static FLOATaabbox3D AddAllVerticesToBBox(CModelInstance &mi) { FLOATmatrix3D mat; FLOAT3D vPos = FLOAT3D(0,0,0); mat.Diagonal(1); CStaticStackArray<FLOAT3D> avVertices; mi.GetModelVertices(avVertices,mat,vPos,0,0); INDEX ctvtx = avVertices.Count(); // if at least one vertex exists FLOATaabbox3D bbox; if(ctvtx>0) { bbox = FLOATaabbox3D(avVertices[0]); // for each vertex after first one for(INDEX ivx=1;ivx<ctvtx;ivx++) { // add this vertex position to all frames bbox bbox |= FLOATaabbox3D(avVertices[ivx]); } } return bbox; }
/* * Copy entity from another entity of same class. * NOTES: * - Doesn't copy placement, it must be done on creation. * - Entity must be initialized afterwards. */ void CEntity::Copy(CEntity &enOther, ULONG ulFlags) { BOOL bRemapPointers = ulFlags & COPY_REMAP; // copy base class data en_RenderType = enOther.en_RenderType; en_ulPhysicsFlags = enOther.en_ulPhysicsFlags; en_ulCollisionFlags = enOther.en_ulCollisionFlags; en_ulFlags = enOther.en_ulFlags & ~(ENF_SELECTED|ENF_FOUNDINGRIDSEARCH|ENF_VALIDSHADINGINFO|ENF_INRENDERING); en_ulSpawnFlags = enOther.en_ulSpawnFlags; // if this is a brush if ( enOther.en_RenderType == RT_BRUSH || en_RenderType == RT_FIELDBRUSH) { // there must be no existing brush ASSERT(en_pbrBrush == NULL); // create a new empty brush in the brush archive of current world en_pbrBrush = en_pwoWorld->wo_baBrushes.ba_abrBrushes.New(); en_pbrBrush->br_penEntity = this; // copy the brush if (_bMirrorAndStretch) { en_pbrBrush->Copy(*enOther.en_pbrBrush, _fStretch, _wmtMirror!=WMT_NONE); } else { en_pbrBrush->Copy(*enOther.en_pbrBrush, 1.0f, FALSE); } // if this is a terrain } else if( enOther.en_RenderType == RT_TERRAIN) { ASSERT(en_ptrTerrain == NULL); // create a new empty terrain in the brush archive of current world en_ptrTerrain = en_pwoWorld->wo_taTerrains.ta_atrTerrains.New(); en_ptrTerrain->tr_penEntity = this; // Copy terrain TR_CopyTerrain(en_ptrTerrain,enOther.en_ptrTerrain); // Update terrain shadowmap Matrix12 mTerrain; TR_GetMatrixFromEntity(mTerrain,en_ptrTerrain); TR_UpdateShadowMap(en_ptrTerrain,mTerrain,FLOATaabbox3D()); // if this is a model } if ( enOther.en_RenderType == RT_MODEL || en_RenderType == RT_EDITORMODEL) { // if will not initialize if (!(ulFlags©_REINIT)) { ASSERT(en_pmoModelObject==NULL); ASSERT(en_psiShadingInfo==NULL); if(en_pmoModelObject!=NULL) { delete en_pmoModelObject; } if(en_psiShadingInfo!=NULL) { delete en_psiShadingInfo; } // create a new model object en_pmoModelObject = new CModelObject; en_psiShadingInfo = new CShadingInfo; en_ulFlags &= ~ENF_VALIDSHADINGINFO; // copy it en_pmoModelObject->Copy(*enOther.en_pmoModelObject); } // if this is ska model } else if ( enOther.en_RenderType == RT_SKAMODEL || en_RenderType == RT_SKAEDITORMODEL) { ASSERT(en_psiShadingInfo==NULL); if(en_psiShadingInfo!=NULL) { delete en_psiShadingInfo; } en_psiShadingInfo = new CShadingInfo; en_ulFlags &= ~ENF_VALIDSHADINGINFO; ASSERT(en_pmiModelInstance==NULL); if(en_pmiModelInstance!=NULL) { DeleteModelInstance(en_pmiModelInstance); } en_pmiModelInstance = CreateModelInstance(""); // copy it GetModelInstance()->Copy(*enOther.GetModelInstance()); } // copy the parent pointer if (bRemapPointers) { en_penParent = FindRemappedEntityPointer(enOther.en_penParent); } else { en_penParent = enOther.en_penParent; } // if the entity has a parent if (en_penParent!=NULL) { // create relative offset en_plRelativeToParent = en_plPlacement; en_plRelativeToParent.AbsoluteToRelativeSmooth(en_penParent->en_plPlacement); // link to parent en_penParent->en_lhChildren.AddTail(en_lnInParent); } // copy the derived class properties CopyEntityProperties(enOther, ulFlags); }
