Boolean IntlSetStrictChecks(Boolean iStrictChecks) { Boolean oldSetting; UInt32 flags; Err result; // Global flags has precedence over feature value. oldSetting = (GIntlData->intlFlags & kStrictChecksFlag) != 0; result = FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumIntlMgr, &flags); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't get sysFtrNumIntlMgr feature"); if (iStrictChecks) { flags |= intlMgrStrict; GIntlData->intlFlags |= kStrictChecksFlag; } else { flags &= ~intlMgrStrict; GIntlData->intlFlags &= ~kStrictChecksFlag; } result = FtrSet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumIntlMgr, flags); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't set sysFtrNumIntlMgr feature"); return(oldSetting); } // IntlSetStrictChecks
Err zlib_close(UInt16 ref, UInt16 *numop) { UInt32 val = 0; *numop = 0; FtrGet('ZLib', ref, &val); if( val <= 0 ) return -1; FtrSet('ZLib', ref, --val); *numop = val; return 0; }
void run(int argc, char *argv[]) { // init args ArgsExportInit(argv, argc, true); // init system PalmHRInit(16); PalmInit(HWR_GET()); void *__ptr = StuffsForceVG(); gVars->screenPitch = StuffsGetPitch(gVars->screenFullWidth); // export global struct to ARM VARS_EXPORT(); DO_VARS(_4B, 32, 0); DO_VARS(_2B, 16, (gVars->_4B * sizeof(UInt32))); FtrSet(appFileCreator, ftrVars , (UInt32)gVars); // run the module #ifdef COMPILE_ZODIAC NativeFuncType *entry; TwLoadModule(0, 0, 0, 1, twLoadFlagTNA|twLoadFlagQuickRun, &entry); #else UInt32 glue; FtrGet(twFtrCreator, twFtrAPIGlue, &glue); PnoDescriptor pno; PnoLoadFromResources(&pno, 'ARMC', 1, appFileCreator, 1); PnoCall(&pno, (void*)glue); PnoUnload(&pno); #endif // reset globals DO_VARS(_4B, 32, 0); DO_VARS(_2B, 16, (gVars->_4B * sizeof(UInt32))); // release StuffsReleaseVG(__ptr); PalmRelease(HWR_GET()); PalmHRRelease(); // free args ArgsExportRelease(true); ArgsFree(argv); // release global struct FtrUnregister(appFileCreator, ftrVars); FtrUnregister(appFileCreator, ftrStack); MemPtrFree(gVars); // reset the palette if needed WinPalette(winPaletteSetToDefault, 0, 256, NULL); }
static Boolean InitGlobals(void) { GlobalsPtr gP = NULL; gP = (GlobalsPtr)MemPtrNew(sizeof(GlobalsType)); if (!gP) { return false; } MemSet(gP, sizeof(GlobalsType), 0); FtrSet(kAppFileCreator, ftrGlobals, (UInt32)gP); return true; }
bool handleProcessSoftKeyStroke(PointType * start, PointType * end) { Err err; UInt32 romVersion; RexxletHackPrefs * prefs = 0; // For romVersion-specific behavior. FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumROMVersion, &romVersion); if (romVersion < sysMakeROMVersion(3, 0, 0, sysROMStageRelease, 0)) { goto passthru; } // Avoid re-entering, only because there's typically not enough // stack space to handle this. If we did our own stack, then maybe... UInt32 isRexxletRunning = 0; err = FtrGet(CREATORID, FEATURE_ISREXXLETRUNNING, &isRexxletRunning); if (err == errNone && isRexxletRunning == 1) { goto passthru; } // Set prefs and check to see if this is our custom penstroke. // If not, pass it thru. prefs = RexxletHackPrefs__ctor(); Int16 strokeIndex = myStroke(start, end, prefs); if (strokeIndex == -1) { goto passthru; } StrokeDescriptor * stroke = RexxletHackPrefs__strokeDescriptor(prefs, strokeIndex); // Set up the Rexxlet launch code's param type. struct RexxAppLaunchRexxletParamType r; MemSet((void *)&r, sizeof(struct RexxAppLaunchRexxletParamType), 0); r.iflags.pauseWhenDone = stroke->flags.pauseWhenDone; r.iflags.copyAndPaste = stroke->flags.copyAndPaste; r.iflags.defaultInput = stroke->flags.defaultInput; r.iflags.defaultOutput = stroke->flags.defaultOutput; r.iflags.defaultError = stroke->flags.defaultError; r.script = RexxletHackPrefs__url(prefs, strokeIndex + 1); // allow a null will pop up the url dialog to prompt for one // if (r.script == 0 || StrLen(r.script) == 0) { // goto passthru; // } r.iflags.args = stroke->flags.args; if (stroke->flags.args == RexxAppLaunchRexxletParamType::ARGS_SELECTION) { FieldType * activeField = MyFrmGetActiveField(); if (activeField) { UInt16 startPosition, endPosition; FldGetSelection(activeField, &startPosition, &endPosition); Int32 len = endPosition - startPosition; if (len > 0) { char * p = FldGetTextPtr(activeField); if (p) { r.args = (char *)MemPtrNew(len + 1); if (r.args) { MemMove(r.args, &p[startPosition], len); r.args[len] = '\0'; } } } } } // no more literal scripts...could be done if we really wanted, e.g., // not in the configuration (we don't want to store scripts in prefs), // but instead to allow the user to use the current selection as the script, // much in the same way we allow the clipboard, e.g., selection: // r.script = "say \"This is the identity Rexxlet! Enter something to return, and press Enter when done:\"; parse pull x; return x"; // r.script = "say \"Please enter numbers to add and press Enter when done:\"; parse pull n; r=0; do i=1 to words(n); if datatype(word(n,i))=\"NUM\" then r=r+word(n,i); end; return r"; // r.script = "parse arg s; say s; return s"; // PGR idea: use currently selected text! if (romVersion < sysMakeROMVersion(5, 0, 0, sysROMStageRelease, 0)) { EvtFlushNextPenStroke(); } // Remember that a rexxlet is active because we're not // going to allow then to be "stacked" for now...not enough stack space! FtrSet(CREATORID, FEATURE_ISREXXLETRUNNING, 1); Rexxlet(r); FtrSet(CREATORID, FEATURE_ISREXXLETRUNNING, 0); if (r.args && stroke->flags.args == RexxAppLaunchRexxletParamType::ARGS_SELECTION) { MemPtrFree(r.args); } if (prefs) { RexxletHackPrefs__dtor(prefs); } return true; passthru: if (prefs) { RexxletHackPrefs__dtor(prefs); } return false; }
Boolean StartScummVM() { Char **argvP; UInt8 lightspeed, argc = 0; UInt32 stackSize; Boolean toLauncher, direct, isARM; UInt8 engine; Char num[6]; UInt16 index = GamGetSelected(); argvP = ArgsInit(); direct = false; // start command line (exec name) ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-", NULL, &argc); // no game selected if (index == dmMaxRecordIndex) { ListPtr listP; UInt16 whichButton; // init form FormPtr frmP = FrmInitForm(EngineForm); listP = (ListType *)FrmGetObjectPtr(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex(frmP, EngineListList)); itemsText = (Char **)MemPtrNew(ENGINE_COUNT * sizeof(Char *)); for (int i = 0; i < ENGINE_COUNT; i++) itemsText[i] = (Char *)engines[i].nameP; LstSetListChoices (listP, itemsText, ENGINE_COUNT); LstSetSelection(listP, 0); whichButton = FrmDoDialog(frmP); engine = LstGetSelection(listP); FrmDeleteForm(frmP); MemPtrFree(itemsText); itemsText = NULL; if (whichButton == EngineCancelButton) { if (bDirectMode) { // and force exit if nothing selected EventType event; event.eType = keyDownEvent; = vchrLaunch; = commandKeyMask; EvtAddUniqueEventToQueue(&event, 0, true); } // free args ArgsFree(argvP); return false; } // default values if (bDirectMode) gPrefs->card.volRefNum = parseCards(); // always use the first removable card available (?) gVars->filter = true; gVars->palmVolume = 50; gVars->fmQuality = FM_QUALITY_INI; direct = true; // somthing selected } else { Char pathP[256]; MemHandle recordH; GameInfoType *gameInfoP; recordH = DmQueryRecord(gameDB,index); gameInfoP = (GameInfoType *)MemHandleLock(recordH); engine = gameInfoP->engine; // build path StrCopy(pathP,"/Palm/Programs/ScummVM/Games/"); if (gameInfoP->pathP[0] == '/') StrCopy(pathP, gameInfoP->pathP); else if (!