void FreeFloatMtx( float **mtx )
	int i;

	for( i=0; mtx[i]; i++ ) 
		FreeFloatVec( mtx[i] );
	free( mtx );
void FreeFloatHalfMtx( float **mtx, int n )
	int i;

	for( i=0; i<n; i++ ) 
		if( mtx[i] ) FreeFloatVec( mtx[i] );
	free( mtx );
float genL__align11( char **seq1, char **seq2, int alloclen, int *off1pt, int *off2pt )
/* score no keisan no sai motokaraaru gap no atukai ni mondai ga aru */
//	int k;
	register int i, j;
	int lasti, lastj; 
	int lgth1, lgth2;
	int resultlen;
	float wm = 0.0;   /* int ?????? */
	float g;
	float *currentw, *previousw;
#if 1
	float *wtmp;
	int *ijpipt;
	int *ijpjpt;
	float *mjpt, *Mjpt, *prept, *curpt;
	int *mpjpt, *Mpjpt;
	static TLS float mi, *m;
	static TLS float Mi, *largeM;
	static TLS int **ijpi;
	static TLS int **ijpj;
	static TLS int mpi, *mp;
	static TLS int Mpi, *Mp;
	static TLS float *w1, *w2;
	static TLS float *match;
	static TLS float *initverticalw;    /* kufuu sureba iranai */
	static TLS float *lastverticalw;    /* kufuu sureba iranai */
	static TLS char **mseq1;
	static TLS char **mseq2;
	static TLS char **mseq;
	static TLS float **cpmx1;
	static TLS float **cpmx2;
	static TLS int **intwork;
	static TLS float **floatwork;
	static TLS int orlgth1 = 0, orlgth2 = 0;
	float maxwm;
	float tbk;
	int tbki, tbkj;
	int endali, endalj;
//	float localthr = 0.0;
//	float localthr2 = 0.0;
	float fpenalty = (float)penalty;
	float fpenalty_OP = (float)penalty_OP;
	float fpenalty_ex = (float)penalty_ex;
//	float fpenalty_EX = (float)penalty_EX;
	float foffset = (float)offset;
	float localthr = -foffset;
	float localthr2 = -foffset;

	if( seq1 == NULL )
		if( orlgth1 > 0 && orlgth2 > 0 )
			orlgth1 = 0;
			orlgth2 = 0;
			free( mseq1 );
			free( mseq2 );
			FreeFloatVec( w1 );
			FreeFloatVec( w2 );
			FreeFloatVec( match );
			FreeFloatVec( initverticalw );
			FreeFloatVec( lastverticalw );

			FreeFloatVec( m );
			FreeIntVec( mp );
			free( largeM );
			free( Mp );

			FreeCharMtx( mseq );

			FreeFloatMtx( cpmx1 );
			FreeFloatMtx( cpmx2 );

			FreeFloatMtx( floatwork );
			FreeIntMtx( intwork );

		return( 0.0 );

//	fprintf( stderr, "@@@@@@@@@@@@@ penalty_OP = %f, penalty_EX = %f, pelanty = %f\n", fpenalty_OP, fpenalty_EX, fpenalty );

	if( orlgth1 == 0 )
		mseq1 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );
		mseq2 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );

	lgth1 = strlen( seq1[0] );
	lgth2 = strlen( seq2[0] );

	if( lgth1 > orlgth1 || lgth2 > orlgth2 )
		int ll1, ll2;

		if( orlgth1 > 0 && orlgth2 > 0 )
			FreeFloatVec( w1 );
			FreeFloatVec( w2 );
			FreeFloatVec( match );
			FreeFloatVec( initverticalw );
			FreeFloatVec( lastverticalw );

			FreeFloatVec( m );
			FreeIntVec( mp );
			FreeFloatVec( largeM );
			FreeIntVec( Mp );

			FreeCharMtx( mseq );

			FreeFloatMtx( cpmx1 );
			FreeFloatMtx( cpmx2 );

			FreeFloatMtx( floatwork );
			FreeIntMtx( intwork );

		ll1 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth1), orlgth1 ) + 100;
		ll2 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth2), orlgth2 ) + 100;

		fprintf( stderr, "\ntrying to allocate (%d+%d)xn matrices ... ", ll1, ll2 );

		w1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		w2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		match = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );

		initverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
		lastverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );

		m = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		mp = AllocateIntVec( ll2+2 );
		largeM = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		Mp = AllocateIntVec( ll2+2 );

		mseq = AllocateCharMtx( njob, ll1+ll2 );

		cpmx1 = AllocateFloatMtx( nalphabets, ll1+2 );
		cpmx2 = AllocateFloatMtx( nalphabets, ll2+2 );

		floatwork = AllocateFloatMtx( nalphabets, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 ); 
		intwork = AllocateIntMtx( nalphabets, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 ); 

		fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n" );

		orlgth1 = ll1 - 100;
		orlgth2 = ll2 - 100;

	mseq1[0] = mseq[0];
	mseq2[0] = mseq[1];

	if( orlgth1 > commonAlloc1 || orlgth2 > commonAlloc2 )
		int ll1, ll2;

		if( commonAlloc1 && commonAlloc2 )
			FreeIntMtx( commonIP );
			FreeIntMtx( commonJP );

		ll1 = MAX( orlgth1, commonAlloc1 );
		ll2 = MAX( orlgth2, commonAlloc2 );

		fprintf( stderr, "\n\ntrying to allocate %dx%d matrices ... ", ll1+1, ll2+1 );

		commonIP = AllocateIntMtx( ll1+10, ll2+10 );
		commonJP = AllocateIntMtx( ll1+10, ll2+10 );

		fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n\n" );

		commonAlloc1 = ll1;
		commonAlloc2 = ll2;
	ijpi = commonIP;
	ijpj = commonJP;

#if 0
	for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) 
		fprintf( stderr, "ogcp1[%d]=%f\n", i, ogcp1[i] );

	currentw = w1;
	previousw = w2;

	match_calc( initverticalw, seq2, seq1, 0, lgth1 );

	match_calc( currentw, seq1, seq2, 0, lgth2 );

	lasti = lgth2+1;
	for( j=1; j<lasti; ++j ) 
		m[j] = currentw[j-1]; mp[j] = 0;
		largeM[j] = currentw[j-1]; Mp[j] = 0;

	lastverticalw[0] = currentw[lgth2-1];

#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "initverticalw = \n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth2+1; i++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", initverticalw[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
#if DEBUG2
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "       " );
	for( j=0; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
		fprintf( stderr, "%c     ", seq2[0][j] );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	localstop = lgth1+lgth2+1;
	maxwm = -999999999.9;
	endali = endalj = 0;
#if DEBUG2
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "%c   ", seq1[0][0] );

	for( j=0; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
		fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", currentw[j] );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	lasti = lgth1+1;
	for( i=1; i<lasti; i++ )
		wtmp = previousw; 
		previousw = currentw;
		currentw = wtmp;

		previousw[0] = initverticalw[i-1];

		match_calc( currentw, seq1, seq2, i, lgth2 );
#if DEBUG2
		fprintf( stderr, "%c   ", seq1[0][i] );
		fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", currentw[0] );

fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
		currentw[0] = initverticalw[i];

		mi = previousw[0]; mpi = 0;
		Mi = previousw[0]; Mpi = 0;

#if 0
		if( mi < localthr ) mi = localthr2;

		ijpipt = ijpi[i] + 1;
		ijpjpt = ijpj[i] + 1;
		mjpt = m + 1;
		Mjpt = largeM + 1;
		prept = previousw;
		curpt = currentw + 1;
		mpjpt = mp + 1;
		Mpjpt = Mp + 1;
		tbk = -999999.9;
		tbki = 0;
		tbkj = 0;
		lastj = lgth2+1;
		for( j=1; j<lastj; j++ )
			wm = *prept;
			*ijpipt = i-1;
			*ijpjpt = j-1;

//			fprintf( stderr, "i,j=%d,%d %c-%c\n", i, j, seq1[0][i], seq2[0][j] );
//			fprintf( stderr, "wm=%f\n", wm );
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f->", wm );
			g = mi + fpenalty;
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
			if( g > wm )
				wm = g;
//				*ijpipt = i - 1; 
				*ijpjpt = mpi;
			g = *prept;
			if( g > mi )
				mi = g;
				mpi = j-1;

			mi += fpenalty_ex;

