文件: daoClass.c 项目: hooloong/dao
void DaoValue_Update( DaoValue **self, DaoNamespace *ns, DMap *deftypes )
	DaoValue *value = *self;
	DaoType *tp, *tp2;

	if( value == NULL || value->type < DAO_ENUM ) return;
	tp = DaoNamespace_GetType( ns, value );
	/* DaoType_DefineTypes() will make proper specialization of template-like type: */
	tp2 = DaoType_DefineTypes( tp, ns, deftypes );
	if( tp == tp2 ) return;
	if( tp2->tid == DAO_OBJECT && value->type == DAO_OBJECT && value->xObject.isDefault ){
		/* "self" is supposed to be a constant, so it has to be a default instance: */
		GC_ShiftRC( tp2->value, value ); /* default instance of specialized Dao class; */
		*self = tp2->value;
	}else if( tp2->tid == DAO_CLASS && value->type == DAO_CLASS ){
		GC_ShiftRC( tp2->aux, value ); /* specialized Dao class; */
		*self = tp2->aux;
	}else if( tp2->tid == DAO_CTYPE && value->type == DAO_CTYPE ){
		GC_ShiftRC( tp2->aux, value ); /* specialized C type; */
		*self = tp2->aux;
	}else if( tp2->tid == DAO_CDATA && value->type == DAO_CDATA ){
		GC_ShiftRC( tp2->value, value ); /* default instance of specialized C type; */
		*self = tp2->value;
	}else if( tp2->tid == DAO_CSTRUCT && value->type == DAO_CSTRUCT ){
		GC_ShiftRC( tp2->value, value ); /* default instance of specialized C type; */
		*self = tp2->value;
	DaoValue_Move( value, self, tp2 );
void DaoTaskEvent_Init( DaoTaskEvent *self, int T, int S, DaoFuture *F, DaoChannel *C )
	GC_ShiftRC( F, self->future );
	GC_ShiftRC( C, self->channel );
	self->type = T;
	self->state = S;
	self->future = F;
	self->channel = C;
文件: daoClass.c 项目: wherby/dao
void DaoClass_MakeInterface( DaoClass *self )
	daoint i, j;
	DaoType *tp;
	DaoRoutine *meth;
	DaoInterface *inter = self->inter;
	DMap *deftypes = DHash_New(0,0);

	DArray_Clear( self->inter->supers );
	DMap_Clear( self->inter->methods );

	if( self->parent && self->parent->type == DAO_CLASS )
		DArray_Append( inter->supers, self->parent->xClass.inter );

	for(i=0; i<self->cstDataName->size; ++i){
		DString *name = self->cstDataName->items.pString[i];
		DaoValue *value = self->constants->items.pConst[i]->value;
		DaoRoutine *rout = (DaoRoutine*) value;
		DNode *it;

		if( value->type != DAO_ROUTINE ) continue;
		if( value->xRoutine.attribs & DAO_ROUT_DECORATOR ) continue;

		it = MAP_Find( self->lookupTable, rout->routName );
		if( it == NULL || LOOKUP_PM( it->value.pInt ) != DAO_DATA_PUBLIC ) continue;

		DMap_Reset( deftypes );
		DMap_Insert( deftypes, rout->routHost, inter->abtype );

		if( rout->overloads == NULL ){
			tp = DaoType_DefineTypes( rout->routType, rout->nameSpace, deftypes );
			if( tp == NULL ) continue; /* TODO: handle error; */
			meth = DaoRoutine_New( rout->nameSpace, inter->abtype, 0 );
			meth->attribs = rout->attribs;
			DString_Assign( meth->routName, rout->routName );
			GC_ShiftRC( tp, meth->routType );
			meth->routType = tp;
			DaoMethods_Insert( inter->methods, meth, meth->nameSpace, meth->routHost );
			for(j=0; j<rout->overloads->routines->size; ++j){
				DaoRoutine *rout2 = rout->overloads->routines->items.pRoutine[j];
				if( rout2->attribs & DAO_ROUT_DECORATOR ) continue;
				tp = DaoType_DefineTypes( rout2->routType, rout2->nameSpace, deftypes );
				if( tp == NULL ) continue; /* TODO: handle error; */
				meth = DaoRoutine_New( rout2->nameSpace, inter->abtype, 0 );
				meth->attribs = rout2->attribs;
				DString_Assign( meth->routName, rout->routName );
				GC_ShiftRC( tp, meth->routType );
				meth->routType = tp;
				DaoMethods_Insert( inter->methods, meth, meth->nameSpace, meth->routHost );
	DMap_Delete( deftypes );
文件: daoValue.c 项目: wherby/dao
void DaoValue_SetType( DaoValue *to, DaoType *tp )
	DaoType *tp2;
	DNode *it;
	if( to->type != tp->tid && tp->tid != DAO_ANY ) return;
	if( tp->attrib & DAO_TYPE_SPEC ) return;
	switch( to->type ){
	case DAO_ARRAY :
		if( to->xArray.size ) return;
		if( tp->tid != DAO_ARRAY || tp->nested == NULL || tp->nested->size == 0 ) break;
		tp = tp->nested->items.pType[0];
		if( tp->tid == DAO_NONE || tp->tid > DAO_COMPLEX ) break;
		DaoArray_SetNumType( (DaoArray*) to, tp->tid );
	case DAO_LIST :
		/* v : any = {}, v->unitype should be list<any> */
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ) tp = dao_list_any;
		if( to->xList.unitype && !(to->xList.unitype->attrib & DAO_TYPE_UNDEF) ) break;
		GC_ShiftRC( tp, to->xList.unitype );
		to->xList.unitype = tp;
	case DAO_MAP :
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ) tp = dao_map_any;
		if( to->xMap.unitype && !(to->xMap.unitype->attrib & DAO_TYPE_UNDEF) ) break;
		GC_ShiftRC( tp, to->xMap.unitype );
		to->xMap.unitype = tp;
	case DAO_TUPLE :
		tp2 = to->xTuple.unitype;
		if( tp->tid == DAO_ANY ) break;
		if( tp->nested->size ==0 ) break; /* not to the generic tuple type */
		if( tp2 == NULL || tp2->mapNames == NULL || tp2->mapNames->size ==0 ){
			GC_ShiftRC( tp, to->xTuple.unitype );
			to->xTuple.unitype = tp;
		if( tp->mapNames == NULL || tp->mapNames->size ) break;
		for(it=DMap_First(tp2->mapNames); it!=NULL; it=DMap_Next(tp2->mapNames, it)){
			if( DMap_Find( tp->mapNames, it->key.pVoid ) == NULL ) break;
		if( it ) break;
		GC_ShiftRC( tp, to->xTuple.unitype );
		to->xTuple.unitype = tp;
	default : break;
文件: daoTasklet.c 项目: hooloong/dao
void DaoCallServer_AddCall( DaoProcess *caller )
	DaoProcess *callee = DaoVmSpace_AcquireProcess( caller->vmSpace );
	DaoStackFrame *frame = caller->topFrame;
	DaoTaskEvent *event = DaoCallServer_MakeEvent();
	DaoType *type = (DaoType*) frame->routine->routType->aux;
	DaoFuture *future = DaoFuture_New( type, 1 );
	DaoValue **params = caller->stackValues + caller->topFrame->stackBase;
	int i, count = caller->topFrame->parCount;

