// Registers one plugin.  "pPluginFilespec" is a string containing the file
// name of a DLL.
// This function can be called more than once so a plugin which has copied
// into the plugins subdir AFTER the Nav has started can be registered
// and loaded.
// The DLL is a plugin candidate, and is qualified during
// this function, by checking the DLL VERSIONINFO data structure for a
// MIME type string.  If this string is found successfully, the handle
// of the management block is used to register the plugin for its MIME type.
// The extents which are to be associated with this MIME type are also grokked
// from the VERSIONINFO data structure, once the candidate is accepted.
// This function also takes the opportunity to overrided any helper app, by
// setting a helper app data structure member to allow the plugin to handle
// the MIME type instead of the helper, (pApp->how_handle = HANDLE_VIA_PLUGIN).
// Returns an error if "pPluginFilespec" was not registered.
NPError fe_RegisterPlugin(char* pPluginFilespec)
    CString	strName, strDescription;

    // initialize a new plugin list mgt block
    NPPMgtBlk* pNPMgtBlk = new NPPMgtBlk;
    if(pNPMgtBlk == NULL)   // fatal, can't continue
    pNPMgtBlk->pPluginFuncs = NULL;
    pNPMgtBlk->pLibrary		= NULL;
    pNPMgtBlk->uRefCount    = 0;
    pNPMgtBlk->next         = NULL;
    // determine the MIME type and version of this plugin
    if(wfe_GetPluginProperties(pPluginFilespec, pNPMgtBlk, strName, strDescription) != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
        delete pNPMgtBlk;
        return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR;

    // if a plugin is already registered for this MIME type, return.  this
    // allows downloading and registering new plugins without exiting the nav
    for(NPPMgtBlk* pListBlk = g_pRegisteredPluginList; pListBlk != NULL;
        pListBlk = pListBlk->next) {
        BOOL bSameFile =
            (strcmp(pListBlk->pPluginFilename, pPluginFilespec) == 0);
        BOOL bSameMIMEtype =
            (strstr(pNPMgtBlk->szMIMEType, pListBlk->szMIMEType) != NULL);
        if(bSameFile && bSameMIMEtype) {
            // the plugin DLL's filename and the MIME type it's registering for
            // are the same, don't reregister
            delete pNPMgtBlk;
            return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR;

    pNPMgtBlk->pPluginFilename = XP_STRDUP(pPluginFilespec);
    if(pNPMgtBlk->pPluginFilename == NULL) // fatal, can't continue
        delete pNPMgtBlk;

    // Register the plugin file with the XP plugin code
    NPL_RegisterPluginFile(strName, pNPMgtBlk->pPluginFilename, strDescription,

    // Iterate through the filename extensions.  These are a list which are
    // delimited via the '|' character.  The list of MIME Types,File Extents, 
    // and Open Names must all coordinate
    char *pStartMIME, *pEndMIME, *pStartExt, *pEndExt, *pStartName, *pEndName;

    pStartMIME = pNPMgtBlk->szMIMEType;
    pStartExt = pNPMgtBlk->szFileExtents;
    pStartName = pNPMgtBlk->szFileOpenName;

    pEndMIME = strchr(pStartMIME ,'|');
    while (pEndMIME) {
        pEndExt = strchr(pStartExt,'|');
        pEndName = strchr(pStartName,'|');
        if (pEndMIME) *pEndMIME = 0;
        else return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR;
        if (pEndExt)  *pEndExt = 0;
        else return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR;
        if (pEndName) *pEndName = 0;
        else return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR;

        // Register the MIME type with the XP plugin code. We need to pass in
        // a description. If there's a file open template specified, then use the
        // description from there. Otherwise use the MIME type
        LPSTR	lpszDescription = NULL;

        if (pStartName)
            lpszDescription = ExtractDescription(pStartName);

        NPL_RegisterPluginType(pStartMIME, (LPCSTR)pStartExt, lpszDescription ?
                               lpszDescription : pStartMIME, (void *)pStartName, pNPMgtBlk, TRUE);

        if (lpszDescription)

        CHelperApp *pApp;
        if(theApp.m_HelperListByType.Lookup(pStartMIME, (CObject *&)pApp))  {
            //  We've a match.
            //  Make sure the app is marked to handle the load
            //      via a plugin
            pApp->how_handle = HANDLE_VIA_PLUGIN;

        if ((pEndMIME+1) && (pEndExt+1) && (pEndName+1)) {
            pStartMIME = pEndMIME+1;
            pStartExt = pEndExt+1;
            pStartName = pEndName+1;
        pEndMIME = strchr(pStartMIME ,'|');    

    // Register the MIME type with the XP plugin code. We need to pass in
    // a description. If there's a file open template specified, then use the
    // description from there. Otherwise use the MIME type
    LPSTR	lpszDescription = NULL;

    if (pStartName)
        lpszDescription = ExtractDescription(pStartName);