#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f->", wm );
			g = *mjpt + fpenalty;
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "m%5.0f?", g );
			if( g > wm )
				wm = g;
				*ijpipt = *mpjpt;
				*ijpjpt = j - 1; //IRU!
			g = *prept;
			if( g > *mjpt )
				*mjpt = g;
				*mpjpt = i-1;
			*mjpt += fpenalty_ex;

			g =  tbk + fpenalty_OP; 
//			g =  tbk; 
			if( g > wm )
				wm = g;
				*ijpipt = tbki;
				*ijpjpt = tbkj;
//				fprintf( stderr, "hit! i%d, j%d, ijpi = %d, ijpj = %d\n", i, j, *ijpipt, *ijpjpt );
//			g = Mi;
			if( Mi > tbk )
				tbk = Mi; //error desu.
				tbki = i-1;
				tbkj = Mpi;
//			g = *Mjpt;
			if( *Mjpt > tbk )
				tbk = *Mjpt;
				tbki = *Mpjpt;
				tbkj = j-1;
//			tbk += fpenalty_EX;// + foffset;

//			g = *prept;
			if( *prept > *Mjpt )
				*Mjpt = *prept;
				*Mpjpt = i-1;
//			*Mjpt += fpenalty_EX;// + foffset;

//			g = *prept;
			if( *prept > Mi )
				Mi = *prept;
				Mpi = j-1;
//			Mi += fpenalty_EX;// + foffset;

//			fprintf( stderr, "wm=%f, tbk=%f(%c-%c), mi=%f, *mjpt=%f\n", wm, tbk, seq1[0][tbki], seq2[0][tbkj], mi, *mjpt );
//			fprintf( stderr, "ijp = %c,%c\n", seq1[0][abs(*ijpipt)], seq2[0][abs(*ijpjpt)] );

			if( maxwm < wm )
				maxwm = wm;
				endali = i;
				endalj = j;
#if 1
			if( wm < localthr )
//				fprintf( stderr, "stop i=%d, j=%d, curpt=%f\n", i, j, *curpt );
				*ijpipt = localstop;
//				*ijpjpt = localstop; 
				wm = localthr2;
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", *curpt );
#if DEBUG2
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", wm );
//			fprintf( stderr, "%c-%c *ijppt = %d, localstop = %d\n", seq1[0][i], seq2[0][j], *ijppt, localstop );

			*curpt += wm;
#if DEBUG2
		fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

		lastverticalw[i] = currentw[lgth2-1];

#if DEBUG2
	fprintf( stderr, "maxwm = %f\n", maxwm );
	fprintf( stderr, "endali = %d\n", endali );
	fprintf( stderr, "endalj = %d\n", endalj );

	if( ijpi[endali][endalj] == localstop ) // && ijpj[endali][endalj] == localstop )
		strcpy( seq1[0], "" );
		strcpy( seq2[0], "" );
		*off1pt = *off2pt = 0;
		return( 0.0 );

	gentracking( currentw, lastverticalw, seq1, seq2, mseq1, mseq2, cpmx1, cpmx2, ijpi, ijpj, off1pt, off2pt, endali, endalj );

//	fprintf( stderr, "### impmatch = %f\n", *impmatch );

	resultlen = strlen( mseq1[0] );
	if( alloclen < resultlen || resultlen > N )
		fprintf( stderr, "alloclen=%d, resultlen=%d, N=%d\n", alloclen, resultlen, N );
		ErrorExit( "LENGTH OVER!\n" );

	strcpy( seq1[0], mseq1[0] );
	strcpy( seq2[0], mseq2[0] );

#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, ">\n%s\n", mseq1[0] );
	fprintf( stderr, ">\n%s\n", mseq2[0] );

	return( maxwm );
float G__align11_noalign( int scoremtx[0x80][0x80], int penal, int penal_ex, char **seq1, char **seq2, int alloclen )
/* score no keisan no sai motokaraaru gap no atukai ni mondai ga aru */
//	int k;
	register int i, j;
	int lasti;                      /* outgap == 0 -> lgth1, outgap == 1 -> lgth1+1 */
	int lgth1, lgth2;
//	int resultlen;
	float wm;   /* int ?????? */
	float g;
	float *currentw, *previousw;
	float fpenalty = (float)penal;
	float fpenalty_ex = (float)penal_ex;
#if 1
	float *wtmp;
	float *mjpt, *prept, *curpt;
//	int *mpjpt;
	static float mi, *m;
	static float *w1, *w2;
	static float *match;
	static float *initverticalw;    /* kufuu sureba iranai */
	static float *lastverticalw;    /* kufuu sureba iranai */
	static int **intwork;
	static float **floatwork;
	static int orlgth1 = 0, orlgth2 = 0;

	wm = 0.0;

	lgth1 = strlen( seq1[0] );
	lgth2 = strlen( seq2[0] );

	if( lgth1 <= 0 || lgth2 <= 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "WARNING (g11): lgth1=%d, lgth2=%d\n", lgth1, lgth2 );

	if( lgth1 > orlgth1 || lgth2 > orlgth2 )
		int ll1, ll2;

		if( orlgth1 > 0 && orlgth2 > 0 )
			FreeFloatVec( w1 );
			FreeFloatVec( w2 );
			FreeFloatVec( match );
			FreeFloatVec( initverticalw );
			FreeFloatVec( lastverticalw );

			FreeFloatVec( m );

			FreeFloatMtx( floatwork );
			FreeIntMtx( intwork );

		ll1 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth1), orlgth1 ) + 100;
		ll2 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth2), orlgth2 ) + 100;

		fprintf( stderr, "\ntrying to allocate (%d+%d)xn matrices ... ", ll1, ll2 );

		w1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		w2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		match = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );

		initverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
		lastverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );

		m = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );

		floatwork = AllocateFloatMtx( 26, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 ); 
		intwork = AllocateIntMtx( 26, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 ); 

		fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n" );

		orlgth1 = ll1 - 100;
		orlgth2 = ll2 - 100;

#if 0
	for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) 
		fprintf( stderr, "ogcp1[%d]=%f\n", i, ogcp1[i] );

	currentw = w1;
	previousw = w2;

	match_calc_mtx( scoremtx, initverticalw, seq2, seq1, 0, lgth1 );

	match_calc_mtx( scoremtx, currentw, seq1, seq2, 0, lgth2 );

	if( outgap == 1 )
		for( i=1; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
			initverticalw[i] += fpenalty;
		for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
			currentw[j] += fpenalty;

	for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; ++j ) 
		m[j] = currentw[j-1];

	if( lgth2 == 0 )
		lastverticalw[0] = 0.0;               // lgth2==0 no toki error
		lastverticalw[0] = currentw[lgth2-1]; // lgth2==0 no toki error

	if( outgap ) lasti = lgth1+1; else lasti = lgth1;

fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "initverticalw = \n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth2+1; i++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", initverticalw[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	for( i=1; i<lasti; i++ )
		wtmp = previousw; 
		previousw = currentw;
		currentw = wtmp;

		previousw[0] = initverticalw[i-1];

		match_calc_mtx( scoremtx, currentw, seq1, seq2, i, lgth2 );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
		currentw[0] = initverticalw[i];

		mi = previousw[0];

		mjpt = m + 1;
		prept = previousw;
		curpt = currentw + 1;
		for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
			wm = *prept;

#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f->", wm );
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
			if( (g=mi+fpenalty) > wm )
				wm = g;
			if( (g=*prept) >= mi )
				mi = g;
			mi += fpenalty_ex;

#if 0 
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
			if( (g=*mjpt + fpenalty) > wm )
				wm = g;
			if( (g=*prept) >= *mjpt )
				*mjpt = g;
			m[j] += fpenalty_ex;

#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", wm );
			*curpt++ += wm;
		lastverticalw[i] = currentw[lgth2-1]; // lgth2==0 no toki error

