 * gdk_win32_display_set_cursor_theme:
 * @display: (type GdkWin32Display): a #GdkDisplay
 * @name: (allow-none): the name of the cursor theme to use, or %NULL to unset
 *         a previously set value
 * @size: the cursor size to use, or 0 to keep the previous size
 * Sets the cursor theme from which the images for cursor
 * should be taken.
 * If the windowing system supports it, existing cursors created
 * with gdk_cursor_new(), gdk_cursor_new_for_display() and
 * gdk_cursor_new_from_name() are updated to reflect the theme
 * change. Custom cursors constructed with
 * gdk_cursor_new_from_texture() will have to be handled
 * by the application (GTK+ applications can learn about
 * cursor theme changes by listening for change notification
 * for the corresponding #GtkSetting).
gdk_win32_display_set_cursor_theme (GdkDisplay  *display,
                                    const gchar *name,
                                    gint         size)
  gint cursor_size;
  gint w, h;
  Win32CursorTheme *theme;
  GdkWin32Display *win32_display = GDK_WIN32_DISPLAY (display);

  g_assert (win32_display);

  if (name == NULL)
    name = "system";

  w = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXCURSOR);
  h = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYCURSOR);

  /* We can load cursors of any size, but SetCursor() will scale them back
   * to this value. It's possible to break that restrictions with SetSystemCursor(),
   * but that will override cursors for the whole desktop session.
  cursor_size = (w == h) ? w : size;

  if (win32_display->cursor_theme_name != NULL &&
      g_strcmp0 (name, win32_display->cursor_theme_name) == 0 &&
      win32_display->cursor_theme_size == cursor_size)

  theme = win32_cursor_theme_load (name, cursor_size);
  if (theme == NULL)
      g_warning ("Failed to load cursor theme %s", name);

  if (win32_display->cursor_theme)
      win32_cursor_theme_destroy (win32_display->cursor_theme);
      win32_display->cursor_theme = NULL;

  win32_display->cursor_theme = theme;
  g_free (win32_display->cursor_theme_name);
  win32_display->cursor_theme_name = g_strdup (name);
  win32_display->cursor_theme_size = cursor_size;

  _gdk_win32_display_update_cursors (win32_display);
static void
gdk_win32_display_finalize (GObject *object)
  GdkWin32Display *display_win32 = GDK_WIN32_DISPLAY (object);

  _gdk_win32_display_finalize_cursors (display_win32);
  _gdk_win32_dnd_exit ();

  g_ptr_array_free (display_win32->monitors, TRUE);

  while (display_win32->filters)
    _gdk_win32_message_filter_unref (display_win32, display_win32->filters->data);

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (gdk_win32_display_parent_class)->finalize (object);
GdkDisplay *
_gdk_win32_display_open (const gchar *display_name)
  GdkWin32Display *win32_display;

  GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("gdk_display_open: %s\n", (display_name ? display_name : "NULL")));

  if (display_name == NULL ||
      g_ascii_strcasecmp (display_name,
			  gdk_display_get_name (_gdk_display)) == 0)
      if (_gdk_display != NULL)
	  GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("... return _gdk_display\n"));
	  return _gdk_display;
      GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("... return NULL\n"));
      return NULL;

  _gdk_display = g_object_new (GDK_TYPE_WIN32_DISPLAY, NULL);
  win32_display = GDK_WIN32_DISPLAY (_gdk_display);

  win32_display->screen = g_object_new (GDK_TYPE_WIN32_SCREEN, NULL);

  _gdk_monitor_init ();
  _gdk_visual_init (win32_display->screen);
  _gdk_screen_init_root_window (GDK_WIN32_SCREEN (win32_display->screen));
  _gdk_events_init ();
  _gdk_input_init (_gdk_display);
  _gdk_dnd_init ();

  /* Precalculate display name */
  (void) gdk_display_get_name (_gdk_display);

  register_display_change_notification (_gdk_display);

  g_signal_emit_by_name (_gdk_display, "opened");

  GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("... _gdk_display now set up\n"));

  return _gdk_display;
static void
gdk_win32_display_dispose (GObject *object)
  GdkWin32Display *display_win32 = GDK_WIN32_DISPLAY (object);

  if (display_win32->hwnd != NULL)
      DestroyWindow (display_win32->hwnd);
      display_win32->hwnd = NULL;

  if (display_win32->clipboard_hwnd != NULL)
      DestroyWindow (display_win32->clipboard_hwnd);
      display_win32->clipboard_hwnd = NULL;
      _hwnd_next_viewer = NULL;

