cNoradSDP4::cNoradSDP4(const cOrbit &orbit) :
   double sinarg = sin(m_Orbit.ArgPerigee());
   double cosarg = cos(m_Orbit.ArgPerigee());
   double eqsq   = sqr(m_Orbit.Eccentricity());
   // Deep space initialization 
   cJulian jd = m_Orbit.Epoch();

   dp_thgr = jd.ToGmst();

   double eq     = m_Orbit.Eccentricity();
   double aqnv   = 1.0 / m_Orbit.SemiMajor();
   double xmao   = m_Orbit.MeanAnomaly();
   double xpidot = m_omgdot + m_xnodot;
   double sinq   = sin(m_Orbit.RAAN());
   double cosq   = cos(m_Orbit.RAAN());

   // Initialize lunar solar terms 
   double day = jd.FromJan1_12h_1900();
   double dpi_xnodce = 4.5236020 - 9.2422029E-4 * day;
   double dpi_stem   = sin(dpi_xnodce);
   double dpi_ctem   = cos(dpi_xnodce);
   double dpi_zcosil = 0.91375164 - 0.03568096 * dpi_ctem;
   double dpi_zsinil = sqrt(1.0 - dpi_zcosil * dpi_zcosil);
   double dpi_zsinhl = 0.089683511 *dpi_stem / dpi_zsinil;
   double dpi_zcoshl = sqrt(1.0 - dpi_zsinhl * dpi_zsinhl);
   double dpi_c      = 4.7199672 + 0.22997150 * day;
   double dpi_gam    = 5.8351514 + 0.0019443680 * day;
   dp_zmol = Fmod2p(dpi_c - dpi_gam);

   double dpi_zx = 0.39785416 * dpi_stem / dpi_zsinil;
   double dpi_zy = dpi_zcoshl * dpi_ctem + 0.91744867 * dpi_zsinhl * dpi_stem;

   dpi_zx = AcTan(dpi_zx,dpi_zy) + dpi_gam - dpi_xnodce;

   double dpi_zcosgl = cos(dpi_zx);
   double dpi_zsingl = sin(dpi_zx);

   dp_zmos   = 6.2565837 + 0.017201977 * day;
   dp_zmos   = Fmod2p(dp_zmos);
   const double zcosis = 0.91744867;
   const double zsinis = 0.39785416;     
   const double c1ss   = 2.9864797e-06;
   const double zsings = -0.98088458;
   const double zcosgs =  0.1945905;

   double zcosg = zcosgs;
   double zsing = zsings;
   double zcosi = zcosis;
   double zsini = zsinis;
   double zcosh = cosq;
   double zsinh = sinq;
   double cc  = c1ss;
   double zn  = zns;
   double ze  = zes;
   double zmo = dp_zmos;
   double xnoi = 1.0 / m_Orbit.MeanMotion();

   double se  = 0.0;  double si = 0.0;  double sl = 0.0;  
   double sgh = 0.0;  double sh = 0.0;

   // Apply the solar and lunar terms on the first pass, then re-apply the
   // solar terms again on the second pass.

   for (int pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++)
      // Do solar terms 
      double a1  =  zcosg * zcosh + zsing * zcosi * zsinh;
      double a3  = -zsing * zcosh + zcosg * zcosi * zsinh;
      double a7  = -zcosg * zsinh + zsing * zcosi * zcosh;
      double a8  = zsing * zsini;
      double a9  = zsing * zsinh + zcosg * zcosi * zcosh;
      double a10 = zcosg * zsini;

