    /** try to parse a time specification in seconds or fractional seconds.
     * The value is interpreted relative to the origin of a the given time grid
     * This parser recognises full seconds, fractional seconds and both together.
     * In any case, the actual number is required to end with a trailing \c 'sec'
     * @par Example specifications
       12sec       -->  12     * TimeValue::SCALE
       -4sec       --> -4      * TimeValue::SCALE
       5/4sec      -->  1.25   * TimeValue::SCALE
       -5/25sec    --> -0.2    * TimeValue::SCALE
       1+1/2sec    -->  1.5    * TimeValue::SCALE
       1-1/25sec   -->  0.96   * TimeValue::SCALE
       -12-1/4sec  --> -11.75  * TimeValue::SCALE
     * @param seconds string containing a time spec in seconds
     * @param grid coordinate system the parsed value is based on
     * @return the corresponding (opaque internal) lumiera time value
     * @throw error::Invalid in case of parsing failure
     * @note the string may contain any additional content, as long as a
     *       regular-expression search is able to pick out a suitable value
    Seconds::parse (string const& seconds, QuantR grid)
      static regex fracSecs_parser ("(?<![\\./\\-\\d])(-?\\d+)(?:([\\-\\+]\\d+)?/(\\d+))?sec");
                                  //__no leading[./-\d] number    [+-]  number '/' number 'sec'   
      #define SUB_EXPR(N) lexical_cast<long> (match[N])
      smatch match;
      if (regex_search (seconds, match, fracSecs_parser))
        if (match[2].matched)
            // complete spec with all parts
            FSecs fractionalPart (SUB_EXPR(2), SUB_EXPR(3));
            long fullSeconds (SUB_EXPR(1));
            return grid.timeOf (fullSeconds + fractionalPart);
        if (match[3].matched)
            // only a fractional part was given
            return grid.timeOf (FSecs (SUB_EXPR(1), SUB_EXPR(3)));
            // just simple non-fractional seconds
            return grid.timeOf (FSecs (SUB_EXPR(1)));
        throw error::Invalid ("unable to parse \""+seconds+"\" as (fractional)seconds"
                             , LERR_(INVALID_TIMECODE));
     // origin at lower end of the time range
     FixedFrameQuantiser case1 (1, Time::MIN);
     CHECK (secs(0)            == case1.gridAlign(Time::MIN  ));
     CHECK (secs(0)            == case1.gridAlign(Time::MIN +TimeValue(1) ));
     CHECK (secs(1)            == case1.gridAlign(Time::MIN +secs(1) ));
     CHECK (Time::MAX -secs(1) >  case1.gridAlign( secs(-1)  ));
     CHECK (Time::MAX -secs(1) <= case1.gridAlign( secs (0)  ));
     CHECK (Time::MAX          >  case1.gridAlign( secs (0)  ));
     CHECK (Time::MAX          == case1.gridAlign( secs(+1)  ));
     CHECK (Time::MAX          == case1.gridAlign( secs(+2)  ));
     // origin at upper end of the time range
     FixedFrameQuantiser case2 (1, Time::MAX);
     CHECK (secs( 0)           == case2.gridAlign(Time::MAX  ));
     CHECK (secs(-1)           == case2.gridAlign(Time::MAX -TimeValue(1) ));  // note: next lower frame
     CHECK (secs(-1)           == case2.gridAlign(Time::MAX -secs(1) ));      //        i.e. the same as a whole frame down
     CHECK (Time::MIN +secs(1) <  case2.gridAlign( secs(+2)  ));
     CHECK (Time::MIN +secs(1) >= case2.gridAlign( secs(+1)  ));
     CHECK (Time::MIN          <  case2.gridAlign( secs(+1)  ));
     CHECK (Time::MIN          == case2.gridAlign( secs( 0)  ));          //      note: because of downward truncating,
     CHECK (Time::MIN          == case2.gridAlign( secs(-1)  ));         //             resulting values will already exceed
     CHECK (Time::MIN          == case2.gridAlign( secs(-2)  ));        //              allowed range and thus will be clipped
     // maximum frame size is half the time range
     Duration hugeFrame(Time::MAX);
     FixedFrameQuantiser case3 (hugeFrame);
     CHECK (Time::MIN          == case3.gridAlign(Time::MIN  ));
     CHECK (Time::MIN          == case3.gridAlign(Time::MIN +TimeValue(1) ));
     CHECK (Time::MIN          == case3.gridAlign( secs(-1)  ));
     CHECK (TimeValue(0)       == case3.gridAlign( secs( 0)  ));
     CHECK (TimeValue(0)       == case3.gridAlign( secs(+1)  ));
     CHECK (TimeValue(0)       == case3.gridAlign(Time::MAX -TimeValue(1) ));
     CHECK (Time::MAX          == case3.gridAlign(Time::MAX  ));
     // now displacing this grid by +1sec....
     FixedFrameQuantiser case4 (hugeFrame, secs(1));
     CHECK (Time::MIN          == case4.gridAlign(Time::MIN  ));
     CHECK (Time::MIN          == case4.gridAlign(Time::MIN +TimeValue(1) ));  // clipped...
     CHECK (Time::MIN          == case4.gridAlign(Time::MIN +secs(1) ));      //  but now exact (unclipped)
     CHECK (Time::MIN          == case4.gridAlign( secs(-1)  ));
     CHECK (Time::MIN          == case4.gridAlign( secs( 0)  ));
     CHECK (TimeValue(0)       == case4.gridAlign( secs(+1)  ));           //.....now exactly the frame number zero
     CHECK (TimeValue(0)       == case4.gridAlign(Time::MAX -TimeValue(1) ));
     CHECK (TimeValue(0)       == case4.gridAlign(Time::MAX  ));         //.......still truncated down to frame #0
     // larger frames aren't possible
     Duration not_really_larger(secs(10000) + hugeFrame);
     CHECK (hugeFrame == not_really_larger);
     // frame sizes below the time micro grid get trapped
     long subAtomic = 2*GAVL_TIME_SCALE;                           // too small for this universe...
     VERIFY_ERROR (BOTTOM_VALUE, FixedFrameQuantiser quark(subAtomic) );
     VERIFY_ERROR (BOTTOM_VALUE, FixedFrameQuantiser quark(Duration (FSecs (1,subAtomic))) );
   : timeCoord_(Time(FSecs(1)), FSecs(3))
 {  }