 * This fills in the fields of the New proto based on the
 * fields of the Old proto.
 * @param New new proto to be filled in
 * @param Old old proto to be converted
 *  Globals: none
 * Exceptions: none
 * History: Mon Nov 26 09:45:39 1990, DSJ, Created.
void MakeNewFromOld(PROTO New, PROTOTYPE *Old) {
  New->X = CenterX(Old->Mean);
  New->Y = CenterY(Old->Mean);
  New->Length = LengthOf(Old->Mean);
  New->Angle = OrientationOf(Old->Mean);
} /* MakeNewFromOld */
void ComputeMergedProto (
     PROTO  p1,
   PROTO  p2,
     FLOAT32  w1,
   FLOAT32  w2,
     PROTO  MergedProto)

**  Parameters:
**    p1, p2    protos to be merged
**    w1, w2    weight of each proto
**    MergedProto place to put resulting merged proto
**  Globals: none
**  Operation: This routine computes a proto which is the weighted
**    average of protos p1 and p2.  The new proto is returned
**    in MergedProto.
**  Return: none (results are returned in MergedProto)
**  Exceptions: none
**  History: Mon Nov 26 08:15:08 1990, DSJ, Created.

  FLOAT32 TotalWeight;

  TotalWeight = w1 + w2;
  w1 /= TotalWeight;
  w2 /= TotalWeight;

  MergedProto->X = p1->X * w1 + p2->X * w2;
  MergedProto->Y = p1->Y * w1 + p2->Y * w2;
  MergedProto->Length = p1->Length * w1 + p2->Length * w2;
  MergedProto->Angle = p1->Angle * w1 + p2->Angle * w2;
} /* ComputeMergedProto */
 * This routine computes a proto which is the weighted
 * average of protos p1 and p2.  The new proto is returned
 * in MergedProto.
 * @param p1, p2    protos to be merged
 * @param w1, w2    weight of each proto
 * @param MergedProto place to put resulting merged proto
 * Globals: none
 * @return none (results are returned in MergedProto)
 * @note Exceptions: none
 * @note History: Mon Nov 26 08:15:08 1990, DSJ, Created.
void ComputeMergedProto (PROTO  p1,
                         PROTO  p2,
                         FLOAT32  w1,
                         FLOAT32  w2,
                         PROTO  MergedProto) {
  FLOAT32 TotalWeight;

  TotalWeight = w1 + w2;
  w1 /= TotalWeight;
  w2 /= TotalWeight;

  MergedProto->X = p1->X * w1 + p2->X * w2;
  MergedProto->Y = p1->Y * w1 + p2->Y * w2;
  MergedProto->Length = p1->Length * w1 + p2->Length * w2;
  MergedProto->Angle = p1->Angle * w1 + p2->Angle * w2;
} /* ComputeMergedProto */
void MakeNewFromOld(PROTO New, PROTOTYPE *Old) {
**  Parameters:
**    New new proto to be filled in
**    Old old proto to be converted
**  Globals: none
**  Operation: This fills in the fields of the New proto based on the
**    fields of the Old proto.
**  Return: none
**  Exceptions: none
**  History: Mon Nov 26 09:45:39 1990, DSJ, Created.
  New->X = CenterX(Old->Mean);
  New->Y = CenterY(Old->Mean);
  New->Length = LengthOf(Old->Mean);
  New->Angle = OrientationOf(Old->Mean);
} /* MakeNewFromOld */