	future->state = DAO_CALL_PAUSED;
	future->actor = caller->topFrame->object;
	GC_IncRC( future->actor );

	GC_ShiftRC( future, callee->future );
	callee->future = future;
	future->process = callee;
	GC_IncRC( future->process );

	callee->parCount = count;
	for(i=0; i<count; ++i) DaoValue_Copy( params[i], & callee->paramValues[i] );
	DaoProcess_PushRoutine( callee, caller->topFrame->routine, future->actor );

	DaoTaskEvent_Init( event, DAO_EVENT_RESUME_TASKLET, DAO_EVENT_RESUME, future, NULL );

	DaoProcess_PopFrame( caller );
	DaoProcess_PutValue( caller, (DaoValue*) future );

	DaoCallServer_Add( event );
void DaoMT_Select( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *par[], int n )
	DNode *it;
	DaoTaskEvent *event = NULL;
	DaoFuture *future = DaoProcess_GetInitFuture( proc );
	DaoMap *selects = (DaoMap*) par[0];
	float timeout = par[1]->xFloat.value;

	if( DaoProcess_CheckCB( proc, "cannot select/block inside code section method" ) ) return;

	for(it=DaoMap_First(selects); it; it=DaoMap_Next(selects,it)){
		DaoValue *value = it->key.pValue;
		int isfut = DaoValue_CheckCtype( value, dao_type_future );
		int ischan = DaoValue_CheckCtype( value, dao_type_channel );
		if( isfut == 0 && ischan == 0 ){
			DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_ERROR_PARAM, "invalid type selection" );

	event = DaoCallServer_MakeEvent();
	DaoTaskEvent_Init( event, DAO_EVENT_WAIT_SELECT, DAO_EVENT_WAIT, future, NULL );
	GC_ShiftRC( selects, event->selects );
	event->selects = selects;
	proc->status = DAO_PROCESS_SUSPENDED;
	proc->pauseType = DAO_PAUSE_CHANFUT_SELECT;
	DaoCallServer_AddTimedWait( proc, event, timeout );

	/* Message may have been sent before this call: */
	DMutex_Lock( & daoCallServer->mutex );
	DaoChannel_ActivateEvent( NULL, DAO_EVENT_WAIT_SELECT );
	DCondVar_Signal( & daoCallServer->condv );
	DMutex_Unlock( & daoCallServer->mutex );
void DaoxDataColumn_SetCell( DaoxDataColumn *self, daoint i, DaoValue *value )
	if( value == NULL ){
		complex16 zero = {0.0,0.0};
		switch( self->type->tid ){
		default :
			GC_DecRC( self->cells->data.values[i] );
			self->cells->data.values[i] = value;
		case DAO_INTEGER : self->cells->data.daoints[i]   = 0; break;
		case DAO_FLOAT   : self->cells->data.floats[i]    = 0.0; break;
		case DAO_DOUBLE  : self->cells->data.doubles[i]   = 0.0; break;
		case DAO_COMPLEX : self->cells->data.complexes[i] = zero; break;
		case DAO_STRING  : DString_Reset( & self->cells->data.strings[i], 0 ); break;
	switch( self->type->tid ){
	default :
		GC_ShiftRC( value, self->cells->data.values[i] );
		self->cells->data.values[i] = value;
	case DAO_INTEGER : self->cells->data.daoints[i]   = DaoValue_GetInteger( value ); break;
	case DAO_FLOAT   : self->cells->data.floats[i]    = DaoValue_GetFloat( value );  break;
	case DAO_DOUBLE  : self->cells->data.doubles[i]   = DaoValue_GetDouble( value ); break;
	case DAO_COMPLEX : self->cells->data.complexes[i] = DaoValue_GetComplex( value ); break;
	case DAO_STRING  : DaoValue_GetString( value, & self->cells->data.strings[i] ); break;
文件: daoValue.c 项目: wherby/dao
void DaoValue_CopyX( DaoValue *src, DaoValue **dest, DaoDataCache *cache )
	DaoValue *dest2 = *dest;
	if( src == dest2 ) return;
	if( dest2 && dest2->xBase.refCount >1 ){
		GC_DecRC( dest2 );
		*dest = dest2 = NULL;
	if( dest2 == NULL ){
		src = DaoValue_SimpleCopyWithTypeX( src, NULL, cache );
		GC_IncRC( src );
		*dest = src;
	if( src->type != dest2->type || src->type > DAO_ENUM ){
		src = DaoValue_SimpleCopyWithTypeX( src, NULL, cache );
		GC_ShiftRC( src, dest2 );
		*dest = src;
	switch( src->type ){
	case DAO_ENUM    :
		DaoEnum_SetType( & dest2->xEnum, src->xEnum.etype );
		DaoEnum_SetValue( & dest2->xEnum, & src->xEnum, NULL );
	case DAO_INTEGER : dest2->xInteger.value = src->xInteger.value; break;
	case DAO_FLOAT   : dest2->xFloat.value = src->xFloat.value; break;
	case DAO_DOUBLE  : dest2->xDouble.value = src->xDouble.value; break;
	case DAO_COMPLEX : dest2->xComplex.value = src->xComplex.value; break;
	case DAO_LONG    : DLong_Move( dest2->xLong.value, src->xLong.value ); break;
	case DAO_STRING  : DString_Assign( dest2->xString.data, src->xString.data ); break;
static void FRAME_GETMI( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoxDataFrame *df, *self = (DaoxDataFrame*) p[0];
	int singleIndex1 = DaoxDF_IsSingleIndex( p[1] );
	int singleIndex2 = DaoxDF_IsSingleIndex( p[2] );
	int singleIndex3 = DaoxDF_IsSingleIndex( p[3] );