      double a2 = m_cosio * a7 +  m_sinio * a8;
      double a4 = m_cosio * a9 +  m_sinio * a10;
      double a5 = -m_sinio * a7 +  m_cosio * a8;
      double a6 = -m_sinio * a9 +  m_cosio * a10;
      double x1 = a1 * cosarg + a2 * sinarg;
      double x2 = a3 * cosarg + a4 * sinarg;
      double x3 = -a1 * sinarg + a2 * cosarg;
      double x4 = -a3 * sinarg + a4 * cosarg;
      double x5 = a5 * sinarg;
      double x6 = a6 * sinarg;
      double x7 = a5 * cosarg;
      double x8 = a6 * cosarg;
      double z31 = 12.0 * x1 * x1 - 3.0 * x3 * x3;
      double z32 = 24.0 * x1 * x2 - 6.0 * x3 * x4;
      double z33 = 12.0 * x2 * x2 - 3.0 * x4 * x4;
      double z1 = 3.0 * (a1 * a1 + a2 * a2) + z31 * eqsq;
      double z2 = 6.0 * (a1 * a3 + a2 * a4) + z32 * eqsq;
      double z3 = 3.0 * (a3 * a3 + a4 * a4) + z33 * eqsq;
      double z11 = -6.0 * a1 * a5 + eqsq*(-24.0 * x1 * x7 - 6.0 * x3 * x5);
      double z12 = -6.0 * (a1 * a6 + a3 * a5) +
                   eqsq * (-24.0 * (x2 * x7 + x1 * x8) - 6.0 * (x3 * x6 + x4 * x5));
      double z13 = -6.0 * a3 * a6 + eqsq * (-24.0 * x2 * x8 - 6.0 * x4 * x6);
      double z21 = 6.0 * a2 * a5 + eqsq * (24.0 * x1 * x5 - 6.0 * x3 * x7);
      double z22 = 6.0*(a4 * a5 + a2 * a6) +
                   eqsq * (24.0 * (x2 * x5 + x1 * x6) - 6.0 * (x4 * x7 + x3 * x8));
      double z23 = 6.0 * a4 * a6 + eqsq*(24.0 * x2 * x6 - 6.0 * x4 * x8);
      z1 = z1 + z1 + m_betao2 * z31;
      z2 = z2 + z2 + m_betao2 * z32;
      z3 = z3 + z3 + m_betao2 * z33;
      double s3  = cc * xnoi;
      double s2  = -0.5 * s3 / m_betao;
      double s4  = s3 * m_betao;
      double s1  = -15.0 * eq * s4;
      double s5  = x1 * x3 + x2 * x4;
      double s6  = x2 * x3 + x1 * x4;
      double s7  = x2 * x4 - x1 * x3;
      se  = s1 * zn * s5;
      si  = s2 * zn * (z11 + z13);
      sl  = -zn * s3 * (z1 + z3 - 14.0 - 6.0 * eqsq);
      sgh =  s4 * zn * (z31 + z33 - 6.0);
      sh  = -zn * s2 * (z21 + z23);

      if (m_Orbit.Inclination() < 5.2359877E-2)
         sh = 0.0;

      dp_ee2 =  2.0 * s1 * s6;
      dp_e3  =  2.0 * s1 * s7;
      dp_xi2 =  2.0 * s2 * z12;
      dp_xi3 =  2.0 * s2 * (z13 - z11);
      dp_xl2 = -2.0 * s3 * z2;
      dp_xl3 = -2.0 * s3 * (z3 - z1);
      dp_xl4 = -2.0 * s3 * (-21.0 - 9.0 * eqsq) * ze;
      dp_xgh2 = 2.0 * s4 * z32;
      dp_xgh3 = 2.0 * s4 * (z33 - z31);
      dp_xgh4 = -18.0 * s4 * ze;
      dp_xh2 = -2.0 * s2 * z22;
      dp_xh3 = -2.0 * s2 * (z23 - z21);

      if (pass == 1)
         // Do lunar terms 
         dp_sse = se;
         dp_ssi = si;
         dp_ssl = sl;
         dp_ssh = sh / m_sinio;
         dp_ssg = sgh - m_cosio * dp_ssh;
         dp_se2 = dp_ee2;
         dp_si2 = dp_xi2;
         dp_sl2 = dp_xl2;
         dp_sgh2 = dp_xgh2;
         dp_sh2 = dp_xh2;
         dp_se3 = dp_e3;
         dp_si3 = dp_xi3;
         dp_sl3 = dp_xl3;
         dp_sgh3 = dp_xgh3;
         dp_sh3 = dp_xh3;
         dp_sl4 = dp_xl4;
         dp_sgh4 = dp_xgh4;
         zcosg = dpi_zcosgl;
         zsing = dpi_zsingl;
         zcosi = dpi_zcosil;
         zsini = dpi_zsinil;
         zcosh = dpi_zcoshl * cosq + dpi_zsinhl * sinq;
         zsinh = sinq * dpi_zcoshl - cosq * dpi_zsinhl;
         zn = znl;

         const double c1l = 4.7968065e-07;

         cc = c1l;
         ze = zel;
         zmo = dp_zmol;

   dp_sse = dp_sse + se;
   dp_ssi = dp_ssi + si;
   dp_ssl = dp_ssl + sl;
   dp_ssg = dp_ssg + sgh - m_cosio / m_sinio * sh;
   dp_ssh = dp_ssh + sh / m_sinio;

