文件: osprey.cpp 项目: XashDev/XashXT
void COsprey::FlyThink( void )
	StudioFrameAdvance( );
	pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1;

	if ( m_pGoalEnt == NULL && !FStringNull(pev->target) )// this monster has a target
		m_pGoalEnt = CBaseEntity::Instance( FIND_ENTITY_BY_TARGETNAME ( NULL, STRING( pev->target ) ) );
		UpdateGoal( );

	if (gpGlobals->time > m_startTime + m_dTime)
		if (m_pGoalEnt->pev->speed == 0)
			SetThink( DeployThink );
		do {
			m_pGoalEnt = CBaseEntity::Instance( FIND_ENTITY_BY_TARGETNAME ( NULL, STRING( m_pGoalEnt->pev->target ) ) );
		} while (m_pGoalEnt->pev->speed < 400 && !HasDead());
		UpdateGoal( );

	Flight( );
	ShowDamage( );
void COsprey::FlyThink( void )
	StudioFrameAdvance( );
	SetNextThink( 0.1 );

	if ( m_pGoalEnt == NULL && !FStringNull(pev->target) )// this monster has a target
		m_pGoalEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING( pev->target ) );
		UpdateGoal( );

	if (gpGlobals->time > m_startTime + m_dTime)
		if (m_pGoalEnt->pev->speed == 0)
			SetThink(&COsprey:: DeployThink );
		int loopbreaker = 100; //LRC - <slap> don't loop indefinitely!
		do {
			m_pGoalEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING( m_pGoalEnt->pev->target ) );
			loopbreaker--; //LRC
		} while (m_pGoalEnt->pev->speed < 400 && !HasDead() && loopbreaker > 0);
		UpdateGoal( );

	Flight( );
	ShowDamage( );
// Purpose :
// Input   :
// Output  :
void CNPC_CombineDropship::Hunt( void )
	// If we have a pickup target, fly to it
	if ( m_hPickupTarget )
	else if ( m_iLandState == LANDING_NO )

	// look for enemy
	GetSenses()->Look( 4092 );

	// don't face player ever, only face nav points
	Vector desiredDir = GetDesiredPosition() - GetAbsOrigin();
	VectorNormalize( desiredDir ); 
	// Face our desired position.
	m_vecDesiredFaceDir = desiredDir;


	UpdatePlayerDopplerShift( );

// Purpose :
// Input   :
// Output  :
void CBaseHelicopter::Hunt( void )

	UpdateTrackNavigation( );




	UpdatePlayerDopplerShift( );

void CNihilanth :: HuntThink( void )
	pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1;
	DispatchAnimEvents( );
	StudioFrameAdvance( );

	ShootBalls( );

	// if dead, force cancelation of current animation
	if (pev->health <= 0)
		SetThink( &CNihilanth::DyingThink );
		m_fSequenceFinished = TRUE;

	// ALERT( at_console, "health %.0f\n", pev->health );

	// if damaged, try to abosorb some spheres
	if (pev->health < gSkillData.nihilanthHealth && AbsorbSphere( ))
		pev->health += gSkillData.nihilanthHealth / N_SPHERES;

	// get new sequence
	if (m_fSequenceFinished)
		// if (!m_fSequenceLoops)
		pev->frame = 0;
		NextActivity( );
		ResetSequenceInfo( );
		pev->framerate = 2.0 - 1.0 * (pev->health / gSkillData.nihilanthHealth);

	// look for current enemy	
	if (m_hEnemy != NULL && m_hRecharger == NULL)
		if (FVisible( m_hEnemy ))
			if (m_flLastSeen < gpGlobals->time - 5)
				m_flPrevSeen = gpGlobals->time;
			m_flLastSeen = gpGlobals->time;
			m_posTarget = m_hEnemy->pev->origin;
			m_vecTarget = (m_posTarget - pev->origin).Normalize();
			m_vecDesired = m_vecTarget;
			m_posDesired = Vector( pev->origin.x, pev->origin.y, m_posTarget.z + m_flAdj );
			m_flAdj = min( m_flAdj + 10, 1000 );