#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, ">\n%s\n", mseq1[0] );
	fprintf( stderr, ">\n%s\n", mseq2[0] );
	fprintf( stderr, "wm = %f\n", wm );

	return( wm );
float G__align11( char **seq1, char **seq2, int alloclen )
/* score no keisan no sai motokaraaru gap no atukai ni mondai ga aru */
//	int k;
	register int i, j;
	int lasti;                      /* outgap == 0 -> lgth1, outgap == 1 -> lgth1+1 */
	int lgth1, lgth2;
	int resultlen;
	float wm;   /* int ?????? */
	float g;
	float *currentw, *previousw;
	float fpenalty = (float)penalty;
	float fpenalty_ex = (float)penalty_ex;
#if 1
	float *wtmp;
	int *ijppt;
	float *mjpt, *prept, *curpt;
	int *mpjpt;
	static float mi, *m;
	static int **ijp;
	static int mpi, *mp;
	static float *w1, *w2;
	static float *match;
	static float *initverticalw;    /* kufuu sureba iranai */
	static float *lastverticalw;    /* kufuu sureba iranai */
	static char **mseq1;
	static char **mseq2;
	static char **mseq;
	static int **intwork;
	static float **floatwork;
	static int orlgth1 = 0, orlgth2 = 0;

	wm = 0.0;

	if( orlgth1 == 0 )
		mseq1 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );
		mseq2 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );

	lgth1 = strlen( seq1[0] );
	lgth2 = strlen( seq2[0] );

	if( lgth1 <= 0 || lgth2 <= 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "WARNING (g11): lgth1=%d, lgth2=%d\n", lgth1, lgth2 );

	if( lgth1 > orlgth1 || lgth2 > orlgth2 )
		int ll1, ll2;

		if( orlgth1 > 0 && orlgth2 > 0 )
			FreeFloatVec( w1 );
			FreeFloatVec( w2 );
			FreeFloatVec( match );
			FreeFloatVec( initverticalw );
			FreeFloatVec( lastverticalw );

			FreeFloatVec( m );
			FreeIntVec( mp );

			FreeCharMtx( mseq );

			FreeFloatMtx( floatwork );
			FreeIntMtx( intwork );

		ll1 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth1), orlgth1 ) + 100;
		ll2 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth2), orlgth2 ) + 100;

		fprintf( stderr, "\ntrying to allocate (%d+%d)xn matrices ... ", ll1, ll2 );

		w1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		w2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		match = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );

		initverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
		lastverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );

		m = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		mp = AllocateIntVec( ll2+2 );

		mseq = AllocateCharMtx( njob, ll1+ll2 );

		floatwork = AllocateFloatMtx( 26, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 ); 
		intwork = AllocateIntMtx( 26, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 ); 

		fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n" );

		orlgth1 = ll1 - 100;
		orlgth2 = ll2 - 100;

	mseq1[0] = mseq[0];
	mseq2[0] = mseq[1];

	if( orlgth1 > commonAlloc1 || orlgth2 > commonAlloc2 )
		int ll1, ll2;

		if( commonAlloc1 && commonAlloc2 )
			FreeIntMtx( commonIP );

		ll1 = MAX( orlgth1, commonAlloc1 );
		ll2 = MAX( orlgth2, commonAlloc2 );

		fprintf( stderr, "\n\ntrying to allocate %dx%d matrices ... ", ll1+1, ll2+1 );

		commonIP = AllocateIntMtx( ll1+10, ll2+10 );

		fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n\n" );

		commonAlloc1 = ll1;
		commonAlloc2 = ll2;
	ijp = commonIP;

#if 0
	for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) 
		fprintf( stderr, "ogcp1[%d]=%f\n", i, ogcp1[i] );

	currentw = w1;
	previousw = w2;

	match_calc( initverticalw, seq2, seq1, 0, lgth1 );

	match_calc( currentw, seq1, seq2, 0, lgth2 );

	if( outgap == 1 )
		for( i=1; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
			initverticalw[i] += fpenalty;
		for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
			currentw[j] += fpenalty;

	for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; ++j ) 
		m[j] = currentw[j-1]; mp[j] = 0;

	if( lgth2 == 0 )
		lastverticalw[0] = 0.0;               // lgth2==0 no toki error
		lastverticalw[0] = currentw[lgth2-1]; // lgth2==0 no toki error

	if( outgap ) lasti = lgth1+1; else lasti = lgth1;

fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "initverticalw = \n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth2+1; i++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", initverticalw[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	for( i=1; i<lasti; i++ )
		wtmp = previousw; 
		previousw = currentw;
		currentw = wtmp;

		previousw[0] = initverticalw[i-1];

		match_calc( currentw, seq1, seq2, i, lgth2 );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
		currentw[0] = initverticalw[i];

		mi = previousw[0]; mpi = 0;

		ijppt = ijp[i] + 1;
		mjpt = m + 1;
		prept = previousw;
		curpt = currentw + 1;
		mpjpt = mp + 1;
		for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
			wm = *prept;
			*ijppt = 0;

#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f->", wm );
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
			if( (g=mi+fpenalty) > wm )
				wm = g;
				*ijppt = -( j - mpi );
			if( (g=*prept) >= mi )
				mi = g;
				mpi = j-1;
			mi += fpenalty_ex;

#if 0 
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
			if( (g=*mjpt + fpenalty) > wm )
				wm = g;
				*ijppt = +( i - *mpjpt );
			if( (g=*prept) >= *mjpt )
				*mjpt = g;
				*mpjpt = i-1;
			m[j] += fpenalty_ex;

#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", wm );
			*curpt++ += wm;
		lastverticalw[i] = currentw[lgth2-1]; // lgth2==0 no toki error

	Atracking( currentw, lastverticalw, seq1, seq2, mseq1, mseq2, ijp );

	resultlen = strlen( mseq1[0] );
	if( alloclen < resultlen || resultlen > N )
		fprintf( stderr, "alloclen=%d, resultlen=%d, N=%d\n", alloclen, resultlen, N );
		ErrorExit( "LENGTH OVER!\n" );

	strcpy( seq1[0], mseq1[0] );
	strcpy( seq2[0], mseq2[0] );
#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, ">\n%s\n", mseq1[0] );
	fprintf( stderr, ">\n%s\n", mseq2[0] );
	fprintf( stderr, "wm = %f\n", wm );

	return( wm );
float MSalign11( char **seq1, char **seq2, int alloclen )
/* score no keisan no sai motokaraaru gap no atukai ni mondai ga aru */
//	int k;
	register int i, j;
	int lasti, lastj;
	int iin = 0, jin = 0;  // by Mathog, a guess
	int lgth1, lgth2;
	int resultlen;
	float wm = 0.0;   /* int ?????? */
	float g;
	float *currentw, *previousw;
	float fpenalty = (float)penalty;
	float fpenalty_ex = (float)penalty_ex;
	float *maxinw = NULL, *maxinwpt = NULL; // by D.Mathog, guess
	float *maxinh = NULL; // by D.Mathog, guess
#if 1
	float wmmax;
	float *wtmp;
	int *ijppt;
	float *mjpt, *prept, *curpt;
	int *mpjpt;
	static float mi, *m;
	static int **ijp;
	static int mpi, *mp;
	static float *w1, *w2;
	static float *match;
	static float *initverticalw;    /* kufuu sureba iranai */
	static float *lastverticalw;    /* kufuu sureba iranai */
	static char **mseq1;
	static char **mseq2;
	static char **mseq;
	static float **cpmx1;
	static float **cpmx2;
	static int **intwork;
	static float **WMMTX;
	static float **floatwork;
	static int orlgth1 = 0, orlgth2 = 0;

	if( orlgth1 == 0 )
		mseq1 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );
		mseq2 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );

	lgth1 = strlen( seq1[0] );
	lgth2 = strlen( seq2[0] );

	if( lgth1 > orlgth1 || lgth2 > orlgth2 )
		int ll1, ll2;

		if( orlgth1 > 0 && orlgth2 > 0 )
			FreeFloatVec( w1 );
			FreeFloatVec( w2 );
			FreeFloatVec( match );
			FreeFloatVec( initverticalw );
			FreeFloatVec( lastverticalw );
			FreeFloatVec( maxinw );
			FreeFloatVec( maxinh );

			FreeFloatVec( m );
			FreeIntVec( mp );

			FreeCharMtx( mseq );

			FreeFloatMtx( cpmx1 );
			FreeFloatMtx( cpmx2 );