   // Geopotential resonance initialization
   gp_reso = false;
   gp_sync = false;

   double g310;
   double f220;
   double bfact = 0.0;

   // Determine if orbit is 24- or 12-hour resonant.
   // Mean motion is given in radians per minute.
   if ((m_Orbit.MeanMotion() > 0.0034906585) && (m_Orbit.MeanMotion() < 0.0052359877))
      // Orbit is within the Clarke Belt (period is 24-hour resonant).
      // Synchronous resonance terms initialization
      gp_reso = true;
      gp_sync = true;

      double g200 = 1.0 + eqsq * (-2.5 + 0.8125 * eqsq);

      g310 = 1.0 + 2.0 * eqsq;

      double g300 = 1.0 + eqsq * (-6.0 + 6.60937 * eqsq);

      f220 = 0.75 * (1.0 + m_cosio) * (1.0 + m_cosio);

      double f311 = 0.9375 * m_sinio * m_sinio * (1.0 + 3 * m_cosio) - 0.75 * (1.0 + m_cosio);
      double f330 = 1.0 + m_cosio;

      const double q22 = 1.7891679e-06;
      const double q31 = 2.1460748e-06;   
      const double q33 = 2.2123015e-07;   

      f330 = 1.875 * f330 * f330 * f330;
      dp_del1 = 3.0 * m_Orbit.MeanMotion() * m_Orbit.MeanMotion() * aqnv * aqnv;
      dp_del2 = 2.0 * dp_del1 * f220 * g200 * q22;
      dp_del3 = 3.0 * dp_del1 * f330 * g300 * q33 * aqnv;
      dp_del1 = dp_del1 * f311 * g310 * q31 * aqnv;
      dp_xlamo = xmao + m_Orbit.RAAN() + m_Orbit.ArgPerigee() - dp_thgr;
      bfact = m_xmdot + xpidot - thdt;
      bfact = bfact + dp_ssl + dp_ssg + dp_ssh;
   else if (((m_Orbit.MeanMotion() >= 8.26E-03) && (m_Orbit.MeanMotion() <= 9.24E-03)) && (eq >= 0.5))
      // Period is 12-hour resonant
      gp_reso = true;

      double eoc  = eq * eqsq;
      double g201 = -0.306 - (eq - 0.64) * 0.440;

      double g211;   double g322;
      double g410;   double g422;   
      double g520;

      if (eq <= 0.65)
         g211 =    3.616 -  13.247  * eq + 16.290   * eqsq;
         g310 =  -19.302 +  117.390 * eq - 228.419  * eqsq + 156.591  * eoc;
         g322 = -18.9068 + 109.7927 * eq - 214.6334 * eqsq + 146.5816 * eoc;
         g410 =  -41.122 +  242.694 * eq - 471.094  * eqsq +  313.953 * eoc;
         g422 = -146.407 +  841.880 * eq - 1629.014 * eqsq + 1083.435 * eoc;
         g520 = -532.114 + 3017.977 * eq - 5740.0   * eqsq + 3708.276 * eoc;
         g211 =   -72.099 +  331.819 * eq -  508.738 * eqsq +  266.724 * eoc;
         g310 =  -346.844 + 1582.851 * eq - 2415.925 * eqsq + 1246.113 * eoc;
         g322 =  -342.585 + 1554.908 * eq - 2366.899 * eqsq + 1215.972 * eoc;
         g410 = -1052.797 + 4758.686 * eq - 7193.992 * eqsq + 3651.957 * eoc;
         g422 = -3581.69  + 16178.11 * eq - 24462.77 * eqsq + 12422.52 * eoc;

         if (eq <= 0.715)
            g520 = 1464.74 - 4664.75 * eq + 3763.64 * eqsq;
            g520 = -5149.66 + 29936.92 * eq - 54087.36 * eqsq + 31324.56 * eoc;

      double g533;   
      double g521;   
      double g532;

