void DBIO_SaveAllToFile( VDinfoP *VDptrs, long count, char *filename )
	long i, ret;
	VDinfoP VD;

	if ( VDptrs && filename ){
		char	dbpath[512];
		char	dbname[512];

		PathFromFullPath( filename, dbpath );
		// only attach a .fdb if the file hasnt got a .fdb
		if ( strstr( filename, ".fdb" ) )
			sprintf( dbname , FileFromPath( filename, 0 ) );
			sprintf( dbname , "%s.fdb", FileFromPath( filename, 0 ) );
		strcat( dbpath , dbname );

		for( i=0; i<=count; i++){
			VD = VDptrs[i];
			ret = DBIO_SaveVhost( VD, dbpath, TRUE );

		DBIO_SaveClose( ret );
short SaveLangFileAs( char *filename )
	char fileWithPath[1024];
	// Check the exe directory first - as this is where users should have their lang directory
	GetLangV41File( fileWithPath, gPath, PATHSEPSTR, 0 ); 
	if ( ValidatePath( fileWithPath ) )
		// Now check for a lang directory which is located back a directory - this where we have our lang directory
		GetLangV41File( fileWithPath, gPath, PATHBACKDIR, 0 ); 
	if ( ValidatePath( fileWithPath ) )
		// Try the current directory - basically, a last resort...
		GetLangV41File( fileWithPath, 0, 0, 0 ); 
	if ( GetLangSaveFolderName( fileWithPath, filename ) )
		char *pos;
		pos = strstri( fileWithPath, LANG_EXT );
		if ( !pos )
			mystrcat( fileWithPath, LANG_EXT );
		if ( SaveNewLangStringsToLangFile( fileWithPath ) )
			FileFromPath( fileWithPath, MyPrefStruct.language );
			strcpyuntil( MyPrefStruct.language, MyPrefStruct.language, '.' );
			return 1;
	return 0;
short SaveNewLangStringsToLangFile( char *filename )
	FILE *fp;
	fp = CreateNewLang( filename );
	fp = fopen( filename, "wb" );

	if ( !fp )
		MessageBox( GetFocus(), "Unable to save language file!", "File Save Error!", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR );
		return 0;

	char szFile[256], *p;
	FileFromPath( filename, szFile );
	p = strstr( szFile, "." );
	if ( p )
		*p = 0;
	time_t jd;
	char dateStr[64];
	TimeStringToDays( "now", &jd );
	CTimeToDateTimeStr( jd, dateStr );
	fprintf( fp, "// A couple of lines for top of lang file\n// %s File\n// Date %s\n\n", szFile, dateStr );

	for( int i = SUMM_BEGIN; i < END_OF_STRINGS; i++ )
		WriteNewLangString( fp, i );
		ClearNewLangString( i );
	fclose( fp );
	return 1;
void DBIO_SaveToFile( VDinfoP VDptr, char *filename )
	long ret;

	if ( VDptr && filename ){
		char	dbpath[512];
		char	dbname[512];

		PathFromFullPath( filename, dbpath );
		// only attach a .fdb if the file hasnt got a .fdb
		if ( strstr( filename, ".fdb" ) )
			sprintf( dbname , FileFromPath( filename, 0 ) );
			sprintf( dbname , "%s.fdb", FileFromPath( filename, 0 ) );
		strcat( dbpath , dbname );

		ret = DBIO_SaveVhost( VDptr, dbpath, 0 );

		DBIO_SaveClose( ret );
// ---------------------------------- Init / Close options for lists
void CorrectVirtualName( char *name, char *vname, char nameisfile )
	long i;
	if ( nameisfile ){
		mystrcpylower( vname, FileFromPath( name, NULL ) );
	} else
	if ( *name ){
#if _SUNOS
		CopyDomainName_Safely( vname, name );
		CopyDomainName( vname, name );
	} else
		i = mystrcpylower( vname, ErrVhostStr );
//	ShowProgress( 0, TRUE, buf2 );
// archive the report into ONE big ZIP file
void PostProc_ZipReport( char *reportLocation, char *zipfilename, int deletereport )

	if ( gFopenHistoryPtr ){
		char	newfilename[256];
		char	sourcepath[256], msg[128];
		long	count=0,filenum,perc = 0;