	DaoxDataFrame_Sliced( self );
	if( singleIndex1 && singleIndex2 && (singleIndex3 || self->dims[2] == 1) ){
		daoint i = DaoxDF_MakeIndex( self, DAOX_DF_ROW, p[1], proc );
		daoint j = DaoxDF_MakeIndex( self, DAOX_DF_COL, p[2], proc );
		daoint k = DaoxDF_MakeIndex( self, DAOX_DF_DEP, p[3], proc );
		daoint ik = k * self->dims[0] + i;
		DaoValue value = {0};
		if( i < 0 || j < 0 || k < 0 ) return;
		memset( & value, 0, sizeof(DaoValue) );
		DaoxDataColumn_GetCell( (DaoxDataColumn*) self->columns->items.pVoid[j], ik, & value );
		DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, & value );
		df = DaoProcess_MakeReturnDataFrame( proc );
		DaoxDataFrame_PrepareSlices( df );
		DaoDataFrame_MakeSlice( self, proc, p+1, N-1, df->slices );
		GC_ShiftRC( self, df->original );
		df->original = self;
		DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, (DaoValue*) df );
文件: daoValue.c 项目: wherby/dao
int DaoVariable_Set( DaoVariable *self, DaoValue *value, DaoType *type )
	if( type ){
		GC_ShiftRC( type, self->dtype );
		self->dtype = type;
	return DaoValue_Move( value, & self->value, self->dtype );
文件: daoObject.c 项目: cosim/dao
void DaoObject_Init( DaoObject *self, DaoObject *that, int offset )
	DaoClass *klass = self->defClass;
	daoint i;

	if( that ){
		GC_ShiftRC( that, self->rootObject );
		self->rootObject = that;
		self->objValues = that->objValues + offset;
	}else if( self->rootObject == NULL ){
		GC_ShiftRC( self, self->rootObject );
		self->rootObject = self;
		if( self->isNull ){ /* no value space is allocated for null object yet! */
			self->valueCount = klass->objDataName->size;
			self->objValues = (DaoValue**) dao_calloc( self->valueCount, sizeof(DaoValue*) );
	offset += self->defClass->objDefCount;
	if( klass->parent != NULL && klass->parent->type == DAO_CLASS ){
		DaoObject *sup = NULL;
		if( self->isNull ){
			sup = & klass->parent->xClass.objType->value->xObject;
			sup = DaoObject_Allocate( (DaoClass*) klass->parent, 0 );
			sup->isRoot = 0;
			DaoObject_Init( sup, self->rootObject, offset );
		GC_ShiftRC( sup, self->parent );
		self->parent = (DaoValue*)sup;
	GC_ShiftRC( self, self->objValues[0] );
	self->objValues[0] = (DaoValue*) self;
	if( self->isRoot == 0 ) return;
	for(i=1; i<klass->instvars->size; i++){
		DaoVariable *var = klass->instvars->items.pVar[i];
		DaoValue **value = self->objValues + i;
		/* for data type such as list/map/array,
		 * its .ctype may need to be set properaly */
		if( var->value ){
			DaoValue_Move( var->value, value, var->dtype );
		}else if( *value == NULL && var->dtype && var->dtype->value ){
			DaoValue_Copy( var->dtype->value, value );
文件: daoThread.c 项目: hooloong/dao
static void DaoMT_Start( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int n )
	DaoProcess *clone;
	DaoVmCode *vmc, *end;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	DaoType *type = DaoProcess_GetReturnType( proc );
	DaoFuture *future = DaoFuture_New( type, 0 );
	int entry, nop = proc->activeCode[1].code == DVM_NOP;

	DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, (DaoValue*) future );
	if( sect == NULL || DaoMT_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == 0 ) return;

	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	end = proc->activeRoutine->body->vmCodes->data.codes + proc->activeCode[nop+1].b;
	clone = DaoVmSpace_AcquireProcess( proc->vmSpace );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	DaoProcess_SetActiveFrame( proc, proc->topFrame );
	DaoMT_InitProcess( proc, clone );
	clone->topFrame->entry = entry;
	// Use the cloned process instead of the parent process, in case that
	// the cloned process will not be joined by the parent process:
	clone->topFrame->outer = clone;
	future->process = clone;
	GC_IncRC( clone );
	GC_ShiftRC( future, clone->future );
	clone->future = future;
	future->state = DAO_CALL_RUNNING;

	for(vmc=sect; vmc!=end; vmc++){
		int i = -1, code = vmc->code;
		if( code == DVM_GETVH || (code >= DVM_GETVH_I && code <= DVM_GETVH_C) ){
			i = vmc->b;
		}else if( code == DVM_SETVH || (code >= DVM_SETVH_II && code <= DVM_SETVH_CC) ){
			i = vmc->b;
		if( i >= 0 ){
			/* These values should be shared with the parent thread: */
			GC_ShiftRC( proc->activeValues[i], clone->activeValues[i] );
			clone->activeValues[i] = proc->activeValues[i];
	DaoCallServer_AddTask( DaoMT_Start0, clone, p[0]->xEnum.value );
static DaoValue* DaoValue_DeepCopy( DaoValue *self )
	DNode *it;
	daoint i;
	if( self == NULL ) return NULL;
	if( self->type <= DAO_ENUM ) return self; /* simple types will be copied at use; */
	if( self->type == DAO_ARRAY ) return (DaoValue*) DaoArray_Copy( (DaoArray*) self );
	if( self->type == DAO_LIST ){
		DaoList *list = (DaoList*) self;
		DaoList *copy = DaoList_New();
		GC_ShiftRC( list->unitype, copy->unitype );
		copy->unitype = list->unitype;
		for(i=0; i<list->items.size; ++i){
			DaoValue *value = DaoValue_DeepCopy( list->items.items.pValue[i] );
			DaoList_Append( copy, value );
		return (DaoValue*) copy;
	}else if( self->type == DAO_MAP ){
		DaoMap *map = (DaoMap*) self;
		DaoMap *copy = DaoMap_New( map->items->hashing );
		GC_ShiftRC( map->unitype, copy->unitype );
		copy->unitype = map->unitype;
		for(it=DMap_First(map->items); it; it=DMap_Next(map->items,it)){
			DaoValue *key = DaoValue_DeepCopy( it->key.pValue );
			DaoValue *value = DaoValue_DeepCopy( it->value.pValue );
			DaoMap_Insert( copy, key, value );
		return (DaoValue*) copy;
	}else if( self->type == DAO_TUPLE ){
		DaoTuple *tuple = (DaoTuple*) self;
		DaoTuple *copy = DaoTuple_New( tuple->size );
		GC_ShiftRC( tuple->unitype, copy->unitype );
		copy->unitype = tuple->unitype;
		for(i=0; i<tuple->size; ++i){
			DaoValue *value = DaoValue_DeepCopy( tuple->items[i] );
			DaoTuple_SetItem( copy, value, i );
		return (DaoValue*) copy;
	return NULL;
static DaoObject* DaoClass_MakeObject( DaoClass *self, DaoValue *param, DaoProcess *proc )
	DaoObject *object = DaoObject_New( self );
	DaoProcess_CacheValue( proc, (DaoValue*) object );
	if( DaoProcess_PushCallable( proc, self->classRoutines, (DaoValue*)object, & param, 1 ) ==0 ){
		GC_ShiftRC( object, proc->topFrame->object );
		proc->topFrame->object = object;
		proc->topFrame->returning = -1;
		if( DaoProcess_Execute( proc ) ) return object;
	return NULL;
void DaoCallServer_AddWait( DaoProcess *wait, DaoFuture *pre, double timeout )
	DaoTaskEvent *event;
	DaoCallServer *server = DaoCallServer_TryInit( mainVmSpace );;
	DaoFuture *future = DaoProcess_GetInitFuture( wait );

