template<> void 
PAlgebraModTmpl<zz_pX,vec_zz_pX,zz_pXModulus>::mapToFt(zz_pX& r,
			     const zz_pX& G,unsigned t,const zz_pX* rF1) const
  int i = zmStar.indexOfRep(t);
  if (i < 0) { r=zz_pX::zero(); return; }

  if (rF1==NULL) {              // Compute the representation "from scratch"
    zz_pE::init(factors[i]);    // work with the extension field GF_2[X]/Ft(X)
    zz_pEX Ga=to_zz_pEX((zz_pX&)G);// G is polynomial over the extension field
    r=rep(FindRoot(Ga));        // Find a root of G in this field
  // if rF1 is set, then use it instead, setting r = rF1(X^t) mod Ft(X)
  zz_pXModulus Ft(factors[i]);
  //  long tInv = InvMod(t,m);
  zz_pX X2t = PowerXMod(t,Ft);    // X2t = X^t mod Ft
  r = CompMod(*rF1,X2t,Ft);      // r = F1(X2t) mod Ft

  /* Debugging sanity-check: G(r)=0 in the extension field (Z/2Z)[X]/Ft(X)
  zz_pEX Ga=to_zz_pEX((zz_pX&)G);// G as a polynomial over the extension field
  zz_pE ra =to_zz_pE(r);         // r is an element in the extension field
  eval(ra,Ga,ra);  // ra = Ga(ra)
  if (!IsZero(ra)) {// check that Ga(r)=0 in this extension field
    cout << "rF1(X^t) mod Ft(X) != root of G mod Ft, t=" << t << endl;
void PAlgebraModDerived<type>::mapToFt(RX& w,
			     const RX& G,unsigned long t,const RX* rF1) const
  if (isDryRun()) {
    w = RX::zero();
  long i = zMStar.indexOfRep(t);
  if (i < 0) { clear(w); return; }

  if (rF1==NULL) {               // Compute the representation "from scratch"
    // special case
    if (G == factors[i]) {

    //special case
    if (deg(G) == 1) {
      w = -ConstTerm(G);

    // the general case: currently only works when r == 1
    assert(r == 1);  

    REBak bak; bak.save();
    RE::init(factors[i]);        // work with the extension field GF_p[X]/Ft(X)
    REX Ga;
    conv(Ga, G);                 // G as a polynomial over the extension field

    vec_RE roots;
    FindRoots(roots, Ga);        // Find roots of G in this field
    RE* first = &roots[0];
    RE* last = first + roots.length();
    RE* smallest = min_element(first, last);
                                // make a canonical choice
  // if rF1 is set, then use it instead, setting w = rF1(X^t) mod Ft(X)
  RXModulus Ft(factors[i]);
  //  long tInv = InvMod(t,m);
  RX X2t = PowerXMod(t,Ft);    // X2t = X^t mod Ft
  w = CompMod(*rF1,X2t,Ft);      // w = F1(X2t) mod Ft

  /* Debugging sanity-check: G(w)=0 in the extension field (Z/2Z)[X]/Ft(X)
  REX Ga;
  conv(Ga, G); // G as a polynomial over the extension field
  RE ra;
  conv(ra, w);         // w is an element in the extension field
  eval(ra,Ga,ra);  // ra = Ga(ra)
  if (!IsZero(ra)) {// check that Ga(w)=0 in this extension field
    cout << "rF1(X^t) mod Ft(X) != root of G mod Ft, t=" << t << endl;
void AnchoredRectangleHandler::initRectangle(const Eigen::VectorXd& Fw,
    double lambda, const Eigen::VectorXd& z, Eigen::VectorXd& shapeParamshat,
    Eigen::VectorXd& FOhphat, Eigen::VectorXd &FOqhat) {

  //Get the points
  Eigen::Vector3d m1(z[0], z[1], 1);
  Eigen::Vector3d m2(z[2], z[3], 1);
  Eigen::Vector3d m3(z[4], z[5], 1);
  Eigen::Vector3d m4(z[6], z[7], 1);

  Eigen::Vector3d Ft(Fw[0], Fw[1], Fw[2]);
  Eigen::Quaterniond Fq(Fw[3], Fw[4], Fw[5], Fw[6]);

  //compute normals
  double c2 = (m1.cross(m3).transpose() * m4)[0]
      / (m2.cross(m3).transpose() * m4)[0];
  double c3 = (m1.cross(m3).transpose() * m2)[0]
      / (m4.cross(m3).transpose() * m2)[0];

