/* Function: WriteMSF()
 * Date:     SRE, Mon May 31 11:25:18 1999 [St. Louis]
 * Purpose:  Write an alignment in MSF format to an open file.
 * Args:     fp    - file that's open for writing.
 *           msa   - alignment to write. 
 *                   Note that msa->type, usually optional, must be
 *                   set for WriteMSF to work. If it isn't, a fatal
 *                   error is generated.
 * Returns:  (void)
WriteMSF(FILE *fp, MSA *msa)
  time_t now;			/* current time as a time_t */
  char   date[64];		/* today's date in GCG's format "October 3, 1996 15:57" */
  char **gcg_aseq;              /* aligned sequences with gaps converted to GCG format */
  char **gcg_sqname;		/* sequence names with GCG-valid character sets */
  int    idx;			/* counter for sequences         */
  char  *s;                     /* pointer into sqname or seq    */
  int    len;			/* tmp variable for name lengths */
  int    namelen;		/* maximum name length used      */
  int    pos;			/* position counter              */
  char   buffer[51];		/* buffer for writing seq        */
  int    i;			/* another position counter */

   * Make copies of sequence names and sequences.
   *   GCG recommends that name characters should only contain
   *   alphanumeric characters, -, or _
   *   Some GCG and GCG-compatible software is sensitive to this.
   *   We silently convert all other characters to '_'.
   *   For sequences, GCG allows only ~ and . for gaps.
   *   Otherwise, everthing is interpreted as a residue;
   *   so squid's IUPAC-restricted chars are fine. ~ means
   *   an external gap. . means an internal gap.
				/* make copies that we can edit */
   gcg_aseq   = MallocOrDie(sizeof(char *) * msa->nseq);
   gcg_sqname = MallocOrDie(sizeof(char *) * msa->nseq);
   for (idx = 0; idx < msa->nseq; idx++)
       gcg_aseq[idx]   = sre_strdup(msa->aseq[idx],   msa->alen);
       gcg_sqname[idx] = sre_strdup(msa->sqname[idx], -1);
				/* alter names as needed  */
   for (idx = 0; idx < msa->nseq; idx++)
     for (s = gcg_sqname[idx]; *s != '\0'; s++)
       if (! isalnum((int) *s) && *s != '-' && *s != '_')
	 *s = '_';
				/* alter gap chars in seq  */
   for (idx = 0; idx < msa->nseq; idx++)
       for (s = gcg_aseq[idx]; *s != '\0' && isgap(*s); s++)
	 *s = '~';
       for (; *s != '\0'; s++)
	 if (isgap(*s)) *s = '.';
       for (pos = msa->alen-1; pos > 0 && isgap(gcg_aseq[idx][pos]); pos--)
	 gcg_aseq[idx][pos] = '~';
				/* calculate max namelen used */
  namelen = 0;
  for (idx = 0; idx < msa->nseq; idx++)
    if ((len = strlen(msa->sqname[idx])) > namelen) 
      namelen = len;

   * Write the MSF header
				/* required file type line */
  if (msa->type == kOtherSeq)
    msa->type = GuessAlignmentSeqtype(msa->aseq, msa->nseq);

  if      (msa->type == kRNA)   fprintf(fp, "!!NA_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENT 1.0\n");
  else if (msa->type == kDNA)   fprintf(fp, "!!NA_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENT 1.0\n");
  else if (msa->type == kAmino) fprintf(fp, "!!AA_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENT 1.0\n");
  else if (msa->type == kOtherSeq) 
    Die("WriteMSF(): couldn't guess whether that alignment is RNA or protein.\n"); 
    Die("Invalid sequence type %d in WriteMSF()\n", msa->type); 

				/* free text comments */
  if (msa->ncomment > 0)
      for (idx = 0; idx < msa->ncomment; idx++)
	fprintf(fp, "%s\n", msa->comment[idx]);
      fprintf(fp, "\n");
				/* required checksum line */
  now = time(NULL);
  if (strftime(date, 64, "%B %d, %Y %H:%M", localtime(&now)) == 0)
    Die("What time is it on earth? strftime() failed in WriteMSF().\n");
  fprintf(fp, " %s  MSF: %d  Type: %c  %s  Check: %d  ..\n", 
	  msa->name != NULL ? msa->name : "squid.msf",
	  msa->type == kRNA ? 'N' : 'P',
	  GCGMultchecksum(gcg_aseq, msa->nseq));
  fprintf(fp, "\n");

   * Names/weights section

  for (idx = 0; idx < msa->nseq; idx++)
      fprintf(fp, " Name: %-*.*s  Len:  %5d  Check: %4d  Weight: %.2f\n",
	      namelen, namelen,
	      GCGchecksum(gcg_aseq[idx], msa->alen),
  fprintf(fp, "\n");
  fprintf(fp, "//\n");

   * Write the sequences

  for (pos = 0; pos < msa->alen; pos += 50)
      fprintf(fp, "\n");	/* Blank line between sequence blocks */