	GC_ShiftRC( pre, future->precond );
	future->precond = pre;
	future->state = DAO_CALL_PAUSED;

	event = DaoCallServer_MakeEvent();
	DaoTaskEvent_Init( event, DAO_EVENT_WAIT_TASKLET, DAO_EVENT_WAIT, future, NULL );

	DaoCallServer_AddTimedWait( wait, event, timeout );
文件: daoStdlib.c 项目: hooloong/dao
static void STD_Eval( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoVmSpace *vms = proc->vmSpace;
	DaoNamespace *ns = proc->activeNamespace;
	DaoStream *prevStream = proc->stdioStream;
	DaoStream *redirect = (DaoStream*) p[1];
	char *source = DaoValue_TryGetMBString( p[0] );
	int safe = p[2]->xInteger.value;
	int wasProt = 0;
	if( vms->options & DAO_OPTION_SAFE ) wasProt = 1;
	if( redirect != prevStream ){
		GC_ShiftRC( redirect, proc->stdioStream );
		proc->stdioStream = redirect;

	if( safe ) vms->options |= DAO_OPTION_SAFE;
	DaoProcess_Eval( proc, ns, source );
	DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, proc->stackValues[0] );
	if( ! wasProt ) vms->options &= ~DAO_OPTION_SAFE;
	if( redirect != prevStream ){
		GC_ShiftRC( prevStream, proc->stdioStream );
		proc->stdioStream = prevStream;
void DaoxDataColumn_SetType( DaoxDataColumn *self, DaoType *type )
	int datatype, datasize;

	DaoxDataColumn_Reset( self, 0 );
	if( type == NULL ) type = dao_type_any;
	datatype = DaoType_GetDataType( type );
	datasize = DaoType_GetDataSize( type );

	GC_ShiftRC( type, self->type );
	self->type = type;
	self->cells->capacity = (self->cells->capacity * self->cells->stride) / datasize;
	self->cells->stride = datasize;
	self->cells->type = datatype;
文件: daoObject.c 项目: cosim/dao
void DaoObject_SetParentCdata( DaoObject *self, DaoCdata *parent )
	DaoObject *child = NULL;
	DaoObject *obj = (DaoObject*) self->parent;
	DaoValue *sup = self->defClass->parent;
	if( parent == NULL ) return;
	if( sup == NULL ) return;
	if( obj && obj->type == DAO_OBJECT ){
		DaoObject_SetParentCdata( obj, parent );
	}else if( sup->type == DAO_CTYPE ){
		DaoCdata *cdata = (DaoCdata*)sup;
		if( DaoType_ChildOf( cdata->ctype, parent->ctype ) ){
			GC_ShiftRC( parent, self->parent );
			self->parent = (DaoValue*) parent;
文件: daoValue.c 项目: wherby/dao
static int DaoValue_TryCastTuple( DaoValue *src, DaoValue **dest, DaoType *tp )
	DaoTuple *tuple;
	DaoType **item_types = tp->nested->items.pType;
	DaoType *totype = src->xTuple.unitype;
	DaoValue **data = src->xTuple.items;
	DMap *names = totype ? totype->mapNames : NULL;
	DNode *node, *search;
	daoint i, T = tp->nested->size;
	int tm, eqs = 0;
	/* auto-cast tuple type, on the following conditions:
	 * (1) the item values of "dest" must match exactly to the item types of "tp";
	 * (2) "tp->mapNames" must contain "(*dest)->xTuple.unitype->mapNames"; */
	if( src->xTuple.unitype == NULL ){
		GC_IncRC( tp );
		src->xTuple.unitype = tp;
		return 1;
	if( DaoType_MatchValue( tp, src, NULL ) < DAO_MT_SUB ) return 1;
	/* casting is not necessary if the tuple's field names are a superset of the
	 * field names of the target type: */
	if( tp->mapNames == NULL || tp->mapNames->size ==0 ) goto Finalize;
	if( names ){
		daoint count = 0;
		for(node=DMap_First(names); node; node=DMap_Next(names,node)){
			search = DMap_Find( tp->mapNames, node->key.pVoid );
			if( search && node->value.pInt != search->value.pInt ) return 0;
			count += search != NULL;
		/* be superset of the field names of the target type: */
		if( count == tp->mapNames->size ) goto Finalize;
	tuple = DaoTuple_New( T );
	for(i=0; i<T; i++){
		DaoType *it = item_types[i];
		if( it->tid == DAO_PAR_NAMED ) it = & it->aux->xType;
		DaoValue_Move( data[i], tuple->items+i, it );
	GC_IncRC( tp );
	tuple->unitype = tp;
	GC_ShiftRC( tuple, *dest );
	*dest = (DaoValue*) tuple;
	return 1;
static DaoFuture* DaoCallServer_GetNextFuture()
	DaoCallServer *server = daoCallServer;
	DaoFuture *first, *future, *precond;
	DArray *events = server->events;
	DMap *pending = server->pending;
	DMap *active = server->active;
	DNode *it;
	daoint i, j;