			FreeFloatMtx( floatwork );
			FreeIntMtx( intwork );

		ll1 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth1), orlgth1 ) + 100;
		ll2 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth2), orlgth2 ) + 100;

		fprintf( stderr, "\ntrying to allocate (%d+%d)xn matrices ... ", ll1, ll2 );

		w1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		w2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		match = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );

		initverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
		lastverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
		maxinw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );

		m = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		mp = AllocateIntVec( ll2+2 );
		maxinh = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );

		mseq = AllocateCharMtx( njob, ll1+ll2 );

		cpmx1 = AllocateFloatMtx( 26, ll1+2 );
		cpmx2 = AllocateFloatMtx( 26, ll2+2 );

		floatwork = AllocateFloatMtx( 26, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 ); 
		intwork = AllocateIntMtx( 26, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 ); 

		fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n" );

		orlgth1 = ll1 - 100;
		orlgth2 = ll2 - 100;

	mseq1[0] = mseq[0];
	mseq2[0] = mseq[1];

	if( orlgth1 > commonAlloc1 || orlgth2 > commonAlloc2 )
		int ll1, ll2;

		if( commonAlloc1 && commonAlloc2 )
			FreeIntMtx( commonIP );
			FreeFloatMtx( WMMTX );

		ll1 = MAX( orlgth1, commonAlloc1 );
		ll2 = MAX( orlgth2, commonAlloc2 );

		fprintf( stderr, "\n\ntrying to allocate %dx%d matrices ... ", ll1+1, ll2+1 );

		commonIP = AllocateIntMtx( ll1+10, ll2+10 );
		WMMTX = AllocateFloatMtx( ll1+10, ll2+10 );

		fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n\n" );

		commonAlloc1 = ll1;
		commonAlloc2 = ll2;
	ijp = commonIP;

#if 0
	for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) 
		fprintf( stderr, "ogcp1[%d]=%f\n", i, ogcp1[i] );

	currentw = w1;
	previousw = w2;

	match_calc( initverticalw, seq2, seq1, 0, lgth1 );

	match_calc( currentw, seq1, seq2, 0, lgth2 );

	WMMTX[0][0] = initverticalw[0];

	maxinh[0] = initverticalw[0];
	for( i=1; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
		initverticalw[i] += fpenalty;
		WMMTX[i][0] = initverticalw[i];
		if( maxinh[0] < initverticalw[i] ) maxinh[0] = initverticalw[i];
	maxinw[0] = currentw[0];
	for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
		currentw[j] += fpenalty;
		WMMTX[0][j] = currentw[j];
		if( maxinw[0] < currentw[j] ) maxinw[0] = currentw[j];

	for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; ++j ) 
		m[j] = currentw[j-1]; mp[j] = 0;

	lastverticalw[0] = currentw[lgth2-1];

	lasti = lgth1+1;

	for( i=1; i<lasti; i++ )
		wtmp = previousw; 
		previousw = currentw;
		currentw = wtmp;

		previousw[0] = initverticalw[i-1];

		match_calc( currentw, seq1, seq2, i, lgth2 );

		currentw[0] = initverticalw[i];

		mi = previousw[0]; mpi = 0;

		maxinwpt = maxinw + i;
		*maxinwpt = currentw[0];

		fprintf( stderr, "currentw[0]  = %f, *maxinwpt = %f\n", currentw[0], maxinw[i] );

		ijppt = ijp[i] + 1;
		mjpt = m + 1;
		prept = previousw;
		curpt = currentw + 1;
		mpjpt = mp + 1;
		lastj = lgth2+1;

		for( j=1; j<lastj; j++ )
			wm = *prept;
			*ijppt = 0;

#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f->", wm );
			g = mi + fpenalty;
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
			if( g > wm )
				wm = g;
				*ijppt = -( j - mpi );
			g = *prept;
			if( g >= mi )
				mi = g;
				mpi = j-1;
			mi += fpenalty_ex;

			g = *mjpt + fpenalty;
#if 0 
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
			if( g > wm )
				wm = g;
				*ijppt = +( i - *mpjpt );
			g = *prept;
			if( g >= *mjpt )
				*mjpt = g;
				*mpjpt = i-1;
			m[j] += fpenalty_ex;

#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", wm );
			*curpt += wm;

			WMMTX[i][j] = *curpt;

			if( j<lgth2 && *maxinwpt < *curpt ) *maxinwpt = *curpt;
			if( j<lgth2 && maxinh[j] < *curpt ) maxinh[j] = *curpt;
//			fprintf( stderr, "maxintwpt = %f\n", *maxinwpt );

		lastverticalw[i] = currentw[lgth2-1];

	wmmax = -999.9;
	for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ )
		g = lastverticalw[i];
		if( g > wmmax ) 
			wmmax = g;
			iin = i;
			jin = lgth2-1;
	for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
		g = currentw[j];
		if( g > wmmax )
			wmmax = g;
			iin = lgth1-1;
			jin = j;

	for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ )
		fprintf( stderr, "maxinw[%d] = %f\n", i, maxinw[i] );
	for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
		fprintf( stderr, "maxinh[%d] = %f\n", j, maxinh[j] );

	fprintf( stderr, "wmmax = %f (%d,%d)\n", wmmax, iin, jin );
	if( iin == lgth1 - 1 && jin == lgth2 - 1 )
		wmmax += fpenalty;

	fprintf( stderr, "wmmax = %f\n", wmmax );

#if 0
	for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ )
		for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
			fprintf( stderr, "% 10.2f ", WMMTX[i][j] );
		fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	mseq1[0] += lgth1+lgth2;
	*mseq1[0] = 0;
	mseq2[0] += lgth1+lgth2;
	*mseq2[0] = 0;

	backdp( WMMTX, wmmax, maxinw, maxinh, lgth1, lgth2, alloclen, w1, w2, initverticalw, m, mp, iin, jin, seq1, seq2, mseq1, mseq2 );

	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
#if 1
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, ">MSres\n%s\n", mseq1[0] );
	fprintf( stderr, ">MSres\n%s\n", mseq2[0] );

#if 0
	for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ )
		for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
			fprintf( stderr, "% 10.2f ", WMMTX[i][j] );
		fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	mseq1[0] = mseq[0];
	mseq2[0] = mseq[1];
	mseq1[0] += lgth1+lgth2;
	*mseq1[0] = 0;
	mseq2[0] += lgth1+lgth2;
	*mseq2[0] = 0;

	Atracking( currentw, lastverticalw, seq1, seq2, mseq1, mseq2, cpmx1, cpmx2, ijp );

	resultlen = strlen( mseq1[0] );
	if( alloclen < resultlen || resultlen > N )
		fprintf( stderr, "alloclen=%d, resultlen=%d, N=%d\n", alloclen, resultlen, N );
		ErrorExit( "LENGTH OVER!\n" );

	strcpy( seq1[0], mseq1[0] );
	strcpy( seq2[0], mseq2[0] );
#if 1
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, ">\n%s\n", mseq1[0] );
	fprintf( stderr, ">\n%s\n", mseq2[0] );

	return( wm );
float partA__align( char **seq1, char **seq2, double *eff1, double *eff2, int icyc, int jcyc, int alloclen, LocalHom ***localhom, float *impmatch, int start1, int end1, int start2, int end2, int *gapmap1, int *gapmap2, char *sgap1, char *sgap2, char *egap1, char *egap2 )
/* score no keisan no sai motokaraaru gap no atukai ni mondai ga aru */
//	int k;
	register int i, j;
	int lasti, lastj; /* outgap == 0 -> lgth1, outgap == 1 -> lgth1+1 */
	int lgth1, lgth2;
	int resultlen;
	float wm = 0.0;   /* int ?????? */
	float g;
	float *currentw, *previousw;
#if 1
	float *wtmp;
	int *ijppt;
	float *mjpt, *prept, *curpt;
	int *mpjpt;
	static float mi, *m;
	static int **ijp;
	static int mpi, *mp;
	static float *w1, *w2;
	static float *match;
	static float *initverticalw;    /* kufuu sureba iranai */
	static float *lastverticalw;    /* kufuu sureba iranai */
	static char **mseq1;
	static char **mseq2;
	static char **mseq;
	static float *ogcp1;
	static float *ogcp2;
	static float *fgcp1;
	static float *fgcp2;
	static float **cpmx1;
	static float **cpmx2;
	static int **intwork;
	static float **floatwork;
	static int orlgth1 = 0, orlgth2 = 0;
	float fpenalty = (float)penalty;
	float fpenalty_ex = (float)penalty_ex;
	float *fgcp2pt;
	float *ogcp2pt;
	float fgcp1va;
	float ogcp1va;