(gameInfoP->pathP[0] == '.' && StrLen(gameInfoP->pathP) == 1)) StrCat(pathP, gameInfoP->pathP); // path ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-p", pathP, &argc); // language if (gameInfoP->language > 0) { const Char *lang = "zh\0cz\0gb\0en\0fr\0de\0hb\0it\0jp\0kr\0pl\0pt\0ru\0es\0se\0"; ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-q", (lang + (gameInfoP->language - 1) * 3), &argc); } // fullscreen ? if (gameInfoP->fullscreen) ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-f", NULL, &argc); // aspect-ratio ? ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], (gameInfoP->aspectRatio ? "--aspect-ratio" : "--no-aspect-ratio"), NULL, &argc); // gfx mode gVars->filter = gameInfoP->filter; switch (gameInfoP->renderMode) { case 1: ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "--render-mode=", "amiga", &argc); break; case 2: ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "--render-mode=", "cga", &argc); break; case 3: ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "--render-mode=", "ega", &argc); break; case 4: ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "--render-mode=", "hercAmber", &argc); break; case 5: ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "--render-mode=", "hercGreen", &argc); break; } switch (gameInfoP->gfxMode) { case 1: ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-g", "wide", &argc); break; default: ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-g", "1x", &argc); break; } // load state if (gameInfoP->autoLoad) { StrIToA(num, gameInfoP->loadSlot); ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-x", num, &argc); } // boot script parameter if (gameInfoP->bootParam) { StrIToA(num, gameInfoP->bootValue); ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-b", num, &argc); } // not a PC version if (gameInfoP->setPlatform) { static const char *platform[] = { "3do", "acorn", "amiga", "atari", "c64", "pc", "fmtowns", "linux", "mac", "nes", "segacd", "windows" }; ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "--platform=", platform[gameInfoP->platform], &argc); } // subtitles if (gameInfoP->subtitles) ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-n", NULL, &argc); // multi midi ? if (gameInfoP->musicInfo.sound.multiMidi) ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "--multi-midi", NULL, &argc); if (engine == ENGINE_SCUMM) { // music tempo StrIToA(num, gameInfoP->musicInfo.sound.tempo); ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "--tempo=", num, &argc); } // talk speed if (gameInfoP->talkSpeed) { StrIToA(num, gameInfoP->talkValue); ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "--talkspeed=", num, &argc); } // music driver if (gameInfoP-> { static char *drv[] = { "auto", "null", "adlib", "towns", "pcjr", "native", "pcspk" }; if (StrCompare(drv[gameInfoP->musicInfo.sound.drvMusic], "native") == 0) { if (OPTIONS_TST(kOptDeviceZodiac)) ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-e", "zodiac", &argc); // Tapwave Zodiac else if (OPTIONS_TST(kOptSonyPa1LibAPI)) ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-e", "ypa1", &argc); // Pa1Lib devices else ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-e", "auto", &argc); // no driver, switch to auto } else { ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-e", drv[gameInfoP->musicInfo.sound.drvMusic], &argc); } // output rate UInt32 rates[] = {4000, 8000, 11025, 22050, 44100}; StrIToA(num, rates[gameInfoP->musicInfo.sound.rate]); ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "--output-rate=", num, &argc); // FM quality gVars->fmQuality = gameInfoP->fmQuality; } else { ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-e", "null", &argc); } // volume control StrIToA(num, gameInfoP->musicInfo.volume.sfx); ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-s", num, &argc); StrIToA(num, gameInfoP->; ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-m", num, &argc); StrIToA(num, gameInfoP->musicInfo.volume.speech); ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-r", num, &argc); // game name ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], gameInfoP->gameP, NULL, &argc); // others globals data gVars->CD.enable = gameInfoP->musicInfo.sound.CD; gVars->CD.driver = gameInfoP->musicInfo.sound.drvCD; gVars->CD.format = gameInfoP->musicInfo.sound.frtCD; gVars->CD.volume = gameInfoP->musicInfo.volume.audiocd; gVars->CD.defaultTrackLength = gameInfoP->musicInfo.sound.defaultTrackLength; gVars->CD.firstTrack = gameInfoP->musicInfo.sound.firstTrack; gVars->palmVolume = gameInfoP-> ? gameInfoP->musicInfo.volume.palm : 0; MemHandleUnlock(recordH); } // end no game / game selected // common command line options // debug level if (gPrefs->debug) { StrIToA(num, gPrefs->debugLevel); ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "-d", num, &argc); } if (engine == ENGINE_QUEEN || engine == ENGINE_SKY) { // alternative intro ? if (gPrefs->altIntro) ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "--alt-intro", NULL, &argc); } if (engine == ENGINE_SCUMM) { // demo mode ? if (gPrefs->demoMode) ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "--demo-mode", NULL, &argc); } // copy protection ? if (gPrefs->copyProtection) ArgsAdd(&argvP[argc], "--copy-protection", NULL, &argc); // exceed max args ? if (argc > MAX_ARG) FrmCustomAlert(FrmErrorAlert, "Too many parameters.",0,0); // set some common options stackSize = (gPrefs->setStack ? STACK_LARGER : STACK_DEFAULT); lightspeed= (gPrefs->lightspeed.enable ? gPrefs->lightspeed.mode : 255); toLauncher= (gPrefs->exitLauncher); // gVars values // (gVars->HRrefNum defined in checkHRmode on Clié) gVars->VFS.volRefNum = gPrefs->card.volRefNum; gVars->vibrator = gPrefs->vibrator; gVars->stdPalette = gPrefs->stdPalette; gVars->VFS.cacheSize = (gPrefs->card.useCache ? gPrefs->card.cacheSize : 0); gVars->indicator.showLED= gPrefs->card.showLED; gVars->stylusClick = gPrefs->stylusClick; gVars->autoSave = (gPrefs->autoSave ? gPrefs->autoSavePeriod : -1); gVars->advancedMode = gPrefs->advancedMode; gVars->arrowKeys = gPrefs->arrowKeys; // user params HWR_RSTALL(); if (gPrefs->goLCD) HWR_SET(INIT_GOLCD); else OPTIONS_RST(kOptGoLcdAPI); if (!gPrefs->autoOff) HWR_SET(INIT_AUTOOFF); if (gVars->vibrator) HWR_SET(INIT_VIBRATOR); /* ???? if ( musicDriver == 1 || musicDriver == 3 || musicDriver == 4 || musicDriver == sysInvalidRefNum) { HWR_SET(INIT_PA1LIB); } */ if (ModImport(gVars->VFS.volRefNum, engine, &isARM) != errNone) { if (bDirectMode) { // and force exit if nothing selected EventType event; event.eType = keyDownEvent; = vchrLaunch; = commandKeyMask; EvtAddUniqueEventToQueue(&event, 0, true); } ArgsFree(argvP); return false; } // reset mode if screen rotation occured (DIA only) if (!direct && OPTIONS_TST(kOptCollapsible)) { UInt8 mode = PalmScreenSize(0,0, &(gVars->screenFullWidth), &(gVars->screenFullHeight)); OPTIONS_RST(kOptModeLandscape); OPTIONS_SET((mode == PALM_LANDSCAPE) ? kOptModeLandscape : kOptNone); } // free and save globals pref memory GamCloseDatabase(false); FrmCloseAllForms(); SavePrefs(); { UInt16 cardNo; UInt32 dbID; LaunchParamType *cmdPBP = (LaunchParamType *)MemPtrNew(sizeof(LaunchParamType)); MemPtrSetOwner(cmdPBP, 0); MemPtrSetOwner(gVars, 0); ArgsSetOwner(argvP, 0); cardNo = 0; dbID = DmFindDatabase(0, "ScummVM-Engine"); if (isARM) FtrSet(appFileCreator, ftrStack , (stackSize * 4)); else ModSetStack(stackSize, cardNo, dbID); cmdPBP->args.argc = argc; cmdPBP->args.argv = argvP; cmdPBP->gVars = gVars; cmdPBP->lightspeed = lightspeed; cmdPBP->exitLauncher = toLauncher; SysUIAppSwitch(cardNo, dbID, sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch, cmdPBP); bLaunched = true; } return false; }
