void ObjLoader::ReadObjFileData(FILE* objFile) {

	char buffer[256];

	while (true)

		int read = fscanf_s(objFile, "%s", buffer, sizeof(buffer));

		if (read == EOF) break;

		//if first part of the line is "v"
		if (strcmp(buffer, "v") == 0) {
			//printf("Found a Vertex:\n");
			glm::vec3 vert;
			fscanf_s(objFile, "%f %f %f\n", &vert.x, &vert.y, &vert.z);

		//if first part of the line is "vn"
		else if (strcmp(buffer, "vn") == 0) {
			//printf("Found a Vertex Normal:\n");
			glm::vec3 normal;
			fscanf_s(objFile, "%f %f %f\n", &normal.x, &normal.y, &normal.z);

		//if first part of the line is "f"
		else if (strcmp(buffer, "f") == 0) {
			//printf("Found f:\n");

			fscanf_s(objFile, "%256[^\n]", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
			std::string s(buffer);
			std::stringstream stream(s);

			std::string split;
			std::vector<std::string> splits;
			while (stream >> split)

			std::vector<FaceVertexData> tmpFaceVerts;
			for (int i = 0; i < splits.size(); i++)

			int i = 0;
			do {
				faceVerts.push_back(tmpFaceVerts[i + 1]);
				faceVerts.push_back(tmpFaceVerts[i + 2]);
			} while (i < tmpFaceVerts.size() - 2);

		else {
void ObjLoader::ReadObjFileData(FILE* objFile)
	char buffer[256];

	while (true)
		int read = fscanf_s(objFile, "%s", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
		if (read == EOF) break;

		// if the line contains a vertex
		if (strcmp(buffer, "v") == 0)
			glm::vec3 vert;
			fscanf_s(objFile, "%f %f %f\n", &vert.x, &vert.y, &vert.z);
		// if the line contains a vertex normal
		else if (strcmp(buffer, "vn") == 0)
			glm::vec3 normal;
			fscanf_s(objFile, "%f %f %f\n", &normal.x, &normal.y, &normal.z);
		// if the line contains a vertex texture coordinate
		else if (strcmp(buffer, "vt") == 0)
			glm::vec2 texCoord;
			fscanf_s(objFile, "%f %f\n", &texCoord.x, &texCoord.y);
			texCoord.y = 1 - texCoord.y;
		// if the line contains a face
		else if (strcmp(buffer, "f") == 0)
			//read the line, turn it into a std::string and put that in a stringstream
			fscanf_s(objFile, "%256[^\n]", buffer, sizeof(buffer));				
			std::string s(buffer);
			std::stringstream stream(s);

			/* find each "word" in the stringstream (i.e. something like "1/2/3"
			 * and store it as 'split', also add each split to the 'splits' std::vec */
			std::string split;
			std::vector<std::string> splits;
			while (stream >> split)

			/* now just send each split to the function which works out what they contain
			 * and store what comes back in the faceVerts std::vector */
			for (int i = 0; i < splits.size(); i++)