#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "eff in SA+++align\n" );
	for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ ) fprintf( stderr, "eff1[%d] = %f\n", i, eff1[i] );
	if( orlgth1 == 0 )
		mseq1 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );
		mseq2 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );

	lgth1 = strlen( seq1[0] );
	lgth2 = strlen( seq2[0] );

	if( lgth1 > orlgth1 || lgth2 > orlgth2 )
		int ll1, ll2;

		if( orlgth1 > 0 && orlgth2 > 0 )
			FreeFloatVec( w1 );
			FreeFloatVec( w2 );
			FreeFloatVec( match );
			FreeFloatVec( initverticalw );
			FreeFloatVec( lastverticalw );

			FreeFloatVec( m );
			FreeIntVec( mp );

			FreeCharMtx( mseq );

			FreeFloatVec( ogcp1 );
			FreeFloatVec( ogcp2 );
			FreeFloatVec( fgcp1 );
			FreeFloatVec( fgcp2 );

			FreeFloatMtx( cpmx1 );
			FreeFloatMtx( cpmx2 );

			FreeFloatMtx( floatwork );
			FreeIntMtx( intwork );

		ll1 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth1), orlgth1 ) + 100;
		ll2 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth2), orlgth2 ) + 100;

		fprintf( stderr, "\ntrying to allocate (%d+%d)xn matrices ... ", ll1, ll2 );

		w1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		w2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		match = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );

		initverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
		lastverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );

		m = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		mp = AllocateIntVec( ll2+2 );

		mseq = AllocateCharMtx( njob, ll1+ll2 );

		ogcp1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
		ogcp2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		fgcp1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
		fgcp2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );

		cpmx1 = AllocateFloatMtx( 26, ll1+2 );
		cpmx2 = AllocateFloatMtx( 26, ll2+2 );

		floatwork = AllocateFloatMtx( MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2, 26 ); 
		intwork = AllocateIntMtx( MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2, 26 ); 
		floatwork = AllocateFloatMtx( 26, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 ); 
		intwork = AllocateIntMtx( 26, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 ); 

		fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n" );

		orlgth1 = ll1 - 100;
		orlgth2 = ll2 - 100;

	for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ ) mseq1[i] = mseq[i];
	for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ ) mseq2[j] = mseq[icyc+j];

	if( orlgth1 > commonAlloc1 || orlgth2 > commonAlloc2 )
		int ll1, ll2;

		if( commonAlloc1 && commonAlloc2 )
			FreeIntMtx( commonIP );

		ll1 = MAX( orlgth1, commonAlloc1 );
		ll2 = MAX( orlgth2, commonAlloc2 );

		fprintf( stderr, "\n\ntrying to allocate %dx%d matrices ... ", ll1+1, ll2+1 );

		commonIP = AllocateIntMtx( ll1+10, ll2+10 );

		fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n\n" );

		commonAlloc1 = ll1;
		commonAlloc2 = ll2;
	ijp = commonIP;

	cpmx_calc_new( seq1, cpmx1, eff1, lgth1, icyc );
	cpmx_calc_new( seq2, cpmx2, eff2, lgth2, jcyc );

	if( sgap1 )
		new_OpeningGapCount( ogcp1, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1, sgap1 );
		new_OpeningGapCount( ogcp2, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2, sgap2 );
		new_FinalGapCount( fgcp1, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1, egap1 );
		new_FinalGapCount( fgcp2, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2, egap2 );
		st_OpeningGapCount( ogcp1, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1 );
		st_OpeningGapCount( ogcp2, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2 );
		st_FinalGapCount( fgcp1, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1 );
		st_FinalGapCount( fgcp2, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2 );

	for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) 
		ogcp1[i] = 0.5 * ( 1.0 - ogcp1[i] ) * fpenalty;
		fgcp1[i] = 0.5 * ( 1.0 - fgcp1[i] ) * fpenalty;
	for( i=0; i<lgth2; i++ ) 
		ogcp2[i] = 0.5 * ( 1.0 - ogcp2[i] ) * fpenalty;
		fgcp2[i] = 0.5 * ( 1.0 - fgcp2[i] ) * fpenalty;
#if 0
	for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) 
		fprintf( stderr, "ogcp1[%d]=%f\n", i, ogcp1[i] );

	currentw = w1;
	previousw = w2;

	match_calc( initverticalw, cpmx2, cpmx1, 0, lgth1, floatwork, intwork, 1 );
	if( localhom )
		part_imp_match_out_vead_tate_gapmap( initverticalw, gapmap2[0]+start2, lgth1, start1, gapmap1 );

	match_calc( currentw, cpmx1, cpmx2, 0, lgth2, floatwork, intwork, 1 );
	if( localhom )
		part_imp_match_out_vead_gapmap( currentw, gapmap1[0]+start1, lgth2, start2, gapmap2 );
#if 0 // -> tbfast.c
	if( localhom )
		imp_match_calc( currentw, icyc, jcyc, lgth1, lgth2, seq1, seq2, eff1, eff2, localhom, 1, 0 );


	if( outgap == 1 )
		for( i=1; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
			initverticalw[i] += ( ogcp1[0] + fgcp1[i-1] ) ;
		for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
			currentw[j] += ( ogcp2[0] + fgcp2[j-1] ) ;
		for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
			currentw[j] -= offset * j / 2.0;
		for( i=1; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
			initverticalw[i] -= offset * i / 2.0;

	for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; ++j ) 
		m[j] = currentw[j-1] + ogcp1[1]; mp[j] = 0;

	lastverticalw[0] = currentw[lgth2-1];

	if( outgap ) lasti = lgth1+1; else lasti = lgth1;
	lastj = lgth2+1;

fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "initverticalw = \n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth2+1; i++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", initverticalw[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "fcgp\n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) 
	fprintf( stderr, "fgcp1[%d]=%f\n", i, ogcp1[i] );
for( i=0; i<lgth2; i++ ) 
	fprintf( stderr, "fgcp2[%d]=%f\n", i, ogcp2[i] );

	for( i=1; i<lasti; i++ )
		wtmp = previousw; 
		previousw = currentw;
		currentw = wtmp;

		previousw[0] = initverticalw[i-1];

		match_calc( currentw, cpmx1, cpmx2, i, lgth2, floatwork, intwork, 0 );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
		if( localhom )
//			fprintf( stderr, "Calling imp_match_calc (o) lgth = %d, i = %d\n", lgth1, i );
//			imp_match_out_vead( currentw, i, lgth2 );
			part_imp_match_out_vead_gapmap( currentw, gapmap1[i]+start1, lgth2, start2, gapmap2 );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
		currentw[0] = initverticalw[i];

		mi = previousw[0] + ogcp2[1]; mpi = 0;

		ijppt = ijp[i] + 1;
		mjpt = m + 1;
		prept = previousw;
		curpt = currentw + 1;
		mpjpt = mp + 1;
		fgcp2pt = fgcp2;
		ogcp2pt = ogcp2+1;
		fgcp1va = fgcp1[i-1];
		ogcp1va = ogcp1[i];
		for( j=1; j<lastj; j++ )
			wm = *prept;
			*ijppt = 0;

#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f->", wm );
			g = mi + *fgcp2pt;
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
			if( g > wm )
				wm = g;
				*ijppt = -( j - mpi );
			g = *prept + *ogcp2pt;
			if( g >= mi )
				mi = g;
				mpi = j-1;
			mi += fpenalty_ex;

			g = *mjpt + fgcp1va;
#if 0 
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
			if( g > wm )
				wm = g;
				*ijppt = +( i - *mpjpt );
			g = *prept + ogcp1va;
			if( g >= *mjpt )
				*mjpt = g;
				*mpjpt = i-1;
			m[j] += fpenalty_ex;

#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", wm );
			*curpt += wm;
		lastverticalw[i] = currentw[lgth2-1];

	if( !outgap )
		for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
			currentw[j] -= offset * ( lgth2 - j ) / 2.0;
		for( i=1; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
			lastverticalw[i] -= offset * ( lgth1 - i  / 2.0);
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ ) fprintf( stderr,"%s\n", seq1[i] );
	fprintf( stderr, "#####\n" );
	for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ ) fprintf( stderr,"%s\n", seq2[j] );
	fprintf( stderr, "====>" );
	for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ ) strcpy( mseq1[i], seq1[i] );
	for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ ) strcpy( mseq2[j], seq2[j] );
	if( localhom )
		Atracking_localhom( impmatch, currentw, lastverticalw, seq1, seq2, mseq1, mseq2, cpmx1, cpmx2, ijp, icyc, jcyc, start1, end1, start2, end2, gapmap1, gapmap2 );
		Atracking( currentw, lastverticalw, seq1, seq2, mseq1, mseq2, cpmx1, cpmx2, ijp, icyc, jcyc );

