int runSpecificGraphTests(void) { char origDir[2049]; int retVal = 0; if (!getcwd(origDir, 2048)) return -1; if (chdir("samples") != 0) { if (chdir("..") != 0 || chdir("samples") != 0) { // Warn but give success result printf("WARNING: Unable to change to samples directory to run tests on samples.\n"); return 0; } } if (runSpecificGraphTest("-p", "maxPlanar5.txt") < 0) retVal = -1; if (runSpecificGraphTest("-d", "maxPlanar5.txt") < 0) retVal = -1; if (runSpecificGraphTest("-d", "drawExample.txt") < 0) retVal = -1; if (runSpecificGraphTest("-p", "Petersen.txt") < 0) retVal = -1; if (runSpecificGraphTest("-o", "Petersen.txt") < 0) retVal = -1; if (runSpecificGraphTest("-2", "Petersen.txt") < 0) retVal = -1; if (runSpecificGraphTest("-3", "Petersen.txt") < 0) retVal = -1; if (runSpecificGraphTest("-4", "Petersen.txt") < 0) retVal = -1; if (runSpecificGraphTest("-c", "maxPlanar5.txt") < 0) retVal = -1; if (runSpecificGraphTest("-c", "Petersen.txt") < 0) retVal = -1; if (runSpecificGraphTest("-c", "drawExample.txt") < 0) retVal = -1; chdir(origDir); FlushConsole(stdout); return retVal; }
int Console::Flush() { bool done_output = false; int num_running = 0; for(int i = 0; i < processes.GetCount(); i++) if(!!processes[i].process) num_running++; if(num_running) { int time = msecs(); for(int i = 0; i < processes.GetCount(); i++) { Slot& slot = processes[i]; if(!!slot.process) { Group& group = groups.GetAdd(; group.msecs += (time - slot.last_msecs) / num_running; group.raw_msecs += time - slot.last_msecs; slot.last_msecs = time; } } } bool running = false; for(int i = 0; i < processes.GetCount(); i++) { Slot& slot = processes[i]; if(!slot.process) continue; String s; slot.process->Read(s); if(!IsNull(s)) { done_output = true; if(slot.outfile) slot.outfile->Put(s); if(!slot.quiet) { if(console_lock < 0 || console_lock == i) { console_lock = i; AppendOutput(s); } else slot.output.Cat(s); } } if(!slot.process->IsRunning()) { Kill(i); if(slot.exitcode != 0 && verbosebuild) spooled_output.Cat("Error executing " + slot.cmdline + "\n"); if(console_lock == i) console_lock = -1; FlushConsole(); CheckEndGroup(); continue; } running = true; } return !running ? -1 : done_output ? 1 : 0; }
int RandomGraphs(char command, int NumGraphs, int SizeOfGraphs) { char theFileName[256]; int K, countUpdateFreq; int Result=OK, MainStatistic=0; int ObstructionMinorFreqs[NUM_MINORS]; graphP theGraph=NULL, origGraph=NULL; platform_time start, end; int embedFlags = GetEmbedFlags(command); int ReuseGraphs = TRUE; GetNumberIfZero(&NumGraphs, "Enter number of graphs to generate:", 1, 1000000000); GetNumberIfZero(&SizeOfGraphs, "Enter size of graphs:", 1, 10000); theGraph = MakeGraph(SizeOfGraphs, command); origGraph = MakeGraph(SizeOfGraphs, command); if (theGraph == NULL || origGraph == NULL) { gp_Free(&theGraph); return NOTOK; } // Initialize a secondary statistics array for (K=0; K < NUM_MINORS; K++) ObstructionMinorFreqs[K] = 0; // Seed the random number generator with "now". Do it after any prompting // to tie randomness to human process of answering the prompt. srand(time(NULL)); // Select a counter update frequency that updates more frequently with larger graphs // and which is relatively prime with 10 so that all digits of the count will change // even though we aren't showing the count value on every iteration countUpdateFreq = 3579 / SizeOfGraphs; countUpdateFreq = countUpdateFreq < 1 ? 