		LLStructRecPtr next = gFopenHistoryPtr;

		filenum = LListGetTotal( gFopenHistoryPtr );

		PathFromFullPath( reportLocation, sourcepath );
		DateFixFilename( sourcepath, 0 );

		if ( !strstr( reportLocation, ".zip" ) )
			char *p;
			mystrcpy( newfilename, reportLocation );
			DateFixFilename( newfilename, 0 );

			p = strrchr( newfilename, '.' );
			if ( p )
				mystrcpy( p, ".zip" );

			mystrcpy( zipfilename, newfilename );
			sprintf( msg, "Making ZIP %s",  newfilename );
			ShowProgress( perc, FALSE, msg );

#ifdef _zip_H
			zipFile zipData;
			char	*source;

			zipData = zipOpen( (const char *)newfilename, 0 );
			while( next && !IsStopped() )
				perc = ((count*100)/filenum);
				source = (char*)next->data;

				sprintf( msg, "Adding to zip file %s",  FileFromPath( source,0 ) );
				ShowProgress( perc, FALSE, msg );

				long infilelen = GetFileLength( source );
				char *ram = (char*)malloc( infilelen+1 );
				if ( ram )
					zip_fileinfo zinfo;

					memset( &zinfo, 0, sizeof(zip_fileinfo) );
					FileToMem( source, ram, infilelen );

					zipOpenNewFileInZip( zipData, source, &zinfo, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION );
					zipWriteInFileInZip( zipData, ram , infilelen );
					zipCloseFileInZip( zipData );
					free( ram );

				if( deletereport )
					remove( source );
				next = next->next;

			zipClose( zipData, NULL );


			ZCL		zipData;
			char	*source;

			memset( &zipData, 0, sizeof(ZCL) );
			zipData.Stdout = stdout;
			zipData.fQuiet = TRUE;
			zipData.fUpdate = TRUE;
			zipData.lpszZipFN = newfilename;		//"C:\install\test.zip";
			zipData.fLevel = 1;
			zipData.FNV = &source;
			zipData.argc = 1;
			while( next && !IsStopped() ){
				perc = ((count*100)/filenum);
				source = (char*)next->data;

				sprintf( msg, "Adding to zip file %s",  FileFromPath( source,0 ) );
				ShowProgress( perc, FALSE, msg );

				ZipUpFiles( &zipData );
				if( deletereport )
					remove( source );
				next = next->next;
int PreProc_FtpDownloadFiles( char *downloadURL, char *tempLocation, int deleteFiles )

	if ( IsURL( downloadURL ) && !IsStopped() )
		char	*p;
		long	count=0, filenum;
		char	server[128], path[256], name[64], passwd[32];
		WIN32_FIND_DATA  lpFindFileData;
		HINTERNET hFind, fs;

		char msg[256];

		ExtractUserFromURL(  downloadURL, server, name, passwd, path );
		DateFixFilename( path, 0 );

		OutDebugs( "Doing PreProcess Download %s...", path );

		fs = (void*)FtpServerOpen( server, name, passwd );

		if ( !fs )
			FtpServerOpenError( server );
			return -1;

		if ( fs )
			char newpath[512];