//	fprintf( stderr, "### impmatch = %f\n", *impmatch );

	resultlen = strlen( mseq1[0] );
	if( alloclen < resultlen || resultlen > N )
		fprintf( stderr, "alloclen=%d, resultlen=%d, N=%d\n", alloclen, resultlen, N );
		ErrorExit( "LENGTH OVER!\n" );

	for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ ) strcpy( seq1[i], mseq1[i] );
	for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ ) strcpy( seq2[j], mseq2[j] );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ ) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", mseq1[i] );
	fprintf( stderr, "#####\n" );
	for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ ) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", mseq2[j] );

	return( wm );
float L__align11_noalign( char **seq1, char **seq2 )
/* score no keisan no sai motokaraaru gap no atukai ni mondai ga aru */
//	int k;
	register int i, j;
	int lasti, lastj;                      /* outgap == 0 -> lgth1, outgap == 1 -> lgth1+1 */
	int lgth1, lgth2;
//	int resultlen;
	float wm = 0.0;   /* int ?????? */
	float g;
	float *currentw, *previousw;
#if 1
	float *wtmp;
//	int *ijppt;
	float *mjpt, *prept, *curpt;
//	int *mpjpt;
	static TLS float mi, *m;
//	static TLS int **ijp;
//	static TLS int mpi, *mp;
	static TLS float *w1, *w2;
	static TLS float *match;
	static TLS float *initverticalw;    /* kufuu sureba iranai */
	static TLS float *lastverticalw;    /* kufuu sureba iranai */
//	static TLS char **mseq1;
//	static TLS char **mseq2;
//	static TLS char **mseq;
//	static TLS int **intwork;
//	static TLS float **floatwork;
	static TLS int orlgth1 = 0, orlgth2 = 0;
	float maxwm;
//	int endali = 0, endalj = 0; // by D.Mathog, a guess
//	int endali, endalj;
	float localthr = -offset;
	float localthr2 = -offset;
//	float localthr = 100;
//	float localthr2 = 100;
	float fpenalty = (float)penalty;
	float fpenalty_ex = (float)penalty_ex;

	if( seq1 == NULL )
		if( orlgth1 > 0 && orlgth2 > 0 )
			orlgth1 = 0;
			orlgth2 = 0;
//			free( mseq1 );
//			free( mseq2 );
			FreeFloatVec( w1 );
			FreeFloatVec( w2 );
			FreeFloatVec( match );
			FreeFloatVec( initverticalw );
			FreeFloatVec( lastverticalw );

			FreeFloatVec( m );
//			FreeIntVec( mp );

//			FreeCharMtx( mseq );

		return( 0.0 );

//	if( orlgth1 == 0 )
//	{
//		mseq1 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );
//		mseq2 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );
//	}

	lgth1 = strlen( seq1[0] );
	lgth2 = strlen( seq2[0] );

	if( lgth1 > orlgth1 || lgth2 > orlgth2 )
		int ll1, ll2;

		if( orlgth1 > 0 && orlgth2 > 0 )
			FreeFloatVec( w1 );
			FreeFloatVec( w2 );
			FreeFloatVec( match );
			FreeFloatVec( initverticalw );
			FreeFloatVec( lastverticalw );

			FreeFloatVec( m );
//			FreeIntVec( mp );

//			FreeCharMtx( mseq );

//			FreeFloatMtx( floatwork );
//			FreeIntMtx( intwork );

		ll1 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth1), orlgth1 ) + 100;
		ll2 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth2), orlgth2 ) + 100;

		fprintf( stderr, "\ntrying to allocate (%d+%d)xn matrices ... ", ll1, ll2 );

		w1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		w2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		match = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );

		initverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
		lastverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );

		m = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
//		mp = AllocateIntVec( ll2+2 );

//		mseq = AllocateCharMtx( njob, ll1+ll2 );

//		floatwork = AllocateFloatMtx( 26, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 ); 
//		intwork = AllocateIntMtx( 26, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 ); 

		fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n" );

		orlgth1 = ll1 - 100;
		orlgth2 = ll2 - 100;

//	mseq1[0] = mseq[0];
//	mseq2[0] = mseq[1];

//	if( orlgth1 > commonAlloc1 || orlgth2 > commonAlloc2 )
//	{
//		int ll1, ll2;
//		if( commonAlloc1 && commonAlloc2 )
//		{
//			FreeIntMtx( commonIP );
//		}
//		ll1 = MAX( orlgth1, commonAlloc1 );
//		ll2 = MAX( orlgth2, commonAlloc2 );

//		fprintf( stderr, "\n\ntrying to allocate %dx%d matrices ... ", ll1+1, ll2+1 );

//		commonIP = AllocateIntMtx( ll1+10, ll2+10 );

//		fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n\n" );

//		commonAlloc1 = ll1;
//		commonAlloc2 = ll2;
//	}
//	ijp = commonIP;

#if 0
	for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) 
		fprintf( stderr, "ogcp1[%d]=%f\n", i, ogcp1[i] );

	currentw = w1;
	previousw = w2;

	match_calc( initverticalw, seq2, seq1, 0, lgth1 );

	match_calc( currentw, seq1, seq2, 0, lgth2 );

	lasti = lgth2+1;
	for( j=1; j<lasti; ++j ) 
		m[j] = currentw[j-1]; 
//		mp[j] = 0;
#if 0
		if( m[j] < localthr ) m[j] = localthr2;

	lastverticalw[0] = currentw[lgth2-1];

	lasti = lgth1+1;

#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "initverticalw = \n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth2+1; i++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", initverticalw[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
#if DEBUG2
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "       " );
	for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
		fprintf( stderr, "%c     ", seq2[0][j] );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	localstop = lgth1+lgth2+1;
	maxwm = -999999999.9;
#if DEBUG2
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "%c   ", seq1[0][0] );

	for( j=0; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
		fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", currentw[j] );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	for( i=1; i<lasti; i++ )
		wtmp = previousw; 
		previousw = currentw;
		currentw = wtmp;

		previousw[0] = initverticalw[i-1];

		match_calc( currentw, seq1, seq2, i, lgth2 );
#if DEBUG2
		fprintf( stderr, "%c   ", seq1[0][i] );
		fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", currentw[0] );

fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
		currentw[0] = initverticalw[i];

		mi = previousw[0]; 
//		mpi = 0;

#if 0
		if( mi < localthr ) mi = localthr2;

//		ijppt = ijp[i] + 1;
		mjpt = m + 1;
		prept = previousw;
		curpt = currentw + 1;
//		mpjpt = mp + 1;
		lastj = lgth2+1;
		for( j=1; j<lastj; j++ )
			wm = *prept;
//			*ijppt = 0;

#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f->", wm );
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
			if( (g=mi+fpenalty) > wm )
				wm = g;
//				*ijppt = -( j - mpi );
			if( *prept > mi )
				mi = *prept;
//				mpi = j-1;

			mi += fpenalty_ex;

#if 0 
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
			if( (g=*mjpt+fpenalty) > wm )
				wm = g;
//				*ijppt = +( i - *mpjpt );
			if( *prept > *mjpt )
				*mjpt = *prept;
//				*mpjpt = i-1;
			*mjpt += fpenalty_ex;

			if( maxwm < wm )
				maxwm = wm;
//				endali = i;
//				endalj = j;
#if 1
			if( wm < localthr )
//				fprintf( stderr, "stop i=%d, j=%d, curpt=%f\n", i, j, *curpt );
//				*ijppt = localstop;
				wm = localthr2;
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", *curpt );
#if DEBUG2
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", wm );
//			fprintf( stderr, "%c-%c *ijppt = %d, localstop = %d\n", seq1[0][i], seq2[0][j], *ijppt, localstop );

			*curpt++ += wm;
//			ijppt++;
//			mpjpt++;
#if DEBUG2
		fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

		lastverticalw[i] = currentw[lgth2-1];

#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "maxwm = %f\n", maxwm );
	fprintf( stderr, "endali = %d\n", endali );
	fprintf( stderr, "endalj = %d\n", endalj );

#if 0 // IRUKAMO!!!!
	if( ijp[endali][endalj] == localstop )
		strcpy( seq1[0], "" );
		strcpy( seq2[0], "" );
		*off1pt = *off2pt = 0;
		fprintf( stderr, "maxwm <- 0.0 \n" );
		return( 0.0 );
	if( maxwm < localthr )
		fprintf( stderr, "maxwm <- 0.0 \n" );
		return( 0.0 );
//	Ltracking( currentw, lastverticalw, seq1, seq2, mseq1, mseq2, ijp, off1pt, off2pt, endali, endalj );