1 : countUpdateFreq; countUpdateFreq = countUpdateFreq % 2 == 0 ? countUpdateFreq+1 : countUpdateFreq; countUpdateFreq = countUpdateFreq % 5 == 0 ? countUpdateFreq+2 : countUpdateFreq; // Start the count fprintf(stdout, "0\r"); fflush(stdout); // Start the timer platform_GetTime(start); // Generate and process the number of graphs requested for (K=0; K < NumGraphs; K++) { if ((Result = gp_CreateRandomGraph(theGraph)) == OK) { if (tolower(OrigOut)=='y') { sprintf(theFileName, "random\\%d.txt", K%10); gp_Write(theGraph, theFileName, WRITE_ADJLIST); } gp_CopyGraph(origGraph, theGraph); if (strchr("pdo234", command)) { Result = gp_Embed(theGraph, embedFlags); if (gp_TestEmbedResultIntegrity(theGraph, origGraph, Result) != Result) Result = NOTOK; if (Result == OK) { MainStatistic++; if (tolower(EmbeddableOut) == 'y') { sprintf(theFileName, "embedded\\%d.txt", K%10); gp_Write(theGraph, theFileName, WRITE_ADJMATRIX); } if (tolower(AdjListsForEmbeddingsOut) == 'y') { sprintf(theFileName, "adjlist\\%d.txt", K%10); gp_Write(theGraph, theFileName, WRITE_ADJLIST); } } else if (Result == NONEMBEDDABLE) { if (embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_PLANAR || embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_OUTERPLANAR) { if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_A) ObstructionMinorFreqs[0] ++; else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_B) ObstructionMinorFreqs[1] ++; else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_C) ObstructionMinorFreqs[2] ++; else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_D) ObstructionMinorFreqs[3] ++; else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_E) ObstructionMinorFreqs[4] ++; if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_E1) ObstructionMinorFreqs[5] ++; else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_E2) ObstructionMinorFreqs[6] ++; else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_E3) ObstructionMinorFreqs[7] ++; else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_E4) ObstructionMinorFreqs[8] ++; if (tolower(ObstructedOut) == 'y') { sprintf(theFileName, "obstructed\\%d.txt", K%10); gp_Write(theGraph, theFileName, WRITE_ADJMATRIX); } } } } else if (command == 'c') { if ((Result = gp_ColorVertices(theGraph)) == OK) Result = gp_ColorVerticesIntegrityCheck(theGraph, origGraph); if (Result == OK && gp_GetNumColorsUsed(theGraph) <= 5) MainStatistic++; } // If there is an error in processing, then write the file for debugging if (Result != OK && Result != NONEMBEDDABLE) { sprintf(theFileName, "error\\%d.txt", K%10); gp_Write(origGraph, theFileName, WRITE_ADJLIST); } } // Reinitialize or recreate graphs for next iteration ReinitializeGraph(&theGraph, ReuseGraphs, command); ReinitializeGraph(&origGraph, ReuseGraphs, command); // Show progress, but not so often that it bogs down progress if (quietMode == 'n' && (K+1) % countUpdateFreq == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%d\r", K+1); fflush(stdout); } // Terminate loop on error if (Result != OK && Result != NONEMBEDDABLE) { ErrorMessage("\nError found\n"); Result = NOTOK; break; } } // Stop the timer platform_GetTime(end); // Finish the count fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", NumGraphs); fflush(stdout); // Free the graph structures created before the loop gp_Free(&theGraph); gp_Free(&origGraph); // Print some demographic results if (Result == OK || Result == NONEMBEDDABLE) Message("\nNo Errors Found."); sprintf(Line, "\nDone (%.3lf seconds).\n", platform_GetDuration(start,end)); Message(Line); // Report statistics for planar or outerplanar embedding if (embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_PLANAR || embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_OUTERPLANAR) { sprintf(Line, "Num Embedded=%d.\n", MainStatistic); Message(Line); for (K=0; K<5; K++) { // Outerplanarity does not produces minors C and D if (embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_OUTERPLANAR && (K==2 || K==3)) continue; sprintf(Line, "Minor %c = %d\n", K+'A', ObstructionMinorFreqs[K]); Message(Line); } if (!(embedFlags & ~EMBEDFLAGS_PLANAR)) { sprintf(Line, "\nNote: E1 are added to C, E2 are added to A, and E=E3+E4+K5 homeomorphs.\n"); Message(Line); for (K=5; K<NUM_MINORS; K++) { sprintf(Line, "Minor E%d = %d\n", K-4, ObstructionMinorFreqs[K]); Message(Line); } } } // Report statistics for graph drawing else if (embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_DRAWPLANAR) { sprintf(Line, "Num Graphs Embedded and Drawn=%d.