void print_word (int ptr, struct pcp_vars *pcp)
   register int *y = y_address;

   register int gen, exp;
   register int i;
   register int count;
#include "access.h"

   if (ptr == 0)
      printf (" IDENTITY\n");
   else if (ptr > 0)
      printf (" .%d\n", ptr);
   else {
      ptr = -ptr + 1;
      count = y[ptr];
      for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
	 exp = FIELD1 (y[ptr + i]);
	 gen = FIELD2 (y[ptr + i]);
	 printf (" .%d", gen);
	 if (exp != 1)
	    printf ("^%d", exp);
      printf ("\n");
*F  print_GAP_word
**                                     print out a word of a pcp presentation
void print_GAP_word (FILE *file, int ptr, struct pcp_vars *pcp)
   register int *y = y_address;

   int                 gen,  exp;
   int                 i;
   int                 count;
#include "access.h"

   if ( ptr == 0 )
      fprintf( file, " One(F)" );
   else if ( ptr > 0 )
      fprintf( file, " F.%d", ptr );
      ptr = -ptr + 1;
      count = y[ptr];
      fprintf( file, " %s", ( 1 < count ) ? "(" : "" );
      for ( i = 1;  i <= count; i++ )
	 exp = FIELD1(y[ptr + i]);
	 gen = FIELD2(y[ptr + i]);
	 fprintf( file, "F.%d", gen );
	 if ( exp != 1 )
            fprintf( file, "^%d", exp );
	 if ( i != count )
            fprintf( file, "*" );
      if ( 1 < count )  fprintf (file, ")");
void invert_string(int str, int cp, struct pcp_vars *pcp)
   register int *y = y_address;

   register int length;
   register int gen, exp;
#include "access.h"

   for (length = abs(y[str + 1]); length > 0; --length) {
      gen = FIELD2(y[str + length]);
      exp = FIELD1(y[str + length]);
      invert_generator(gen, exp, cp, pcp);
void trace_relation (int *sequence, int *index, int ptr, int generator, struct pcp_vars *pcp)
   register int *y = y_address;

   int i, gen, exp, count;
#include "access.h"

   if (ptr == generator)
      sequence[*index] = 1;
   else if (ptr < 0) {
      ptr = -ptr + 1;
      count = y[ptr];
      for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
	 gen = FIELD2 (y[ptr + i]);
	 if (gen == generator) {
	    exp = FIELD1 (y[ptr + i]);
	    sequence[*index] =exp;
#include "ARP.h"

	Message(DL_BRIEF, DM_ARP,  ("TRUE:  --------ARP--------\n"));
	Message(DL_BRIEF, DM_ARP, ("TRUE: |ARP command: %x\n", FIELD2(ar_op)));
	Message(DL_FULL_INFO, DM_ARP, ("TRUE: |ARP Hardware address type: %x\n", FIELD2(ar_hrd)));
	Message(DL_FULL_INFO, DM_ARP, ("TRUE: |ARP Protocol address type: %x\n", FIELD2(ar_pro)));
	Message(DL_FULL_INFO, DM_ARP, ("TRUE: |ARP Hdr addr. size: %x\n", FIELD1(ar_hln)));
	Message(DL_FULL_INFO, DM_ARP, ("TRUE: |ARP Proto addr. size: %x\n", FIELD1(ar_pln)));

	Message(DL_INFO, DM_ARP, ("TRUE: |ARP Sender:%.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X(%d.%d.%d.%d), Target:%.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X(%d.%d.%d.%d)\n", 
		pField->ar_sha[0], pField->ar_sha[1], 
		pField->ar_sha[2], pField->ar_sha[3], 
		pField->ar_sha[4], pField->ar_sha[5], 
		(ULONG)(*((BYTE*)&pField->ar_sip + 1)), 
		(ULONG)(*((BYTE*)&pField->ar_sip + 2)), 
		(ULONG)(*((BYTE*)&pField->ar_sip + 3)), 
		pField->ar_tha[0], pField->ar_tha[1], 
		pField->ar_tha[2], pField->ar_tha[3], 
		pField->ar_tha[4], pField->ar_tha[5], 
int echelon(struct pcp_vars *pcp)
   register int *y = y_address;

   register int i;
   register int j;
   register int k;
   register int p1;
   register int exp;
   register int redgen = 0;
   register int count = 0;
   register int factor;
   register int bound;
   register int offset;
   register int temp;
   register int value;
   register int free;

   register Logical trivial;
   register Logical first;

   register int p = pcp->p;
   register int pm1 = pcp->pm1;

#include "access.h"

   pcp->redgen = 0;
   pcp->eliminate_flag = FALSE;

