int SetSysVar(char const *name, Value *value) { SysVar *v = FindSysVar(name); if (!v) return E_NOSUCH_VAR; if (v->type != SPECIAL_TYPE && v->type != value->type) return E_BAD_TYPE; if (!v->modifiable) { Eprint("%s: `$%s'", ErrMsg[E_CANT_MODIFY], name); return E_CANT_MODIFY; } if (v->type == SPECIAL_TYPE) { SysVarFunc f = (SysVarFunc) v->value; return f(1, value); } else if (v->type == STR_TYPE) { /* If it's a string variable, special measures must be taken */ if (v->been_malloced) free(*((char **)(v->value))); v->been_malloced = 1; *((char **) v->value) = value->v.str; value->type = ERR_TYPE; /* So that it's not accidentally freed */ } else { if (v->max != ANY && value->v.val > v->max) return E_2HIGH; if (v->min != ANY && value->v.val < v->min) return E_2LOW; *((int *)v->value) = value->v.val; } return OK; }
int GetSysVar(char const *name, Value *val) { SysVar *v = FindSysVar(name); val->type = ERR_TYPE; if (!v) return E_NOSUCH_VAR; if (v->type == SPECIAL_TYPE) { SysVarFunc f = (SysVarFunc) v->value; return f(0, val); } else if (v->type == STR_TYPE) { val->v.str = StrDup(*((char **) v->value)); if (!val->v.str) return E_NO_MEM; } else { val->v.val = *((int *) v->value); } val->type = v->type; /* In "verbose" mode, print attempts to test $RunOff */ if (DebugFlag & DB_PRTLINE) { if (v->value == (void *) &RunDisabled) { Eprint("(Security note: $RunOff variable tested.)\n"); /* Allow further messages from this line */ FreshLine = 1; } } return OK; }
static int NextChainedFile(IncludeStruct *i) { while(i->chain) { FilenameChain *cur = i->chain; i->chain = i->chain->next; if (OpenFile(cur->filename) == OK) { return OK; } else { Eprint("%s: %s", ErrMsg[E_CANT_OPEN], cur->filename); } } return E_EOF; }
static int PopFile(void) { IncludeStruct *i; /* Assume we own the file for now */ RunDisabled &= ~RUN_NOTOWNER; if (!Hush && NumIfs) Eprint("%s", ErrMsg[E_MISS_ENDIF]); if (!IStackPtr) return E_EOF; i = &IStack[IStackPtr-1]; if (i->chain) { int oldRunDisabled = RunDisabled; if (NextChainedFile(i) == OK) { return OK; } RunDisabled = oldRunDisabled; } if (IStackPtr <= 1) { return E_EOF; } IStackPtr--; LineNo = i->LineNo; IfFlags = i->IfFlags; NumIfs = i->NumIfs; CLine = i->CLine; fp = NULL; STRSET(FileName, i->filename); if (!i->ownedByMe) { RunDisabled |= RUN_NOTOWNER; } if (!CLine && (i->offset != -1L)) { /* We must open the file, then seek to specified position */ if (strcmp(i->filename, "-")) { fp = fopen(i->filename, "r"); if (!fp || !CheckSafety()) return E_CANT_OPEN; if (PurgeMode) OpenPurgeFile(i->filename, "a"); } else { fp = stdin; if (PurgeMode) PurgeFP = stdout; } if (fp != stdin) (void) fseek(fp, i->offset, 0); /* Trust that it works... */ } free((char *) i->filename); return OK; }
int DoInclude(ParsePtr p) { DynamicBuffer buf; int r, e; DBufInit(&buf); if ( (r=ParseToken(p, &buf)) ) return r; e = VerifyEoln(p); if (e) Eprint("%s", ErrMsg[e]); if ( (r=IncludeFile(DBufValue(&buf))) ) { DBufFree(&buf); return r; } DBufFree(&buf); NumIfs = 0; IfFlags = 0; return OK; }
int GetVarValue(char const *str, Value *val, Var *locals, ParsePtr p) { Var *v; /* Try searching local variables first */ v = locals; while (v) { if (! StrinCmp(str, v->name, VAR_NAME_LEN)) return CopyValue(val, &v->v); v = v->next; } /* Global variable... mark expression as non-constant */ if (p) p->nonconst_expr = 1; v=FindVar(str, 0); if (!v) { Eprint("%s: %s", ErrMsg[E_NOSUCH_VAR], str); return E_NOSUCH_VAR; } return CopyValue(val, &v->v); }