\n", MainStatistic); Message(Line); } // Report statistics for subgraph homeomorphism algorithms else if (embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_SEARCHFORK23) { sprintf(Line, "Of the generated graphs, %d did not contain a K_{2,3} homeomorph as a subgraph.\n", MainStatistic); Message(Line); } else if (embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_SEARCHFORK33) { sprintf(Line, "Of the generated graphs, %d did not contain a K_{3,3} homeomorph as a subgraph.\n", MainStatistic); Message(Line); } else if (embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_SEARCHFORK4) { sprintf(Line, "Of the generated graphs, %d did not contain a K_4 homeomorph as a subgraph.\n", MainStatistic); Message(Line); } // Report statistics for vertex coloring else if (command == 'c') { sprintf(Line, "Num Graphs colored with 5 or fewer colors=%d.\n", MainStatistic); Message(Line); } FlushConsole(stdout); return Result==OK || Result==NONEMBEDDABLE ? OK : NOTOK; }
int RandomGraph(char command, int extraEdges, int numVertices, char *outfileName, char *outfile2Name) { int Result; platform_time start, end; graphP theGraph=NULL, origGraph; int embedFlags = GetEmbedFlags(command); char saveEdgeListFormat; GetNumberIfZero(&numVertices, "Enter number of vertices:", 1, 1000000); if ((theGraph = MakeGraph(numVertices, command)) == NULL) return NOTOK; srand(time(NULL)); Message("Creating the random graph...\n"); platform_GetTime(start); if (gp_CreateRandomGraphEx(theGraph, 3*numVertices-6+extraEdges) != OK) { ErrorMessage("gp_CreateRandomGraphEx() failed\n"); return NOTOK; } platform_GetTime(end); sprintf(Line, "Created random graph with %d edges in %.3lf seconds. ", theGraph->M, platform_GetDuration(start,end)); Message(Line); FlushConsole(stdout); // The user may have requested a copy of the random graph before processing if (outfile2Name != NULL) { gp_Write(theGraph, outfile2Name, WRITE_ADJLIST); } origGraph = gp_DupGraph(theGraph); // Do the requested algorithm on the randomly generated graph Message("Now processing\n"); FlushConsole(stdout); if (strchr("pdo234", command)) { platform_GetTime(start); Result = gp_Embed(theGraph, embedFlags); platform_GetTime(end); gp_SortVertices(theGraph); if (gp_TestEmbedResultIntegrity(theGraph, origGraph, Result) != Result) Result = NOTOK; } else if (command == 'c') { platform_GetTime(start); Result = gp_ColorVertices(theGraph); platform_GetTime(end); } else Result = NOTOK; // Write what the algorithm determined and how long it took WriteAlgorithmResults(theGraph, Result, command, start, end, NULL); // On successful algorithm result, write the output file and see if the // user wants the edge list formatted file. if (Result == OK || Result == NONEMBEDDABLE) { if (outfileName != NULL) gp_Write(theGraph, outfileName, WRITE_ADJLIST); Prompt("Do you want to save the generated graph in edge list format (y/n)? "); fflush(stdin); scanf(" %c", &saveEdgeListFormat); if (tolower(saveEdgeListFormat) == 'y') { char *fileName = "maxPlanarEdgeList.txt"; if (extraEdges > 0) fileName = "nonPlanarEdgeList.txt"; SaveAsciiGraph(theGraph, fileName); sprintf(Line, "Edge list format saved to '%s'\n", fileName); Message(Line); } } else ErrorMessage("Failure occurred"); gp_Free(&theGraph); gp_Free(&origGraph); FlushConsole(stdout); return Result; }