   /* check that the relation is homogeneous of class pcp->cc */
   if (pcp->cc != 1) {
      offset = pcp->lused - 1;
      temp = pcp->lastg;
      for (i = 2, bound = pcp->ccbeg; i <= bound; i++) {
         if (y[offset + i] != y[offset + temp + i]) {
            text(6, pcp->cc, 0, 0, 0);
            pcp->eliminate_flag = TRUE;
            return -1;

   /* compute quotient of the relations and store quotient as an exponent
      vector in y[pcp->lused + pcp->ccbeg] to y[pcp->lused + pcp->lastg] */
   k = 0;
   offset = pcp->lused;
   for (i = pcp->ccbeg, bound = pcp->lastg; i <= bound; i++) {
      y[offset + i] -= y[offset + bound + i];
      if ((j = y[offset + i])) {
         if (j < 0)
            y[offset + i] += p;
         k = i;

   if (k <= 0)
      return -1;

   /* print out the quotient of the relations */
   if (pcp->diagn) {
      /* a call to compact is not permitted at this point */
      if (pcp->lused + 4 * pcp->lastg + 2 < pcp->structure) {
         /* first copy relevant entries to new position in y */
         free = pcp->lused + 2 * pcp->lastg + 1;
         for (i = 1; i < pcp->ccbeg; ++i)
            y[free + i] = 0;
         for (i = pcp->ccbeg; i <= pcp->lastg; ++i)
            y[free + i] = y[pcp->lused + i];
             "quotient relation", free, free + pcp->lastg + 1, pcp);

   first = TRUE;

   while (first || --k >= pcp->ccbeg) {
      /* does generator k occur in the unechelonised relation? */
      if (!first && y[pcp->lused + k] <= 0)

      /* yes */
      first = FALSE;
      exp = y[pcp->lused + k];
      if ((i = y[pcp->structure + k]) <= 0) {
         if (i < 0) {
            /* generator k was previously redundant, so eliminate it */
            p1 = -y[pcp->structure + k];
            count = y[p1 + 1];
            offset = pcp->lused;
            for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
               value = y[p1 + i + 1];
               j = FIELD2(value);
               /* integer overflow can occur here; see comments in collect */
               y[offset + j] = (y[offset + j] + exp * FIELD1(value)) % p;
         y[pcp->lused + k] = 0;
      } else {
         /* generator k was previously irredundant; have we already
            found a generator to eliminate using this relation? */
         if (redgen > 0) {
            /* yes, so multiply this term by the appropriate factor
               and note that the value of redgen is not trivial */
            trivial = FALSE;
            /* integer overflow can occur here; see comments in collect */
            y[pcp->lused + k] = (y[pcp->lused + k] * factor) % p;
         } else {
            /* no, we will eliminate k using this relation */
            redgen = k;
            trivial = TRUE;

            /* we want to compute the value of k so we will multiply the
               rest of the relation by the appropriate factor;
               integer overflow can occur here; see comments in collect */
            factor = pm1 * invert_modp(exp, p);

/* we carry out this mod computation to reduce possibility
   of integer overflow */
#if defined(CAREFUL)
            factor = factor % p;
            y[pcp->lused + k] = 0;

   if (redgen <= 0)
      return -1;
      pcp->redgen = redgen;

   /* the relation is nontrivial; redgen is either trivial or redundant */

   if (trivial) {
      /* mark redgen as trivial */
      y[pcp->structure + redgen] = 0;

      if (pcp->fullop)
         text(3, redgen, 0, 0, 0);

      complete_echelon(1, redgen, pcp);
   } else {
      /* redgen has value in exponent form in y[pcp->lused + pcp->ccbeg]
         to y[pcp->lused + redgen(-1)] */
      count = 0;
      offset = pcp->lused;
      for (i = pcp->ccbeg; i <= redgen; i++)
         if (y[offset + i] > 0) {
            y[offset + count] = PACK2(y[offset + i], i);
      offset = pcp->lused + count + 1;
      for (i = 1; i <= count; i++)
         y[offset + 2 - i] = y[offset - i];

      /* set up the relation for redgen */
      y[pcp->lused + 1] = pcp->structure + redgen;
      y[pcp->lused + 2] = count;
      y[pcp->structure + redgen] = -(pcp->lused + 1);

      pcp->lused += count + 2;

      if (pcp->fullop)
         text(4, redgen, 0, 0, 0);

      complete_echelon(0, redgen, pcp);

   pcp->eliminate_flag = TRUE;
   if (redgen < pcp->first_pseudo)
   if (pcp->newgen != 0 || pcp->multiplicator)
      return count;

   /* group is completed because all actual generators are redundant,
      so it is not necessary to continue calculation of this class */
   pcp->complete = 1;

   if (pcp->fullop || pcp->diagn)
      text(5, pcp->cc, p, pcp->lastg, 0);

   return -1;
void complete_echelon(Logical trivial, int redgen, struct pcp_vars *pcp)
   register int *y = y_address;

   int k;
   int i, j, jj, exp;
   int p1;
   int factor;
   int count, count1, count2;
   int predg;
   int offset;
   int temp;
   int value;
   int bound;
   int l;
   int p = pcp->p;

