GNEJunction::setLogicValid(bool valid, GNEUndoList* undoList, const std::string& status) {
    myHasValidLogic = valid;
    if (!valid) {
        assert(undoList != 0);
        undoList->add(new GNEChange_Attribute(this, GNE_ATTR_MODIFICATION_STATUS, status));
        // allow edges to recompute their connections
        NBTurningDirectionsComputer::computeTurnDirectionsForNode(&myNBNode, false);
        EdgeVector incoming = EdgeVector(myNBNode.getIncomingEdges());
        for (EdgeVector::iterator it = incoming.begin(); it != incoming.end(); it++) {
            NBEdge* srcNBE = *it;
            NBEdge* turnEdge = srcNBE->getTurnDestination();
            GNEEdge* srcEdge = myNet->retrieveEdge(srcNBE->getID());
            std::vector<NBEdge::Connection> connections = srcNBE->getConnections(); // make a copy!
            // delete in reverse so that undoing will add connections in the original order
            for (std::vector<NBEdge::Connection>::reverse_iterator con_it = connections.rbegin(); con_it != connections.rend(); con_it++) {
                bool hasTurn = con_it->toEdge == turnEdge;
                undoList->add(new GNEChange_Connection(
                                  srcEdge, con_it->fromLane, con_it->toEdge->getID(),
                                  con_it->toLane, con_it->mayDefinitelyPass, false), true);
                // needs to come after GNEChange_Connection
                // XXX bug: this code path will not be used on a redo!
                if (hasTurn) {
            undoList->add(new GNEChange_Attribute(srcEdge, GNE_ATTR_MODIFICATION_STATUS, status), true);
    } else {
NBNodeCont::joinSimilarEdges(NBDistrictCont& dc, NBEdgeCont& ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont& tlc) {
    // magic values
    SUMOReal distanceThreshold = 7; // don't merge edges further apart
    SUMOReal lengthThreshold = 0.05; // don't merge edges with higher relative length-difference

    for (NodeCont::iterator i = myNodes.begin(); i != myNodes.end(); i++) {
        // count the edges to other nodes outgoing from the current node
        std::map<NBNode*, EdgeVector> connectionCount;
        const EdgeVector& outgoing = (*i).second->getOutgoingEdges();
        for (EdgeVector::const_iterator j = outgoing.begin(); j != outgoing.end(); j++) {
            NBEdge* e = (*j);
            NBNode* connected = e->getToNode();
            if (connectionCount.find(connected) == connectionCount.end()) {
                connectionCount[connected] = EdgeVector();
        // check whether more than a single edge connect another node and join them
        std::map<NBNode*, EdgeVector>::iterator k;
        for (k = connectionCount.begin(); k != connectionCount.end(); k++) {
            // possibly we do not have anything to join...
            if ((*k).second.size() < 2) {
            // for the edges that seem to be a single street,
            //  check whether the geometry is similar
            const EdgeVector& ev = (*k).second;
            const NBEdge* const first = ev.front();
            EdgeVector::const_iterator jci; // join candidate iterator
            for (jci = ev.begin() + 1; jci != ev.end(); ++jci) {
                const SUMOReal relativeLengthDifference = fabs(first->getLoadedLength() - (*jci)->getLoadedLength()) / first->getLoadedLength();
                if ((!first->isNearEnough2BeJoined2(*jci, distanceThreshold)) ||
                        (relativeLengthDifference > lengthThreshold) ||
                        (first->getSpeed() != (*jci)->getSpeed())
                        // @todo check vclass
                   ) {
            // @bug If there are 3 edges of which 2 can be joined, no joining will
            //   take place with the current implementation
            if (jci == ev.end()) {
                ec.joinSameNodeConnectingEdges(dc, tlc, ev);
NBEdgeCont::guessRoundabouts(std::vector<EdgeVector>& marked) {
    // step 1: keep only those edges which have no turnarounds
    std::set<NBEdge*> candidates;
    for (EdgeCont::const_iterator i = myEdges.begin(); i != myEdges.end(); ++i) {
        NBEdge* e = (*i).second;
        NBNode* const to = e->getToNode();
        if (e->getTurnDestination() == 0 && to->getConnectionTo(e->getFromNode()) == 0) {

    // step 2:
    std::set<NBEdge*> visited;
    for (std::set<NBEdge*>::const_iterator i = candidates.begin(); i != candidates.end(); ++i) {
        EdgeVector loopEdges;
        // start with a random edge (this doesn't have to be a roundabout edge)
        // loop over connected edges (using always the leftmost one)
        // and keep the list in loopEdges
        // continue until we loop back onto a loopEdges and extract the loop
        NBEdge* e = (*i);
        if (visited.count(e) > 0) {
            // already seen
        bool doLoop = true;
        do {
            const EdgeVector& edges = e->getToNode()->getEdges();
            if (edges.size() < 2) {
                doLoop = false;
            if (e->getTurnDestination() != 0 || e->getToNode()->getConnectionTo(e->getFromNode()) != 0) {
                // do not follow turn-arounds while in a (tentative) loop
                doLoop = false;
            EdgeVector::const_iterator me = find(edges.begin(), edges.end(), e);
            NBContHelper::nextCW(edges, me);
            NBEdge* left = *me;
            SUMOReal angle = fabs(NBHelpers::relAngle(e->getAngleAtNode(e->getToNode()), left->getAngleAtNode(e->getToNode())));
            if (angle >= 90) {
                // roundabouts do not have sharp turns (or they wouldn't be called 'round')
                doLoop = false;
            EdgeVector::const_iterator loopClosed = find(loopEdges.begin(), loopEdges.end(), left);
            const size_t loopSize = loopEdges.end() - loopClosed;
            if (loopSize > 0) {
                // loop found
                if (loopSize < 3) {
                    doLoop = false; // need at least 3 edges for a roundabout
                } else if (loopSize < loopEdges.size()) {
                    // remove initial edges not belonging to the loop
                    EdgeVector(loopEdges.begin() + (loopEdges.size() - loopSize), loopEdges.end()).swap(loopEdges);
                // count attachments to the outside. need at least 3 or a roundabout doesn't make much sense
                int attachments = 0;
                for (EdgeVector::const_iterator j = loopEdges.begin(); j != loopEdges.end(); ++j) {
                    if ((*j)->getToNode()->getEdges().size() > 2) {
                if (attachments < 3) {
                    doLoop = false;
            if (visited.count(left) > 0) {
                doLoop = false;
            } else {
                // keep going
                e = left;
        } while (doLoop);
        // mark collected edges in the case a loop (roundabout) was found
        if (doLoop) {
            std::set<NBEdge*> loopEdgesSet(loopEdges.begin(), loopEdges.end());
            for (std::set<NBEdge*>::const_iterator j = loopEdgesSet.begin(); j != loopEdgesSet.end(); ++j) {
                // disable turnarounds on incoming edges
                NBNode* node = (*j)->getToNode();
                const EdgeVector& incoming = node->getIncomingEdges();
                for (EdgeVector::const_iterator k = incoming.begin(); k != incoming.end(); ++k) {
                    NBEdge* inEdge = *k;
                    if (loopEdgesSet.count(inEdge) > 0) {
                    if ((inEdge)->getStep() >= NBEdge::LANES2LANES_USER) {
                    inEdge->removeFromConnections(inEdge->getTurnDestination(), -1);
                // let the connections to succeeding roundabout edge have a higher priority
                (*j)->setJunctionPriority(node, 1000);