static int NextSimpleTrig(int startdate, Trigger *trig, int *err) { int typ = 0; int d, m, y, j, d2, m2, y2; *err = 0; FromJulian(startdate, &y, &m, &d); d2 = d; m2 = m; y2 = y; if (trig->d != NO_DAY) typ |= GOT_DAY; if (trig->m != NO_MON) typ |= GOT_MON; if (trig->y != NO_YR) typ |= GOT_YR; if (trig->wd != NO_WD) typ |= GOT_WD; switch(typ) { case 0: case GOT_WD: if (trig->wd != NO_WD) while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (startdate%7)))) startdate++; return startdate; case GOT_DAY: if (d > trig->d) { m++; if (m == 12) { m = 0; y++; } } while (trig->d > DaysInMonth(m, trig->y)) m++; j = Julian(y, m, trig->d); return j; case GOT_MON: if (m == trig->m) return startdate; else if (m > trig->m) return Julian(y+1, trig->m, 1); else return Julian(y, trig->m, 1); case GOT_YR: if (y == trig->y) return startdate; else if (y < trig->y) return Julian(trig->y, 0, 1); else return -1; case GOT_DAY+GOT_MON: if (m > trig->m || (m == trig->m && d > trig->d)) y++; if (trig->d > MonthDays[trig->m]) { *err = E_BAD_DATE; return -1; } /* Take care of Feb. 29 */ while (trig->d > DaysInMonth(trig->m, y)) y++; return Julian(y, trig->m, trig->d); case GOT_DAY+GOT_YR: if (y < trig->y) return Julian(trig->y, 0, trig->d); else if (y > trig->y) return -1; if (d > trig->d) { m++; if (m == 12) return -1; } while (trig->d > DaysInMonth(m, trig->y)) m++; return Julian(trig->y, m, trig->d); case GOT_MON+GOT_YR: if (y > trig->y || (y == trig->y && m > trig->m)) return -1; if (y < trig->y) return Julian(trig->y, trig->m, 1); if (m == trig->m) return startdate; return Julian(trig->y, trig->m, 1); case GOT_DAY+GOT_MON+GOT_YR: if (trig->d > DaysInMonth(trig->m, trig->y)) { *err = E_BAD_DATE; return -1; } return Julian(trig->y, trig->m, trig->d); case GOT_YR+GOT_WD: if (y > trig->y) return -1; if (y < trig->y) j = Julian(trig->y, 0, 1); else j = startdate; while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; if (JYear(j) > trig->y) return -1; return j; case GOT_MON+GOT_WD: if (m == trig->m) { j = startdate; while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; if (JMonth(j) == trig->m) return j; } if (m >= trig->m) j = Julian(y+1, trig->m, 1); else j = Julian(y, trig->m, 1); while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; return j; /* Guaranteed to be within the month */ case GOT_DAY+GOT_WD: if (m !=0 || y > BASE) { m2 = m-1; if (m2 < 0) { y2 = y-1; m2 = 11; } /* If there are fewer days in previous month, no match */ if (trig->d <= DaysInMonth(m2, y2)) { j = Julian(y2, m2, trig->d); while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; if (j >= startdate) return j; } } /* Try this month */ if (trig->d <= DaysInMonth(m, y)) { j = Julian(y, m, trig->d); while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; if (j >= startdate) return j; } /* Argh! Try next avail. month */ m2 = m+1; if (m2 > 11) { m2 = 0; y++; } while (trig->d > DaysInMonth(m2, y)) m2++; j = Julian(y, m2, trig->d); while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; return j; case GOT_WD+GOT_YR+GOT_DAY: if (y > trig->y+1 || (y > trig->y && m>0)) return -1; if (y > trig->y) { j = Julian(trig->y, 11, trig->d); while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; if (j >= startdate) return j; } else if (y < trig->y) { j = Julian(trig->y, 0, trig->d); while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; return j; } else { /* Try last month */ if (m > 0) { m2 = m-1; while (trig->d > DaysInMonth(m2, trig->y)) m2--; j = Julian(trig->y, m2, trig->d); while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; if (j >= startdate) return j; } } /* Try this month */ if (trig->d <= DaysInMonth(m, trig->y)) { j = Julian(trig->y, m, trig->d); while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; if (j >= startdate) return j; } /* Must be next month */ if (m == 11) return -1; m++; while (trig->d > DaysInMonth(m, trig->d)) m++; j = Julian(trig->y, m, trig->d); while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; return j; case GOT_DAY+GOT_MON+GOT_WD: if (trig->d > MonthDays[trig->m]) { *err = E_BAD_DATE; return -1; } /* Back up a year in case we'll cross a year boundary*/ if (y > BASE) { y--; } /* Move up to the first valid year */ while (trig->d > DaysInMonth(trig->m, y)) y++; /* Try last year */ j = Julian(y, trig->m, trig->d); while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; if (j >= startdate) return j; /* Try this year */ y++; j = Julian(y, trig->m, trig->d); while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; if (j >= startdate) return j; /* Must be next year */ y++; while (trig->d > DaysInMonth(trig->m, y)) y++; j = Julian(y, trig->m, trig->d); while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; return j; case GOT_WD+GOT_MON+GOT_YR: if (y > trig->y || (y == trig->y && m > trig->m)) return -1; if (trig->y > y || (trig->y == y && trig->m > m)) { j = Julian(trig->y, trig->m, 1); while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; return j; } else { j = startdate; while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; FromJulian(j, &y2, &m2, &d2); if (m2 == trig->m) return j; else return -1; } case GOT_WD+GOT_DAY+GOT_MON+GOT_YR: if (trig->d > DaysInMonth(trig->m, trig->y)) { *err = E_BAD_DATE; return -1; } j = Julian(trig->y, trig->m, trig->d); while(! (trig->wd & (1 << (j%7)))) j++; return j; default: Eprint("NextSimpleTrig %s %d", ErrMsg[E_SWERR], typ); *err = E_SWERR; return -1; } }
int ComputeTrigger(int today, Trigger *trig, int *err, int save_in_globals) { int nattempts = 0, start = today, nextstart = 0, y, m, d, omit, result; trig->expired = 0; if (save_in_globals) { LastTrigValid = 0; } /* Assume everything works */ *err = OK; /* But check for obvious problems... */ if (trig->localomit == 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64) { *err = E_2MANY_LOCALOMIT; return -1; } if (trig->rep != NO_REP && (trig->d == NO_DAY || trig->m == NO_MON || trig->y == NO_YR)) { Eprint("%s", ErrMsg[E_REP_FULSPEC]); *err = E_REP_FULSPEC; return -1; } while (nattempts++ < TRIG_ATTEMPTS) { result = GetNextTriggerDate(trig, start, err, &nextstart); /* If there's an error, die immediately */ if (*err) return -1; if (result == -1) { trig->expired = 1; if (DebugFlag & DB_PRTTRIG) { fprintf(ErrFp, "%s(%d): %s\n", FileName, LineNo, ErrMsg[E_EXPIRED]); } return -1; } /* If result is >= today, great! */ if (trig->skip == SKIP_SKIP) { *err = IsOmitted(result, trig->localomit, trig->omitfunc, &omit); if (*err) return -1; } else { omit = 0; } if (result >= today && (trig->skip != SKIP_SKIP || !omit)) { if (save_in_globals) { LastTriggerDate = result; /* Save in global var */ LastTrigValid = 1; } if (DebugFlag & DB_PRTTRIG) { FromJulian(result, &y, &m, &d); fprintf(ErrFp, "%s(%d): Trig = %s, %d %s, %d\n", FileName, LineNo, DayName[result % 7], d, MonthName[m], y); } return result; } /* If it's a simple trigger, no point in rescanning */ if (trig->back == NO_BACK && trig->skip == NO_SKIP && trig->rep == NO_REP) { trig->expired = 1; if (DebugFlag & DB_PRTTRIG) { fprintf(ErrFp, "%s(%d): %s\n", FileName, LineNo, ErrMsg[E_EXPIRED]); } if (result != -1) { if (save_in_globals) { LastTriggerDate = result; LastTrigValid = 1; } } return -1; } if (trig->skip == SKIP_SKIP && omit && nextstart <= start && result >= start) { nextstart = result + 1; } /* Keep scanning... unless there's no point in doing it.*/ if (nextstart <= start) { if (result != -1) { if (save_in_globals) { LastTriggerDate = result; LastTrigValid = 1; } } trig->expired = 1; if (DebugFlag & DB_PRTTRIG) { fprintf(ErrFp, "%s(%d): %s\n", FileName, LineNo, ErrMsg[E_EXPIRED]); } return -1; } else start = nextstart; } /* We failed - too many attempts or trigger has expired*/ *err = E_CANT_TRIG; return -1; }
int IncludeFile(char const *fname) { IncludeStruct *i; int oldRunDisabled; struct stat statbuf; FreshLine = 1; if (IStackPtr+1 >= INCLUDE_NEST) return E_NESTED_INCLUDE; i = &IStack[IStackPtr]; if (FileName) { i->filename = StrDup(FileName); if (!i->filename) return E_NO_MEM; } else { i->filename = NULL; } i->LineNo = LineNo; i->NumIfs = NumIfs; i->IfFlags = IfFlags; i->CLine = CLine; i->offset = -1L; i->chain = NULL; if (RunDisabled & RUN_NOTOWNER) { i->ownedByMe = 0; } else { i->ownedByMe = 1; } if (fp) { i->offset = ftell(fp); FCLOSE(fp); } IStackPtr++; #ifdef HAVE_GLOB /* If it's a directory, set up the glob chain here. */ if (stat(fname, &statbuf) == 0) { FilenameChain *fc; if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { if (SetupGlobChain(fname, i) == OK) { /* Glob succeeded */ if (!i->chain) { /* Oops... no matching files */ if (!Hush) { Eprint("%s: %s", fname, ErrMsg[E_NO_MATCHING_REMS]); } PopFile(); return E_NO_MATCHING_REMS; } while(i->chain) { fc = i->chain; i->chain = i->chain->next; /* Munch first file */ oldRunDisabled = RunDisabled; if (!OpenFile(fc->filename)) { return OK; } Eprint("%s: %s", ErrMsg[E_CANT_OPEN], fc->filename); RunDisabled = oldRunDisabled; } /* Couldn't open anything... bail */ return PopFile(); } else { if (!Hush) { Eprint("%s: %s", fname, ErrMsg[E_NO_MATCHING_REMS]); } } return E_NO_MATCHING_REMS; } } #endif oldRunDisabled = RunDisabled; /* Try to open the new file */ if (!OpenFile(fname)) { return OK; } RunDisabled = oldRunDisabled; Eprint("%s: %s", ErrMsg[E_CANT_OPEN], fname); /* Ugh! We failed! */ PopFile(); return E_CANT_OPEN; }