int SpecificGraph(char command, char *infileName, char *outfileName, char *outfile2Name) { graphP theGraph, origGraph; platform_time start, end; int Result; // Get the filename of the graph to test if ((infileName = ConstructInputFilename(infileName)) == NULL) return NOTOK; // Create the graph and, if needed, attach the correct algorithm to it theGraph = gp_New(); switch (command) { case 'd' : gp_AttachDrawPlanar(theGraph); break; case '2' : gp_AttachK23Search(theGraph); break; case '3' : gp_AttachK33Search(theGraph); break; case '4' : gp_AttachK4Search(theGraph); break; case 'c' : gp_AttachColorVertices(theGraph); break; } // Read the graph into memory Result = gp_Read(theGraph, infileName); if (Result == NONEMBEDDABLE) { Message("The graph contains too many edges.\n"); // Some of the algorithms will still run correctly with some edges removed. if (strchr("pdo234", command)) { Message("Some edges were removed, but the algorithm will still run correctly.\n"); Result = OK; } } // If there was an unrecoverable error, report it if (Result != OK) ErrorMessage("Failed to read graph\n"); // Otherwise, call the correct algorithm on it else { // Copy the graph for integrity checking origGraph = gp_DupGraph(theGraph); // Run the algorithm if (strchr("pdo234", command)) { int embedFlags = GetEmbedFlags(command); platform_GetTime(start); // gp_CreateDFSTree(theGraph); // gp_SortVertices(theGraph); // gp_Write(theGraph, "debug.before.txt", WRITE_DEBUGINFO); // gp_SortVertices(theGraph); Result = gp_Embed(theGraph, embedFlags); platform_GetTime(end); Result = gp_TestEmbedResultIntegrity(theGraph, origGraph, Result); } else { platform_GetTime(start); if (command == 'c') { if ((Result = gp_ColorVertices(theGraph)) == OK) Result = gp_ColorVerticesIntegrityCheck(theGraph, origGraph); } else Result = NOTOK; platform_GetTime(end); } // Write what the algorithm determined and how long it took WriteAlgorithmResults(theGraph, Result, command, start, end, infileName); // Free the graph obtained for integrity checking. gp_Free(&origGraph); } // Report an error, if there was one, free the graph, and return if (Result != OK && Result != NONEMBEDDABLE) { ErrorMessage("AN ERROR HAS BEEN DETECTED\n"); Result = NOTOK; // gp_Write(theGraph, "debug.after.txt", WRITE_DEBUGINFO); } // Provide the output file(s) else { // Restore the vertex ordering of the original graph (undo DFS numbering) if (strchr("pdo234", command)) gp_SortVertices(theGraph); // Determine the name of the primary output file outfileName = ConstructPrimaryOutputFilename(infileName, outfileName, command); // For some algorithms, the primary output file is not always written if ((strchr("pdo", command) && Result == NONEMBEDDABLE) || (strchr("234", command) && Result == OK)) { // Do not write the file } // Write the primary output file, if appropriate to do so else { gp_Write(theGraph, outfileName, WRITE_ADJLIST); } // NOW WE WANT TO WRITE THE SECONDARY OUTPUT FILE // When called from the menu system, we want to write the planar or outerplanar // obstruction, if one exists. For planar graph drawing, we want the character // art rendition. An empty but non-NULL string is passed to indicate the necessity // of selecting a default name for the second output file. if (outfile2Name != NULL) { if ((command == 'p' || command == 'o') && Result == NONEMBEDDABLE) { // By default, use the same name as the primary output filename if (strlen(outfile2Name) == 0) outfile2Name = outfileName; gp_Write(theGraph, outfile2Name, WRITE_ADJLIST); } else if (command == 'd' && Result == OK) { // By default, add ".render.txt" to the primary output filename if (strlen(outfile2Name) == 0) strcat((outfile2Name = outfileName), ".render.txt"); gp_DrawPlanar_RenderToFile(theGraph, outfile2Name); } } } // Free the graph gp_Free(&theGraph); // Flush any remaining message content to the user, and return the result FlushConsole(stdout); return Result; }
void Prompt(char *message) { Message(message); FlushConsole(stdout); }