//	resultlen = strlen( mseq1[0] );
//	if( alloclen < resultlen || resultlen > N )
//	{
//		fprintf( stderr, "alloclen=%d, resultlen=%d, N=%d\n", alloclen, resultlen, N );
//		ErrorExit( "LENGTH OVER!\n" );
//	}

//	strcpy( seq1[0], mseq1[0] );
//	strcpy( seq2[0], mseq2[0] );

#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "wm=%f\n", wm );
	fprintf( stderr, ">\n%s\n", mseq1[0] );
	fprintf( stderr, ">\n%s\n", mseq2[0] );

	fprintf( stderr, "maxwm = %f\n", maxwm );
	fprintf( stderr, "   wm = %f\n",    wm );

	return( maxwm );
float L__align11( double **n_dynamicmtx, float scoreoffset, char **seq1, char **seq2, int alloclen, int *off1pt, int *off2pt )
/* score no keisan no sai motokaraaru gap no atukai ni mondai ga aru */
//	int k;
	int i, j;
	int lasti, lastj;                      /* outgap == 0 -> lgth1, outgap == 1 -> lgth1+1 */
	int lgth1, lgth2;
	int resultlen;
	float wm = 0.0;   /* int ?????? */
	float g;
	float *currentw, *previousw;
#if 1
	float *wtmp;
	int *ijppt;
	float *mjpt, *prept, *curpt;
	int *mpjpt;
	static TLS float mi, *m;
	static TLS int **ijp;
	static TLS int mpi, *mp;
	static TLS float *w1, *w2;
	static TLS float *match;
	static TLS float *initverticalw;    /* kufuu sureba iranai */
	static TLS float *lastverticalw;    /* kufuu sureba iranai */
	static TLS char **mseq1;
	static TLS char **mseq2;
	static TLS char **mseq;
//	static TLS int **intwork;
//	static TLS float **floatwork;
	static TLS int orlgth1 = 0, orlgth2 = 0;
	static TLS double **amino_dynamicmtx = NULL; // ??
	float maxwm;
	int endali = 0, endalj = 0; // by D.Mathog, a guess
//	int endali, endalj;
	float localthr = -offset + scoreoffset * 600; // 2013/12/13
	float localthr2 = -offset + scoreoffset * 600; // 2013/12/13
//	float localthr = -offset;
//	float localthr2 = -offset;
	float fpenalty = (float)penalty;
	float fpenalty_ex = (float)penalty_ex;
	float fpenalty_shift = (float)penalty_shift;
	float fpenalty_tmp; // atode kesu

	int *warpis = NULL;
	int *warpjs = NULL;
	int *warpi = NULL;
	int *warpj = NULL;
	int *prevwarpi = NULL;
	int *prevwarpj = NULL;
	float *wmrecords = NULL;
	float *prevwmrecords = NULL;
	int warpn = 0;
	int warpbase;
	float curm = 0.0;
	float *wmrecordspt, *wmrecords1pt, *prevwmrecordspt;
	int *warpipt, *warpjpt;

	if( seq1 == NULL )
		if( orlgth1 > 0 && orlgth2 > 0 )
			orlgth1 = 0;
			orlgth2 = 0;
			free( mseq1 );
			free( mseq2 );
			FreeFloatVec( w1 );
			FreeFloatVec( w2 );
			FreeFloatVec( match );
			FreeFloatVec( initverticalw );
			FreeFloatVec( lastverticalw );

			FreeFloatVec( m );
			FreeIntVec( mp );

			FreeCharMtx( mseq );
			if( amino_dynamicmtx ) FreeDoubleMtx( amino_dynamicmtx ); amino_dynamicmtx = NULL;

		return( 0.0 );

	if( orlgth1 == 0 )
		mseq1 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );
		mseq2 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );

	lgth1 = strlen( seq1[0] );
	lgth2 = strlen( seq2[0] );

	warpbase = lgth1 + lgth2;
	warpis = NULL;
	warpjs = NULL;
	warpn = 0;
	if( trywarp )
		wmrecords = AllocateFloatVec( lgth2+1 );
		warpi = AllocateIntVec( lgth2+1 );
		warpj = AllocateIntVec( lgth2+1 );
		prevwmrecords = AllocateFloatVec( lgth2+1 );
		prevwarpi = AllocateIntVec( lgth2+1 );
		prevwarpj = AllocateIntVec( lgth2+1 );
		for( i=0; i<lgth2+1; i++ ) prevwmrecords[i] = 0.0;
		for( i=0; i<lgth2+1; i++ ) wmrecords[i] = 0.0;
		for( i=0; i<lgth2+1; i++ ) prevwarpi[i] = -warpbase;
		for( i=0; i<lgth2+1; i++ ) prevwarpj[i] = -warpbase;
		for( i=0; i<lgth2+1; i++ ) warpi[i] = -warpbase;
		for( i=0; i<lgth2+1; i++ ) warpj[i] = -warpbase;

	if( lgth1 > orlgth1 || lgth2 > orlgth2 )
		int ll1, ll2;

		if( orlgth1 > 0 && orlgth2 > 0 )
			FreeFloatVec( w1 );
			FreeFloatVec( w2 );
			FreeFloatVec( match );
			FreeFloatVec( initverticalw );
			FreeFloatVec( lastverticalw );

			FreeFloatVec( m );
			FreeIntVec( mp );

			FreeCharMtx( mseq );
			if( amino_dynamicmtx ) FreeDoubleMtx( amino_dynamicmtx ); amino_dynamicmtx = NULL;

//			FreeFloatMtx( floatwork );
//			FreeIntMtx( intwork );

		ll1 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth1), orlgth1 ) + 100;
		ll2 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth2), orlgth2 ) + 100;

		fprintf( stderr, "\ntrying to allocate (%d+%d)xn matrices ... ", ll1, ll2 );

		w1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		w2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		match = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );

		initverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
		lastverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );

		m = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
		mp = AllocateIntVec( ll2+2 );

		mseq = AllocateCharMtx( njob, ll1+ll2 );

//		floatwork = AllocateFloatMtx( nalphabets, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 ); 
//		intwork = AllocateIntMtx( nalphabets, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 ); 

		fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n" );
		amino_dynamicmtx = AllocateDoubleMtx( 0x80, 0x80 );
		orlgth1 = ll1 - 100;
		orlgth2 = ll2 - 100;

    for( i=0; i<nalphabets; i++) for( j=0; j<nalphabets; j++ )
		amino_dynamicmtx[(int)amino[i]][(int)amino[j]] = (double)n_dynamicmtx[i][j];

	mseq1[0] = mseq[0];
	mseq2[0] = mseq[1];

	if( orlgth1 > commonAlloc1 || orlgth2 > commonAlloc2 )
		int ll1, ll2;

		if( commonAlloc1 && commonAlloc2 )
			FreeIntMtx( commonIP );

		ll1 = MAX( orlgth1, commonAlloc1 );
		ll2 = MAX( orlgth2, commonAlloc2 );

		fprintf( stderr, "\n\ntrying to allocate %dx%d matrices ... ", ll1+1, ll2+1 );

		commonIP = AllocateIntMtx( ll1+10, ll2+10 );

		fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n\n" );

		commonAlloc1 = ll1;
		commonAlloc2 = ll2;
	ijp = commonIP;

#if 0
	for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) 
		fprintf( stderr, "ogcp1[%d]=%f\n", i, ogcp1[i] );

	currentw = w1;
	previousw = w2;

	match_calc_mtx( amino_dynamicmtx, initverticalw, seq2, seq1, 0, lgth1 );

	match_calc_mtx( amino_dynamicmtx, currentw, seq1, seq2, 0, lgth2 );

	lasti = lgth2+1;
	for( j=1; j<lasti; ++j ) 
		m[j] = currentw[j-1]; mp[j] = 0;
#if 0
		if( m[j] < localthr ) m[j] = localthr2;

	lastverticalw[0] = currentw[lgth2-1];

	lasti = lgth1+1;