Err AppCommonInit(AppContext* appContext) { Err error; MemSet(appContext, sizeof(*appContext), 0); error=FtrSet(APP_CREATOR, appFtrContext, (UInt32)appContext); if (error) goto OnError; error=FtrSet(APP_CREATOR, appFtrLeaksFile, 0); if (error) goto OnError; LogInit( appContext, "c:\\noah_pro_log.txt" ); InitFiveWay(appContext); appContext->err = ERR_NONE; appContext->prevSelectedWord = 0xfffff; appContext->firstDispLine = -1; appContext->currentWord = -1; appContext->prevSelectedWord = -1; // disable getting nilEvent appContext->ticksEventTimeout = evtWaitForever; #ifdef DEBUG appContext->currentStressWord = 0; #endif appContext->residentWordLookup = NULL; // fill out the default values for Noah preferences // and try to load them from pref database appContext->prefs.startupAction = startupActionNone; appContext->prefs.hwButtonScrollType = scrollPage; appContext->prefs.navButtonScrollType = scrollPage; appContext->prefs.dbStartupAction = dbStartupActionLast; appContext->prefs.lastDbUsedName = NULL; appContext->prefs.bookmarksSortType = bkmSortByTime; appContext->prefs.fResidentModeEnabled = true; // fill out the default display preferences appContext->prefs.displayPrefs.listStyle = 2; SetDefaultDisplayParam(&appContext->prefs.displayPrefs,false,false); appContext->ptrOldDisplayPrefs = NULL; // set ARM state #ifndef DONT_DO_ARMLET appContext->armIsPresent = armTestArmLet(); #endif appContext->bookmarksDb = NULL; appContext->currBookmarkDbType = bkmInvalid; appContext->fInResidentMode = false; SyncScreenSize(appContext); FsInit(&appContext->fsSettings); LoadPreferencesNoahPro(appContext); error=DIA_Init(&appContext->diaSettings); if (error) goto OnError; OnError: return error; }
Err zlib_open(UInt16 ref) { UInt32 val=0; FtrGet('ZLib', ref, &val); FtrSet('ZLib', ref, ++val); return 0; }
void IntlInit(void) { Err result; MemHandle localeCodeH; MemHandle tableListH; MemHandle featureTableH; ROMFtrTableType* featureTableP; ROMFtrCreatorType* creatorTableP; UInt16 creators; Boolean fastSort = true; Boolean fastSearch = true; Boolean fastAttr = true; UInt16 index; UInt32 intlFtrFlags; #if (EMULATION_LEVEL == EMULATION_NONE) UInt16 systemCard; LocalID systemID; DmSearchStateType* searchStateP; MemHandle localeNameH; LocalID moduleID; DmOpenRef moduleRef; // Locate the system DB, so that we know where to look (which card) // for the locale module. searchStateP = (DmSearchStateType*)MemPtrNew(sizeof(DmSearchStateType)); result = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator( true, searchStateP, sysFileTSystem, sysFileCSystem, true, // onlyLatestVers &systemCard, &systemID); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf((result != errNone) || (systemID == 0), "Can't find system DB"); MemPtrFree((MemPtr)searchStateP); localeNameH = DmGetResource(strRsc, localeModuleNameStrID); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(localeNameH == NULL, "Missing locale module name string"); moduleID = DmFindDatabaseWithTypeCreator( systemCard, (Char*)MemHandleLock(localeNameH), sysFileTLocaleModule, sysFileCSystem); MemHandleUnlock(localeNameH); if (moduleID != 0) { moduleRef = DmOpenDatabase(systemCard, moduleID, dmModeReadOnly | dmModeLeaveOpen); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(moduleRef == 0, "Can't open locale module"); if (ResLoadConstant(kIntlLMVersResID) != kIntlLMVersion) { DmCloseDatabase(moduleRef); moduleID = 0; } } // If we couldn't find the locale module, or it has the wrong version, then // default to the ROM locale's locale module. if (moduleID == 0) { SysNVParamsType* romParamsP; OmLocaleType romLocale; Char* overlayName; LocalID overlayID; DmOpenRef overlayRef; Char* systemName; // Open up the system overlay that corresponds to the ROM's locale. // Note that (assuming the ROM locale != current locale) we have to // try to open up the overlay explicitly, since the Overlay Mgr // won't be opening it automatically. We also have to handle the case // of a ROM built without