FIA_ShiftImageEdgeToCenter(FIBITMAP *src)
	int width = FreeImage_GetWidth(src);
	int height = FreeImage_GetHeight(src);
	int xhalf = (width / 2);
	int yhalf = (height / 2);
	int bytes_pp = FreeImage_GetBPP(src) / 8;
	int xhalf_bytes = xhalf * bytes_pp;

	//std::cout << "width " << width << std::endl;
	//std::cout << "xhalf " << xhalf << std::endl;
	FIBITMAP *dst = FIA_CloneImageType(src, width, height);

	for(int y=0; y < yhalf; y++) { 
		BYTE* srcbits = (BYTE *) FIA_GetScanLineFromTop(src, y);
		BYTE* outbits = (BYTE *) FIA_GetScanLineFromTop(dst, y + yhalf);

		memcpy(outbits + xhalf_bytes, srcbits, xhalf_bytes);
		memcpy(outbits, srcbits + xhalf_bytes, xhalf_bytes);

	for(int y=yhalf; y < height; y++) { 
		BYTE* srcbits = (BYTE *) FIA_GetScanLineFromTop(src, y);
		BYTE* outbits = (BYTE *) FIA_GetScanLineFromTop(dst, y - yhalf);

		memcpy(outbits + xhalf_bytes, srcbits, xhalf_bytes);
		memcpy(outbits, srcbits + xhalf_bytes, xhalf_bytes);

	return dst;
FIA_BinaryAnd (FIBITMAP *src1, FIBITMAP *src2, int Not)
    if (src1 == NULL || src2 == NULL)
        return NULL;

    int width = FreeImage_GetWidth (src1);
    int height = FreeImage_GetHeight (src1);

	if (width != FreeImage_GetWidth (src2) || height != FreeImage_GetHeight (src2))
		return NULL;

    // src has to be 8 bit 
    if (FreeImage_GetBPP (src1) != 8 || FreeImage_GetImageType (src1) != FIT_BITMAP)
		return NULL;
    if (FreeImage_GetBPP (src2) != 8 || FreeImage_GetImageType (src2) != FIT_BITMAP)
		return NULL;

    FIBITMAP *dst = FIA_CloneImageType (src1, width, height);

	if (Not)
		for(register int y = 0; y < height; y++)
			unsigned char *src1_ptr = (unsigned char *) FreeImage_GetScanLine (src1, y);
			unsigned char *src2_ptr = (unsigned char *) FreeImage_GetScanLine (src2, y);
			unsigned char *dst_ptr  = (unsigned char *) FreeImage_GetScanLine (dst, y);

			for(register int x = 0; x < width; x++)
				dst_ptr[x] = !(src1_ptr[x] && src2_ptr[x]);
		for(register int y = 0; y < height; y++)
			unsigned char *src1_ptr = (unsigned char *) FreeImage_GetScanLine (src1, y);
			unsigned char *src2_ptr = (unsigned char *) FreeImage_GetScanLine (src2, y);
			unsigned char *dst_ptr  = (unsigned char *) FreeImage_GetScanLine (dst, y);

			for(register int x = 0; x < width; x++)
				dst_ptr[x] = src1_ptr[x] && src2_ptr[x];

    return dst;
FIA_BinaryErosion (FIABITMAP * src, FilterKernel kernel)
    const int dst_width = FreeImage_GetWidth (src->fib) - (2 * kernel.x_radius);
    const int dst_height = FreeImage_GetHeight (src->fib) - (2 * kernel.y_radius);

    FIBITMAP *dst = FIA_CloneImageType (src->fib, dst_width, dst_height);

    const int dst_pitch_in_pixels = FreeImage_GetPitch (dst) / sizeof (unsigned char);

    register unsigned char *dst_ptr;

    unsigned char *dst_first_pixel_address_ptr = (unsigned char *) FreeImage_GetBits (dst);

    int kernel_size = (kernel.x_radius * 2 + kernel.y_radius * 2) + 1;
    unsigned char *vals = new unsigned char[kernel_size];

    for(int i = 0; i < kernel_size; i++)
        vals[i] = (unsigned char) kernel.values[i];