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (gdk_win32_display_parent_class)->dispose (object);
 * Creates a hidden window and adds it to the clipboard chain
static gboolean
register_clipboard_notification (GdkDisplay *display)
  GdkWin32Display *display_win32 = GDK_WIN32_DISPLAY (display);
  WNDCLASS wclass = { 0, };
  ATOM klass;

  wclass.lpszClassName = "GdkClipboardNotification";
  wclass.lpfnWndProc = _clipboard_window_procedure;
  wclass.hInstance = _gdk_app_hmodule;

  klass = RegisterClass (&wclass);
  if (!klass)
    return FALSE;

  display_win32->clipboard_hwnd = CreateWindow (MAKEINTRESOURCE (klass),
                                                NULL, WS_POPUP,
                                                0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL,
                                                _gdk_app_hmodule, NULL);

  if (display_win32->clipboard_hwnd == NULL)
    goto failed;

  SetLastError (0);
  _hwnd_next_viewer = SetClipboardViewer (display_win32->clipboard_hwnd);

  if (_hwnd_next_viewer == NULL && GetLastError() != 0)
    goto failed;

  /* FIXME: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms649033(v=VS.85).aspx */
  /* This is only supported by Vista, and not yet by mingw64 */
  /* if (AddClipboardFormatListener (hwnd) == FALSE) */
  /*   goto failed; */

  return TRUE;

  g_critical ("Failed to install clipboard viewer");
  UnregisterClass (MAKEINTRESOURCE (klass), _gdk_app_hmodule);
  return FALSE;
static void
gdk_win32_display_dispose (GObject *object)
  GdkWin32Display *display_win32 = GDK_WIN32_DISPLAY (object);

  if (display_win32->hwnd != NULL)
      DestroyWindow (display_win32->hwnd);
      display_win32->hwnd = NULL;

  if (display_win32->have_at_least_win81)
      if (display_win32->shcore_funcs.hshcore != NULL)
          FreeLibrary (display_win32->shcore_funcs.hshcore);
          display_win32->shcore_funcs.hshcore = NULL;

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (gdk_win32_display_parent_class)->dispose (object);
/* Use a hidden window to be notified about display changes */
static void
register_display_change_notification (GdkDisplay *display)
  GdkWin32Display *display_win32 = GDK_WIN32_DISPLAY (display);
  WNDCLASS wclass = { 0, };
  ATOM klass;

  wclass.lpszClassName = "GdkDisplayChange";
  wclass.lpfnWndProc = display_change_window_procedure;
  wclass.hInstance = _gdk_app_hmodule;

  klass = RegisterClass (&wclass);
  if (klass)
      display_win32->hwnd = CreateWindow (MAKEINTRESOURCE (klass),
                                          NULL, WS_POPUP,
                                          0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL,
                                          _gdk_app_hmodule, NULL);
      if (!display_win32->hwnd)
          UnregisterClass (MAKEINTRESOURCE (klass), _gdk_app_hmodule);
static void
gdk_device_wintab_query_state (GdkDevice        *device,
                               GdkSurface        *window,
                               GdkSurface       **child_window,
                               gdouble          *root_x,
                               gdouble          *root_y,
                               gdouble          *win_x,
                               gdouble          *win_y,
                               GdkModifierType  *mask)
  GdkDeviceWintab *device_wintab;
  POINT point;
  HWND hwnd, hwndc;
  int scale;

  device_wintab = GDK_DEVICE_WINTAB (device);
  if (window)
      scale = GDK_SURFACE_IMPL_WIN32 (window->impl)->surface_scale;
      hwnd = GDK_SURFACE_HWND (window);
      GdkDisplay *display = gdk_device_get_display (device);

      scale = GDK_WIN32_DISPLAY (display)->surface_scale;
      hwnd = NULL;

  GetCursorPos (&point);

  if (root_x)
    *root_x = point.x / scale;

  if (root_y)
    *root_y = point.y / scale;

  if (hwnd)
    ScreenToClient (hwnd, &point);

  if (win_x)
    *win_x = point.x / scale;

  if (win_y)
    *win_y = point.y / scale;

  if (!window)
      if (win_x)
        *win_x += _gdk_offset_x;

      if (win_y)
        *win_y += _gdk_offset_y;

  if (hwnd && child_window)
      hwndc = ChildWindowFromPoint (hwnd, point);

      if (hwndc && hwndc != hwnd)
        *child_window = gdk_win32_handle_table_lookup (hwndc);
        *child_window = NULL; /* Direct child unknown to gdk */

  if (mask)
      *mask = get_current_mask ();
      *mask &= 0xFF; /* Mask away core pointer buttons */
      *mask |= ((device_wintab->button_state << 8)
                & (GDK_BUTTON1_MASK | GDK_BUTTON2_MASK
                   | GDK_BUTTON3_MASK | GDK_BUTTON4_MASK
                   | GDK_BUTTON5_MASK));
