CappedZEllipsoid::CappedZEllipsoid(const Region3D& region, float z_ratio)
    : m_ellipsoid(Ellipsoid(region)),
    m_z_cap(region.z_min + (region.z_max - region.z_min)*z_ratio)
    if ((z_ratio < 0.0f) || (z_ratio > 1.0f)) {
        throw std::runtime_error("z-ratio must be in [0.0, 1.0]");
void MultiEllipsoidSampler::computeEllipsoids(RefArrayXXd const totalSample, const unsigned int Nclusters, 
                                              const vector<int> &clusterIndices, const vector<int> &clusterSizes)
    assert(totalSample.cols() == clusterIndices.size());
    assert(totalSample.cols() >= Ndimensions + 1);            // At least Ndimensions + 1 points are required to start.

    // Compute "sorted indices" such that clusterIndices[sortedindices[k]] <= clusterIndices[sortedIndices[k+1]]

    vector<int> sortedIndices = Functions::argsort(clusterIndices);

    // beginIndex will take values such that the indices for one particular cluster (# n) will be in 
    // sortedIndex[beginIndex, ..., beginIndex + clusterSize[n] - 1]      

    int beginIndex = 0;

    // Clear whatever was in the ellipsoids collection


    // Create an Ellipsoid for each cluster (provided it's large enough)

    for (int i = 0; i < Nclusters; i++)
        // Skip cluster if number of points is not large enough

        if (clusterSizes[i] < Ndimensions + 1) 
            // Move the beginIndex up to the next cluster

            beginIndex += clusterSizes[i];

            // Continue with the next cluster

            // The cluster is indeed large enough to compute an Ellipsoid.

            // Copy those points that belong to the current cluster in a separate Array
            // This is because Ellipsoid needs a contiguous array of points.

            ArrayXXd sampleOfOneCluster(Ndimensions, clusterSizes[i]);

            for (int n = 0; n < clusterSizes[i]; ++n)
                sampleOfOneCluster.col(n) = totalSample.col(sortedIndices[beginIndex+n]);

            // Move the beginIndex up to the next cluster

            beginIndex += clusterSizes[i];

            // Compute the new enlargement fraction (it is the fraction by which each axis of an ellipsoid is enlarged).
            // This allows for improving the efficiency of the sampling by increasing the chance of having more
            // points of the cluster falling inside the bounding ellipsoid.

            double enlargementFraction = updateEnlargementFraction(clusterSizes[i]);

            // Add ellipsoid at the end of our vector

            ellipsoids.push_back(Ellipsoid(sampleOfOneCluster, enlargementFraction));

    Nellipsoids = ellipsoids.size();
Ellipsoid::Ellipsoid( double rxy, double rz, int sl, int st ) {

 Ellipsoid( rxy, rxy, rz, sl, st );

 Ellipsoid Ellipsoid::GetTranslated(const NX::vector<float, 3> &T) const{
     return Ellipsoid(*this).Translate(T);
 Ellipsoid Ellipsoid::GetTransformed(const NX::Matrix<float, 4, 4> &M) const{
     return Ellipsoid(*this).Transform(M);
 Ellipsoid Ellipsoid::GetTransformed(const NX::vector<float, 3>    &T, const NX::Matrix<float, 3, 3> &R) const{
     return Ellipsoid(*this).Transform(T, R);