//__________________________________________________________________________________ int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { mainArgCount = argc - 1; #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ int rank, size; MPI_Init (&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); setParameter (mpiNodeID, (_Parameter)rank); setParameter (mpiNodeCount, (_Parameter)size); _hy_mpi_node_rank = rank; if (rank == 0) { mpiNodesThatCantSwitch.Populate (size,1,0); /* { char hostname[256]; gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); printf("PID %d on %s ready for attach\n", getpid(), hostname); fflush(stdout); //getchar (); } */ #endif //for (long k=0; k<NSIG; k++) //{ // signal(k, &hyphyBreak); //} #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ } #endif char curWd[4096], dirSlash = GetPlatformDirectoryChar (); getcwd (curWd,4096); _String baseDir (curWd), argFile; baseDir=baseDir & dirSlash; pathNames&& &baseDir; baseDirectory = baseDir; baseArgDir = baseDirectory; _ExecutionList ex; #ifdef _OPENMP systemCPUCount = omp_get_max_threads(); #endif #ifdef _MINGW32_MEGA_ { char pid[16]; snprintf (pid,16,"%u", GetCurrentProcessId()); _String pipeName = _String("\\\\.\\pipe\\MEGAPipe") & pid; printf ("Pipe name = %s\n", pipeName.sData); if ((_HY_MEGA_Pipe = CreateFile(pipeName.sData, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { char* lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); FlagError (_String("Failed to create a pipe named '") & pipeName & "' to send data from HyPhy to MEGA. Error: "&lpMsgBuf); } } #endif for (long i=1; i<argc;i++) { _String thisArg (argv[i]); if (thisArg.sData[0]=='-') { ProcessConfigStr (thisArg); } else if (thisArg.beginswith ("BASEPATH=")) { baseArgDir = thisArg.Cut(9,-1); if (baseArgDir.sLength) { if (baseArgDir.sData[baseArgDir.sLength-1]!=dirSlash) baseArgDir = baseArgDir&dirSlash; baseDirectory = baseArgDir; } } else if (thisArg.beginswith ("USEPATH=")) { baseDir = thisArg.Cut(8,-1); errorFileName = baseDir & errorFileName; messageFileName = baseDir & messageFileName; pathNames.Delete (0); pathNames&& &baseDir; } else #ifdef __MP__ if (thisArg.beginswith ("CPU=")) { _String cpus = thisArg.Cut(4,-1); systemCPUCount = cpus.toNum(); if (systemCPUCount<1) systemCPUCount = 1; pthread_setconcurrency (systemCPUCount+1); } else #endif argFile = thisArg; } GlobalStartup(); if (calculatorMode) { printf ("\nHYPHY is running in calculator mode. Type 'exit' when you are finished.\n"); while (ExpressionCalculator()) ; return 0; } if (pipeMode) { _String bfIn (stdin); _ExecutionList exIn (bfIn); exIn.Execute(); GlobalShutdown(); return 0; } // try to read the preferences _String prefFile (curWd); prefFile = prefFile & '/' & prefFileName; FILE * testPrefFile = fopen (prefFile.sData,"r"); if (!testPrefFile) { prefFile = baseArgDir & prefFileName; testPrefFile = fopen (prefFile.sData,"r"); } if (testPrefFile) { fclose(testPrefFile); ReadBatchFile (prefFile,ex); ex.Execute(); ex.Clear(); } //printf ("Node %d before mpiParallelOptimizer\n", rank); #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ if (rank>0) { //if (mpiParallelOptimizer || mpiPartitionOptimizer) // mpiOptimizerLoop (rank, size); //else mpiNormalLoop (rank, size, baseDir); /*argFile = "SHUTDOWN_CONFIRM"; MPISendString (argFile, senderID);*/ } else { #endif if (!argFile.sLength) { long selection = -2; if (!updateMode) selection = DisplayListOfChoices(); if (selection == -1) { dialogPrompt = "Batch file to