int helpMessage(char *param) { char *commandStr = "C = command from menu\n" " -p = Planar embedding and Kuratowski subgraph isolation\n" " -o = Outerplanar embedding and obstruction isolation\n" " -d = Planar graph drawing\n" " -2 = Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_{2,3}\n" " -3 = Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_{3,3}\n" " -4 = Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_4\n" " -c = Color the vertices of the graph\n" "\n"; ProjectTitle(); if (param == NULL) { Message( "'planarity': menu-driven\n" "'planarity (-h|-help)': this message\n" "'planarity (-h|-help) -menu': more help with menu-based command line\n" "'planarity -test [-q] [C]': runs tests (optional quiet mode, single test)\n" "\n" ); Message( "Common usages\n" "-------------\n" "planarity -s -q -p infile.txt embedding.out [obstruction.out]\n" "Process infile.txt in quiet mode (-q), putting planar embedding in \n" "embedding.out or (optionally) a Kuratowski subgraph in Obstruction.out\n" "Process returns 0=planar, 1=nonplanar, -1=error\n" "\n" "planarity -s -q -d infile.txt embedding.out [drawing.out]\n" "If graph in infile.txt is planar, then put embedding in embedding.out \n" "and (optionally) an ASCII art drawing in drawing.out\n" "Process returns 0=planar, 1=nonplanar, -1=error\n" "\n" ); } else if (strcmp(param, "-menu") == 0) { Message( "'planarity -r [-q] C K N': Random graphs\n" "'planarity -s [-q] C I O [O2]': Specific graph\n" "'planarity -rm [-q] N O [O2]': Maximal planar random graph\n" "'planarity -rn [-q] N O [O2]': Nonplanar random graph (maximal planar + edge)\n" "'planarity I O [-n O2]': Legacy command-line (default -s -p)\n" "\n" ); Message("-q is for quiet mode (no messages to stdout and stderr)\n\n"); Message(commandStr); Message( "K = # of graphs to randomly generate\n" "N = # of vertices in each randomly generated graph\n" "I = Input file (for work on a specific graph)\n" "O = Primary output file\n" " For example, if C=-p then O receives the planar embedding\n" " If C=-3, then O receives a subgraph containing a K_{3,3}\n" "O2= Secondary output file\n" " For -s, if C=-p or -o, then O2 receives the embedding obstruction\n" " For -s, if C=-d, then O2 receives a drawing of the planar graph\n" " For -m and -n, O2 contains the original randomly generated graph\n" "\n" ); Message( "planarity process results: 0=OK, -1=NOTOK, 1=NONEMBEDDABLE\n" " 1 result only produced by specific graph mode (-s)\n" " with command -2,-3,-4: found K_{2,3}, K_{3,3} or K_4\n" " with command -p,-d: found planarity obstruction\n" " with command -o: found outerplanarity obstruction\n" ); } FlushConsole(stdout); return 0; }
int menu(void) { char Choice; do { ProjectTitle(); Message("\n" "P. Planar embedding and Kuratowski subgraph isolation\n" "D. Planar graph drawing\n" "O. Outerplanar embedding and obstruction isolation\n" "2. Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_{2,3}\n" "3. Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_{3,3}\n" "4. Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_4\n" "C. Color the vertices of the graph\n" "H. Help message for command line version\n" "R. Reconfigure options\n" "X. Exit\n" "\n" ); Prompt("Enter Choice: "); fflush(stdin); scanf(" %c", &Choice); Choice = tolower(Choice); if (Choice == 'h') helpMessage(NULL); else if (Choice == 'r') Reconfigure(); else if (Choice != 'x') { char *secondOutfile = NULL; if (Choice == 'p' || Choice == 'o' || Choice == 'd') secondOutfile =""; switch (tolower(Mode)) { case 's' : SpecificGraph(Choice, NULL, NULL, secondOutfile); break; case 'r' : RandomGraphs(Choice, 0, 0); break; case 'm' : RandomGraph(Choice, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); break; case 'n' : RandomGraph(Choice, 1, 0, NULL, NULL); break; } } if (Choice != 'r' && Choice != 'x') { Prompt("\nPress a key then hit ENTER to continue..."); fflush(stdin); scanf(" %*c"); fflush(stdin); Message("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); FlushConsole(stdout); } } while (Choice != 'x'); // Certain debuggers don't terminate correctly with pending output content FlushConsole(stdout); FlushConsole(stderr); return 0; }
