BOOL COMotion::NormalizeKeys(float from_time, float to_time, float speed) { if (to_time<from_time) return FALSE; CEnvelope* E = Envelope(ctPositionX); float new_tm = 0; float t0 = E->keys.front()->time; FloatVec tms; tms.push_back (t0); for (KeyIt it=E->keys.begin()+1; it!=E->keys.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->time>from_time) { if ((*it)->time<to_time+EPS) { float dist = 0; Fvector PT,T,R; _Evaluate (t0, PT, R); for (float tm=t0+1.f/fFPS; tm<=(*it)->time; tm+=EPS_L) { _Evaluate (tm, T, R); dist += PT.distance_to(T); PT.set (T); } new_tm += dist / speed; t0 = (*it)->time; tms.push_back (new_tm); } else { float dt = (*it)->time-t0; t0 = (*it)->time; new_tm +=dt; tms.push_back (new_tm); } } } for (int ch = 0; ch < ctMaxChannel; ch++) { E = Envelope(EChannelType(ch)); FloatIt f_it = tms.begin(); VERIFY(tms.size()==E->keys.size()); for (KeyIt k_it=E->keys.begin(); k_it!=E->keys.end(); k_it++,f_it++) (*k_it)->time = *f_it; } /* CEnvelope* E = Envelope(); for (KeyIt it=E->keys.begin(); it!=E->keys.end(); it++){ if (((*it)->time>from_time)&&((*it)->time<to_time)){ for (float tm=from_time; tm<=to_time; tm+=1.f/fFPS){ } } */ return TRUE; }
void testall(double length, bool is_fade_in){ Envelope linear = Envelope(Envelope::Shape::FadeLinear, length, is_fade_in); Envelope fast = Envelope(Envelope::Shape::FadeFast, length, is_fade_in); Envelope slow = Envelope(Envelope::Shape::FadeSlow, length, is_fade_in); Envelope constant_power = Envelope(Envelope::Shape::FadeConstantPower, length, is_fade_in); Envelope symmetric = Envelope(Envelope::Shape::FadeSymmetric, length, is_fade_in); display(linear, "Linear", is_fade_in); display(fast, "Fast", is_fade_in); display(slow, "Slow", is_fade_in); display(constant_power, "Constant Power", is_fade_in); display(symmetric, "Symmetric", is_fade_in); }
void Server::run() { std::string result; Envelope receivedEnv; Envelope broadcastEnv; while (true) { // Receive any incoming request receivedEnv = Envelope(retrieveSerialData()); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Retrieved Envelope: '" << receivedEnv.toString() << "'"; // Verify request is intended for this server FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Verifying Request is from Server."; if (receivedEnv.getServer() != name && receivedEnv.getServer() != "") { FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "NOT for this server CONFIRMED, SKIPPING"; continue; } // Make sure the request is sensible and allowed FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "For this server CONFIRMED"; FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Attempting to verfiy the request"; result = validateRequest(receivedEnv); // Request is for the server if (result == "server") { FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Envelope passed verification as server request..."; result = IRCHandler(receivedEnv.getExpression()); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "IRCHandler Result: '" << result << "'" ; // Setup broadcast with result, from "server" to requester broadcastEnv = Envelope(name, receivedEnv.getSender(), "server", result); } // Request is targeted at a channel else if (result == "channel") { FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Envelope passed verification as channel request ..."; result = IRCHandler(receivedEnv.getExpression()); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "IRCHandler Result: '" << result << "'"; broadcastEnv = Envelope(name, receivedEnv.getDestination(), receivedEnv.getSender(), result); } else { FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Envelope failed verification..."; broadcastEnv = Envelope(name, receivedEnv.getSender(), "server", result); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Failure notification sent..."; } // Broadcast the result of the request broadcastSerialData(broadcastEnv.toString()); } }