// Create render model structure for rendering an attached model BOOL CModelObject::CreateAttachment( CRenderModel &rmMain, CAttachmentModelObject &amo) { _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_CREATEATTACHMENT); _pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_CREATEATTACHMENT); CRenderModel &rmAttached = *amo.amo_prm; rmAttached.rm_ulFlags = rmMain.rm_ulFlags&(RMF_FOG|RMF_HAZE|RMF_WEAPON) | RMF_ATTACHMENT; // get the position rmMain.rm_pmdModelData->md_aampAttachedPosition.Lock(); const CAttachedModelPosition & = rmMain.rm_pmdModelData->md_aampAttachedPosition[amo.amo_iAttachedPosition]; rmMain.rm_pmdModelData->md_aampAttachedPosition.Unlock(); // copy common values rmAttached.rm_vLightDirection = rmMain.rm_vLightDirection; rmAttached.rm_fDistanceFactor = rmMain.rm_fDistanceFactor; rmAttached.rm_colLight = rmMain.rm_colLight; rmAttached.rm_colAmbient = rmMain.rm_colAmbient; rmAttached.rm_colBlend = rmMain.rm_colBlend; // unpack the reference vertices FLOAT3D vCenter, vFront, vUp; const INDEX iCenter = amp.amp_iCenterVertex; const INDEX iFront = amp.amp_iFrontVertex; const INDEX iUp = amp.amp_iUpVertex; UnpackVertex( rmMain, iCenter, vCenter); UnpackVertex( rmMain, iFront, vFront); UnpackVertex( rmMain, iUp, vUp); // create front and up direction vectors FLOAT3D vY = vUp - vCenter; FLOAT3D vZ = vCenter - vFront; // project center and directions from object to absolute space const FLOATmatrix3D &mO2A = rmMain.rm_mObjectRotation; const FLOAT3D &vO2A = rmMain.rm_vObjectPosition; vCenter = vCenter*mO2A +vO2A; vY = vY *mO2A; vZ = vZ *mO2A; // make a rotation matrix from the direction vectors FLOAT3D vX = vY*vZ; vY = vZ*vX; vX.Normalize(); vY.Normalize(); vZ.Normalize(); FLOATmatrix3D mOrientation; mOrientation(1,1) = vX(1); mOrientation(1,2) = vY(1); mOrientation(1,3) = vZ(1); mOrientation(2,1) = vX(2); mOrientation(2,2) = vY(2); mOrientation(2,3) = vZ(2); mOrientation(3,1) = vX(3); mOrientation(3,2) = vY(3); mOrientation(3,3) = vZ(3); // adjust for relative placement of the attachment FLOAT3D vOffset; FLOATmatrix3D mRelative; MakeRotationMatrixFast( mRelative, amo.amo_plRelative.pl_OrientationAngle); vOffset(1) = amo.amo_plRelative.pl_PositionVector(1) * mo_Stretch(1); vOffset(2) = amo.amo_plRelative.pl_PositionVector(2) * mo_Stretch(2); vOffset(3) = amo.amo_plRelative.pl_PositionVector(3) * mo_Stretch(3); FLOAT3D vO = vCenter + vOffset * mOrientation; mOrientation *= mRelative; // convert absolute to relative orientation rmAttached.SetObjectPlacement( vO, mOrientation); // done here if clipping optimizations are not allowed extern INDEX gap_iOptimizeClipping; if( gap_iOptimizeClipping<1) { gap_iOptimizeClipping = 0; _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_CREATEATTACHMENT); return TRUE; } // test attachment to frustum and/or mirror FLOAT3D vHandle; _aprProjection->PreClip( vO, vHandle); CalculateBoundingBox( &amo.amo_moModelObject, rmAttached); // compose view-space bounding box and sphere of an attacment const FLOAT fR = Max( rmAttached.rm_vObjectMinBB.Length(), rmAttached.rm_vObjectMaxBB.Length()); const FLOATobbox3D boxEntity( FLOATaabbox3D(rmAttached.rm_vObjectMinBB, rmAttached.rm_vObjectMaxBB), vHandle, _aprProjection->pr_ViewerRotationMatrix*mOrientation); // frustum test? if( gap_iOptimizeClipping>1) { // test sphere against frustrum INDEX iFrustumTest = _aprProjection->TestSphereToFrustum(vHandle,fR); if( iFrustumTest==0) { // test box if sphere cut one of frustum planes iFrustumTest = _aprProjection->TestBoxToFrustum(boxEntity); } // mark