      if (eq < 0.7)
         g533 = -919.2277  + 4988.61   * eq - 9064.77   * eqsq + 5542.21  * eoc;
         g521 = -822.71072 + 4568.6173 * eq - 8491.4146 * eqsq + 5337.524 * eoc;
         g532 = -853.666   + 4690.25   * eq - 8624.77   * eqsq + 5341.4   * eoc;
         g533 = -37995.78  + 161616.52 * eq - 229838.2  * eqsq + 109377.94 * eoc;
         g521 = -51752.104 + 218913.95 * eq - 309468.16 * eqsq + 146349.42 * eoc;
         g532 = -40023.88  + 170470.89 * eq - 242699.48 * eqsq + 115605.82 * eoc;

      double sini2  = sqr(m_sinio);
      double theta2 = sqr(m_cosio);

      f220 = 0.75 * (1.0 + 2.0 * m_cosio + theta2);

      const double root22 = 1.7891679e-06;
      const double root32 = 3.7393792e-07;
      const double root44 = 7.3636953e-09;
      const double root52 = 1.1428639e-07;
      const double root54 = 2.1765803e-09;   

      double f221 = 1.5 * sini2;
      double f321 =  1.875 * m_sinio * (1.0 - 2.0 * m_cosio - 3.0 * theta2);
      double f322 = -1.875 * m_sinio * (1.0 + 2.0 * m_cosio - 3.0 * theta2);
      double f441 = 35.0 * sini2 * f220;
      double f442 = 39.3750 * sini2 * sini2;
      double f522 = 9.84375 * m_sinio * (sini2 * (1.0 - 2.0 * m_cosio - 5.0 * theta2) +
                    0.33333333*(-2.0 + 4.0 * m_cosio + 6.0 * theta2));
      double f523 = m_sinio * (4.92187512 * sini2 * (-2.0 - 4.0 * m_cosio + 10.0 * theta2) +
                    6.56250012 * (1.0 + 2.0 * m_cosio - 3.0 * theta2));
      double f542 = 29.53125 * m_sinio * ( 2.0 - 8.0 * m_cosio + theta2 * (-12.0 + 8.0 * m_cosio + 10.0 * theta2));
      double f543 = 29.53125 * m_sinio * (-2.0 - 8.0 * m_cosio + theta2 * ( 12.0 + 8.0 * m_cosio - 10.0 * theta2));
      double xno2 = m_Orbit.MeanMotion() * m_Orbit.MeanMotion();
      double ainv2 = aqnv * aqnv;
      double temp1 = 3.0 * xno2 * ainv2;
      double temp  = temp1 * root22;

      dp_d2201 = temp * f220 * g201;
      dp_d2211 = temp * f221 * g211;
      temp1 = temp1 * aqnv;
      temp = temp1 * root32;
      dp_d3210 = temp * f321 * g310;
      dp_d3222 = temp * f322 * g322;
      temp1 = temp1 * aqnv;
      temp = 2.0 * temp1 * root44;
      dp_d4410 = temp * f441 * g410;
      dp_d4422 = temp * f442 * g422;
      temp1 = temp1 * aqnv;
      temp  = temp1 * root52;
      dp_d5220 = temp * f522 * g520;
      dp_d5232 = temp * f523 * g532;
      temp = 2.0 * temp1 * root54;
      dp_d5421 = temp * f542 * g521;
      dp_d5433 = temp * f543 * g533;
      dp_xlamo = xmao + m_Orbit.RAAN() + m_Orbit.RAAN() - dp_thgr - dp_thgr;
      bfact = m_xmdot + m_xnodot + m_xnodot - thdt - thdt;
      bfact = bfact + dp_ssl + dp_ssh + dp_ssh;

   if (gp_reso || gp_sync)
      dp_xfact = bfact - m_Orbit.MeanMotion();

      // Initialize integrator 
      dp_xli   = dp_xlamo;
      dp_xni   = m_Orbit.MeanMotion();
      dp_atime = 0.0;
      dp_stepp = 720.0;
      dp_stepn = -720.0;
      dp_step2 = 259200.0;
      dp_xfact = 0.0;
      dp_xli   = 0.0;
      dp_xni   = 0.0;
      dp_atime = 0.0;
      dp_stepp = 0.0;
      dp_stepn = 0.0;
      dp_step2 = 0.0;
bool cNoradBase::FinalPosition(double incl, double  omega, 
                               double    e, double      a,
                               double   xl, double  xnode, 
                               double   xn, double tsince, 
                               cEci &eci)
   if ((e * e) > 1.0)
      // error in satellite data
      return false;  

   double beta = sqrt(1.0 - e * e);