overlays, in which case the ROM locale's // locale module name string is located in the base, which means we // have to make a low-level resource call to get it (otherwise we'll // get the string from the system overlay). romParamsP = (SysNVParamsType*)MemPtrNew(sizeof(SysNVParamsType)); MemGetRomNVParams(romParamsP); = romParamsP->localeCountry; romLocale.language = romParamsP->localeLanguage; MemPtrFree((MemPtr)romParamsP); // Get the name of the system DB, so that we can construct the overlay // name. systemName = (Char*)MemPtrNew(dmDBNameLength); overlayName = (Char*)MemPtrNew(dmDBNameLength); result = DmDatabaseInfo(systemCard, systemID, systemName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't get system DB info"); result = OmLocaleToOverlayDBName(systemName, &romLocale, overlayName); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't make ROM locale system overlay name"); overlayID = DmFindDatabaseWithTypeCreator(systemCard, overlayName, sysFileTOverlay, sysFileCSystem); MemPtrFree(systemName); MemPtrFree((MemPtr)overlayName); if (overlayID != 0) { overlayRef = DmOpenDatabase(systemCard, overlayID, dmModeReadOnly); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(overlayRef == 0, "Can't open system overlay"); // Now load the locale module name string from this overlay, and use // it to find the locale module. localeNameH = DmGet1Resource(strRsc, localeModuleNameStrID); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(localeNameH == NULL, "Missing locale module name string"); moduleID = DmFindDatabaseWithTypeCreator( systemCard, (Char*)MemHandleLock(localeNameH), sysFileTLocaleModule, sysFileCSystem); MemHandleUnlock(localeNameH); DmCloseDatabase(overlayRef); } else { // Assume it's a ROM built without overlays, in which case we need to // get the locale name handle from the system base. DmOpenRef sysRef = NULL; Int16 index; do { LocalID dbID; sysRef = DmNextOpenResDatabase(sysRef); if ((sysRef != NULL) && (DmOpenDatabaseInfo(sysRef, &dbID, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == errNone) && (dbID == systemID)) { break; } } while (sysRef != NULL); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(sysRef == NULL, "Can't find system DB"); index = DmFindResource(sysRef, strRsc, localeModuleNameStrID, NULL); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(index == -1, "Missing locale module name string"); localeNameH = DmGetResourceIndex(sysRef, index); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(localeNameH == NULL, "Missing locale module name string"); moduleID = DmFindDatabaseWithTypeCreator( systemCard, (Char*)MemHandleLock(localeNameH), sysFileTLocaleModule, sysFileCSystem); } // If we found the locale module DB, open it up and make sure it has // the right version. if (moduleID != 0) { moduleRef = DmOpenDatabase(systemCard, moduleID, dmModeReadOnly | dmModeLeaveOpen); if ((moduleRef == 0) || (ResLoadConstant(kIntlLMVersResID) != kIntlLMVersion)) { // Trigger fatal alert below. No need to close the DB in that case. moduleID = 0; } else { // We found a valid locale module, using the ROM locale, so set // the current locale to be the ROM locale. result = FtrSet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumLanguage, romLocale.language); if (result == errNone) { result = FtrSet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumCountry,; } ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't switch current locale to ROM locale"); } } ErrFatalDisplayIf(moduleID == 0, "No valid locale module"); } result = DmDatabaseProtect(systemCard, moduleID, true); if (result != dmErrROMBased) { ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't protect locale module"); } #else // Give the locale module code in the Simulator a chance to // initialize itself. If there's no such code (e.g. with latin) then the // routine in SimStubs.cp does nothing. StubPalmOSInitLocaleModule(); #endif // If there's a locale module code resource, load & call it now. localeCodeH = DmGet1Resource(kIntlLMCodeType, kIntlLMCodeResID); if (localeCodeH != NULL) { ProcPtr localeCodeP = (ProcPtr)MemHandleLock(localeCodeH); (*localeCodeP)(); MemHandleUnlock(localeCodeH); } // If the IntlMgr data ptr hasn't been set up by the locale module code, // allocate it now. if (GIntlMgrGlobalsP == NULL) { UInt16 numCustomTransTables; MemPtr globalPtr; numCustomTransTables = ResLoadConstant(kIntlLMCustomTransCountID); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(numCustomTransTables > kIntlMaxCustomTransliterations, "Too many custom transliterations"); globalPtr = MemPtrNew(sizeof(IntlGlobalsType) + (numCustomTransTables * sizeof(void*))); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(globalPtr == NULL, "Out of memory"); MemSet(globalPtr, sizeof(IntlGlobalsType) + (numCustomTransTables * sizeof(void*)), 0); GIntlMgrGlobalsP = globalPtr; GIntlData->numCustomTransliterations = numCustomTransTables; } else { // If any of the sorting tables are already configured, we can't do // our fast sorting optimization. for (index = 0; index < kIntlMaxSortLevels; index++) { if (GIntlData->sortTables[index] != NULL) { fastSort = false; break; } } // If the word start or word match tables are already configured, we // can't do our fast word search optimization. if ((GIntlData->findWordStartTable != NULL) || (GIntlData->findWordMatchTable != NULL)) { fastSearch = false; } // If the character attribute table is already configured, we can't do // our fast attribute optimization. if (GIntlData->charAttrTable != NULL) { fastAttr = false; } } // Loop over all of the table resources, locking & setting up pointers in // the IntlMgr global data structure. tableListH = DmGet1Resource(kIntlLMTableListType, kIntlLMTableListResID); if (tableListH != NULL) { IntlLMTableEntryType* curTable; UInt8* globalsP = (UInt8*)GIntlMgrGlobalsP; IntlLMTableResType* tableListP = (IntlLMTableResType*)MemHandleLock(tableListH); for (index = 0, curTable = tableListP->resources; index < tableListP->numResources; index++, curTable++) { void** ptrLocation; MemHandle tableH; tableH = DmGet1Resource(curTable->resType, curTable->resID); ErrFatalDisplayIf(tableH == NULL, "Missing table resource from locale module"); ErrFatalDisplayIf(curTable->tableIndex >= intlLMNumTableIndexes, "Invalid table index"); ptrLocation = (void**)(globalsP + kIntlGlobalOffsets[curTable->tableIndex]); ErrFatalDisplayIf(*ptrLocation != NULL, "Resource overriding existing table ptr"); *ptrLocation = MemHandleLock(tableH); } MemHandleUnlock(tableListH); } // Note that we can't check for the presence of tables here, as a table that // is required by a Text Mgr routine might be NULL if the locale module has // patched out that routine. // As an optimization, see if all of the sorting tables are byte-indexed 8-bit // values. If so, then replace the table ptrs with ptrs to the actual data, // and set the fast sorting intl mgr flag. for (index = 0; (index < kIntlMaxSortLevels) && fastSort; index++) { void* sortTable = GIntlData->sortTables[index]; if (sortTable == NULL) { break; } else if (PrvGetByteIndexedTable(sortTable, 8) == NULL) { fastSort = false; } } if (fastSort) { GIntlData->intlFlags |= kByteSortingFlag; for (index = 0; index < kIntlMaxSortLevels; index++) { GIntlData->sortTables[index] = PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->sortTables[index], 8); } } // As an optimization, see if all of the searching tables are byte-indexed 8-bit // values. If so, then replace the table ptrs with ptrs to the actual data, // and set the fast searching intl mgr flag. Note that PrvGetByteIndexedTable // will return NULL if