run:"; _String fStr (ReturnDialogInput (true)); if (logInputMode) { _String tts = loggedFileEntry&fStr; loggedUserInputs && & tts; } PushFilePath (fStr); ReadBatchFile (fStr,ex); } else { _String templ; if (selection >= 0) templ = baseArgDir &"TemplateBatchFiles" & dirSlash; else templ = baseArgDir & "TemplateBatchFiles" & dirSlash & "WebUpdate.bf"; if (selection >= 0) templ= templ&*(_String*)(*(_List*)availableTemplateFiles(selection))(2); PushFilePath (templ); ReadBatchFile (templ,ex); } } else { #ifndef __MINGW32__ if (argFile.sData[0] != '/') argFile = baseDirectory & argFile; #else if (argFile.sData[1] != ':') // not an absolute path argFile = baseDirectory & argFile; #endif PushFilePath (argFile); ReadBatchFile (argFile,ex); } ex.Execute(); if (usePostProcessors && (!updateMode)) { ReadInPostFiles(); printf ("\n\n**********Continue with result processing (y/n)?"); _String c_str (StringFromConsole()); if (logInputMode) loggedUserInputs && & c_str; if (c_str.getChar(0) !='n' && c_str.getChar(0)!='N' ) { long choice = DisplayListOfPostChoices(); while (choice != -1) { _ExecutionList postEx; argFile = *(_String*)(*(_List*)availablePostProcessors(choice-1))(1); PushFilePath (argFile); ReadBatchFile (argFile, postEx); postEx.Execute(); PopFilePath (); printf ("\n\n**********Continue with result processing (y/n)?"); c_str = StringFromConsole(); if (logInputMode) loggedUserInputs && & c_str; if (c_str.getChar(0)=='n' || c_str.getChar(0)=='N' ) break; choice = DisplayListOfPostChoices(); } } } #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ } ReportWarning (_String ("Node ") & (long)rank & " is shutting down\n"); #endif #ifdef _MINGW32_MEGA_ if (_HY_MEGA_Pipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (_HY_MEGA_Pipe); #endif PurgeAll (true); GlobalShutdown (); #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ if (rank == 0) printf ("\n\n"); #endif }
bool _HYConsoleWindow::_ProcessMenuSelection (long msel) { switch (msel) { case HY_WINDOW_MENU_ID_FILE+1: SaveConsole (); return true; case 14: _DoPrint (); return true; case 16: ((_HYTextBox*)GetObject(0))->_DoUndo(true); return true; case 17: ((_HYTextBox*)GetObject(0))->_DoCut(true); return true; case 18: ((_HYTextBox*)GetObject(0))->_DoCopy(true); return true; case HY_WINDOW_MENU_ID_EDIT+5: ((_HYTextBox*)GetObject(0))->_DoSelectAll(true); return true; case 21: SetStatusLine ("Canceling"); terminateExecution = true; return true; case 22: { GtkWidget * suspendItem = gtk_item_factory_get_widget_by_action(menu_items,22); if (!isSuspended) { isSuspended = true; SetStatusLine (empty,empty,empty,-1,HY_SL_SUSPEND); gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(suspendItem))), "Resume"); updateTimer = false; while (isSuspended) { gtk_main_iteration_do(true); } } else { isSuspended = false; SetStatusLine (empty,empty,empty,-1,HY_SL_RESUME); gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(suspendItem))), "Suspend execution"); timerStart += clock()-lastTimer; updateTimer = true; } return true; } case 23: ShowMessagesLog(); return true; case 24: RunStandardAnalyses(); return true; case 25: displayAbout(false); return true; case HY_WINDOW_MENU_ID_EDIT+4: ((_HYTextBox*)GetObject(0))->_DoClear (true,true); return true; case 27: HandlePreferences (globalPreferencesList,"HYPHY Preferences"); return true; case 29: //WinExec ("hh HYPHY HELP.chm",SW_SHOWNORMAL); return true; case 30: if (OpenBatchFile (false)) { ExecuteBatchFile(); PopFilePath(); } return true; case 31: ((_HYTextBox*)GetObject(0))->_DoRedo(true); return true; case 15: postWindowCloseEvent (GetID()); gtk_main_quit (); return true; case 60: // expression calculator if (calculatorMode) { _HYTextBox *ib = (_HYTextBox*)hyphyConsoleWindow->GetObject(1); ib->SetText ("exit"); hyphyConsoleWindow->ProcessEvent (generateTextEditChangeEvent(ib->GetID(),2)); calculatorMode = false; //ib->SetText (empty); } else { calculatorMode = true; while(calculatorMode&&ExpressionCalculator()) {} calculatorMode = false; } return true; case 61: { // execute selection ExecuteSelection(); return true; } case 70: // New Tree NewTreeWindow(-1); return true; case 71: // New Model NewModel(nil); return true; case 72: // New Chart NewChartWindow(); return true; case 73: // New Genetic Code NewGeneticCodeTable(0); return true; case 74: // New Database NewDatabaseFile(0); return true; case 80: // Open Batch File if (OpenBatchFile()) { ExecuteBatchFile (); } return true; case 81: // Open Data File OpenDataFile(); return true; case 82: // Open Tree OpenTreeFile(); return true; case 83: // Open Text OpenTextFile(); return true; case 84: // Open Table OpenTable (); return true; case 85: // Open SQLite database OpenDatabaseFile (nil); return true; case HY_WINDOW_MENU_ID_FILE-2: ShowObjectInspector (); return true; default: { msel -= 1000; if (msel<availablePostProcessors.lLength) { ExecuteAPostProcessor (*(_String*)(*(_List*)availablePostProcessors(msel))(1)); return 0; } msel-=1000; if (msel<(long)recentPaths.lLength) { if (msel == -1) { for (long mi=0; mi<recentFiles.lLength; mi++) { GtkWidget * recFile = gtk_item_factory_get_widget_by_action(hyphyConsoleWindow->menu_items,2000+mi); if (recFile) { gtk_item_factory_delete_item(hyphyConsoleWindow->menu_items,gtk_item_factory_path_from_widget(recFile)); } } recentPaths.Clear(); recentFiles.Clear(); } else { if (argFileName) { *argFileName = *(_String*)recentPaths(msel); } else { argFileName = new _String (*(_String*)recentPaths(msel)); } if (OpenBatchFile(false)) { ExecuteBatchFile (); } } return true; } return true; } } return _HYTWindow::_ProcessMenuSelection(msel); }
//__________________________________________________________________________________ int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { mainArgCount = argc - 1; #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ int rank, size; MPI_Init (&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); setParameter (mpiNodeID, (_Parameter)rank); setParameter (mpiNodeCount, (_Parameter)size); _hy_mpi_node_rank = rank; if (rank == 0) { #endif //for (long k=0; k<NSIG; k++) //{ // signal(k, &hyphyBreak); //} #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ } #endif char curWd[4096], dirSlash = GetPlatformDirectoryChar (); getcwd (curWd,4096); _String baseDir (curWd), argFile; baseDir=baseDir & dirSlash; pathNames&& &baseDir; baseDirectory = baseDir; baseArgDir = baseDirectory; _ExecutionList ex; #ifdef _OPENMP systemCPUCount = omp_get_max_threads(); #endif for (long i=1; i<argc;i++) { _String thisArg (argv[i]); if (thisArg.sData[0]=='-') { ProcessConfigStr (thisArg); } else if (thisArg.beginswith ("BASEPATH=")) { baseArgDir = thisArg.Cut(9,-1); if (baseArgDir.sLength) { if (baseArgDir.sData[baseArgDir.sLength-1]!