			// *****************************************************************
			// To be more friendly with various FTP servers, we need to break
			// up the filename from the directory that it is contained in.
			// We can then change to the directory prior to fetching the file.
			// The issue here is that some FTP servers can not get a file that
			// has path information in it (ie: /directory1/dir2/file.dat)
			// *****************************************************************
			int iLen;
			for (iLen=mystrlen(path);iLen && path[iLen]!='/';--iLen)
			if (!iLen)	// then there is no '/'
				mystrcpy( newpath, path+1 );
				path[iLen] = NULL;	// Set the '/' to a NULL so we have a path up to the name.
				if (!::FtpSetCurrentDirectory(fs,"/"))	// Set it to root just to be sure.
					// we have a problem, however there is no real way to action this.
					// so lets just hope that the fetch will still work.

				if (!::FtpSetCurrentDirectory(fs,path))
					// again.
					// we have a problem, however there is no real way to action this.
					// so lets just hope that the fetch will still work.
					path[iLen] = '/';

				mystrcpy( newpath, path+iLen+1 );

			hFind = FtpFindFirstFile( fs, newpath, &lpFindFileData, flags , 0 );
			if ( !hFind ){
				unsigned long len = 512;
				FtpServerClose( fs );

				OutDebugs( "%s Not Found....Trying root level path instead...", newpath );
				fs = (void*)FtpServerOpen( server, name, passwd );
				if ( fs )
					FtpGetCurrentDirectory( fs, newpath, &len );
					strcat( newpath, path );
					hFind = FtpFindFirstFile( fs, newpath, &lpFindFileData, flags , 0 );
				} else
					FtpServerOpenError( server );

			if ( hFind )
				OutDebugs( "Ftp File Found %s size = %d", lpFindFileData.cFileName, lpFindFileData.nFileSizeLow );
			else {
				ErrorMsg( "Cannot open ftp file ...\n%s\nBecause %s", newpath, NetworkErr(NULL) );
				FtpServerClose( fs );
				return -1;

			filenum = 0;

			while( hFind && !IsStopped() )
				long ret;
				char ftpfilename[256], localfilename[256];

				if( hFind )
					ftpfilename[0] = 0;
					if ( !strchr( lpFindFileData.cFileName , '/' ) ){
						// only if NEWPATH has a / in it copy it.
						if ( strchr( newpath , '/' ) ){
							mystrcpy( ftpfilename, newpath );
							p = strrchr( ftpfilename, '/');
							if ( p ) *p = 0;
						strcat( ftpfilename, "/" );
						strcat( ftpfilename, lpFindFileData.cFileName );
					} else
						mystrcpy( ftpfilename, lpFindFileData.cFileName );

					// Figure out local file name
					if ( *tempLocation == 0 || GetFileAttributes( tempLocation ) != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )
						sprintf( msg, "%%TEMP%%\\%s", FileFromPath( ftpfilename,NULL ) );
						ExpandEnvironmentStrings( msg, localfilename, 255 );
						OutDebugs( "Using system temp location %s", localfilename );
					} else {
						PathFromFullPath( tempLocation, localfilename );
						if( strlen( localfilename ) )
							strcat ( localfilename, "\\" );
							p = FileFromPath( ftpfilename,NULL );
							if ( !p ) p = "temp.log";
							strcat ( localfilename, p );
						} else
							mystrcpy( localfilename, "temp.log" );
						OutDebugs( "Using user temp location %s", localfilename );

					OutDebugs( "Trying to download %d byte file '%s' into '%s' ...", lpFindFileData.nFileSizeLow, ftpfilename, localfilename );

					ret = FtpFileDownload( fs, downloadURL, localfilename, ftpfilename, lpFindFileData.nFileSizeLow );
					if ( ret > 0 )
						if ( deleteFiles ){			// delete remote ftp file after downloading
							StatusSetID( IDS_DELETEFTP, ftpfilename );
							FtpDelFile( fs, ftpfilename );
						AddFileToLogQ( localfilename, filenum++ );
					} else {
						OutDebugs( "error downloading (%d)", ret );
						ErrorMsg( "Cannot download file %s\n%s", NetworkErr(NULL) );
						hFind = NULL;
						FtpServerClose( fs );
						return -2;
				} //if( hFind )

				if ( hFind ) {
					if( InternetFindNextFile( hFind, &lpFindFileData ) == FALSE )
						hFind = NULL;
			} //while
			FtpServerClose( fs );
	return IsStopped();
文件: cabutil.cpp 项目: BMurri/wix3
 CabOperation - helper function that enumerates or extracts files
                   from cabinet