   // Long period periodics 
   double axn  = e * cos(omega);
   double temp = 1.0 / (a * beta * beta);
   double xll  = temp * m_xlcof * axn;
   double aynl = temp * m_aycof;
   double xlt  = xl + xll;
   double ayn  = e * sin(omega) + aynl;

   // Solve Kepler's Equation 

   double capu   = Fmod2p(xlt - xnode);
   double temp2  = capu;
   double temp3  = 0.0;
   double temp4  = 0.0;
   double temp5  = 0.0;
   double temp6  = 0.0;
   double sinepw = 0.0;
   double cosepw = 0.0;
   bool   fDone  = false;

   for (int i = 1; (i <= 10) && !fDone; i++)
      sinepw = sin(temp2);
      cosepw = cos(temp2);
      temp3 = axn * sinepw;
      temp4 = ayn * cosepw;
      temp5 = axn * cosepw;
      temp6 = ayn * sinepw;

      double epw = (capu - temp4 + temp3 - temp2) / 
                   (1.0 - temp5 - temp6) + temp2;

      if (fabs(epw - temp2) <= E6A)
         fDone = true;
         temp2 = epw;

   // Short period preliminary quantities 
   double ecose = temp5 + temp6;
   double esine = temp3 - temp4;
   double elsq  = axn * axn + ayn * ayn;
   temp  = 1.0 - elsq;
   double pl = a * temp;
   double r  = a * (1.0 - ecose);
   double temp1 = 1.0 / r;
   double rdot  = XKE * sqrt(a) * esine * temp1;
   double rfdot = XKE * sqrt(pl) * temp1;
   temp2 = a * temp1;
   double betal = sqrt(temp);
   temp3 = 1.0 / (1.0 + betal);
   double cosu  = temp2 * (cosepw - axn + ayn * esine * temp3);
   double sinu  = temp2 * (sinepw - ayn - axn * esine * temp3);
   double u     = AcTan(sinu, cosu);
   double sin2u = 2.0 * sinu * cosu;
   double cos2u = 2.0 * cosu * cosu - 1.0;

   temp  = 1.0 / pl;
   temp1 = CK2 * temp;
   temp2 = temp1 * temp;

   // Update for short periodics 
   double rk = r * (1.0 - 1.5 * temp2 * betal * m_x3thm1) + 
               0.5 * temp1 * m_x1mth2 * cos2u;
   double uk = u - 0.25 * temp2 * m_x7thm1 * sin2u;
   double xnodek = xnode + 1.5 * temp2 * m_cosio * sin2u;
   double xinck  = incl + 1.5 * temp2 * m_cosio * m_sinio * cos2u;
   double rdotk  = rdot - xn * temp1 * m_x1mth2 * sin2u;
   double rfdotk = rfdot + xn * temp1 * (m_x1mth2 * cos2u + 1.5 * m_x3thm1);

   // Orientation vectors 
   double sinuk  = sin(uk);
   double cosuk  = cos(uk);
   double sinik  = sin(xinck);
   double cosik  = cos(xinck);
   double sinnok = sin(xnodek);
   double cosnok = cos(xnodek);
   double xmx = -sinnok * cosik;
   double xmy = cosnok * cosik;
   double ux  = xmx * sinuk + cosnok * cosuk;
   double uy  = xmy * sinuk + sinnok * cosuk;
   double uz  = sinik * sinuk;
   double vx  = xmx * cosuk - cosnok * sinuk;
   double vy  = xmy * cosuk - sinnok * sinuk;
   double vz  = sinik * cosuk;

   // Position
   double x = rk * ux;
   double y = rk * uy;
   double z = rk * uz;

   cVector vecPos(x, y, z);

   // Validate on altitude
   double altKm = (vecPos.Magnitude() * (XKMPER_WGS72 / AE));

   if ((altKm < XKMPER_WGS72) || (altKm > (2 * GEOSYNC_ALT)))
      return false;
   // Velocity
   double xdot = rdotk * ux + rfdotk * vx;
   double ydot = rdotk * uy + rfdotk * vy;
   double zdot = rdotk * uz + rfdotk * vz;

   cVector vecVel(xdot, ydot, zdot);

   cJulian gmt = m_Orbit.Epoch();

   eci = cEci(vecPos, vecVel, gmt);

   return true;