	for(i=0; i<events->size; i++){
		DaoTaskEvent *event = (DaoTaskEvent*) events->items.pVoid[i];
		DaoFuture *future = event->future;
		DaoObject *actor = future->actor;
		DaoChannel *channel = event->channel;
		DaoChannel *closed = NULL;
		DaoChannel *chselect = NULL;
		DaoFuture *futselect = NULL;
		DaoValue *selected = NULL;
		DaoValue *message = NULL;
		int type = event->type;

		if( event->state == DAO_EVENT_WAIT && future->precond != NULL ){
			if( future->precond->state != DAO_CALL_FINISHED ) goto MoveToWaiting;
		switch( event->type ){
			if( channel->buffer->size >= channel->cap ){
				if( event->state == DAO_EVENT_WAIT ){
					DaoChannel_ActivateEvent( channel, DAO_EVENT_WAIT_RECEIVING );
					DaoChannel_ActivateEvent( channel, DAO_EVENT_WAIT_SELECT );
					goto MoveToWaiting;
			event->type = DAO_EVENT_RESUME_TASKLET;
			if( channel->buffer->size == 0 ){
				if( channel->cap > 0 && event->state == DAO_EVENT_WAIT ){
					DaoChannel_ActivateEvent( channel, DAO_EVENT_WAIT_SENDING );
					goto MoveToWaiting;
				message = dao_none_value;
				message = channel->buffer->items.pValue[0];
			GC_ShiftRC( message, event->message );
			event->message = message;
			event->auxiliary = channel->cap <= 0 && channel->buffer->size == 0;
			event->type = DAO_EVENT_RESUME_TASKLET;
			DArray_PopFront( channel->buffer );
			if( channel->buffer->size < channel->cap )
				DaoChannel_ActivateEvent( channel, DAO_EVENT_WAIT_SENDING );
			if( channel->buffer->size )
				DaoChannel_ActivateEvent( channel, DAO_EVENT_WAIT_RECEIVING );
			message = dao_none_value;
			for(it=DaoMap_First(event->selects); it; it=DaoMap_Next(event->selects,it)){
				if( DaoValue_CheckCtype( it->key.pValue, dao_type_channel ) ){
					DaoChannel *chan = (DaoChannel*) it->key.pValue;
					if( chan->buffer->size > 0 ){
						chselect = chan;
						selected = it->key.pValue;
						message = chan->buffer->items.pValue[0];
						closed = NULL;
					}else if( chan->cap == 0 ){
						closed = chan;
					DaoFuture *fut = (DaoFuture*) it->key.pValue;
					if( fut->state == DAO_CALL_FINISHED ){
						futselect = fut;
						selected = it->key.pValue;
						message = fut->value;
			if( selected == NULL ) selected = (DaoValue*) closed;
			if( event->state == DAO_EVENT_WAIT && event->selects->items->size ){
				if( selected == NULL ) goto MoveToWaiting;

			GC_ShiftRC( message, event->message );
			GC_ShiftRC( selected, event->selected );
			event->message = message;
			event->selected = selected;
			event->auxiliary = event->selects->items->size == 0;
			event->type = DAO_EVENT_RESUME_TASKLET;
			/* change status to not finished: */
			if( chselect != NULL || futselect != NULL ) event->auxiliary = 0;
			if( chselect ){
				DArray_PopFront( chselect->buffer );
				if( chselect->buffer->size < chselect->cap )
					DaoChannel_ActivateEvent( chselect, DAO_EVENT_WAIT_SENDING );
				if( chselect->buffer->size )
					DaoChannel_ActivateEvent( chselect, DAO_EVENT_WAIT_SELECT );
			if( futselect != NULL || closed != NULL ){
				void *key = futselect ? (void*)futselect : (void*)closed;
				DMap_Erase( event->selects->items, key );
		default: break;
		if( actor ){
			DNode *it = DMap_Find( active, actor->rootObject );
			if( actor->rootObject->isAsync ){
				if( it && it->value.pVoid != (void*) future ) continue;
			}else if( it ){
		if( future->process && DMap_Find( active, future->process ) ) continue;
		DArray_Erase( events, i, 1 );
		DMap_Erase( pending, event );
		if( actor ){
			void *value = actor->rootObject->isAsync ? future : NULL;
			DMap_Insert( active, actor->rootObject, value );
		if( future->process ){
			DMap_Insert( active, future->process, NULL );
			future->process->active = 1;

		GC_ShiftRC( event->message, future->message );
		GC_ShiftRC( event->selected, future->selected );
		future->message = event->message;
		future->selected = event->selected;
		future->aux1 = event->auxiliary;
		future->timeout = event->timeout;

		GC_IncRC( future ); /* To be decreased at the end of tasklet; */
		DaoCallServer_CacheEvent( event );
		return future;
		if( event->expiring >= 0.0 && event->expiring < MIN_TIME ) continue;
		if( event->expiring >= MIN_TIME ){
			DaoComplex com = {DAO_COMPLEX,0,0,0,1,{0.0,0.0}};
			com.value.real = event->expiring;
			DMap_Insert( server->waitings, & com, event );
			DCondVar_Signal( & server->condv2 );
			DArray_Append( server->events2, event );
		DArray_Erase( server->events, i, 1 );
		i -= 1;
	return NULL;
文件: daoClass.c 项目: hooloong/dao
int DaoClass_AddConst( DaoClass *self, DString *name, DaoValue *data, int s )
	int sto, pm, up, id;
	DNode *node = MAP_Find( self->lookupTable, name );
	DaoNamespace *ns = self->classRoutine->nameSpace;
	DaoConstant *dest;
	DaoValue *value;

