void wxSFGridShape::DoChildrenLayout()
    if( !m_nCols || !m_nRows ) return;

    wxSFShapeBase *pShape;
    int nIndex, nRow, nCol;

    //wxRealPoint nAbsPos = GetAbsolutePosition();

    wxRect currRect, maxRect = wxRect(0,0,0,0);

    // get maximum size of all managed (child) shapes
    SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = GetFirstChildNode();
        pShape = (wxSFShapeBase*)node->GetData();
        currRect = pShape->GetBoundingBox();

        if( (pShape->GetHAlign() != halignEXPAND) && (currRect.GetWidth() > maxRect.GetWidth()) ) maxRect.SetWidth(currRect.GetWidth());
        if( (pShape->GetVAlign() != valignEXPAND) && (currRect.GetHeight() > maxRect.GetHeight()) ) maxRect.SetHeight(currRect.GetHeight());

        node = node->GetNext();

    // put managed shapes to appropriate positions
    nIndex = nCol = 0;
    nRow = -1;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < m_arrCells.GetCount(); i++ )
        pShape = (wxSFShapeBase*) GetChild(m_arrCells[i]);
        if( pShape )
            if( nIndex++ % m_nCols == 0 )
                nCol = 0; nRow++;

            FitShapeToRect( pShape, wxRect( nCol*maxRect.GetWidth() + (nCol+1)*m_nCellSpace,
                                            nRow*maxRect.GetHeight() + (nRow+1)*m_nCellSpace,
                                            maxRect.GetWidth(), maxRect.GetHeight() ) );
void uddFlexGridShape::DoChildrenLayout()
    if( !m_nCols || !m_nRows ) return;

    wxSFShapeBase *pShape;
    int nIndex, nRow, nCol, nTotalX, nTotalY;
    size_t i;

    wxRect nCurrRect;

    // initialize size arrays
    m_arrRowSizes.SetCount( m_nRows );
    m_arrColSizes.SetCount( m_nCols );
    for( i = 0; i < (size_t)m_nRows; i++ ) m_arrRowSizes[i] = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < (size_t)m_nCols; i++ ) m_arrColSizes[i] = 0;

    nIndex = nCol = nTotalX = nTotalY = 0;
    nRow = -1;

    // prepare a storage for processed shapes pointers
    m_arrChildShapes.SetCount( m_arrCells.GetCount() );

    // get maximum size of all managed (child) shapes per row and collumn
    for( i = 0; i < m_arrCells.GetCount(); i++ )
        pShape = (wxSFShapeBase*)GetChild(m_arrCells[i]);
        if( pShape )
            // store used shape pointer for further processing (optimization for speed)
            m_arrChildShapes[i] = pShape;

            if( nIndex++ % m_nCols == 0 )
                nCol = 0; nRow++;

            nCurrRect = pShape->GetBoundingBox();

            // update maximum rows and columns sizes
            if( (pShape->GetHAlign() != halignEXPAND) && (nCurrRect.GetWidth() > m_arrColSizes[nCol]) ) m_arrColSizes[nCol] = nCurrRect.GetWidth();
            if( (pShape->GetVAlign() != valignEXPAND) && (nCurrRect.GetHeight() > m_arrRowSizes[nRow]) ) m_arrRowSizes[nRow] = nCurrRect.GetHeight();

    // put managed shapes to appropriate positions
    nIndex = nCol = 0;
    nRow = -1;

    for( i = 0; i < m_arrCells.GetCount(); i++ )
        pShape = m_arrChildShapes[i];
        if( pShape )
            if( nIndex++ % m_nCols == 0 )
                nCol = 0; nTotalX = 0; nRow++;
                if( nRow > 0 ) nTotalY += m_arrRowSizes[ nRow-1 ];
                if( nCol > 0 ) nTotalX += m_arrColSizes[ nCol-1 ];

            FitShapeToRect( pShape, wxRect( nTotalX + (nCol+1)*m_nCellSpace,
                                            nTotalY + (nRow+1)*m_nCellSpace,
                                            m_arrColSizes[ nCol ], m_arrRowSizes[ nRow ] ) );