == 0 )            // The first lib is selected. cannot move up it

    wxArrayString libnames = m_ListLibr->GetStrings();

    for( size_t ii = 0; ii < selections.GetCount(); ii++ )
        int jj = selections[ii];
        EXCHG( libnames[jj],  libnames[jj-1]);


    // Reselect previously selected names
    for( size_t ii = 0; ii < selections.GetCount(); ii++ )
        int jj = selections[ii];

    m_LibListChanged = true;
文件: line.c 项目: paud/d2x-xl
int gr_vline(int y1, int y2, int x)
	int i;
	if (y1 > y2) EXCHG(y1,y2);
	for (i=y1; i<=y2; i++ )
		gr_upixel( x, i );
	return 0;
int gr_vline(int y1, int y2, int x) {
	int i;
	if (y1 > y2) EXCHG(y1, y2);
	for (i = y1; i <= y2; i++)
		//		gr_upixel( x, i );
	return 0;
void GERBER_PLOTTER::FlashPadRect( const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& aSize,
                                   double orient, EDA_DRAW_MODE_T trace_mode )

    wxASSERT( outputFile );
    wxSize size( aSize );

    // Plot as an aperture flash
    switch( int( orient ) )
    case 900:
    case 2700:        // rotation of 90 degrees or 270 swaps sizes
        EXCHG( size.x, size.y );

	// Pass through
    case 0:
    case 1800:
        if( trace_mode == SKETCH )
            SetCurrentLineWidth( -1 );
            Rect( wxPoint( pos.x - (size.x - currentPenWidth) / 2,
                           pos.y - (size.y - currentPenWidth) / 2 ),
                  wxPoint( pos.x + (size.x - currentPenWidth) / 2,
                           pos.y + (size.y - currentPenWidth) / 2 ),
                  NO_FILL );
            DPOINT pos_dev = userToDeviceCoordinates( pos );
            selectAperture( size, APERTURE::Rect );
            emitDcode( pos_dev, 3 );

    default: // plot pad shape as polygon
	    // XXX to do: use an aperture macro to declare the rotated pad
	    wxPoint coord[4];
	    // coord[0] is assumed the lower left
	    // coord[1] is assumed the upper left
	    // coord[2] is assumed the upper right
	    // coord[3] is assumed the lower right

	    /* Trace the outline. */
	    coord[0].x = -size.x/2;   // lower left
	    coord[0].y = size.y/2;
	    coord[1].x = -size.x/2;   // upper left
	    coord[1].y = -size.y/2;
	    coord[2].x = size.x/2;    // upper right
	    coord[2].y = -size.y/2;
	    coord[3].x = size.x/2;    // lower right
	    coord[3].y = size.y/2;

	    FlashPadTrapez( pos, coord, orient, trace_mode );
文件: line.c 项目: paud/d2x-xl
int gr_hline(int x1, int x2, int y)
	int i;

	if (x1 > x2) EXCHG(x1,x2);
	for (i=x1; i<=x2; i++ )
		gr_upixel( i, y );
	return 0;
int gr_hline(int x1, int x2, int y) {
	int i;
	int	t;

	if (x1 > x2) EXCHG(x1, x2);
	t = ROWSIZE * y;
	for (i = x1; i <= x2; i++) {
		//		gr_upixel( i, y );
		DATA[t + i] = COLOR;
	return 0;
bool LIB_TEXT::HitTest( wxPoint aPosition, int aThreshold, const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    if( aThreshold < 0 )
        aThreshold = 0;

    wxPoint physicalpos = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_Pos );
    wxPoint tmp = m_Pos;
    m_Pos = physicalpos;

