 * XGA DrvBitBlt
BOOL DrvBitBlt(
SURFOBJ  *psoTrg,
SURFOBJ  *psoSrc,
SURFOBJ  *psoMask,
CLIPOBJ  *pco,
RECTL    *prclTrg,
POINTL   *pptlSrc,
POINTL   *pptlMask,
POINTL   *pptlBrush,
ROP4     rop4)

BOOL    b;

        b = bSpecialBlits(psoTrg, psoSrc, psoMask,
                          pco, pxlo,
                          prclTrg, pptlSrc, pptlMask,
                          pbo, pptlBrush,
        if (b == TRUE)
            return (TRUE);

        if ((psoTrg) && (psoTrg->iType == STYPE_DEVICE))
            psoTrg = ((PPDEV)(psoTrg->dhpdev))->pSurfObj;

        if ((psoSrc) && (psoSrc->iType == STYPE_DEVICE))
            psoSrc = ((PPDEV)(psoSrc->dhpdev))->pSurfObj;


VBoxDispDrvBitBlt(SURFOBJ *psoTrg, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, SURFOBJ *psoMask, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo,
                  RECTL *prclTrg, POINTL *pptlSrc, POINTL *pptlMask, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, POINTL *pptlBrush, ROP4 rop4)
    BOOL bRc;
    STATDRVENTRY(BitBlt, psoTrg);

    LOG(("psoTrg = %p, psoSrc = %p, psoMask = %p, pco = %p, pxlo = %p, prclTrg = %p, pptlSrc = %p, "
         "pptlMask = %p, pbo = %p, pptlBrush = %p, rop4 = %08X",
         psoTrg, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, prclTrg, pptlSrc, pptlMask, pbo, pptlBrush, rop4));

    bRc = EngBitBlt(getSurfObj(psoTrg), getSurfObj(psoSrc), psoMask, pco, pxlo, prclTrg, pptlSrc, pptlMask, pbo, pptlBrush, rop4);
    VBVA_OPERATION(psoTrg, BitBlt,
                   (psoTrg, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, prclTrg, pptlSrc, pptlMask, pbo, pptlBrush, rop4));

    return bRc;
VOID vShowSimPointer (
    PPDEV     ppdev,
    SURFOBJ  *pso,
    RECTL    *prcl,
    BOOL      bShow )

    PVIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES pPointerAttributes = ppdev->pPointerAttributes;
    RECTL     rclScreen, rclPointer;
    POINTL    ptlPointerOffset;
    ULONG     ulOffset;
    BOOL      b;
    SURFOBJ  *psoMask;
    SURFOBJ  *psoColor;

    ulOffset = ppdev->cyScreen * ppdev->lDeltaScreen;
    ulOffset += 64;              // skip over solid color pattern used in bitblt.c
    ulOffset += 1024;            // skip over hardware pointer bitmap

    if (bShow) {
        rclScreen.top    = 0;
        rclScreen.bottom = ppdev->cyScreen;
        rclScreen.left   = 0;
        rclScreen.right  = ppdev->cxScreen;

        rclPointer.top    = pPointerAttributes->Row - ppdev->ptlHotSpot.y;
        rclPointer.bottom = rclPointer.top + pPointerAttributes->Height;
        rclPointer.left   = pPointerAttributes->Column - ppdev->ptlHotSpot.x;
        rclPointer.right  = rclPointer.left + pPointerAttributes->Width;

        // Trim down the simulation cursor beyond the screen
        if (bIntersect(&rclScreen, &rclPointer, &ppdev->rclPrevPointer)) {

            prcl->top    = ppdev->rclPrevPointer.top;
            prcl->bottom = ppdev->rclPrevPointer.bottom;
            prcl->left   = ppdev->rclPrevPointer.left;
            prcl->right  = ppdev->rclPrevPointer.right;

            ptlPointerOffset.x = (rclPointer.left >= 0) ? 0 : (rclPointer.left * (-1));
            ptlPointerOffset.y = (rclPointer.top >= 0) ? 0 : (rclPointer.top * (-1));