#include "access.h"

   if (trivial) {
      /* delete all occurrences of redgen from other equations */
      for (k = redgen + 1, bound = pcp->lastg; k <= bound; k++) {
         if (y[pcp->structure + k] >= 0)
         p1 = -y[pcp->structure + k];
         count = y[p1 + 1];
         for (j = 1; j <= count; j++)
            if ((temp = FIELD2(y[p1 + j + 1])) >= redgen)
         if (j > count || temp > redgen)

         /* redgen occurs in this relation, so eliminate it;
            is redgen in the last word? */
         count1 = count - 1;

         if (j < count) {
            /* no, so pack up relation */
            for (jj = j; jj <= count1; jj++)
               y[p1 + jj + 1] = y[p1 + jj + 2];

         if (j < count || (j >= count && count1 > 0)) {
            /* deallocate last word and fix count in header block */
            y[p1 + count + 1] = -1;
            y[p1 + 1] = count1;

         /* old relation is to be eliminated (it was 1 word long) */
         y[p1] = 0;
         y[pcp->structure + k] = 0;
   } else {
      p1 = -y[pcp->structure + redgen];
      count = y[p1 + 1];

      /* eliminate all occurrences of redgen from the other relations
         by substituting its value */
      for (k = redgen + 1, bound = pcp->lastg; k <= bound; k++) {
         if (y[pcp->structure + k] >= 0)
         if (is_space_exhausted(pcp->lastg + 1, pcp))
         p1 = -y[pcp->structure + k];
         count1 = y[p1 + 1];
         for (j = 1; j <= count1; j++)
            if ((temp = FIELD2(y[p1 + j + 1])) >= redgen)
         if (j > count1 || temp > redgen)

         /* redgen occurs in this relation, so eliminate it */
         factor = FIELD1(y[p1 + j + 1]);
         predg = -y[pcp->structure + redgen];

         /* merge old relation with factor * (new relation), deleting redgen;
            old relation is longer than new relation since it contains redgen */

         /* commence merge */
         count2 = 0;
         offset = pcp->lused + 2;
         for (i = 1, l = 1;;) {
            temp = FIELD2(y[p1 + i + 1]) - FIELD2(y[predg + l + 1]);
            if (temp < 0) {
               y[offset + count2] = y[p1 + i + 1];
            } else if (temp > 0) {
               /* integer overflow can occur here; see comments in collect */
               value = y[predg + l + 1];
               y[offset + count2] =
                   PACK2((factor * FIELD1(value)) % p, FIELD2(value));
               if (++l > count)
            } else {
               /* integer overflow can occur here; see comments in collect */
               value = y[p1 + i + 1];
               exp = (FIELD1(value) + factor * FIELD1(y[predg + l + 1])) % p;
               if (exp > 0) {
                  y[offset + count2] = PACK2(exp, FIELD2(value));
               if (++l > count)

         /* all of the value of redgen has been merged in;
            copy in the remainder of the old relation with redgen deleted */
         offset = pcp->lused + 2;
         for (jj = i; jj <= count1; jj++)
            if (jj != j) {
               y[offset + count2] = y[p1 + jj + 1];

         /* new relation is now in y[lused + 2 + 1] to y[lused + 2 + count2] */

         /* new relation indicates generator k is trivial; deallocate old */
         if (count2 <= 0) {
            y[p1] = 0;
            y[pcp->structure + k] = 0;

         /* new relation is nontrivial */

         if (count2 < count1) {
            /* new relation is shorter than old; copy in new relation */
            for (i = 1; i <= count2; i++)
               y[p1 + i + 1] = y[pcp->lused + 2 + i];

            /* reset count field for new relation */
            y[p1 + 1] = count2;

            /* deallocate rest of old relation */
            if (count1 == count2 + 1)
               y[p1 + count2 + 2] = -1;
            else {
               y[p1 + count2 + 2] = 0;
               y[p1 + count2 + 3] = count1 - count2 - 2;
         } else if (count1 == count2) {
            /* new relation has same length as old; overwrite old relation */
            offset = pcp->lused + 2;
            for (i = 1; i <= count2; i++)
               y[p1 + i + 1] = y[offset + i];
         } else {
            /* new relation is longer than old; deallocate old relation */
            y[p1] = 0;

            /* set up pointer to new relation and header block */
            y[pcp->structure + k] = -(pcp->lused + 1);
            y[pcp->lused + 1] = pcp->structure + k;
            y[pcp->lused + 2] = count2;
            pcp->lused += count2 + 2;