if attachment is fully inside frustum if( iFrustumTest>0) rmAttached.rm_ulFlags |= RMF_INSIDE; else if( iFrustumTest<0) { // if completely outside of frustum // signal skip rendering only if doesn't have any attachments _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_CREATEATTACHMENT); return !amo.amo_moModelObject.mo_lhAttachments.IsEmpty(); } } // test sphere against mirror/warp plane (if any) if( _aprProjection->pr_bMirror || _aprProjection->pr_bWarp) { INDEX iMirrorPlaneTest; const FLOAT fPlaneDistance = _aprProjection->pr_plMirrorView.PointDistance(vHandle); if( fPlaneDistance < -fR) iMirrorPlaneTest = -1; else if( fPlaneDistance > +fR) iMirrorPlaneTest = +1; else { // test box if sphere cut mirror plane iMirrorPlaneTest = boxEntity.TestAgainstPlane(_aprProjection->pr_plMirrorView); } // mark if attachment is fully inside mirror if( iMirrorPlaneTest>0) rmAttached.rm_ulFlags |= RMF_INMIRROR; else if( iMirrorPlaneTest<0) { // if completely outside mirror // signal skip rendering only if doesn't have any attachments _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_CREATEATTACHMENT); return !amo.amo_moModelObject.mo_lhAttachments.IsEmpty(); } } // all done _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_CREATEATTACHMENT); return TRUE; }
void CDlgPgCollision::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CModelerView *pModelerView = CModelerView::GetActiveView(); if(pModelerView == NULL) return; CModelerDoc* pDoc = pModelerView->GetDocument(); // if transfering data from document to dialog if( !pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) { // get collision min vector FLOAT3D vMinCollisionBox = pDoc->m_emEditModel.GetCollisionBoxMin(); // get collision max vector FLOAT3D vMaxCollisionBox = pDoc->m_emEditModel.GetCollisionBoxMax(); FLOATaabbox3D bboxCollision = FLOATaabbox3D( vMinCollisionBox, vMaxCollisionBox); m_fWidth = bboxCollision.Size()(1); m_fHeight = bboxCollision.Size()(2); m_fLenght = bboxCollision.Size()(3); m_fXCenter = bboxCollision.Center()(1); m_fYDown = vMinCollisionBox(2); m_fZCenter = bboxCollision.Center()(3); // set equality radio initial value INDEX iEqualityType = pDoc->m_emEditModel.GetCollisionBoxDimensionEquality(); // get index of curently selected collision box char achrString[ 256]; sprintf( achrString, "%d.", pDoc->m_emEditModel.GetActiveCollisionBoxIndex()); m_strCollisionBoxIndex = achrString; // get name of curently selected collision box sprintf( achrString, "%s", pDoc->m_emEditModel.GetCollisionBoxName()); m_strCollisionBoxName = achrString; // enable all controls GetDlgItem( IDC_STATIC_WIDTH)->EnableWindow( TRUE); GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_WIDTH)->EnableWindow( TRUE); GetDlgItem( IDC_STATIC_HEIGHT)->EnableWindow( TRUE); GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_HEIGHT)->EnableWindow( TRUE); GetDlgItem( IDC_STATIC_LENGHT)->EnableWindow( TRUE); GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_LENGHT)->EnableWindow( TRUE); m_bCollideAsBox = pDoc->m_emEditModel.edm_md.md_bCollideAsCube; // if we are colliding using sphere approximation switch( iEqualityType) { case HEIGHT_EQ_WIDTH: { m_EqualityRadio = 0; if( !m_bCollideAsBox) { GetDlgItem( IDC_STATIC_HEIGHT)->EnableWindow( FALSE); GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_HEIGHT)->EnableWindow( FALSE); m_fHeight = m_fWidth; } break; } case LENGTH_EQ_WIDTH: { m_EqualityRadio = 1; if( !m_bCollideAsBox) { GetDlgItem( IDC_STATIC_LENGHT)->EnableWindow( FALSE); GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_LENGHT)->EnableWindow( FALSE); m_fLenght = m_fWidth; } break; } case LENGTH_EQ_HEIGHT: { m_EqualityRadio = 2; if( !m_bCollideAsBox) { GetDlgItem( IDC_STATIC_LENGHT)->EnableWindow( FALSE); GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_LENGHT)->EnableWindow( FALSE); m_fLenght = m_fHeight; } break; } default: { ASSERTALWAYS( "None of collision dimensions are the same and that can't be."); } } // mark that the values have been updated to reflect the state of the view m_udAllValues.MarkUpdated(); } CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CDlgPgCollision) DDX_SkyFloat(pDX, IDC_EDIT_WIDTH, m_fWidth); DDX_SkyFloat(pDX, IDC_EDIT_HEIGHT, m_fHeight); DDX_SkyFloat(pDX, IDC_EDIT_LENGHT, m_fLenght); DDX_SkyFloat(pDX, IDC_EDIT_XCENTER, m_fXCenter); DDX_SkyFloat(pDX, IDC_EDIT_YDOWN, m_fYDown); DDX_SkyFloat(pDX, IDC_EDIT_ZCENTER, m_fZCenter); DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_H_EQ_W, m_EqualityRadio); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_COLLISION_BOX_NAME, m_strCollisionBoxName); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_COLLISION_BOX_INDEX, m_strCollisionBoxIndex); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_COLLIDE_AS_BOX, m_bCollideAsBox); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP // if transfering data from dialog to document if( pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) { // if we are colliding using sphere approximation if( !pDoc->m_emEditModel.edm_md.md_bCollideAsCube) { INDEX iEqualityType; switch( m_EqualityRadio) { case 0: { iEqualityType = HEIGHT_EQ_WIDTH; CString strWidth; GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_WIDTH)->GetWindowText(strWidth); GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_HEIGHT)->SetWindowText(strWidth); break; } case 1: { iEqualityType = LENGTH_EQ_WIDTH; CString strWidth; GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_WIDTH)->GetWindowText(strWidth); GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_LENGHT)->SetWindowText( strWidth ); break; } case 2: { iEqualityType = LENGTH_EQ_HEIGHT; CString strHeight; GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_HEIGHT)->GetWindowText(strHeight); GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_LENGHT)->SetWindowText( strHeight); break; } default: { ASSERTALWAYS( "Illegal value found in collision dimensions equality radio."); } } // set collision equality value if( pDoc->m_emEditModel.GetCollisionBoxDimensionEquality() != iEqualityType) { pDoc->m_emEditModel.SetCollisionBoxDimensionEquality( iEqualityType); } } // set name of curently selected collision box pDoc->m_emEditModel.SetCollisionBoxName( CTString( m_strCollisionBoxName) ); // get collision min and max vectors FLOAT3D vMinCollisionBox; FLOAT3D vMaxCollisionBox; // get sizing values vMinCollisionBox(1) = m_fXCenter-m_fWidth/2.0f; vMinCollisionBox(2) = m_fYDown; vMinCollisionBox(3) = m_fZCenter-m_fLenght/2.0f; // get origin coordinates vMaxCollisionBox(1) = m_fXCenter+m_fWidth/2.0f; vMaxCollisionBox(2) = m_fYDown+m_fHeight; vMaxCollisionBox(3) = m_fZCenter+m_fLenght/2.0f; // transfer data from dialog to document pDoc->m_emEditModel.SetCollisionBox( vMinCollisionBox, vMaxCollisionBox); pDoc->SetModifiedFlag(); // update all views pDoc->UpdateAllViews( NULL); } }
// fills curent colision box info void CModelInstance::GetCurrentColisionBox(FLOATaabbox3D &aabbox) { ColisionBox &cb = GetCurrentColisionBox(); aabbox = FLOATaabbox3D(cb.Min(),cb.Max()); }
void CModelInstance::GetAllFramesBBox(FLOATaabbox3D &aabbox) { aabbox = FLOATaabbox3D(mi_cbAllFramesBBox.Min(),mi_cbAllFramesBBox.Max()); }