            // Save the screen image where the pointer affects
            vHwSaveScreen(ppdev, &ppdev->rclPrevPointer, ulOffset);

            // Draw the pointer
            // Note: Clipping the transparent portion of pointer is required for
            //       better performance.
            if ((pso != NULL) && (pso->iType == STYPE_DEVICE))
                pso = (SURFOBJ *)(((PPDEV)(pso->dhpdev))->pSurfObj);

            psoMask  = EngLockSurface(ppdev->hsurfMask);
            psoColor = EngLockSurface(ppdev->hsurfColor);

            b = EngBitBlt(pso,                        // Target surface
                          psoColor,                   // Source surface
                          psoMask,                    // Mask
                          (CLIPOBJ *) NULL,           // Clip through this
                          (XLATEOBJ *) NULL,          // Color translation
                          prcl,                       // Target offset and extent
                          &ptlPointerOffset,          // Source offset
                          &ptlPointerOffset,          // Mask offset
                          (BRUSHOBJ *) NULL,          // Brush data (from cbRealizeBrush)
                          (POINTL *) NULL,            // Brush offset (origin)
                          0x0000CC66);                // Raster operation


        } else {

            // The entire pointer is outside of screen
            pPointerAttributes->Enable = 0;

        } /* endif */
    } else {

        // Restore the screen image corrupted by the simulation pointer
        vHwRestoreScreen(ppdev, &ppdev->rclPrevPointer, ulOffset);

    } /* endif */
文件: ropblt.c 项目: Realhram/wdk81
    PPDEV       pPDev,
    SURFOBJ     *psoDst,
    SURFOBJ     *psoSrc,
    CLIPOBJ     *pco,
    XLATEOBJ    *pxlo,
    PRECTL      prclDst,
    PRECTL      prclSrc,
    PPOINTL     pptlSrcOrg,
    DWORD       Mix2


Routine Description:

    This function is responsible for doing a device copy of a bitmap
    with/without tiling and activating the proper Rop2


    pPDev       - Pointer to the PDEV

    psoDst      - pointer to the destination surface object

    psoSrc      - pointer to the source surface object

    pco         - Pointer to the CLIPOBJ

    pxlo        - the translate object from the source to the destination

    prclDst     - the output destination rectangle area

    prclSrc     - the source rectangle area

    pptlSrcOrg  - brush origin for the source rectangle, if this is NULL then
                  prclSrc will not have to be aligned on the destination

    Mix2        - a rop2 mode 0 - 0x0F

Return Value:



    08-Feb-1994 Tue 16:33:41 updated  
        fixed ptlSrcOrg problem, we need to modulate with source size before
        it get used.

    27-Jan-1994 Thu 23:45:46 updated  
        Re-write so that it can handle the tiling more efficient.

    13-Jan-1994 Sat 09:34:06 created  

Revision History:

    RECTL       rclSrc;
    RECTL       rclDst;
    POINTL      ptlSrcOrg;
    LONG        cxSrc;
    LONG        cySrc;
    DWORD       OHTFlags = 0;
    BOOL        MemMix2;

    // The final ROP is either a ROP3 or a ROP4 (no mask) and it is always
    // a rop2 operation which deals with the source and destination
    // First make it into a Rop3 representation of Rop2 (Mix2)

    PLOTASSERT(1, "DoMix2: Passed INVALID psoSrc (%08lx) = STYPE_DEVICE",
                    (psoSrc) &&
                    (psoSrc->iType != STYPE_DEVICE), psoSrc);

    PLOTASSERT(1, "DoMix2: Unexpected Mix2 = %u, SHOULD NOT BE HERE",
                (Mix2 != MIX2_0) && (Mix2 != MIX2_1) &&
                (Mix2 != MIX2_D) && (Mix2 != MIX2_nD), Mix2);