	// don't go too high
	if (m_posDesired.z > m_flMaxZ)
		m_posDesired.z = m_flMaxZ;

	// don't go too low
	if (m_posDesired.z < m_flMinZ)
		m_posDesired.z = m_flMinZ;

	Flight( );
void CNihilanth :: DyingThink( void )
	pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1;
	DispatchAnimEvents( );
	StudioFrameAdvance( );

	if (pev->deadflag == DEAD_NO)
		DeathSound( );
		pev->deadflag = DEAD_DYING;

		m_posDesired.z = m_flMaxZ;

	if (pev->deadflag == DEAD_DYING)
		Flight( );

		if (fabs( pev->origin.z - m_flMaxZ ) < 16)
			pev->velocity = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
			FireTargets( m_szDeadUse, this, this, USE_ON, 1.0 );
			pev->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD;

	if (m_fSequenceFinished)
		pev->avelocity.y += RANDOM_FLOAT( -100, 100 );
		if (pev->avelocity.y < -100)
			pev->avelocity.y = -100;
		if (pev->avelocity.y > 100)
			pev->avelocity.y = 100;

		pev->sequence = LookupSequence( "die1" );

	if (m_pBall)
		if (m_pBall->pev->renderamt > 0)
			m_pBall->pev->renderamt = max( 0, m_pBall->pev->renderamt - 2);
			UTIL_Remove( m_pBall );
			m_pBall = NULL;

	Vector vecDir, vecSrc, vecAngles;

	UTIL_MakeAimVectors( pev->angles );
	int iAttachment = RANDOM_LONG( 1, 4 );

	do {
		vecDir = Vector( RANDOM_FLOAT( -1, 1 ), RANDOM_FLOAT( -1, 1 ), RANDOM_FLOAT( -1, 1 ));
	} while (DotProduct( vecDir, vecDir) > 1.0);

	switch( RANDOM_LONG( 1, 4 ))
	case 1: // head
		vecDir.z = fabs( vecDir.z ) * 0.5;
		vecDir = vecDir + 2 * gpGlobals->v_up;
	case 2: // eyes
		if (DotProduct( vecDir, gpGlobals->v_forward ) < 0)
			vecDir = vecDir * -1;

		vecDir = vecDir + 2 * gpGlobals->v_forward;
	case 3: // left hand
		if (DotProduct( vecDir, gpGlobals->v_right ) > 0)
			vecDir = vecDir * -1;
		vecDir = vecDir - 2 * gpGlobals->v_right;
	case 4: // right hand
		if (DotProduct( vecDir, gpGlobals->v_right ) < 0)
			vecDir = vecDir * -1;
		vecDir = vecDir + 2 * gpGlobals->v_right;

	GetAttachment( iAttachment - 1, vecSrc, vecAngles );

	TraceResult tr;

	UTIL_TraceLine( vecSrc, vecSrc + vecDir * 4096, ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr );
		WRITE_SHORT( entindex() + 0x1000 * iAttachment );
		WRITE_COORD( tr.vecEndPos.x);
		WRITE_COORD( tr.vecEndPos.y);
		WRITE_COORD( tr.vecEndPos.z);
		WRITE_SHORT( g_sModelIndexLaser );
		WRITE_BYTE( 0 ); // frame start
		WRITE_BYTE( 10 ); // framerate
		WRITE_BYTE( 5 ); // life
		WRITE_BYTE( 100 );  // width
		WRITE_BYTE( 120 );   // noise
		WRITE_BYTE( 64 );   // r, g, b
		WRITE_BYTE( 128 );   // r, g, b
		WRITE_BYTE( 255);   // r, g, b
		WRITE_BYTE( 255 );	// brightness
		WRITE_BYTE( 10 );		// speed