    /* The text orientation may need to be flipped if the
     *  transformation matrix causes xy axes to be flipped.
     * this simple algo works only for schematic matrix (rot 90 or/and mirror)
    int t1 = ( aTransform.x1 != 0 ) ^ ( m_Orient != 0 );
    int orient = t1 ? TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ : TEXT_ORIENT_VERT;
    EXCHG( m_Orient, orient );
    bool hit = TextHitTest( aPosition );
    EXCHG( m_Orient, orient );
    m_Pos = tmp;
    return hit;
void SCH_SHEET::SwapData( SCH_ITEM* aItem )
    wxCHECK_RET( aItem->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T,
                 wxString::Format( wxT( "SCH_SHEET object cannot swap data with %s object." ),
                                   GetChars( aItem->GetClass() ) ) );

    SCH_SHEET* sheet = ( SCH_SHEET* ) aItem;

    EXCHG( m_pos, sheet->m_pos );
    EXCHG( m_size, sheet->m_size );
    EXCHG( m_name, sheet->m_name );
    EXCHG( m_sheetNameSize, sheet->m_sheetNameSize );
    EXCHG( m_fileNameSize, sheet->m_fileNameSize );
    m_pins.swap( sheet->m_pins );

    // Ensure sheet labels have their .m_Parent member pointing really on their
    // parent, after swapping.
    BOOST_FOREACH( SCH_SHEET_PIN& sheetPin, m_pins )
        sheetPin.SetParent( this );
// Rotate selected pad 90 degrees.
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::RotatePad( D_PAD* aPad, wxDC* DC )
    if( aPad == NULL )

    MODULE* module = aPad->GetParent();



    if( DC )
        module->Draw( m_canvas, DC, GR_XOR );

    wxSize  sz = aPad->GetSize();
    EXCHG( sz.x, sz.y );
    aPad->SetSize( sz );

    sz = aPad->GetDrillSize();
    EXCHG( sz.x, sz.y );
    aPad->SetDrillSize( sz );

    wxPoint pt = aPad->GetOffset();
    EXCHG( pt.x, pt.y );
    aPad->SetOffset( pt );

    aPad->SetOffset( wxPoint( aPad->GetOffset().x, -aPad->GetOffset().y ) );

    sz = aPad->GetDelta();
    EXCHG( sz.x, sz.y );
    sz.x = -sz.x;
    aPad->SetDelta( sz );

    SetMsgPanel( aPad );

    if( DC )
        module->Draw( m_canvas, DC, GR_OR );
void LIB_ARC::MirrorHorizontal( const wxPoint& aCenter )
    m_Pos.x -= aCenter.x;
    m_Pos.x *= -1;
    m_Pos.x += aCenter.x;
    m_ArcStart.x -= aCenter.x;
    m_ArcStart.x *= -1;
    m_ArcStart.x += aCenter.x;
    m_ArcEnd.x -= aCenter.x;
    m_ArcEnd.x *= -1;
    m_ArcEnd.x += aCenter.x;
    EXCHG( m_ArcStart, m_ArcEnd );
void LIB_ARC::MirrorVertical( const wxPoint& aCenter )
    m_Pos.y -= aCenter.y;
    m_Pos.y *= -1;
    m_Pos.y += aCenter.y;
    m_ArcStart.y -= aCenter.y;
    m_ArcStart.y *= -1;
    m_ArcStart.y += aCenter.y;
    m_ArcEnd.y -= aCenter.y;
    m_ArcEnd.y *= -1;
    m_ArcEnd.y += aCenter.y;
    EXCHG( m_ArcStart, m_ArcEnd );
文件: ratsnest.cpp 项目: jerkey/kicad
 * Function used by TestForActiveLinksInRatsnest
 *  Function testing the ratsnest between 2 blocks ( of the same net )
 *  The search is made between pads in block 1 and the others blocks
 *  The block n ( n > 1 ) is merged with block 1 and linked by the smallest ratsnest
 *  between block 1 and the block n (activate the logical connection)
 *  @param  aRatsnestBuffer = the buffer to store NETINFO_ITEM* items
 *  @param  aNetinfo = the current NETINFO_ITEM for the current net
 *  output: .state member, bit CH_ACTIF of the ratsnest item
 *  @return  last subratsnest id in use
static int tst_links_between_blocks( NETINFO_ITEM*          aNetinfo,
                                     std::vector<RATSNEST_ITEM>& aRatsnestBuffer )
    int            subratsnest_id, min_id;
    RATSNEST_ITEM* link, * best_link;