    Mix2 &= 0x0F;
    Mix2 |= (DWORD)(Mix2 << 4);

    switch (Mix2) {

    case 0x00:  // 0
    case 0xFF:  // 1
    case 0x55:  // ~D

        DoSpecialRop3(psoDst, pco, prclDst, Mix2);

    case 0xAA:  // D


    if (MemMix2 = (BOOL)(psoDst->iType != STYPE_DEVICE)) {

        // Now make it into Rop4 representation of Rop2 (Mix2)

        Mix2 |= (Mix2 << 8);

    } else {

        if (!IsHTCompatibleSurfObj(pPDev,
                                   ((pxlo) ? ISHTF_ALTFMT : 0)  |
                                        ISHTF_HTXB              |
                                        ISHTF_DSTPRIM_OK)) {

            PLOTERR(("DoMix2: The psoSrc is not HT compatible format (%08lx",

    cxSrc = prclSrc->right - prclSrc->left;
    cySrc = prclSrc->bottom - prclSrc->top;

    if (pptlSrcOrg) {

        ptlSrcOrg = *pptlSrcOrg;

        if ((ptlSrcOrg.x = (LONG)(prclDst->left - ptlSrcOrg.x) % cxSrc) < 0) {

            ptlSrcOrg.x += cxSrc;

        if ((ptlSrcOrg.y = (LONG)(prclDst->top - ptlSrcOrg.y) % cySrc) < 0) {

            ptlSrcOrg.y += cySrc;

        PLOTDBG(DBG_DOMIX2, ("DoMix2: ORG ptlSrcOrg=(%ld, %ld) -> (%ld, %ld)",
                    pptlSrcOrg->x, pptlSrcOrg->y, ptlSrcOrg.x, ptlSrcOrg.y));

    } else {

        ptlSrcOrg.x =
        ptlSrcOrg.y = 0;

        PLOTDBG(DBG_DOMIX2, ("DoMix2: >>> DO NOT NEED TO ALIGN SRC on DEST <<<"));

    rclSrc.top    = prclSrc->top + ptlSrcOrg.y;
    rclSrc.bottom = prclSrc->bottom;
    rclDst.top    = prclDst->top;
    rclDst.bottom = rclDst.top + (rclSrc.bottom - rclSrc.top);

    PLOTDBG(DBG_DOMIX2, ("DoMix2: SrcFormat=%ld, DstFormat=%ld %hs",
                (MemMix2) ? "[MemMix2]" : ""));

    PLOTDBG(DBG_DOMIX2, ("DoMix2: ORG: Dst=(%ld, %ld)-(%ld,%ld), Src=(%ld, %ld)-(%ld, %ld)",
                prclDst->left, prclDst->top,
                prclDst->right, prclDst->bottom,
                prclSrc->left, prclSrc->top,
                prclSrc->right, prclSrc->bottom));

    while (rclDst.top < prclDst->bottom) {

        // check if the destination bottom is overhanging, clip it,
        // NOTE: This could happen the first time.

        if (rclDst.bottom > prclDst->bottom) {

            // Clip the source/destination rectangle, because we may do
            // EngBitBlt() or OutputHTBitmap()

            rclSrc.bottom -= (rclDst.bottom - prclDst->bottom);
            rclDst.bottom  = prclDst->bottom;

        rclSrc.left  = prclSrc->left + ptlSrcOrg.x;
        rclSrc.right = prclSrc->right;
        rclDst.left  = prclDst->left;
        rclDst.right = rclDst.left + (rclSrc.right - rclSrc.left);

        while (rclDst.left < prclDst->right) {

            // check if the destination right edge is overhanging, clip it if
            // necessary.
            // NOTE: This could happen the first time.

            if (rclDst.right > prclDst->right) {

                // Clip the source/destination rectangle, because we may do a
                // EngBitBlt() or OutputHTBitmap()

                rclSrc.right -= (rclDst.right - prclDst->right);
                rclDst.right  = prclDst->right;