	GetAttachment( 0, vecSrc, vecAngles ); 
	CNihilanthHVR *pEntity = (CNihilanthHVR *)Create( "nihilanth_energy_ball", vecSrc, pev->angles, edict() );
	pEntity->pev->velocity = Vector ( RANDOM_FLOAT( -0.7, 0.7 ), RANDOM_FLOAT( -0.7, 0.7 ), 1.0 ) * 600.0;
	pEntity->GreenBallInit( );

void CApache :: HuntThink( void )
	StudioFrameAdvance( );
	SetNextThink( 0.1 );

	ShowDamage( );

	if ( m_pGoalEnt == NULL && !FStringNull(pev->target) )// this monster has a target
		m_pGoalEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING( pev->target ) );
		if (m_pGoalEnt)
			m_posDesired = m_pGoalEnt->pev->origin;
			UTIL_MakeAimVectors( m_pGoalEnt->pev->angles );
			m_vecGoal = gpGlobals->v_forward;

	// if (m_hEnemy == NULL)
		Look( 4092 );
		m_hEnemy = BestVisibleEnemy( );

	// generic speed up
	if (m_flGoalSpeed < 800)
		m_flGoalSpeed += 5;

	if (m_hEnemy != NULL)
		// ALERT( at_console, "%s\n", STRING( m_hEnemy->pev->classname ) );
		if (FVisible( m_hEnemy ))
			if (m_flLastSeen < gpGlobals->time - 5)
				m_flPrevSeen = gpGlobals->time;
			m_flLastSeen = gpGlobals->time;
			m_posTarget = m_hEnemy->Center( );
			m_hEnemy = NULL;

	m_vecTarget = (m_posTarget - pev->origin).Normalize();

	float flLength = (pev->origin - m_posDesired).Length();

	if (m_pGoalEnt)
		// ALERT( at_console, "%.0f\n", flLength );

		if (flLength < 128)
			m_pGoalEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING( m_pGoalEnt->pev->target ) );
			if (m_pGoalEnt)
				m_posDesired = m_pGoalEnt->pev->origin;
				UTIL_MakeAimVectors( m_pGoalEnt->pev->angles );
				m_vecGoal = gpGlobals->v_forward;
				flLength = (pev->origin - m_posDesired).Length();
		m_posDesired = pev->origin;

	if (flLength > 250) // 500
		// float flLength2 = (m_posTarget - pev->origin).Length() * (1.5 - DotProduct((m_posTarget - pev->origin).Normalize(), pev->velocity.Normalize() ));
		// if (flLength2 < flLength)
		if (m_flLastSeen + 90 > gpGlobals->time && DotProduct( (m_posTarget - pev->origin).Normalize(), (m_posDesired - pev->origin).Normalize( )) > 0.25)
			m_vecDesired = (m_posTarget - pev->origin).Normalize( );
			m_vecDesired = (m_posDesired - pev->origin).Normalize( );
		m_vecDesired = m_vecGoal;

	Flight( );

	// ALERT( at_console, "%.0f %.0f %.0f\n", gpGlobals->time, m_flLastSeen, m_flPrevSeen );
	if ((m_flLastSeen + 1 > gpGlobals->time) && (m_flPrevSeen + 2 < gpGlobals->time))
		if (FireGun( ))
			// slow down if we're fireing
			if (m_flGoalSpeed > 400)
				m_flGoalSpeed = 400;

		// don't fire rockets and gun on easy mode
		if (g_iSkillLevel == SKILL_EASY)
			m_flNextRocket = gpGlobals->time + 10.0;