    // Search a link from a block to an other block
    best_link = NULL;

    for( unsigned ii = aNetinfo->m_RatsnestStartIdx; ii < aNetinfo->m_RatsnestEndIdx; ii++ )
        link = &aRatsnestBuffer[ii];

        // If this link joints 2 pads inside the same block, do nothing
        // (these pads are already connected)
        if( link->m_PadStart->GetSubRatsnest() == link->m_PadEnd->GetSubRatsnest() )

        // This link joints 2 pads of different blocks: this is a candidate,
        // but we want to select the shorter link, so use it only if it is shorter
        // than the previous candidate:
        if( best_link == NULL )  // no candidate
            best_link = link;
        else if( best_link->m_Lenght > link->m_Lenght )  // It is a better candidate.
            best_link = link;

    if( best_link == NULL )
        return 1;

    /* At this point we have found a link between 2 different blocks (subratsnest)
     * we must set its status to ACTIVE and merge the 2 blocks
    best_link->m_Status |= CH_ACTIF;
    subratsnest_id   = best_link->m_PadStart->GetSubRatsnest();
    min_id = best_link->m_PadEnd->GetSubRatsnest();

    if( min_id > subratsnest_id )
        EXCHG( min_id, subratsnest_id );

    // Merge the 2 blocks in one sub ratsnest:
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aNetinfo->m_PadInNetList.size(); ii++ )
        if( aNetinfo->m_PadInNetList[ii]->GetSubRatsnest() == subratsnest_id )
            aNetinfo->m_PadInNetList[ii]->SetSubRatsnest( min_id );

    return subratsnest_id;
double compute_Ratsnest_PlaceModule( BOARD* aBrd )
    double  curr_cost;
    wxPoint start;      // start point of a ratsnest
    wxPoint end;        // end point of a ratsnest
    int     dx, dy;

    if( ( aBrd->m_Status_Pcb & RATSNEST_ITEM_LOCAL_OK ) == 0 )
        return -1;

    curr_cost = 0;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aBrd->m_LocalRatsnest.size(); ii++ )
        RATSNEST_ITEM* pt_local_rats_nest = &aBrd->m_LocalRatsnest[ii];

        if( ( pt_local_rats_nest->m_Status & LOCAL_RATSNEST_ITEM ) )
            continue; // Skip ratsnest between 2 pads of the current module

        // Skip modules not inside the board area
        MODULE* module = pt_local_rats_nest->m_PadEnd->GetParent();

        if( !RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.Contains( module->GetPosition() ) )

        start   = pt_local_rats_nest->m_PadStart->GetPosition() - g_Offset_Module;
        end     = pt_local_rats_nest->m_PadEnd->GetPosition();

        // Cost of the ratsnest.
        dx  = end.x - start.x;
        dy  = end.y - start.y;

        dx  = abs( dx );
        dy  = abs( dy );

        // ttry to have always dx >= dy to calculate the cost of the rastsnet
        if( dx < dy )
            EXCHG( dx, dy );

        // Cost of the connection = lenght + penalty due to the slope
        // dx is the biggest lenght relative to the X or Y axis
        // the penalty is max for 45 degrees ratsnests,
        // and 0 for horizontal or vertical ratsnests.
        // For Horizontal and Vertical ratsnests, dy = 0;
        double conn_cost = hypot( dx, dy * 2.0 );
        curr_cost += conn_cost;    // Total cost = sum of costs of each connection

    return curr_cost;
void VIA::SetLayerPair( LAYER_NUM aTopLayer, LAYER_NUM aBottomLayer )
    if( GetViaType() == VIA_THROUGH )
        aTopLayer    = LAYER_N_FRONT;
        aBottomLayer = LAYER_N_BACK;

    if( aBottomLayer > aTopLayer )
        EXCHG( aBottomLayer, aTopLayer );

    m_Layer = aTopLayer;
    m_BottomLayer = aBottomLayer;