            PLOTDBG(DBG_DOMIX2, ("DoMix2: TILE: Dst=(%ld, %ld)-(%ld,%ld), Src=(%ld, %ld)-(%ld, %ld)",
                        rclDst.left, rclDst.top, rclDst.right, rclDst.bottom,
                        rclSrc.left, rclSrc.top, rclSrc.right, rclSrc.bottom));

            if (MemMix2) {

                // In the memory version we don't have to worry about PCO so
                // just call EngBitBlt to do the work.

                if (!(EngBitBlt(psoDst,                     // psoDst
                                psoSrc,                     // psoSrc
                                NULL,                       // psoMask
                                pco,                        // pco
                                NULL,                       // pxlo
                                &rclDst,                    // prclDst
                                (PPOINTL)&rclSrc,           // pptlSrc
                                NULL,                       // pptlMask
                                NULL,                       // pbo
                                (PPOINTL)&ptlZeroOrigin,    // pptlBrushOrg
                                Mix2))) {

                    PLOTERR(("DoMix2: EngBitBlt(MemMix2=%04lx) Failed!!!",Mix2));

            } else {

                if (!OutputHTBitmap(pPDev,
                                    &OHTFlags)) {

                    PLOTERR(("DoMix2: OutputHTBitmap() Failed!!!"));

            // Reset <source left> to the original left margin and move the
            // destination right to the left for the next destination RECTL.

            rclSrc.left   = prclSrc->left;
            rclDst.left   = rclDst.right;
            rclDst.right += cxSrc;

        // Reset <source top> to the original top margin and move the
        // destination bottom to the top, and set bottom for the next destination
        // RECTL.

        rclSrc.top     = prclSrc->top;
        rclDst.top     = rclDst.bottom;
        rclDst.bottom += cySrc;

    if (OHTFlags & OHTF_MASK) {

        OHTFlags |= OHTF_EXIT_TO_HPGL2;

        OutputHTBitmap(pPDev, psoSrc, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0xAA, &OHTFlags);

    IN SURFOBJ  *psoDst,            // Target surface
    IN SURFOBJ  *psoSrc,            // Source surface
    IN SURFOBJ  *psoMask,           // Mask
    IN CLIPOBJ  *pco,               // Clip through this
    IN XLATEOBJ *pxlo,              // Color translation
    IN PRECTL    prclDst,           // Target offset and extent
    IN PPOINTL   pptlSrc,           // Source offset
    IN PPOINTL   pptlMask,          // Mask offset
    IN BRUSHOBJ *pdbrush,           // Brush data (from cbRealizeBrush)
    IN PPOINTL   pptlBrush,         // Brush offset (origin)
    IN ROP4      rop4               // Raster operation


Routine Description:

   Code for "hooking" Bit Blt functions for Jaguar VXL.


Return Value:



    FLONG    BltDir;
    BOOL     JaguarDir;
    RECTL    BltRectl;
    BOOL     MoreClipRects;
    ULONG    ClipRegions;
    POINTL   SrcPoint;
    PPDEV    ppdev = (PPDEV) psoDst->dhpdev;
    BYTE     FixedComplexity;

    // Check that there is no color translation.

    if ((pxlo == NULL) || (pxlo->flXlate & XO_TRIVIAL)) {

        // Check that the blt operation has the screen as target surface.

        if (psoDst->pvBits == (PVOID)Vxl.ScreenBase) {

            // Check for rops that Jaguar handles.
            // Solid Fills,
            // SRCCOPPY

            switch(rop4) {
            case 0x00000000:                        // DDx  (BLACKNESS)

            case 0x0000FFFF:                        // DDxn    (WHITENESS)

            case 0x0000F0F0:                        // P        (PATCOPY)
            case 0x00000F0F:                        // Pn       (NOTPATCOPY)

                // This is a pattern fill. Check if the brush pattern
                // is just a plain color, in this case procede with the
                // Solid Color Fill.