	UTIL_MakeAimVectors( pev->angles );
	Vector vecEst = (gpGlobals->v_forward * 800 + pev->velocity).Normalize( );
	// ALERT( at_console, "%d %d %d %4.2f\n", pev->angles.x < 0, DotProduct( pev->velocity, gpGlobals->v_forward ) > -100, m_flNextRocket < gpGlobals->time, DotProduct( m_vecTarget, vecEst ) );

	if ((m_iRockets % 2) == 1)
		FireRocket( );
		m_flNextRocket = gpGlobals->time + 0.5;
		if (m_iRockets <= 0)
			m_flNextRocket = gpGlobals->time + 10;
			m_iRockets = 10;
	else if (pev->angles.x < 0 && DotProduct( pev->velocity, gpGlobals->v_forward ) > -100 && m_flNextRocket < gpGlobals->time)
		if (m_flLastSeen + 60 > gpGlobals->time)
			if (m_hEnemy != NULL)
				// make sure it's a good shot
				if (DotProduct( m_vecTarget, vecEst) > .965)
					TraceResult tr;
					UTIL_TraceLine( pev->origin, pev->origin + vecEst * 4096, ignore_monsters, edict(), &tr );
					if ((tr.vecEndPos - m_posTarget).Length() < 512)
						FireRocket( );
				TraceResult tr;
				UTIL_TraceLine( pev->origin, pev->origin + vecEst * 4096, dont_ignore_monsters, edict(), &tr );
				// just fire when close
				if ((tr.vecEndPos - m_posTarget).Length() < 512)
					FireRocket( );
// Purpose :
// Input   :
// Output  :
void CBaseHelicopter::Hunt( void )
	UpdateTrackNavigation( );

	if( HasCondition( COND_ENEMY_DEAD ) )
		SetEnemy( NULL );

	// Look for my best enemy. If I change enemies, 
	// be sure and change my prevseen/lastseen timers.
	if( m_lifeState == LIFE_ALIVE )
		GetSenses()->Look( 4092 );


		if( HasEnemy() )
			GatherEnemyConditions( GetEnemy() );

			if (FVisible( GetEnemy() ))
				if (m_flLastSeen < gpGlobals->curtime - 2)
					m_flPrevSeen = gpGlobals->curtime;

				m_flLastSeen = gpGlobals->curtime;
				m_vecTargetPosition = GetEnemy()->WorldSpaceCenter();
			// look at where we're going instead
			m_vecTargetPosition = GetDesiredPosition();
		// If we're dead or dying, forget our enemy and don't look for new ones(sjb)
		SetEnemy( NULL );

	if ( 1 )
		Vector targetDir = m_vecTargetPosition - GetAbsOrigin();
		Vector desiredDir = GetDesiredPosition() - GetAbsOrigin();

		VectorNormalize( targetDir ); 
		VectorNormalize( desiredDir ); 

		if ( !IsCrashing() && m_flLastSeen + 5 > gpGlobals->curtime ) //&& DotProduct( targetDir, desiredDir) > 0.25)
			// If we've seen the target recently, face the target.
			//Msg( "Facing Target \n" );
			m_vecDesiredFaceDir = targetDir;
			// Face our desired position.
			// Msg( "Facing Position\n" );
			m_vecDesiredFaceDir = desiredDir;
		// Face the way the path corner tells us to.
		//Msg( "Facing my path corner\n" );
		m_vecDesiredFaceDir = GetGoalOrientation();


	UpdatePlayerDopplerShift( );

	// ALERT( at_console, "%.0f %.0f %.0f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_flLastSeen, m_flPrevSeen );
	if (m_fHelicopterFlags & BITS_HELICOPTER_GUN_ON)
		//if ( (m_flLastSeen + 1 > gpGlobals->curtime) && (m_flPrevSeen + 2 < gpGlobals->curtime) )
			if (FireGun( ))
				// slow down if we're firing
				if (m_flGoalSpeed > m_flMaxSpeedFiring )
					m_flGoalSpeed = m_flMaxSpeedFiring;

	if (m_fHelicopterFlags & BITS_HELICOPTER_MISSILE_ON)

	// Finally, forget dead enemies.
	if( GetEnemy() != NULL && (!GetEnemy()->IsAlive() || GetEnemy()->GetFlags() & FL_NOTARGET) )
		SetEnemy( NULL );