int PLP_page( ) { int lvp, first; char attr[NAMEMAXLEN], *line, *lineval; char buf[512], devval[20]; char *outfilename, *mapfilename, *titledet, *pagetitle, *url; int stat, nt, align, nlines, maxlen, landscapemode, dobackground, dopagebox, pagesizegiven, clickmap_enabled_here, tight, map; double adjx, adjy, scalex, scaley, sx, sy; TDH_errprog( "pl proc page" ); /* initialize */ landscapemode = PLS.landscape; /* from command line */ titledet = ""; outfilename = ""; mapfilename = ""; pagetitle = ""; dobackground = 1; dopagebox = 1; if( GL_member( PLS.device, "gesf" )) dopagebox = 0; /* bounding box shouldn't include entire page for gif , eps */ if( PLS.device == 'e' ) dobackground = 0; pagesizegiven = 0; strcpy( devval, "" ); scalex = scaley = 1.0; clickmap_enabled_here = 0; /* get attributes.. */ first = 1; while( 1 ) { line = getnextattr( first, attr, &lvp ); if( line == NULL ) break; first = 0; lineval = &line[lvp]; /* if an attribute is given on command line, it overrides anything here.. */ if( GL_slmember( attr, PLS.cmdlineparms )) continue; if( strcmp( attr, "landscape" )==0 && GL_slmember( "portrait", PLS.cmdlineparms )) continue; if( strcmp( attr, "outfilename" )==0 && GL_slmember( "o", PLS.cmdlineparms )) continue; if( strcmp( attr, "landscape" )==0 ) landscapemode = getyn( lineval ); else if( strcmp( attr, "title" )==0 ) pagetitle = getmultiline( lineval, "get" ); else if( strcmp( attr, "titledetails" )==0 ) titledet = lineval; else if( strcmp( attr, "color" )==0 ) tokncpy( Estandard_color, lineval, COLORLEN ); else if( strcmp( attr, "scale" )==0 ) { nt = sscanf( lineval, "%lf %lf", &scalex, &scaley ); if( nt == 1 ) scaley = scalex; } else if( strcmp( attr, "backgroundcolor" )==0 ) { tokncpy( Estandard_bkcolor, lineval, COLORLEN ); Ebackcolor( Estandard_bkcolor ); dobackground = 1; /* added scg 9/27/99 */ } else if( strcmp( attr, "linewidth" )==0 ) Estandard_lwscale = ftokncpy( lineval ); else if( strcmp( attr, "textsize" )==0 ) Estandard_textsize = itokncpy( lineval ); else if( strcmp( attr, "font" )==0 ) tokncpy( Estandard_font, lineval, FONTLEN ); else if( strcmp( attr, "dobackground" )==0 ) dobackground = getyn( lineval ); else if( strcmp( attr, "dopagebox" )==0 ) dopagebox = getyn( lineval ); else if( strcmp( attr, "tightcrop" )==0 ) { tight = getyn( lineval ); Etightbb( tight ); } else if( strncmp( attr, "crop", 4 )==0 ) { double cropx1, cropy1, cropx2, cropy2; nt = sscanf( lineval, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", &cropx1, &cropy1, &cropx2, &cropy2 ); if( nt != 4 ) Eerr( 2707, "usage: crop x1 y1 x2 y2 OR croprel left bottom right top", "" ); else { if( PLS.usingcm ) { cropx1 /= 2.54; cropy1 /= 2.54; cropx2 /= 2.54; cropy2 /= 2.54; } if( strcmp( attr, "croprel" )==0 ) Especifycrop( 2, cropx1, cropy1, cropx2, cropy2 ); /* relative to tight */ else Especifycrop( 1, cropx1, cropy1, cropx2, cropy2 ); /* absolute */ } } else if( strcmp( attr, "pixsize" ) ==0 ) { /* added scg 1/9/08 */ int reqwidth, reqheight; nt = sscanf( lineval, "%d %d", &reqwidth, &reqheight ); if( nt != 2 ) Eerr( 57233, "pixsize ignored.. it requires width and height (in pixels)", "" ); #ifndef NOGD PLGG_setimpixsize( reqwidth, reqheight ); #endif if( PLS.device != 'g' ) Eerr( 24795, "pixsize ignored.. it's only applicable when generating png/gif/jpeg images", "" ); } else if( strcmp( attr, "pagesize" )==0 ) { getcoords( "pagesize", lineval, &(PLS.winw), &(PLS.winh) ); pagesizegiven = 1; } else if( strcmp( attr, "outfilename" )==0 ) { outfilename = lineval; if( strlen( outfilename ) > MAXPATH-1 ) { PLS.skipout = 1; return( Eerr( 57932, "outfilename too