findWordMatchTable is NULL, which is OK because then // TxtFindString must be patched out anyway. The findWordStartTable is optional, // and thus it can either be NULL or a byte indexed byte table. if ((fastSearch) && ((GIntlData->findWordStartTable == NULL) || (PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->findWordStartTable, 8) != NULL)) && (PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->findWordMatchTable, 8) != NULL)) { GIntlData->intlFlags |= kByteSearchingFlag; GIntlData->findWordStartTable = PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->findWordStartTable, 8); GIntlData->findWordMatchTable = PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->findWordMatchTable, 8); } // As an optimization, see if the character attribute table is a byte-indexed // table of 16-bit values. If so, then replace the table ptr with a ptr to // the data, and set the kByteCharAttrFlag flag. if (fastAttr && (PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->charAttrTable, 16) != NULL)) { GIntlData->intlFlags |= kByteCharAttrFlag; GIntlData->charAttrTable = PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->charAttrTable, 16); // As an optimization, see if the character attribute table is a stage index map // table of 16-bit values. If so, then replace the table ptr with a ptr to // the sub-table offsets, set up the result table ptr, and set the // kStageCharAttrFlag flag. } else if (fastAttr && PrvGetStageIndexMapTable(GIntlData->charAttrTable, 16)) { GIntlData->intlFlags |= kStageCharAttrFlag; GIntlData->charAttrTable = PrvGetStageIndexMapTable(GIntlData->charAttrTable, 16); } // If there's a doubleCharTable, we want to (a) verify that it's a byte-indexed // byte table, and (b) set up the pointer now. if (GIntlData->doubleCharTable != NULL) { void* tableP = PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->doubleCharTable, 8); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(tableP == NULL, "Double-char table isn't byte-indexed byte table"); GIntlData->doubleCharTable = tableP; } // Load the 'feat' resource from the locale module, and use it to initialize // various locale-specific features. Typically this includes sysFtrNumCharEncodingFlags, // sysFtrNumEncoding, sysFtrDefaultFont, and sysFtrDefaultBoldFont. // Try to load the 'feat' resource. featureTableH = DmGet1Resource(sysResTFeatures, kIntlLMFeatureResID); ErrFatalDisplayIf(featureTableH == NULL, "Missing feature table"); featureTableP = (ROMFtrTableType*)MemHandleLock(featureTableH); creatorTableP = featureTableP->creator; for (creators = 0; creators < featureTableP->numEntries; creators++) { UInt16 features; for (features = 0; features < creatorTableP->numEntries; features++) { result = FtrSet( creatorTableP->creator, creatorTableP->feature[features].num, creatorTableP->feature[features].value); ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't set locale feature"); } // Advance to next creator table. creatorTableP = (ROMFtrCreatorType*)((UInt8*)creatorTableP + sizeof(ROMFtrCreatorType) + (creatorTableP->numEntries * sizeof(ROMFtrFeatureType))); } MemHandleUnlock(featureTableH); // Now, set up our internal kByteSearchingFlag flag based on the sysFtrNumCharEncodingFlags // feature value. This means that sysFtrNumCharEncodingFlags is read-only, since if // anybody uses FtrSet to change the settings of the flags, that won't update // our internal flag(s). if ((FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumCharEncodingFlags, &intlFtrFlags) == errNone) && ((intlFtrFlags & charEncodingOnlySingleByte) != 0)) { GIntlData->intlFlags |= kSingleByteOnlyFlag; } // Finally set the bit that tells everybody we're ready to support IntlMgr/TextMgr calls. FtrSet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumIntlMgr, intlMgrExists); } // IntlInit