 NOTE: wzCabinet must be full path to cabinet file
       wzExtractFile can be a single file id or "*" to extract all files
       wzExttractDir must be normalized (end in a "\")
       if pfnBeginFile is NULL pfnEndFile must be NULL and vice versa
       pfnNotify is callback function to get notified for each file
       in the cabinet. If it's NULL, files will be extracted.
static HRESULT DAPI CabOperation(
    __in LPCWSTR wzCabinet,
    __in LPCWSTR wzExtractFile,
    __in_opt LPCWSTR wzExtractDir,
    __in_opt CAB_CALLBACK_PROGRESS pfnProgress,
    __in_opt LPVOID pvContext,
    __in_opt STDCALL_PFNFDINOTIFY pfnNotify,
    __in DWORD64 dw64EmbeddedOffset
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    BOOL fResult;

    LPWSTR sczCabinet = NULL;
    LPWSTR pwz = NULL;
    CHAR szCabDirectory[MAX_PATH * 4]; // Make sure these are big enough for UTF-8 strings
    CHAR szCabFile[MAX_PATH * 4];

    PFNFDINOTIFY pfnFdiNotify;

    // ensure the cabinet.dll is loaded
    if (!vhfdi)
        hr = LoadCabinetDll();
        ExitOnFailure(hr, "failed to load CABINET.DLL");

    hr = StrAllocString(&sczCabinet, wzCabinet, 0);
    ExitOnFailure1(hr, "Failed to make copy of cabinet name:%ls", wzCabinet);

    // split the cabinet full path into directory and filename and convert to multi-byte (ick!)
    pwz = FileFromPath(sczCabinet);
    ExitOnNull1(pwz, hr, E_INVALIDARG, "failed to process cabinet path: %ls", wzCabinet);

    if (!::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, pwz, -1, szCabFile, countof(szCabFile), NULL, NULL))
        ExitWithLastError1(hr, "failed to convert cabinet filename to ASCII: %ls", pwz);

    *pwz = '\0';

    // If a full path was not provided, use the relative current directory.
    if (wzCabinet == pwz)
        hr = ::StringCchCopyA(szCabDirectory, countof(szCabDirectory), ".\\");
        ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to copy relative current directory as cabinet directory.");
        if (!::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, sczCabinet, -1, szCabDirectory, countof(szCabDirectory), NULL, NULL))
            ExitWithLastError1(hr, "failed to convert cabinet directory to ASCII: %ls", sczCabinet);

    // iterate through files in cabinet extracting them to the callback function
    ccs.fStopExtracting = FALSE;
    ccs.pwzExtract = wzExtractFile;
    ccs.pwzExtractDir = wzExtractDir;
    ccs.pfnProgress = pfnProgress;
    ccs.pvContext = pvContext;

    vdw64EmbeddedOffset = dw64EmbeddedOffset;

    // if pfnNotify is given, use it, otherwise use default callback
    if (NULL == pfnNotify)
        pfnFdiNotify = CabExtractCallback; 
        v_pfnNetFx11Notify = pfnNotify;
        pfnFdiNotify = FDINotify;
    fResult = vpfnFDICopy(vhfdi, szCabFile, szCabDirectory, 0, pfnFdiNotify, NULL, static_cast<void*>(&ccs));
    if (!fResult && !ccs.fStopExtracting)   // if something went wrong and it wasn't us just stopping the extraction, then return a failure
        ExitWithLastError1(hr, "failed to extract cabinet file: %ls", sczCabinet);

    v_pfnNetFx11Notify = NULL;

    return hr;