                if (pdbrush->iSolidColor != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
                                  (rop4 == 0xF0F) ? ~(pdbrush->iSolidColor) : pdbrush->iSolidColor);


            // Source copy

            case 0x0000CCCC:

                // Check that Source and Destination Surfaces are the same.
                // This is enough as we already checked that the dst is the frame buffer

                if (psoDst->pvBits == psoSrc->pvBits) {

                    // check BLT direction for setting up clip regions
                    // And for Jaguar BitBlt Commands as follows:
                    //    - If BltDir is UPWARDS do the BitBlt RightToLeft Bottom
                    //      to Top except when Src & Dst are in the same scan line
                    //      and BltDir is not LEFTWARDS

                    BltDir = 0;
                    JaguarDir = FALSE;
                    if (pptlSrc->y <= prclDst->top) {
                        BltDir = CD_UPWARDS;
                        JaguarDir = TRUE;

                    if (pptlSrc->x <= prclDst->left) {
                        BltDir |= CD_LEFTWARDS;
                    } else {
                        if ((JaguarDir) && (pptlSrc->y == prclDst->top)) {
                            JaguarDir = FALSE;

                    // Figure out the real clipping complexity

                    if (pco == (CLIPOBJ *)NULL) {
                        FixedComplexity = DC_TRIVIAL;
                    } else {
                        FixedComplexity = pco->iDComplexity;

                    switch (FixedComplexity) {

                    // Entire destination is to be updated.
                    // Proceed with the BitBlt.

                    case DC_TRIVIAL:

                        DrvpBitBlt(prclDst,         // Target rectangle
                                   pptlSrc,         // Source offset
                                   JaguarDir        // Direction

                    // Only one clip region.

                    case DC_RECT:

                        // only do the BLT if there is an intersection

                        if (DrvpIntersectRect(prclDst,&pco->rclBounds,&BltRectl)) {

                            // Adjust the Source for the intersection rectangle.

                            pptlSrc->x += BltRectl.left - prclDst->left;
                            pptlSrc->y += BltRectl.top - prclDst->top;

                            DrvpBitBlt(&BltRectl,       // Target rectangle
                                       pptlSrc,         // Source offset
                                       JaguarDir        // Direction


                    // Multiple clip regions.

                    case DC_COMPLEX:

                        do {

                            // Get list of clip rectangles.

                            MoreClipRects = CLIPOBJ_bEnum(pco,sizeof(ClipEnum),(PVOID)&ClipEnum);

                            for (ClipRegions=0;ClipRegions<ClipEnum.c;ClipRegions++) {

                                // If the rectangles intersect calculate the offset to the
                                // source start location to match and do the BitBlt.
                                if (DrvpIntersectRect(prclDst,
                                                      &BltRectl)) {
                                    SrcPoint.x = pptlSrc->x + BltRectl.left - prclDst->left;
                                    SrcPoint.y = pptlSrc->y + BltRectl.top - prclDst->top;
                                    DrvpBitBlt(&BltRectl,               // Target rectangle
                                               &SrcPoint,               // Source offset
                                               JaguarDir                // Direction
                        } while (MoreClipRects);


                    // Unknown Clip complexity

                    }  // end switch complexity
                }      // end if Src surface = Dst surface
            }          // end switch rop4

    // Call GDI to do the Blt for us. No need to syncrhonize here since
    // EngXXX routines call DrvSynchronize.

    return(EngBitBlt(psoDst,        // Target surface
                     psoSrc,        // Source surface
                     psoMask,       // Mask
                     pco,           // Clip through this
                     pxlo,          // Color translation
                     prclDst,       // Target offset and extent
                     pptlSrc,       // Source offset
                     pptlMask,      // Mask offset
                     pdbrush,       // Brush data (from cbRealizeBrush)
                     pptlBrush,     // Brush offset (origin)
                     rop4           // Raster operation