	assert( data != NULL );
	if( node && LOOKUP_UP( node->value.pInt ) ){ /* inherited field: */
		sto = LOOKUP_ST( node->value.pInt );
		pm = LOOKUP_PM( node->value.pInt );
		id = LOOKUP_ID( node->value.pInt );
		if( sto != DAO_CLASS_CONSTANT ){ /* override inherited variable: */
			DMap_EraseNode( self->lookupTable, node );
			return DaoClass_AddConst( self, name, data, s );
		node->value.pInt = LOOKUP_BIND( sto, pm, 0, id );
		dest = self->constants->items.pConst[id];
		if( dest->value->type == DAO_ROUTINE && data->type == DAO_ROUTINE ){
			/* Add the inherited routine(s) for overloading: */
			DaoRoutine *routs = DaoRoutines_New( ns, self->objType, (DaoRoutine*) dest->value );
			DaoConstant *cst = DaoConstant_New( (DaoValue*) routs );
			GC_ShiftRC( cst, dest );
			self->constants->items.pConst[id] = cst;
			return DaoClass_AddConst( self, name, data, s );
			/* Add the new constant: */
			DaoConstant *cst = DaoConstant_New( data );
			GC_ShiftRC( cst, dest );
			self->constants->items.pConst[id] = cst;
			return node->value.pInt;
	}else if( node ){
		sto = LOOKUP_ST( node->value.pInt );
		pm = LOOKUP_PM( node->value.pInt );
		id = LOOKUP_ID( node->value.pInt );
		dest = self->constants->items.pConst[id];
		value = dest->value;
		if( value->type != DAO_ROUTINE || data->type != DAO_ROUTINE ) return -DAO_CTW_WAS_DEFINED;
		if( s > pm ) node->value.pInt = LOOKUP_BIND( sto, s, 0, id );
		if( value->xRoutine.overloads == NULL || value->xRoutine.routHost != self->objType ){
			DaoRoutine *routs = DaoRoutines_New( ns, self->objType, (DaoRoutine*) value );
			routs->trait |= DAO_VALUE_CONST;
			/* Add individual entry for the existing function: */
			if( value->xRoutine.routHost == self->objType ) DaoClass_AddConst3( self, name, value );
			GC_ShiftRC( routs, dest->value );
			dest->value = (DaoValue*) routs;
		if( data->xRoutine.overloads ){
			DaoRoutines_Import( (DaoRoutine*) dest->value, data->xRoutine.overloads );
			DaoRoutine *rout = (DaoRoutine*) data;
			DRoutines_Add( dest->value->xRoutine.overloads, rout );
			if( self->vtable ) DaoRoutine_UpdateVtable( (DaoRoutine*)dest->value, rout, self->vtable );
			/* Add individual entry for the new function: */
			if( data->xRoutine.routHost == self->objType ) DaoClass_AddConst3( self, name, data );
		return node->value.pInt;

	node = MAP_Find( self->lookupTable, name );
	if( node && LOOKUP_UP( node->value.pInt ) ) return -DAO_CTW_WAS_DEFINED;
	return DaoClass_AddConst2( self, name, data, s );
文件: daoTasklet.c 项目: hooloong/dao
static DaoFuture* DaoCallServer_GetNextFuture()
	DaoCallServer *server = daoCallServer;
	DaoFuture *first, *future, *precond;
	DArray *events = server->events;
	DMap *pending = server->pending;
	DMap *active = server->active;
	daoint i, j;

	for(i=0; i<events->size; i++){
		DaoTaskEvent *event = (DaoTaskEvent*) events->items.pVoid[i];
		DaoFuture *future = event->future;
		DaoChannel *channel = event->channel;
		DaoChannel *selected = NULL;
		DaoValue *message = NULL;
		int closed = 0;

