FLA_Error FLA_Hevd_lv_var2_components( dim_t n_iter_max, FLA_Obj A, FLA_Obj l, dim_t k_accum, dim_t b_alg,
                                       double* dtime_tred, double* dtime_tevd, double* dtime_appq )
	FLA_Error    r_val = FLA_SUCCESS;
	FLA_Datatype dt;
	FLA_Datatype dt_real;
	FLA_Datatype dt_comp;
	FLA_Obj      T, r, d, e, G, R, W;
	dim_t        mn_A;
	dim_t        n_G = k_accum;
	double       dtime_temp;

	mn_A    = FLA_Obj_length( A );
	dt      = FLA_Obj_datatype( A );
	dt_real = FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_real( A );
	dt_comp = FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_complex( A );

	// If the matrix is a scalar, then the EVD is easy.
	if ( mn_A == 1 )
		FLA_Copy( A, l );
		FLA_Set( FLA_ONE, A );

		return FLA_SUCCESS;

	// Create a matrix to hold block Householder transformations.
	FLA_Tridiag_UT_create_T( A, &T );

	// Create a vector to hold the realifying scalars.
	FLA_Obj_create( dt, mn_A, 1, 0, 0, &r );

	// Create vectors to hold the diagonal and sub-diagonal.
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, mn_A,     1, 0, 0, &d );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, mn_A-1,   1, 0, 0, &e );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_comp, mn_A-1, n_G, 0, 0, &G );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, mn_A,  mn_A, 0, 0, &R );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt,      mn_A,  mn_A, 0, 0, &W );

  dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
	// Reduce the matrix to tridiagonal form.
	FLA_Tridiag_UT( uplo, A, T );
  *dtime_tred = FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;

	// Apply scalars to rotate elements on the sub-diagonal to the real domain.
	FLA_Tridiag_UT_realify( uplo, A, r );

	// Extract the diagonal and sub-diagonal from A.
	FLA_Tridiag_UT_extract_diagonals( uplo, A, d, e );

  dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
	// Form Q, overwriting A.
	FLA_Tridiag_UT_form_Q( uplo, A, T );
  *dtime_appq = FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;

	// Apply the scalars in r to Q.
	FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_CONJUGATE, r, A );

  dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
	// Perform an eigenvalue decomposition on the tridiagonal matrix.
	r_val = FLA_Tevd_v_opt_var2( n_iter_max, d, e, G, R, W, A, b_alg );
  *dtime_tevd = FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;

	// Copy the converged eigenvalues to the output vector.
	FLA_Copy( d, l );

	// Sort the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in ascending order.
	FLA_Sort_evd( FLA_FORWARD, l, A );

	FLA_Obj_free( &T );
	FLA_Obj_free( &r );
	FLA_Obj_free( &d );
	FLA_Obj_free( &e );
	FLA_Obj_free( &G );
	FLA_Obj_free( &R );
	FLA_Obj_free( &W );

	return r_val;
void time_Tevd_v(
               int variant, int type, int n_repeats, int m, int k_accum, int b_alg, int n_iter_max,
               FLA_Obj A_orig, FLA_Obj d, FLA_Obj e, FLA_Obj G, FLA_Obj R, FLA_Obj W, FLA_Obj A, FLA_Obj l,
               double *dtime, double *diff1, double* diff2, double *gflops )
  int irep;

    k, dtime_old = 1.0e9;

    A_save, G_save, d_save, e_save;

  if (
       //( variant == 0 ) ||
       //( variant == 1 && type == FLA_ALG_UNB_OPT ) ||
       //( variant == 2 && type == FLA_ALG_UNB_OPT ) ||
    *dtime  = 0.0;
    *gflops = 0.0;
    *diff1  = 0.0;
    *diff2  = 0.0;

  FLA_Obj_create_conf_to( FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, A, &A_save );
  FLA_Obj_create_conf_to( FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, G, &G_save );
  FLA_Obj_create_conf_to( FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, d, &d_save );
  FLA_Obj_create_conf_to( FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, e, &e_save );