#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "initverticalw = \n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth2+1; i++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", initverticalw[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
#if DEBUG2
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "       " );
	for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
		fprintf( stderr, "%c     ", seq2[0][j] );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	localstop = lgth1+lgth2+1;
	maxwm = -999999999.9;
#if DEBUG2
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "%c   ", seq1[0][0] );

	for( j=0; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
		fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", currentw[j] );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	for( i=1; i<lasti; i++ )
		wtmp = previousw; 
		previousw = currentw;
		currentw = wtmp;

		previousw[0] = initverticalw[i-1];

		match_calc_mtx( amino_dynamicmtx, currentw, seq1, seq2, i, lgth2 );
#if DEBUG2
		fprintf( stderr, "%c   ", seq1[0][i] );
		fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", currentw[0] );

fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
		currentw[0] = initverticalw[i];

		mi = previousw[0]; mpi = 0;

#if 0
		if( mi < localthr ) mi = localthr2;

		ijppt = ijp[i] + 1;
		mjpt = m + 1;
		prept = previousw;
		curpt = currentw + 1;
		mpjpt = mp + 1;
		lastj = lgth2+1;

		if( trywarp )
			prevwmrecordspt = prevwmrecords;
			wmrecordspt = wmrecords+1;
			wmrecords1pt = wmrecords;
			warpipt = warpi + 1;
			warpjpt = warpj + 1;
		for( j=1; j<lastj; j++ )
			wm = *prept;
			*ijppt = 0;

#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f->", wm );
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
			if( (g=mi+fpenalty) > wm )
				wm = g;
				*ijppt = -( j - mpi );
			if( *prept > mi )
				mi = *prept;
				mpi = j-1;

			mi += fpenalty_ex;

#if 0 
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
			if( (g=*mjpt+fpenalty) > wm )
				wm = g;
				*ijppt = +( i - *mpjpt );
			if( *prept > *mjpt )
				*mjpt = *prept;
				*mpjpt = i-1;
			*mjpt += fpenalty_ex;

			if( maxwm < wm )
				maxwm = wm;
				endali = i;
				endalj = j;
#if 1
			if( wm < localthr )
//				fprintf( stderr, "stop i=%d, j=%d, curpt=%f, localthr = %f\n", i, j, *curpt, localthr );
				*ijppt = localstop;
				wm = localthr2;
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", *curpt );
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "wm (%d,%d) = %5.0f\n", i, j, wm );
//			fprintf( stderr, "%c-%c *ijppt = %d, localstop = %d\n", seq1[0][i], seq2[0][j], *ijppt, localstop );
			if( trywarp )
				fpenalty_tmp = fpenalty_shift + fpenalty_ex * ( i - prevwarpi[j-1] + j - prevwarpj[j-1] );
//				fprintf( stderr, "fpenalty_shift = %f\n", fpenalty_tmp );

//				fprintf( stderr, "\n\n\nwarp to %c-%c (%d-%d) from %c-%c (%d-%d) ? prevwmrecords[%d] = %f + %f <- wm = %f\n", seq1[0][prevwarpi[j-1]], seq2[0][prevwarpj[j-1]], prevwarpi[j-1], prevwarpj[j-1], seq1[0][i], seq2[0][j], i, j, j, prevwmrecords[j-1], fpenalty_tmp, wm );
//				if( (g=prevwmrecords[j-1] + fpenalty_shift )> wm )
				if( ( g=*prevwmrecordspt++ + fpenalty_tmp )> wm ) // naka ha osokute kamawanai
//					fprintf( stderr, "Yes! Warp!! from %d-%d (%c-%c) to  %d-%d (%c-%c) fpenalty_tmp = %f! warpn = %d\n", i, j, seq1[0][i], seq2[0][j-1], prevwarpi[j-1], prevwarpj[j-1],seq1[0][prevwarpi[j-1]], seq2[0][prevwarpj[j-1]], fpenalty_tmp, warpn );
					if( warpn && prevwarpi[j-1] == warpis[warpn-1] && prevwarpj[j-1] == warpjs[warpn-1] )
						*ijppt = warpbase + warpn - 1;
						*ijppt = warpbase + warpn;
						warpis = realloc( warpis, sizeof(int) * ( warpn+1 ) );
						warpjs = realloc( warpjs, sizeof(int) * ( warpn+1 ) );
						warpis[warpn] = prevwarpi[j-1];
						warpjs[warpn] = prevwarpj[j-1];
					wm = g;

				curm = *curpt + wm;
//				fprintf( stderr, "###### curm = %f at %c-%c, i=%d, j=%d\n", curm, seq1[0][i], seq2[0][j], i, j ); 
//				fprintf( stderr, "copy from i, j-1? %f > %f?\n", wmrecords[j-1], curm );
//				if( wmrecords[j-1] > wmrecords[j] )
				if( *wmrecords1pt > *wmrecordspt )
//					fprintf( stderr, "yes\n" );
//					wmrecords[j] = wmrecords[j-1];
					*wmrecordspt = *wmrecords1pt;
//					warpi[j] = warpi[j-1];
//					warpj[j] = warpj[j-1];
					*warpipt  = *(warpipt-1);
					*warpjpt  = *(warpjpt-1);
//					fprintf( stderr, "warpi[j]=%d, warpj[j]=%d wmrecords[j] = %f\n", warpi[j], warpj[j], wmrecords[j] );
//				else
//				{
//					fprintf( stderr, "no\n" );
//				}
//				fprintf( stderr, " curm = %f at %c-%c\n", curm, seq1[0][i], seq2[0][j] ); 
//				fprintf( stderr, " wmrecords[%d] = %f\n", j, wmrecords[j] ); 
//				fprintf( stderr, "replace?\n" );
//				if( curm > wmrecords[j] )
				if( curm > *wmrecordspt )
//					fprintf( stderr, "yes at %d-%d (%c-%c), replaced warp: warpi[j]=%d, warpj[j]=%d warpn=%d, wmrecords[j] = %f -> %f\n", i, j, seq1[0][i], seq2[0][j], i, j, warpn, wmrecords[j], curm );
//					wmrecords[j] = curm;
					*wmrecordspt = curm;
//					warpi[j] = i;
//					warpj[j] = j;
					*warpipt = i;
					*warpjpt = j;
//				else
//				{
//					fprintf( stderr, "No! warpi[j]=%d, warpj[j]=%d wmrecords[j] = %f\n", warpi[j], warpj[j], wmrecords[j] );
//				}
//				fprintf( stderr, "%d-%d (%c-%c) curm = %5.0f, wmrecords[j]=%f\n", i, j, seq1[0][i], seq2[0][j], curm, wmrecords[j] );

			*curpt++ += wm;
#if DEBUG2
		fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

		lastverticalw[i] = currentw[lgth2-1];
		if( trywarp )
			fltncpy( prevwmrecords, wmrecords, lastj );
			intncpy( prevwarpi, warpi, lastj );
			intncpy( prevwarpj, warpj, lastj );

//	fprintf( stderr, "\nwm = %f\n", wm );
	if( trywarp )
//		if( warpn ) fprintf( stderr, "warpn = %d\n", warpn );
		free( wmrecords );
		free( prevwmrecords );
		free( warpi );
		free( warpj );
		free( prevwarpi );
		free( prevwarpj );

#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "maxwm = %f\n", maxwm );
	fprintf( stderr, "endali = %d\n", endali );
	fprintf( stderr, "endalj = %d\n", endalj );

	if( ijp[endali][endalj] == localstop )
		strcpy( seq1[0], "" );
		strcpy( seq2[0], "" );
		*off1pt = *off2pt = 0;
		fprintf( stderr, "maxwm <- 0.0 \n" );
		return( 0.0 );
	Ltracking( currentw, lastverticalw, seq1, seq2, mseq1, mseq2, ijp, off1pt, off2pt, endali, endalj, warpis, warpjs, warpbase );
	if( warpis ) free( warpis );
	if( warpjs ) free( warpjs );

	resultlen = strlen( mseq1[0] );
	if( alloclen < resultlen || resultlen > N )
		fprintf( stderr, "alloclen=%d, resultlen=%d, N=%d\n", alloclen, resultlen, N );
		ErrorExit( "LENGTH OVER!\n" );

	strcpy( seq1[0], mseq1[0] );
	strcpy( seq2[0], mseq2[0] );

#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "wm=%f\n", wm );
	fprintf( stderr, ">\n%s\n", mseq1[0] );
	fprintf( stderr, ">\n%s\n", mseq2[0] );

	fprintf( stderr, "maxwm = %f\n", maxwm );
	fprintf( stderr, "   wm = %f\n",    wm );

	return( maxwm );