  Eigen::Vector3d n2 = c2 * m2 - m1;
  Eigen::Vector3d n3 = c3 * m4 - m1;

  //Compute rotation matrix columns
  Eigen::Vector3d R1 = _K.inverse() * n2;
  R1 = R1 / R1.norm();

  Eigen::Vector3d R2 = _K.inverse() * n3;
  R2 = R2 / R2.norm();

  Eigen::Vector3d R3 = R1.cross(R2);

  //Compute rotation from camera to object
  Eigen::Matrix3d R;
  R << R1, R2, R3;
  Eigen::Quaterniond FOq_e(R);

  // and initialize the of the object with respect to the anchor frame
  FOqhat << FOq_e.w(), FOq_e.x(), FOq_e.y(), FOq_e.z();

  // now initialize lower left corner homogeneous point
  FOhphat << z[0], z[1], 1.0;
  FOhphat = _K.inverse() * FOhphat;
  FOhphat(2) = 1.0 / lambda; // 1/d distance of the plane parallel to the image plane on which features are initialized.

  //Compute frame transaltion
  Eigen::Matrix3d omega = _K.transpose().inverse() * _K.inverse();
  double ff = sqrt(
      (n2.transpose() * omega * n2)[0] / (n3.transpose() * omega * n3)[0]);

  //compute shape parameters
  Eigen::Vector3d X = _K * R1;
  Eigen::Vector3d Y = c2 * lambda * m2 - lambda * m1;

  double w = ((X.transpose() * X).inverse() * X.transpose() * Y)[0];

  //Write the results
  shapeParamshat << ff, w / lambda;

文件: Pellet.cpp 项目: CrazyHeex/woo
bool Law2_L6Geom_PelletPhys_Pellet::go(const shared_ptr<CGeom>& cg, const shared_ptr<CPhys>& cp, const shared_ptr<Contact>& C){
	const L6Geom& g(cg->cast<L6Geom>()); PelletPhys& ph(cp->cast<PelletPhys>());
	Real& Fn(ph.force[0]); Eigen::Map<Vector2r> Ft(&ph.force[1]);
	if(C->isFresh(scene)) C->data=make_shared<PelletCData>();
	Real& uNPl(C->data->cast<PelletCData>().uNPl);
	Real& uN0(C->data->cast<PelletCData>().uN0);
	assert(C->data && dynamic_pointer_cast<PelletCData>(C->data));
	if(iniEqlb && C->isFresh(scene)) uN0=g.uN;
	Real uN=g.uN-uN0; // normal displacement, taking iniEqlb in account
	// break contact
	if(uN>0) return false;

	Real d0=g.lens.sum();
	if(ph.normPlastCoeff<=0) uNPl=0.;
	const Vector2r velT(g.vel[1],g.vel[2]);

	// normal force
	Fn=ph.kn*(uN-uNPl); // trial force
	if(ph.normPlastCoeff>0){ // normal plasticity activated
			if(ph.ka<=0) Fn=0;
			else{ Fn=min(Fn,adhesionForce(uN,uNPl,ph.ka)); assert(Fn>0); }
		} else {
			Real Fy=yieldForce(uN,d0,ph.kn,ph.normPlastCoeff);
			// normal plastic slip
				Real uNPl0=uNPl; // needed when tracking energy
					// backwards trapezoid integration
					Real Fy0=Fy+yieldForceDerivative(uN,d0,ph.kn,ph.normPlastCoeff)*(uNPl0-uNPl);
					Real dissip=.5*abs(Fy0+Fy)*abs(uNPl-uNPl0);
					scene->energy->add(dissip,plastSplit?"normPlast":"plast",plastSplit?normPlastIx:plastIx,EnergyTracker::IsIncrement | EnergyTracker::ZeroDontCreate);
				if(thinRate>0 && thinRelRMin<1.){
					const Vector2r bendVel(g.angVel[1],g.angVel[2]);
					Real dRad_0=thinRate*(uNPl0-uNPl)*(scene->dt*bendVel.norm());
					for(const Particle* p:{C->leakPA(),C->leakPB()}){
						if(!dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(p->shape.get())) continue;
						Real dRad=dRad_0; // copy to be modified
						auto& s=p->shape->cast<Sphere>();
						//Real r0=(C->geom->cast<L6Geom>().lens[p.get()==C->pA.get()?0:1]);
						Real r0=cbrt(3*s.nodes[0]->getData<DemData>().mass/(4*M_PI*p->material->density));
						Real rMin=r0*thinRelRMin;
						if(thinRefRad>0.) rMin*=pow(r0/thinRefRad,thinMinExp);
						if(s.radius<=rMin) continue;
						// 0..1 norm between rMin and r0
						Real r01=(s.radius-rMin)/(r0-rMin);
						if(thinExp>0) dRad*=pow(r01,thinExp);
						if(thinRefRad>0.) dRad*=pow(r0/thinRefRad,thinRateExp);
						boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(s.nodes[0]->getData<DemData>().lock);
						// cerr<<"#"<<p->id<<": radius "<<s.radius<<" -> "<<s.radius-dRad<<endl;
			// in the elastic regime, Fn is trial force already
	/* add fake confinement */
	if(confSigma!=0) Fn-=g.contA*confSigma*(confRefRad>0.?pow(g.contA/(M_PI*pow(confRefRad,2)),confExp):1.);