				/* Coordinate line */
      len = (pos + 50) > msa->alen ? msa->alen - pos : 50;
      if (len > 10)
	fprintf(fp, "%*s  %-6d%*s%6d\n", namelen, "", 
		len + ((len-1)/10) - 12, "",
		pos + len);
	fprintf(fp, "%*s  %-6d\n", namelen, "", pos+1);

      for (idx = 0; idx < msa->nseq; idx++)
	  fprintf(fp, "%-*s ", namelen, gcg_sqname[idx]);
				/* get next line's worth of 50 from seq */
	  strncpy(buffer, gcg_aseq[idx] + pos, 50);
	  buffer[50] = '\0';
				/* draw the sequence line */
	  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
	      if (! (i % 10)) fputc(' ', fp);
	      fputc(buffer[i], fp);
	  fputc('\n', fp);

  Free2DArray((void **) gcg_aseq,   msa->nseq);
  Free2DArray((void **) gcg_sqname, msa->nseq);
/* Function: include_alignment()
 * Date:     SRE, Sun Jul  5 15:25:13 1998 [St. Louis]
 * Purpose:  Given the name of a multiple alignment file,
 *           align that alignment to the HMM, and add traces
 *           to an existing array of traces. If do_mapped
 *           is TRUE, we use the HMM's map file. If not,
 *           we use P7ViterbiAlignAlignment().
 * Args:     seqfile  - name of alignment file
 *           hmm      - model to align to
 *           do_mapped- TRUE if we're to use the HMM's alignment map
 *           rsq      - RETURN: array of rseqs to add to
 *           dsq      - RETURN: array of dsq to add to
 *           sqinfo   - RETURN: array of SQINFO to add to
 *           tr       - RETURN: array of traces to add to
 *           nseq     - RETURN: number of seqs           
 * Returns:  new, realloc'ed arrays for rsq, dsq, sqinfo, tr; nseq is
 *           increased to nseq+ainfo.nseq.
include_alignment(char *seqfile, struct plan7_s *hmm, int do_mapped,
		  char ***rsq, char ***dsq, SQINFO **sqinfo, 
		  struct p7trace_s ***tr, int *nseq)
  int format;			/* format of alignment file */
  char **aseq;			/* aligned seqs             */
  char **newdsq;
  char **newrseq;
  AINFO ainfo;			/* info that goes with aseq */
  int   idx;			/* counter over aseqs       */
  struct p7trace_s *master;     /* master trace             */
  struct p7trace_s **addtr;     /* individual traces for aseq */

  if (! SeqfileFormat(seqfile, &format, NULL))
    switch (squid_errno) {
    case SQERR_NOFILE: 
      ajFatal("Alignment file %s could not be opened for reading", seqfile);
      /*FALLTHRU*/ /* a white lie to shut lint up */
    case SQERR_FORMAT: 
      ajFatal("Failed to determine format of alignment file %s", seqfile);
				/* read the alignment from file */
  if (! ReadAlignment(seqfile, format, &aseq, &ainfo))
    ajFatal("Failed to read aligned sequence file %s", seqfile);
  for (idx = 0; idx < ainfo.nseq; idx++)
				/* Verify checksums before mapping */
  if (do_mapped && GCGMultchecksum(aseq, ainfo.nseq) != hmm->checksum)
    ajFatal("The checksums for alignment file %s and the HMM alignment map don't match.", 
				/* Get a master trace */
  if (do_mapped) master = MasterTraceFromMap(hmm->map, hmm->M, ainfo.alen);
  else           master = P7ViterbiAlignAlignment(aseq, &ainfo, hmm);

				/* convert to individual traces */
  ImposeMasterTrace(aseq, ainfo.nseq, master, &addtr);
				/* add those traces to existing ones */
  *tr = MergeTraceArrays(*tr, *nseq, addtr, ainfo.nseq);
				/* additional bookkeeping: add to dsq, sqinfo */
  *rsq = ReallocOrDie((*rsq), sizeof(char *) * (*nseq + ainfo.nseq));
  DealignAseqs(aseq, ainfo.nseq, &newrseq);
  for (idx = *nseq; idx < *nseq + ainfo.nseq; idx++)
    (*rsq)[idx] = newrseq[idx - (*nseq)];

  *dsq = ReallocOrDie((*dsq), sizeof(char *) * (*nseq + ainfo.nseq));
  DigitizeAlignment(aseq, &ainfo, &newdsq);
  for (idx = *nseq; idx < *nseq + ainfo.nseq; idx++)
    (*dsq)[idx] = newdsq[idx - (*nseq)];
				/* unnecessarily complex, but I can't be bothered... */
  *sqinfo = ReallocOrDie((*sqinfo), sizeof(SQINFO) * (*nseq + ainfo.nseq));
  for (idx = *nseq; idx < *nseq + ainfo.nseq; idx++)
    SeqinfoCopy(&((*sqinfo)[idx]), &(ainfo.sqinfo[idx - (*nseq)]));
  *nseq = *nseq + ainfo.nseq;

				/* Cleanup */
  FreeAlignment(aseq, &ainfo);
				/* Return */