Envelope TileBoundsCalculator::_toEnvelope(const PixelBox& pb) { return Envelope(_envelope.MinX + pb.minX * _pixelSize, _envelope.MinX + (pb.maxX + 1) * _pixelSize, _envelope.MinY + pb.minY * _pixelSize, _envelope.MinY + (pb.maxY + 1) * _pixelSize); }
Grid::Grid(): _data(), _limits( Envelope( 0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0 ) ), _pixelConvention( PIXEL_IS_POINT ) { }
Envelope BaseCommand::parseEnvelope(QString envStr) const { QStringList envArr = envStr.split(","); if (envArr.size() != 4) { throw HootException("Invalid bounds format, requires 4 values: " + envStr); } bool ok, allOk = true; double left = envArr[0].toDouble(&ok); allOk &= ok; double bottom = envArr[1].toDouble(&ok); allOk &= ok; double right = envArr[2].toDouble(&ok); allOk &= ok; double top = envArr[3].toDouble(&ok); allOk &= ok; if (allOk == false) { throw HootException("Invalid bounds format: " + envStr); } return Envelope(left, right, bottom, top); }
Envelope operator()(const Edge& edge) const { const double m = cicada::dot_product(edge.features, direction); const double y = cicada::dot_product(edge.features, origin); return Envelope(boost::shared_ptr<line_type>(new line_type(m, y, edge))); }
void PointEditWindow::drawBack(DrawBuf buf,bool) const { SmoothDrawArt art(buf); Pane pane=Envelope(pos,pos+getPoint()); MCoord width=+cfg.width; FigureBox fig(pane); fig.loop(art,HalfPos,width,+cfg.line); }
void object::test<1>() { //Create a subdivision centered at (0,0) QuadEdgeSubdivision sub(Envelope(-100, 100, -100, 100), .00001); //make a triagulaor to work on sub IncrementalDelaunayTriangulator triangulator(&sub); triangulator.insertSite(Vertex(0, 0)); //extract the triangles from the subdivision GeometryFactory geomFact; std::auto_ptr<GeometryCollection> tris = sub.getTriangles(geomFact); }
bool Client::GetStoreInfo(StoreInfoCallback * callback, void *data) { if (!callback) { throw invalid_argument("callback parameter not defined"); } Envelope e = Envelope(); protocol::request::GetStoreInfoV1 req; req.add_to_envelope(&e); OutstandingRequest info = OutstandingRequest(); info.cb_store_info = callback; = data; return this->SendRequest(e, info); }
/// Validates that a protocol request message has been sent /// /// Expects the request message to have a single protocol envelope with a /// single embedded message of the enumeration specified and serialized to /// exactly what we specify void ExpectRequestMessage(uint32 type, ::google::protobuf::Message &expected) { ASSERT_TRUE(this->socket != NULL); ::zmq::pollitem_t pollitem; = ZMQ_POLLIN; pollitem.socket = *this->socket; pollitem.fd = 0; pollitem.revents = 0; ASSERT_EQ(1, ::zmq::poll(&pollitem, 1, 1000)) << "Request message sent in orderly manner"; MessageContainer messages; ASSERT_TRUE(zeromq::ReceiveMessage(*this->socket, messages)); ASSERT_EQ(1, messages.IdentitiesSize()) << "client sent identities as part of request"; ASSERT_EQ(1, messages.MessagesSize()) << "client sent 1 message with content"; message_t msg; msg.copy(messages[0]); ASSERT_GT(msg.size(), 1) << "sent message has content"; char msg_version = 0; memcpy(&msg_version,, 1); EXPECT_EQ(0x01, msg_version) << "sent message has protocol header"; Envelope e; EXPECT_NO_THROW(e = Envelope(msg, 1)) << "envelope could be deserialized"; EXPECT_EQ(1, e.MessageCount()) << "envelope contains one message"; EXPECT_EQ(::zippylog::message_namespace, e.MessageNamespace(0)) << "message of proper namespace"; EXPECT_EQ(type, e.MessageType(0)) << "message of proper type"; EXPECT_EQ(1, e.TagSize()) << "envelope has tag"; ::google::protobuf::Message *sent = (::google::protobuf::Message *)e.GetMessage(0); ASSERT_TRUE(sent != NULL) << "able to deserialize embedded message"; string serialized_expected, serialized_actual; EXPECT_TRUE(expected.SerializeToString(&serialized_expected)); EXPECT_TRUE(sent->SerializeToString(&serialized_actual)); EXPECT_EQ(serialized_expected, serialized_actual) << "sent request message matches expected"; }