  FLA_Copy_external( A, A_save );
  FLA_Copy_external( G, G_save );
  FLA_Copy_external( d, d_save );
  FLA_Copy_external( e, e_save );

  for ( irep = 0 ; irep < n_repeats; irep++ ){

    FLA_Copy_external( A_save, A );
    FLA_Copy_external( G_save, G );
    FLA_Copy_external( d_save, d );
    FLA_Copy_external( e_save, e );

    *dtime = FLA_Clock();

    switch( variant ){

    case 0:
      REF_Tevd_v( d, e, A );

    // Time variant 1
    case 1:
      switch( type ){
      case FLA_ALG_UNB_OPT:
        FLA_Tevd_v_opt_var1( n_iter_max, d, e, G, A, b_alg );

    // Time variant 2
    case 2:
      switch( type ){
      case FLA_ALG_UNB_OPT:
        FLA_Tevd_v_opt_var2( n_iter_max, d, e, G, R, W, A, b_alg );


    *dtime = FLA_Clock() - *dtime;
    dtime_old = min( *dtime, dtime_old );

    FLA_Obj V, A_rev_evd, norm, eye;

	FLA_Copy( d, l );

//FLA_Obj_show( "A_save", A_save, "%9.2e + %9.2e ", "" );
//FLA_Obj_show( "A_evd", A, "%9.2e + %9.2e ", "" );
	FLA_Sort_evd( FLA_FORWARD, l, A );

    FLA_Obj_create_copy_of( FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, A, &V ); 
    FLA_Obj_create_conf_to( FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, A, &A_rev_evd ); 
    FLA_Obj_create_conf_to( FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, A, &eye ); 
    FLA_Obj_create( FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_real( A ), 1, 1, 0, 0, &norm );

    FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, l, A );

              FLA_ONE, A, V, FLA_ZERO, A_rev_evd );
    FLA_Triangularize( FLA_LOWER_TRIANGULAR, FLA_NONUNIT_DIAG, A_rev_evd );

              FLA_ONE, A, D, FLA_ZERO, A_rev_evd );
    FLA_Copy( A_rev_evd, D );
              FLA_ONE, D, V, FLA_ZERO, A_rev_evd );
    FLA_Triangularize( FLA_LOWER_TRIANGULAR, FLA_NONUNIT_DIAG, A_rev_evd );
//FLA_Obj_show( "A_rev_evd", A_rev_evd, "%9.2e + %9.2e ", "" );
    FLA_Axpy( FLA_MINUS_ONE, A_orig, A_rev_evd );
    FLA_Norm_frob( A_rev_evd, norm );
    FLA_Obj_extract_real_scalar( norm, diff1 );
    //*diff = FLA_Max_elemwise_diff( A_orig, A_rev_evd );

    FLA_Set_to_identity( eye );
	FLA_Copy( V, A_rev_evd );
              FLA_ONE, V, A_rev_evd, FLA_MINUS_ONE, eye );
    FLA_Norm_frob( eye, norm );
    FLA_Obj_extract_real_scalar( norm, diff2 );

FLA_Obj_free( &EL );
FLA_Obj_free( &EU );
FLA_Obj_free( &D );
FLA_Obj_free( &dc );
FLA_Obj_free( &ec );

    FLA_Obj_free( &V );
    FLA_Obj_free( &A_rev_evd );
    FLA_Obj_free( &eye );
    FLA_Obj_free( &norm );

  k = 2.00;

  if ( FLA_Obj_is_complex( A ) )
    *gflops = (
                      (       4.5 * k * m * m     ) +
                2.0 * (       3.0 * k * m * m * m ) ) / 
              dtime_old / 1e9;
    *gflops = (
                      (       4.5 * k * m * m     ) +
                1.0 * (       3.0 * k * m * m * m ) ) / 
              dtime_old / 1e9;

  *dtime = dtime_old;

  FLA_Copy_external( A_save, A );
  FLA_Copy_external( G_save, G );
  FLA_Copy_external( d_save, d );
  FLA_Copy_external( e_save, e );

  FLA_Obj_free( &A_save );
  FLA_Obj_free( &G_save );
  FLA_Obj_free( &d_save );
  FLA_Obj_free( &e_save );