// start the skeleton stream
HRESULT KinectSensor::StartSkeletonStream()
    // since this can be call publically
    // we will ensure the stream is configured and ready
    if( nullptr == m_pSkeletonStream )
        // enable a stream

    // previous call failed, must be memory issue
    if( nullptr == m_pSkeletonStream )
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY; 

    // be sure the sensor is initialized before starting stream
    HRESULT hr = UpdateSensor();
    if( FAILED(hr) )
        return hr;

    return m_pSkeletonStream->StartStream();
// start the skeleton stream
HRESULT KinectSensor::StartSkeletonStream()
    AutoLock lock(m_nuiLock);

    // since this can be call publically
    // we will ensure the stream is configured and ready
    if (nullptr == m_pSkeletonStream)
        // enable a stream
        assert(nullptr != m_pSkeletonStream);

    // be sure the sensor is initialized before starting stream
    HRESULT hr = UpdateSensor();
    if (FAILED(hr))
        return hr;

    return m_pSkeletonStream->StartStream();
// default skeleton stream configuration
void KinectSensor::EnableSkeletonStream()
    EnableSkeletonStream(false, SkeletonSelectionModeDefault, nullptr);