	// shear force
	Real maxFt=abs(Fn)*ph.tanPhi; assert(maxFt>=0);
	// shear plastic slip
		Real FtNorm=Ft.norm();
		Real ratio=maxFt/FtNorm;
			Real dissip=(.5*(FtNorm-maxFt)+maxFt)*(FtNorm-maxFt)/ph.kt;
			scene->energy->add(dissip,"plast",plastIx,EnergyTracker::IsIncrement | EnergyTracker::ZeroDontCreate);
	assert(!isnan(Fn)); assert(!isnan(Ft[0]) && !isnan(Ft[1]));
	// elastic potential energy
	if(unlikely(scene->trackEnergy)) scene->energy->add(0.5*(pow(Fn,2)/ph.kn+Ft.squaredNorm()/ph.kt),"elast",elastPotIx,EnergyTracker::IsResettable);
	return true;
文件: Hertz.cpp 项目: CrazyHeex/woo
bool Law2_L6Geom_HertzPhys_DMT::go(const shared_ptr<CGeom>& cg, const shared_ptr<CPhys>& cp, const shared_ptr<Contact>& C){
	const L6Geom& g(cg->cast<L6Geom>()); HertzPhys& ph(cp->cast<HertzPhys>());
	Real& Fn(ph.force[0]); Eigen::Map<Vector2r> Ft(&ph.force[1]);
	const Real& dt(scene->dt);
	const Real& velN(g.vel[0]);
	const Vector2r velT(g.vel[1],g.vel[2]);

	// current normal stiffness
	Real kn0=ph.K*sqrt(ph.R);
	// TODO: this not really valid for Schwarz?
	// normal elastic and adhesion forces
	// those are only split in the DMT model, Fna is zero for Schwarz or Hertz
	Real Fne, Fna=0.;
			// TODO: track nonzero energy of broken contact with adhesion
			// TODO: take residual shear force in account?
			// if(unlikely(scene->trackEnergy)) scene->energy->add(normalElasticEnergy(ph.kn0,0),"dmtComeGo",dmtIx,EnergyTracker::IsIncrement|EnergyTracker::ZeroDontCreate);
			return false;
		// pure Hertz/DMT
		Fne=-kn0*pow_i_2(-g.uN,3); // elastic force
		// DMT adhesion ("sticking") force
		// See Dejaguin1975 ("Effect of Contact Deformation on the Adhesion of Particles"), eq (44)
		// Derjaguin has Fs=2πRφ(ε), which is derived for sticky sphere (with surface energy)
		// in contact with a rigid plane (without surface energy); therefore the value here is twice that of Derjaguin
		// See also Chiara's thesis, pg 39 eq (3.19).
	} else {
		// Schwarz model

		// new contacts with adhesion add energy to the system, which is then taken away again
		if(unlikely(scene->trackEnergy) && C->isFresh(scene)){
			// TODO: scene->energy->add(???,"dmtComeGo",dmtIx,EnergyTracker::IsIncrement)

		const Real& gamma(ph.gamma); const Real& R(ph.R); const Real& alpha(ph.alpha); const Real& K(ph.K);
		Real delta=-g.uN; // inverse convention
		Real Pc=-6*M_PI*R*gamma/(pow(alpha,2)+3);
		Real xi=sqrt(((2*M_PI*gamma)/(3*K))*(1-3/(pow(alpha,2)+3)));
		Real deltaMin=-3*cbrt(R*pow(xi,4)); // -3R(-1/3)*ξ^(-4/3)
		// broken contact
			// TODO: track energy
			return false;