long", "" ) ); } } else if( strncmp( attr, "mapfile", 7 )==0 ) { mapfilename = lineval; if( strlen( mapfilename ) > MAXPATH-1 ) { Eerr( 57932, "mapfile name too long", "" ); mapfilename = ""; } } else if( strcmp( attr, "clickmapdefault" )==0 ) { url = lineval; if( strlen( url ) > MAXURL-1 ) Eerr( 57933, "clickmapdefault url too long", "" ); else clickmap_setdefaulturl( url ); } else if( strcmp( attr, "map" )==0 ) { map = getyn( lineval ); if( map ) { PLS.clickmap = 1; clickmap_enabled_here = 1; }} else if( strcmp( attr, "csmap" )==0 ){ map = getyn( lineval ); if( map ) { PLS.clickmap = 2; clickmap_enabled_here = 1; }} else if( strcmp( attr, "outlabel" )==0 ) Esetoutlabel( lineval ); else Eerr( 1, "page attribute not recognized", attr ); } /* -------------------------- */ /* Page break logic.. */ /* -------------------------- */ if( PLS.npages == 0 ) { /* following 3 lines moved here from above - also replicated below. scg 10/31/00 */ if( scalex != 1.0 || scaley != 1.0 ) Esetglobalscale( scalex, scaley ); Egetglobalscale( &sx, &sy ); if( pagesizegiven ) Esetsize( PLS.winw * sx, PLS.winh * sy, PLS.winx, PLS.winy ); else if( landscapemode && !PLS.winsizegiven ) Esetsize( 11.0, 8.5, PLS.winx, PLS.winy ); /* landscape */ /* clickmap (must come before init for eg. svg - scg 2/7/05) */ if( clickmap_enabled_here ) { if( mapfilename[0] == '\0' ) { if( PLS.clickmap == 2 ) strcpy( PLS.mapfile, "stdout" ); /* csmap defaults to stdout.. scg 8/26/04 */ else if( PLS.outfile[0] != '\0' ) makeoutfilename( PLS.outfile, PLS.mapfile, 'm', 1); else strcpy( PLS.mapfile, "" ); } PL_clickmap_init(); #ifndef NOSVG /* must update this now too.. scg 2/7/05 */ if( PLS.device == 's' ) PLGS_setparms( PLS.debug, PLS.tmpname, PLS.clickmap ); #endif } else if( mapfilename[0] != '\0' ) strcpy( PLS.mapfile, mapfilename ); /* PPP */ /* initialize and give specified output file name .. */ if( outfilename[0] != '\0' ) Esetoutfilename( outfilename ); stat = Einit( PLS.device ); if( stat ) { PLS.skipout = 1; return( stat ); } /* set paper orientation */ if( landscapemode ) Epaper( 1 ); } else if( PLS.npages > 0 ) { if( GL_member( PLS.device, "gesf" )) { /* finish up current page before moving on to next one.. */ Eshow(); stat = Eendoffile(); if( stat ) return( stat ); /* now set file name for next page.. */ if( outfilename[0] != '\0' ) Esetoutfilename( outfilename ); else { makeoutfilename( PLS.outfile, buf, PLS.device, (PLS.npages)+1 ); if( PLS.debug ) fprintf( PLS.diagfp, "Setting output file name to %s\n", PLS.outfile ); Esetoutfilename( buf ); } if( PLS.clickmap ) { /* initialize a new click map file.. */ if( mapfilename[0] != '\0' ) strcpy( PLS.mapfile, mapfilename ); else makeoutfilename( PLS.outfile, PLS.mapfile, 'm', (PLS.npages)+1 ); PL_clickmap_init(); } /* perhaps set global scaling and/or page size for next page.. */ /* following 3 lines copied here from above - scg 10/31/00 */ if( scalex != 1.0 || scaley != 1.0 ) Esetglobalscale( scalex, scaley ); Egetglobalscale( &sx, &sy ); if( pagesizegiven ) Esetsize( PLS.winw * sx, PLS.winh * sy, PLS.winx, PLS.winy ); else if( landscapemode && !PLS.winsizegiven ) Esetsize( 11.0, 8.5, PLS.winx, PLS.winy ); /* landscape */ /* initialize next page.. */ stat = Einit( PLS.device ); if( stat ) return( stat ); } else if ( PLS.device == 'x' ) PL_do_x_button( "More.." ); else if ( GL_member( PLS.device, "pc" ) ) { Eprint(); if( landscapemode ) Epaper( 1 ); /* added scg 2/29/00 */ Elinetype( 0, 0.6, 1.0 ); /* added scg 9/20/99 */ } } (PLS.npages)++; /* -------------------------- */ /* now do other work.. */ /* -------------------------- */ /* do background.. */ /* if( dopagebox ) Ecblock( 0.0, 0.0, EWinx, EWiny, Ecurbkcolor, 0 ); */ /* does update bb */ if( dopagebox ) Ecblock( 0.0, 0.0, PLS.winw, PLS.winh, Ecurbkcolor, 0 ); /* does update bb */ else if( dobackground ) { /* EPS color=transparent - best to do nothing.. */ if( PLS.device == 'e' && strcmp( Ecurbkcolor, "transparent" )==0 ) ; else Eclr(); /* doesn't update bb */ } if( pagetitle[0] != '\0' ) { textdet( "titledetails", titledet, &align, &adjx, &adjy, 3, "B", 1.0 ); if( align == '?' ) align = 'C'; measuretext( pagetitle, &nlines, &maxlen ); if( align == 'L' ) Emov( 1.0 + adjx, (PLS.winh-0.8) + adjy ); else if ( align == 'C' ) Emov( (PLS.winw / 2.0 ) + adjx, (PLS.winh-0.8) + adjy ); else if( align == 'R' ) Emov( (PLS.winw-1.0) + adjx, (PLS.winh-0.8) + adjy ); Edotext( pagetitle, align ); } return( 0 ); }
static void GenerateCalEntries(int col) { int r; Token tok; char const *s; Parser p; /* Do some initialization first... */ ClearGlobalOmits(); DestroyOmitContexts(); DestroyVars(0); NumTriggered = 0; r=IncludeFile(InitialFile); if (r) { fprintf(ErrFp, "%s %s: %s\n", ErrMsg[E_ERR_READING], InitialFile, ErrMsg[r]); exit(1); } while(1) { r = ReadLine(); if (r == E_EOF) return; if (r) { Eprint("%s: %s", ErrMsg[E_ERR_READING], ErrMsg[r]); exit(1); } s = FindInitialToken(&tok, CurLine); /* Should we ignore it? */ if (NumIfs && tok.type != T_If && tok.type != T_Else && tok.type != T_EndIf && tok.type != T_IfTrig && ShouldIgnoreLine()) { /* DO NOTHING */ } else { /* Create a parser to parse the line */ CreateParser(s, &p); switch(tok.type) { case T_Empty: case T_Comment: break; case T_ErrMsg: r=DoErrMsg(&p); break; case T_Rem: r=DoCalRem(&p, col); break; case T_If: r=DoIf(&p); break; case T_IfTrig: r=DoIfTrig(&p); break; case T_Else: r=DoElse(&p); break; case T_EndIf: r=DoEndif(&p); break; case T_Include: r=DoInclude(&p); break; case T_Exit: DoExit(&p); break; case T_Set: r=DoSet(&p); break; case T_Fset: r=DoFset(&p); break; case T_UnSet: r=DoUnset(&p); break; case T_Clr: r=DoClear(&p); break; case T_Flush: r=DoFlush(&p); break; case T_Debug: break; /* IGNORE DEBUG CMD */ case T_Dumpvars: break; /* IGNORE DUMPVARS CMD */ case T_Banner: break; /* IGNORE BANNER CMD */ case T_Omit: r=DoOmit(&p); if (r == E_PARSE_AS_REM) { DestroyParser(&p); CreateParser(s, &p); r=DoCalRem(&p, col); } break; case T_Pop: r=PopOmitContext(&p); break; case T_Push: r=PushOmitContext(&p); break; case T_Preserve: r=DoPreserve(&p); break; case T_RemType: if (tok.val == RUN_TYPE) { r=DoRun(&p); break; } else { CreateParser(CurLine, &p); r=DoCalRem(&p, col); break; } /* If we don't recognize the command, do a REM by default */ /* Note: Since the parser hasn't been used yet, we don't */ /* need to destroy it here. */ default: CreateParser(CurLine, &p); r=DoCalRem(&p, col); break; } if (r && (!Hush || r != E_RUN_DISABLED)) Eprint("%s", ErrMsg[r]); /* Destroy the parser - free up resources it may be tying up */ DestroyParser(&p); } } }