    NPL_RegisterPluginType(pStartMIME, (LPCSTR)pStartExt, lpszDescription ?
                           lpszDescription : pStartMIME, (void *)pStartName, pNPMgtBlk, TRUE);

    if (lpszDescription)

    CHelperApp *pApp;
    if(theApp.m_HelperListByType.Lookup(pStartMIME, (CObject *&)pApp))  {
        //  We've a match.
        //  Make sure the app is marked to handle the load
        //      via a plugin
        pApp->how_handle = HANDLE_VIA_PLUGIN;

    // insert the plugin mgt blk at the head of the list of registered plugins.
    // this means they are listed in the reverse order from which they were
    // created, which doesn't matter.
    pNPMgtBlk->next = g_pRegisteredPluginList;
    g_pRegisteredPluginList = pNPMgtBlk;

    return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
 Parses a buffer and creates appropriate instances. It works on a very low level.
 Ugly, but fast :-)
void CStyleFile::ParseBuffer(const TCHAR *buf)

	for (int i = 0; i < TOKEN_COUNT; i++)
		const TCHAR *t, *token;
		TCHAR nameBuf[255];
        std::size_t lTok = _tcslen(TOKENS[i]);

		token = _tcsstr(buf, TOKENS[i]);
		while (token != NULL)
			t = token;
			token += lTok;
			bool hasStar = false;
			bool isPrivate = false;
			int nOptions = 0;

			const TCHAR *first = _tcsstr(token, _T("\\"));
			const TCHAR *second = _tcsstr(token, _T("{"));
			const TCHAR *close = _tcsstr(token, _T("}"));
			const TCHAR *openBr = _tcsstr(token, _T("["));
			const TCHAR *closeBr = _tcsstr(token, _T("]"));

			const TCHAR *p;

			if (first == NULL && second != NULL)
				p = second;
			else if (first != NULL && second == NULL)
				p = first;
			else if (first != NULL && second != NULL)
				p = (first < second ? first : second);
				token = _tcsstr(token + 1, TOKENS[i]);

			if (*token == _T('*'))
				hasStar = true;

			if (i == LATEX_COMMAND)   /* Commands have a leading _T('\') */

			/* Get number of options */
			nOptions = ExtractOptionCount(close, openBr, closeBr);

			while (!(_istalpha(*p) || _istdigit(*p) || *p == _T('@'))) ++p; /* skip comments, white spaces, etc... */

			const TCHAR *pStart = p;

			while (_istalpha(*p) || _istdigit(*p) || *p == _T('@'))
				if (*p == _T('@'))
					isPrivate = true; /* mark as internal command */

			int l = p - pStart;

			if (l < 255 && l > 1 && !isPrivate)   /* Command valid? */
				_tcsncpy((TCHAR*) & nameBuf, pStart, l);
				nameBuf[l] = 0;

				/* Create appropriate instance */
				std::tr1::shared_ptr<CAbstractLaTeXCommand> lc(CreateItem(i, nameBuf, hasStar, nOptions));

				if (lc != NULL)   /* Instance valid -> Notify container and add to list */

					switch (i)
						case LATEX_COMMAND:
						case LATEX_DEF:
						case LATEX_LET:
						case LATEX_TXT_SYMBOL:
						case LATEX_TXT_COMMAND: 
								SharedLaTeXCommandPtr cmd = std::tr1::dynamic_pointer_cast<CLaTeXCommand>(lc);
								/* Some commands may be duplicate due to conditional definitions in the
								   style file. */
								if (!AddCommand(cmd))
						case LATEX_OPTION:
							if (!CStyleFileContainer::ContainsString(&m_Options, lc->GetName()))

						case LATEX_CLS_DESC:
						case LATEX_STY_DESC:
							ExtractDescription(close, openBr, closeBr, m_Desc);
							TRACE(_T("Desc: %s: <%s>\n"), m_Name, m_Desc);
			else   /* For debug purposes only */
				if (l > 1 && !isPrivate)
					TRACE(_T("!! Buffer to small: Needs %d bytes\n"), l);
				else if (!isPrivate)
					_tcsncpy(nameBuf, t, 50);
					_tcsncpy(((TCHAR*)(&nameBuf) + 50), _T("..."), 3);
					nameBuf[53] = 0;

					TRACE(_T("** Invalid name: %s\n"), nameBuf);

					_tcsncpy(nameBuf, pStart, 10);
					_tcsncpy(((TCHAR*)(&nameBuf) + 10), _T("..."), 3);
					nameBuf[13] = 0;

					TRACE(_T("** pStart = %s\n"), nameBuf);

					_tcsncpy(nameBuf, p, 10);
					_tcsncpy(((TCHAR*)(&nameBuf) + 10), _T("..."), 3);
					nameBuf[13] = 0;

					TRACE(_T("** p = %s\n"), nameBuf);

			/* Get next token: */
			token = _tcsstr(token + 1, TOKENS[i]);