		// solution brackets
		// XXX: a is for sure also greater than delta(a) for Hertz model, with delta>0
		// this should be combined with aMin which gives the function apex
		Real aMin=pow_i_3(xi*R,2); // (ξR)^(2/3)
		Real a0=pow_i_3(4,2)*aMin; // (4ξR)^(2/3)=4^(2/3) (ξR)^(2/3)
		Real aLo=(delta<0?aMin:a0);
		Real aHi=aMin+sqrt(R*(delta-deltaMin));
		auto delta_diff_ddiff=[&](const Real& a){
			Real aInvSqrt=1/sqrt(a);
			return boost::math::make_tuple(
				pow(a,2)/R-4*xi*sqrt(a)-delta, // subtract delta as we need f(x)=0
		// use a0 (defined as  δ(a0)=0) as intial guess for new contacts, since they are likely close to the equilibrium condition
		// use the previous value for old contacts
		Real aInit=(C->isFresh(scene)?a0:ph.contRad); 
		boost::uintmax_t iter=100;
		Real a=boost::math::tools::halley_iterate(delta_diff_ddiff,aInit,aLo,aHi,digits,iter);
		// increment call and iteration count

		Real Pne=pow(sqrt(pow(a,3)*(K/R))-alpha*sqrt(-Pc),2)+Pc;
		Fne=-Pne; // inverse convention
			cerr<<"R="<<R<<", K="<<K<<", xi="<<xi<<", alpha="<<alpha<<endl;
			cerr<<"delta="<<delta<<", deltaMin="<<deltaMin<<", aMin="<<aMin<<", aLo="<<aLo<<", aHi="<<aHi<<", a="<<a<<", iter="<<iter<<", Pne="<<Pne<<"; \n\n";

	// viscous coefficient, both for normal and tangential force
	// Antypov2012 (10)
	// XXX: max(-g.uN,0.) for adhesive models so that eta is not NaN
	Real eta=(ph.alpha_sqrtMK>0?ph.alpha_sqrtMK*pow_1_4(max(-g.uN,0.)):0.);
	// cerr<<"eta="<<eta<<", -g.uN="<<-g.uN<<"; ";
	Real Fnv=eta*velN; // viscous force
	// DMT ONLY (for now at least):
	if(ph.alpha==0. && noAttraction && Fne+Fnv>0) Fnv=-Fne; // avoid viscosity which would induce attraction with DMT
	// total normal force
	// normal viscous dissipation
	if(unlikely(scene->trackEnergy)) scene->energy->add(Fnv*velN*dt,"viscN",viscNIx,EnergyTracker::IsIncrement|EnergyTracker::ZeroDontCreate);

	// shear sense; zero shear stiffness in tension (XXX: should be different with adhesion)
	// sliding: take adhesion in account
	Real maxFt=std::abs(min(0.,Fn)*ph.tanPhi);
		// sliding
		Real FtNorm=Ft.norm();
		Real ratio=maxFt/FtNorm;
		// sliding dissipation
		if(unlikely(scene->trackEnergy)) scene->energy->add((.5*(FtNorm-maxFt)+maxFt)*(FtNorm-maxFt)/ph.kt,"plast",plastIx,EnergyTracker::IsIncrement | EnergyTracker::ZeroDontCreate);
		// cerr<<"uN="<<g.uN<<",Fn="<<Fn<<",|Ft|="<<Ft.norm()<<",maxFt="<<maxFt<<",ratio="<<ratio<<",Ft2="<<(Ft*ratio).transpose()<<endl;
	} else {
		// viscous tangent force (only applied in the absence of sliding)
		if(unlikely(scene->trackEnergy)) scene->energy->add(eta*velT.dot(velT)*dt,"viscT",viscTIx,EnergyTracker::IsIncrement|EnergyTracker::ZeroDontCreate);
	assert(!isnan(Fn)); assert(!isnan(Ft[0]) && !isnan(Ft[1]));
	// elastic potential energy
		// XXX: this is incorrect with adhesion
		// skip if in tension, since we would get NaN from delta^(2/5)
		if(g.uN<0) scene->energy->add(normalElasticEnergy(kn0,-g.uN)+0.5*Ft.squaredNorm()/ph.kt,"elast",elastPotIx,EnergyTracker::IsResettable);
	LOG_DEBUG("uN="<<g.uN<<", Fn="<<Fn<<"; duT/dt="<<velT[0]<<","<<velT[1]<<", Ft="<<Ft[0]<<","<<Ft[1]);
	return true;