		switch( event->type ){
			if( channel->buffer->size >= channel->cap ){
				if( event->state == DAO_EVENT_WAIT ) goto MoveToWaiting;
			if( channel->buffer->size == 0 ){
				if( channel->cap > 0 && event->state == DAO_EVENT_WAIT ) goto MoveToWaiting;
				message = dao_none_value;
				message = channel->buffer->items.pValue[0];
			GC_ShiftRC( message, event->future->message );
			event->future->message = message;
			event->future->aux1 = channel->cap <= 0 && channel->buffer->size == 0;
			DArray_PopFront( channel->buffer );
			if( channel->buffer->size < channel->cap )
				DaoChannel_ActivateEvent( channel, DAO_EVENT_WAIT_SENDING );
			if( channel->buffer->size )
				DaoChannel_ActivateEvent( channel, DAO_EVENT_WAIT_RECEIVING );
			for(j=0; j<event->channels->size; ++j){
				DaoChannel *chan = (DaoChannel*) event->channels->items.pValue[j];
				if( chan->buffer->size > 0 ){
					selected = chan;
				}else if( chan->cap <= 0 ){
					closed += 1;
			if( selected == NULL && closed < event->channels->size ){
				if( event->state == DAO_EVENT_WAIT ) goto MoveToWaiting;
			if( selected == NULL || selected->buffer->size == 0 ){
				if( event->state == DAO_EVENT_WAIT ) goto MoveToWaiting;
				message = dao_none_value;
				message = selected->buffer->items.pValue[0];
			GC_ShiftRC( message, event->future->message );
			GC_ShiftRC( selected, event->future->selected );
			event->future->message = message;
			event->future->selected = (DaoValue*) selected;
			event->future->aux1 = closed == event->channels->size;
			if( selected ){
				DArray_PopFront( selected->buffer );
				if( selected->buffer->size < selected->cap )
					DaoChannel_ActivateEvent( selected, DAO_EVENT_WAIT_SENDING );
				if( selected->buffer->size )
					DaoChannel_ActivateEvent( selected, DAO_EVENT_WAIT_SELECT );
		default: break;
		if( event->state == DAO_EVENT_WAIT && future->precond != NULL ){
			if( future->precond->state != DAO_CALL_FINISHED ) goto MoveToWaiting;
		if( future->actor && DMap_Find( active, future->actor->rootObject ) ) continue;
		if( future->process && DMap_Find( active, future->process ) ) continue;
		DArray_Erase( events, i, 1 );
		DMap_Erase( pending, event );
		if( future->actor ) DMap_Insert( active, future->actor->rootObject, NULL );
		if( future->process ) DMap_Insert( active, future->process, NULL );
		GC_IncRC( future ); /* To be decreased at the end of tasklet; */
		future->timeout = event->timeout;
		DaoCallServer_CacheEvent( event );
		return future;
		if( event->expiring >= 0.0 && event->expiring < MIN_TIME ) continue;
		if( event->expiring >= MIN_TIME ){
			DaoComplex com = {DAO_COMPLEX,0,0,0,1,{0.0,0.0}};
			com.value.real = event->expiring;
			DMap_Insert( server->waitings, & com, event );
			DCondVar_Signal( & server->condv2 );
			DArray_Append( server->events2, event );
		DArray_Erase( server->events, i, 1 );
		i -= 1;
	return NULL;
文件: daoValue.c 项目: wherby/dao
int DaoValue_Move4( DaoValue *S, DaoValue **D, DaoType *T, DMap *defs, DaoDataCache *cache )
	int tm = 1;
	switch( (T->tid << 8) | S->type ){
	case (DAO_INTEGER << 8) | DAO_INTEGER :
	case (DAO_INTEGER << 8) | DAO_FLOAT   :
	case (DAO_INTEGER << 8) | DAO_DOUBLE  :
	case (DAO_FLOAT   << 8) | DAO_INTEGER :
	case (DAO_FLOAT   << 8) | DAO_FLOAT   :
	case (DAO_FLOAT   << 8) | DAO_DOUBLE  :
	case (DAO_DOUBLE  << 8) | DAO_INTEGER :
	case (DAO_DOUBLE  << 8) | DAO_FLOAT   :
	case (DAO_DOUBLE  << 8) | DAO_DOUBLE  :
	case (DAO_COMPLEX << 8) | DAO_COMPLEX :
	case (DAO_LONG    << 8) | DAO_LONG    :
	case (DAO_STRING  << 8) | DAO_STRING  :
		S = DaoValue_SimpleCopyWithTypeX( S, T, cache );
		GC_ShiftRC( S, *D );
		*D = S;
		return 1;
	if( !(S->xTuple.trait & DAO_VALUE_CONST) ){
		DaoType *ST = NULL;
		switch( (S->type << 8) | T->tid ){
		case (DAO_TUPLE<<8)|DAO_TUPLE : ST = S->xTuple.unitype; break;
		case (DAO_ARRAY<<8)|DAO_ARRAY : ST = dao_array_types[ S->xArray.etype ]; break;
		case (DAO_LIST <<8)|DAO_LIST  : ST = S->xList.unitype; break;
		case (DAO_MAP  <<8)|DAO_MAP   : ST = S->xMap.unitype; break;
		case (DAO_CDATA<<8)|DAO_CDATA : ST = S->xCdata.ctype; break;
		case (DAO_CSTRUCT<<8)|DAO_CSTRUCT : ST = S->xCstruct.ctype; break;
		case (DAO_OBJECT<<8)|DAO_OBJECT : ST = S->xObject.defClass->objType; break;
		if( ST == T ){
			DaoValue *D2 = *D;
			GC_ShiftRC( S, D2 );
			*D = S;
			return 1;
	if( (T->tid == DAO_OBJECT || T->tid == DAO_CDATA || T->tid == DAO_CSTRUCT) && S->type == DAO_OBJECT ){
		if( S->xObject.defClass != & T->aux->xClass ){
			S = DaoObject_CastToBase( S->xObject.rootObject, T );
			tm = (S != NULL);
	}else if( (T->tid == DAO_CLASS || T->tid == DAO_CTYPE) && S->type == DAO_CLASS ){
		if( S->xClass.clsType != T && T->aux != NULL ){ /* T->aux == NULL for "class"; */
			S = DaoClass_CastToBase( (DaoClass*)S, T );
			tm = (S != NULL);
	}else if( T->tid == DAO_CTYPE && S->type == DAO_CTYPE ){
		if( S->xCtype.ctype != T ){
			S = DaoType_CastToParent( S, T );
			tm = (S != NULL);
	}else if( T->tid == DAO_ROUTINE && T->overloads == 0 && S->type == DAO_ROUTINE && S->xRoutine.overloads ){
		DArray *routines = S->xRoutine.overloads->routines;
		int i, k, n;
		// Do not use DaoRoutine_ResolveByType( S, ... )
		// "S" should match to "T", not the other way around!
		tm = 0;
		for(i=0,n=routines->size; i<n; i++){
			DaoRoutine *rout = routines->items.pRoutine[i];
			k = rout->routType == T ? DAO_MT_EQ : DaoType_MatchTo( rout->routType, T, defs );
			if( k > tm ) tm = k;
			if( rout->routType == T ){
				S = (DaoValue*) rout;
		tm = DaoType_MatchValue( T, S, defs );
#if 0
	if( tm ==0 ){
		printf( "T = %p; S = %p, type = %i %i\n", T, S, S->type, DAO_ROUTINE );
		printf( "T: %s %i %i\n", T->name->mbs, T->tid, tm );
		if( S->type == DAO_LIST ) printf( "%s\n", S->xList.unitype->name->mbs );
		if( S->type == DAO_TUPLE ) printf( "%p\n", S->xTuple.unitype );
	printf( "S->type = %p %s %i\n", S, T->name->mbs, tm );
	if( tm == 0 ) return 0;
	/* composite known types must match exactly. example,
	 * where it will not work if composite types are allowed to match loosely.
	 * d : list<list<int>> = {};
	 * e : list<float> = { 1.0 };
	 * d.append( e );
	 * but if d is of type list<list<any>>,
	 * the matching do not necessary to be exact.
	S = DaoValue_SimpleCopyWithTypeX( S, T, cache );
	GC_ShiftRC( S, *D );
	*D = S;
	if( S->type == DAO_TUPLE && S->xTuple.unitype != T && tm >= DAO_MT_SIM ){
		return DaoValue_TryCastTuple( S, D, T );
	}else if( T && T->tid == S->type && !(T->attrib & DAO_TYPE_SPEC) ){
		DaoValue_SetType( S, T );
	return 1;
文件: daoClass.c 项目: wherby/dao
int DaoClass_AddConst( DaoClass *self, DString *name, DaoValue *data, int s )
	int fromMixin = 0;
	int fromParent = 0;
	int sto, pm, up, id;
	DNode *node = MAP_Find( self->lookupTable, name );
	DaoNamespace *ns = self->classRoutine->nameSpace;
	DaoConstant *dest;
	DaoValue *value;

	if( node ){
		id = LOOKUP_ID( node->value.pInt );
		fromParent = LOOKUP_UP( node->value.pInt ); /* From parent classes; */
		switch( LOOKUP_ST( node->value.pInt ) ){ /* Check if it is from mixins; */
			fromMixin = id >= self->cstMixinStart && id < self->cstMixinEnd;
			fromMixin = id >= self->glbMixinStart && id < self->glbMixinEnd;
			fromMixin = id >= self->objMixinStart && id < self->objMixinEnd;