void Tree::reset(void) { this->envelope = Envelope(Config::convertSettingToString("envelope", "file")); this->attractionPoints.clear(); this->spawnAttractionPoints(); while(this->nodes.size() > 0) { delete this->nodes[0]; this->nodes.erase(this->nodes.begin() + 0); } Vector3f temp = Vector3f(); this->root = new Node(&temp, NULL); this->nodes.push_back(this->root); }
void object::test<1>() { //create subdivision centered around (0,0) QuadEdgeSubdivision sub(Envelope(-100, 100, -100, 100), .00001); //stick a point in the middle QuadEdge& e = sub.insertSite(Vertex(0, 0)); ensure(sub.isFrameEdge(e)); ensure(sub.isOnEdge(e, e.orig().getCoordinate())); ensure(sub.isVertexOfEdge(e, e.orig())); ensure(!sub.isOnEdge(e, Coordinate(10, 10))); ensure(!sub.isVertexOfEdge(e, Vertex(10, 10))); GeometryFactory geomFact; std::auto_ptr<GeometryCollection> tris = sub.getTriangles(geomFact); tris.reset(); //WKTWriter wkt; //printf("%s\n", wkt.writeFormatted(tris).c_str()); }
bool Client::RenewSubscriptions(bool force) { map<string, Subscription>::iterator iter = this->subscriptions.begin(); protocol::request::SubscribeKeepaliveV1 msg; for (; iter != this->subscriptions.end(); iter++) { if (!force && !iter->second.expiration_timer.Signaled()) continue; // reset the timer iter->second.expiration_timer.Start(); msg.add_id(iter->first); } Envelope e = Envelope(); msg.add_to_envelope(&e); return zeromq::SendEnvelope(*this->client_sock, e, true, 0); }
bool Client::GetStreamSegment(::std::string const &path, uint64 start_offset, StreamSegmentCallback * callback, void *data) { if (!callback) { throw invalid_argument("callback parameter not defined"); } Envelope e = Envelope(); protocol::request::GetStreamSegmentV1 req; req.set_path(path); req.set_start_offset(start_offset); req.add_to_envelope(&e); OutstandingRequest info = OutstandingRequest(); info.cb_stream_segment = callback; = data; return this->SendRequest(e, info); }
Tree::Tree() { this->attractionPoints = std::vector<AttractionPoint>(); this->random = std::minstd_rand0(); this->drawEnvelope = true; this->envelope = Envelope(Config::convertSettingToString("envelope", "file")); this->drawAttractionPoints = true; this->attractionPointsCount = Config::convertSettingToInt("tree", "points"); this->spawnAttractionPoints(); this->nodes = std::vector<Node*>(); Vector3f temp = Vector3f(); this->root = new Node(&temp, NULL); this->nodes.push_back(this->root); quadric = gluNewQuadric(); }
bool Client::SubscribeEnvelopes(::std::string const &path, ::std::string const &lua, SubscriptionCallbackInfo &cb, void *data) { // @todo validate protocol::request::SubscribeEnvelopesV1 req; req.add_path(path); if (!lua.empty()) { req.set_lua_code(lua); } Envelope e = Envelope(); req.add_to_envelope(&e); OutstandingRequest info = OutstandingRequest(); = data; info.callbacks = cb; return this->SendRequest(e, info); }
bool SegmentIntersectionTester::hasIntersectionWithEnvelopeFilter( const LineString &line, const LineString &testLine) { typedef std::size_t size_type; const CoordinateSequence &seq0 = *(line.getCoordinatesRO()); size_type seq0size = seq0.getSize(); const CoordinateSequence &seq1 = *(testLine.getCoordinatesRO()); size_type seq1size = seq1.getSize(); const Envelope* lineEnv = line.getEnvelopeInternal(); typedef std::size_t size_type; for (size_type i = 1; i<seq1size && !hasIntersectionVar; ++i) { seq1.getAt(i-1, pt10); seq1.getAt(i, pt11); // skip test if segment does not intersect query envelope if (! lineEnv->intersects(Envelope(pt10, pt11))) continue; for (size_type j = 1; j < seq0size && !hasIntersectionVar; ++j) { seq0.getAt(j - 1, pt00); seq0.getAt(j, pt01); li.computeIntersection(pt00, pt01, pt10, pt11); if (li.hasIntersection()) hasIntersectionVar = true; } } return hasIntersectionVar; }