int helpMessage(char *param) { char *commandStr = "C = command (algorithm implementation to run)\n" " -p = Planar embedding and Kuratowski subgraph isolation\n" " -d = Planar graph drawing by visibility representation\n" " -o = Outerplanar embedding and obstruction isolation\n" " -2 = Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_{2,3}\n" " -3 = Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_{3,3}\n" " -4 = Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_4\n" " -a = All of the above\n" "\n"; ProjectTitle(); if (param == NULL) { Message( "'planarity': if no command-line, then menu-driven\n" "'planarity (-h|-help)': this message\n" "'planarity (-h|-help) -gen': more help with graph generator command line\n" "'planarity (-h|-help) -menu': more help with menu-based command line\n" "'planarity (-i|-info): copyright and license information\n" "'planarity -test [-q] [C]': runs tests (optional quiet mode, single test)\n" "\n" ); Message( "Common usages\n" "-------------\n" "planarity -s -q -p infile.txt embedding.out [obstruction.out]\n" "Process infile.txt in quiet mode (-q), putting planar embedding in \n" "embedding.out or (optionally) a Kuratowski subgraph in Obstruction.out\n" "Process returns 0=planar, 1=nonplanar, -1=error\n" "\n" "planarity -s -q -d infile.txt embedding.out [drawing.out]\n" "If graph in infile.txt is planar, then put embedding in embedding.out \n" "and (optionally) an ASCII art drawing in drawing.out\n" "Process returns 0=planar, 1=nonplanar, -1=error\n" ); } else if (strcmp(param, "-i") == 0 || strcmp(param, "-info") == 0) { Message( "The Edge Addition Planarity Suite\n" "Copyright (c) 1997-2015, John M. Boyer\n" "All rights reserved. \n" "See the LICENSE.TXT file for licensing information. \n" "\n" "Includes a reference implementation of the following:\n" "\n" "* John M. Boyer. \"Subgraph Homeomorphism via the Edge Addition Planarity \n" " Algorithm\". Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 16, \n" " no. 2, pp. 381-410, 2012.\n" "\n" "* John M. Boyer. \"A New Method for Efficiently Generating Planar Graph\n" " Visibility Representations\". In P. Eades and P. Healy, editors,\n" " Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Graph Drawing 2005,\n" " Lecture Notes Comput. Sci., Volume 3843, pp. 508-511, Springer-Verlag, 2006.\n" "\n" "* John M. Boyer and Wendy J. Myrvold. \"On the Cutting Edge: Simplified O(n)\n" " Planarity by Edge Addition\". Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications,\n" " Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 241-273, 2004.\n" "\n" "\n" "* John M. Boyer. \"Simplified O(n) Algorithms for Planar Graph Embedding,\n" " Kuratowski Subgraph Isolation, and Related Problems\". Ph.D. Dissertation,\n" " University of Victoria, 2001.\n" "\n" ); } else if (strcmp(param, "-menu") == 0) { Message( "'planarity -r [-q] C K N': Random graphs\n" "'planarity -s [-q] C I O [O2]': Specific graph\n" "'planarity -rm [-q] N O [O2]': Maximal planar random graph\n" "'planarity -rn [-q] N O [O2]': Nonplanar random graph (maximal planar + edge)\n" "'planarity I O [-n O2]': Legacy command-line (default -s -p)\n" "\n" ); Message("-q is for quiet mode (no messages to stdout and stderr)\n\n"); Message(commandStr); Message( "K = # of graphs to randomly generate\n" "N = # of vertices in each randomly generated graph\n" "I = Input file (for work on a specific graph)\n" "O = Primary output file\n" " For example, if C=-p then O receives the planar embedding\n" " If C=-3, then O receives a subgraph containing a K_{3,3}\n" "O2= Secondary output file\n" " For -s, if C=-p or -o, then O2 receives the embedding obstruction\n" " For -s, if C=-d, then O2 receives a drawing of the planar graph\n" " For -m and -n, O2 contains the original randomly generated graph\n" "\n" ); Message( "planarity process results: 0=OK, -1=NOTOK, 1=NONEMBEDDABLE\n" " 1 result only produced by specific graph mode (-s)\n" " with command -2,-3,-4: found K_{2,3}, K_{3,3} or K_4\n" " with command -p,-d: found planarity obstruction\n" " with command -o: found outerplanarity obstruction\n" ); } FlushConsole(stdout); return 0; }