	assert( data != NULL );
	if( fromParent || fromMixin ){ /* inherited field: */
		sto = LOOKUP_ST( node->value.pInt );
		pm = LOOKUP_PM( node->value.pInt );
		id = LOOKUP_ID( node->value.pInt );
		if( sto != DAO_CLASS_CONSTANT ){ /* override inherited variable: */
			DMap_EraseNode( self->lookupTable, node );
			return DaoClass_AddConst( self, name, data, s );
		node->value.pInt = LOOKUP_BIND( sto, pm, 0, id );
		dest = self->constants->items.pConst[id];
		if( dest->value->type == DAO_ROUTINE && data->type == DAO_ROUTINE ){
			/* Add the inherited routine(s) for overloading: */
			DaoRoutine *routs = DaoRoutines_New( ns, self->objType, (DaoRoutine*)dest->value );
			DaoConstant *cst = DaoConstant_New( (DaoValue*) routs );
			routs->trait |= DAO_VALUE_CONST;
			node->value.pInt = LOOKUP_BIND( sto, pm, 0, self->constants->size );
			DArray_Append( self->cstDataName, (void*) name );
			DArray_Append( self->constants, cst );
			return DaoClass_AddConst( self, name, data, s );
			/* Add the new constant: */
			DaoConstant *cst = DaoConstant_New( data );
			node->value.pInt = LOOKUP_BIND( sto, pm, 0, self->constants->size );
			DArray_Append( self->cstDataName, (void*) name );
			DArray_Append( self->constants, cst );
			return node->value.pInt;
	}else if( node ){
		sto = LOOKUP_ST( node->value.pInt );
		pm = LOOKUP_PM( node->value.pInt );
		id = LOOKUP_ID( node->value.pInt );
		dest = self->constants->items.pConst[id];
		value = dest->value;
		if( value->type != DAO_ROUTINE || data->type != DAO_ROUTINE ) return -DAO_CTW_WAS_DEFINED;
		if( s > pm ) node->value.pInt = LOOKUP_BIND( sto, s, 0, id );
		if( value->xRoutine.overloads == NULL || value->xRoutine.routHost != self->objType ){
			DaoRoutine *routs = DaoRoutines_New( ns, self->objType, (DaoRoutine*) value );
			routs->trait |= DAO_VALUE_CONST;
			/* Add individual entry for the existing function: */
			if( value->xRoutine.routHost == self->objType ) DaoClass_AddConst3( self, name, value );
			GC_ShiftRC( routs, dest->value );
			dest->value = (DaoValue*) routs;
		if( data->xRoutine.overloads ){
			DaoRoutines_Import( (DaoRoutine*) dest->value, data->xRoutine.overloads );
			DaoRoutine *rout = (DaoRoutine*) data;
			DRoutines_Add( dest->value->xRoutine.overloads, rout );
			/* Add individual entry for the new function: */
			if( data->xRoutine.routHost == self->objType ) DaoClass_AddConst3( self, name, data );
		return node->value.pInt;

	node = MAP_Find( self->lookupTable, name );
	if( node && LOOKUP_UP( node->value.pInt ) ) return -DAO_CTW_WAS_DEFINED;
	return DaoClass_AddConst2( self, name, data, s );
文件: daoThread.c 项目: hooloong/dao
static void DaoMT_Functional( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *P[], int N, int F )
	DMutex mutex;
	DCondVar condv;
	DaoTaskData *tasks;
	DaoValue *param = P[0];
	DaoValue *result = NULL;
	DaoList *list = NULL;
	DaoArray *array = NULL;
	DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode );
	int i, entry, threads = P[1]->xInteger.value;
	daoint index = -1, status = 0, joined = 0;
	DNode *node = NULL;

	switch( F ){
		if( param->type == DAO_ARRAY ){
			array = DaoProcess_PutArray( proc );
			result = (DaoValue*) array;
			list = DaoProcess_PutList( proc );
			result = (DaoValue*) list;
	case DVM_FUNCT_APPLY : DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, param ); break;
	case DVM_FUNCT_FIND : DaoProcess_PutValue( proc, dao_none_value ); break;
	if( threads <= 0 ) threads = 2;
	if( sect == NULL || DaoMT_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == 0 ) return;
	if( list ){
		DArray_Clear( & list->items );
		if( param->type == DAO_LIST ) DArray_Resize( & list->items, param->xList.items.size, NULL );
		if( param->type == DAO_MAP ) DArray_Resize( & list->items, param->xMap.items->size, NULL );
	}else if( array && F == DVM_FUNCT_MAP ){
		DaoArray_GetSliceShape( (DaoArray*) param, & array->dims, & array->ndim );
		DaoArray_ResizeArray( array, array->dims, array->ndim );

	DMutex_Init( & mutex );
	DCondVar_Init( & condv );
	entry = proc->topFrame->entry;
	tasks = (DaoTaskData*) dao_calloc( threads, sizeof(DaoTaskData) );
	DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc );
	for(i=0; i<threads; i++){
		DaoTaskData *task = tasks + i;
		task->param = param;
		task->result = result;
		task->proto = proc;
		task->sect = sect;
		task->funct = F;
		task->entry = entry;
		task->first = i;
		task->step = threads;
		task->index = & index;
		task->node = & node;
		task->joined = & joined;
		task->condv = & condv;
		task->mutex = & mutex;
		task->clone = DaoVmSpace_AcquireProcess( proc->vmSpace );
		task->clone->mutex = & mutex;
		if( i ) DaoCallServer_AddTask( DaoMT_RunFunctional, task, 1 );
	DaoMT_RunFunctional( tasks );

	DMutex_Lock( & mutex );
	while( joined < threads ) DCondVar_TimedWait( & condv, & mutex, 0.01 );
	DMutex_Unlock( & mutex );

	for(i=0; i<threads; i++){
		DaoTaskData *task = tasks + i;
		DaoVmSpace_ReleaseProcess( proc->vmSpace, task->clone );
		status |= task->status;
	if( F == DVM_FUNCT_FIND ){
		DaoTuple *tuple = DaoProcess_PutTuple( proc, 0 );
		if( param->type == DAO_LIST && index != -1 ){
			DaoValue **items = param->xList.items.items.pValue;
			GC_ShiftRC( items[index], tuple->items[1] );
			tuple->items[1] = items[index];
			tuple->items[0]->xInteger.value = index;
		}else if( param->type == DAO_MAP && node ){
			GC_ShiftRC( node->key.pValue, tuple->items[0] );
			GC_ShiftRC( node->value.pValue, tuple->items[1] );
			tuple->items[0] = node->key.pValue;
			tuple->items[1] = node->value.pValue;
	if( status ) DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, DAO_ERROR, "code section execution failed!" );
	DMutex_Destroy( & mutex );
	DCondVar_Destroy( & condv );
	dao_free( tasks );