bool Client::HandleSubscriptionResponse(Envelope &e, SubscriptionStartV1 &start, vector<message_t *> &messages) { map<string, Subscription>::iterator iter = this->subscriptions.find(; // subscription could have disappeared since it was validated if (iter == this->subscriptions.end()) return false; SubscriptionCallbackInfo cb = iter->second.cb; for (int i = 1; i < e.MessageCount(); i++) { switch (e.MessageType(i)) { case protocol::StoreChangeBucketAddedV1::zippylog_enumeration: if (cb.BucketAdded) { protocol::StoreChangeBucketAddedV1 *added = (protocol::StoreChangeBucketAddedV1 *)e.GetMessage(i); cb.BucketAdded(this,, *added, iter->; } break; case protocol::StoreChangeBucketDeletedV1::zippylog_enumeration: if (cb.BucketDeleted) { protocol::StoreChangeBucketDeletedV1 *deleted = (protocol::StoreChangeBucketDeletedV1 *)e.GetMessage(i); cb.BucketDeleted(this,, *deleted, iter->; } break; case protocol::StoreChangeStreamSetAddedV1::zippylog_enumeration: if (cb.StreamSetAdded) { protocol::StoreChangeStreamSetAddedV1 *added = (protocol::StoreChangeStreamSetAddedV1 *)e.GetMessage(i); cb.StreamSetAdded(this,, *added, iter->; } break; case protocol::StoreChangeStreamSetDeletedV1::zippylog_enumeration: if (cb.StreamSetDeleted) { protocol::StoreChangeStreamSetDeletedV1 *deleted = (protocol::StoreChangeStreamSetDeletedV1 *)e.GetMessage(i); cb.StreamSetDeleted(this,, *deleted, iter->; } break; case protocol::StoreChangeStreamAddedV1::zippylog_enumeration: if (cb.StreamAdded) { protocol::StoreChangeStreamAddedV1 *added = (protocol::StoreChangeStreamAddedV1 *)e.GetMessage(i); cb.StreamAdded(this,, *added, iter->; } break; case protocol::StoreChangeStreamDeletedV1::zippylog_enumeration: if (cb.StreamDeleted) { protocol::StoreChangeStreamDeletedV1 *deleted = (protocol::StoreChangeStreamDeletedV1 *)e.GetMessage(i); cb.StreamDeleted(this,, *deleted, iter->; } break; case protocol::StoreChangeStreamAppendedV1::zippylog_enumeration: if (cb.StreamAppended) { protocol::StoreChangeStreamAppendedV1 *appended = (protocol::StoreChangeStreamAppendedV1 *)e.GetMessage(i); cb.StreamAppended(this,, *appended, iter->; } break; default: break; } } if (!cb.EnvelopeReceived) return true; // for now, assume additional messages envelopes that were streamed for (size_t i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) { Envelope env = Envelope(messages[i]->data(), messages[i]->size()); cb.EnvelopeReceived(this,, env, iter->; } return true; }
void RequestProcessor::ProcessMessages(zeromq::MessageContainer &container, vector<Envelope> &output) { // always clear the output list so we don't accidentally send leftovers output.clear(); // we need to declare all our variables first b/c we use goto char msg_version = 0; bool have_request_envelope = false; Envelope request_envelope; RequestProcessorResponseStatus result; bool successful_process = false; /// @todo should we log? if (!container.MessagesSize()) return; message_t *initial = container.GetMessage(0); // we expect the first message to have an envelope of some kind if (!initial->size()) { ::zippylog::request_processor::ReceiveEmptyMessage log; LOG_MESSAGE(log, this->logger_sock); this->PopulateErrorResponse( protocol::response::EMPTY_MESSAGE, "empty 0MQ message received", output ); goto CREATE_OUTPUT; } // the first byte of the message is the message format version // we currently only support 1, as it is the only defined version memcpy(&msg_version, initial->data(), sizeof(msg_version)); if (msg_version != 0x01) { ::zippylog::request_processor::UnknownMessageVersion log; LOG_MESSAGE(log, this->logger_sock); this->PopulateErrorResponse( protocol::response::UNKNOWN_MESSAGE_FORMAT_VERSION, "protocol message version not understood. server only supports version 1", output ); goto CREATE_OUTPUT; } // this is where we'd switch based on version // we only have version 1 now, so no branching is necessary // we expect to see data after the version byte. if we don't, something // is wrong if (initial->size() < 2) { this->PopulateErrorResponse( protocol::response::PROTOCOL_NO_ENVELOPE, "protocol version 1 0MQ message received without an envelope", output ); goto CREATE_OUTPUT; } try { request_envelope = Envelope(*initial, 1); } catch ( ... ) { // we should only get an exception on parse error ::zippylog::request_processor::EnvelopeParseFailure log; LOG_MESSAGE(log, this->logger_sock); this->PopulateErrorResponse( protocol::response::ENVELOPE_PARSE_FAILURE, "error parsing envelope", output ); goto CREATE_OUTPUT; } have_request_envelope = true; try { result = this->ProcessRequest(request_envelope, output); // @todo catch various types of exceptions } catch ( ... ) { this->PopulateErrorResponse( protocol::response::GENERAL_ERROR_PROCESSING, "exception when processing request", output ); goto CREATE_OUTPUT; } successful_process = true; CREATE_OUTPUT: // if we couldn't process the request without throwing an exception, we // need to handle things ourselves if (!successful_process) { // if we have a request envelope and there were tags and we have an // output envelope, copy the tags over if (have_request_envelope && request_envelope.TagSize() && output.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < request_envelope.TagSize(); i++) { output[0].AddTag(request_envelope.GetTag(i)); } } // not much more to do return; } if (result == AUTHORITATIVE) { assert(output.size()); return; } return; }
RequestProcessorResponseStatus RequestProcessor::ProcessWriteEnvelope(Envelope &request, vector<Envelope> &output) { { ::zippylog::request_processor::BeginProcessWriteEnvelope log; LOG_MESSAGE(log, this->logger_sock); } OBTAIN_MESSAGE(protocol::request::WriteEnvelopeV1, m, request, 0) if (!m->has_path()) { this->PopulateErrorResponse( protocol::response::EMPTY_FIELD, "required field 'path' missing", output ); goto LOG_END; } // Path validation is a little tricky for write requests. // If the path is to a stream set, we require the set to exist. This // forces clients to look before they leap. But, they only need to look // once, assuming the set doesn't get deleted. For streams paths, we create // the path as necessary. { string path = m->path(); string bucket, set, stream; if (!Store::ParsePath(path, bucket, set, stream)) { this->PopulateErrorResponse( protocol::response::INVALID_PATH, "invalid path: " + path, output ); goto LOG_END; } if (!stream.length()) { if (!set.length()) { this->PopulateErrorResponse( protocol::response::INVALID_PATH, "path not to a stream set or stream: " + path, output ); goto LOG_END; } if (!this->CheckPath(path, output, true, true, false)) goto LOG_END; } } // there must be envelopes to write! if (m->envelope_size() < 1) { this->PopulateErrorResponse( protocol::response::EMPTY_FIELD, "no envelopes specified in request", output ); goto LOG_END; } // at this point, we've validated the path is to an existing stream set or // a stream (we don't care which) { bool send_ack = m->acknowledge(); bool synchronous = m->synchronous(); // synchronous implies send_ack if (synchronous) send_ack = true; vector<Envelope> envs; for (int i = 0; i < m->envelope_size(); i++) { const string s = m->envelope(i); // catch parse failures and log then move on try { envs.push_back(Envelope(, s.size())); } catch (DeserializeException e) { ::zippylog::request_processor::EnvelopeParseFailure log; log.set_data(s); LOG_MESSAGE(log, this->logger_sock); } } RequestProcessorHandlerResult result; if (envs.size()) { result = this->impl->HandleWriteEnvelopes(m->path(), envs, synchronous); } if (send_ack && !result.deferred) { if (result.have_error) { /// @todo handle error in write handler throw Exception("not implemented"); } if (!result.is_write) { throw Exception("return from request processor write envelopes implementation not sane"); } protocol::response::WriteAckV1 ack; ack.set_envelopes_written(result.envelopes_written); Envelope e; ack.add_to_envelope(e); output.push_back(e); } } LOG_END: ::zippylog::request_processor::EndProcessWriteEnvelope logend; LOG_MESSAGE(logend, this->logger_sock); // if we have data in the output, we are authoritative // else, we assume the user requested no ack, so we have no response if (output.size()) { return AUTHORITATIVE; } return DEFERRED; }
