  Close an INI config file and free the context.

  @param[in] Context         INI Config file context.
CloseIniFile (
  IN      VOID                          *Context
  INI_PARSING_LIB_CONTEXT               *IniContext;

  if (Context == NULL) {
    return ;

  IniContext = Context;
  FreeAllList(IniContext->SectionHead, IniContext->CommentHead);

  Parse Config data file to get the updated data array.

  @param DataBuffer      Config raw file buffer.
  @param BufferSize      Size of raw buffer.
  @param NumOfUpdates    Pointer to the number of update data.
  @param UpdateArray     Pointer to the config of update data.

  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         No config data is found.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  No enough memory is allocated.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Parse the config file successfully.

ParseUpdateDataFile (
  IN      UINT8                         *DataBuffer,
  IN      UINTN                         BufferSize,
  IN OUT  UINTN                         *NumOfUpdates,
  IN OUT  UPDATE_CONFIG_DATA            **UpdateArray
  EFI_STATUS                            Status;
  CHAR8                                 *Value;
  CHAR8                                 *SectionName;
  CHAR8                                 Entry[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
  SECTION_ITEM                          *SectionHead;
  COMMENT_LINE                          *CommentHead;
  UINTN                                 Num;
  UINTN                                 Index;
  EFI_GUID                              FileGuid;

  SectionHead           = NULL;
  CommentHead           = NULL;

  // First process the data buffer and get all sections and entries
  Status                = PreProcessDataFile (
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    FreeAllList (SectionHead, CommentHead);
    return Status;

  // Now get NumOfUpdate
  Value                 = NULL;
  Status                = UpdateGetProfileString (
                            (UINT8 *) "Head",
                            (UINT8 *) "NumOfUpdate",
                            (UINT8 **) &Value
  if (Value == NULL) {
    FreeAllList (SectionHead, CommentHead);
    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
  Num                   = UpdateAtoi((UINT8 *) Value);
  if (Num <= 0) {
    FreeAllList (SectionHead, CommentHead);
    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

  *NumOfUpdates         = Num;
  *UpdateArray = AllocatePool ((sizeof (UPDATE_CONFIG_DATA) * Num));
  if (*UpdateArray == NULL) {
    FreeAllList (SectionHead, CommentHead);

  for ( Index = 0 ; Index < *NumOfUpdates ; Index++) {
    // Get the section name of each update
    AsciiStrCpyS (Entry, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, "Update");
    UpdateStrCatNumber ((UINT8 *) Entry, Index);
    Value               = NULL;
    Status              = UpdateGetProfileString (
                            (UINT8 *) "Head",
                            (UINT8 *) Entry,
                            (UINT8 **) &Value
    if (Value == NULL) {
      FreeAllList (SectionHead, CommentHead);
      return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

    // The section name of this update has been found.
    // Now looks for all the config data of this update
    SectionName         = Value;

    // UpdateType
    Value               = NULL;
    Status              = UpdateGetProfileString (
                            (UINT8 *) SectionName,
                            (UINT8 *) "UpdateType",
                            (UINT8 **) &Value
    if (Value == NULL) {
      FreeAllList (SectionHead, CommentHead);
      return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

    Num                 = UpdateAtoi((UINT8 *) Value);
    if (( Num >= (UINTN) UpdateOperationMaximum)) {
      FreeAllList (SectionHead, CommentHead);
      return Status;
    (*UpdateArray)[Index].Index       = Index;
    (*UpdateArray)[Index].UpdateType  = (UPDATE_OPERATION_TYPE) Num;

    // FvBaseAddress
    Value               = NULL;
    Status              = UpdateGetProfileString (
                            (UINT8 *) SectionName,
                            (UINT8 *) "FvBaseAddress",
                            (UINT8 **) &Value
    if (Value == NULL) {
      FreeAllList (SectionHead, CommentHead);
      return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

    Num                 = AsciiStrHexToUintn ((CONST CHAR8 *) Value);
    (*UpdateArray)[Index].BaseAddress = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) Num;

    // FileBuid
    Value               = NULL;
    Status              = UpdateGetProfileString (
                            (UINT8 *) SectionName,
                            (UINT8 *) "FileGuid",
                            (UINT8 **) &Value
    if (Value == NULL) {
      FreeAllList (SectionHead, CommentHead);
      return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

    Status              = UpdateStringToGuid ((UINT8 *) Value, &FileGuid);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      FreeAllList (SectionHead, CommentHead);
      return Status;
    CopyMem (&((*UpdateArray)[Index].FileGuid), &FileGuid, sizeof(EFI_GUID));

    // FaultTolerant
    // Default value is FALSE
    Value               = NULL;
    (*UpdateArray)[Index].FaultTolerant = FALSE;
    Status              = UpdateGetProfileString (
                            (UINT8 *) SectionName,
                            (UINT8 *) "FaultTolerant",
                            (UINT8 **) &Value
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && (Status != EFI_NOT_FOUND)) {
      FreeAllList (SectionHead, CommentHead);
      return Status;
    } else if (Value != NULL) {
      if (AsciiStriCmp ((CONST CHAR8 *) Value, (CONST CHAR8 *) "TRUE") == 0) {
        (*UpdateArray)[Index].FaultTolerant = TRUE;
      } else if (AsciiStriCmp ((CONST CHAR8 *) Value, (CONST CHAR8 *) "FALSE") == 0) {
        (*UpdateArray)[Index].FaultTolerant = FALSE;

    if ((*UpdateArray)[Index].UpdateType == UpdateFvRange) {
      // Length
      Value             = NULL;
      Status            = UpdateGetProfileString (
                            (UINT8 *) SectionName,
                            (UINT8 *) "Length",
                            (UINT8 **) &Value
      if (Value == NULL) {
        FreeAllList (SectionHead, CommentHead);
        return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

      Num               = AsciiStrHexToUintn ((CONST CHAR8 *) Value);
      (*UpdateArray)[Index].Length = (UINTN) Num;

  // Now all configuration data got. Free those temporary buffers
  FreeAllList (SectionHead, CommentHead);

  return EFI_SUCCESS;