=dirSlash) baseArgDir = baseArgDir&dirSlash; baseDirectory = baseArgDir; } } else if (thisArg.beginswith ("USEPATH=")) { baseDir = thisArg.Cut(8,-1); errorFileName = baseDir & errorFileName; messageFileName = baseDir & messageFileName; pathNames.Delete (0); pathNames&& &baseDir; } else #ifdef __MP__ if (thisArg.beginswith ("CPU=")) { _String cpus = thisArg.Cut(4,-1); systemCPUCount = cpus.toNum(); if (systemCPUCount<1) systemCPUCount = 1; #ifdef __MP2__ pthread_setconcurrency (systemCPUCount+1); #endif } else #endif #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ if (thisArg == _String("MPIOPTIMIZER")) { mpiParallelOptimizer = true; setParameter (mpiNodeCount, 0.0); } else if (thisArg == _String("MPIPARTITIONS")) { mpiPartitionOptimizer = true; setParameter (mpiNodeCount, 0.0); } else #endif argFile = thisArg; } GlobalStartup(); if (calculatorMode) { printf ("\nHYPHY is running in calculator mode. Type 'exit' when you are finished.\n"); while (ExpressionCalculator()) ; return 0; } if (pipeMode) { _String bfIn (stdin); _ExecutionList exIn (bfIn); exIn.Execute(); GlobalShutdown(); return 0; } // try to read the preferences _String prefFile (curWd); prefFile = prefFile & '/' & prefFileName; FILE * testPrefFile = fopen (prefFile.sData,"r"); if (!testPrefFile) { prefFile = baseArgDir & prefFileName; testPrefFile = fopen (prefFile.sData,"r"); } if (testPrefFile) { fclose(testPrefFile); ReadBatchFile (prefFile,ex); ex.Execute(); ex.Clear(); } //printf ("Node %d before mpiParallelOptimizer\n", rank); #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ if (rank>0) { if (mpiParallelOptimizer || mpiPartitionOptimizer) mpiOptimizerLoop (rank, size); else mpiNormalLoop (rank, size, baseDir); /*argFile = "SHUTDOWN_CONFIRM"; MPISendString (argFile, senderID);*/ } else { #endif if (!argFile.sLength) { long selection = -2; if (!updateMode) selection = DisplayListOfChoices(); if (selection == -1) { dialogPrompt = "Batch file to run:"; _String fStr (ReturnDialogInput (true)); if (logInputMode) { _String tts = loggedFileEntry&fStr; loggedUserInputs && & tts; } PushFilePath (fStr); ReadBatchFile (fStr,ex); } else { _String templ; if (selection >= 0) templ = baseArgDir &"TemplateBatchFiles" & dirSlash; else templ = baseArgDir & "TemplateBatchFiles" & dirSlash & "WebUpdate.bf"; if (selection >= 0) templ= templ&*(_String*)(*(_List*)availableTemplateFiles(selection))(2); PushFilePath (templ); ReadBatchFile (templ,ex); } } else { #ifndef __MINGW32__ if (argFile.sData[0] != '/') argFile = baseDirectory & argFile; #else if (argFile.sData[1] != ':') // not an absolute path argFile = baseDirectory & argFile; #endif PushFilePath (argFile); ReadBatchFile (argFile,ex); } ex.Execute(); if (usePostProcessors && (!updateMode)) { ReadInPostFiles(); printf ("\n\n**********Continue with result processing (y/n)?"); _String c_str (StringFromConsole()); if (logInputMode) loggedUserInputs && & c_str; if (c_str.sData[0]!='n' && c_str.sData[0]!='N' ) { long choice = DisplayListOfPostChoices(); while (choice != -1) { _ExecutionList postEx; argFile = *(_String*)(*(_List*)availablePostProcessors(choice-1))(1); PushFilePath (argFile); ReadBatchFile (argFile, postEx); postEx.Execute(); PopFilePath (); printf ("\n\n**********Continue with result processing (y/n)?"); _String c_str (StringFromConsole()); if (logInputMode) loggedUserInputs && & c_str; if (c_str.sData[0]=='n' || c_str.sData[0]=='N' ) break; choice = DisplayListOfPostChoices(); } } } #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ } argFile = _String ("Node ") & (long)rank & " is shutting down\n"; ReportWarning (argFile); #endif batchLanguageFunctions.Clear(); GlobalShutdown(); #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__ if (rank == 0) printf ("\n\n"); #endif }