Vector<int64> DataSource::LowerEnvelope(Getdatafun getdataY, Getdatafun getdataX, double width) {return Envelope(getdataY, getdataX, width, LowerEqualThan);}
bool LuaState::ExecuteLoadString(string const &s, LoadStringResult &result) { if (!this->have_load_string) return false; int stack_size = lua_gettop(this->L); lua_getglobal(this->L, LOAD_STRING_FUNCTION); lua_pushlstring(this->L, s.c_str(), s.length()); if (lua_pcall(this->L, 1, LUA_MULTRET, 0) != 0) { result.execution_success = false; size_t len = 0; const char *error = lua_tolstring(this->L, -1, &len); result.lua_error = string(error, len); lua_pop(this->L, 1); return true; } result.execution_success = true; int nresults = lua_gettop(L) - stack_size; if (nresults < 1) { result.return_type = result.INVALID; return true; } // as a refresher, the following type conventions are handled: // // nil // bool // 1 or more strings // 1 or more messages // 1 or more envelopes // table, <any of above except nil> int stpos = -1 * nresults; int value_results = nresults; bool got_type = false; // handle the one off case for a single nil if (nresults == 1 && lua_isnil(this->L, -1)) { result.return_type = result.NIL; goto LOAD_STRING_POP_AND_RETURN; } // so we have a type that could be repeated // the first and only first one could be a table, so handle that if (lua_istable(this->L, stpos)) { value_results--; if (value_results < 1) { result.return_type = result.INVALID; goto LOAD_STRING_POP_AND_RETURN; } // @todo should we error if type is not a string? lua_getfield(this->L, stpos, "bucket"); if (lua_isstring(this->L, -1)) { size_t len; const char *s = lua_tolstring(this->L, -1, &len); result.has_bucket = true; result.bucket = string(s, len); } lua_pop(this->L, 1); lua_getfield(this->L, stpos, "set"); if (lua_isstring(this->L, -1)) { size_t len; const char *s = lua_tolstring(this->L, -1, &len); result.has_set = true; result.set = string(s, len); } lua_pop(this->L, 1); stpos++; } // ok, now iterate through the remaining values // make sure the types are consistent along the way for (int i = stpos; i < 0; i++) { if (lua_isboolean(this->L, i)) { // multiple booleans doesn't make any sense. catch it if (value_results > 1) { result.return_type = result.INVALID; goto LOAD_STRING_POP_AND_RETURN; } result.return_type = lua_toboolean(this->L, i) ? result.BOOLTRUE : result.BOOLFALSE; got_type = true; continue; } if (lua_isstring(this->L, i)) { // can't mix types if (got_type && result.return_type != result.STRING) { result.return_type = result.INVALID; goto LOAD_STRING_POP_AND_RETURN; } size_t len = 0; const char *s = lua_tolstring(this->L, i, &len); result.return_type = result.STRING; result.strings.push_back(string(s, len)); got_type = true; continue; } void *ud = lua_touserdata(this->L, i); if (ud == NULL) { result.return_type = result.INVALID; break; } if (lua_getmetatable(this->L, i) == 0) { result.return_type = result.INVALID; break; } // is it an envelope type lua_getfield(this->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, LUA_ENVELOPE_METHOD_TABLENAME); if (lua_rawequal(this->L, -2, -1)) { // don't need the metatables lua_pop(this->L, 2); if (got_type && result.return_type != result.ENVELOPE) { result.return_type = result.INVALID; goto LOAD_STRING_POP_AND_RETURN; } envelope_udata *ed = (envelope_udata *)ud; // we copy the envelope since poorly designed Lua scripts could // do evil things with the envelope in Lua land and we don't want // that to impact us here result.envelopes.push_back(Envelope(*ed->e)); result.return_type = result.ENVELOPE; got_type = true; continue; } // remove metatables lua_pop(this->L, 2); // @todo handle message case result.return_type = result.INVALID; break; } LOAD_STRING_POP_AND_RETURN: lua_pop(this->L, nresults); return true; }
static inline Envelope one() { return Envelope(boost::shared_ptr<Envelope::line_type>(new Envelope::line_type())); }
static inline Envelope zero() { return Envelope(); }