    Kernel < unsigned char >*kern = new Kernel < unsigned char >(src, kernel.x_radius,
                                                                 kernel.y_radius, vals, 1.0);

    for(register int y = 0; y < dst_height; y++)
        kern->Move (0, y);
        dst_ptr = (dst_first_pixel_address_ptr + y * dst_pitch_in_pixels);

        for(register int x = 0; x < dst_width; x++)
            *dst_ptr = kern->KernelCenterValue ();

            // If White pixel check neigbours
            if (*dst_ptr > 0)
                BinaryErodeKernel (kern, dst_ptr);

            kern->Increment ();

    delete kern;

    return dst;
    FIABITMAP * BORDER < Tsrc >::SetBorder (FIBITMAP * src, int xborder, int yborder,
                                            BorderType type, Tsrc constant)
    int width = FreeImage_GetWidth (src);
    int height = FreeImage_GetHeight (src);
    int dst_width = width + (2 * xborder);
    int dst_height = height + (2 * yborder);

    FIABITMAP *dst = (FIABITMAP *) malloc (sizeof (FIABITMAP));

    CheckMemory (dst);
    dst->fib = FIA_CloneImageType (src, dst_width, dst_height);
    dst->xborder = xborder;
    dst->yborder = yborder;
    FIA_Paste (dst->fib, src, xborder, yborder);

    if (type == BorderType_Constant && constant != 0.0)
        // Set the bottom line of the image to constant value
        this->SetImageRowToConstant (dst->fib, 0, yborder, constant);

        // Set the top line of the image to constant value
        this->SetImageRowToConstant (dst->fib, dst_height - yborder, yborder, constant);

        // Set the left pixels of the image
        this->SetImageColToConstant (dst->fib, 0, xborder, constant);

        // Set the right pixels of the image
        this->SetImageColToConstant (dst->fib, dst_width - xborder, xborder, constant);
    else if (type == BorderType_Copy)
        // Get the bottom line of the original image and copy into bottom border
        CopyImageRow (dst->fib, yborder, 0, yborder);

        // Get the top line of the original image and copy into top border
        CopyImageRow (dst->fib, dst_height - yborder - 1, dst_height - yborder, yborder);

        // Get the left pixels of the image and copy into left border
        CopyImageCol (dst->fib, xborder, 0, xborder);

        // Get the right pixels of the image and copy into right border
        CopyImageCol (dst->fib, dst_width - xborder - 1, dst_width - xborder, xborder);
    else if (type == BorderType_Mirror)
        int pitch = FreeImage_GetPitch (dst->fib);

        Tsrc *src_bits, *dst_bits;

        // Get the bottom line of the original image and copy into bottom border
        int border_row_start = yborder - 1;     // First row on border for bottom
        int image_row_start = yborder;

        for(int i = 0; i < yborder; i++)
            dst_bits = (Tsrc *) FreeImage_GetScanLine (dst->fib, border_row_start);
            src_bits = (Tsrc *) FreeImage_GetScanLine (dst->fib, image_row_start);
            memcpy (dst_bits, src_bits, pitch);

        // Top
        border_row_start = dst_height - yborder;        // First row on border fort bottom
        image_row_start = border_row_start - 1;

        for(int i = 0; i < yborder; i++)
            dst_bits = (Tsrc *) FreeImage_GetScanLine (dst->fib, border_row_start);
            src_bits = (Tsrc *) FreeImage_GetScanLine (dst->fib, image_row_start);
            memcpy (dst_bits, src_bits, pitch);
        // Left
        dst_bits = (Tsrc *) FreeImage_GetBits (dst->fib);
        for(int y = 0; y < dst_height; y++)
            dst_bits = (Tsrc *) FreeImage_GetScanLine (dst->fib, y);
            for(int x = 0; x < xborder; x++)
                dst_bits[x] = dst_bits[2 * xborder - 1 - x];
        // Right
        dst_bits = (Tsrc *) FreeImage_GetBits (dst->fib);
        border_row_start = dst_width - xborder;
        for(int y = 0; y < dst_height; y++)
            dst_bits = (Tsrc *) FreeImage_GetScanLine (dst->fib, y);
            for(int x = 0; x < xborder; x++)
                dst_bits[border_row_start + x] = dst_bits[border_row_start - 1 - x];

    return dst;